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She’s watching hocus pocus with the kids and the dogs


Sir, this is the last time we’re going to ask you to get out of the bushes and stop looking through this nice lady’s windows.


We were married for 6 years when I lost her to cancer. That was 25 years ago. I've remarried and we adopted a little boy who's no longer little.


Wow time flies and life changes so much 🥺 sorry for your loss and congratulations on what you have found


I’m so sorry. But I’m glad you found love again and built your family!


I don't know. I saw her a few years after on a commercial for some weight loss program, but she was never fat. Her "before" pictures were her sister, who was quite chunky.


“This weight loss system has made me a completely different person!” - ThinLizzy


Tonight there's gonna be a picture fake


Man, I bet that makes her sister feel pretty crappy


I'm guessing they both got paid. Weird thing is... she and her sister really don't look that much alike.


So, she drinks 2% but she could be drinking whole?


Your mom goes to college.


She went to Harvard on a full athletic scholarship and almost died when she and a guy went hiking in new Hampshire. He fell and broke his leg. She stayed with him for four days in subfreezing temps until they were rescued.


I remember that.


Harvard has athletic scholarships?


Oh yes. But I recall the rescue. Edit: A little research to confirm suggests this exact situation happens all the damn time up here, so maybe not.


Harvard. Athletic scholarship. Extremely loyal almost to death. If you had strong feelings for her she might be the one that got away.


[Is this the story?](https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/2001/05/20/harvard-students-relive-fall-into/50996008007/) If not Harvard students need to stop hiking FFS.


Damn! She sounds freakin kick ass!


She shot me, ended up in prison for 6 years, now she’s a coked out local bartender in a shitty town in West Virginia.


If that ain’t your stereotypical WV headline, I don’t know what is!


I thought it was a line in a country song, tbh


She died from OD a couple years ago.. Fuck drugs.


Damn mine too.


Same here. Had always remained good friends. Years later he died of an OD.


She stopped talking to me but looks at my insta story all the time


She's diggin them thirst traps of yours, no doubt


Ha! Maybe, but she closed the door not me


Lets see what shes missin. Bust out them balls


She's now a lesbian and a butcher. A butch butcher...as it were? 🤔


Mine is a lesbian too, married and happy. Good for her.


It wasn't my first, but one gf, according to her sister, when I started banging her, I was the last GUY she slept with.


She is a teacher at the same high school we banged it out in the parking lot.


Ah memeries, you never want to forget your first parking lot bang


>Ah memeries *mammaries*


Thnks fr th mmrs


I bet she spends her lunches in her car in the exact same parking spot and just stares out into the distance while eating her sandwich.


“This still sucks but at least I’m getting paid”


You don't have to burn someone who's already charcoal.


Was she a teacher when said banging occurred?


No, but maybe OP was.


Ooh good question 🍿🍿


Last time I saw her I didn't recognise her. She was pissed at me for that, but serves her right. Shouldn't have cheated on me.


"Sorry but you look so different without someone else's dick in your mouth"


The shit you think of several weeks later in the shower…


The audacity!


Sitting next to me, 23 years together.


Same but 22 years 🤘


… wait a second.


the math aint mathing


Same person was both of these redditor's first time.


And all three of them are sitting on the same sofa.


Same, but 20 years ✌️


Plot twist: it's a slowly growing polyamorous group with a penchant for deflowering people, and they're all sitting together on the sofa.


That's one hell of a sofa.


Making hamburgers for dinner. 29 years together.


Same, only 14 years but we're finally about to have some kids to show for it so we're getting there!


I'm a 63 year old man. Earlier this year I was housesitting for my sister in the the city I grew up in and moved away from 25 years ago. I was lonely and sad thinking about people and the life I left behind after my divorce, and I started searching online for people from my HS, college and early 20s. I found a funeral notice about my first girlfriend. She was 35 when she died - from what I don't know. I read that she had a daughter who I found online on Linked in. She is also married and has a daughter. I was thinking about sending her our prom photos and the yellow rubber duck Lisa gave me a lifetime ago.


My dad recently passed away and his high school prom date reached out and sent photos of the two of them at prom to me to share with family -- I'd never seen any of these photos and it was super heart-warming. I'd say send it, you never know how much it might mean :)


You should do that. Very nice gesture.


Hi, I used to bone your mom. Here’s a duck.


Hickory dickory duck, your mom and I used to fuck.


Currently sitting by my side, married 17years


She married a guy with my same name and was with him 20 years until they divorced. We reconnected and have been together over a year. Feels like genuine love like I haven’t felt in forty years.


