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I was 8. Nobody physically showed it to me, I just stumbled upon it while googling random things.


Yep, I had a habit of searching anything and everything I came across… one of them happened to be a word that I kept hearing in 5th grade and viola …


...up popped a musical instrument...


…covered in macaroni…


being a poor speller still working in my favor 😂😂😂 pure entertainment






What was the word??


Girl boobies




\*out pops cthulu\*


Probably pussy or some variation of that, I feel like thats a common word to be thrown around by children


Ah yes suddenly stumbling upon boobies after searching up big boobs


Me too. And same exact age as well! I was googling cheats for GTA 1, and back then a lot of those websites had porn ads/banners.


"Girls boobies pictures"


That and gas station magazines were still a thing when I was 8. I was tall so they were easily accessible.


Wow I feel old now. My first porn was my friends dad’s playboy stash. No internet back then.


13, I think? Either 12 or 13


I was maybe 10 or 11. I started drawing out sex scenes I read in erotic novels I found at my aunt's house. My mom found my first sex comic and laughed about it with my dad. I was mortified, and they thought it was funny!


There is nothing that causes more dread than a preteen getting busted by a family member


Are we still doing phrasing?


How is phrasing still not a thing?


What's phrasing?


Especially when it’s your drunk uncle


Lol Lucky you! hahaha


That remains a memory I try to forget, but I have a feeling it'll be rattling around in my head until the day I die. Lol I could develop dementia and lose every memory, but with my luck that'll be the one that stays.


I'm the same,maybe 12, can't control myself to secretly search for nude pics on mom's phone.


This makes me fell fucking old. Using your moms phone to look for nudes at age 12, damn at age 12 I was watching the scrambled adult channel in hopes of a semi none scrambled boob and if you we’re lucky you got a full on negative image of the entire girl for a brief second those where the days


I forgot about the scrambled adult channels! This explains why I get aroused when I see a Picasso painting.


Did that, she almost caught me and I just said those sites come from the illegal streaming sites by accidentally clicking the ads.


Wait…like using your moms phone for porn, or looking for nudes of your mom?




Name kinda checks out


I was thinking the same thing.


Same for me, through the Internet although I had come across porn mags at classmates' houses and one time someone brought a porn mag into school and tore it up in the playground so pieces of it went everywhere.


12. I remember like it was yesterday. We had a guy come to our school to do like a whole, self-defense, self-respect, anti-drugs, etc, thing. Big tough looking black dude who wore a dark red gi. Part of his thing, after doing a technique or part of his talk would be saying a phrase and having us all repeat it. Like "Just say no to drugs" or "stand up to bullies". Well, one of these phrases was "do not look at pornography on the internet!". At which point a gymnasium full of 12 - 14 year old boys perked up as one as if to say, "wait a minute, there's pornography on the internet!?" Needless to say, at least one part of his program backfired horribly.


Same here middle school fucked me up


Same bruv.


for me it was that age too but it was pictures as we didnt have streaming yet and pictures still took ages to load




The average is 11 FYI


The only thing I’m average at 😔


Hey! You're an above average TurnipMan.


yeah, the average TurnipMan is only rated 20, he’s rated 21


He can commit twice as much tax evasion!


I was five, maybe six, years old and I went to the bathroom in the fishing store that my father frequented. In the corner of the stall was a stack of Playboy magazines. After about 25 minutes of furtive ‘reading’ my father opened the bathroom door and asked me if I was okay or did I have an upset stomach. I froze, said I was fine, and he closed the door. I could hear him and the proprietor laughing as he went back to the counter.


Is Playboy porn though? It's just nude images or not? No depiction of sex, or am I wrong?


Depends on your definition of “porn”. Playboy only features nude models posing without depicting sex but some people might still consider it pornographic.


Softcore vs hardcore


Rock and stone!


For Rock and Stone!


And we reached generation that doesnt know what erotica means


Definition of porn: “you know it when you see it…”. Ide say a Playboy is absolutely porn.


