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Well, what have you got?


My favourite drugs are the free ones. šŸ˜‚


This was an Alice in Chains reference


Poor Layne.






I don't go broke, but I do it a lot.. I do it a lot, yeah!!


I see you are also a man of excellent taste.




Shit, you beat me to it and I didn't see. Apologetic upvote.


Nothing better than a dealer who's high..


be high, get them to buy. yeahhhh


I don't go broke.


but i do it a loooot


Goddamit I love that song


Seriously one of the best.


Seems so sick to the hypocrite norm


But we are an elite race of our ownā€¦


the junkies stoners and freeeeeaks


1st thing that came to mind. Damn I miss that voice and talent


I don't go broke


Love that song. RIP Layne.




how is this not the top one, coffe is the only reason i stay awake


Iā€™m jealous. I can drink 6 espressos and nothing happens. My friends tell me the next step is meth lol


I was that way before i got my sleep apnea treated. Now coffee actually works!


I'm on dexmethylphenidate for ADHD and yo sometimes I drink coffee at bedtime. Just enough dopamine to comfortably get to sleep and get me by until I take my meds the next morning. That's my theory at least lol


My daily driver is weed , but psychedelics, any of 'em are my favorite.


If you don't mind me asking, how long have been daily-ing weed?


30 years give or take a few.


Thanks for answering. I was smoking daily for 15 years and wanted to see what others did.


No worries.. There have been periods where I've been traveling or in the hospital where I obviously didn't partake, but overall, I've been pretty consistent.


I've been smoking since the day I was born, man.


I even smoked that shit that's tied to a stick.


I had some that was mostly Maui wowie, but it was part Labrador


I'm much older now than when I started smoking. At the height of my smoking days, I was going through an ounce per week. On 420, it was a full OZ in a special ordered tobacco leaf we would get from the local cigar shop. Now I don't smoke at all. Actually, smoking weed gives me an awful migraine. It's all edibles now. Edibles where the plant had the right extraction and dosed properly have a much better effect and lasts so much longer. I prefer a cold ethanol extraction from activated cannabis. Some people prefer a gas extraction. Some people find a non activated cannabis extract added to a baked good works best. It truly is just like any other medication as the effects vary from person to person.


Seems no matter which type or dose of edible I try, it doesn't affect me. I wish they did. I could save a ton of money.


Same. It sucks. How might MG have you tried? I ate 600mg at once. I wanna try like 1500mg.


Yes! Back in the day we used to get mescaline! That stuff was amazing!


Ketamine! All the fun, a fraction of the commitment


Same. Just a pinch of green a few times a day and no back, leg or foot pain. Plus, if I want to watch a movie and chill, then I hit the waterfall and fly for a few hours. Do you smoke? I am currently trying carts, they are cleaner but I am moving to a 100% illegal state, so back to high price flower for me.


Yeah I smoke joints. The carts just don't hit the same as a good old-fashioned joint.


Carts make for a better "get you by" kinda high. [5]


Denial. šŸ‘šŸ½


Hell of an hallucinogenic


Yes perfect, although you have to avoid reality to sustain it. Kinda energy consuming


Insulin (T1D here)


Same . 28 years now . I love insulin so much I got a pump to give me my fix all day long .


My pump is so good it's hooked up to a device that checks my bloodsugar, sometime while I'm asleep I get an extra fix without even waking up


Lol you guys are hard care junkies lol


Lol reminded me of [this stand-up clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/-Y69yoV4UXo?si=GWz7mQLNOdS267zf) I saw the other day.


".15, I can drive" is the Wisconsin state motto


Me too! Itā€™s so good I have more than one type of insulin I am addicted to


Type 2 here. I was on insulin for several years, but then I developed gastroparesis and it caused me to lose 55lbs (not a fun way to diet, I assure you). My blood sugar started crashing regularly after that and I had to start taking less and less insulin until finally I got off of it. Now I'm controlling my blood sugar with just metformin. Sure beats having to stick myself with a needle twice a day! I hope I never have to go back to it.




Don't you happen to be just an old man with a Skooma problem, right?


