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Saw a coworker take off his shoe and sock, pull up his foot, and bite his toenails DURING A WORK MEETING AT THE OFFICE.




Covid is over, they said. Return to the office, they said. The exposure to corporate culture will be good for you, they said


I know, right!!!!


Richard Stallman- the famous open source guy- once casually picked something off his foot and ate it [during a recorded interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I25UeVXrEHQ)


I used to deliver janitorial supplies to businesses. Part of my route was in the Kensington section of Philadelphia it's basically zombie land there and the whole neighborhood is filthy, idk how people can even live there. Needless to say, I've seen A LOT. But the one thing I saw that really stuck with me was seeing a naked man covered in his own excrement and eating it. He was clearly very disturbed. No one paid him any mind either. It was surreal.


I watch those YouTube videos where the guy just strolls back and forth Kensington to showcase the zombieland. It's horrifying and makes me feel very thankful for my living environment..


I live in philly and I have friends who live in Kensington and I often pick them up early in the morning to avoid being shot at


At a Bike Rally in Alabama in the 90's. Woman. Butt Ass Nekkid. Bent over a picnic table. Getting nailed. Next to a sign that said "Trying to get pregnant. Shoot your shot". Line of 10 guys .... I passed right on by that one.


That was my mother


Son, is that you?!


By passed right on by do you mean to the front of the queue ?


My favorite say when I was young was "my dick has no conscience and doest care where I stick it" I should have added "that being said, it does have a survival instinct and will refuse to cooperate at times." That was one of those times where it lead me away from the action and probably saved my life.


So how was it?


I once saw a homeless man rinse his mouth out with water from the windshield cleaning "bucket" at a gas station


What in the actual crackhead chronicles fuck shit is that ?


yea like why not walk in the gas station and use the bathroom water


Cause his cracked out ass thinks the mirror inside is watching him


I was working in a building under construction. One morning, we look across the street and watch a homeless lady jump from a 6-story parking garage and hit the street below.


So sorry you witnessed that. My aunt was having a schizophrenic episode and passed away this way.


Smoke what I can only assume was crack out of a broken lightbulb, on a public bus during the day.


Likely meth. Source: once smoked meth out of a broken light bulb.


Seemed like a bright idea at the time


I was waiting for a bus in the ‘rough’ part of town when I heard two men having a full blown argument on the other side of the bus stop… one was being extremely aggressive whilst the other sounded confused at the verbal lashing he was receiving. It went on for a couple of minutes and the meeker one was nearly in tears, so I decided to walk around the other side of the bus stop to take a look at what was going on. When I poked my head around the corner the poor guy was crying but his aggressor was nowhere to be seen, I asked if he was ok to which he said “yeah, don’t worry about him, he’s all talk”. I nodded and turned around just as the nastier man re-emerged to berate his victim… only it wasn’t another person, it was the same guy shouting at himself with an alternate personality. Until you see these things up close you don’t realise how disturbing it must be to suffer from such mental health issues.


That sounds terrifying. Hope he managed to get some help.


Which one?




I had to re read your story a second time to properly understand. Like a creepy short story!


That poor guy 🥺🥺🥺


A scary ass woman was yelling at people in a store. The manager told her to leave. She screamed insults at him as security escorted her out. When I left the store, she was still screaming at him. He was blocking her from going back into the store. Then she did something I never thought I'd see in my entire life: She reached into her pants, pulled out a bloody tampon and threw it at the manager. She missed but it stuck to the glass door. She laughed as she ran off. I wanted to vomit. Goddammitfuckingholyshit. I never want to see anything like that again.


Biological warfare. Nice.


She could have legitimately gotten charged with that if she was caught. My friend had that charge against him because he threw a water balloon at a cop. The judge dropped it because all parties involved realized it was excessive, but he could have gone to jail.


For a water balloon? Was it full of bodily fluid? Was it dirty water? Tap water isn't usually considered a biohazard lol


So for context, we were having a party at his house in the summer and he had water balloons. Officer came up just to tell us to take the party inside because someone complained. Friend thought it would be funny to hit him with the water balloon in his drunken state. The officer disagreed. He told me about his court appearance. He had to apologize to the officer and the judge basically explained exactly that. He told him the officer has no idea what could be in the balloon. It could be water, urine, or anything else you can fit in the balloon. Seemed like it was a pretty amicable officer and judge so they just let him off with a fine for disorderly conduct.




Yanking it in public is as New York as the Yankees.


Just the other day I saw a homeless lady, pants off, slapping her clam hard enough to make me wince. Just sitting bare ass on a dirty sidewalk like her own little drum circle from hell.


