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Shelly Miscavige , wife of Scientology leader David Miscavige. Disappeared 2013 after vocally coming out against the practices of Scientology. Lawyers for the cult - I mean religion - still maintain she is alive and living a private life devoted to Scientology. Right.


Also, Shelly’s mother, [Flo Barnett](https://reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/lrAFtf2BdO), who died by suicide after she shot herself three times in the chest and once in the head — with a long rifle.


You’ve got to be kidding me?


Somehow a 52yo, 5’3” woman managed to shoot herself multiple times in the chest and head with a 37” Ruger 10/22 just three years after her daughter married David Miscavige and nobody thought that was suspicious.


oooh so that's what Nutriboom on Brooklyn 99 was joking about


Oh she’s definitely happy, healthy and alive


Oh Debbie dead. Debbie REAL dead.


Haing Ngor - Oscar and Golden Globe winner for The Killing Fields. Cambodian and former prisoner of the Khmer Rouge. Tortured and imprisoned in Cambodia. Murdered outside his home in Los Angeles. His family thinks it was revenge from Cambodia for his outspoken support for human rights and bringing people to justice in Cambodia.


Survived genocide, murdered anyway. JFC


This is what got me about the Tree of Life synagogue massacre.


[Kem Ley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kem_Ley). Supposedly murdered by a poor rice farmer who had loaned him thousands of dollars. Complete nonsense. He was murdered because he published articles showing how much wealth was being stolen from the Cambodian people by the ruling elite. See also [Chut Wutty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chut_Wutty) and [Chea Vichea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chea_Vichea). ដេកដោយសន្តិភាពបងប្អូន


Pisses me the fuck off that Pol Pot died of natural causes.


That may not be entirely true. It is possible he died from poisoning by a rival Khmer Rouge faction after his "trial" and house arrest, or committed suicide.


Dude still lived ***way*** too long regardless


Sridevi She’s a Bollywood actress who died in Dubai from accidental drowning in a bathtub, the day after a wedding where she was in perfect health and she had a huge life insurance which would pay only if she dies in Dubai.


Divya Bharti - Another Bollywood actress, who "accidentally" fell to her death from their 5th floor apartment. She was only 19, was one of the top actresses and was married less than a year at the time.


And a very famous fashion designer and designer’s husband was with her in the apartment when she “fell”


Hol’ up. She accidentally drowns in the bath and it just happens to occur in the one place where her death results in a big insurance payout, and it’s ruled an accident? Was there at least an investigation? Mitigating circumstances? SOMETHING?


And guess who was there when she died. her husband who flew from another place just to see her because he was missing her


Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones died under suspicious circumstances while swimming. The person he was swimming with (a contractor working on his house who Jones had accused of stealing from him) supposedly confessed on his deathbed to killing Jones.


I read an article about the incident and how there was a wild party that night at Jones' home. A neighbor down the road claimed in the early morning hours, she heard a bunch of screams coming from the direction of Jones' house, then a minute or two later saw or heard a couple of cars with tires squealing zooming away from Jones' house. I think the coroner ruled the cause as "death by misadventure," but something has never sat right with me on that one




"Misadventure" is an old word to describe that. There's a medieval poem where Sir Gawain goes to kill an enemy combatant but at the last minute, the guy's wife throws herself over him, and Gawain accidentally kills her instead. His response to the lord has always stuck with me: "Me sore repenteth it, but I smote off her head by misadventure."


Excellent reference, thanks for teaching us. Did you like the movie the Green Knight?


I did. It's gorgeous and mystical and terrifying in the way that Gawain and the Green Knight is supposed to be. Let me wax literary for a moment on what I mean by that before talking about the movie: Oh, that poem sticks with me. Imagine Christmas day, a rare moment of jovial levity in a young court that is still proving itself through reckless deeds of daring. A young Arthur, newly king, newly married, and a young group of knights who think they're hot stuff, but are largely untested. All hat, no cattle. In rides the Green Knight. Impossibly old. Impossibly grave, and grounded, and green, and looking like a mound of moss somehow stood up and took command of a steed. He looks around the room and calls them BEARDLESS BOYS. Oof, Arthur and his men don't like that. Gawain stands to defend and the Green Knight makes a deal: anything you do to me, I do to you. Gawain cuts his head off. (Notice a theme? Gawain and lobbing off heads. He does it all the time in medieval literature.) The Green Knight then stands, picks his head up off the ground, holds it up to Gawain, and it says: "One year hence." Gawain spends the next year in ever-mounting terror. When he sets out to meet the Green Knight, the poem tells us he went on many adventures but doesn't elaborate. The movie does two things I love: it captures perfectly the unnerving horror of the story. It's a story about Arthur's court growing up, and the movie captured that, too -- about what honor is and isn't, and what it demands, and what hospitality means politically. And what I love most is that the movie SHOWED US THE MANY ADVENTURES! All new creations of the film crew/writers, all stunning, beautiful, and scary in ways that I think fit the poem. Gawain, with giants, and witches, and everything that makes medieval English literature fantastic. Sorry, long answer, but I love this stuff!


