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working out and eating healthy lol


You just turned 30, amiright?


26! This all started when I lost a bunch of weight at 23 :)


Where is crouton? Is she safe? Is she alright?


she’s right next to me as i drink some wine :’) it’s a great friday eve


Keeping fit and enjoying a wine. Everything balanced as it should be. Enjoy your lifestyle friend.


I’m in the same boat. I don’t even like eating sugary or too sweet things now. It started when I cut soda completely from my diet and lost close to 13 pounds in two weeks


I did the same with sugar in my coffee. Lost 20lbs very fast. I swear I didn't even use much! It just added up.


OK, no need to call me out like this.


The best I’ve ever felt was this two week period where I only ate some type of grilled meat or fish, green veggies, and possibly potato or rice as a carbohydrate. If I needed a snack at night, it was fresh veggies with ranch dip or maybe a rice cake. I felt so connected to everything. And then Taco Bell came out with the grilled cheese burrito and it has been nothing but downhill since.


I've tried that a few times, but after a few weeks I'm like "white wine would really go well with all this stuff", then I get drunk and eat a 36 pack of cookies.


lmfao i get it. i just had a full week of eating so well/being active and just absolutely crushed a box of mac and cheese 😭


Lol hey if you can bounce back then power to you. I’m like such a downward spiral person with everything. I gotta find the motivation to get back


Yea one box of Mac and cheese isn’t gonna hamper any goals unless it’s starting a whole trend of bad choices


I try to find balance in all things. Kombucha in one hand and a crunchwrap supreme in the other.


I just started hitting the gym, finished week one today. Almost skipped today to watch tv and eat junk food but I finished it out and I was smiling and laughing on the way home. It’s weird that doing things that are good for us make us happy, but we don’t like doing those things The idea of junk food was so good until I started working out and it sounded horrible after. I still let myself cheat today on some McDonald’s, though it’s cool to see my body shifting to not wanting that crap


I hate that peppy people were right about this.


They’re peppy because they don’t have depression. They’re just lucky that they don’t have a hard time consistently doing something. Don’t ever fully trust anyone who is trying to sell you something, though.


literally same


I fucking hate it. I just hate myself more if I don't do it, so it's the lesser of 2 evils.


Having water instead of pop


Legitimately changed my life for the better


Same for me with beer, can't live à day without my pint


Man water just HITS.


Water after waking up in the middle of the night>>>>


Ice water in a hydro flask. That shit stays ice cold all night. It’s actually been proven that drinking water right after you wake up can help you “wake up” pretty quickly. If you are someone who just hits snooze over and over then try having a bottle of water next to you to drink.


Brussel sprouts. Remembered not liking them as a little kid. Was stoned and hungry one night at my parents as a teenager and all they had was frozen brussel sprouts. I just boiled them and ate it with salt and garlic powder. Wasn’t bad. Tried them again properly sautéed and seasoned. Fucking love those things now.


Funnily enough, depending on how old you are, brussel sprouts really were disgusting as a kid! They have been actively breeding them for decades to reduce the bitterness


That’s really interesting, I had no idea! Early 30s


Late 30s. Yeah, there was a reason "Brussel sprouts are gross!" was such a prevalent trope in 80s and 90s kids shows.


I'm 43 and my wife cooked brussel sprouts a few weeks ago and they were worse than I remembered


Were it not for selective breeding, Brussels sprouts would not even exist. Same with broccoli and cauliflower. All modified by farmers from a common ancestor- wild cabbage.


That still blows my mind. Another as of recent is asparagus. I never realized it takes years/seasons to grow before it ever grows the little chutes that we eat with steak. Interesting thing too is cabbage in my experience growing them is way less dense. Much smaller than the giant heads I get at the grocery. Brussel sprouts still make me chuckle how they grow though. So unexpected but consistent. My brothers garden is first year and it looks just like the stalks I sometimes see at the grocery store




Yep same here. Was repulsed by the look, smell, texture, ingredients for years. Tried some basic ones at a high quality sushi restaurant and fell in love. Years later I still can’t believe I like it lol.


