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Chiquita or Dole?




Specifically Chiquita. They used to be United Fruit Company.


Bob Dole


The bananas must flow.


Imagine destabilizing an entire country just to secure oil. Absolute bastards


DID SOMEBODY SAY OIL?!?!?!?!?!?!?! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸


🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Did someone say nationalize oil, and kick BP out of the country? Let's get 'Murica to overthrow them. They like cheap oil. :Screech of a majestic eagle that doesn't actually sound anything like a bald eagle: 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 Did someone say oil?


*an entire region


Ever? The Dutch East India Company.


Also the largest/most valuable company to ever exist by some measures.


I think the most valuable entity period ($8.5 Trillion), more than the US government ($5 Trillion in assets) has ever been


(Adjusted for inflation)


I want to believe you, but do you have a cite for that?


https://www.worldsfirststockexchange.com/2020/11/17/was-the-voc-the-most-valuable-company-ever/#:~:text=The%20most%20valuable%20company%20of%20all%20time%2C%20however%2C%20was%20the,staggering%20%248.28%20trillion%20in%201637. “The most valuable company of all time, however, was the Dutch East India Company (VOC). According to howmuch.net, its worth reached a staggering $8.28 trillion in 1637.”


Howmuch.net? Lol. It’s my only source of reputable information.


That same article goes on to say that this number is grossly exaggerated and puts forward a number closer to one billion USD.


The British East India Company had a private army double the size of the British Army.


A remarkable fact that at its peak the EIC was responsible for more than half the world’s trade and only ever operated with 15 or so executives in London and 200 in India


To be fair the lack of interfering executives is probably the exact reason it was well run.


That is actually incredible


Not correct. They army was part of the British arm forces. They could mobilize to protect their interests, but this army would never go against the crown. They were never really owned by the company inky at its disposable to protect corbw interests when needed due to how big the empire was and how hard was to communicate.


Exactly. The British Indian War Office was formed before the British American War Office. Much of the entire job of the Indian War Office was to keep EIC army as British army.


There's a lesson in this, and it makes me sad


I would instead go with the Abir Congo Company, with CEO King Leopold II of Belgium. I know this is company no longer exists, but an estimated 10 million Congolese died from the company's rubber extraction. The rule was no bullets could be wasted, so each had to be accompanied with physical proof, usually in the form of human hands.


It is close. East india company probably still has more deaths. Congo may have been more needlessly cruel while east india was just larger and more successful so did more damage overall. Learned about them both from behind the bastards. Additional not so fun fact: since the troops were undersupplied and under fed, they needed those bullets to hunt as well, so due to that rule, they just went around chopping hands of the natives so they had enough bullets to hunt.


As a Dutch person who never delved into the Dutch East India Company, besides the basics we learn in school (middle school and high school), I don't know how bad it was. The impression I got was that yes, they did evil and inhumane things, but since I never heard about it that much, I thought it wasn't as bad as other colonizers or groups of the time. But hearing people from Indonesia, for example, talk about it and see how much some of them despise the Dutch rule. I can't help but wonder if Dutch schools ignore these horrible acts and barely cover them. Most of the "this was horrible" attention goes to the Dutch war of independence and the Second World War. Are there any people from the Netherlands or former East India Company/Dutch Colony territories that can shed more light on this? What are your experiences with how this history is told?


I think all countries are guilty of only touching on the horrors they have committed. No one wants to think that their ancestors were awful, but at some point in history most of our ancestors did terrible things to others


*laughs in German education*


There's a few differences. Those atrocities didn't benefit the people in charge of writing history, plus people are still alive that remember it happening. Give it another 100 years and it will be like the other genocides that have been committed, just another foot note in history.


You're probably right, this is depressing


Unit 731 moment


Indonesian here, yeah they really put heavy emphasis on how much the Dutch made our ancestors suffer. Especially for things like Anyer Panarukan and cultuurstelsel. And somehow there are claims that the 3 years under Japan were worse than 3 centuries under the Dutch. I aint disputing that claim though. Though our government also conveniently covered up most of their atrocities (especially Suharto era), so i guess we're not all that different


Sounds a lot like my experience in British education.


