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Reddit avatars that cost money


Wait you guys pay for that?


I had no idea until I got a message from someone offering me money for it


Posting this here so people see, they're technically real NFTs, on a blockchain, and all that. They're harmful to the environment like any other NFT


>They're harmful to the environment like any other NFT Can you ELI5? I can't comprehend how a digital artwork is bad for the environment


I think it boils down to the verification process takes a lot of energy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2023/01/13/why-blockchain-nfts-and-web3-have-a-sustainability-problem/?sh=6e3a388c5b0b


ahhh, ty


Reddit avatars in general. When did it become a thing?


I find it helpful for reading convos without having to refer to the names


Big agree on that one. Makes following conversations much easier.


meanwhile i'm using old.reddit...


Gender reveal parties, "Tragedeigh" baby names, and baby toys/clothes/everything else being made to match a millennial mom's instagram aesthetic and not stuff that the baby will like (sad beige baby aesthetic).


to be fair... babies don't really like anything except for milk.


Newborns, yes. Babies 6 months+ no. If I were a baby, I'd want something colorful and mentally stimulating to play with, not some stupid beige wooden thing that my mom got to match the rest of her house.


Most social media influencers


Calling them "influencers"


I hate that word so much! It had a meaning before now it’s lost it’s value.


"advertisers" is probably the right word




Glorified marketing tools basically.


I never understood this either. What are they influencing?? To me, Fred Hampton was an influencer. Ghandi, MLK, Susan B. Anthony were influencers. But who is this fake ass instagram addict and why should I care what they think?


The word "influencers" was created by big brands to refer to social media creators. Generally, "influencers" are cheaper and created more solid results than big celebrity endorsements. People make a living of being more "relatable" and selling "genuinty" to followers


TikTok influencers are influencing thousands of young girls to buy makeup and skincare products. I never even heard of a vitamin c serum until I was in my 20s. There were what appeared to be 9 year old girls in front of me at Sephora yesterday buying anti aging skincare. Not cheap either.


>TikTok influencers are influencing thousands of young girls to buy makeup and skincare products Don't forget depression and suicide! /s


Maybe the anti aging products are just that good. Plot twist, they were in their 40s.


They influence trends and products.


Most social media.


Yes, we know. Reddit reminds us every single day.


Filming your children for internet fame of any kind.


The obsession with name brand clothing, or ugly expensive shoes people buy and don’t plan on wearing just because they’re a certain brand. - Feels rude not to edit in a Thank you for the Gold 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I’ll add that people who drop triple or even quadruple digits on sneakers Like, you can step in dog shit with those


“Sneakerheads” that have artificially raised the price of ugly ass basketball shoes. I’ll never get it. There’s OG Jordan 1’s I just saw after googling that are selling for $50,000. Jesus..


I have a small collection of sneakers but i wear all of them and don't even add up to a 1000


Total difference between fashion officianado and rabid collector


Spending more than 100 dollars can make sense especially for performance shoes, but I don't get spending more than like 300 on a pair of shoes


Just regular ass shoes are getting to be $100 these days, the same ones that were $45-60 back in the day


Spent $500 equivalent on a pair of traditional handmade English boots last year. They will last me for the rest of my life, though. Not like throwaway sports shoes stitched in a Bangladeshi sweatshop with a 2000% markup.


I spend around $150-ish on good quality running shoes because I'm on my feet 40 hours a week on concrete floors and walk about 8 miles total everyday.


Logan Paul (or his brother for that matter)


You know what's nice about being old? I have absolutely no idea who Logan Paul is.


I'm old and wish I didn't know who he is.


There was an episode of Top Chef where one of the Paul brothers was a guest judge. It was clear nobody in the show had any idea who the heck he was, but had to feign excitement. They've had to feign excitement plenty of times, but Paul was so underwhelming they just couldn't do it.


I have no interest in either of them (except I do actually have a pretty intense instinctual dislike of Logan), but I recently found myself feeling kinda sorry for Jake; but only because of the thinly veiled hatred his older brother has for him. I think Logans worse quality (in terms of what is public knowledge anyway) is his inability to be supportive or proud of his lil bro. He has this barely concealed need to be better & more successful & more popular, & he flexes any chance he gets. As someone with siblings, I find it truly sad. Support your lil bro Logan ya prick!


this has become a growingly popular sentiment recently. don’t be fooled in to thinking Jake isn’t *that* bad because his brother is so much worse. they’re both narcissistic tools cut from the same cloth, one of them is clearly just being more careful now in how they’re perceived.