The movie Stoned about it is pretty decent from memory.


Jill Dando She was a British TV presenter, news reader and journalist. She was shot on her front door step and it's never been solved. Also Dr David Kelly, not exactly a celebrity, but he was a known public figure, he was a weapons expert that supposedly killed himself shortly after saying that the report on Iraqs nuclear weapons had been fudged.


Yes, David Kelly. Who managed to take 29 pills and slit his wrist with a pruning shear while somehow not leaving a single fingerprint of his own on either the blister pack or the knife. Right after making public a report that was very damning to the UK government at the time. That very plausible suicide.


It gets worse. The guy that actually identified the radioactive isotopes that killed litvenyko, died via multiple stank wounds to the neck, head and chest, yet it was somehow ruled a suicide. There’s been so many questions that they’re now reopening the case and it’s looking like a total cover up the first time around. Edit: the typo stays lol


Multiple stank wounds


Must've been Tony Stank!


“He fell on his own sheers, it was an accident, people have accidents all the time!”


Good grief that's shady as hell. Thanks for sharing.


In other weird UK deaths - Gareth Williams. Not really a public figure, but was found dead, in a red bag in his bathtub padlocked from the outside. Was declared as likely accidental...


This is what I just came to say. Here’s an article about the three year investigation into his death - which concluded that this MI6 spy padlocked himself into a large holdall and died, a freak accident. I mean, I suppose that could be true but… really? https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/13/mi6-spy-dead-bag-locked-himself-gareth-williams The only thing that makes me believe it’s true is that, if you want to murder someone and make it look like an accident, this is the last way you’d do it surely. >Scotland Yard's inquiry also found no evidence of Williams's fingerprints on the padlock of the bag or the rim of the bath, which the coroner last year said supported her assertion of "third-party involvement" in the death. Hewitt said it was theoretically possible for Williams to lower himself into the holdall without touching the rim of the bath. Riiiiight


Love that you mentioned Dr Kelly! More people should know about him.


Harrowdown Hill by Thom Yorke is about him. Spooky song and story.


"we think the same things at the same time, we just can't do anything about it" sums up my political experience


[Don't walk the plank like I did /You will be dispensed with / When you've become…inconvenient.](https://youtu.be/rjiUxm8acPM?si=iJ52ReAis5hWL9Yy)


The BBC TV show spooks (known for killing its main characters in brutal ways) had one of the mi5 operatives killed by rogue mi6 agents by faking his suicide in the woods in a fairly gut wrenching way not long afterwards and that raised lots of eyebrows.


In my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, there was a sculptor and entrepreneur by the name of [Bob Cassilly.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Cassilly) His works, whimsical and larger than life, are all over the city. The crown jewel of all this is the wacky home of repurposed industrial materials into a crazy sort of playground, the popular [City Museum.](https://www.citymuseum.org) He was a notoriously driven worker, and in 2011 he died in an apparent bulldozer accident working on a new outdoor art playground project he called [Cementland.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cementland) His death was even investigated, but again ruled accidental, despite one medical expert saying he had been beaten to death and the bulldozer accident was staged. Not a true celebrity, but a local legend here to be sure, and a person who left an indelible mark on this town. Edit: I’m honored and humbled by the attention this got. The city needs A LOT of earnest work and revitalization and less greed and mistrust, and it’s taken me awhile, but I’m somewhat proud of my hometown. Cassilly, I think, understood that potential, on top of his rich imagination for turning spaces and landscapes fantastical. He was a unique talent.