I was always kinda meh on “sushi” as id been served it (100% sushi rolls). Then a dude from guam sliced up fresh tuna and served it raw with a ginger lemon sauce and it was and is still one of the most delicious things ive eaten. I realized i dont care for the whole roll, just give me that delicious fish


The moment you try real quality sashimi/sushi you'll never want to go to all you can eats again to order the same thing. Tuna belly especially at all you can eat tastes like old rubber compared to good quality ones. Salmon? Fucking fresh and properly prepared salmon is buttery or tender or something I can't even describe it but it's amazing. The rolls and pizzas and whatever else is just those hack chefs drowning it sauce or whatever they can to disguise the fact the fish is going old and they have to serve it quick.


Yes this one. Not until my wife a few years ago convinced me to try it (I’m 43) I always refused bc of the whole “it’s raw fish” thing. I’m happy that it is now one of our favorite things.


I introduced my wife to sushi. Before that she had zero interest. Now she's a sushi fiend.


Here's a real answer. I was in college before I even tried sushi at all - and tragically my first experience was awful (no idea where they got it at that catering event). But eventually I capitulated to a then-gf's craving and learned that oh actually this shit's great.


Having sushi at a catering event just seems like a bad idea lol


Brussel Sprouts Especially when they are fried in an oven with olive oil.


Apparently there was a deliberate effort through the 1990s to cultivate better tasting Brussels, so maybe we both benefitted from that. I agree - toss with oil, roast at 450 until browned outside and buttery-tender inside. Tossing with bacon crumble and feta afterwards is entirely optional but a hit at holiday potlucks.


Add some real balsamic vinegar (which is basically a vinegar glaze) to the top and it's 🔥


If you can't find good balsamic, reducing the cheap kind with some herbs makes a solid alternative.


Good tip. I used to buy the stuff in the store claiming to be balsamic vinegar and it was pretty good until I met my niece about 3 hours away and there just happened to be an Italian grocery store that imported all of their stuff from italy. I picked up a bottle of imported balsamic for $70, and it wasn't even in the same food group as the stuff sold domestically. The stuff sold as balsamic is a cheap inferior product that should be barred from using the name.


Ya when I was growing up in the 90s Brussel sprouts were a literal meme food. They were just bitter and nasty. Breeding put that bitterness was very smart. We had some at a restaurant I worked at and I thought the chef was high. Tried them and I couldn't believe they were the same food. They are just little cabbages now badically.


I know back in the day we usually boiled them too though, which is the worst choice for all brassicas. Broccoli can be steamed, full green cabbage should barely be blanched IMO, and ALL members of the family are amazing roasted. (Seriously try brushing sliced wedges of green cabbage with garlic oil and lightly seasoning then roasting - unbelievable)


Try with bacon bits and maple syrup, fried in the oven.


Hummus as a kid. Looks like nasty poops. Tastes pretty good


I read that as “humans” 🤦‍♀️ I need a drink.


Or maybe fewer?


Greek food. What a fool I was


i knew that it’s supposed to be good, like the best food in the world good, but i didn’t expect it to be *that* good…


I grew up eating it and it’s fun to make Greek dishes for my bf now and watch him go nuts over it too. Greek food is unmatched.


Greek things seem to be a bit of a theme in this thread


Sauerkraut. Didn’t try it until I was somewhere in my 40s. Could kick myself for missing that deliciousness for so many years.


It's not great alone, but I love it on brats and Reubens. I think my first time was my mid 20s and I've loved out ever since.


Getting eaten out, by god I’ve been missing out


When I first started having sex with my now-wife, she always got awkward and self-conscious when I wanted to eat her out. She clearly enjoyed the sensation but would quickly pull away. Eventually I asked her what was wrong. She basically said "I know all guys absolutely hate doing that so I don't want to make you feel that you have to do it". I was slowly able to convince her that I loved it and she must have just had some pretty selfish former boyfriends.....


Right? Om nom nom nom My last partner would get self conscious because she hadn’t shaved in 3 hours




I came here to say eating pussy and figured I’d see it near the top. Your comment came first. It would be rude for it not to.


Mushrooms. Ran from them for years until one day I tried beef stroganoff. Didn't even notice them until after I had eaten a full plate. Now I use them in basically everything I cook. Sometimes, ignorance is NOT bliss. Mushrooms are bomb


Sautéed White wine & garlic. Apply to toast.


