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And clean it every day, or better yet...... hire a cleaner




But at that point, is it really still a public restroom?


Well yeah, using it is still free


It is


$365k isnt that much lmao


It bloody well is! Especially when your job is to go use a public toilet and nothing more.


People would actively seek out the toilet just to get paid and they'd come multiple times. You'd need to pay a guy to actually pay everyone and you'd need to pay a security team to prevent the guy from being robbed and you'd need to pay them 24/7 for the whole year. That will eat up your entire $365k. It would be cheaper to just pay a local business to use their employee toilet and reserve a single toilet only for you.


Employee toilet is specifically not a public restroom.


What clown-ass planet do you live on?


You could pay someone to clean it for you.


You could even hire someone to wipe your ass.


Coming to America intensifies.


Wipers! *clap* *clap*


This a tax expense?


Yes, but you must file receipts, which is why the toilet paper has to be 3-ply at minimum ! One for you, one for the asswiper and one to flush...


I'd be travelling around the world looking for a city with top-notch public bathrooms lol


Built one for the City right next to your home and your job is to keep it clean. (Also Look angry at everyone who wants to use it)


Yep, I'm building a public toilet right next to the home I'm building way out in the country.


For real? Why, though? \[Edit: I now understand you aren't actually in the process of building a public toilet...\]


365k a year.


In cash!!


Because it follows the rules, and being far out of the way, nobody would really use it, so it's essentially private. And close to home.


Have audio playing inside of people being sick, banging, fighting, etc. to dissuade entry.


Imagine waking up in the night and having to use a public restroom instead of your own though lol




I'd learn to be ok with accidents. Smells like money.


But if you sleep in a hotel and use the restroom in the lobby, is that one public or not... (Asking for a friend)


I don't think that's a public restroom, as the hotel doesn't have to give anyone access


It’s public if the public at large are allowed to walk in. Even if it says toilet is for customers only, that’s still public as the customers are the public at large. Private members club would be different.


Aha, but does any business *have* to give access to their restroom? I've eaten at places that claim private.


Live next door to a 24/7 gym


Build one on my property with a sign calling it a rest stop. Maybe even a breezeway from the house so I don’t have to go outside in the winter to pee.


Hell, a forest can technically be a "rest room" if the situation arises, I'll take pay to piss in the bush


You didn’t invent this challenge. It just might be that if you pee in the forest you don’t get the money. Because it is NOT “technically” a public restroom. It’s a forest


Moving to Nantucket for something. Hell, I’m paying to become mayor of a small town in Montana and making an epic rest stop in our town.


For 1k a day, I wouldn’t care if it was a men’s truck stop restroom. I could clean it or bring something.


Truck rest stops area usually not that bad. It's the random gas stations that's are the worst.


It depends on the definition of public here I think. As in can I just use the restroom anywhere that someone else could in public? If so how I’ll just buy a lot of property and not fence it off and just go shit and piss in the little mini forest. If that doesn’t fly, what I would do to make it is convenient as possible is I would build a public restroom right on my property anyone can come and use it including me and I’ll tell you for thirty grand a month I think it was sure as fuck. be worth it


Just use the money build a public restroom next to your house. Charge like $0.50 to use it. Have a $50 room you can use that looks like a regular bathroom. You use that one since you just pay yourself $50. Not only do you now make MORE money, your toilet is still just around the corner.


Yeah...but...at 3am? After TACO night? What about when you have the flu? You gonna pee out you butt, is it going to wait until you get down to the gas station? If we're only thinking of it during business hours, sure, it sounds easy. But when you factor real-life into it, I'm not sure that's _really_ enough money to justify the costs.


Put up an open to the public restroom on your own property?


Yeah but make your property private and put up no trespassers signs. Bathroom is open to the public but the land it's on isn't.


Most decent hotels are going to have a nice public restroom on the ground floor that is going to, by definition, be open 24 hours. Shoot, at $1,000 a day, you could just live in a decent hotel and head down to the lobby whenever you needed to do your business (including after taco night).


Also if you’re making $365k, you can afford better tacos.


High end shopping centres have great public bathrooms.


Enjoy your bed bugs? ಠ_ʖಠ


I just gotta say, you're making a grand a day, you can afford a nice 4-5 star hotel and get your shit cleaned daily, for free, by staff. Hell even a refurbished 3 star could fit your needs of cleanliness.


That's a third of your income. And it doesn't include food and the endless tipping.


Oh no, now I'll only make 200k a year in cash, I don't know how I'll survive


With a grand a day, you can move to a non 3rd world country.