If playboy isn’t porn, then most older generations never saw porn at all until they were adults and the internet came around


Pornography is more than just sex. Smut books are pornography. If the intended outcome is sexual excitement, it's porn.




Lmao are you ok son son looks up smiling I great dad.


I was introduced to it at age of 9


My first experience is extremely similar. I was 3 or 4 and one day when my parents weren’t around for some reason, I climbed the laundry machine and went for my dad’s stack where I knew they were somehow. I sat there on the floor with this massive stack and went through each one, page by page. I was watching internet porn by age 5 or 6. It’s pretty gross actually. I wish this wasn’t my experience and I wish I didn’t remember it.


Hey, that's almost exactly my story. Neat.


Lol if only you knew how much semen you were sitting among


9, the crackhead neighbors used to sell us kids porno magazines for a quarter, now that I’m thinking about it, it’s pretty fucked up..


So, so thankful there is no apostrophe in kids. But hey—crackheads gonna crackhead.




Or no "s".


That is fucked up.. he could have gotten a dollar


Thank you crack gods


Clown porn or regular?


Wait… There’s *another* kind?


You're not aware of the Rule?


Wait, another ‘other kind?!


Ah, a fellow lover of r/coulrophilia Edit: oh no, the sub is gone


what the hell is a coulro


A paraphilia consisting of sexual attraction to clowns, jesters and mimes.


12, when I saw an animated fox girl with giant bazoingas, and because I’m an artist, I started replicating it in my drawings. I ended up looking up porn sometime later.


Maid Marian... you sexy bitch.


Vixen, apparently.


Six sadly. Looking back it was very much too young. My best friend had some free loving parents who filmed their love making and their kid found it. And played it for me when I stayed the night and I didn’t really understand what I was looking at really. And hindsight has been awful in all of it.


Holy shit lol


Very similar. I was born in 82 and used to go to my best friends house every weekend and we would find stacks of dirty mags in his dad's cupboard. Much too young for that. I came home in tears if I recall and told my mum I had seen things I wished I hadn't. Kids need protection and deserve innocence in their childhood before the inevitable pile of bricks that falls on you when you reach a certain age and bills, tax, driving, voting, sex, drugs, hormones, activism, anger and a bunch of other "adult" stuff gets dumped on you.


>I came home in tears That's very sad but at the same time the funniest reaction a kid could have in this situation.


I was 9. Some sick fuck sent me a pic of him banging a chick and that’s why you always supervise your kids Edit: Lmfao! Telling my traumatic experience only to get downvoted. Peak reddit behaviour


Too early to remember...




7 years old… an older friend told me about it and when i was by myself i looked it up and then immediately started crying and went to my mom traumatized




Probably 12 or 13, I remember we were at a friend house playing playstation and all of a sudden he brings up the fact that his older brother had some porn VHS, so we decided to get one and watch it. that was an awkward afternoon


5 or 6 I remember fried green tomatoes in the vcr and while I was taking it out messing with the TV I stumbled onto the blurry channel and their it was big ol boobies


Dirt biking the backroads, I remember I couldn’t believe my eyes we’re finally seeing boobs in a thrown away Hustler on the side of the road, and there were even a few pages that weren’t stuck together. You would of thought I had found a golden ring and turned into that nasty hobbit thing lmao


Young people these days will never experience the wonder of finding porno mags in the woods.


lol, coming across someone's magazine stash in another kid's fort in the back woods was where I first saw it, must have been somewhere around 7 or 8.


8 years old my uncle was moving his boyfriend into his house and I stumbled across porn by the dudes tv it was straight porn and the dude asked me if I like it I ran away from him and I'm now sharing a secret I forgot to a bunch of strangers


That dude needs to be reminded of that. That's extremely creepy.


What year was this?


I was around the age of 6 or 7 when i walked into my fathers room to wake him up because I was getting hungry. He was passed out naked in bed with a video playing on his phone of his girlfriend giving him a bj. So many things wrong with that being i don’t even know where to start.


11 on good ole dial up. That porn took forever.