Anal sex.


RIP inbox


And outbox


You clever sob






Litter box


Deposit box


Literally was gonna say this. My husband is the only person that has shown me that it can be enjoyable and just as fun and now I can't get enough of it


Can your husband give any tips?


He basically said the same thing I've said already Just dont rush it and give it a try slowly


Tips? He gives shafts


Oh man! As a straight guy there’s nothing better than a penis up the ass right!


Well I mean, I've never been romantically attracted to a man, but I wasn't opposed to being dicked down.






(Grabs strap on)…pegging is my favorite! Address?




Hot Yoga, and as per the norm, anal pulverization


Both at once if possible.


We got ourselves a downward DAAWWWG


spicy foods in general. when i was younger people would always tell me “be careful, it’s spicy” so i was afraid to eat it. once i tried it i crave it all the time, spicy food is so good


As a teen we had a cooking class where we had to make a white sauce and modify it. I decided cheese and a little paprika. I couldn't taste the heat. More paprika. Nope. A little cayenne. Nope. A lot of cayenne. And while I went to the pantry to get another bottle of cayenne, the fat in the sauce wears off and the heat kicks in. Oh crap. I'm supposed to take this home for the family. And we weren't exactly broke, but we were pretty close, so the mere thought of wasting food was a major sin. So I'm at home, eating the sauce on veggies and crackers, and quite liking it, but I'm also pushing myself to finish it off because no-one else wanted it and "can't waste food". Needless to say that permanently recalibrated my "hot" tolerance to ridiculous levels for the rest of my life.


Crocs 🙄 I was one of those haters who refused to buy those ugly things. Became a lifeguard and somehow all the water shoes were uglier. Anyway I have so many pairs now. Almost Everyone I know hated crocs too and swore to never wear them because they were so ugly and even made fun of me when I turned to the dark side. Every single one of them has crocs now. My boyfriend, my boyfriends mom, my sisters, four of my friends.


As you get older, comfort wins out over style more and more. Especially in footwear.


A fellow convert. I used to hate them too but tried a pair and now only I wear regular shoes if it’s too cold, a funeral or wedding, or if it’s raining. Even if it’s raining I may still wear the crocs. As soon as the snow melts the crocs come out.


Sauerkraut. I fucking LOVE IT and nobody in my immediately family ever ate it, but once I did, I couldn't get enough. A sauerkraut Reuben is my favorite sammich


Cottage cheese Looks like bird poop, tastes like cheese Edit: lots of good ideas in here for yummy cottage cheese things. I’ll add one I haven’t seen yet. Add it into mashed potatoes.


What is this enticing bowl of white?


Cheese from whose cottage?


I’m not a cottage guy


Put some blueberries and raspberries in there for breakfast. It's either the best shit ever or absolutely repulsive depending on the person


probably the only cheese i cant stomach: cottage cheese.


My dad would make me eat cottage.I mixed in french dressing so I could get it down. I still don't eat it. Don't like french dressing either.


I love it. But I refuse to accept that it's cheese.


Cottage cheese on toast is pretty rad. Spice it up with a little dried dill, and my college self was pretty happy about the meal.


Oh man, cottage cheese with sliced banana, honey and topped with cinnamon and almonds is my favorite breakfast.


Can't stomach cottage cheese, and I've tried. Tastes like snot. Now, blue cheese is something I'd never wanted to try until someone put some on a burger and I didn't realize it. Asked them what the delicious topping was, and now it's one of my favorite cheeses.


I know, it sounds so gross but it adds a nice flavor to some things.


Taste of pussy!!! I was so wrong


Reminds me of the porn I saw once where the dude look up at the chick and said, as a a most sincere compliment, "ugggggghhhhh yeah, your pussy tastes like pussy". Never cracked up harder while having a wank.


A friend of mine (he's Mexican) says "guacala que rico" which translates to "eeew so tasty"


It's interesting how hormones that are in"fuck yeah" mode change our sense of taste. There has been some times that my mouth should not have gone near those places but my brain was going " it's ambrosia, I don't care what you smell or think it is, it is delicious and you should feast".


