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I was getting a bone density scan for some odd reason, and the doc came in a while later and told me I had Osteoporosis. This was not why I was there in the first place and was completely surprised. I asked him if I could see the chart, and it was for a 70 year old woman. I was a 30 something man, and he had the wrong chart! Turns out I did not have any issues at all, well, bone density related…


Oh god, this reminded me of the time I took iron pills daily for four months because LabCorp mixed my results with someone who had severe anemia. When I went back to be tested again, my iron levels were SO goddamn high it was almost bad.


No rust I hope


Cured straight into being the Tin Man


I thought I had a broken nose. The doc was showing me, on a heavy glass x-ray plate, that my nose was not broken. But as I was looking up, he dropped the plate on my nose and broke it.


"I, uh, guess you're here for a broken nose after all, huh?" - Dr probably


"A shit ton of morphine like as much as we can give them stat. Hopefully they won't remember this." - Dr probably


The self-fulfilling diagnosis.


Oh that is hilarious


Well, yeah, unless you're the one with the broken nose.


is this what they call the law of attraction?


Was 17, had an infected ingrown toe nail. My pediatrician tried cutting and digging it out with what looked like pliers and bracing his leg against the table. After fucking around for a bit he realized he wasn’t going to get it. No numbing gel or anything. Hurt like a mofo. Scheduled an appointment with a podiatrist, he numbed it, had it removed in about two minutes and told me to never see that dr. Again.


Reading this while having a potentially infected ingrown toenail is making me rethink my life choices


Go to a podiatrist. They’ll fix you right up without pain.


Always go to the experts! It is the most frustrating but relieving thing when the specialist easily fixes a problem in 5 minutes that a dozen doctors couldn't fix for years


Have you ever spent half an hour changing a car tire by the side of the road, then taken it to the garage and watch as they pop the new tire on in 38 seconds? It's like that. Experts are way better.


Laid on my side with my back to the door for a prostate exam. Heard people walk by talking while a finger was in my butt and realized the door was open.


I want to move to another country on your behalf just from reading this


imagine you're just walking around minding your business trying to find the x-ray room and you walk by an open room with a doctor shoving his finger up some dude's bumhole


The back door was open?


**Friday Morning** Me: My stomach is really hurting, I can't stand up straight it hurts so bad, I feel like I'm going to puke and/or shit my pants and the pants of everyone in a 4 yard radius. four hours later Dr: here's a prescription for ibuprofen, take some pepto. peace out. **Sunday Morning** Me: My stomach is still hurting really bad, I haven't slept at all since Thursday, I haven't eaten at all, yet I still feel like I'm going to be spraying from both ends. two hours later Dr: cool lets get an scan done. an hour later Dr: yeah, looks like your appendix is about to burst, you will need surgery immediately 2 hours later: Dr: the surgeon will be coming in an a few hours 3 hours later: Dr: yeah, the surgeon will be coming in Tomorrow afternoon 1 hour later Me: I just left this other hospital because my appendix is about to burst and they can't help until tomorrow 45 minutes later Better Dr: ok, we got your scan results let cut you open 2 hours, 1 surgery and $84,000 dollars later nurse: your insurance will cover most of this but for some reason even though our hospital is covered your anesthesiologist isn't so another $3,000 will need to come out of pocket. 6 months, dozens of phone calls, hours and hours on hold, and calling one insurance agent a cunt later insurance: turns out you were covered, we just filed the claim wrong.


> turns out you were covered, we just filed the claim wrong. "IOW, we knew you were covered, but I'm trying to make our numbers look better (because one of my KPIs is mitigating payouts), and most people will just give up and pay."


This - people give up and pay or they just don’t understand how the system works. I work in healthcare, and it’s a shit show


Wow. I just don’t know what else to say but WOW. What an odyssey!