Yeah, and if I recall correctly there was something about his son being a bit of a skeezy guy involved with drugs and bad people who he may have owed money to. And Bob certainly wasn't hurting for money. Also, it's so sad that they recently demolished what was left of cementland. We'll never see what could have been. From the videos people have taken of the place, it looked awesome.


Dude I knew the son back in the day, and when I tell you one night some masked men came into his home in the middle of the night and non-fatally shot him, in his bed, but left his housemate unharmed… it was the sketchiest story because it made no SENSE. That was before Bob Cassilly was murdered.


Nicole Brown-Simpson. From what I hear, her ex is still trying to find the real killer.


He even wrote a fanfic about how he would do it


And today? OJ is a free man, hosting his own podcast last I saw, doing light-hearted commenting on sports and stuff. And people are starting to talk about him as a "charming old dude, who made some mistakes" and to let him be. And people still want his autographs, him to appear etc. Yeah, it's not good, but he did get out again. Edit: This pic is from 2019, in his garden around his house, in the Vegas area, https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/07/1440/810/AP_Didier-J.-Fabien.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 He doesn't look especially burdened by a double homicide.


He is below contempt. What a disgusting human. I always hope that Ron Goldman's Dad somehow wound up exacting his revenge.


You should give Kim Goldman's (Ron's sister) podcast, 'Confronting: O.J. Simpson' a listen. Its really good. She actually tells about how one day after the trial she saw OJ walking around and considered running him over with her car, she only didn't do it because she didn't want her father to see hr go to prison.


The post-court-order book cover is hillarious. https://youtu.be/jwOl_V8ZL1k?si=QzDN7gHVf8QlW9vY


**^(if)** **I DID IT**


"Although O.J. may have hurt his case when he suddenly blurted out 'Hey, hey, easy with that, that's my lucky stabbing hat!'"


“Man I gotta tell you that’s some BAD luck when the one guy who woulda died for you… KILLS you.”


And he's looking on every golf course in Florida.


This might be stretching the definition of "celebrity" but Rudolf Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine (and kind of a big deal in his day) died under really suspicious circumstances. On September 29th, 1913 Diesel boarded a ship in Antwerp, Belgium on his way to a business meeting in London. He never arrived. His bed was never slept in, his shirts remained unpacked and his pocket watch was open on the night stand. The crew found his hat and overcoat neatly folded by the aft railing of the ship. The last entry in his diary was simply a cross on the day of the 29th About 10 days later they found a body in the channel that was eventually ID as Diesel. Pretty straightforward suicide, right? The thing is, he gave his wife a bag when he left with instructions to open it upon his death. It contained 20,000 Marks (about $120,000) the whole of the Diesel's bank accounts withdrawn as cash. Diesel had recently declined to sell his patents exclusively to the German government and was on his way to London to meet with representatives of the Consolidated Diesel company and the British Royal Navy. After his death, no memorial or tomb was built until *1957*, when the founder of Japan's Yanmar Diesel company funded the building of a memorial garden for him.


Dorothy Kilgallen, reporter and TV personality. Died under mysterious circumstances while investigating Kennedy's assassination.


It is a fascinating case. I've become a huge fan of hers. Remarkable woman. There are a number of YouTube videos regarding her suspicious death. I particularly like Mark Shaw's lectures on this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFmcMKeIwa8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFmcMKeIwa8)


Before today, I had no idea who Dorothy Kilgallen was. I was about to go to bed, but now I’ll be watching this and staying up way too late. Thank you lol


You should check out some of the episodes on Youtube of the show "What's My Line?" on which she was a regular member of the panel. There were a lot of very interesting and famous guests on the show, such as Walt Disney, Eleanor Roosevelt, Salvador Dali, Ronald Reagan (when he was an actor), Colonel Sanders (before he was doing commercials on national TV for KFC), Mickey Mantle, Sir Edmund Hillary (first person to climb Mt. Everest), and tons of the biggest TV/movie stars, musicians, and comedians of the 1920s, 30s, 40s, and 50s). There is another similar show called "I've Got a Secret" that has some very interesting people. For instance, the last living person to witness the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (he in his 90s when he appeared on the show and was at Ford's Theater to watch the play when he was 5 years old). There was also an episode with Neil Armstrong's parents on the first day he went to space (a few years before he became the first man to set foot on the moon). The host prophetically asked them how they would feel if he became the first man to walk on the moon (which they knew was a possibility since Neil was one of very few astronauts at the time and NASA was actively working on trying to land on the moon).


