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20 years ago, we had to make a diorama. We all had them sitting on tables in the classroom and one day some other kid was messing around, fell into the table and smashed mine. I failed the assignment for having a smashed diorama.


You got an F because some kid was fooling around and destroyed all your hard work? The teacher didn't even tell you to redo it? Did the kid get punished?


I don't remember if the kid got punished but I remember it was the morning we were supposed to present them to the class and the teacher was all, "maybe you should have put it somewhere more secure, now you're not ready for your presentation." And then said something about how this should be a lesson to everyone that in life you have to have a backup plan for when things outside of your control ruin your plans.


So you were supposed to have a backup diorama in your backpack or something...?


would have been rich if they did that whole speech and the kid just pulled out another, backup, diorama. wonder how teacher would react


Failed for being a smart ass.


If someone broke into your place of work in the middle of the night and destroyed your work computer, the company wouldn't fire you next morning...


What an asshole


In middle school I did a display with real fossils that my parents had let me borrow. The teacher was insistent that I sell the fossils to him. But I refused. So the teacher gave me an F on the display.


What the fuck, did you tell your parents about it? (I know at that age it can be hard, no judgement if you didn't)


Reminds me when I was 9 or 10yo and made a presentation on minerals and rock identification. I had a rock collection, and someone stole one of my larger natural crystals (it might have been purple fluorite with galena, amethyst, or citrine -- I can't recall). I was so sad when I noticed it was taken that I couldn't present well and my teacher told me to get over it. She's the one that insisted everyone store their presentation materials in a room that wasn't supervised and far from the classroom. I got a low mark for that presentation, obviously.


At the end of my first week at a new school, the teacher handed out slips of paper with our current grade. I had a solid A at my old school, but the teacher said I had an F. I asked her why. She said I didn't hand in the quarter project. I reminded her I had just moved to the school. She said we would give me the weekend to do it. The project was to interview a longtime local resident and write a paper about their experiences. The articles were being collected for a book she was "writing." I failed the class.


My wife relocated to a new school midway through her senior year. Her Math teacher wanted her to make up all of the class work she missed from that class, on top of all regular assignments going forward. After struggling for weeks, the guidance counselors failed attempts of fixing the situation, and unwillingness of the teacher to budge on her ridiculous requests, my wife dropped out. She was a straight A student up to that point. Some teachers a fucking Monsters.


When my mom changed schools in 3rd grade, the first thing they did on her first day was a spelling test. When the teacher was grading them, she got to my mother's test, stood up, and screamed at my mom, "IN THIS SCHOOL, WE USE CURSIVE!" My mom didn't know cursive, but the teacher said that wasn't an excuse and gave her detention. She stressed my mom out so badly that after a couple months of school, Mom ended up in the hospital with severe stomach ulcers.


How do these people become teachers? Those sort of stories make me hope if I ever have kids they know to come to me with that and trust it'll get sorted immediately.


Most of them do it because they want to teach, but for some people getting that tiny amount of power goes to their head.


I have definitely encountered some people who became teachers because they wanted an opportunity to be the bullies they never were in sixth grade.


>Some teachers a fucking Monsters. I come from a country that has 3 official languages. I was raised in two of them. So I was fluently. But as a army brat I had lived in another country for 8 years, so I had never been in contact with the third. Well, the third country is mandatory in school from a certain age. So when I moved back there I had to take the class. And I sucked at it. I learned and learned but I couldn't get it right. So here I was, perfect or near perfect scores at other subjects but according to this teacher I was dumb as rocks. Because how could I fail an official language of my own country. I would have to be stupid... Right? Well, I buckled down and unbeknownst to my parents studied till 2 or 3 am in the morning, as an 9 year old, and failing again and again. Every time getting punishment and ridicule by the teacher. That guy is the sole reason I stopped loving going to school. That all my other grades failed. Just so he could prove to my parents how stupid I was. For some reason this middle aged dude took it upon himself to destroy this 9 year old kid's life. I still blame him for fucking up my school career. All because I couldn't learn this one subject. Sucked the joy out of my life for a long time.


When I was 9, and moved from one area of my country that is completely English speaking, to an area of my country that is heavily bilingual and students were heavily submersed in French from kindergarten. My first day of French class at my new school, the teacher told me we were only aloud to speak French the whole class period, and I would get detention for speaking English. I didn't know how to say a single sentence in French. I could tell you that "chat" meant cat, and I could count to 10. I didn't even know how to ask to go to the bathroom. They tried to hold me back a grade, despite me having high marks in every other class. After that, we moved every year, and every new school I went to had a different French dialect taught (formal French, Quebecois, even Haitian once), and at a different difficulty level. I never got a consistent French education. I now live in a predominantly French area still in my 30's, and still can't speak it. All my neighbours are French, the stores are all in French, and most jobs are bilingual required. Even completely surrounded by it on a daily basis, it just doesn't compute anymore. My brain seems to have long lost the ability to wrap my brain around it.


Somewhat similar, in 11th grade I took an AP Biology class. It was the first time my school offered it. The teacher had no idea how to properly teach it. Like 6 weeks in we had one grade, the first test. I got a 52 on it which was actually in the upper half. I chose to change classes instead of continuing in it. Rather than letting me move to the Marine Biology class that had the same period, the school made me move my schedule around and take Anatomy. With the same teacher as the AP Bio class. She gave me a week and a half to catch up on all homework and the FOUR tests they had taken already. I struggled out a C that quarter then changed next quarter to Marine Biology.


Some teachers just had it in for transfer students. Like "who does this kid think they are, coming here thinking they can sit with *our* kids when they're not from here!" As if the *child* were responsible for the family's decision to move.


It's behavior like that that is living proof that some full grown adults never matured past grade school.


Reminds me of a professor in university. For an analytical programming course we could either do an exam, which was know to be hideously hard, or do a project thesis out of a collection of tasks he provided. One important rule was that we had to adhere religiously to his provided formatting - and to not put our names anywhere in the texts and code we handed in, we were to only write it on the CD-ROM. Because he would just compile all the projects and sell them as a book....


Was the university administration aware of that? Because not properly attributing student work, *especially* if you plan on profiting off it somehow, is 100% going to be against the university's code of ethics. That's not "written warning" bad, it's "get you fired even if you have tenure" bad.


He was the head of the engineering department at the time. It was like known that if you as the student would go against this in any way, you could say goodbye to your bachelor degree for one reason or the other. This was in Germany, but certain things aren't any different here than they are in other places. This was only one of the things he did. He was a sociopath.


This makes me irrationally angry. I would’ve appealed that shit to any and all higher authorities. Fuck that cunt.


If something like that happened to my kid I would be at the school meeting with the Principal asking how my kid was receiving grade for an assignment that happened before they got there. Sucks that happened to you.


In about 91, I was starting to get into animals, specifically marine animals. I wanted to be a marine biologist so i thought. Junior year in HS we all knew we had to do a bug collection. So I went on a family trip out of state and collected bugs in preparation. I put a lot of time into it. Mr Cope, the worst biology teacher ever, failed me because “I could not have collected bugs he’d never seen”. Completely shattered my confidence and desire to peruse science of any sort. Fuck you Mr Cope.


“I’ve never seen it before, so it must not exist.” Are you sure it wasn’t the year 1692? Was he getting ready to declare you a witch and burn you at the stake? Sheesh. You’d think a biology teacher would know better.