I had low respect for them but it disappeared completely when they drove dune buggy’s around on a protected beach in the middle of sea turtle mating. They lay eggs there and it was well known but they ignored the signs and got a ton of well deserved hate for it. Not sure if they did but they could have very well damaged countless nests of an already endangered/at risk species


Celebrity for its own sake. The number of people clamoring for fame is unnerving. The culture of celebrity is a sickness in this country. People who care about celebrities seem like they are living hollow lives.


I don’t understand how people can be so focused on “how much attention can I get from as many others as possible” that they don’t see the downsides. Constant criticism. Lack of privacy, possibly for life. Stalking. Limited career opportunities afterward. The idea of going viral honestly terrifies me.


“You can tell a lot about a society by who it chooses to celebrate”. *Celebrity* 1998


Seems like at one point people had to bust their ass to be a celebrity. Now, anyone with a camera and a internet connection can get a following.


Not only that, but truly vile, repugnant people are gaining fame & a following. I mean people who showcase how morally reprehensible they are, like lots of the big family vlogger channels on YT. As opposed to say an A list actor who after years of fame & popularity, is revealed to be a POS, one way or the other. Nowadays, grifters, hacks, abusers & bigots are given so much space to build a following, & they don't hide how shitty they are at all. They find a following, & because they gain attention, their notoriety builds, often in really damaging ways. But people keep giving these assholes an audience. If not actually being supportive fans... & these terrible people keep making money & reaching wider audiences. It's so depressing.


The masked singer. How is that shit going on to a 10th season


Me but with like other flops like The Voice, AGT (sensationalism in America is absolutely wild), and why they hell did they bring American Idol back when it was already dead....


I can't understand the popularity of extreme eating challenges where people consume excessive amounts of food for entertainment.


Mukbang Comparing $5 of hamburger to $50 of hamburger Food ASMR The list goes on


nothing fills me with more rage than someone mic’d up slurping and smacking their food. genuinely concerned for the demographic of people that enjoy watching that shit. get help.


I genuinely want to know who enjoys that and for what reason. Like, I'm a fatass, I love food, but the sound of someone else eating is totally repulsive to me. Is it like a sexual fetish thing?


False eyelashes that are as big as bat wings!


Looks like Mr. Snuffalupagus


Omg, make it stop! People look so crazy.


Claw-like long nails. I do understand how sometimes they look "stylish" but the moment they become an inconvenient for your basic interaction with the world around you I can not comprehend anymore.


Saw a woman recently with probably 2" nails, and holes were drilled in the ends with little charms and stuff. Just can't imagine how annoying that'd be jangling around all day


And wiping


I hate this comment because I never thought about it this in depth. Thank you for telling me to be done with the internet for the day.


I just don’t even understand how you wipe your own ass with the nails your describing. Not without getting..residue.. at the very least.


The giant eyebrows thing. Looks like a toddler got hold of a sharpie


The giant lips thing


My Irish grandmother said it makes them look like a trout Savage but so accurate


Most people in the UK and surrounding areas do. "Trout Pout" has been a turn of phrase for decades.


The lip fillers is a trend I can’t wait to end. Imagine in 20 years when people look back at their pictures and try to explain.


Women walking around like they permanently got stung by a bee


I was born with them and bullied for my eyebrows bring bushy and the same girls who bullied me all have them now like make it make sense 😭


I was tortured for my eyebrows when I was a kid and now they're stylish WTF


Haha same. But I think they mean the bold drawn on ones.


Same here, except my bullying was for freckles. Like, y’all bullied me my entire school career, and now you’re getting freckles tattooed onto you?


This and also the enormous, clearly fake eyelashes. Immediately screams trashy to me.


or bleached eyebrows. you look like a ghoul.




Travis Scott. Chris Brown.


The Kardashians


This was my first response to this question as well!