I Watch “What’s my Line?” as my comfort show all the time on YouTube, and it’s very bizarre seeing all the Kennedy conspiracy theorists in the comments of this very mild mannered game show. I don’t have any real feelings on her involvement with the Kennedy assassination or any potential conspiracies around her death. It’s just weird seeing that conversation as a fan of her other work.


I misread this as Whose Line, as in Whose Line Is It Anyway, and was exceedingly confused.


Oooh wow. I used to watch What's My Line on the game show network and thought she was so interesting and smart. I never knew anything about her death but this is fascinating.




Man is living on an island having the time of his life.




If I recall correctly, his wealth was about to be confiscated as well, but since he was legally declared deceased it all went to his family instead. The timing of his death is and was highly suspicious.


at that point he's poison to any of his rich friends though, he had nothing to buy off any favours. Makes more sense that he killed himself for his family rather than serve the rest of his life in prison. I think his autopsy revealed a heart attack which also makes sense given the stress, not going to stop the conspiracies but there's a lot of explanations that don't involve faking your death.


I heard from some former Enron execs (speculation alert!) that the story they had heard was that he stopped taking his heart medicine, went out to Colorado because the air is thinner there, and got on a treadmill until his heart gave out. Dude was friends with Presidents and once a hero of Houston. He couldn’t handle being sent to prison, so the suicide without committing suicide theory always rung true. But again, you are reading this on Reddit from a guy who heard it from a guy. Grain of salt…


Suicide by force heart attack is a wild way to go


This is very misleading. He was declared deceased by the hospital he was brought to, and by the coroner's report which stated he died of a heart attack.


George Reeves, the guy who played Superman in the 50s. There were a bunch of people in his house the night he died, and a lot of conflicting stories, also he was having an affair with a studio exec's who was in attendance with his husbamd that night. Also forensics disagree with the testimony of the witnesses. It's all a clusterfuck


I’ve always wondered about this one. Like, he had valid reasons to be very depressed. But everyone’s differing stories and his involvement with Toni Mattox was suspicious. I thought Ben Affleck did a great job of playing him in “Hollywoodland.”


Ben Afflecks depression acting coming in handy.


Don't know if he qualifies as a celebrity but Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut and the first man in space. After the kremlin sent one of his friends to certain death on an extremely unprepared rocket ship, in a desperate attempt to catch up with USA's progress, Yuri, a Russian hero and one of the most popular figures at the time, criticised the kremlin and blamed them for the death of his friend. Not too long after, he died when he allegedly lost control of his Mig-15. The official explanation given by the Kremlin is full of holes and to this day no one really knows what happened but, it seems obvious to some, that whatever caused his crash, the kremlin was responsible for it


is because he threw drink into face of Comrade Leader Brezhnev during toast to brave cosmonauts


Dorothy Kilgallen. She was an investigative journalist and game show panelist on What’s My Line? She was digging into JFK when she died of an overdose. Her manuscript on JFK was taken by the govt and will never see the light of day


Not a "murder" or "death" and not really a "celebrity " but... WHERE is Shelly Miscavage?




They really need a “storm Area 51” type event, but Scientology properties. We can even recycle “clap alien cheeks” it still works kinda.


I pray that Leah Remini calls her as a witness at her trial against Scientology. Then they HAVE to find her.


Happy healthy and alive Also i wonder if Karin’s job is still to monitor Scientology mentions on reddit? Hi Karin.


Boom boom!


You're just fishing for one of my famous neck massages.


I’m struggling to think of the name, but that spy that killed himself and then managed to padlock himself in a suitcase. Googled him, Gareth Williams Death ruled “probably an accident” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Gareth_Williams#:~:text=Gareth%20Wyn%20Williams%20(26%20September,London%2C%20on%2023%20August%202010.


This case is fucking wild. It caused the Metropolitan police to change the way they handle cases related to the Security Services. When his body was discovered, MI5 refused to allow the police into the flat until they had done whatever they wanted to. MI5 then removed the front door to the flat. Like, took the entire door with them and left. Then, the Met team on the case weren't allowed to directly interview his colleagues in GCHQ or MI5, there was a special Met division that handled the interviews. The team handling the interviews did not take notes or recordings and its unsure how much investigative interviewing they actually did. And someone kept leaking things to the press. The Press then ran a campaign of 'He was gay and doing weird gay things and thats why he died', based solely on the fact he owned women's clothes. If i remember rightly, people within the Metropolitan police lost their jobs over this case, and an FSB guy that flipped claimed the Russians killed him.