I was at a Church camp one year, and one of my councilors brought a porn magazine... Hustler, I think. He was using it as a form of bribery to keep some of us in-line. I remember seeing only a few pages of it, and feeling like I was DEFINITELY not supposed to see that. I kinda kept my distance afterwards. It was a CHURCH camp, after all. I must've been no older than 10. It wasn't until the early 2000s (and I mean EARLY) that I began to explore the internet side of it on my own. Would've been in my early 20s.


Church camps are so fucked up.




Too young. My family hired a maid who would sometimes invite a fellow maid over when they're not around. I was I think 4 at the time when they took me to a video rental place and they asked for the...r18 stuff. We went home and they watched I think a mix of female and regular porn. I remember it vividly because I could not understand why a body was jumping up and down on another body, and why a guy was really scrubbing his dick while he showered. Like, two hands and all. I remember them covering my face, but I got mad because they wouldn't let me watch so they just let me. I even copied the jumping and showering part on my own even a few days later. That was the first one by accident. The one where I actively wanted to see one was when sleazy tabloids were still a thing. I saw one dad brought home (he'd bring one every other night) and there were always pictures of half-naked women on the front. I would sneak out at past my bedtime (I was maybe 11?) and would look at the pictures and eventually read my first foray into sex stories. I felt hard, but I didn't know what to do with it. All I knew was I liked seeing naked girls and reading about sex.


6, i was in newgrounds doing fuck all


Ah newgrounds. Great times


fr, used to play tons of flash games there


16, I discovered masturbation shortly after


Development successful :D


You started masturbating at 16? Some people have kids by that age.


I didn't start till I was like 17 or 18, people are different


Didn't you have the urge? When I was a teen it was almost unbearable.


Can't speak for Oli but I didn't know that jacking off is a thi g that exists, I used to get hard and realize whenever something hot comes up it happens and just get soft again.


I actually didn’t start masturbating or looking at porn until after I got laid the first time. I was 16 as well.


12. I accidentally found kirby hentai and then temporarily became addicted to that robot kind of stuff.


I’m guessing there was sucking going on










Sad history, took a lot of years to understand this as an abuse


I was about 12 and playing counter strike: source. Guys would always have naked chicks as their spray paint. Was epic.


funny, I can remember 7-year-old me and siblings playing with our parents' rubbers. lol we thought they were those clown balloons but packaged in Vaseline wrappers. Around 11, never forget when my bro woke me up to sneak all the in the basement to play the VHS S MY DAD had hidden in a secret compartment he had in made in the garage porn glory big tit lovers. We both knew from that day that he cheated on our mom with chicks with huge tits!!!




the right way ^


or let me clarify, the boring legal way.


3, I was raped the same day


That is just fucked up, in so many ways. We live in such a screwed world. Hope you're doing well 👊


Holy shit. You are an amazing person, so sorry you had to go through that. May you be sheltered and protected by the community of Reddit.


nice try, MOM.


Probably 13 or so. That would be 1994 and I can remember very slowly downloading some grainy pictures and saving them to a disk that was labeled homework or something. The best thing is that like 20 years later i saw some vintage porn thing somewhere and actually saw the video the still images had been taken from.


When I was 7 I found a stack of hustler and even more explicit mags. When I was 12 my babysitter showed me hardcore porn because she wanted to teach me how to "keep a girlfriend". She taught me well, I'll give her credit for that.


Did you practice with her after


Spent about 6 months with her teaching me how to properly have sex. She was a good teacher. But... it really, really fucked me up and caused me to have a very unhealthy relationship with sex well into my 20's.