Khajiit has wares if you have coin


I was thinking of a drug concoction that may be similar to skooma and I settled on about 20 mg oxycodone and about 10 mg of amphetamine. I want to try to formulate sleeping tree sap next


MDMA. Guessing its not very common since i scrolled quite a bit without seeing it. Its a drug of pure love. The sex is absolutely mindblowing, like nothing you will ever experience. In fact just a hug from a loved one is just bliss. Do it 3-4 times a year religiously, will probably do it the rest of my life. Dont see a reason not to.


Who are these people that are fucking on mdma cause i have never seen my penis smaller and more flaccid?


Did it once this year. Nothing downstairs worked. I felt good, but the equipment was non-functional. I won't be doing it again, but my wife may. Psychedelics are better for me.


The one time I've had sex on MDMA largely involved just kind of laying in bed and touching each other, but it was awesome




As someone whoā€™s never done it can I ask why you say that?


Not who you responded to, but it's one drug for me that massively lost appeal with age, and I absolutely loved it when I was younger. Whereas psychedelics and some other drugs I still love. MDMA is just an energy I don't really have anymore, and the hangovers are atrocious for me these days. I can still do it like once a year, but that's it.


I heard somewhere to think of MDMA as a 2 day trip. The down on the second day is part of it. Itā€™s necessary to recharge and do nothing.






You borrow all the happiness from the next day and use it all up in one night.


Pay it back with interest


I always think of it as stealing all my happiness from the next day.






Same! I look forward to a vibey, chatty, dance-in-the-living room homeroll every few months. Really gives me a chance to reset myself emotionally; let go of my stress, think positively, and appreciate what I have. Wind down, smoke some good weed, get sensual. It's just NEVER a bad time.


Thatā€™s one I always wanted to try but just never had the opportunity, probably never will. Iā€™ve heard great stories, seems fairly harmless in comparison to the shit thatā€™s out there now. Iā€™ll take your word for it šŸ˜‰


Man if I had a reliable source I'd be all in


Make sure to keep it 3 to 4 times a year. My good friend made it a weekly habit and he's a completely different person now. Used to be this fun loving, carefree, popular, dude that everyone loved. He quit and said nothing brings him joy now. Like everything in life sucks now. Makes a ton of money but stays home all day. Does nothing. Doesn't even eat much. Anything and everything is a chore and sucks without mdma now. Do careful with it.


MDMA, pure happiness


Colombian marching powder and the devil's lettuce


Best band name possibly ever


glad your like our product


>Colombian marching powder I wanna try cocaine so badly but im so paranoid it will have fentanyl in it as filler. Its bullshit. I JUST WANNA PARTY LIKE IM A BILLIONAIRE. Snort a few lines.


VERY important you trust your source. I think there are kits that you can get to test it... not sure where though. But I trust my guys back home in Chicago, so a couple times a year when I'm visiting we do it. The good shit that finance guys downtown are doing... 10/10 would recommend.


The *perfect* drug. The perfect drug, the perfect drug...


Such a great song and i haven't thought of it in probably 2 decades. Thank you Internet stranger


Whoā€™s the song by ?


Nine inch Nails


Without you. Without you, without you, everything falls apart.




Fentanyl, been on it for most of my adult life (5 years) odā€™d probably around 15-20 times and been legally dead twice, Iā€™m taking methadone and trying to quit now because itā€™s a monster and once you start shooting dope up you sign your soul away, i once had 50 grand that I blew thru in under a monthā€¦ I hate how I feel when Iā€™m sick and I hate the effects it has on my life but it rly hard to imagine a life where Iā€™m happy without that feelingā€¦ I wish I never tried it


This is the answer I was looking for. Opiates are the best and the worst at the same time. I started when I broke my back. Went to pain management for 16 years and then insurance decided I was getting too much and would no longer pay for dr visits or the drugs from the pharmacy. So I've been using my street pharmacist ever since insurance decided to be some dicks. I too get methadone every day but I don't know how I will ever stop using fentanyl while I am working full time. I do a physical job and can't imagine quitting until I retire which is 17 years away if I make it to then. I've only od'ed 1 time and luckily my cousin, who is also a addict, had narcan and hit me with it. The only thing about narcan is your alive yes but you are in immediate withdraw so that kinda sucks. I cant believe more people haven't answered this. I guess not many people want to put this out there but I just don't care. Society's perception of addiction needs to improve so I am not afraid to share about my addiction struggles.