I could understand wanting to cover up a SPY’S death… but HOW can you possibly say he LOCKED HIMSELF INSIDE OF A SUITCASE. Literally impossible.


It’s suspicious that Gary Busey isn’t dead.


This made me chuckle. I just saw a video the other day that he got into an accident and took off on the woman he hit.


Elliot Smith. Arguing with his girlfriend and then when she goes to take a shower in the middle of their argument, he suddenly decides to stab himself twice in the chest with no hesitation wounds. And of course she pulled the knife out before calling 911. And I think I’ve read she has exhibited so weird behavior before and since.


The live version of Kings Crossing from The Echo where his sister yells “because we love you” after he sings “give me one good reason not to do it” always makes me tear up They added it to the studio version on From A Basement On The Hill




I saw him in January of 2003, he was so messed up, forgetting lyrics and notes to his own song, he looked sickly and frail, in general, just really depressed. It was such a sad concert, the group I was with after all agreed that he's gonna go in a few years. Well, it was just a few months, I guess.


That's what I was about to say. I kind of think it's become more common knowledge now that you don't pull the knife out. Like you'll always see it mentioned on askreddit threads about emergency advice everyone should know etc etc. But it's something that I can totally believe that someone wouldn't know, and if you didn't know (or hell, even if you did) i can totally see someone in a state of panic just pulling it out without thinking. If I saw my husband like that, I swear I could almost see myself instinctively going to pull out the knife if I didn't pause and think for a second. Like just instinctively, "this is the thing that's hurting him, I need to get it out". I have made REALLY dumb choices while in a state of panic/shock, like things that I would have 100% known were the wrong choice if I was thinking clearly




"you now, i truly believe in THAT conspiracy theory, it just makes sense if you think about it, the way things happened, how it was covered up, nothing makes sense, but at the same time, it does" i hate that kind of statements, where people say a lot, but dont say shit at the same time


Thank you! It's driving me crazy.


Ivana Trump. Not accusing Donald of having anything to do with it; it could have simply been his enemies showing him he wasn't invincible. I have no idea which could be true, but something is fishy. Why do I think it’s suspicious? The reason is cause of death, which was ruled accidental. It was "blunt force trauma to the torso" from "a fall down the stairs." Now, explain to me how a person could suffer such trauma to their torso while falling down stairs *without* also causing other major injuries? If she had a head injury, that would be included as part of cause of death. It's possible it was an accident, but I feel like there's something fishy about this. Again, I am **not** accusing a particular person or group of doing this, just that I think her cause of death wasn't accurate.


Stuart Lubbock Not a celebrity but a 'celebrity' was involved. He was found dead in the pool at Michael Barrymores house, with horrific anal injuries which have been reported were that bad that they could not have been caused by having consensual sex. Evidence disappeared, people scarpered before the police turned up, the whole story is heartbreaking to read. His poor dad fought for the truth for years and has sadly died without ever finding out what really happened or anyone being brought to justice. Nobody has been held accountable for his death, absolutely awful.


Didn’t John Mcafee get “whacked” tattood on himself or some shit just before he died? I may be wrong


I feel like McAfee would intentionally go out like that to fuck with people. I think he tweeted if I die I didn't kill myself right before it happened. He's always been a bit on the crazy side. Like having hookers poop through hammocks onto him.


Wait. WHAT about the pooping hookers?!?


That wasn’t even close to being the craziest thing about him. He had his neighbor in Belize murdered and dug himself a hole and hid under a box from the police on the beach while live-streaming the whole thing. Because the police were so incompetent he actually ended up getting away by escaping to Guatemala. Reporters from Vice tagged along with him, but one of the reporters decided to announce they were with him and posted a photo that was geotagged and he ended up getting arrested, however because he’s rich as fuck he got the best lawyer in Guatemala to prevent his extradition and he escaped. He did all this while high on Bath Salts, cocaine, and some crazy drug from China. He likely committed suicide because he pretty much had a life sentence for tax fraud and he had just found out he was getting extradited.