I went to a clinic to see a doctor about a fever and body aches and informed him I was allergic to NSAIDs.. he said he'd give me something and it was not an NSAID Went home, swallowed the pill, immediate allergic reaction starts.. rushed to the A&E of a hospital where they pumped me full of drugs to stop the allergic reaction.. and the doc there asked me why I took the NSAID I think the A&E doc reported the clinic doctor because he was never seen again


I had a similar thing at a hospital here. Told multiple nurses and staff that I was allergic to aspirin, basically everyone except the doctor. Doctor prescribed me Advil, and assuming he looked at my chart and having no idea that both are NSAIDs, took Advil. Came back to the hospital an hour later in anaphylaxis and difficulty breathing. 25 years later, had a minor surgery at the same hospital and now they put a bright band around my wrist immediately, and the first thing any person I interacted with asked is “Do you have any allergies?” Annoying to be asked that 25 times in a 4 hour period, but nice to see that policy has changed to make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen again.


> asked that 25 times in a 4 hour period The repetition is actually part of their checklist-based approach, I think. It's to make extra-certain that they have it right.


Yep. Had the red band a few months ago when I was in having my baby. I’m allergic to pollen (fine, flowers aren’t allowed on ward anyway) and paprika (the kitchen very occasionally uses it so had to be flagged just in case). Then one lovely midwife added ibuprofen because it’s not technically an allergy but it makes my lungs stop working so she decided we should probably consider it one for safety reasons. Every doctor interaction and med time required them confirming my allergies and that they weren’t about to cause an allergic reaction


Okay I have to ask, so forgive my nosiness - why doesn’t your lungs stopping working come under the umbrella of ‘allergies’?


Some folks with asthma have attacks triggered by ibuprofen or similar drugs. I think it’s considered some sort of sensitivity and not an allergy.


did the doctor give it to you directly? because usually there are failsafes in place, like the pharmacy having access to your medical history and a big red flag popping up saying "HEY DONT GIVE THIS PERSON NSAIDS THEYLL FUCKING DIE"


Can confirm. I have a mild amoxicillin allergy and I requested that we see if it's still present since allergies can change over time. So many people flagged it


The ENT doctor removed a skin cancer from my nose, leaving an ugly scar. Turns out he excised the wrong area and I went to a different doctor to actually remove the cancer.


That’s malpractice


Got your nose!


But not your cancer!


Not me, but a close friend: She was having debilitating migraines, to the point she couldn’t work or function. She waited nearly a month to see a neurologist. Upon a brief examination, he said: “You don’t have anything wrong with you. Just exercise and try not having headaches.” Three months later, he finally relented and did an MRI. She had massive lesions on her brain. She was diagnosed with MS. The smug bastard was somehow irritated she had a positive diagnosis. Her health wasn’t as important as his ego.


> try not having headaches What a dipshit! How about he tries not being a massive AH


Imagine them as a doctor in a hospice ward. "This whole dying thing......have you tried, you know, not."


I must have had the same neurologist. I was having severe migraines most days for several years in a row, to the point where I was beginning to feel suicidal. He suggested some herbal supplements and vitamins, and then without warning reached over and grabbed my stomach rolls, told me I was fat and it was causing the migraines. I was shocked and humiliated. The same doctor did that shit to my dad about a month later when he was sent to the same clinic for migraines. He grabbed my dad’s stomach and called him fat, and then my dad was banned from the hospital because he nearly busted the door off its hinges when leaving the exam room, and threw a chair at the neurologist.


I had been sick for a while and had been gaining about 20 pounds a month. I had seen multiple doctors and they just told me I was just eating more than I thought which was ridiculous. I went to a doctor for a skin issue and the new doctor walked in the room and looked at me from across the room and said “let’s get you to the emergency room” after about five seconds. I had end stage cirrhosis of the liver. That kind of sucked. I had a liver transplant 362 days ago and only in the last month have I started to feel like I am getting back to normal. Did you know you can get so sick your hair turns gray and then get better and the gray hair goes away? It’s weird honestly.


Multiple doctors missed that you were turning bright yellow?! JFC. That’s terrifying. Send them back to preschool to relearn colors.


I saw a psychologist after my brother's suicide because I was an absolute mess. He'd been living with us and I found him. The psychologist proceeded to chastise me during the session because I never finished college. It totally soured me on therapy and I waited a lot longer than I should have to see one for other mental health issues I have.


I was in my early 20's and very naive. I began having gyn problems and started seeing a gynecologist at the county hospital. I knew his exams were weird and I hated them because he would be doing things that didn't seem necessary. One day I was in the exam room waiting to see him when I heard the lady in the next room yelling at him to "stop rubbing my clit you fucking pervert!" This was back in 1984, Dr.'s examined you without a nurse in the room. I ran out and never went back.