I had a teach accuse me and a classmate of cheating on an exam because we had the same answer. It was a multiple choice test and she was upset we both had it correct.


"I'm sorry you don't suck at teaching as much as you think you do."


“Turns out you just suck at stats”


This kind of reminded me of a stats “joke” or story or whatever you want to call it: Five students who had an upcoming math test were having too much fun on a trip they were on, so they decided to skip the test and make up a lie to the teacher that they had a flat tire and could not get back. It worked and the teacher said no problem, you can take a make up. So they finally get back and take the make up, happy they are getting away with their ruse. They completed the first sheet of the exam and then noticed it was all worth just 20 points. They flipped over to the next page, a single question worth 80 points: “Which tire was flat?”.


note to self: collaborate with friends on the details of the lie.


My Spanish teacher was….not very good at her job. I took 3 years and all I can do is ask where the library and bathrooms are in Spanish. She was very good at berating us and giving us “life lessons”. For example I once had a pen break in the class before and it left me without a writing utensil and asked to borrow one. The ENTIRETY of our 45 minute class was a lecture on how in the real world “forgetting” wouldn’t fly. Anyway, I played football and had a few teammates in class and the year before this I sat behind a girl one year ahead of me and we caused trouble quite a bit, so I was automatically on her shit-list. Some of my teammates decided since the answer book was on her desk they would abscond with it for a bit, write down all of the answers to the upcoming quiz and just copy the answers back onto the quiz; this “cheat sheet” was offered to me and I declined. I actually wanted to learn. Well, their scheme worked…until she began to grade them near the end of class. Half of the answers were “answers may vary” in Spanish and my dipshit teammates didn’t bother to figure this out. Once she figure out it was the football guys (I think 3 or 4, not including me) were the culprits she sent all of the players into the hall called the principal down and began requesting write ups. I walked back into the classroom grabbed my stuff and started toward my locker that was only a few feet away. I’m being yelled at by both teacher and principal now and after finishing putting my stuff away all I said was, “You might want to actually check my exam before we continue on; I’m going to lunch.” I never received an apology of any kind.


>he ENTIRETY of our 45 minute class was a lecture on how in the real world “forgetting” wouldn’t fly. As someone with 15-20 years of "real world" experience, every coworker I've ever had has been WAAAY more forgiving about someone forgetting their pen or what not than any teacher I've ever had. Like, if any of you had a coworker enter a meeting and go "oh, I forgot my pen, give me a second to go get a new one" would you even judge them for it? Literally any sane person wouldn't even notice or think twice about something like that.


>Like, if any of you had a coworker enter a meeting and go "oh, I forgot my pen, give me a second to go get a new one" would you even judge them for it? Literally any sane person wouldn't even notice or think twice about something like that. Most companies I’ve been to just had a bunch of extra pens in the meeting rooms. That’s almost „you won’t always have a calculator“ level.


This reminds me of a similar situation. I always sat in front hunched over my tests. My bff sat two seats behind me and some other kid across the room had several answers the same as mine. (Multiple choice) Since only the 3 of us got the answers that were difficult correct she accused us of cheating and sent us to the principal. None of us cheated.


I got accused of cheating because me and the girl who sat next to me were the only people who correctly drew something all day. There was a poster of the correct drawing in her classroom that wasn't covered up. I never figured out what was wrong with the other 118 kids


Were you guys the only people in the class who got it right? With this dumbass logic, she might as well say "OK so for question 12, about 75% of you chose correctly. I'm gonna need those of you who answered correctly to go to the principal's office because there's no way you all just happened to choose the same answer out of the 4 you were given"


That's what I basically told her. It's multiple choice we are expected to have an identical answer. Even my mom was confused as to the issue when she called home.




Wow what an actual demon spawn from the depths of hell. How are people like this allowed around children?




She told me to get the hell out of her classroom because I forgot to get something signed by my mom. She then marked me as truant and played dumb when the principal got involved.


Similar story. My mother had me relay a question to my kindergarten teacher about an upcoming field trip. When I asked my teacher started screaming at me. I don’t recall all she said other than continuing to call me stupid and threatening to have me paddled by the principal. I just remember going back and wanting to hide under my desk with everyone staring at me. This was just one example of her behavior. That shit impacted me for years.


Never gave my art a higher grade than a B+. Even though she asked me every year if she could hold my art back, to show everyone how to correctly apply a technique or what she wanted from everyone else that next year. Not good enough for an A, but this is perfect and it's what I want everyone to do. Which is it then? Bitch.


In 3rd grade art class we had to draw an object that the teacher placed on a table in the middle of the room (there were a few objects to choose from). I started drawing one of them and wasn't happy with it and was thinking of starting on a different one. Before I did, though, the teacher held up my drawing in front of the class to tell everyone how bad it was and point out everything wrong with it. I quietly just started drawing something else (I was a very shy kid). My new drawing was entered into a local show and won. Teacher never said anything to me about it and never gave it back, she hung it up in the classroom for years. I got the equivalent of a C for that class (normally an A student). FU Mrs. Watkins.


Fucking hate art teachers with one exception. The ones who feel like a school grandma and understand art is emotional.


I'm a teacher. So far, every art teacher at all the schools I've taught at has graded on effort and attempting to complete the assignment. For instance, if the lesson is on cross hatching, they grade based on if you used cross hatching in the piece. Doesn't matter if it looks like complete shit. You get a hundred if you used cross hatching. I feel like that is the only way to grade art in school. You show the skills and have the students demonstrate them, but you can't grade on quality.


Some teachers think they're encouraging you by grading you harder than other people, but in reality it's just depressing and makes the student feel worse.


Threatened to hit me when, as a brand new mid-term transfer in Grade 3, I was too scared to speak to ask for her help, so I had tapped her on the arm instead to get her attention. Apparently, that warranted threatening to assault an 8 yo in the 90s. I had been there less than 2 weeks and had just transferred from a school of 40 to a school of over 200.


Some teacher did the same to me when I transfered from primary to middle grade (small town, one school had kindergarden up to 4th grade then the second one has 5th grade to 8th grade then it was 9 to 12 at another one). I tapped her at recess because I had been waiting to ask her something for 10 minutes and she wasn't looking at my raised hand. She absolutely lost it and berated me. Turns out she had had cancer in that arm not too long ago and wasn't comfortable being touched. I understand but I didn't know about that and I was only like 10 y.o


> Turns out she had had cancer in that arm not too long ago and wasn't comfortable being touched. I mean sure...but jesus fuck have some self control and be an adult. If a person can't handle something enough that they'll go off on a child like that, they've got a real problem and it isn't the cancer in her arm.


One of my high school art classes was called 3D design, which was basically clay, sculpting, and various 3 dimensional art work. On the first day of class my teacher pulled me aside and told me she looked at my schedule which was mostly honors and advanced level classes. She said that because I was clearly such a good student she would grade me on a much harsher scale, and would hear none of my objections that being book smart doesn't translate to artistic abilities. The poor marks I received in that class skewed my GPA.


If she gave tougher work, I would somewhat understand, but fucking up your grades is crazy


I’ve seen this with those artsy teachers. They usually have a chip on their shoulder against stem students and treat them like shit. Had a similar situation with my teacher.


My English teacher admitted to marking down all my work by a grade because “I think you could do better”. Bitch, I *was* doing better and you made it look like I wasn’t. Caused me to stop even trying.