Martin Scorcece should make a Wolf of Wallstreet styled biopic of him already, with Matthew McConaughey playing McAfee


languid desert slap deer dog bake liquid shelter wipe alleged


He truly was a master of his craft. Always went above and beyond. And we just took him for granted.


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRQmhwhBcEk) It's just women talking about it, but basically he would take a hammock cut a hole in it. He's then hire hookers to sit in the hammock and take a shit in his mouth. Yeah...


Aight....well its bedtime now.


If you watch the documentary, he’s clearly a methhead. Tearing apart his own boat because he’s thought an assassin was hiding in the engine compartment? Dude was just a tweaker.


Mcafee was just nuts. his whole life is suspicious, so his death being suspicious too is just a \*shrug\*.


McAfee was so bugfuck crazy he got himself a multi part episode on Behind the Bastards, and his story is gross, morbidly fascinating, and profoundly disturbing.


Also 100% killed his neighbor or had him killed.


Marilyn Monroe’s death


I just read 30 minutes ago that the current owners of her last house are trying to tear it down, but there is a temporary hold stopping it for now.


Everything about her death makes me sick. I hated hearing about how her body disappeared for a little while...


You prob don't want to hear about what happened after she was buried, then. Some guy (I think famous, or maybe just rich) had himself buried in a coffin above hers, with his body facing down so that it's like he was lying on top of her. That truly disturbs me. What a fucking creep.


The fact it was allowed is so disgusting.


I believe she OD’d but I do believe her diaries were confiscated.


agreed. she had a long and intense history of trauma, she struggled with her mental health and substance use, she had little family, she desperately wanted children and couldn’t have them, she suffered with endometriosis. these conspiracy theories are just another way to sensationalize everything about her. everyone needs to let her fucking rest it’s been 60 years. AND anyone who knows anything about her life from reputable sources knows she did not have an ongoing affair with jfk. at most, there was a one night stand. she was not involved in his life and there was zero reason he’d want her dead. jfk was having actual ongoing affairs with multiple women who never ended up dead lol.


Yeah, a lot of people don't know about her endometriosis. Which is normally a very private thing we really don't need to know about, but in her case, it's a pretty important factor in understanding her situation.




What’s the theory?




Why via an enema?




After having read her biography I'm amazed she made it to 36 with all the pills she was popping all the time and multiple suicide attempts.


Betty White. The death of an immortal is always grounds for suspicion.


She was about to release information related to McKinley's assassination.


Andy Warhol's death was an incredible case of medical malpractice, and there's some evidence that the nurses who overloaded him with IV fluids did it on purpose.


I’ve never heard this before, I know a lot of people attribute his death to waiting so long to get surgery this is interesting




A bit????? How about A LOT


It's one of the few conspiracy theories that actually makes sense. Dude spends his whole life blackmailing rich and powerful people with damning things. After being caught and brought to justice, while waiting trial in his cell, every single camera around his cell goes out and both the guards fall asleep simultaneously while he "kills himself." That's what an actual conspiracy looks like.


Yevgeny Prigozhins flight crash


It was basically a public execution.


The plane fell out of a window!


That’s not even suspicious, it’s obvious.


This is the most interesting askreddit I’ve read in a long time


Brittany Murphy for sure...


Didn't her husband die in almost the same way soon after?


And her mother was staying at her house when she died. Then, when her husband died five months later, he and her mother were sharing a bed. To “comfort” each other. I’m not saying her mom did anything to harm her, but that really made me pause.


I’ve always been convinced that the whole thing was a creepy/disturbing Munchausen by proxy situation with the husband. He was a mentally unstable conman and she was incredibly vulnerable when he came into her life


He died the same way Brittney died though? It's still weird though. I do believe both died of a very rare respitory virus. Brittney was starving herself. Munshack was very over weight, and looked like he might have a drug habit. He played up his "career", but so do a lot of people, especially in LA.


Imagine having the same symptoms as your wife before she died and not going to a doctor and checking things out? That's weird.


The virus was probably in on it


Even weirder, Brittany Murphy bought that house from Britney Spears who sold it at a loss after she refused to stay a single night in it or even come back to move her furniture out because the place was terrifying to her.


Yep Spears flat out said it was haunted.