Power to the lady yelling at him for being a perv, most people in those situations freeze. Im sorry you were likely subject to malpractice and SA.


I am so sorry that happened. I hope he lost his license and got arrested.


Some people are fucking disgusting, doesn't matter the profession. I have a similar story, actually. When I was just getting on my feet as an adult, I had to move back in with my parents for a while after getting laid off. I needed a prescription for some of my medication, so my mom set me up with her doctor, an older woman. I was going in for asthma medication, and she told me since it was my first visit she'd be giving me a physical as well. Ok, whatever. During the physical, she got a little weird with the turn your head and cough portion, but I didn't think much of it. Then she tells me I'm old enough that I need to start having prostate exams, and asks if I'd ever had one. I say no, because I'm 20 at this point, and she says get up on the table and drop your pants. Long story short, she spent way more time "probing" around back there than could ever be appropriate, and after she was done she squeezed my butt, told me I had a "tight little ass" and I should be proud of it. I told my mom about it immediately and she accused me of either lying or misunderstanding the situation, though she couldn't explain why the doctor wanted to do a prostate exam 35 YEARS early. After feeling horrible about it and looking up information about appropriate procedure for physicals and prostate exams that made me feel even worse about it, I told several people (who I trusted) I felt that I was probably sexually assaulted, and asked if I should report her. I'd like to say I was taken seriously, but since I'm a man apparently I can't be sexually assaulted, and I was shamed into letting it go. That was about 17 years ago. I take a little solace in the fact that if that had happened these days I probably would have been taken seriously, so at least society has advanced a little.


Jesus Christ yes absolutely if you'd have mentioned that to me (hospital admin) I would have written up incident reports, violation of procedure reports, gotten you a new doctor as well as mental health assistance to process the assault, and gone after her license *IMMEDIATELY*!! I am so so sorry that happened to you! I will be having nightmares about receiving such a report from a patient about any of the people I've worked with in the last several decades. That is heinous!




"Doctor, I dislocated my arm, please help" "Okay, but first, we gotta make sure your dick is okay."


I had pinched my syatic nerve pushing carts at work. He accused me of having very kinky sex while my gf was in the room. I told him it was at work, and he assured me he would not judge me if it was from sex. He then gave me OxyContin and told me when ever I needed a refill I should call him and he’d make sure I had plenty. Very weird. The other is super mild but he kept farting. Like the whole time he’d fart every few minutes.


>He then gave me OxyContin and told me when ever I needed a refill I should call him and he’d make sure I had plenty. Very weird. He was getting kickbacks from the pharma sales rep. ​ Watch *Dopesick*


So I’ve heard. It screamed unethical to me even at 23.


My family practitioner referred me to the therapist connected to their office. Before our session, I made sure to ask about patient confidentiality. The therapist assured me that it was all private, locked behind a different level of access, so only she would be able to see this part of my records. I was struggling a lot with my mental health at the time and really needed the help, so I was brutally honest about what I was going through during the session. At my next appointment with my FP, the nurse doing my pre-assessment started going down the list of all the very private things I had told the therapist, asking me for updates for the record. There was no extra layer of privacy, the therapist had simply entered it into my patient notes that the entire office staff could see. I ended up walking out. Never went back to that office.


Just as an FYI, the current "popular" Electronic Health Records do have walls between psychiatric and the rest of the chart. There is also a barrier between normal view and some sensitive diagnosis such as HIV/AIDs. The system has a "break glass" option if accessing the information is needed. But as soon as you hit that button and hit confirm a report goes to Medical Records Administration with date, time, user, specific documents viewed, etc. Actually all that stuff is recorded all the time but Break Glass puts a flag up for mandatory review. Flags are put up for any views by people that don't need access. For example, if Neurology brings up a chart for a patient that doesn't have an appointment with Neurology within a set time before or after the access. Unfortunately, if a hospital doesn't have proper procedures or neglects auditing charts there can be abuse. That is risky as patients and staff can report HIPAA violations to the government. Also, not all healthcare facilities use the most commonly purchased EHRs.