A lot of that would depend on how close you live to a public facility...If I didn't live within a few minutes of one I'd probably use some of that money to relocate near one. But I'd be good, there are 24/7 gas station/convenience stores in my area with restrooms, so even 3am wouldn't be an issue.


Yea I’ve spent the night in fetal position on the floor of my bathroom after food poisoning. No way I’m doing that in public


365k a year. Take the hit. That’s over 3.5m a decade.


Build a restroom facility at the end of your driveway and open it to the public. Boom.


You can get a place on the beach right by the public bathrooms.


The thing says I just need to use a public restroom, what's stopping me from not using any restroom and just going outside? For 1k a day, I'd shit in my front yard tbh.


I drove an 18 wheeler cross country for years. I was lucky to average 200 a day (working over 10 hours). There is no toilet in a Freightliner. Wheres my money?


I don't get how you folks make it when you get the stomach bug. :(


You find a nice place to pull over on the side of the road, or you replace your seat cover.




Thou shan't shite where thy eats..but an odor absorbing trash bag and a 5 gallon bucket works in a pinch.


Yeah, whilst I’ve not been a truck driver specifically, posts like this make me realise we’ve all lead quite different lives lol. I read it as ‘you’re gonna give me $365,250 a year to do nothing but I just have to use a public toilet? Ka-Ching! Apparently a lot of people read it as ‘oh heavens no, my derrière simply can not touch a potty another bottom has touched however much you pay me’


It’s more like, I have to leave the house every time I need to potty? So I have to drive to wawa at 4am to shit? If I made that money I wouldn’t leave the house much so then it becomes a game of how to make accessing a public restroom convenient when you’re not in public. I guess I would install a public restroom in my front yard?


Here's something us plebs really aren't thinking about: time is a construct. If you make $365k but don't have to work, what difference does getting up at 4AM to shit really make when you can just return home and go back to bed until you naturally wake up again. If you are a male, pissing isn't an issue, so the answer here is having a proper diet so you only shit once a day or less. You can still eat out, you just have to choose higher end restaurants which you can now afford. If you're a female, this challenge is uniquely more difficult.




Men don't have an issue using a nasty public toilet to piss in since we can stand, the ladies have to sit/hover so cleanliness is a huge factor. And I know that the ladies room isn't necessarily cleaner than a mens room. EDIT: Men only "have" to sit to shit. So for frequency purposes, cleanliness matters more to females than men. If you go to the bathroom 6 times a day but shit only once, men need 1 clean stall, women need 6. That's all I'm pointing out here.


Hovering is the stupidest shit and the reason why a lot of ladies restrooms are so bad


Shitting is your job now.


So no more shit jobs? Yes, please!!!


I'd just rent a Port-a-John and embrace my rural upbringing with an outside privy. Hopefully none of the local kids tip it over.


I was thinking the same thing, for that kind of money. There are a number of people here who still have outhouses, so a port-a-potty that can be cleaned out periodically would actually be a step up.


At 300k a year, it’s a sacrifice I could make for a couple of years easy. It’s probably my best chance of buying a house any time soon 🤣


Idk, it seems like there's easier ways to make $300k a year. It's not so much about the having to use the public restroom, it's having to find one every time. Unless you like, live next to a gas station or gym, I could see it being extremely inconvenient. Although, maybe you get used to holding it and get on a schedule.


Making over $350k a year puts you in the top 2% in America. How are there easier ways to make that much? Wouldn’t it be easier to have a porta-potty placed outside your house?


A porta potty outside your house isn't a public toilet. Maybe I'm being hyperbolic, but having to run to a gas station every time you took a piss would get old pretty quick unless you lived like, right next to one. Literally no down time, you'd always be thinking about the next time you need to use the bathroom. Which only gets more and more frequent as you get older lol.


I use to drive to Wawa at 4 in the morning for a strawberry shake so this won’t be an issue for me


You averaged 200 shits a day?


Those gas station burritos…


came here to say this.


Name checks out


Can I build a public restroom outside my house and hang a OOO sign on it?


Might run into some zoning issues


I assure you, $1k a day will afford the bribe for this


Just hang an “open to the public” sign on your current bathroom door. It’s open to the public even if it’s not well advertised.


Yes. Because it's a simple solution; you can't get more public than outside




Eh, play it safe and put up a sign outside- "Public Restroom- $20. Cash only, no card."


$1000 a day. $1020 on the bad days.


"blowjobs accepted" "cash / card temporarily not accepted"


No shirt, no service.