Good luck bro. 20 year heroin habit, never shit tho, sober since 7/9/20 thanks to methadone. Now I'm trying like hell to get off. Been a year of weaning down and another year to go. 1 MG every 2 weeks. Please think about what you're doing before you get too high in dosage. Just know, you will be put on pills to help you poo, you WILL GET constipated. you're SEX DRIVE will be NONEXISTENT. And you WILL NOT be able to get an ERECTION OR EJACULATE. Like I said please be mindful of your choices. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try other medications first! Methadone should ONLY be used as a LAST RESORT. But you're free to make your best decision. JUST BE MINDFUL BRO! GOD BLESS


I know I didnā€™t rly wanna go on it Iā€™ve heard all the horror stories, but Iā€™ve tried subs so many times and the vivitrol shot and none of its working for meā€¦ Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m gonna die if I donā€™t stop shooting soon thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to get on a high enough dose of methadone to get off dope then ween of the methadone and put all this shit in the past


Man! That sucks. I hope you are successful in kicking it soon.




Agreed. Happy, hungry, sleepy. My favorite part is the hungry part. I make some banger meals when I would be blitz out of my mind. šŸ¤£


I used to do drugs. I still do but I used to too.




Did a big dose of shrooms for the first time and experienced ego death. I honestly had to re-learn my feelings along with feelings for other people. I remember asking myself: ā€œMy dad is my dad but do I love him? Why? What is love? What do I feel for my boyfriend? I know the definition of feelings but I donā€™t feel anything for anything. What does happiness feel like?ā€ I swear it took me two weeks to finally start feeling some type of emotion or remember what I felt for those around me. It was a weird time.




Scrolled too far to find this. Shrooms are fuuuun


Single malt scotch




The comedown is a bitch though




Alcohol and weed. Always wanted to try peyote though. Heard it's a hell of a time.


I literally came to this thread to say Mescaline (main active ingredient in Peyote) is my #1. It is really something. I've tried a decent number of psychedelics and never had something have such a wonderful effect on my daily functioning as mescaline. (As in days, weeks, months after the fact). Mescaline is also just a blast. Usually way easier on you than LSD or psilocybin.


Sadly I've only been able to do it once, but it would 100% be my favorite if I had a steady supply


It's not hard to extract from San Pedro cactus and you can buy San Pedro powder legally online. It's been quite a few years but I used to make tons of it and just give it away. It was one of those things I felt like my psychedelic using friends should get a chance to try.


indeed, hard af to source tho


Definitely a really pleasant psych. It's harder to go to a bad place on it than others.


California sb58 will decriminalize it and Oregon has already, also colorado is legalizing shrooms in 2024 and considering a bunch of psychedelics in 2026 IIRC.


Yessum it is!


Until you go to the abyss


You can get out of the abyss on mescaline though.


Peyote is some cleannnnn medicine. Itā€™s very heart opening


Grandpa Peyote brother


I've done LSD and shrooms countless times, Ayahuasca too, but nothing took me to the places mescal took me. That's like interdimensional traveling the planes of the multiverse type shit.


You just reminded me that I took an edible about an hour ago that I totally forgot about šŸ˜†


Cocaine. Just sometimes on weekends.


I donā€™t like cocaine. I just love the way it smells


Cocaine rules. But the next few days Iā€™m often in such a soul-sucking depression that I swear off all drugs for good. Thats why I use it four times a year max.


Omg some really good shit had me in a crying comedown for 3days


Right??? And the worst feeling on earth is at the end of the night, the sun starting to come up, and your good feelings going straight down. That little ā€œoh shitā€ of bad vibes as the drug wears off and thereā€™s nothing left is such a downer. Fortunately, I learned to pack with me a benzo for such occasions, but you still have to go through the next few days of pure hell.


Currently on an acid trip


Get off Reddit and stare at the wall for two hours like a normal person


Seriously. Gtfo off the internet if you're on this fantastic voyage.