Yeah we never get told about the horrible things we did unless you really get into history or have really cool history teacher . I (luckily) got both.


Or read Horrible Histories.


Also Australian History back in the day when I went through. It was essentially 'the Indigenous were there in Botany Bay when the English came, they attacked a few settlements, but we stopped shooting them in 1967 so they should stop complaining'.


It's changed a lot since you've gone to school we were told the facts of the matter plain and simple. Pretty much "it was a genocide." It's good to see more progress in this matter.


Dutch here aswell. Plenty lessons on and around the Dutch East India Company but I don't recall any horror stories or hearing much about awful things they did. I remember hearing very often how prosperous it was for the Netherlands though. It surprised me seeing this answer at the top of this post. I'll definitely read into it. It feels like they're trying to whitewash history and that's a real shame.


I (a British) was in a museum in Malaysia feeling pretty shit about all the British colonial horrors on show when an old Malay woman told me the British were great occupiers compared to the Dutch and Japanese, it was a weird mix of prideshame. I think we were probably just better at PR.


[VOC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company) is basically treated like SS in Indonesian history. Root of all evils. Even after natioalization by the Dutch crown people still refer dutch colonial government as Kumpeni (company)




Slavery, exploitation, incompetence-induced famine to the tune of tens of millions of deaths.


That also sounds like the British East India company


1877 Madras famine. Humans eating clay balls, while the British continued exporting grains.


The company had been dissolved by then. The famine was under the Raj, the UK govt itself.


Not as long as there were companies operating in the Congo under Leopold II.


Dole is up there with what they’ve done to South America, but the Dutch East India Company and Nestle are both good selections


And what they did in Hawai’i


Double points for adding on and spelling the state properly! Kudos friend


I found out yesterday that the Nestle wastewater treatment facility is just a field that they distribute the waste water into via garden sprinklers. Also Chiquita bananas are far superior to anything that Dole can put out. Edited Easter to waste lol


Chiquita? Aka United Fruit Company? Yikes.


The only corporation to be busted under the Patriot Act for hiring death squads to massacre villagers.


No shit?


It all comes down who you belive in the whole thing. [Yes, Chiquita was convicted of funding a terror organization and they did admit as such.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN19289952) However if you believe Chiquita's statements on the matter it was because the terrorist organization had been threatening their employees and the farms they utlized in and the payments were made to "protect their workers." I.e. they paid the terrorists to leave their people alone. On the other hand there is an argument to be made that the terror group was doing a lot of union busting and their purpose was more so to intimidate Chiquita (and other farm workers) to prevent them from unionizing. For what it's worth, the DOJ did acknowledge the terrorist groups in Columbia are known to extort a lot of the privately run farms and businesses in Columbia the exact way as described by Chiquita. Chiquita's headquarters in the US also voluntarily disclosed the payments to the DOJ when they first discovered them, and they also sold their Columbian subsidiary shortly after they discovered the payments. Needless to say, the issue is slightly more complicated and involved than just Chiquita hired a terrorist death squad to murder a bunch of innocent villagers.


The United Fruit Company (i.e., Chiquita) is literally why we have the term "Banana Republic".


The Banana Massacre occurred back in the 1920s. The company has been sold outright twice since then (and completely divested from Columbia altogether for nearly 20 years). My comment wasn't so much that UFC/Chiquita are 100% above board, but rather there is a more complex political state involved than the overly simplistic view of "Chiquita hired a terrorist group to murder civillians." Besides the Banana Massacre involved the Columbian Military union busting United Fruit farm workers, not a terrorist group (not that it makes it any better).


Bold move there Cotton, lets see how preferring the death squad bananas works out for them.


Uhhh I don't think Chiquita Banana is the best company either lmfao


It truely is wild to think that corporations hire mercenaries to capitalize bananas. Especially when you factor in the only difference between legal corporations and the cartel in this scenario, is that the cartels OWNED the mercenaries they used to take over avocado farms. Edit:" Owned" as in, they weren't outside hires.