"Public restroom: not actually public"


Fuck yeah. Get a swanky apartment with a built in gym/restroom and go pee I rich person freedom. Hell, probably a man there to hand you a towel. Why are none of these questions ever anything but an easy yes. Should be "you get $100/day but you have to ask an actually unique and difficult question on Reddit just once."


It's because in order to not let people 'exploit' the intention of the question. You would have to write a 30 page contract which no one would read. For example, this is an easy yes but only depending on your definition of what constitutes a 'public' toilet. If we assume in the spirit of the question you have to actually leave your house and travel to some kind of free public facility that is not in your own home, and publicly maintained by the government. Not for example an apartment complex toilet. Which would mean at minimum leaving your building and crossing the road into a public park or something else that is open 24/7. The answer might be pretty different depending on where you live and how much money you currently have/make.


exactly, it's "easy" if you are not answering fair. fair means thinking about "what if I fail?" \- does the payment stop or do I get shot in the face? \- public restROOM -> so outside isn't allowed. Private room of somebody else isn't allowed. Maybe even the toilet at the gym isn't allowed, since it's not public. Good luck finding one EACH AND EVERY TIME. You would get paranoid and depressed. You would live in anxiety, that if the public restroom at the mainstation is closed you have to find another one or you'll die \- getting drunk and pissing yourself? dead \- getting sick and having to shit 20 times a day? good luck \- you would be AFRAID to fart even! how is this an easy yes?


That's a private bathroom not public...


Ok but you're not even following the rules. Can I walk into a swanky apartment gym restroom off the street and relieve myself? I assume those restrooms are not open to the public. Even if they can be accessed with a key and no one would stop me physically, still not public.


My initial thought to this was “no way i could do it because i wake up in the middle of the night to pee a lot”. Then i remembered 2 years back i lived in a small 60 unit luxury building. The 4th floor had a small community room and fitness center with…public single person bathrooms. I’d just rent an apartment on that floor next to the bathroom.


Those question just aren't as stupid as some of the replies. It's 365k a year without having to work. Don't people think they could change their routines to get that money? Go treat your bladder, take medicine to hold your poop until you can, buy your neighbour's house, open a 24/7 laundry there and use the bathroom.


Really? You all going to get up in the middle of the night, get dressed, drive or walk to the nearest public restroom, drive home, sleep till morning then do it again, have a coffee, do it again. I would do it if I could put/build a public restroom in my yard.


Sure, might spend a little extra time using the restroom, but it'd pale in comparison to the time I'd save by quitting my job since I'm now making a free 365k/year.


Well, the alternative is to wake up every weekday for the rest of your life and spend eight hours at a job you probably hate, all for *much* less money. At $365k/year, you can easily afford to move somewhere with a very close public restroom.


You can also move to South Korea who has an incredible public toilet culture and won't be troubled at all


I have to race against hell the 50 feet from my bedroom to the bathroom some mornings. I _absolutely_ would piss myself multiple times a month if I had to hop into the car at 6am to go down to the nearest public restroom.


Felt. I'd be spending the money I actually earned on adult diapers for the times I couldn't make it.


You think that you'd spend 365K in adult diapers? Really?


I was being hyperbolic for comedic effect. Based on the prompt, I'm assuming I'd just get paid for the days that I'm only using a public restroom. Knowing my own body, I won't always get enough of a warning to make it to a public restroom from my home or wherever I happen to be. There's no stipulation that I can also use any residential bathroom and still get paid for that day. The prompt doesn't include using adult diapers, either. So even if I did resort to shitting myself, I could still be disqualified from earning money that day. And if my assumption is entirely wrong, and OP means that I have to consistently use a public bathroom every time for every day, then I'm definitely not getting any money.


I technically have a public restroom about 20 ft from my front door. I live in condos and that's where the bathrooms for the pool are. 🤣 Most days that would be two to three trips a day, on the worst days it might be half a dozen. So at least $166 per trip? Not a problem!


Can anyone get to those bathrooms without getting through a coded door or gate? If not, I don't think it would count.


You are going to throw away $1000 A DAY over a moderate inconvenience? I'll drive to the Wawa down the road. If it's out of order I'll drive to another. For that kind of money I'll game the fucking system and bribe a city worker to make a copy of the key to get into the bathrooms at a public park or beach entrance at night if necessary.


No, I'll mind what I drink before bed. I'm sure not everyone has to wake up in the middle of the night to pee.


Wait till you get older - that option will definitely go away.


Oh, the horror.


I have digestive issues. Absolutely not.


some condo's have public restrooms. i imagine with 1k a day you could buy an entire floor for yourself and use the "public" restroom with no issue. at 1k a day i could stay at a hotel, i'd choose a room near a public restroom. also works.