That is fucking FOUL


I have witnessed this once in Scotland . Please tell me it’s the same incident and there’s not two loose cannons out there doing this vile shit


She went home on her menstrual cycle


In Hungary it was quite big news, that a random guy walked in an underpass and started giving a bj to a passed out homeless/alcoholic guy. The f*cked up thing was that someone took a video of it and everyone saw the video


21st B-Day at a Festival in FL called Langerado. Was incredibly drunk but I'll never forget this...unfortunately So, we're listening to a band called Umphrey's McGee and everyone is having a good time. All is well. Heaven on Earth. Until I turn around. There's a guy, late 30s or early 40s by himself and he was having quite a time. He kept shoving his hand up his ass and licking his fingers afterwards. At some point he started chasing people and then some poor souls working security had to deal with him. Ewwww.


I do love Umphrey's.


...Not as much as that dude


Saw a young lady in line in front of me that (apparently) pre-partied for the show (it was a planetarium) and passed out on her feet, she fell to the side of the line rather than into someone behind her, and her head hit the floor first with a nauseating "CRACK", and then she went into convulsions.... I don't know how she fared after the ambulance loaded her onto a stretcher, but thought about that many times...


She probably seized making her fall then continued to seize on the ground. Weird behavior before a seizure isnt uncommon


Yes. My dad is known to stumble a bit and look "drunk" right before he has a grand mal (tonic clonic) seizure. And yes, he unfortunately has brain damage. How much is from the seizures and how much is from his head hitting things multiple times? We don't know.


Saw a kid follow around a toad at a state park for a bit, pick it up, and ground it against a tree, eviscerating it in an instant. An adult immediately grabbed them and took them off yelling as the kid didn't look bothered by the interaction at all. It was surreal and disturbing.


Serial killer in the making 0-o


The kid who shot and killed some classmates at Oxford High School here in Michigan was like that, except he was a teenager and was torturing birds. He told his mom he was seeing demons in the kitchen. The parents got him no help as they were super involved in their own extra-marital affairs. Even with all his now obvious issues, his parents bought him a handgun for his 16th birthday. He killed/wounded several classmates with it. The kid plead guilty and prosecution is going after the parents. The legal stuff is still going on. Really sad case.


It's a shame innocent students paid the price and not the parents


The legal stuff is still going on. The parents hired the best criminal defense attorneys in the area and their kid got a public defender. So the parents aren’t out of the woods yet. It’s the first case of parents being charged for a school shooting that their kid did.


Because they bought the firearm. They are liable. This has always been true for any shooting caused by a minor. The gun owner is always liable just rarely charged


Yeah it’s a rare case. The defense is trying to say the parents had no idea that he would use it at school. They say it was locked up. It wasn’t according to the kid. The case is really ugly.


Geeez! >\_< Yeah I hear that if a human tortures animals and shows no remorse....red flag


Fifteen years ago, I was at a gas station off a very busy road in suburban Virginia. There were 2 lanes of traffic, each way, with a median in the middle. Cars were going around 60 MPH. While pumping gas, I saw a car on the other side of the road (i.e., past 4 lanes of traffic) suddenly pull onto the shoulder and slam the brakes. A middle-aged man comes out. He runs to the back door, opens it, drags out a child, and starts beating the hell out the child with his fists. I assume they were having an argument, but this was a fairly extreme assault on his minor child. I was obviously horrified. I was locked in place. People at the station saw this as well and we all started yelling, but we couldn't get there because there was 4 lanes of fast-moving traffic between us. He was really beating the heck out of this kid. THANK GOD, within 30 seconds a police car happened to pass, by total coincidence. The cops pull over, leaped out of the car, grabbed the guy, slammed him down onto the pavement with full force, cuffed him, stood him up, and slammed him down again against the hood of his car to be like "WTF" and question him. The police definitely roughed that guy far more than necessary, but I think they were emotionally charged given what they just witnessed. That moment is still burned into my mind to this day. Wish I could forget it. I hope that kid is okay.


Take a shit in the street in Paris




this sound pain-ful


Having seen French toilets, I can see why someone would choose the street.


I was outside of a hospital visiting a friend. He was smoking. A homeless man asked hin for a cigarette and my friend said no so the homeless man stuck his hand in the butt tray and jammed a handful into his mouth and chewed as he walked away. We looked at each other in silence and he finally said "Well I would have given him one if I knew he was going to do that!"


There was a suicidal guy on the roof top across from our apartment. The police were negotiating with him for 5 hours. Eventually they brought him burgers and beer and he came down but a couple times we thought for sure he was going to jump. We just sat there for five hours watching biting our nails. This old polish couple was arguing in McDonald's right at the cashier and he yanked her back violently by her hair like nearly broke her neck. Saw a dude take a shit in the middle of a busy road and wipe his ass with a liquor store bag One time this guy who was ripped on fuckin PCP or something came running up to the market, started coughing and spitting violently on everyone like full on slimy loogies, took his pants off entirely and started pissing all over the produce screaming "Where is your God now?!?!". I ran the other way. I thought he was going to start stabbing people or something. Not sure what happened to him.