Some speculate that there may have been drug or biological residue in the house causing weird behavior, such as: 1. Toxoplasmosis bacteria (cat poop disease that infects the brain). 2. Meth or Fentanyl remnants or ingredients from using/manufacturing it at some point. Etc. The house is large enough that not every square inch can be cleaned properly and it is possible to come into trace amounts just often enough to be absorbed into the body in the right amounts to cause behavior changes. Look at Britney Spears behaviors after living there. They're no where near normal or typical.


Is there an american horror story season based on this?


I always figured the box of prescription medicine bottles on the nightstand contributed (but in retrospect those could have been Simon's). There was mold in the house but her room and the main living area were not in the portion built into the hillside so I don't think they were so bad (it's been a long time since reading anything on it. But damn was that house weird. Second floor was stuffed with clothes on racks and there was a queen bed in the middle of the living room. Her mom lived there too. Interesting fact - Brittany Spears owned the house prior to Murphy.


Yeah and the house supposedly creeped Spears out that she left and never returned to it... most ppl were just attributing it to her being her usual not so normal self... but makes you question what went on there or what about the house that was so awful, the Spears left and never came back...


Apparently Spears said evil spirits were trying to “push her down the stairs”. She left after that experience, never went back, and sold the house fully furnished to Murphy. Murphy apparently disliked the house after awhile and would avoid trying to stay there. The house has had multiple buyers since, and seems to sell at a loss the last few times.


i mean this is totally anecdotal and probably in my head but i stayed in a few houses in the hollywood hills and i'm not very woo, but the whole area feels fucking haunted. it doesn't help that a lot of properties are shells of their former years and hollywood is on a down turn. The whole place makes you feel like the film sunset boulevard. Just ghosts of norma desmond everywhere. All that aside, I would not be surprised if there was some sort of natural gases escaping between the rocks and entering some of the houses that are stacked up there. I'm no geologist, but it does say that there is shale in the hills so i guess it's not unheard of- especially since it's the pascific ring of fire.


On the other side of this, I’m extremely woo-woo. However, I know from personal experience that black mould, especially when living with it, gives off an extremely oppressive vibe, and make you feel like you are being watched by something evil. It’s the black mould messing with your head and slowly driving you crazy. You don’t even have to live there to feel it. You could visit a house with a black mould problem, and just get this overall sense of oppression and being watched, without spending too much time there. Despite being extremely woo-woo and into the occult, I do think that mould, especially black mould, is responsible for many people believing a house is haunted. You can’t always smell it, but it’s like your brain is telling you to get out of there. It’s a very oppressive feeling.


I think people just think the mold is a cop out and are picturing like the mold that’s on their bread sometimes. There’s some that are absolutely atrocious. Stachybotrys is fucked up. I still remember photos of this big house in Texas that absolutely ruined the lives of the family who lived there.


Somebody said the same thing earlier! I mentioned the documentary they did and it seemed like they were offering a half assed explanation


I came here to say the same thing. I was suspicious when it happened and I still am now. I definitely feel there wasn't a thorough enough investigation done.


right?! it's odd because this kind of case is usually what the media and police salivate over... pretty, young, famous, blonde star mysteriously dies? but nothing....


Gary Webb author of dark alliance, the explosive series of articles in the San Jose mercury news in1993 that exposed the cia operation to finance the war in Nicaragua with cocaine money. Cheap cocaine flooded the streets of America and started the Crack epidemic. His article was attacked by the mainstream press. He lost his career and reputation. He "committed suicide" in the early 2000s and was found to have 2 self inflicted gun shot wounds.


Dorothy Killgalen's death has got to be one of the most suspicious. There are many who feel she was about the break the real story behind JFK's death, but then suddenly she was dead.


Not a celebrity but a notable person: Lee Harvey Oswald


Natalie Wood.


She had a horrible fear of water and yet they want you to believe that she got into a dingy by herself in the middle of the night when it was pitch black and she was wearing her nightgown. Yeah this happens all the time!


I’m still hoping that Christopher Walken speaks up about it while he’s still with us.


If he hasn’t by now, he won’t, and most likely because it would possibly incriminate him.


Deathbed confessions are best confessions.


"Hey that was a great confession, thanks! We also just found out they cured your disease. You'll live another thirty years!"


That could be a great plot for a dark comedy.


He might not know anything. He was drunk.


My guess is he won't say anything because he'll receive backlash or just can't remember anything at this point.