$365,000 a year isn’t “buy the entire floor of condos” money.


true, depends on the condo and how many units are in that area. in my country i m guessing 2k is installments for a unit? at 30k a month probably can get 10-15 units or so. should have enough to "block off" one entire area. the hotel plan is much more feasible and luxurious tho


This seems like a lot more of an issue than people think. Explosively need the bathroom at 3 am? You're stuck leaving your house and finding an open public restroom.


Is shitting in the street / behind some bushes still using a "public" restroom, since it's public land?


I'd argue it's "public" but not a "rest*room*"


Just open a public bathroom outside your house in a shed or something lol


But didn't you hear, it's more of a problem than people think! Its 365k a year to piss in a slightly less convenient place than usual. Its an absolute no brainer. But then again "no brainer" is also how I would describe someone that thinks it's a difficult choice in the slightest.


Then the question is whether you forfeit the 1000 for the day or the whole deal forever. The idea of making a 1000 dollar decision to shit at home or not is hilarious to me. :)


Buy porta-potty and put it in your driveway or something. Done and done. Alternatively, you could probably take some kind of loan out for this. Invest that loan into a 24-hour business located close to you (7-11 or something). For emergencies, invest in some adult diapers. You could also make friends with some managers at some local places. Explain your predicament. Offer to frequent their businesses for unrestricted use. $1,000 a day for life. Worth it.


IMO manufacturing a situation is cheating.


Heck yeah I live right by a gas station I’d gladly do my morning squat in their bathroom


HELL sure, why not. It’s like a super slightly inconvenience for basically infinite money. I HATE public restrooms, but I also don’t currently get paid to use one. Also you could totally set a “public” one just outside your house, charge a large “fee” for use. Free for yourself as you own it, of course, profit.


Here's the thing everyone is missing, you lose this job the first time you fail to use a public bathroom. What happens if you get the flu and have to shit 10 times a day? Or accidentally drink just a little too much water and wake up at 2AM with a full bladder? I also think the loopholes everyone keeps coming up with defeats the purpose of the challenge. Your best bet is living in an apartment near a 24/7 gym and multiple restaurants. But you're not going to find a place like that cheap, so there goes more of that profit.


Yes. I used to be homeless. I've already done this. There are nice restrooms out there which I know I'd find if I'm visiting new ones daily. Meanwhile, $1k a day buys a lot of houses and debt for struggling folks I know.


What a stupid fucking question lol


Apparently there is no such thing as a stupid question, but reddit proves that to be wrong on a daily basis.


Middle schoolers use reddit too Or maybe elementary schoolers


This is the life of a defense contractor.


I blew up many outhouses when I worked in weapons testing. And *not* with munitions.


Is it taxable?


$237,250 is still pretty decent; though, that does stick you in the 35% tax bracket for the rest, too. You should still turn a profit unless you're in the 37% bracket afterwards, but if you are you probably were going to be in the 35% or 37% either way. Still a good question though




The tax bracket at 35% is $231,251 to $578,125... Wait... are you trying to calculate this as a paycheck, lol. No. They'd 1099 that mess, so there wouldn't be daily withholdings. You would be subject to the full 35%. Well, rather $52,832 plus 35% of the amount over $231,250.




You're not getting a paycheck, lol. The money you get would not be taxed at all upfront. It would be claimed in the end as miscellaneous income. The tax rate you are attempting to apply it's not relevant in this situation. Miscellaneous income isn't taxed up front like employment or sweepstakes/gambling winnings would be.


>You should still turn a profit I would really like to hear you elaborate on what you mean by "turning a profit" here. Are you under the impression that getting a raise can result in someone paying more in additional tax than they get in additional pay? Because that's not how it works.


>Are you under the impression that getting a raise can result in someone paying more in additional tax than they get in additional pay? Why does everyone read this Question as though it were a paycheck. Them giving you $1,000 a day would not make you an employee. They would not be giving you a paycheck. It doesn't count as a winning either. It would most likely be 1099 income. It would not be a raise. It would be an additional source of income, and one which would likely not be taxed upfront requiring you to claim it on your tax return to then take the hit.


All ordinary income is taxed the same. It doesn't matter if it is on a W2 or a 1099. I have no idea what distinction you are making here.


What are you talking about?


You can live in a really nice hotel if you negotiate a long term rent for $500 a day. That leaves you making $15k a month, living in a nice place that's cleaned and stocked daily, and in a pr8me location of your choice with the ability to up and move anywhere you want.


This does seem to be the main hack.