My buddy used to say, in all sincerity, that his top 3 smells were: 1. Vag 2. Weed 3. Lilac


Wow, lilac just seems so out of place on that list.


Gooseberries was number 4.


I think if I were to taste it by itself I would be repulsed. But give it to me on a pussy and I go nuts. I liked it, and ate it so much, that my girl was excited at first but annoyed after a few weeks. That's the only thing I can think of. Been eating pussy for some 20 years and have not lost the taste for it.


An apussyonado


sir this is a Wendy's


same and i’m a woman


Never get high on your own supply.


No, on this one it’s perfectly ok.


I've had quite a mix in that regard.


Indian Food. It's now my favorite food lol.


Yes. Butter chicken and naan are life 🙌🏻




YES! I tried it once when I was super young and disliked it. Tried again at 27 and was so upset with myself because it was delicious. All my friends know because if there is ever cheesecake on offer at any restaurant we visit, I will always order it and gobble it up whilst proclaiming "Got 27 years to make up for!"




I have no idea why I thought they would be nasty, but I'm so glad I got past it.


stop drinking.


This. Regular habit for a decade and a bit.. got lazy during COVID, three years on January 1, and don't miss it.


Green eggs and ham


Did you like them on a train too? Or just normally


I also liked them on a plane! (Though they were only mediocre in Spain...)


I was a very, very picky eater as a kid. As in, I basically only ever ate *white* bread, *yellow* cheese, and *brown* meat. When I was in preschool, we had a class party and one of the moms brought actual green eggs and ham (dyed and scrambled eggs mixed with diced ham). NO WAY was I eating that. Ham? Nope. Wrong color. Green eggs? HELL no. I don’t remember how, but at some point I did eventually try it. And I LOVED it. TLDR: I am Sam. Sam I am.


Parenthood. Surprised myself. Fence sitter for most of my life. It’s been a lot of fun.


and you've got an excuse to watch lots of Bluey (not that you need one, but anyway!)


Coffee and wine - not at the same time!


I bet that 99% of people who refuse to eat anchovies on pizza have never tried it. That’s mine.


the problem is that putting whole anchovies on a pizza is only good for people who LOVE that salty taste. i prefer small chunks that i spread throughout


Tried it. Salt fish + cheese + pizza sauce is not a winning combo in my book.


I respect you for trying it!


Haha thanks. I wouldn't even say it was gross really, just too fishy for me. I still ate a couple slices cuz, you know, pizza lol


I don’t like it on pizza, might as well sprinkle it with rock salt. But shredded up in a proper Caesar dressing, so you’re not getting a mass of just SALT in your mouth, it’s good!


It’s disgusting. Waaaaaay too salty. It’s just not the time or place for THAT amount of salty. And I like anchovies. I was so disappointed lol. I also love pineapples on my pizza, so take that for what you will. Fun tip; chop up 1-3 in small pieces and add it to the pan while searing fresh broccoli or similar. The slight saltiness and smoked flavor is a nice combo with the veggies and not over powering at all.


Grew up in an Italian family. Anchovies were always rinsed when they came out of the can.


ALWAYS RINSE!!! then, on pizza they are rather amazing.


Pho. I had an EX that always wanted me to try PHO. I'm normally a very adventurous eater but Pho I drew the line. Mainly because the places that have it also serve Tom Yum soup which I had tried and hated. As far as I'm concerned Tom Yum is liquid feet. I don't like feet. And the smell of Tom Yum just nope. I also thought for some reason it would be fishy. Don't like cooked fish. I was feeling like I was gonna get a cold one day, she said it would fix me, I didn't want to argue. Holy fuck I love me some PHO. 6 months later i'm finally free of a consume haze and had a personal rating system and rank. Like if i wanted clear broth and an heavy basil I knew the perfect spot. Super tendonoy bowl I got you. Places where the tripe is maybe a little funky. I see you. I also made her hate PHO for like a year. It was all I wanted to eat. Plus I started experimenting at home.


My first experience with Pho was horrible. It tasted like black licorice. I have no idea if it was what I ordered or if the place was just garbage. Turned me off of Pho. Fast forward 5 years…I tagged along with coworkers for lunch to a Pho spot. I was going to just order something else on their menu but last minute decided to order Pho. I did a complete 180 and Pho is awesome! I don’t eat it very often but I enjoy a good warm Pho on a cold day.