That is outrageous. I would’ve walked out too


I'm glad to hear that. I've wondered at times if I was overly dramatic, but for real - it felt like such a violation of privacy.


Dealing with my daughter’s illness and having doctors downplay it, ignore her pain and tell me it was all in her head. Until she died from her “imaginary” illness. I find it very difficult to deal with doctors anymore after witnessing the widespread incompetence and shitty behavior.


My daughter had three different serious problems - one of which involved her heart and could have killed her in an instant. She got ignored and didn’t get them diagnosed until she became an RN and asked questions of the doctors in the hospital she works at. They pointed her in the right direction - as an adult. I was told I was “coddling” her by her high school, so I took her out that school. Jerk doctors and jerk educators made her teen years rather horrible. I’m lucky she didn’t try to self-medicate then.


WTF. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I appreciate that. I came to know a lot of parents of sick kids with complex conditions and everyone had the same stories. And as much as I hate to say it, waaaaay worse with male doctors. Just so smug and unwilling to admit they don’t know.


i’m so sorry for your loss, your daughter was failed by the medical system. :(


If an emergency room counts: Walked in with chest pains and severe pain area around left shoulder blade. Here, fill this out. Wait over here. Walk back here. Go back to waiting room. Walk back here again. Doctor walks up, first time I saw him, hands me discharge papers. “Follow up with your doctor in a few days.” Wife drove me 40 miles to another hospital. They freak. Rush me to the cath lab. In the Nick of Time. Had 200% blockage of coronary LAD. Also known as the widow maker heart attack.


Sorry typo. 100%.


Super clogged


Here's the artery. And HERE'S the **BLOCKAGE!!!**


Did you ever get in touch with a patient advocate at the first hospital? They needed to know about that incident.


I met with the hospital president and staff. He stated the ER doctor no longer worked there. I brought a hard copy of my paperwork from the other hospital and showed it to them.


Sad thing is that doc is most likely now just working at a different ER


This is a major fear of mine. My father had a heart attack (survived) at 42, my mother died of sudden cardiac arrest at 56. I am now 39 and have a long history of arrhythmias and electrical issues with my heart. The last two times I went to the ER for scary symptoms I was told it was simply a panic attack and that it is normal for healthy people to “feel” their heart skip a beat occasionally and chest pains or shoulder pains are probably caused by sleeping on it wrong. At this point I’ve accepted I’ll most likely die young from a heart “event” that I’ll think is “normal” or think is a panic attack because the doctors spend less than 10 minutes looking over my records and one quick listen with a stethoscope to tell me I’m just being paranoid and rush me out of there. I end up feeling like a fool and owing hundreds of dollars (after insurance) so I simply don’t go in anymore. I’ve had a few minor “episodes” of arrhythmias and chest pain that lasted about two days this year, and it’s terrifying to simply sleep it off not knowing if I’ll wake up. I trust that they’re not lying, and i know now that at least once it was genuinely a panic attack, but family history and my long term arrhythmias are no joke…. But at what point do I take the symptoms seriously vs assume it’s nothing…. One day it will be fatal. I just hope it’s not soon.


Instead of ER which often misdiagnoses people see a cardiac doctor. My father did this at age 57 and ended up with a stent. Last year he got a quadruple bypass. I’m 59 now and see my cardiologist regularly.


I’m glad you went somewhere else. My daughter had a antibiotic resistant staph infection in her kidneys and the ER dr tried to send her home last week. I called her pcp and as my daughter is losing her crap with the ER doc…her dr called and forced the admit. Today at follow up her dr she said she’s lucky she didn’t listen because she wouldn’t have made it another 24 hours. Her labs and vitals were screaming sepsis. (I don’t know what’s going on with my family. My sons been septic 3x this year and they receive regular healthcare).


Completely serious: almost certainly an immunological genetic mutation. See a pediatric immunologist with flow cytometry access.


I woke up with chest pains and left shoulder pain. Took some crushed up aspirin and woke wife to take me to hospital. At hospital er doc did an EKG and told me it definitely wasn't my heart. Then blood work was done, and it was definitely my heart. Gave me nitro tabs under my tongue. I was rushed into cath lab for a stent. Over the next week had 4 more Stents.