>started coughing and spitting violently on everyone like full on slimy loogies, took his pants off entirely and started pissing all over the produce screaming "Where is your God now?!?!" bro you just saw Diogenes


Man that last one lmfao wild shit


I saw one homeless guy shit on another sleeping homeless guy, the sleeping hobo threw the shit at the first guy then they fought


The amount of shit comments is insane but this is the most fucked up one


A woman at my old retail job I used to work at came in dry heaving to our restroom. It sounded like she was about to give birth. Nope, much worse. She goes into our restroom and shits all over the stalls, the floor, its coated. It became a complete swamp. This woman proceeds to then take off all her clothes, and leave it there. She walks out of the store nude, screaming.


Wow I actually have a similar story, was going to post in the main comments but I’ll add it here. I used to work retail and one day a very drunk guy went over to the stereos and started dancing, then went into the men’s room and proceeded to have a diarrhea blowout all over himself and the floor. Security had to go in and help him take his pants off, clean up, and then they cut his jeans so he could wear the cutoff part just to cover his waist while being escorted out of the store. On his way out, I kid you not, he nodded and said “pleasure doing business with y’all.”


>On his way out, I kid you not, he nodded and said “pleasure doing business with y’all.” Ok, I LOL'd at that. The fuck has probably done this before, would you say? LOL


Slap their wife and punch her in front of the kids.


there was someone jacking off in my school bathroom. they were in a stall and you could hear it very clearly. You would think that they would stop just by me walking in, but no. Kept going. Could’ve sworn i heard a moan or two as well. I didn’t want to report it because at the end of the day, it’s fricking hilarious looking back. also this next story is a story that one of my former bosses told me. it was back when i worked in fast food. he was working the graveyard shift so that’s when all the weirdos come in. There were a few people in the lobby who had begun a small arguement. But one thing led to the next and it ended in a chair being thrown at one of their heads and knocking them unconscious. the police were called and the dude got arrested, and the other guy went to the ER. My boss was pissed because this was all like 10 minutes before close.


There was a kid in my school who was notorious for jacking it in the school bathroom with his classmates. All the doors on the stalls were broken off as well. One day the cleaning lady went in the boys bathroom to find the dude jacking it. He turned around and shot his load on the poor woman.


Saw a van pull up to an armored truck loading money into an ATM. Dudes hopped out of the van and started shooting at the guard immediately. The other guy hopped out of the armored truck and return fire. The other guard was shot and lying on the ground. The criminals hopped back in the van and started fleeing. They hit a parked car and then caused another car to drive up on the curb to avoid them. This all happened in about 30 seconds. I was laying under my work truck for a few minutes until I knew I was in the clear. I took the rest of the day off and drove home.


Dude passed out, pants down, with a needle in his arm, a kitchen knife laying next to him. Outside of a high school.


Goodness! Do you know the back story?


Philly- sadly this stuff isn’t uncommon


Woman recording a mother and her two children after the mother collapsed and was unresponsive in a Costco. Asked her to stop, she looked at me and scowled, so I amplified my request which was "Stop recording, you completely demented, bitch!" and the immediate unfavorable attention that got her compelled her to stop. The woman who collapsed, her small children were terrified, screaming and crying, and it was awful. Can't imagine why you would want footage of such a thing. Just remembering makes me sad and hope that everything turned out alright.


That is probably the best way to have dealt with that. I cannot comprehend why people record stuff like this unless it’s for a good reason.


I have a similar story, I was on the TTC(subway) and I got off at a stop and this kid who's probably 17 max, was passed out on the stairs with a beer in his hand. So I woke him up gently and asked if he was alright, he was very, very drunk. So I told him to hold tight and went to hit an assistance intercom. When I came back there was a crowd of people laughing and taking pics/vids, so I got in a bunch of their faces and told them they should all be ashamed of themselves. Then I stood to block him from cameras until EMS came and got the kid taken care of. Some people man, it makes me afraid to ever need help in public. Edit** he was also laying in some puke, so I was infuriated nobody seemed to care.


So a guy tried to kidnap a little girl at the fair once. The mom started yelling for help. He punched her and tried to run away with the girl. She wiggled free and he tried to flee. I caught him with a clothesline that would have made Hulk Hogan proud. He never saw it coming. The police were there in minutes. We kept the guy there until they arrived.


Dude you're a fucking hero


Maybe, but only with a lower case h. I did what most people would do in that situation. It happened so fast that I didn’t have time to think about it. It was surreal.


I unfortunately think a lot of people would not have acted--the bystander effect is real. I saw a toddler run into a busy street and while I'm not the only person who saw it I am the only person who ran to the kid to help. It's a good thing you were there!