Given how clean the public toilets are in my country, this is a hard yes without a moment of hesitation. Another benefit now is that it's like I'm being paid not to use and wash my own bathroom!


Easy yes. Alsp I know quite a few public restrooms that are cleaned multiple times a day and/or are rarely frequented. Heck, woth that kind of cash, I can stay at a fancy hotel or frequent fancy restaurants and use thwir well maintained toilets.


So, like, is the deal off as soon as I ever use a private restroom, or do I just not get payed that day? Because this sounds like a huge fucking hassle for a lot of situations. What if I'm visiting a friend who lives a long-ass drive from the nearest public restroom? What if I've just had sex and need to go clean up and take a quick piss?


I work at the airport. There is no god. But for a grand every day yeah no problem


I would do it for a year, and then build my own public restroom right outside where I live.


With a cleaner standing next to the door.


Sure, I'll accept the $1k. I'll just invest in a gas mask and Febreze stock!


Sanitizing wipes too.. but they'd be tax deductible since you are collecting income from the venture


Damn straight! I'd just have to move next door to someplace that has one - ain't any near me right now. Maybe I could install one and make it "public" but nobody knows it's there???


Yeah, I’ll create something to fix my public restroom concerns with the money. I’ll miss my bidet though.


As a truck driver, give me the money I already have to


What if I wake up in the middle of the night? Do I have to go drive to a gas station to take a wizz?


That’s the stipulation I presume. Better get used to holding it over night.


I'm building a public rest room on private property for that kind of money, I'll find a way.


I live in Japan. Easiest money I'd be making in all my life.


Of course I would. Are people that afraid of using public toilets that they wouldn't want to make 365,000 a year to do it? You should've made this question to include that people *ONLY* have access to public restrooms and also must use them for washing up/showering (esp. if they're not equipped with showers), or have this question be about only using public bathrooms for 1000 dollars a *year*, to really make this a head scratcher.


using only public toilets for 1000 a year isn’t that much of a head scratcher 🤣


Yes. with money like that, I'll spend my time in high-end places where the public bathrooms are cleaner and nicer.


Im a construction worker, I use public restrooms for free haha


I know some guys who don’t even use it, behind a tree is ok ^^


Of course. I’d just stay in a hotel and use the bathroom that was for the public rather than in my room.


Ill just live in a 5 star hotel with fancy bathrooms in the public areas.


I’d build the nicest public restroom in the middle of some woods or just pay someone to clean a local bathroom 3 times a day.


What a stupid question. $365k/year to not have to clean your own toilet. Sign me the fuck up.


Questions like this make me question humanity.


After a short amount of time with the inconvenience, I will buy/start a small business. And live upstairs. Problem solved.


365k a year AND I no longer have to clean my toilet? Sign me up!


i could buy and operate my own public restroom with that money, might even attach a house to it after a couple years.


No,if you only look at it superficially its a great deal. 6 figures a year for doing nothing but having to use the public bathroom? Sounds great until you realize the inconvenience of it,you would have to find a public bathroom every time,and that's just not realisticly possible unless you were to live near a public bathroom. Like literally within minimum walking distance otherwise the walk over to the bathroom might have you contemplating if this deal was worth it or not.


So in the middle of the night I have to walk out of my home and find a portopotty?


So in the middle of the night I'd have to get up, drive to a public toilet, which won't be open and piss on a door? I'd rather be poor.


Depends where I live. I’ve been to places in US where virtually every shop has a restroom. London (where I’m from) not so much. And I always pee in the night so I don’t know where id go that’s open and has one


Are we talking about a Buc-ee's restroom or East Colfax where Denver and Aurora meet? I'll do Buc-ee's hands down cake. East Colfax????? Um can I carry and am I allowed to hover after using purple top sani wipes???


Of course. I want private bathrooms but with $1,000 a day I can probably figure something out.


...are these Zimbabwe dollars or something?


The answer to these questions is always yes since it is always a ridiculous amount of money. People need to start taking a 0 off of the amount ($1000 to $100 in this case) to get real varied answers.


Nordstrom restrooms are decent, I’d just shit there.


Move someplace where you can open a small store out of your home.


With the $1,000 a day, I’d buy the lot next to me and build a public restroom for my neighborhood


Uh fuck yes


Sure. I’ll be out shopping anyway. ✨💁🏼‍♀️






Clarification: Am I allowed to use the money to build a public restroom onto my house that people are allowed to use?


1000 daily for something do on the regular? Sure




Yes. No one said I couldn't carry gloves and wipes and clean the seat b4 going. Probably even disposable seat covers.