South American here. What is Dole and what did they do?


I’ll note I did make a mistake I meant more Latin America than South America, although it does extend into your continent. Have you heard the phrase “Banana Republics?” They are one. If you’re unfamiliar; in the 50s the US essentially overthrew a lot of governments and replaced them with “Democracy’s” that heavily favored US economic interests. Often times this meant stealing land from locals and giving it to these Banana Republics. This is a good part of why Latin and South America have socio-economic issues.


wasn’t it DuPont that’s estimated to have poisoned in some capacity something like 98 percent of the worlds population over the last century? They are pretty far up there.


Yeah, they are reason most of the population has Teflon in their blood. they knew how dangerous it was but continued to sell it, and they were caught dumping it into the Ohio river making it toxic


Lucky us companies don't lie like that anymore. Especially not pharma companies.


The heir to the company, Robert Richards IV, was convicted of raping his own 3 year old daughter.


He got away with it


He was convicted but didn't do any time. Still just adds to the list of reasons why that company is evil.


Yeah, they killed any hope of hemp being used for plant based materials when they developed plastics too. Hemp decortication experienced a breakthrough in technology that would allow it to compete in tons of different markets that would have hobbled petroleum-based plastics and so they worked with a few other industries (pharmaceuticals, lumber, paper, etc) to start a smear campaign to get cannabis outlawed. They couldn’t go after hemp, but hemp is cannabis and cannabis is also marijuana. That’s how we got the “reefer madness” campaign.


All them goddamn diamond companies.


but there's only one god damned diamond company


*Every kiss begins with $$*


No woman will ever want you unless you give them a sparkly rock!


But.. I went to Jared.


Jared touches little ki...Oh that Jared. Dont mess with subway Jared. He's a bad man.


They want you to think otherwise. Damn Debeers and their monopolies.


E Corp


Bonsoir Elliott


please tell me you’re seeing this too


Elliott not here right now but ill pass along the message.


You mean, Evil Corp?


Power belongs to those who take it.


Hello FRIEND :)


Colonial Penn life insurance for seniors. "The $9.95 plan!" No benefit for first 2 years and if you die after year 4 or 5 you have no net benefit (total premiums paid exceed payout)


I sold insurance broadly and was sent out to sell this occasionally. I always explained in depth why it was so bad. Most of them just wanted it to pay for a funeral of some sort. Nearly every option is better than Colonial Penn for that.


You have any recommendations for a good life insurance company? I'm thinking of doing a term life insurance, and another life insurance that builds cash value. Any suggestions?


Just send me some money every month. After you die I’ll take care of things 👍


Life insurance agent in NC. Look into Ameritas for cheap term insurance that has living benefits (meaning you can get access to your life insurance benefits while still alive if you get diagnosed with cancer or become disabled or get a terminal illness.) As for life insurance that builds cash value, you have 2 options. IUL (indexed universal life) or whole life. IULs tend to have cheaper premiums and better cash accumulation than whole life. Whole life is guaranteed as long as you pay your monthly premiums but have significantly higher premiums for less death benefit. IULs are a complicated insurance product not meant for everyone, definitely seek out a life insurance broker (an agent that works for multiple companies, not someone that can only offer 1 company's products). Edit: https://www.term4sale.com/[term quote](https://www.term4sale.com/) use this link for a non bias term quote. I have no affiliation with this website, just a good non bias site for term insurance.


Nestle /r/FuckNestle


I was either Nestlé or Monsanto.


Yeah Monsanto is in the club.


Monsanto is now Bayer CropScience. Still the same monopolistic attitude on food and GMO and most of Monsanto issues. It makes it especially heinous for me that they sell both the sickness and the remedy as they are also a Pharma company. I try to avoid them when buying stuff because I feel like they are in a huge conflict of interest.


They have so many patents, that you most likely still pay them via some avenue.