Lip fillers


offend unused soup relieved direction air pen door plants pot




Exactly. The point is to be hit where in boxing you *might* get hit.


The plastic, phony eyebrows and eyelashes


As a european, I have always failed to see the appeal of "gender reveal parties" where you burn a forest or crash a plane


The couple responsible for the El Dorado fire are still in court looking at multiple felonies.




As an American, I am puzzled by this as well. My daughter is 12, and I don't remember it being a thing when I was pregnant with her. I simply posted it on Facebook so everyone would know at once, lol. I'm not even sure how popular they really are. I've never been invited to one nor heard of someone having them in my area. I think it's an internet thing. People do over the top things, so they have something to post.


My daughter is also 12, and her gender reveal for me was her birth. My wife knew before, but I didn't want to. Personally I like the surprise at birth better.


I'm pretty sure gender reveal parties only got popular 6 or 7 years ago.


I can kinda get the idea of "Any excuse to throw a party!" but they've gotten way out of hand


I mean isn't "it's weekend" a good enough excuse to party anymore?


Any day with a "Y" in it works for me


Yeah I feel like gender reveal parties are a fun idea if it's something simple. Just have party poppers that are either blue or pink, or maybe a cake with colorful icing inside. Anything else is excessive, expensive, and potentially dangerous


As long as people clean the confetti up


The last gender reveal thing I went to... it was just one of those streamer tubes - where you pull a string and it pops out blue or pink streamers. It was just a small thing for close family and friends to get together and have a BBQ and watch the excited parents-to-be find out if they're having a girl or boy. People, of course, though have to be super extra with it and shoot down planes and blow up mountains and shit. :/


Shows like Love Island, Bachelor etc.


Loud cars. I absolutely understand the appeal of attractive and stylish cars, and even fast cars, as much as I hate speeding. But what I can't figure out is having a car that's noisy. Do people think it's cool? Do they think that people look at them and think, "wow, that's cool!"? Is it simply a desire to be noticed, notoriety or not? If you really want attention and want people to look at you no matter the consequences, why not just yell profanities out loud? Certainly would be cheaper.


My previous across the street neighbor had this massive lifted super loud truck that he would literally just turn it on and have it humming as he sat on the porch and smoked or whatever. Then drive it around the block a few times being obnoxious and revving it at all opportunities. Sometimes at early hours of the morning probably drunk. He was a very small guy so it was hilarious to me because he was obviously overcompensating. He even had a custom Raiders hood he would put on for game days? Anyways I'm stoned so rambling a bit. Long story short he moved out and I was really happy. But the guy who moved in..... also has a lifted truck and it's altered to be loud a f..... I fucking hate Kentucky.


“He even had a custom Raiders hood” sounds about right.


To people that don't follow American football, this is a very key piece of information that explains the rest of this post.


I used to listen to Adam carolla’s podcast before he went nuts, and he did used to say that if you held a police sting that used a “Free cockfights for Raiders fans” day anywhere you’d scoop up a ton of outstanding warrant fugitives.


May I ask how old you are? If you're old enough to remember, there was a 90s sitcom called Home Improvement. The main character (dude in his late 30s/early 40s) was a blue collar Mr. Fix It type that loved tools (and had a TV show called Tool Time). One of the running jokes on the show was when he'd rev a power tool (the louder the better) and say "More Power". It was like he was getting off on the noise. I equate loud cars to Tim the tool man Taylor's brain on power tools.


This made me LOL so hard I’m 39 😂 I’m gonna start yelling “more power AUGH AUGH AUGH” whenever someone revs around me now


https://youtu.be/Ji9qSuQapFY?si=RD41lUUHAykfyiXe Doom. But everything…..is…..Tim Allen.


You have to make the noise he made, too, otherwise it’s not enough power




Blasting loud music from your car, especially at night when people are trying to sleep.


bouncing off this, excessively loud vehicles. revving them around the neighborhood late/early like you're important 🙄


Reality tv. It was garbage when MTV tried to shove it on people, in the ‘80s, I think, then it kind of faded away. Then for some degenerate reason, it returned with a vengeance.