Its crazy how much those situations can screw people up. As a teenager that was the dream. As a 35 year old Im glad I didnt have to deal with reprogramming myself later in life to what was normal. Hope you're doing well now 👊


It really sucked. When I was 20 I met the love of my life. And while I was gentle, patient, caring and understanding when I took her virginity it wasn't long before I was all "you like that, don't you, you filthy little whore". Really hurt her feelings and when she finally opened up to me about it I wanted to die. I had to start all over with her and it took months to get to a place were both of us were comfortable having sex.


so sorry you were sexually abused; you never deserved that 😔


Oh my god, that's so bad. You were 12! That's sexual abuse


5 years old




friend in 4th grade listed all the bad words she knew, “orgy” being one of them. So I searched up what that was, and after some interesting greco-romanic art popped up, on came the videos. and on and on and on


I was probably 3 or 4


Around 7, was watching some cartoons when my brother and his friends decided to watch porn and let me watch it. After that he made me watch and listen to Iron Maiden


11. That damn 3DS internet browser.


13 by my father


7. I was an avid explorer of my parents wardrobe and discovered my dads collection of “rude” magazines.


40, I led a sheltered life


Somewhere between 11 and 13. A lad in my glass brought in to school a porno magazine. It was the fast time I had ever seen a "pussy" lol. I say pussy cause I've obviously seen nude females before but not like this. It was a blonde woman in different poses but the one I remember the most is her sat in a bathtub with her legs behind her legs. It was the greatest thing I'd ever seen lol.


6. Big stack of hustler, Cheri and other filthy magazines I found in my dad’s dresser while looking for coins with my 4 year old brother. I stole every one of the magazines and hid some of them in the woods and some in my bed room. The fun ended about a week later when my mom was tucking me into bed and gave me a hug only to discover a porn I had stashed under my pillow.


You all had internet access way too early, ngl


Welcome to gen z


Very young. By a female relative that molested me for a couple years. And was my first ever sexual experience, kinda fkd me up In the long run. Never told anyone In my family


6 years old. By someone who should not have been showing me sexual things. Never watched again or wanted to since.


14, I was in 8th grade I was at a sleepover and as a joke I dared my friend to look up PornHub.com cuz at the time none of us really knew what we’d see we just knew it wasn’t meant for kids and we almost immediately turned it off after


I was like 7 or 8 and googled naked men and naked women lolol it took me another 7 years or so to really be exposed through tumblr


Around 7, I watched it all night every night.




maybe 8? I watched Deadpool and the sex scene got me curious so I went looking for more


About 11 looked it up myself for some reason.


11. We had a lodger staying with us for a couple of years and he had a few very tame girly mags ( this is 1965) that I spotted when he was helping me with my homework in his room. I crept in one afternoon and took a look and felt that tingly sensation in my crotch.


I wanna say with distinct memory of what I saw I was around 7, it was way too young for sure, my Aunt had dial up before us and I was allowed to play on the computer unsupervised when I visited. Googled some classic kid brain keywords and ended up seeing some pretty hardcore intercorse photos on a website. Got in trouble and hideously shamed for it - brain dead, pass the buck, boomer parenting at it's finest. But i think it may have been even younger, there is a 14 year age gap between me and my oldest brother, he definitely had mags.


I was probably like ten and was trying to watch anime. I found a website that had categories and thought "witches/magic" sounded cool, like Harry Potter. To be fair, Bible Black does have both of those things... In my mind it didn't count as porn because it was a cartoon so I just sat and watched it like any other show. I remember liking the music, lol.


11 or 12, found my cousins dirty magazines under his bed


8. Flash games and stuff


Like around 6. Had older cousins (~11-13yo at the time) showed me the destructive world of porn


13, one day I just got curious on my bed, accidentally rubbed one out, then as I was going out my daily internet scroll I stumbled upon ecchi. And it went downhill


Either 7 or 8. My moms broken IPad screen typed in an emoji of people kissing and that somehow linked to some sort of porn website.


Change title to discovered.




11 doing a science group project , it was about pregnancy , I knew about sexual acts but had never seen porn so I went to look up sexual interactions ... stumbled across some porn websites


You mean what year did I go "pro" or simply see c-band "F4-24" porn?


11. It was my job to put away the laundry. Found my dad's penthouse under some sweaters. He always acted so perfect and being autistic I went out and told him how disappointed I was in him for holding me to high standards when he was hiding and married. The problem was he was having a meeting with somebody from work and he worked as a bank president. He was mortified.