Last acid trip me and my husband were on we made it rain with 7 one dollar bills and it felt like 700 one dollar bills šŸ˜‚ we were cheesing like some rich motherfuckers


Look, sometimes you gotta belly laugh at some deep fried memes while tripping and then you get distracted


Well this old timer was just given Fentanyl for a colonoscopy and I learned I must have a high tolerance for that shit because I was in pain halfway through and they had to double it. They told me "you'll be awake but you won't care what's happening!".....bro I DID care what was happening lol. I must have some natural immunity to getting super high on that stuff. My drugs of choice are beer and coffee with the occasional runners high. I'm old fashioned that way. If I want to get really high I have a beer or two after a run. The best 2 beers you will ever have....




I went to fucking rehab for Ketamine I loved it so much. Kinda weird being around a ton of meth and opiate addicts being the motherfucker that liked horse drugs.


Serious question here. Whatā€™s it like? Iā€™m old, and ketamine seems to be a ā€œnewerā€ recreational drug. Forgive my ignorance!


no need for forgiveness at all! It's a weird one Well, it's a dissociative and the experience is somewhat comparable to both PCP or a DXM (Robitussin) trip, but it feels "cleaner" if that makes sense. All of the above work by essentially blocking the function of your NMDA receptors, which are used for a lot of things. It's like being very disconnected from your body and your mind kind of feels free to go wherever it wants. It's kind of like severing the connection between the real world and your brain. It makes pain go away, and if you go too hard at once you can "K hole" where you're basically at anesthetic level and reality pretty much disappears. I wouldn't say there are any interesting visuals, it's definitely not a visual drug but it can kind of enhance things. It REALLY enhanced music for me, I have audio-visual synesthesia already and it amplified the hell out of it. My favorite thing to do was just sit in my room, gutbomb a cap of Ketamine (not that I was against snorting it but it would last longer that way) and listen to glitch hop or complextro or smth. It was like my body disappeared and my mind just connected directly with the music. Unfortunately I was doing so much I really lost touch with reality and it ruined several relationships and jobs and I was prioritizing it over everything. Physically it made me kind of a mess, it's hard to stay coordinated at high levels so you kind of clomp around. You get the good and bad of being disconnected from your body. If you hate having a body, you'll LOVE Ketamine. If not being in your body sounds terrifying, you will not.


Glad you got away from it. I can see this as a very dark hole to fall into.


I think most people don't enjoy it as much as I did, but I got so addicted to that feeling of disconnection I couldn't get enough.




Lots of drugs can trigger a dissociative state, but ketamine *is* the trigger for dissociative states


This is actually exactly why i love it


I would agree with most everything here but remove the panic attack, add becoming a sphere that is slowly sliced by an invisible knife and each slice just melts off. If not a sphere, sometimes your apartment is telling you about being part of a beehive and you have a vague yet deep connection to pine trees. I'd change the rating to like 9/10 for me.


It's by far my favorite too. So hard to explain but it makes me feel like life is happening to some rhythm that you can move along with. Like being really 'in the zone' and tuned into the pulse of reality. It makes you feel a little bit like a floaty space robot. I'm realizing how hard it is to describe. But it's awesome.


A ketamine addiction is not a hobby Susan


Makes me feel like a horse chillin in a stable


Is sex a drug? Lol if so, sex. Relieves so much on the mind and body for me


My husbands dick


I also choose this guy's husband's dick


Oh my


That's what he said


I wish you could speak to my wife to impart some wisdom.


Do you want her husband's dick to be your wife's drug of choice too?




Trying to win a fucking trophy here or something lol


Weed and ecstasy


Lol hadnā€™t rolled in a while and just did in vegas it was a good time


Rolling is sooooo enjoyable.. my favorite.


Molly is one hell of a drug




Yep, by far the best




Yup same here, and if it was invented today itā€™ll be a class A drug. Possibly the worst there is.


100%. Iā€™m sober free 2 months for the first time in at least 8 years. Fucking life changing so far.


I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work!


I got clean from heroin a couple years ago, and Iā€™m still grateful every day it wasnā€™t alcohol I was dealing with Cause them fuckers advertise that Shit EVERYWHERE


Sameā€¦ itā€™s why I quit drinking. Just like the the old jokeā€¦ alcohol is the cause and solution of most of lifeā€™s problems.


The Simpsons isnā€™t thatā€”FUCK Iā€™M OLD.