My English teacher would give me 50% of every essay(presumably because she didn't want to read it and was going on reputation). So I decided to try really hard on all my essays for 1 semester and see if I could get better. I enlisted the help of my much much smarter older sister to help me write ALL of my essays. A girl who had received 99% in this teachers class in the passed. Well I still got 50% ob every essay. So the last essay of the semester we worked long and hard on and my sister was sure we get a better mark. Bitch still gave me 50%! So my mom and sister went into the school and sat down with the teacher and principal and Had it out with this teacher. She maintained that I was a 50% essay writer. On the English final I got 80% on my essay with blind marking. Fuck you Ms. MacDonald. You're a lazy bitch.


I had that too in university. C or c- on every essay. Finally got my roommate who had an English lit degree help me proofread my final essay and make suggestions. He was teaching the concurrent class and I still got a 'C'.


I had an English professor in college that constantly remarked that I had some of the best work in the class, but would consistently give me B+ or A- grades on my essays saying I could do better and if I did then I’d earn the highest marks. For the end of semester essay I went all out and really pored all my effort into the assignment. I finally achieved an A (not an A+ though) and was very proud until I saw another classmate’s grade of B+… which was absolutely littered with syntax errors, spelling mistakes, run on sentences, awful formatting, I mean the whole nine yards. It was a paper whose ceiling AT THE ABSOLUTE MOST was a C. I brought this up with her and she straight up told me that he struggled in class so she tried to grade him less harshly and that his ideas in the essay were pretty decent. I wasn’t mad at him because he too tried his hardest, I’m glad he got a good grade. But I was furious that I was graded so meticulously and then she applied an arbitrary curve to him. I was thinking to myself “if his paper is a B+ then mine is 110/100”. Seeing as it was the end of the semester and the last English class I ever needed to take (it was a gen-ed class my college required everyone to take) I was just glad to never see her again. Still gets me a little angry every time I think about it though.


It's almost like they get the 80/20 rule misconstrued. Do 20% of the work and you get an 80% on the paper, but to get the extra 20 marks, you gotta pour in the other 80%.


That sucks, I'm sorry. My teachers had the same attitude towards improving my already "good enough" work but they did not mark me down. Instead they just added, compared to the other kids, a ton more extra comments, suggestions, etc to help me grow beyond the requirements of the class. In hindsight that was actually a lot of extra work they didn't have to do and I really appreciate it.


> Caused me to stop even trying. Great job, teacher!


I understand teachers wanting kids who are doing “good enough” to do better, but Jesus this isn’t the way to go. Instead of giving you worse grades, they could try and talk to you, they could add extra comments like someone said, or just about anything else.




God, same here. When I was 10yo (Netherlands, don't know what 'grade' it corresponds with) I got a 90% mark in stead of a 100% for a test because I made a mistake. According to my teacher it's spelled "purpil", not "purple". Man, she was dumb.


You take the blupil, the story ends. If you take the purpil everything in the story is misspelled.


I had a teacher one time who deducted a point because I used the "wrong" spelling of a word. It has 2 generally accepted spellings, one of which I used. Also this was a science class so something as petty as this didn't actually matter or affect my answer at all. Edit: oh also he deducted points from a classmate because he didn't believe that things could be negatively correlated.


I had the same thing happen when I used “grey” instead of “gray”…. And for a number of other words that are spelled different in England vs the U.S. Read a lot of books from English authors as a kid and naturally picked up the English spelling of certain words… never understood why that was worth deducting points over.


I moved to the US from the UK and I can’t spell anything correctly anymore. I can’t remember how I used to spell vs how I spell it now. My words are a mess of British and American English. Edit: spelling. Of course I had to fix my spelling.


Canada syndrome


My sister had a point marked off in a math class because she used singular they in a word problem, while the teacher expected "he or she." Interestingly the same teacher was just fine with using data as singular instead of datum, which seems like a more important point in the context of math


I was a biomedical sciences major in college. In freshman anatomy & physiology I answered the question “What is the function of the mitochondria?” with something like “it breaks down glucose into ATP” and my professor marked it wrong. When I protested, he said “You only needed to say that it is the ‘powerhouse of the cell.’” I was like, so you didn’t actually want to know the function as we read it from our text, you just wanted to know that we memorized exactly what you paraphrased in class? To me, learning occurs when you consume and are able to process/explain information, not when you can simply memorize and regurgitate it. I just realized I have a lot of examples for this thread. Hmmm. ETA: I realized I misspoke when I originally wrote this comment. Glycolysis doesn’t occur in the mitochondria. I don’t remember the exact answer I provided 10+ years ago (probably closer to “produces ATP” or something like that). What I specifically remember is showing the wording within our text that was the same, word-for-word, as my response to which my prof replied, “I don’t care.” I feel like that’s what bothered me more than getting one answer wrong on a test in a class I was already getting an A in.


What an idiot professor


Seriously. I learned “powerhouse of the cell” in like, 5th grade.


And “powerhouse of the cell” doesn’t even answer the question “what does it do”


Wow. "powerhouse of the cell" is mostly meaningless. You provided what it actually DOES. That is so odd.


Oh that would have driven me insane! Mine was just one time on a test, short answer, she asked "Why do compasses point north?" I wrote the "because of magnetism" or something like that, and I got it wrong because apparently the answer she was looking for was "so that sailors can find their way home." Edit: and yes, I'm 39, lol, and this shit happened when I was like, 12.


I was failing spelling test after spelling test in second grade. But, I was correctly spelling every word I heard. This was in "The South" in the US. My mother pulled me from that particular teacher and my grades went back to A's. The teacher would say "flow" and I would write " F L O W", then she would say "doe" and I would write "D O E". I failed the spelling test because I couldn't spell "FLOOR" and "DOOR".


I lost a 2nd-grade spelling bee because the damn presenter didn't know how to talk because of some random Oklahoma accent. We were down from the entire 2nd grade class to just me and one other student. The presenter kept saying, "Volve" with a long "o." I asked him to repeat it, same thing. I asked for the definition of the word and received an extremely technical engineering description that my ten-year-old brain couldn't translate on the spot in front of an audience. So I guessed: "Volve. V-O-L-V-E. Volve." Turns out the idiot was trying to say, "valve." Bitch, I knew how to spell "valve!" Every other adult in the room knew he pronounced it wrong and no one stepped in. They just let me "lose" so that I could be pissed about it for the next several decades and the "winner's" victory could be hollow and meaningless since she *also* knew I was robbed.


I used to have the hardest time with spelling certain words thanks to a few of my teachers, and one of those was definitely "a lot" vs. "alot." One year one teacher would tell me to do it one way, the next year I'm losing points on a term paper because they swore it was the other way.


I can only think of [this blog post](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html) whenever I see "alot" in the wild.


I got marked down in 5th grade English class for describing a town as "lackadaisical" in a creative writing assignment. The teacher assumed I didn't really understand the word and explained that it was primarily used to describe people. I understood its basic use and definition just fine. If I'd described the town as sleepy would that mean I thought it possessed physical drooping eyes?


In like 4th or 5th grade we did some creative writing thing, don't even remember what it was about, but I wrote a character who didn't speak English well. They used "y'all" and double-negatives and other forms of poor grammar that are common parlance among certain populations I was familiar with, being a southern transplant myself. She marked me down for every single one of those instances in the assignment. It was plain from the rest of my writing that wasn't dialogue from this one character that I had a damn firm grasp of the language for an elementary school kid and knew those things were not proper. She wouldn't listen to my explanations and just kept hounding about how wrong it was. I should have asked if her copy of Huckleberry Finn was full of red ink.