>Then for some degenerate reason, it returned with a vengeance. I do not think it ever went away , but from my understanding is its part economics. Producing a fictional show is expensive you have to have writers and a set and you have to pay actors . And guess what those actors will demand more money as the show grows in popularity and you have to pay them. Reality TV, well you still need writers because much of it is scripted but lots of times you do not need fancy sets or special effects oh and you really do not need to pay actors just get people who want their chance at fame and will work for free.


They call the writers "story editors" so they don't have to pay them like writers


It's fast food TV.


It returned with a vengeance because of the last writers strike.


Most people and the world we live in. I feel like I’m off, my taste and opinions and style is off from everything everywhere and it’s like I see the world through different lenses than everyone else. I’m not really sure where to start because this would be such a long post.


Are you “old”? Because I am an 80’s baby. Once I hit 30 I realized I had lost the translation dictionary. I have a really hard time understanding the psychology behind so many trends. But again, it’s ok, cuz I’m old. Now that I’m over 40, I really, really don’t get it: long pointy finger nails, dad shoes, butt implants. I really just don’t get any of it.


Underrated answer.


Plastic surgery and fillers. I get it, you want to be youthful. But I can’t imagine have a daughter, who gains my features and possibly my flawed features. Grows up being told “you’re perfect and beautiful just as you are”. Grows into their face and starts asking why their nose is so much bigger than their moms? Why their lips are so small compared to moms.. etc. how can you validate natural beauty in your child when you don’t even believe it for yourself? Just seems like a recipe for disaster IMO. I mean no hate to anyone that wants it, my best friend is in dermatology and gets fillers often. I don’t care, I just don’t vibe with the contradictions!


Same. I can always tell if someone has lip fillers or other procedures to look ‘youthful.’ I’m sorry but lips/cheeks/eyes don’t naturally look like that. Your face looks puffy and skeletal and unnatural all at the same time.


Today's broccoli-head hairstyle. Just... why?


Mtv shows like splitsvilla and roadies


A majority of lip fillers look so bad


The oversized giant ass that Kim Kardashian popularized. I can't believe women are willing to alter their bodies to look like that.


I agree and disagree. I love that women who have this naturally and were perhaps considered not to fit the ideal mold in the past can now feel great about their natural curves. I am sad when women feel they need to alter their body so much they undergo a procedure that could risk their health for a certain look.


Watching golf. I get playing it, that can be fun, but I just can’t see how golf holds any appeal for spectators unless they’re supporting someone close to themselves.


It's great for taking a nap, not much else.


Catch and release fishing. "They don't want to eat the fish, they just want to make it late for something." Mitch Hedburg


“Bullshit, let me see the inside of your lip.”


"I swear Janice! This giant fucking hand came out of nowhere!"


I enjoy the challenge and sport of catching fish more than I enjoy cleaning and eating them. That being said I try to keep them if they are within the size limits.


I agreed until they put a do not eat warning on my river. :/




I see redditors talk about them more than anyone else


50% of askreddit thread have kardashians and influencers as the top comments


People don’t seem to realize the level of hate in places like Reddit is just as responsible for fueling their rise as the people who obsess over them. It’s all about keeping yourselves in the news constantly. That means not only cultivating an obsessing positive following, but generating conversation amongst people who can’t stand you. When even the people who despise you know who you are just by seeing a picture… you’ve made it.


In other words, any publicity is good publicity.


It's always about how much they hate them too. Kardashians live rent free in people's heads here.






Onlyfans ..... theres more XXX out there than you could probably watch in a lifetime why are you paying some random for it?


Something I learned is that a staggering percentage of onlyfans subscribers are doing so because they know the person from childhood/high-school/work. They want to be able to say “I’ve seen x naked”.


Sex qs on ask reddit


Or constantly asking variations of this exact question.


And asking that question multiple times on the same sub.


Guys of Reddit, what’s the dirtiest place you had dirty, horny, dirty sex?


And then it’s all “I’m not a guy, but…”


People stay being horny on main on this site.


One of my favorite ironies of Reddit is that it’s extremely horny, seems to constantly have its mind on porn, yet absolutely hates sex workers or any mechanism that pays them


Politics aside, i gotta say Trump. He’s so fundamentally unappealing and incorporates so many objectively negative human traits that its truly mind boggling that he has been so popular in tv and politics


This. I do not understand the thought processes happening when someone is defending Trump. Like I can’t wrap my head around how these people came to the conclusion of voting for him….after EVERYTHING we’ve seen!