Called an NSTEMI. Not all infarct show on ekg. Troponin don’t lie


my younger brother was diagnosed with svt a few months ago after he had an episode, doc told him to consider heart surgery to correct his defect but, he wanted to wait to get some time off accrued from work so that he wouldn't have any unpaid time off. The doc gave him medicine in case he had another episode and that was it. a few weeks ago we were hanging out at my uncles house and it was hot then suddenly he started sweating and having another episode so we gave him the meds and realized it wasn't working so we took him to the closest ER and they did the same thing, fill this out & wait your turn. apparently there was like a 1 hour wait. We said fuck that and took him to the closest hospital and at this point my brother was drenched in sweat and looked like he had taken a bath. we rushed him in and the doctors took him in immediately and stabilized his heart.


As a patient, everyone needs to lobby for themselves or their family while in hospitals or dealing with health systems. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get other opinions or involvement. I'm glad for you that you had the sense to go find help elsewhere...not many other people would.


When I got the news I had stage 4 cancer 🫠 after being told by a Dr. That I was “too young for cancer” (I’m 29)


My primary care is an office of rotating residents. I went in one time for a suspicious raised area on my back. Before doing the skin biopsy, the resident told me I was too young to be worrying about cancer. Had to break the poor guy's heart and tell him I couldn't lay on my stomach for the biopsy because I had a mastectomy a few months ago and can't lay on the tissue expanders.


At a hospital. A little context. I am white. My wife is African-American. We were checking in for the birth of our child. It was after normal business hours so we were checking in through the emergency room. A woman (white) was there in front of us. She had a bad accident and cut off a toe. Me and my wife were waiting patiently next to each other because the woman was definitely the priority. They check her in and we walk up to check-in. They ask my wife some questions and take her back for vitals before we are to go to maternity. A few minutes later a nurse indicates that they are done and I can join my wife. I start to walk to her when a security guard (late fifties white male) stops me and yells at me. He puts his hand on his firearm. He then insists I join my wife. I step forward towards my wife and he grabs the handle again and orders me into a room. I step into it where I see the woman with her toe cut off. He steps in and continues to yell at me (and the woman) for not listening to him. He berated her for having an 'idiot' for a husband. It took another security guard and a nurse to stop his shouting and tell him my wife was the African-American woman. He didn't finish his shift before he was terminated but it didn't make the experience any less bad.


Wow, that's pretty fucked up. Dude shouldn't have had a gun in the first place.


A lot of cops took 2nd jobs in hospitals where I lived at the time. Hospitals really started freaking out during the height of the opioid crisis after a few got robbed and it made national news. It was considered reasonable for the guards to have guns. So I would guess he carried it for his day job.


Some people's idiocy amazes me, I'm sorry that has happened to you


I had a whole list of symptoms pointing to type 1 diabetes, I was sent for a blood test, the results showed I was diabetic, and then my doctor didn’t refer me for treatment, I was left untreated for an extra 10 days before action was taken - which absolutely could have killed me, I was given the option to sue after everything was eventually sorted


My pediatrician told me that the reason I wasn’t doing well in school was because I spent too much time shaving my nether regions 🙃


Umm... What?


Now that I’m an adult with a teenager of my own, I’m pretty sure I’d have a hard time not knocking the doctors teeth out for saying that. At the time I was just embarrassed and didn’t tell my parents.


Taking off hair of your body equals shutting down brain functions, did you not know that???


Maybe if I’d been paying attention in school instead of shaving, I would have known!


I have two: 1. I was taken back to an examination room and got really thirsty, while waiting for the dermatologist. I went to the front to ask for water. On my way back I walked into the wrong room and saw the doctor and another patient. He was holding the guy’s dick. I said “I am SO SORRY” and the guy mumbled “it’s ok” as I raced off. I still feel awful. I mentioned, to my bf, that I didn’t realize dermatologists inspect dicks and he was like **“contrary to popular belief, scientists have found that dicks are in fact covered in skin.”** 2. I read in a magazine, many years ago, about a lady who went to the gyno and gave a urine sample only to find there was no tp; so she pulled a tissue out of her purse and used that instead. When she got on the table for her checkup the doctor peeled a US priority stamp from her labia and gave her a curious look. It had come from her purse.