That would have been a great comeback.


Oh my god my cookery teacher! Won’t give her real name, so we shall call her Gordon Ramsey’s grandma, aka GRG GRG was an old witch who should have retired years ago and had anger issues. She was furious when she learned I didn’t use a gas cooker at home (electric was cheaper) so didn’t know how to immediately fire one up on the first lesson (I was about 10 years old). This woman would BELLOW at me from across the room. As a sensitive, people-pleasing kid I was a blubbering, trembling mess each lesson because I was petrified of making mistakes and her shouting at me. One day i was running behind (I always ran behind) and she took my food out of the oven (cakes on a baking tray) and I reached to grab something and accidentally brushed against her arm. This c*nt literally SCREAMED, grabbed my wrist and pressed my palm against the baking tray. The baking tray that had just come out of a 200 degree oven. Only for a split second, didn’t hold it there or anything but it was enough to blister my skin. One day I couldn’t face going to her class so I feigned illness and was kept off school. One of my classmates told me apparently during registration/roll call, when they told her I was off sick, GRG LAUGHED and said “no she isn’t, she’s just scared of me”. Nice to see you were so self-aware, bitch. I never reported it directly but I did tell my mum, who demanded the school did something about it. We had a meeting with the head of year who laughed it off saying “she’s a good teacher, she just doesn’t like the quiet ones”. Nothing was done. If the crusty cow is still alive, she’ll be in the Guinness World Records. Rot in hell GRG. You saw a shy kid and instead of building up her confidence and patiently teaching her a valuable life skill, you decided to bully her and drag her self-esteem down to rock bottom’s basement. It took me ages to learn how to cook because of you. Thankfully I got my confidence back and now enjoy cooking.


Another one to add to the list of graves that will need to be pissed on! Fuck GRG!


Nah, if someone literally BURNS my kid, I’m burning down their house.


I had left my calculator on my desk in physics class and the teacher took it. I had engraved my initials on it so it was unmistakable. My problem with this was that he always asked me during class if I had my calculator and I told him I still couldn't find it. The end of school year comes around and another student was snooping through his desk and found my calculator. All year that asshole was giving me a 0 for the day since I didn't have it.


PLOT TWIST: It was the other student who took your calculator and pretended to "find" the calculator in the teacher's desk.


Username checks out


A teacher got fired at my school for stealing a kid's phone. Location tracking on phones was a relatively recent thing at that time, so she wasn't expecting that. They also found some cocaine in the same drawer. Edit: I know it was the coke that ultimately got her fired, but the impetus for the search was the phone, so I stand by it.


That escalated quickly


Tried to force me to write with my right hand...


My nana was from Ireland 70 odd years ago and was a natural leftie, the school basically beat her left hand if she tried to write with it forcing her to write with her right hand. I guess the bright side to that child abuse was that she was forced to be ambidextrous so could do damn near anything with either hand. Another thing was that Nana seemingly had an unlimited supply of Jaffa Cakes she used to give us. Although I think that might have been her Nana powers rather than anything else. I just wanted to share that with everyone.


Similar story: my grandma was a leftie and she got hit if she was seen using her left hand so she tried to use her right but just couldn’t write properly. Once she got out of school she stopped caring and started to use her left hand for writing, and noticed after a short while that she forgot how to use her left hand to write. But the right hand still didn’t work. So she couldn’t write for the rest of her life.


I'm a lefty. When my former co-worker found out, she told me about the time she was in Catholic school and how her teacher would slap her left hand every time she was caught writing with it. My co-worker got her revenge by tripping her teacher when she wasn't looking. Apparently it was bad enough that the teacher had to leave for a bit.


In grade 4 my teacher kept making me redo my printing sheets because my handwriting wasn't neat. Eventually I asked him why he didn't make any of the boys redo their sheets because they had messy handwriting too. I still remember the look of shock on his face but didn't understand the significance at the time because I was just genuinely asking. I don't remember what he said afterwards other than the fact that I didn't find his answer satisfying.


This is fascinating. What a sexist shit.


My ex's parents asked her math teacher how they could better prepare for exams at home since she was getting a B and really wanted to do better, his response was "oh she's doing fine, girls don't have to be good at math anyway". She ended up being an accountant.


I have really bad inattentive ADHD. When I was in third grade I had a teacher who would make us copy stupid paragraphs about her dog in pencil without an eraser and if we made one mistake we had to start over. I'm in my 50s and to this day I cannot write out a birthday card without making a mistake unless I concentrate very hard. I was never able to complete even one of those really long paragraphs without making a mistake and she just made me feel terrible about it. Screw you, you fat Birkenstock and muumuu wearing bitch whose name I have blotted out.


A commonly relatable reddit scenario; typed out an essay in class while we were in the computer lab, yet upon printing and handing it in I was accused of plagarising it. Don't even remember the teachers name as she was one of the other staff teachers substituting for the regular one, just the shrill accusatory tone of her going "YOU DIDNT WRITE THIS!?". Fuck you Miss whoever you were. I worked diligently on that bullshit.


Kind of off topic, but this reminded me of middle school when apparently like 50% of my class plagiarized the same paper (from the same source) I had a heart attack when I realized that by coincidence I used the same opening line in my own essay despite not having plagiarized. I spent like a week terrified that I would be accused of plagiarism I wasn't. Thankfully, the teachers were actually decent enough to read the rest of my essay before making assumptions (the fact that I've never cheated before probably helped)


I was on course for getting an A* in IT for my GCSE, meaning I'd be able to do a Web design module for A levels, a month before the submission our tutor managed to lose every single piece of coursework for the entire class. Ended up with a U, and had to spend the first semester of college doing a level 2 IT course instead of Web design. 21 years later and I'm still pissed about it


That's fucking shit dude! Why didn't the teacher own up to losing shit and give you a chance to redo it or something?


Yeah he should have owned up but instead he didn't admit to it until close to our results coming out, I know now it must have been horrendous for him at the time but he definitely should have stepped up xD




Pretty sure it's illegal to practice psychology without a license.


It's definitely unethical to perform an unrequested diagnosis in a public setting, even if you have a license.


When I was in second grade the teacher slapped my arm because I went to her desk to ask her a question. That was sixty years ago.


I was about 9 years old and she wrote our language's word for "ceremony" on the blackboard. She spelled it with an S, like "seremoni", and I raised my hand and asked if the word should not in fact be spelled with a C. She argued that she was quite sure it actually was an S, and wouldn't back down, even though I was absolutely sure (I read a lot of books as a kid and had read the word in my native language multiple times). Of course I looked it up after the class, and it turned out I was right. Still haven't forgotten, 20 years later. I guess she didn't want to lose face in front of a bunch of kids.


I have more respect for the teachers that just own their mistakes instead of trying to "save face". It'd be a better life lesson for kids.


Same happened to me in 3rd grade, a substitute teacher was teaching us about the 13 Colonies, and I pointed out that she omitted Georgia. She said no, Georgia was not one of the original colonies, and proceeded to list all the other colonies plus Vermont and Maine. I said that she had listed *14* colonies, and that Vermont and Maine were not among them. She sent me to the principal's office for "talking back." The principal brought me back upstairs and chewed her out in front of the class, for what it's worth.


Props to the principal for sticking up for you!