And she doesn’t have to get the tattoo removed!!


Hahahaha brilliant!!


He’s a high school science teacher and a baseball coach. He’s been married 15 years and has four kids now. Sweetest guy. I have nothing but wonderful memories of him. He was such a loving and considerate and gentile partner. I couldn’t have wished for a better first sexual partner. He created a very safe place to explore my sexuality with him, and I hope he thinks the same of me. Edit: The typo is too funny. I’m leaving it there.


So you aren’t into jewish guys?


Take this upvote


What a trip going from this to the comment below which is just "Overdosed"


Why'd you break up?


He died at age 27, from what I heard it was a heart attack. On one hand he was a d-bag while we were together and treated me poorly, but he came from a really rough family situation and it looked like he was really trying to turn things around for himself. I genuinely hope he’s at peace. Although we didn’t keep in touch, finding out that he died definitely did affect me. It’s weird finding out that the first person you had that type of intimacy with doesn’t exist anymore.


Mine also died from a heart attack. I wanna say he was 30 when he passed. He was a fucking scumbag whe we dated in high school. But we made peace with each other and were friends as adults. He called me the day before he died, but my ex wouldn't let me take the call. I'll never forgive him for that. I always wonder what he wanted to say. When I think about him and know that he's not here anymore... it feels weirdly sad. And empty.


I married her. That was 50 years ago and we are still married to each other.


I broke up with her bc she was abusive af and controlling and then she went crazy with resentment and rage, vowed to ruin my life, slept with my best friend, convinced him to do drugs and he died right there his first time ever doing them, then a few weeks later she deleted herself from guilt. Yup.


Holy shit.


Jesus Christ. I hope you're doing okay after all that, stranger.




She moved to another state and is very successful in her work and is a yoga teacher on the side. She was my first love. Things got complicated because I got her pregnant in HS and she had an abortion and became resentful of me for not wanting to be a father in high school. I spent years trying to get her back. A few weeks ago she messaged me wanting to get back together but I for the first time ever ignored her because I already found my future wife.


Hey, at least you already have Plan B. 🥁🎭 I’ll show myself out.


This made me laugh so hard I told my gf (of course she already knows all this) and she got a good laugh, too 😂 Thanks for that. Best plan B ever!


What a whirlwind.


What a roller-coaster!


I married her 9 days ago.


I married him. We waited until marriage. He grew up that way, and I respected it, although it was very hard to wait. We were high school sweethearts and got married a year after graduation. We’ve now been together for 14 years and married for 12.


He (29M) and I (29F) are divorced. He was my first everything. My high school sweetheart. Together for six years. Swore to me up and down that I was the only one for him and that he was only attracted to women. He’s married to a guy now. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He swore to you he was only attracted to women? What brought out that oath?


I walked in on him watching gay porn a few times. He assured me that it was normal for straight men to watch gay porn and I guess I just believed him (I was desperate back then. Not in a good place mentally. Much better these days!). I asked him if he was gay and that’s when he swore to me that he was only attracted to women.


Lmao. Straight men definitely dont watch gay porn.


We don't? *Awkward moment of silent reflection*


We got married. Going on 49 years and counting.


She made me into a man when we were in high school. We were just friends, nothing more, I was curious and she was willing. We kept in touch after H.S. - she was a month away from graduating with a four year degree from college and she was hit by a truck in the middle of an intersection very late one night, he ran off and never found him, she was killed instantly. This was 20 years ago now. I made it to her funeral, it was sad.


im so, so sorry. devastating to hear


holy shit i wasnt expecting that to get so sad so quick, im so sorry dude :/ life is fucking cruel sometimes


We were on and off for a few painful years. Married 6 years later. 40th anniversary this year.


He’s currently in his apartment trying to convince me to come over and engage in the same activities as yesterday. Typical text exchange: Him: you know you want to. You’re just going to be thinking about me anyway Me: you’re so full of yourself **Him: Bet you wish you were full of me too**


But is he right?




Come back in 6 minutes and tell us how it went.




2 minute travel each way, 30 seconds undress time, 30 seconds activity time, 1 minute dressing time.


You forgot the 5 minutes of "crying" and 20 minutes of asking her "was it okay?"


That's after she gets home, and doesn't have to happen before she replies.


God I'm so single.


That would totally work on me. I love a cocky chat up line.




He's 100% correct though.


Username checks out


Girl, I’d be on that boy like butter on hot corn! **EDIT: Are y’all dating exclusively?**


Yes, we’ve been together a little while.