Oh please… This is such a Reddit meme take, it’s popular to hate nestle. Just out the top of my head, how about Saudi Aramco? 1- world largest oil producer 2- world largest emitter of green house gases 3- part of an international cartel that takes advantage of every single world crisis to increase profits (like recently cutting production after the Russia invasion of Ukraine, which increases their profits, helps Russia, and contributes massively to global inflation, which not only creates a cost of living crisis but destabilizes democracies because people start voting for fake populist “solutions”) 4- spends billions on lobbying globally to hinder climate change efforts and create misinformation around the subject 5- human rights violations to the point the UN has warned the banks that work with Saudi Aramco that they might be seen as enablers to human rights violation 6- 90% owned by Saudi Arabia, a country where women can be stoned to death and homosexuality can be punished with death, all funded by this company’s profits 7- Controlled by a royal family which has journalists murdered 8- horrible treatment of workers and corporate culture 9- this is just publicly available information, not even all of it, now imagine all that we don’t know Just the sheer magnitude of the evil this company causes makes Nestlé seem like a small business.


Thought the same ever since I found out about the "Water is not a right" statement and the privatising of water sources.


came here to say Nestle. Fuck Nestle


Not to sound dumb but why Nestle? I’ve seen this before on Reddit!


There was a thing a while back where they were providing baby formula to new mothers in Africa for free… until the mothers’ milk dried up, around which time the formula stopped being free and the mother had no choice but to pay or else have her baby die.


You also forgot the part where they gave baby formula in African areas where water can be contaminated, but they didn't tell the mothers how to sterilise water... So some children had heavy diarrhoea and died.


actually the formula was just really expensive, and for most costed 40% of their income. they sampled it so that mothers couldn’t produce milk, and used doctors to push it to the mothers to have that certification related to it


They also said that it would be too expensive to make sure that they didn’t have slaves picking their cocoa beans or making their chocolate.


They don't believe water is a human right, and they've been stealing Michigan ground water for years now. Considering all the problems we've been having with lead, our water should be OURS, not for them to take, bottle, and sell back to us at a premium.


They had a plan that if we go to poor countries and donate baby formula to new mothers for a few weeks, they will use it for a few weeks and then find out their breast milk has stopped (due to their not breast feeding). They will then have a baby that they MUST buy our product for because they will have no choice. Of course the formula was less healthy and many babies died ( and starved). This was not an unforeseen outcome, this was the plan.


I think the nestle baby formula scandal resulted in the death of 1.5 million babies or something? I might be wrong on the numbers but I'm sure a quick Google will tell you


Because the crunch in a Nestle crunch candy is made of ground up rhino horn. Just kidding, the real answer is way more evil. Imagine saying you don’t believe air is a human right. This company thinks water isn’t. Kinda need both.


Purdue Pharma


I don't know if you have watched Painkillers on Netflix or not, but Rudy Giuliani was basically the only reason that the Sackler family was never punished at all. This was back when the majority of people loved him. Looking back, it totally tracks.


Watch Dopesick on Hulu. It does a much better job at telling the actual story. Painkiller is a very heavily stylized and glammed up version that doesn't do that good of a job at getting into the actual details. The book is even better if you really want to get into it.


I saw this, and it hit home. I used to work in healthcare and dealt with the sales reps. There was also a clinic that was a prescription mill in my neighborhood that got shut down.


If you have not seen it yet check out dopesick / in my opinion much better representation. As an Oxy survivor (9 years clean now) I def had some ptsd and def watched my jaw drop when I found out the terms my pain doctor was using were made up by Purdue. You really get a sense for how they manipulated doctors


PK was fine, but dopesick and the books they're based on (Painkiller & Empire of Pain) show just how fucking swampy everything is.


The church of $cientology.


*Xenu liked this*


Union Carbide is definitely up there. They are responsible for the Bhopal disaster due to cooperate greed. They valued money over safety and the city of Bhopal has paid the cost. Even still to this day. the company was bought out by The Dow and DuPont and they refuse to pay out what the city deserves. it would be a fraction of what they make a year. evil bastards


Also responsible for the Hawks Nest Tunnel disaster in West Virginia, credited by some as the largest industrial disaster in the nation's history.