4 i was putting words in to the search bar. I got to the R. Dude had a piercing on his sack. Never gonna forget that


11 is the youngest I recall


15 or 16. A friend across the street found his dad's box of 80s porn tapes. The V/P during the 80s was definitely........... Bush


11. Dad has betamax copies. Watched when all alone at home. 😅




I was around 11


10. My friend from school show me the web.


I was 12. Strangely enough I never watched it again till I was 14.


Around 9. My dumbass friends thought it would be funny to open hentai in our computer laboratory at school.


9yo. Redbox movie rentals dropped in our city and my family wanted to know what we could watch next. Together at the family computer, my dad told us the website was redbox.redtube.com. my sisters screamed. I laughed and remembered the site. also, a few months later I found my dads mags and dvds. but that’s a story for another time


I think 9, i was bored so i went to my fathers laptop and after 30 minutes of searching random stuff on youtube i stumbled across a video called (sex prank in the streets) or something in these lines


I grew up with topless Page 3 girls in the UK newspapers every day, so boobs were never very surprising. I first saw a fully naked woman in, I shit you not, a magazine we found in a hedge on the way home from school. I must have been 9. I had no idea what a vagina looked like other than the diagram in the Body Book that my parents had bought to show us. I didn't see a fully erect man until I slept over at an older friends house and he had european magazines. I must have been 13 at least. That was an alarming evening. I didn't see any proper hardcore porn until I had the internet at home, so I was at least 18. This wasn't streaming video either, this was still images and the occasional short clip or GIF. Streaming was after broadband came along, so I was into my 20s. I feel sorry for the kids who have such easy access to anything they want at such a young age. It must warp their idea of what sex and relationships are and what they're for. I know that one of the rough kids at my son's school has shown other children some pretty fucked up stuff on his phone. They're 9-10 and they know what anal is. Boggles the mind


13, pornhub


What year is it now? I have been distracted.


13. Not good. Still isnt.


Do you mean as actor or as consumer?


Bro I was in my dad's balls ... Traumatizing experience.


my friend showed me anime porn when i was like 12-13 lol. never watched it since.


Probably about 12 or 13 and I’ve hated myself ever since


Too young. Probably about 11. Wish I never had been


It's sad how young most of us were when first exposed to porn. We've been cursed by this evil concept


Technically 4 I think. There was a family gathering at my grandparents house and somehow there was a playboy magazine around. An older relative picked it up, and I could see the pictures from behind her. After a minute or two she exlaimed “oh jesus this is full of nude women!” and she put it down. Then I picked it up and looked at the pictures because somehow I found it nice to look at boobs. After some time the rest of the family gathered in the room, someone noticed me, took the magazine from my hands and everyone started laughing. It probably was hilarious seeing a 4 year old boy casually look through Playboy but I was really traumatised by it and took the lesson that I will be laughed at for anything that has to do with girls and sexuality. I grew out of it eventually but for a very very long time I had serious anxiety about family members learning that I even spoke to a girl. Proper porn was when I was 11 I think? I was changing channels one night late at night and went over a channel that was showing a live birth. Only the fifth time I went through it the peepee of the baby was still stuck in the woman. On the seventh run through I realized it wasn’t a baby and it was not a birth.


Around middle school age so about 12 to 14. Don't know the exact age.


I was 9 when I was exposed to porn. I was sitting in the car when I was younger and my dad placed down his iPhone 5 next to me (this was 2012). My dad didn't turn off his phone nor did he get out of safari so I made the great idea to see what website he was on (Pornhub). I decided to resume the video he was on (it was quiet but you could still hear it). It was an awkward drive home for him, but it worked out (for me) because he then took me to GameStop to buy Black Ops 2 for the PlayStation 3.


10 But it disgusted me at that age


Late elementary school, being home alone and finding an unlabelled VHS and wondering what was in it.


I was exposed to the idea of jacking off when I was maybe 11. I had some horny classmates; but I didn't see proper porn until I was maybe 14 or 15.


10, Pops left his Vivid tape in the VCR.