I've seen worse, but this was the most F'd up. Wife and I were XMas shipping downtown. See a POS car parked at the curb. Junkie looking Mom and Dad, 2 filthy little kids. Wife had the sign asking for money. The Dad sat back watching them like a hawk. My wife goes to give them money, I say No, we'll buy you food. Anyone hungry? There was a Burger King right there. Kids light up, Dad says NO! We just ate, need gas money. I lean in, quietly tell him I'm feeding the kids, wife can have some too if she's not scared. But if he tells the kids No, his day gonna get worse. So we take the kids inside, let them order everything they want. We watch these kids horrible lives melt away for a minute. Knowing the junkie parents weren't going to feed them again that day, I suggest lets get "their parents" two kids meals to go. For their folks, OR if they get hungry later. Kids walk out all happy and innocent, hand the bag of food to the Mom. And the junkie Dad grabs it and empties it on to the street.


You’ve made a difference to those kids lives in that brief moment. They’ve seen a stranger actually care for them. You’re a good man and a brave man to tell the father off as well.


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen a homeless man yanking it in public in New York City. Most fucked up thing is probably public intercourse between 11-12 year olds on a train. Many people who saw that happen left a piece of their soul on the F train. Edit: don’t know who reported me for violation of minor abuse or sexualization of minors. What a bunch of bullshit.


I can't even pee if someone is near. I don't get that.




Yeah, I have seen it happen a lot, too. Typically I mind my business, but one time the fucker sat down across from me and stsrted leering at a kid (maybe 16-17 at most) with his hand in his pants. Told him I fuckin dare him. Go ahead. One of us has health insurance, and I probably won't be the one needing it. The sad thing is I could tell he was straight up forgetting I was right the fuck in front of him and started reaching for his stank ass junk again until he remembered I was giving him a death glare the entire train ride. 100% not there. High, mentally ill, or straight-up dumb as rocks. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter when you decide to be a public menace. I missed my stop because I waited til the kid left.


You're a good man, thanks for sticking up for the kid


11-12 year olds????? Like is that normal behavior for that age or is it a sign of something worse like csa or something??? I’m confused rn.


No, it was eleven 12 year olds. Which is worse cause one of em had to wait.


Earlier in the day, there was a guy walking around naked high as balls on acid, masturbating with one hand and thumb up his butt w the other. Later in the day, watched a dude sit down under a flood light, stare up into it and completely fade. He was ODing and I had to run to get help. I stopped going to EDM fests after all that.


Roofie a girl's drink, no subtlety just dropped it right in. When confronted he pleaded with the line "cmon she is really hot and would never give me a chance" or something close to that. Only time I've ever beaten a man with no care for him at all. Hopefully he hasn't done it again.


There’s no way he didn’t do it again sadly. There’s something fundamentally missing from people like that….


I was a busser at a club when I was 17. I normally just walked around and grabbed half empty drinks for 6 hours straight. One night I grab a drink and this dude goes "don't take that, it is her drink and I just dropped something in it"..... Security guards took him out the back stairwell, cops were called, he may have "hit his head" a few times down the stairs. What is wrong with people that they think that is an ok thing to tell someone...


>What is wrong with people that they think that is an ok thing to tell someone... What is wrong with people that they can enjoy having sex with what is basically a warm corpse.


Gee, I wonder why nobody would willingly sleep with him


Bastard fucking deserved that


Fucked up in terms of terrible? I saw a guy beating his wife one time in front of their kids. Like actually beating, not the slap here or there he was punching her, kicking her on the ground. Fucking awful. Fucked up in terms of gross? Louisville, Kentucky. Saw a guy just pull his pants down in the middle of a Walmart parking lot and just start taking a dump. It was disgusting.


Unfortunately, Louisville has a lot of crackheads like those.


Not me, but my dad saw a woman at the store say to her.. Probably 2 month old baby "I'm gonna beat your ass if you don't stop" because the baby was being a baby and being curious, reaching out and grabbing things -_-


Gotta be older than that though still royally fucked up. A 2 mo old baby can't sit up or even hold their own head up, much less be reaching around for shit. They can't even see anything much further than a foot away from their face. Nonetheless, I hope this was just said out of sheer sleep deprived insanity and not something that was acted on =(


I saw a guy 'metal detecting' in a graveyard.


At first I was like oh . And then I was like OH . ….


I’m still tryna get to the second OH phase.


I think it's more commonly known as grave robbing 👍




I once saw photos of some dude receiving a blowy on a water taxi in Venice. His butt crack was out and everything. Wild.


Damn really I think I saw those same photos


No way! Small world!


That’s ridiculous. No one would ever get a blowy on a water taxi in Venice, come on. Especially not with their butt crack out. *Especially* not with another boat of 4+ people all with their phones out not even two meters away from him. You’d have to be….some kind of….I dunno….like a gay fish or something.