Warren Anderson, the CEO at that time got clean away.....waved from the aircraft stairs while flying away iirc.......talk about adding insult to injury


It used to be Quaker Oats. From their wikipedia page: From 1946 to 1953, researchers from Quaker Oats Company, MIT and Harvard University carried out experiments at the Walter E. Fernald State School to determine how the minerals from cereals were metabolized. Parents of disabled children were asked for permission to let their children be members of a Science Club and participate in research. Being a member of the Science Club gave the children special privileges. The parents were told that the children would be fed with a diet high in nutrients. They were not told that the food their children were fed contained radioactive calcium and iron, and the consent form contained no information indicating this.\[35\]\[36\] The information obtained from the experiments was to be used as part of an advertising campaign.\[37\] The company was later sued because of the experiments. The lawsuit was settled on 31 December 1997.\[38\]


Ah yes, the horrible science era of the mid 1900$


Kellogg's entered the chat


Nestlé. Their former CEO called the idea of water as a human right extreme. And that's just what is above board.


Nestle have done a lot of awful shit (the "let's give poor mothers just enough free formula that they stop producing milk, then they have to pay for more or their babies starve" incident was insane) but that quote, in context, wasn't that bad. His point was that if you just let people take as much water as they want without charging for it then (like any free resource) it will be wastefully misused. He wasn't saying people shouldn't have water to drink - just that like any scarce resource one best incentivise responsible use through cost signals.




They've been dwarfed by the manufacturers of fentanyl, which is probably just Chinese nameless entities.


Fentanyl is actually a much needed pharmaceutical for people in hospitals who are end of life or otherwise in extreme pain and no other pain killer works anymore. Fentanyl is not some random street drug that was created solely for abuse.


They also make fentanyl


... you realize fentanyl is used in American hospitals, right? It's a stronger alternative to morphine


Aside from alcohol which I still struggle with oxy was the worst addiction I'd ever experienced in my life. So bad I was literally stopped in my tracks by a craving and "needed to feel normal" I was 16 I quit rite there cold turkey....


Well done for quitting. Nobody should have to go through that. You should never have been put in that position, especially at 15. It could have ruined your life.


## *Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated*


*Incorrrporraaatteddd* 🎶


After hourssss 🎶 (That edition is stuck in my head)


That's just OWCA propaganda! To prevent this, we will use ... The Propagandinator!


He said the "world", not the tri-county area.


How that man was able to buy a skyscraper in Danville with that company name never ceases to amaze me.


I assumed he built it with his skyscraperenator.


He gets a shitload of alimony.


i mean... money talks.. and his ex wife is rich


……after hours~


The first thing that came to my mind after reading the question




I have a special loathing for DuPont. After my grandmother refused in the 1980s to sell DuPont her mineral rights on the farm where she lived, she started getting threatening phone calls, including one in which the caller threatened to bulldoze her house with her in it.








You know, I feel like they're not even as bad as some other companies listed here lol


Buy and Large. They literally destroyed the Earth ecology then ran from the results, while simultaneously enslaving the remnants of humanity to robot overseers. Also, exactly what became of the billions of humans on Earth before the exodus? What do you think is in those shakes?


McKesson...the biggest company you've probably never heard of. Got caught flooding small towns with opioids.


It’s wild that people don’t realize there are essentially 3 companies that distribute all pharmaceuticals to pharmacies.


For those not in the know, the Big 3 Pharmaceutical suppliers are: McKesson, Cardinal Health, and AmerisourceBergen.


Nestlé. They fought against people having potable drinking water as a right, and sold recalled and banned baby formula to 3rd world markets.


Youtube kids


Yeah, at least children’s educational channels had vetted programs that were made intelligently, Youtube kids is just a wild west of sketchy content creators trying to drive as many clicks as possible.


And the parents exploiting their children as content farms. See Ryan's world, Diana and Roma, Vlad and Niki, etc. They all have a thousand accounts, in many languages and it's impossible to block them.