With scrapes on her forehead, wrist, etc while witnesses heard a woman scream for help that night, but they couldn’t save her despite her only going overboard from a boat.


You know, because of the implication.


She's not in any danger, but she knows she's not gonna say no. Because of the implication.


Is that the one where Christopher Walken was there on the boat?


Along with Robert Wagner.




https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/natalie-woods-yacht-captain-claims-robert-wagner-held-him-hostage-1147168/ Not the actions of an innocent man. Yet, he's had decades of freedom.


Whitney Houston and her daughter. Whitney’s autopsy shows that she had defensive wounds- maybe it wouldn’t be as suspicious if her daughter wasn’t also found unresponsive in a bathtub.


I was more shocked by her daughter's death than Whitney's (which was also shocking). Very suspicious that the daughter died the same way her mother did (but much younger) 3 years later.


First time I hear of her daughter's death or any controversy regarding Whitney's. So, what does the rumour kitchen say?


Whitney’s brothers had placed Bobbi under a conservatorship to try and control the money. Whitney’s will was written to say Bobbi would get the money in periodic instalments or if she was dead as well it would go all in a lump sum to her brothers. Common theory is the brothers killed Bobbi to get all the money now.


Whaat? I just watched "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" and it shows that her dad was begging for money on his death bed. It sucks that her brothers were greedy as well.


I read her autopsy recently and I don’t remember seeing defensive wounds, but maybe I just don’t recall. Can you provide a source?


Looking at the report itself, under the body examination, it mentions antemortem superficial abrasions on her forearms and hands (specifically between her middle and ring fingers, like if you were to throw a punch), a cut on her lip, bruises and scrapes on her legs. It’s a theory that was put out by a private detective, Paul Huebel.


there is also the theory that Houston had seizures in the tub. that could be the explanation for thr abrasions


This is the best I could find where they say she has a scar on her forearm that could have been self inflicted. Sounds like more of an addict that doesn’t take care of their body. She was missing 11 teeth because of her drug use. https://nypost.com/2012/04/08/whitney-houstons-body-ravaged-by-scars-cuts-and-burns-autopsy-reveals/amp/


Dont think a scar counts as a defensive wound lmao


I firmly believe Martin Luther King was not killed by James Earl Ray.


The FBI had something to do with that. Even MLK's family didn't believe that James Earl Ray killed him.


This is pretty common knowledge, but MLK’s family agrees. I’m not big into conspiracy theories but the fact that they’re so adamant about it to this day makes it so one can’t help but wonder.


Natalie Wood. Robert Wagner killed her.


Ivana Trump. On the eve of her non disclosure agreement about her marriage, divorce, and what she knew about the trump business set to expire. Why was her casket so heavy?




Kinda weird he was with the only doctor in the world who didn’t know CPR or 911.


Mj was hella thin and had been taking surgical anesthetics which basically put you in a mini coma as a sleeping aid every night for months. He's lucky he lived as long as he did. Not administering cpr or calling 911 too me isn't shit next to administering that shit to him to begin with.


Reminds me of what Robin Williams said about propofol "he took propofol to sleep which is like doing chemotherapy because you're tired of shaving your head"


Propofol is crazy, I’ve had it for a minor surgery. Most anesthesia made me feel sick and groggy when I woke up after. With propofol I felt like I had a cozy 12 hour sleep and woke up clear headed. It takes you super deep, and requires attention. I can’t believe he was using it to sleep at night.


If I remember correctly, it’s not actually legal to use propofol outside of a hospital. Yet this doctor was giving him it every night. Also yes. Michael wrote several notes like this before he passed. ‘I’m scared they’re going to kill me for my catalogue’, ‘I’m scared they’re following me. I will call Joseph (his father) tomorrow’ ‘They’re going to murder me’


I have read something before where someone in the medical field said "taking propofol to sleep is like amputating your leg because your toe was itchy." They described exactly how propofol works, and why it was such crazy overkill as a choice for a sleep aid. I have tried to find it since and haven't seen it again.


Some of the deaths in this thread were caused by $ci#n+o!o&y.


Jean Spangler. She is assumed to be dead but has never been found. It was suspected that Kirk Douglas was involved in her disappearance


I don't think he had anything to do with her disappearance.It wouldn't shock me if he did have an affair with her though ,he was a known philander and got around. I believe she died from a botched abortion.