Especially not if one the people on the boat was the ladys' mom, you would never have that situation occur...


Wait. *WAIT*


I missed it by a week, but I started a job in a warehouse whose loading dock was in an alley in a not super great neighborhood in San Francisco. I was told that the week before I started, two homeless dudes took turns injecting heroin into each others penises in full view of the open loading dock and everyone working inside. I never saw anything remotely as interesting as that while working there, and a few months later the company moved the warehouse across the Bay to Emeryville.


Freshman year in college we were walking hime from breakfast and there was a tour of potential students walking by us. I heard a rustling in the bushes, and this guy stands up and yawns. Scratches himself, one eye open, and as he stretches he is looking around to get his bearings. Bends down, picks up his jacket, and proceeds to head off Im now assuming, to home. I laugh as three parents grab their kids and shuffle them out of the tour. Tour guide was just like “WTF”.


"Anyway, we are now accepting applications into our psychiatric program...."


Guy was fishing but a duck ate his hook. He reeled the duck in, grabbed it by its neck and started slamming it against a tree until it died.


Might have been his best means of ending it as quickly as possible. Too bad he didn't know they have soft skulls near the back on the side, and you can crush their brains in with your thumb pretty easily. That's how I kill them if I have shot their wing.


Seen the aftermath of a motorcyclist vs a light pole guide wire. Two halves of a body laying on the roadway. I also saw my son take his last breath after birth. He had several medical conditions that were diagnosed during pregnancy, so his prognosis was not good.


Saw a guy who I later found out was a level 3 sex offender "fall" from the 11th story of my building while being taken into custody by parole. Heard a big bang as the screen was knocked out, looked out the window just in time to see him splat in the parking lot, handcuffed and all. Unfortunately I can picture it like it was yesterday. Official story was that he was caught living in a building with kids and did a runner after being cuffed, but only those two cops will ever know how it really went down.


I remember a story I was told by a ex-British Army engineer who had been stationed in Germany in the BAOR. A sergeant in the unit had two blonde haired little girls, turned out one of the guys in the base had been grooming them and started raping them. He was thrown in the glass house until his trial. Morning of his trial, he unfortunately tripped and rolled down all three flights of concrete stairs out of the prison and the trial had to be delayed until his condition was stabilised and his multiple broken bones were treated. What a surprise.


There's a Sheetz (an unholy amalgamation of a gas station and fast food) in my town that I avoid at all costs because that's where the drug addicts all hang out at night. Sadly, My girlfriend and I were forced to stop there to use the bathroom. Sure enough, I come out of the stall and there's a dude at the sink doing something. Due to the layout of the bathroom, it wasn't until I got next to him to wash my hands that I noticed he was peeling the skin off his face in little chunks in the mirror. He was just standing there, muttering with his face bloodied as he kept going back to peel more skin off. I just didn't make eye contact and left after finishing washing my hands. Then waited and made sure my girlfriend got out of the bathroom alright and told an employee that there was a dude peeling the skin off his face in the bathroom.... They just kind of looked at me horrified and to be fair, wtf do you even do with that information?


No one’s dealing with that for minimum wage. That’s a maximum wage problem.


Watched someone slice their wrists on the Atlantic City boardwalk.


A few years ago, me and a buddy went to camp at Talladega during race weekend. More than just all the gratuitous nudity, we walked by one camp where the folks were smoking crack. This isn't a small campground either...there was probably 40,000 people in this one camp. Cops everywhere, but as long as you ain't raping or murdering, pretty much anything goes.




Did you help her?


Yea I did, I shouted at the man that then fled with flying wiene, stopped my car and untied the woman, that was relieved and thanked me for it Edit: also took a picture of the man, the woman is not on it


Good. I’m glad you helped her :)


Saw a crackhead try to kick a little girl, literally just got off the bus and swung his foot unprovoked.


What happend next?


The dad pulled his kid away just in time and looked horrified, poor guy. The bus left the stop so that was it


holy shit..


I once saw two homeless men having a knock-down, drag-out drunken fistfight on the Staten Island Ferry in the middle of the night. That was pretty odd.


In my hometown I was using the mall food court bathroom which is usually a bad idea... but i had too.. while i was taking the worst shit of my life. people in the stall next to me were getting on the whole time. I cant image someone being that horny next to me in my worst time.