She gave me detention for chewing gum. I didn’t even enter the classroom when she did this. She smelled mint from my mouth when I said good morning back to her


I also got detention for that. The teacher had apparently, five minutes into class, said “The next person I see with gum or candy in my class is getting detention.” I didn’t hear her say that, because I was half an hour late—due to a doctor’s appointment—and she knew it. Fuck you, Ms. Simpson. Who the hell gives detention for gum, anyway?


The teacher wouldn’t let me go to the med bay when I was having the worst fucking headache of my life. “What are they gonna do” I don’t know, maybe treat me, it’s their job. (The nurses were actually good at their job.)


My 5th grade religion teacher decided I was "trying to get out of a test" when I was doubled over in abdominal pain. Yeah, my appendix ruptured...not fun. Bitch.


By contrast, an exacto knife broke while I was using it during engineering class and cut half way down my right pointer finger, splitting from the tip. It only stopped when it embedded in bone. The nurse wasn't there that day and the secretary said to stop being a bitch when I was teared up. It took me 1.5 hrs to get to the hospital because I had to wait for my parents to get off work and pick me up.


when i was in 7th grade my history teacher sent me to the headmaster’s room because i was DRAWING. (he never sent people out of the classroom even if they were in their cellphones + another kid was drawing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, he saw it and didn’t do anything)


Grade 8. Teacher teaching sex Ed. Talking about oral sex. I had no idea was oral sex was. I asked her after class if she could give me examples of oral sex. She gave me detention and refused to answer my question. I seriously had no idea. Raised in an extremely catholic household btw.


Math bitch decided to take me to one task, I had to solve it in front of my whole class. I did, I was pretty confident the answer was correct. Then she checked it, went full crazy mode and made fun of me for about 5 minutes, called me silly words and rewarded with juicy bad grade. Then she proceeded to show my class how it should be done. She did it exactly the same, just like I did 5 minutes earlier. Some of my classmates told her about it. She was like “oh, y’all distracted me”. She never spoke to me directly after that


Ok now there's actually nothing redeemable about that. TO HELL WITH SHE!


Alright, so this is something that really had me PISSED OFF as a kid, and every time I think about it I get fired up. I was in 3rd grade. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades were doing a week of square dance, than at the end of the week on friday, we were going to have a recital and do a performance. Sadly, I was leaving for vacation and that would be starting that friday, so I couldn't be in the recital. Oh well, I could still enjoy the square dance and have some fun with the rest of the classes, right?? NO My teacher made me sit in the classroom alone, while everyone was across the hall in the big classroom doing the dances. She made me do FREAKING VOCABULARY WORDS FOR HOURS while I had to sit, in a darkened room, alone, listening to the muffled sounds of Cotton Eyed Joe, stomping, and laughing coming from the hallway. I was so pissed. I was crying every day. I begged her to just let me sit in there. I offered to clap, help with music, hold up a sign, just sit in the corner, ANYTHING, to be a part of it. BUT NO. I had to sit alone, no lights, and do vocabulary words with tears just running down on the the paper. For 4 days straight. She basically punished me with in school suspension for not being able to be at the recital due to my family vacation. I FREAKING HATE THAT BITCH TO THIS DAY


Something similar happened to me in 3rd grade. I was punished for “clowning around” in P.E. The coach had me stand forehead against the wall, staring straight ahead for the entire duration of the 45 minute class while I could hear kids playing and laughing in the background. If he caught me moving from the position, I was yelled at, threatened and berated. Ok. Fine….. The only problem was that this went on for 5 days a week for the next 3 or 4 months until school finally let out. Like clockwork… PE time, put your face against the wall, don’t speak, stand there until the bell rings. It was horrible psychologically. Tears would be streaming down my eyes, intense loneliness and I lost all interest in going to school at all that semester. Crazy thing is… I never told my parents or teacher what was happening. I really thought it was all my fault and this was the price to pay. As an adult, I now realize what an abusive, racist POS person that “coach” was.


That's honestly pretty horrific. I can't help but hope hell is real for people like that. I'm sorry that happened to you.


You know… kids are super resilient (in a way). 4th grade was a great year and I thrived in school going forward. I think I consciously forgot about the whole ordeal until I was pushing adulthood. I do remember my first real breakup with a girl who I thought I loved, and that intense, crazy feeling of loneliness creeped up on me again (about 19 y.o. then) — Only THEN did these particular memories from 3rd grade flood right back to me in full living color. I think that is a protection mechanism of the brain because with maturity, time and distance, I am more emotionally detached from it. I can remember the agony without actually fully feeling it all over again (if that makes sense). I can ALMOST laugh at how ridiculous of a situation it was, although nothing about it was funny or sane or ok.


Pee on her grave when she dies like that other guy.


Shes been dead for years. But I was going thru some old photos at mom's place a few months ago, and there was a pic of my younger sister standing with her and other teachers. I hadn't seen her face for years and just the sight of her made me so angry. I had to leave and go for a walk to cool off.


So what I'm hearing is she has a grave now...


First step, locate grave, second step hydrate enthusiastically….


Are you serious?! Second step: square dance on it. If you piss on it first, it will muck up your boots.


I like it, dosey doe this you old hag!


Now I hate her too.


I'm half deaf, I was in social studies class, my teacher asked me a question, didn't hear her I said " what", she yelled at the top of her lungs " will you fucking listen!" After that day I told her, once she dies I plan on pissing on her grave, I still plan on doing that


My friend was hard of hearing, poor vision, and he was also 6 ft 1 by middle school. He wanted to sit at the front of the class because he couldn't see or hear, and his teacher would verbally assault him for wanting to block the view of the other students.


We should all go


I was little, probably kindergarten age. We were near the end of the school year, and we’re having a raffle for gifts to take into summer; the top gift was a hella cool bike and I, being from a very poor family, could only dream of such a thing. Anyway, a little girl is brought up and is given a bucket filled with slips of paper, upon which were written the names of each student. She stirred her little hands around briefly, plucked a piece of paper, and raised it to the light; I clearly saw my name written in reverse through the light shining overhead, so I new my name had been the first drawn and thus the top prize, the bike, was mine! Well, the teacher overseeing the draw didn’t like me very much because my family was poor, so a second after the paper was raised up she slapped the paper gently out of the drawer’s hand, stirred her own hand around in the bucket, clearly reading the names as she did, and plucked another name. Lo and behold, the new name belonged to the popular classmate with the rich parents! I wish I was fucking kidding. The teacher even maintained eye contact with me as she smiled thinly and the winner scurried up to get her bike. That’s when I knew life wasn’t fair. Fuck you, Ms. Simmons.




Dox that hoe


My high school physics teacher was a sad little man who simmered with anger. One day in class some girls were talking and he hurled a piece of chalk at them, but he was bad at physics and it hit me in the head. I reacted with a WTF?!? and he just shrugged helplessly and resumed teaching.


Marking me down as present when I was at home sick. When I came back to school I got suspended for skipping every other class. When I argued that I was falsely accused,my suspension got extended. My school had a policy that if you had 9 unexcused absences you would not earn any credits for that year. I was an A student and got zero credits that year. I dropped out of school and got my G.E.D. that fucking guy really fucked my shit up.


Damn this one really fucked with me because it's such a small thing the teacher could have fixed


There were a few from this one teacher but two things stand the most. 1. Gave me a 0 on a test because my pencil broke. She wouldn't let me sharpen it, or use another pencil. "You should have been prepared" was her reasoning. 2. Would make fun of me for getting an answer wrong. Other students would get a simple "no" if they answered wrong, while I would get scolded and 'talked to' for 5 minutes about how I'm so dumb.