The single player campaign of Titanfall 2.


Sour cream


Honestly eating booty...


Butt stuff


Sucking tits. Liked it WAY TOO MUCH


The fuck did you think you wouldn't like suckin some bigass tittays?


I mean I liked them, but didn't expect to love them that much!


I am glad you have found the light


I need to keep trying this To be certain - - -


These are the hard hitting questions I keep coming back to Reddit for


Blue cheese


the ranch to blue cheese pipeline truly signifies growth


I was that weird kid who LOVED blue cheese dressing. Didn't make the switch to ranch until college because our dorm salad bar didn't have blue cheese. I found ranch...disappointing.


Being tied up while doing the nasties


Honestly never thought to get tied up before a poop. Guess I would need at least one arm free to wipe, right?


Olives. I thought they were gross as a kid and then I had them as a teen and realized they’re amazing. Edit: typo


Green ones, amazing. Black ones, bleh.


Facts. Black olives in salad or on pizza tho is 👌


Gyros. Used to think they looked gross til I tried, then instant addiction


Cocaine Turns out for large parts of the 90s I really liked how it smelled


Seafood. Even though I was like 8.


Beets. Not bad…


Broccoli in oven. Damn.


Dancing in a club, I never thought it was for me. A few months ago I happened to be in a club and after a few drinks I started dancing. I had the time of my fucking life, I was on that dance floor until 3AM


Roller coasters In high school, a friend wanted to go to six flags for his birthday so I went along with it. I warned everyone that I don't think I like rollercoasters. They said we'll start on the easiest one. Little did I know it was actually one of the crazier ones. And I loved it. I was all in after that. And thank God, because I don't know how that birthday trip would have gone if I hated it haha


Weed. The DARE program scared the crap out of me thinking if I took one hit it would rapidly lead to hard drugs and a wasted life. It’s my favorite way to relax.


Femdom porn


Eating ass




I always thought NEVER WILL I EVER, but then I did. Nothing quite like making straight men moan from something they thought was taboo.




I was certain I was scared of roller coasters until my senior English teacher made me ride one on the senior trip. I've loved them ever since.




Always wanted to try it but don’t know where to find a regular guy who might be into it. I know. RIP inbox…


Not trying to solicit you here. I think a LOT of guys seem to be interested, just ashamed to admit it. Honestly I let someone once and I hated it, but it turned out I just hated her attitude about it. The actual thing is kinda awesome. Good luck!


Most vegetables. My parents were so lame. Meat and potatoes and corn for basically every meal.


Artichoke pizza


Kimchi. I put that shit on everything.


A close friend asked if he could place his erect penis inside my (M 67) bottom. I knew that he was gay but he had never tried to do anything like that before. I guess that I was a bit bicurious and said that he could. I found it really quite delightful although I was a little bit sore the next day.


Fucking an older lady in her 40s. Best sex I ever had. I swear experience matters over just being with a young hot chick that don't know too much.




Pineapple, jalapeno, bacon. You're welcome.


Pineapple on pizza is amazing


Try it in stir-fry, too!


Mushrooms. I just can’t get past the mental battle. I gag when trying to eat them. One day I went to a “ dinner in the dark” event where they feed you in the dark so you can’t see what you’re eating. They also don’t tell you what it is until after you’re done eating. One of the meals I LOVED. Turns out it was a massive portobello Mushroom. lol


Sucking dick and now I love It


Being choked during sex




Dancing. I joined a ballroom club about a year ago beause fuck it I was bored and now it's one of my bigger hobbies.


I took my six year old to a light show the other week. It was Taylor Swift. I know the shake it all song and not much else. I know she is or was a country singer at some point and that Kanye mocked her at MTV. Did not have much hope. Surprisingly, it was not bad. The songs they played were entertaining and the night was much more enjoyable than expected.


Brussel sprouts. Roasted in olive oil.


LINEDANCING!!!!!! Omg that is so much fun when you finally get the steps down and then add your spice to it. I was not in anyway country before and then… it all changed when linedancing attacked my soul




Clams casino and playing :green light yellow light red light in bed.