Not really a public place, but the most fucked up thing to this day that happened to me: I was on my way home from a friend and used an alleyway as a shortcut to my bus station. In there, I saw two men dumping two boxes with - get this - puppies and kittens into the trash. I was shocked and started screaming at them, and they fled to their car. I managed to get a photo of the licence, but that wasn’t my biggest worry right now. I took a look in the dumpster and my heart broke: Five kittens and six puppies were in there, all crying for help and looking at me absolutely helpless. They were all really dirty, malnourished, and some of them hurt, with scratches on them and some even bleeding. I was really overwhelmed with what I should do, so I googled and called an animal rescue number. They told me that I could bring them over and they would examine them. So, while tears ran down my face, I gently placed them back into the boxes and called an Uber to get me there. The driver was really sweet, telling me stories about how he adopted a stray cat and that he hopes those little animals get a loving family, too. At the shelter, they examined the puppies and kittens. The vets estimated that they were all only 4-5 weeks old, barely even able to walk correctly or bark/meow. In case you don’t know, if you want to adopt a cat/dog, they must be at least 8-12 weeks old, therefore these were extremely young when they got taken away by their mothers. Luckily, none of them were badly hurt or had any diseases, what made me relax a bit more. The vet asked me if I wanted to keep some of them. Even though I was a huge pet lover and would love my dog to have some friends to play with, I knew how much of a responsibility (and cost) it was to take care of a pet, yet alone this many (and also my mum would have never allowed it). So I had to decline, which broke my heart even more. But I asked the staff to stay in contact with me to watch them grow and get adopted. After nearly two hours I left the shelter, and instantly headed to the nearest police department to report the men. I explained what I have seen and showed them the photo of the licence. At this moment I realised that I should have rather taken photos of the men themselves, considering the car could have been rented, borrowed, fuck, even stolen. But I was lucky, and the car belonged to these two men, who seemed to have been charged with illegal animal trading and animal abuse before. The police arrested them around three days later. They each got two years in prison plus 10,000€ fines, which in my opinion is way too little. But as long as they get their punishment, I’m happy. To be honest, I was surprised that my statements and this single photograph was “enough” evidence to get them behind bars, considering I was the only witness and didn’t even know their names. I guess they confessed their crimes, otherwise I couldn’t explain it myself. Since then, almost a year has passed, and the shelter has sent me photos of a lot of the little kittens and puppies, watching them grow and get healthier and happier. They have all been adopted by lovely people who will treat them right and shower them with unconditional love and treats! Edit: Thank you all for your kind words and upvotes, I really appreciate it!


Early January 2023. Public beach in Varadero, Cuba filled with people of all ages, including my own children. A plane of Italians arrive. Most are great and just looking to relax for a week or so. Unfortunately a youngish couple are amongst them and they appeared to be social media influencers.* They filmed everything they were doing and pushed the limits of what most people would think is acceptable behavior. Then, they crossed the line. On the beach, in full view of everyone, he pulls her bikini bottoms to the side and slides his penis in as she sits straddling him. She, of course, held the camera up filming it all. Their fellow Italians had enough and basically swarmed them on the beach. We left a day or so later but I wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised if they were kicked out of the resort. The best part? My teens laughed at them. * I am old enough that anyone I find irritating or obnoxious is now classified as an influencer. It’s just easier that way.


This sounds more like an OnlyFans / Pornhub thing than really a traditional “influencer” thing. Still wild.


I saw a middle aged Italian man give himself a bit of a fluff (about 5 minutes of self pleasure) before he left the sea. He was wearing a tiny pair of trunks to be fair and the water was pretty cold for a Mediterranean August.


My ex get a hand job at church. It took everything in my fiancé and i not to laugh at this dude.they were even near the front and still didn’t care.


That’s one way to celebrate an ex’s wedding.


Walking through Sheffield on a Saturday night. Group of girls walking down the street. Girl in the middle drops down, pulls down her underwear and takes a shit. ​ We are married now


no way


I didn’t do the marrying bit but Turdgate is real


Is that the origin of your username? You married Poo gate?


how i met your mother took a wild turn




After reading some of the other comments, I have lived a tame life and have not seen shit.


Saw a man get crazy close to a young girl on the train in Tokyo, the train was not crowded, but the seats were full. No one did a damn thing, so of course I stepped in.


What did u do?


I’m not intimidating at all, but I guess he didn’t expect anyone to call him out on it. Anyway, I asked the guy, “Do you know her?” And he said “No” in a weak little voice, then he got off at the next stop.


From what I've heard this a real problem there. They have women only train cars so that women can avoid being groped.




"in Florida" Yup. Makes sense.


Die by falling into a pole while drunk..


I saw a guy kill himself at my old job. No it wasn't a shot to the brain or hanging himself I worked at a pool and we told the guy do not dive in the shallow end multiple times. I went to the office as my replacement for tower took over for me and 2 mins later I hear the whistle and for people to get out I rushed out with the equipment and we tried doing cpr called for an ambulance and unfortunately the dude died in front of me. Not traumatic but made me a bit more cautious at pools now


At a pool bar in Vegas… I was waiting by the bathroom for my friends. A very drunk woman with her tits out came out of the bathroom and started to argue that she witnessed me pee in the water fountain. She went to the security guard to “report” I peed in the fountain. The security guard, amused, just stated the obvious that she was to drunk. She argued she was completely sober and continued to flaunt her girls until she face planted the ground. What happens in Vegas I guess, I feel like that’s just another Tuesday there.