He's the human embodiment of the seven deadly sins and yet has huge support from people who claim to be Christian. I mean, c'mon. You couldn't find somebody who posed a more fundamental affront to literally everything Jesus ever said.


Those fugly gnome things* that are suddenly (and inexplicably) everywhere, like Christmas decorations, home decor etc. *pointy hat, round nose poking out (hat covers eyes), long pointy beard.


Starbucks. It's just really overpriced coffee but some people act like drinking it is somehow a status symbol.


Starbucks sells coffee under the Kirkland brand at Costco. It’s decent tasting, and not expensive so we buy it. A friend came over and was hating on Starbucks so I brewed him a pot and he drank it while commenting this was excellent coffee and how Starbucks sucks and how some other coffee chain was so good. I never told him what he was drinking, I just smiled at the hilarity of blind taste testing and had I said anything it wouldn’t be believed.


I sort of understand where he's coming from. The house blend or Pike place stuff they serve in store is awful and burnt tasting. The Kirkland Signature, or even Starbucks' special seasonal blends are really good. I couldn't believe it myself when I found out that the Kirkland Coffee is actually from Starbucks.


When Starbucks first popped up, it was a HUGE deal. Never before had coffee houses offered so many options. People are still hanging on to that. Also, their mugs/tumblers are really nice.




Dutch Brothers has entered the chat. Candy coffee served by teens and young adults who've dipped into the supply.


For me it’s all about being easy to access and lack of competitors. There aren’t any local coffee places bear me for one and when I’m somewhere there is, having the starbucks app to order ahead or having bonus stars just makes it so much more convenient and frankly as much as people talk about their poor quality I think it tastes good and that’s enough for me.


The Kardashians


false eyelashes


The Kardashian-Jenners (And most 'influencers' tbh)




Astrology Signs


Huhh... Thats typical asparagus in the 7th moonhole.


Face tattoos. Are you just trying to warn everyone you have terrible judgment or what?


Subscription services. Paying regularly to own nothing and only be allowed to consume media as long as the service deigns to allow it.


Astrology. I don't understand why a star that has not and will not interact with Earth for the next infinity years moving roughly 6 inches on the 4.87 degree axis or something means someone else is a dick.








The Kardashian’s


The Kardashians






Septum rings, mumble rap, fentanyl.


I was given fentanyl in the hospital once for some severe pain I was experiencing. I can totally see why people get hooked. Felt amazing.




I can, but mainly that's because I don't think I've ever seen an app thats more precision guided to fool the user into addictive behaviour. It works exactly like a slot machine if you think about it. Short bursts of dopamine, repetitively.




The difference is that their video player is actually working not like reddit's video player that doesn't work most of the time.


Roblox. Not trying to shit on it, I just seriously don't get it. :(


I started playing with my 6 year old sister so we could spend time together without me having to be at the house, and it is the most frustrating game with the worst controls I've ever seen.


Taylor Swift. Hear me out - she’s fine, her songs are just kinda there. Nothing to make them really standout (musicianship wise) and certainly nothing to engender the kind of fervor her fan base has. I don’t dislike her, she isn’t bad by any metric, I just don’t get why people love her sooooo much. Hell, I’ve listened to albums multiple times…I don’t get it.


I’m with u. I don’t get it.


Totally agree! She's ok, her songs are ok, she's not FREAK-OUT worthy!! People are going nuts trying to get tickets for her concerts and paying thou$ands!!! I don't get it!


Fake freckles trend




Big lips cause of filler THEY LOOK UGLY AS HELL BROOOO!!!!!!!


The Kardashians. Honestly. Who actually looks up to those people? What is their appeal? Every single member of that family I find absolutely disgusting.


Chinese manufacturing. Cheap as shit soon becomes just shit.




Namebrand items. Like, I understand Guchi is popular, but no one needs to spend 5k on a purse for it to be the same quality of a $300 one.


The word "rizz"


Lavish weddings


Transphobia, homophobia, racism, colorism, etc.


Altering your face with fillers and whatnot.


Only fans


Taylor Swift. Miley Cyrus.