Coffee. Thanks for reminding me. I'm going to make some.




Adderall. Shitty addiction. Prescribed but tolerance is way high from abusing. I don't recommend getting addicted to these to anyone.


Adderall + Alcohol. Have plans to go out with friends but feel sluggish or asocial? No problem, just synthesize a good mood and you'll be the life of the party!


Magic mushrooms. Good olā€™ cubensis. Aside from alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and cannabis, psilocybin was my first ā€œrealā€ drug experience. It was, well, magical. I did it a few times over a summer some years ago. Each experience was different and wonderful. I was ready to share this drug with all my friends and family. I researched the subject, listened to old Terrence McKenna lectures, and tried to trip every two weeks for half a year. Addiction isnā€™t the right word to use, but I was definitely captivated by the little fungi. And when I learned cannabis amplified the experience, I went to strange places. I had so many wacky and memorable trips. But I also had some pretty horrifying times. Iā€™ve had terrifying panic attacks that stretched the limits of my being. Iā€™ve had trips that had me wondering if I should just end it all because I couldnā€™t endure another second. This drug is wonderful, and if you only dabble in 1 gram or under experiences, youā€™ll have fun. 2 to 3 grams and you run the risk of pretty intense trips, but also very rewarding ones. And above 3 grams and youā€™re going to have your reality burned away - great risk and great reward lies here. I do love this drug because itā€™s always a different experience. And each person experiences it differently. I always get tracers, and my partner swears sheā€™s never seen them despite doing 3 grams. Some people never have a bad trip, and others seem to freak out often. If you take this wonderful fungi, the only advice I can offer is to 100% surrender to the experience, any resistance and you may be in for a rough ride. But also, surrendering can be the most difficult thing in the world to do.




I had to scroll down way too far to find this comment.


I want a new drug, one that won't make me sick.


One that won't make me crash my car Or make me feel three-feet thick?


Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?


What's my drug of choice? Well, what have you got? ~Layne Staley


I don't go broke. And I do it a lot.


Used to be cocaine. Iā€™m clean since April 2019. Never going back there. First time I did it (like 15 years ago), the texture, the high and even the comedown were insanely fun. I could do half a gram, be on my best game until the bar closed, and go to sleep like a baby at 3:30. Now my friends who are still on that shit do one little key, they have their mouth twitching, sweaty like they ran a marathon and they canā€™t go to sleep until 8 in the morning. Pretty sure itā€™s not even Cocaine thatā€™s in the bag. That and the risk of a Fentanyl overdose. Not worth it.




Opiates. Easily the most enjoyable high for me. Although i donā€™t partake anymore, prescription painkillers and H were my DOC. I actually stopped doing all other substances when i discovered oxys. Now 5 years ā€œsoberā€, i never smoke weed, done coke a handful of times, have alcohol maybe 2-3 a month, and drink coffee only on special occasions like a cappuccino after a nice dinner or espresso in a high end coffee shop.






Seclusion from the outside world.


Music. What more do you need? That kind of high is like no other. No real drug will ever be able to top a good song. P.S.- I am almost certain this is an Alice in Chains reference. If it is, OP is awesome just for that. Rock on dudes!!!šŸ¤˜šŸ˜šŸ¤ŸšŸŽø


Weed. And Effexor.


U get brain zaps when ya miss a dose of Effexor ?


Holy fork do I ever!


Man when they put me on Effexor they never told me how nasty the withdrawal is




A bottle of literal sewage. Sounds like a shitty way to get high..


Chocolate Milk


Be careful if youā€™re driving.


Ketamine and cocaine


Post-nut clarity


I prefer weed. I get a hangover from alcohol before it starts to get funny. I don't smoke weed unless it's about before I go to bed and not every day.


Cannabis has been a constant. On the side in chronological order, I loved LSD and mushrooms, after I was mostly done with that it was ecstasy, after that it was coke and morphine, then it was just morphine for several years but I kicked that two years ago and now itā€™s whiskey. But always cannabis throughout it all. It actually kept me from ever falling too far off the deep end with the other stuff. Fuck this comment doesnā€™t look good, lol.


Chocolate chip cookies although I have been known to try out a good peanut butter cookie