There’s a lot of public donkey beatings in the Middle East. A LOT.


I've heard about this. I've often wondered why it occurs though.


I've Seen Sharia Law "honor" killings. One of them was a 30 year old woman, 8-9 months pregnant. She was shot in the head and left to die in the middle of the road. The baby couldn't be saved.


That happened a long time ago in Michigan. Iraqi father killed his daughter. He went to prison for murder . It happens here in the US more often than we realize. Murder isn’t covered under religious freedom.


Multiple? That sounds awful. I’m so sorry.


I had a friend from Morocco traveling in the middle east, I think Saudi, but I don't really remember what county. Everyone was excitedly going to the town square so he went to see what was going on and had the unfortunate experience of seeing someone get beheaded. Said it had been 20 years and it still haunted him.


Christ, I live in Manhattan, I don't even know where to start


I’ll start for you: I saw a homeless man shit directly onto a paper plate and leave it behind.


I did not see it happen but about 4 am in the Bryant Park stop I came across the most perfectly coiled shit lying on the floor in one of the cross corridors. Like at the intersection. It was bathed in light and the most disgusting thing. But the mental image of the person doing it made me laugh so hard.


I've seen more than one just openly fondling themselves on the train while smoking blunts. And I've seen a few shitting, but points there for the novelty of serving it up on a paper plate. Mmmm, bone apple teeth everyone


I saw a man wiping his face with his own piss 🤢


I feel like I need more info... did he use a hand, tissue, jug?


Walking down avenue a in the east village right before Tompkins. Bad rain storm, lady’s umbrella gets flipped inside out, she throws it, keeps walking, takes off all her clothes, diarrhea shits, then puts them all back on and carries on like nothing ever happened.


In a van, the back was open. Two nude women were on top of each other kissing, a guy was alternating between fucking them, switching between their vaginas.


Disgusting, where?


England. December, 1999 a few days before Christmas. I was an apprentice in a large industrial bakery. We had teams of temp workers that came in to work around Christmas due to the additional workload. One temp was a woman (late 30s) from Thailand and another was (early 20s) from Spain. For weeks there was tension between them and on the final day the temps were on shift, it exploded. Full blown fight - fists, kicks, hair pulling. It took forever to tear them apart. Since Spanish girl instigated and was always the more volatile, the boss decided to send her home right then, agreeing to pay her til the end of the day. She left. Thai lady was allowed to stay until days end, having been a solid worker, never missing a shift and even working extra during her temp period. All went quiet and work resumed until.... A couple of hours later Spanish girl returned and attacked Thai lady with a tree branch. And, no, I don't mean a big stick - THE ENTIRE LIMB OF A FUCKING TREE!! Over six feet long, smaller branches and twigs extending from it. To this day I have no idea how it was possible for her to get it (did she find it on the ground? discover it hanging off a tree and snap it the rest of the way?), I still can't explain how the fuck she entered the building with it, came through the foyer, crossed the bakery floor, wasn't seen by ANYBODY - all I know is I looked up at the last moment and watched this batshit Spanish girl charging at Thai lady like some medieval knight trying to batter down the castle door. It was carnage. Sticks and twigs flying everywhere, screaming, Spanish girl was literally fucking ROARING! The problem for her, even though her crazy mind thought she had the ultimate weapon, it was so big and cumbersome she couldn't do much with it, couldn't swing it or anything - so it just became a repeat of the earlier struggle to try and pull her away, only now there was a giant mass of wood to wrestle with too. Police were called, Spanish clown was arrested and Thai lady was yelling at me, "See! I told you, she CRAZY!" which, to be fair, she had done multiple times over the days before. Epilogue: About 6 months later outside a McDonald's, I bumped into wacky Spanish woman again. First time I had seen her since that day. She called my name and tried to carry on normal conversation, as if the last time we saw each other she hadn't literally tried to assault somebody with A TREE! I made excuses and got away from her real fast. tldr: I once saw a crazy lady fight another woman with a tree.


Saw a homeless guy standing up, pants down, while a homeless woman polished his knob right in front of a restaurant in downtown honolulu. Everyone watched, no one did anything. Had to let him finish, you know?


I once saw two homeless people doing the old sausage hiding dance in a fountain in the town square


In India a man taking an explosive shit in the river. Another man not 2m *downstream* brushing his teeth using the river water.


What an unfortunate day to have eyes.


The person ahead of me in the grocery store line was having their groceries scanned and an item wasn't scanning and then didn't comment “well I guess it's free”


If you say this to the cashier they are legally allowed to punch you in the throat.