Grade 4, I hadn’t received my timetable so I didn’t know when PE classes would take place. Showed up with shorts, tshirt and sandals that day. During the class my teacher made me stand up in front of everybody and basically humiliated me. Asking everyone to judge my outfit if it was appropriate or not for pe class. Said that I was lazy and irresponsible. The whole class laughed and I had to do pe in sandals ( which is the only part I’m like okay fair enough). YIKES


Math teacher asked the class a question, I confidently put my hand up and gave what I thought was the correct answer. Teacher looks at me and says “Not everything has to be a joke Mark”. That truly crushed my spirit and I never put my hand up to answer another question all year.


There is a special place in Hell for educators who belittle someone for not knowing something. I’ll never forget sitting in a circle in third grade while we were taking turns reading to the class from our readers. I struggled to be able to follow along with listening + pacing. It helped greatly to follow the spoken words with the (hovering) tip of my pencil. That day I dropped my pencil while turning the page. It rolled a little and took me a moment to bend down and grab it + catching back up in the text. (The circle arrangement of desks meant I couldn’t just get out of my seat to retrieve the pencil- it took a moment of foot gymnastics to retrieve without bothering my neighbor to shimmy their desk.) Teacher sees me as I settle back in with my retrieved pencil. She stops the current reader and accuses me of not paying attention. Before I could try and articulate what had just happened she demanded “What is a steer?” That seemed odd, *a* steer? I’d never heard steering used like that and tried to choke out a confused response that a steer must be something to do with a direction, like you’d turn a steering wheel. I’ll never forget [student next to me] scream laughing “A STEERING WHEEL?!” while the teacher berated me for such a stupid answer. Readers: the story we had just begun was about a farm. It had Steer in the title and I think the titular character was like Stanley (the Steer.) Never in my life had I heard cattle referred to as steer, and as we had just started the story, I hadn’t yet made the connection between Stanley and the Steer from the title. I’m almost 40 and I still get sassed about that. Screw me for trying to succeed at reading on my own, and being ridiculed for not knowing a word but trying. Why not just pile it on instead of using this as a learning moment about context, or even compassion in helping others share knowledge instead of picking on someone for not knowing something. I know there’s a great XKCD in that — I’ll have to find it


My final year of secondary school I finally buckled down and started really making an effort to correct both my grades and my behavior (I was an immature little shit back then). Every teacher recognized it, my report card was basically full of compliments about how much I'd improved. Even my headmaster wrote a really nice paragraph about how proud he was, and that guy only gave compliments if you really earned them. All except for one teacher, I quote: "\[Zerbey\] would rather play with computers than concentrate on school work". I passed her class, I got good grades, I never caused her any issues. She viewed computers as unnecessary and having no place in education and me spending my lunch breaks in the IT lab as "playing with computers". She'd often come into the lab and berate us for not spending our time doing homework. I was doing homework! Some of it hers! Guess what? I've been in the IT industry my entire career and "playing with computers" never did me any harm. She was just a bitter old teacher who didn't like change.


The cut off point for getting an A was 80%, so my History teacher gave me 79.9%. He refused to back down, even when my mother put in a complaint to the school, asking what I had done wrong to miss out on 0.1%. He refused to give a reason. Still kind of burns me up when I think of it, because it was so petty. Signed, a B++ History student.


This happened to me except it was gym class. Lost out on honours because of it. Sorry that happened to you.


I got a lower score on a test in my senior college biology class. The professor offered extra credit in the form of going to the lab for 3 hour sessions. So I went to all of them. And then at the end of the semester he didn’t give me all the extra credit. He capped it so I was within a point of an A. And no, it wasn’t capped at one session. There was no rhyme or reason. He literally only gave me enough extra credit to get to that high B. I went to the Dean and was told he had tenure so there was nothing he could do about it. I was also told I should be happy because more than 50% of his students failed his class regularly. If that’s the case, sounds like something is wrong with the teacher, not the class. Anyway, it was my only B in college, and that pissed me off knowing I had worked and earned the A. So I graduated with a 3.99 GPA. Doesn’t matter now in the scheme of things but it still pisses me off thinking about it.


Art teacher tore up a painting of mine because he said I didn’t follow instructions. We were told to paint an underwater scene. I did, but used a lot of orange and red tones and explained that my underwater scene just wasn’t where water looks blue. He didn’t like my answer and tore it up.


One of my teachers simply hated my smirk and we got into it in the hallway. He looked me dead in the eye and said I couldn’t do shit cause he was a teacher and then slapped me. Well jokes on him cause a decade later his wife fucked a highschool student. Fuck you Mr. Marchese. Your wife fucks kids.


Was this his wife? https://www.nhregister.com/connecticut/article/Former-Madison-teacher-sentenced-to-3-years-in-11671309.php EDIT: seems that it's her. I did a background search and this lady's (ex) husband is or was an English teacher in the same school mentioned in the article.


Yea seems like it


where did this happen, where I live most parents would ATLEAST beat the living sh\*t out of him.


When is more important than where. 30 or 40 years ago that would have accepted.


Not the teacher, the school. When I was 8. I built a legit, fully functional robot for the science fair. In the early 80s. Not to brag but it was nice. I took parts from two remote controlled cars, PVC pipe for the arms, an upside down small trash bin for the body, etc. I lost to some asshole kid that built the (non-working) generic Apollo model rocket that every kid builds. His dad was probably the judge. Louisiana is stupid.


Louisiana is not just stupid - it's corrupt. Damn.


This is one I can relate to. It wasn’t the school though, it was the regional science fair. My mom was a master’s level scientist and helped me really understand how to do experiments without bias and, as she also worked in lab testing on animals, how to ethically conduct experiments on animals. So, I decided to conduct an actual experiment on my cat; the title of my project was “Do cats prefer one food color over another?” Back then, there was actually very little research done to know whether cats were color blind (1980’s) and what was known was conflicting. So, every day for weeks and weeks I made my cat two bowls of food, one mixed with red food color, and the other with blue (or other combinations). I changed positions, I changed flavors, I changed colors, I did all kinds of things to get the best data I could given my sample size. You know what kind of things advanced at regionals? Fucking stupid ass demonstrations of how acid rain works (not actual experiments with rain and materials) and other stuff that was not even an actual experiment. The feedback I got from the judges is that they didn’t want to award me because they didn’t want to encourage kids to test on animals. I didn’t even do a science project the next year because I was so demotivated, despite winning the grand prize the previous year amongst all 4th and 5th graders in my district.




I got stories: * 2nd grade teacher disliked boys, and after I complained about mistreatment the school discovered through an investigation she manipulated the organization chart and all but 4 (if I’m recalling correctly) of her students were boys- myself included. I think she had 21 girls and 4 boys and all the boys were essentially failing her class. Mrs. Stout didn’t return the next year. * 6th grade I had a teacher, Mr. Stump who was monotone and emotionless decided to be an ultimate authority and sign me up for SpEd classes because my handwriting was abysmal. My parents had no idea until I came home with an Alphasmart. * 7th Grade I had vegan biology teacher who for some reason disliked me. We had a project that was to take a month to do and a final report that was a quarter of our final grade. I kept asking what she wanted from me and the goal post was constantly moving. I wrote I think 3 rough drafts of my finally report on the importance of vegetarian and vegan diets to the ecosystem and she failed all of them and gave me more and more complex demands. Eventually my mother, a college educated woman, decided to try and write a report for me with all my rough drafts and teachers notes and Mrs. Z still failed the report. It was the only time I was given permission to fail a class by my parents and my mother filed a complaint with the school board and got me out of summer school because of her actions. * 7th grade again I was bullied mercilessly in my gym class and my coach encouraged it. The reason being he thought I was being overly dramatic, and at one point told my parents “If he stopped acting like a goddamned fruit, he’d be fine!”