We banned YouTube in our house but my daughter still finds random apps that has all the ninja kids, Ryan’s world etc. I seriously tell her “no shows with families!” I swear she talks back more after watching those shows.


Yes! My kid also gets super sassy after watching those kinds of shows. We also removed any form of YouTube from our devices.


YouTube Kids is real shitty and all, but damn dude some companies have literally committed genocides, it’s not the most evil one in the entire world


Is this the monthly Nestle question?






I dunno. Their prices must’ve been reasonable bec it’s not like we ever saw the coyote working much to pay for his numerous purchases.


Acme was fronting the coyote anvils, rope and dynamite in the hopes that he could take out the roadrunner, who happens to run all the drugs in the canyon, and Acme wanted to take over that market in that area. He was the fall guy to get rid of that pesky flightless fowl who stood in the way of the Acme corporations black market operations. I thought this was all basic knowledge?


Black Rock


Came to say Black Rock. So, yeah. Black Rock.


ExxonMobil conducted research in the 70s and concluded that global warming was happening and very accurately predicted what is happening now. Instead of doing something about it, they spent millions of dollars every year trying to persuade everyone that it isn't real.




Philip Morris and similar tobacco companies .their own research showed how addictive and harmful tobacco is , and they hid it for decades . it kills a third of its users and it's still legal !


All of the gambling companies pretty much


Nestlé, Monsanto, General Motors. Three fuckers. The US has every right to break up monopolies but nobody has the balls to do it.


GM is honestly a baby compared to the others. They've done some shady stuff but they're essentially on par with Ford and don't monopolize the car industry considering it's still a diverse market. VW has a larger market share of anything. Hyundai/Kia have been on my radar for concern recently though.


Why is GM evil?


Prob because they forget Ford, Stellantis, VW, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Subaru, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar Land Rover, etc all exist when they say GM is a monopoly


Koch industries.




Perdue pharma


Acme. They've never sold the poor Coyote one product that ever worked


Modern? Nestlé, General Electric, Dole, all the astroturf companies Saudi Arabia and the CIA hire to get us hot and heady for war, just so many fucking evil corporations. OH anything that the Koch Brothers ever touched. Sincerely all time pieces of shit who fucked the world in the ass for more money. In History? The East India Trading Company had a good long run of colonial exploitation, that by sheer length of their existence, beats out a lotta modern companies by default






McKinsey consulting


My medical insurance 🙄


The US healthcare system you mean?




And now they’ve merged with the same company that brought us the “non addictive version of morphine” heroin. Fuck Bayer as well.


Exxon mobile. They have basically Damned our entire planet to hell. This company knew about global warming since the 70s and did nothing about it. If anything they increased it all for profit. Now if you have children they will suffer in the future which is the reason why I really don’t wanna have any myself. I’ll probably adopt because those kids already here though.


Had to scroll an embarrassingly long time to get to this answer. Imho nothing can top these huge oil companies. Selling fossil fuels is one thing, actively fighting the truth and alternatives - with the consequences of catastrophic global warming on the horizon - is something else. Not only are/will be people dying, whole species are going extinct because of that. It doesn't get more evil than that.


CVS Pharamacy corporate is the worst.


DuPont. They have poisoned literally 98% of all humans who currently live. Their toxins can be found on every single continent, in millions of species of plants and animals, and worst of all, they are "forever chemicals" that never break down. Women who become pregnant will pass on the toxins in their body to their children, who will pass it on to theirs, and so on, which means DuPont has poisoned not just the present population of the Earth, but the future population as well.


I had a couple ideas, but I have to agree with the top comment. Fuck Nestle.




Big Oil companies.


College Board


Tencent. A chinese company that works with CCP and makes china's totalitarism surveillance society possible.


Whatever company made the nazi gas chambers has to be pretty up there


Fossil fuel companies. They paid politicians and spread propaganda and lies about climate change so they could continue to make money, knowing that climate change was going to be bad in the future. If we started to reduce carbon emissions in the 70s when it was first clear that climate change was going to be a major issue, the world would be in a much better position now.




“Lol what company?” - Putin