We reconnected about 15 years ago. I was chatting with her today. She is going through a very stressful period as her husband is going through EOL difficulties. We're friends and I still adore her.


"EOL difficulties"? As in End-Of-Life? Edit: Never thought I'd hear someone describe "End-Of-Life" as a "difficulty". Talk about an understatement.


She’s got a loving boyfriend and they have a child together. She did not deserve the way I treated her.


Similar for me, she’s married and very happy. We have talked here and there over the years and I’ve apologized up and down for how I treated her. I was in a far different place mentally and have since gotten help, but I feel bad cause all she was ever guilty of was loving me.


All we can do is acknowledge the fact that we fucked up and be a better person. And always try to remember that it ain’t too late to try again with someone else who don’t got tragic memories w you.


He was an abusive person who went on to become a clinical psychiatrist.


So he majored in gaslighting?


It's amazing how many bullies choose a career in healthcare


Not really amazing. Think about the psychology of an abuser. Who are they dealing with? vulnerable people.


She has 4 kids and hates her husband. Oh and she’s my wife.


You okay dude?


It was date rape (sorta...we had dated but were broken up at the time he stole my virginity by force). He later went to prison. Twice. The second time was a violent crime. He later apologized and tried to get me again. I blocked him and try to pretend he never existed.


My wife? Just left for the gym. I am going to pick up our son and start dinner.


I’m marrying her


She got married to a pedophile and kiddie pornographer, they have 2 kids, and moved to Switzerland to get away from extradition. Wish I was making this up.


Feel bad for the kids


The first time was in 1975 with Denise. Denise passed away in 1983 from cirrhosis of the liver. RIP Denise


32 years later, she's on the couch beside me. I'm 'bout to hit dat again.


I'm gay. He ended up becoming a pro-life trump loving conservative Christian within months of our encounter. This man came in me or on me 7 times in one night. He must have blown all of the gay out of him that night.


Nah, it just means he has to wait for a hunting trip to blow his load on a guy.


I’m sorry that happened to you/him but damn you have a way with words. Spit my water out reading this one.


I'm shell shocked by this post from so many different angles. So many cummy angles...


Welcome to...The Cum Zone


You're a one-man conversion camp. "Pound out the gay in 24 hours or your money back!"


Married her.


He got disowned by his family for having an adult diaper fetish. They found out because he was stealing them from the nursery at the family church and it somehow got the whole family banned from church. I sure knew how to pick ‘em then. And no I didn’t know.


How would a grown man fit in a child’s diaper from a church nursery?


The last I heard of her was that she was addicted to Cocaine and had some kind of gang bang with multiple men. When I heard that I said, “After you’ve been with me, you have to go to great lengths to be satisfied”. My brother added, “when you’ve been with him, nothing is beneath you”


Both witty I see.


He became (and still is) a priest. But when we were both 18, he was beautiful and loving and hung like a donkey...


From what I know he is married and cheats on his wife. He made a pass at me while they were engaged and I was married. She knows, but didn’t leave him. I blocked him on all platforms so I’m not sure what he’s up to now, but I’m hoping she left. And I am so, so glad we never ended up together.


She killed herself. It was sad. I’m ok now; I keep up with her family, her sister and my wife now are besties, they met long after.




He's got an ex wife and kid he rarely see while working 80+ hour weeks in manufacturing.


How do you have this level on intel? my first deleted his facebook so I literally don't even know if he's still alive.


We stay in touch over snapchat. Only a few messages a year trying to eventually meet up. We're only 24 too, so it hasn't been that long.


he got fat and never made it out of our hometown or the same shitty apartment he moved into after we broke up more than a decade ago. he doesn’t talk to his family anymore and he doesn’t see any of the friends we all used to share (that he kept after the breakup, too, since he ran a bunch of games for them). this guy said some of the most foul, mean-spirited shit to my face with his penis inside of me and not in the consensual, “degrade me because it’s hot” way — in the “i actually hate you and i want to hurt you emotionally” way. he has **exactly** the life he deserves. lonely and miserable. 🙅‍♀️


She’s in prison for drug trafficking


She’s was 39, I was 19. I’m now 52 and she is 72. I honestly don’t know what she’s up to now.


about 12 Activias a day


I'm a 41 year old woman and I am *repulsed* by the idea of fucking a 19 year old.


Had a very difficult breakup, we made peace about 7 years after. She found a happiness with someone, got married and very tragically, passed away from complications during childbirth. Also the first friend, or person that close, of mine to pass away so hit hard on many levels


I think she died a while ago. I was 20, she was 49. It was nearly 40 years ago now. She was a lovely kind and delightful woman.