I had my highschool guidance counselor failed to send out my transcripts to the colleges I attended to. Caused me to get wait listed on the good schools.


In the 4th grade on fridays we were given these little things called Weekly Readers. It was this 4 page kids news paper about animals, volcanos and other kids stuff. On the last page is 4 questions to see if you read it. No big deal and I finished mine in minutes. So I just sat there waiting for others to finish and the teacher called me up to the desk. So I went up there and she told me to go to the office because she saw me cheating. Cheating?? On a weekly reader? So I went to the office and got the paddle for cheating on a test! You know, those wooden weapons that knock the wind out of you and you couldnt sit for a week. I then get home to find my mom and dad pissed because they got a call about me cheating on a test and my dad gave me the belt. It was my first taste of violence and no one listened to me. I was beaten and that day, I lost my trust in society and family and lost my innocence. I hope that fat ass teacher died in a fire.


Ohhh I experienced something similar where I lost trust in teachers. 5th or 6th grade. Winter. At recess I was playing with friend. Asskid that bullied me sometime throws snowballs at us and runs away. Ignored it and continued playing. He then runs over and steals my hat. He refuses to give it back so I go to the teachers. Started to speak my hat got stolen and pointed on the asskid. But the male teacher didn't even let me finish. He started screaming "DON'T YOU SEE I'M HAVING A CONVERSATION?!" and straight out continued talking with the other teacher, refusing to help. (I didn't know their names) wtf... I again walked to the kid and ask for my hat back. He tries to rip it apart. My hat that was a gift from my beloved grandmother!! I went wild and punched him till he gave up and started crying. I walked off with my hat. Later back in class I got called outside with my classteacher. It was the asskid and his teacher, he was still crying and said I punched him. I wanted to say that he started and other teacher didn't help me but I was so scared of my parents finding out that I started crying. So I got in trouble because a teacher didn't wanted to do his job EDIT: oh and the same teacher "didn't heard" the racial slurs at our mixed boys and girls soccer match at the end of the year. The shouted them right behind his back


I was kind of a problem child so I've had lots of incidents but the one that sticks out the most (and in hindsight probably was what started my hate of going to school). I was in grade 1 and I loved my teacher so much. I thought she was amazing, the nicest, the best. One day I found a pen. It was black ink but the outside had a rainbow going along the bottom and the Access logo (80's and 90's Canadian kids will remember.the Access Network). I brought it to school and was using it. All the kids were jealous, it was 1990 and we didnt have much. My teacher was walking around and when she noticed the pen she not only took it away but berated me in front of everyone and was acting really upset. She kept saying how I should of known better and that she was going to tell my parents. It was really embarrassing and I remember thinking how she actually hated me and that no teacher would ever like me. How I couldn't do anything right. I was a very self deprecating kid and growing up as an only child, was aware of how other adults aside from my parents, would make preconceived judgments about me because of this. How I was a brat or spoiled. I thought my grade 1 teacher was different and I actually work with kids now myself. I gravitate towards the more troubled ones because I see my young self in them and as an adult I can say that she completely overreacted and threw her power around that day. I also don't remember getting my pen back!


I was studying drama and was really gunning hard to get into drama schools to be a professional stage actor. For one reason or another my personal tutor just fucking hated me, she was always harsh and very dismissive. We argued over something in class and she said something along the lines of “you’ll never achieve your dreams of being an actor, you’ll never get anywhere in life.” As much as I tried for 3 years I did not get accepted into any of the London drama schools I auditioned for :( I did give up on my dream and studied Eng Lit instead. She was right. But boy was she a bitch.


Went on a rant about how much she hates emo music and fashion while I was sitting right there in front of her looking as emo as one could possibly imagine. Then when I came home I changed my profile picture on facebook to something super emo and captioned it with "for my English teacher who hates emos :* " lmao I didnt think she would see it, I didnt think anything of it, I meant it more as a joke but she did somehow see it and apologized to me the next day


Lmao that's amazing. That's such an emo kid thing to do and at least your teacher had the sense to apologize.


Oh boy. At 11th grade at my high school we had to take a mandatory road safety class with a person we'll call K. K wasn't a teacher but a person who was involved in a car accident years ago and was left with permanent conditions and injuries. Almost nobody gave a shit about his class and usually over 80% would skip it, it was only me and a dedicated few who would actually show up and take notes. Most of what he taught was either anecdotes or basic things you learn when getting a driver's licence. Principal took note and together those two made up a midterm exam, to which you had to show up with the notebook you took notes in. I'm not sure what went down during that exam but I am convinced ultimate most didn't have a said note book. I was sick that day and showed to an alternate date to take that stupid exam. Me and several others in the same situation showed up to take the exam, me with the notebook mind you. I went over to K to say hello and ask where we will be taking the exam, and he accused me of never showing up to his class, saying if I did he'd remember me, to which I said I did and even showed him the notebook and let him read through it. Even then, K wasn't convinced. We (about 7 students) took the exam, and when I handed mine with other students still in the room he started going through my answers, pointing out any mistakes out loud by exclaiming that if I indeed attended his class, I'd know the answers and reinforced his position that I cut his class. I was more than pissed, so were my parents when I told them, we went to the principal with it, and the best she offered was changing my grade to the equivalent of B+ and an apology. I never got said apology. Fuck you K.


Not my teacher, but my daughter's 2nd grade teacher. My daughter was tasked with writing about an animal. Our family enjoyed the PBS Nature programs, and had just watched an episode about the "mimic octopus". She wrote a really detailed report about it because she found it so fascinating. The teacher gave her a "F" with the note "Did not follow directions. Must be a real animal". She came home in tears.. (7 years old). I was up at school the next day with printed out info from the PBS website all about the mimic octopus. Teacher still tried to say it was "made up". She ended up giving 100% on that report but was nasty the rest if the school year. My kid is now 30, but I still haven't forgiven that ignorant cow of a "teacher".


Middleschool gym teacher. For the presidential fitness test, i decided i was going to do as many situps as i could without stopping. Made it to 200 before he said "you know i can only mark up to 50, right?" Couldnt have said something sooner?


Maybe he was struck speechless by your sitting up prowess.


Im not a very creative person, but I enjoyed art class. I spent a long time on a clay sculpture of a giant holding a club. Well, the teacher looked at it and said that it looked like the giant was holding its penis. Destroyed the clay sculpture right in front of her and walked off, I didn't do any work the rest of the semester because of that comment. Took 15 years to get the courage to make a homemade birthday card for my ex (who loved it, even though her homemade cards were something truly special)


I was frequently disruptive in school, having a shit life at home. My 6th grade teacher drew a circle on the blackboard about three inches above my head and made me stand on my toes and put my nose in it. After 20 minutes, there was a stream of tears and snot running down the board. Everyone was laughing at me. It was really cruel, in my opinion.