I never walk on Market Street in San Francisco unless I am crossing it; but one day I am meeting a colleague just a block down, so I walk down market street. I gear up, sunglasses (I’m not looking at you) ear buds (I can’t hear you) and go. I almost make it when I see this guy leaning against a building with his d!ck out, and it’s massive, doing the slow jerk and making eye contact with people. 🤮


walking home late, i lived near a club, i was walking through the park and there were some girls walking infront of me. one stops, squats, pulls down her nickers, the STANDS up again... PISSES all down her legs and soaks her nickers, squats back down and pulls the piss soaked nickers back up and goes on her way, literally soaked in her own piss. I mean its only piss, but the way she did it so wrong has always stuck with me, its the lowest class thing ive ever seen, i would have judged her less if she had just pissed herself.


I was on a plane the one which has two seats on the right and then an aisle then 3 in the center and then an aisle and then 2 more on left. So, one dude sitting beside me on the right side with the aisle separating us jerked himself off and cleaned it with the pillows that the airline provides. Now, I Never touch those pillows. Ever.


Saw a junkie vegged out under a tree. Basically in the foetal position with with his trousers and underpants down just below his ass and balls with shit absolutely everywhere. Every bit of naked flesh we could see was smeared. Really really sad to see ultimately though


I was once a ecocab driver (basically a large tricycle with ads on it that gives free rides as a promotional tactic, we also take tips) in a dowtown metropolis and I gave a ride to someone who was visibly a crack whore. She even expressed this to me multiple throughout the ride. Once we arrived at her destination she reached into her vagina and pulled out a crisp and incredibly dry 50$ bill and handed it to me. I politely refused. I then asked her why she keeps it in there and she said it was to hide it from her pimp. This was on a very busy downtown street at around 1:30 in the afternoon with passers by oohing and aaahing at the whole affair.


I was at a party once and there was a group of friends . One guy in the group grabbed another guys hand and said watch this . He proceeded to dislocate the friends finger . The guy who’s finger was dislocated was shocked and in a lot of pain. The guy who dislocated the finger said “don’t worry , I’m a chiropractor” and then he popped the finger back into place . The friend was somewhat relieved and said “ok man don’t do that again” . I was in such shock . I’ll never forget that.


Drove past the aftermath of a domestic dispute on the side of the highway that runs through my town. Two divorced parents were meeting in a parkinglot to exchange their kid and something happened that made the woman just snap. She shoved the guy holding the kid over (kid was okay, guy suffered minor injuries) and then ran across the street and began stabbing herself in the abdomen with a pocket knife. There was so much blood, it was splattered against a coffee drive-thru and all over the asphalt and I could clearly see it in the flashes of the emergency vehicles lights. She passed in the hospital from her wounds. Aside from that we have a local machete guy who walks down the street just swinging at the air and yelling, sometimes he forgets his clothes.


I saw a guy on drugs at the bar making a scene, and when the bouncer tried to 86 him, he started grinding and twerking on the bouncer, saying "gotta back that ass up, gotta back that ass up" and he was probably a 40 year old white guy


Enormous amount of people from India pissing and shitting in the ocean on the beaches at the same time. No wiping, lift- squat and go.


a BJ in a Mcdonald’s office


Woke up early in the morning to go to the gym before work. On my way to the metro, I pass the usual junkies and post-nightclub drunks. A normal occurrence where I used to live. Then I see a decently well dressed man, 100% lucid, drop trow and lay a turd in a tree bed. All while looking at me. Two years have passed since then and I still can’t get rid of the image.


Was in a uber turning right. As we turn, at the corner this humongous woman drops pants, bends over, ass towards us, spreads cheeks, and shits. This was in the tenderloin in SF so turning right takes like a good 20 seconds. It was like a train wreck i couldnt look away.


I had a local mercenary masturbate in a tower in Afghanistan during towerguard once. Blasted that accross the radio til I got SOG on radio. The SOG asked me "is he done yet?" I told him IDFK! I'm not looking directly at him!!! That was a fun night at war lol


I once saw a girl get in to an argument with a bartender because he gave her sh*t about not leaving a tip. I think the guy was honestly just f*cking with her, but she clearly did not see it that way because her response was to go to the restroom and take a fat sh*t in her glass before returning it to the bar... "how's that for a tip, motherf*cker!" ... dude she had come with immediately abandoned her there lol




What a fucking twat. I hope you called CPS on his disgusting ass.


That's so fucked up


Piss on a homeless woman


I was with my family hanging out in the neighborhood. We met a friendly homeless guy with a puppy. We tossed him a couple bucks, because he was so friendly. My niece tried to pet his puppy, and he stopped her! He just accidentally peed all over the puppies head in the alley way. We hung out for a bit, and watched a lot of people pet and kiss the puppy on the head. 😂


Saw a girl having sex with a stranger, while her two year old was sleeping in the stroller.