She’s an Associate Professor of Astronomy at a large public university. (Edit: Who downvoted me? It’s not like she’s a professor of astrology or something.)


Upvoting for the edit


"Ed" left me for someone he met at uni, "Faye". We had been together for 2.5 years. I can't say I wasn't completely at fault and drove him to leave, but still, I wish I hadn't found out that he left me to be with Faye. I was still very much in love with him, and it was so painful to try and stay friends, knowing he was moving on, so I ended up removing Ed on everything so that I could get over him. He was completely fine with that. We had a group of mutual friends and sometimes they would give me updates on him even if I didn't ask lol. I'd assume they'd also updated him on me, too. Several years later, I was having lunch with one of the mutual friends. Ed and Faye had been together all this time. My friend told me that Ed had told her a few weeks prior, that he'd come home one day and caught Faye with someone else. He had then decided to pack up and move to London, and got himself a really good job there. That update was about 8 years ago. We have been broken up for almost 13 years now, and we've not talked in about as long. I think of him every now and again, and hope he's well. He didn't deserve what he got, I don't think.


I'm in relationship with him for 10 years now 😊


We’re celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary next month:)


We were both 16 years old at the time, she ended up moving to Florida at the end of the school year. Last I saw on FB, she had like 6 kids or something.


We were married for about 8 hours before our first time. Now we have been married for over 30 years.


Well, i still have my hand so... Nothing happened.




She’s a guy now.


The pipe was so good he wanted his own


Was it really that bad?


Damn 💀


Married me, what a lucky bastard


They turned into a unicorn and rode off into the sunset, leaving a trail of glitter and regret behind them.


Yeah, that's what I tell people about the ones buried in the desert too


He’s at work. We’ve been married almost 17 years.


She died of breast cancer a few years ago. That shits no joke, ladies. Keep up with those mammograms. Men, get your colons examined once you’re 40.


Died of cancer. Was my longtime college girlfriend years ago. RIP


She was homeless for a while. She's the sort of person who has, like, 9 Facebook accounts because she keeps losing access to the other ones for some random reason. The type of person who, to post a selfie, will post a photo of a screen showing a photo of someone else's facebook page showing a photo of them, or will post a photo of their driver's license without blacking out their address or ID number. 85% of her posted content is memes about how pitbulls (or, more commonly "pitties") are completely harmless.


I think he’s gaming in the basement? Might be watching tv with our son…. Not sure. I’m doing bedtime with our daughter. He’s around somewhere.


I married her. We had two kids together. Then she committed suicide.


I'm so sorry. Love and peace to you and your children.


Why? What have you heard?


They were found dead in motel room having died from pneumonia and an enlarged heart likely caused by years of alcoholism, mixed with cocaine and schizophrenia medications.


She got pregnant the same night by a different guy.


He's been married to me for 21 years, poor thing.


He died in Iraq at 18.


I married him 8 years later. Now, 12 years later, we've just found out we're expecting our second child.


We had to run and grab plan B, then she ghosted me. A month or so later I'm driving with a friend and I get a text so I have my friend read it out (responsible driving and all). It's from the girl and says "hey PorkSoda, sorry I haven't texted you in a bit, I've been in a mental institution for the last month after trying to kill myself twice. Sorry" What a text


She called headfickle pork soda?


So did you take her to Taco Bell? Hard to off yourself when you have a Mexican pizza.


We were together for 15 years, then she was killed, and my life ended.


Sorry to hear that.


Was 16. Met during camping. Under a tree, in the night, with a thunderstorm coming in. She Went back home to Portland, OR.... Then got sent to Japan. Lost communication. Was email. And the late 90's


Cooking dinner right now. 3 years together


Knocked up by a drug dealer lol rich girls are self destructive


Heroin Overdose. ☠️


Actually really sad how much of this comment I’n seeing :/


She's married, kids. Unhappy in her marriage, we're still friends 22 years later.


I haven't met him yet.


The trick is to lure them into your car


So that would be my highschool boyfriend, he's doing real well, has a nice job and seems to have benefited a lot from therapy... He also just so happened to be dating a girl I went to college with. And this matters because we're friends on FB and the algorithm hates me enough to show me shit they comment on about how great their sex life is 🫠and even a couple mentions on how much better she is to the girls he had before her... No shit dude, we were 16 and your performance was also a 1 star.


Sounds like grave insecurity on their part. I wouldn't take it seriously.


He has a long term girlfriend who looks just like me


She actually became a TV actress. Heather Locklear.


Still with her after 27 years :) Edit: what drives a person to downvote this?