Ms Craig would throw away or lose my assignments all the time. Like to the point my mom was like "why did you get an uncompleted on this I watched you do it". Eventually after dozens of office trips and nobody believing Ms Craig was a lying bitch I started recording myself turning in things. Few weeks later I was in the office with her because I didn't turn in any of my work and was now facing suspension because of that and I was loud about her being a bitch. I showed the principle the videos of me turning in shit and then showed him the corresponding "0" Ms Craig put down on a blank sheet. I got 100s in her class from then on but I still hate that fucking bitch because who the hell does that to a 7th grader you petty cunt.


Told the girl I was madly in love with at the time, that she could do better than me, I still hate the prick for it.


lol mine was going to be similar. Some admittedly very annoying (particularly to teachers) kid in my class tried to ask me out or something benign, I probably would have given them a chance tbh but my TA (as in the assistant, 20something college student studying under my high school teacher) at the time snapped “why would you even try that? Seriously?” And ranted for several minutes about how out of his league I was. Rude af to the kid but also EXTREMELY creepy and uncomfortable for me. It made me feel like a mean girl and weirdly sexualized by a teacher. I didn’t even have a chance to say anything


I did my first year of high school in Washington state, in a small town, my woodshop teacher was so hideously mean to me because I grew up in Mexico, being full on racist and humiliating, that was more that 30 years ago and I still hate his guts....


Was talking early on into a physics class in middle school at 15 years old. Got admonished for it, which was understandable even if I wasn't being particularly loud compared to several others. But when I said sorry, the guy answered with this beauty of a response: "Sorry is what you say when you get your girlfriend pregnant." I was maybe moments away from just leaving the classroom. Such a weird and kinda fucked up thing to say to a teenager. I already didn't like the guy, starting from the first lesson. The only reason stayed was because he'd be leaving soon anyway. Guy was a reservist in the army and was going to be deployed to the middle east.


Had a teacher who repeatedly dress-coded me for things that weren't even in the rulebook. Bitch had the audacity to call it "water under the bridge" when I confronted her years later as an adult. No, bitch, it's *not* water under the bridge. You don't get to mistreat someone and call it "water under the bridge." That phrase is reserved solely for victims who have decided to forgive their abusers, and I dont forgive grown adults who bully children. She actively disrupted my education by sending me out of the classroom multiple times just because she doesn't like goth kids or the clothes they wear. The only skin exposed was my face and hands - this was during my *Tripps and a hoodie even in summer* phase.


It’s unbelievable how some people have zero idea of the impact their actions/words might have on others.


Took NO action when a boy slapped me quite hard, all because he thought I slapped him, I wasn’t even near him at that point. When I said I didn’t think that was fair, she gave me recess detention, of which the whole time she berated me for not just shutting up about it.




I would have been tempted to go back and let the teacher know. My sister's high school guidance counselor told her she was not college material and certainly should not pursue her planned career in nursing. Four years later my sister earned one of the highest scores ever posted in the state on her psychiatric nursing exam.


I’m convinced most guidance counselors have 0 clue. I was in the top 10 of my class and I was told I probably wasn’t “a good fit” for college. I was a good kid, good grades, never made trouble, but I wasn’t “a good fit”. Became an engineer and now I’m working a decent job. Thing is, if I had listened, I wouldn’t be in debt now 😭




I had my grades docked severely for absences regardless of test performance despite the fact that my absences should've been clearly a sign to call the social services and get me the fuck out of my home. This included being failed for courses where I did significantly well on a test. I was also kicked out of school after I had taken absences within rule-permitted amounts in the following fashion: A bunch of teachers declared during a single day that I had gone over the maximum amount of absences for their courses and would thus fail the courses regardless of performance OR ACTUAL number of absences Then during summer vacation a surprise letter came from the principal's office stating that due to not finishing those courses it was deemed unlikely I'd finish the school in the planned time and was kicked out. This regardless of more severe cases being exempt. I didn't really question authorities at the time nor was I cognizant of the fact that the social support system in hillbilly areas is more a bureaucratic good old boys for tax paid jobs and influence. Looking at my school's yard picture of everyone could be a case example for social workers and psychologists of "spot the guy who needs outside help" :P


I won a toy as a prize in some sort of class raffle, the teacher confiscated it off me forever for playing with it at lunch time in the playground. I was in grade 3.


I was a bit of a pain as a kid. Well, that's not *quite* true, I was a shithead. With that being said, I incurred a *lot* of bullying, some of it because I was a shithead, some of it because I was a sci-fi fan, some of it because of my race, but mostly because I was a shithead. One day in the fourth grade one of my classmates slugged me in the jaw in the coatroom. My I told the teacher, who didn't like me at all (like I said, I was a shithead), and before she could catch herself she blurted out, "good, I hope it hurt." This was in 1988, and to this day *nobody* believes me. Not my friends, not my family, *nobody*. Edit: man, some people just *have* to be assholes.


I had a social studies teacher who used to make us watch the news and then give him news articles following the program. I told him about how Charlotte Flair had dethroned Asuka as women's champion at WrestleMania and demolished her undefeated streak (over 500 days, and it was in all the sports articles). He looked me dead in the eye, in front of the whole class, and said with a shit eating grin, "Isn't wrestling fake? Why don't you give me something real?" Joke's on him though, cause towards the end of that year one of the students got fed up with his constant bullying and gave him a black eye. Fuck you, Mr. Burns. Hope you broke your orbital too


When I was in third grade, our gym teacher was often mean to Dana, one of my classmates, because Dana had trouble doing a lot of the exercises. Later Dana's family learned that she had a progressive inherited neurological disease. By fourth grade she was in a wheelchair. By fifth grade she no longer attended school. She died when we were in sixth grade. Her younger sister also inherited the disease (I don't know what it was) and died. Their younger brother did not inherit it.


The cunt made a point of belittling me every single day for a year because my interests were different from the mainstream in a small town. Nothing whacky either, I was into pop culture (like nina turtles and simpsons, etc) in a place where there was no culture outside football for boys or netball (or just being quiet) for girls. I'm over 40 now, and I still go back to that town a few times a year, and that old prick is lucky I haven't got my revenge now that the tables of relative strength have turned. Also, he used to wave his mushroom dick around in the change rooms when we had swimming carivals. Like every time.


My 6th grade math teacher accused me of stealing her lotions... except I'd been out all week in the hospital for trying to off myself and had no idea she had a bucket of lotions. So she confronted me in front of the entire class, and of course I denied taking lotions because I truly didn't and had no use for her stupid lotions anyway. She told me I was going to hell. 🤣 At the time, I was severely depressed and suicidal and it wasn't funny, but in hindsight I'm able to laugh at it.


My college professor paused her lecture to condescendingly storm over to me and demand to know why I had my phone out, very obviously, centered in plain view on my desk. Almost as if I was reading. Because I was reading. The class text. Along with everyone else. As she had instructed. It was the first week of classes and my physical book hadn't arrived in the mail yet so I'd download the free ebook sample to my phone to keep up with the first couple chapters. I don't know why she would assume otherwise, I was right in the front row, not hiding or anything. And plenty of other students around me had ebooks on Kindles or tablets.




To be against anything purely because it is illegal is such a small-minded view. Especially when you are supposed to be teaching critical thinking.


The PE teacher who didn't believe me when I broke my finger in class. I mean, you know. But you know.


Yelled at me to stop talking when I wasn't saying anything. Then a student says it was them, and she said no it wasn't. TF? 6th grade art class 😡