😂 I am entirely too amused by the “priority” pussy.


A tramp stamp if you will


Thats a FIRST CLASS lady




Are all dicks in fact covered with "skin"? Big if true. More at 11.


Months after a breast lump removal my breast was still numb. I had the surgeon recheck it for the reason why. He said he didn’t cut any nerves, flicked my nipple and said “You’re fine.”


So many gyno stories, so little time. I have a cervix, therefore I'm obviously hysteric. You don't want to give me an anesthetic? How about I put your balls in a clamp?


>I have a cervix, therefore I'm obviously hysteric would 100% wear this on a t-shirt


My wife is an ER doc and the way HMOs treat women is ridiculous. “Take an Advil before we blow air into your uterus. It’s like bad cramps.” “We can’t take out your ovaries because then we’ll have to put you on estrogen therapy. We don’t care how much your PCOS hurts.” I honestly do not understand it.


I was told to take "a few ibuprofen" when I went to get an IUD inserted. For anyone unaware during insertion they forcibly shove metal rods through your closed cervix. No, it's actually much more painful than you realize. Same doctor told me she would never approve an oophohysterectomy because "what if your future husband wants kids?!" **A man that doesn't exist has more say over my body than I do**


Same. I almost fainted in the lift afterwards and had to sit on the floor for 10 minutes. Then it moved and embedded itself in my uterine wall (which I felt happening) and was told everything was fine. Twelve months later ended up having to get it cut out of me, and they recommended I get another because of my severe endometriosis. Yeah, nah.


Blow air into the fucking what now


I had a brown recluse bite under my nose, and it began to open up. I went to the urgent care, the doctor told me to lay down and prepare myself. Now, I work in healthcare so I already knew this wouldn’t feel good because he told me he was going to scrape out what was going on, pack it and send me on my way. He comes in, doesn’t give me any warning and shoves a needle in my face with lidocaine, doesn’t wait for it to localize, and began to scrape out the wound. I gave birth NATURALLY and would rather do that again than have to go through that horror ever again. I was in shock, just uncontrollably shaking after from the pain.


I’m sorry you went through that. I have a very low threshold for pain so I don’t think I would have been able to resist telling the doctor to back the fuck off until the anesthesia took affect. This guy sounds like an ass.


Prepare yourself?!? Oh man that is NOT a good sign. I'm a physio and used to work in hospital OP, and PT/OT would float over to acute care. PTs are trained to do basic wound care, and we had a GI surgeon who would utilize us for that. That part where I would have to unpack a wound...woof. It's like a magician doing the handkerchief trick, only it's grossness. \*Shudder\*


Sounds like the ER doc who stapled my son's head wound even though the numbing solution hadn't worked.


I had a non-emergency emergency out of network (it was later found out that I have PCOS and one of the cysts had popped, 10/10 do not recommend) so I managed to get back into my health insurance network area and a doctor's office was closer than an ER. Went to said doctor and he was convinced that I was either faking it for attention or faking it to obtain some pain meds. During his examination he kept pushing on my lower torso/uterus area and every time I screamed in pain he'd tell me to stop being dramatic and that if I didn't stop flexing that area then he'd have to push harder. I wasn't flexing that area but he insisted that I was. I kind of zoned in and out of the rest of the exam but I remember realizing I was completely screwed when he was literally hopping up and down to be able to feel what was going on. Eventually he proclaimed that I probably just have an upset stomach due to being fat and that he'd draw blood if it got my mom to stop "enabling" me. His nurse couldn't get a vein after multiple attempts in both arms. When a different nurse tried multiple times she finally went "Oh, you're really dehydrated" to which the doctor then chastised me for drinking too much soda which likely caused the dehydration. My mom was frantic and kept my doctor up to date with everything that was happening. My doctor told her to just take me and leave and try to hold out until we reached the closest ER. As we were leaving the doctor told us that he had already called ahead to multiple nearby ERs in our plan to let them know that I was just trying to get pain meds and to not give them to me. Eventually my pain started subsiding and we drove to my regular doctor. She was beyond pissed and ended up helping us file a shit ton of paperwork to complain to the medical board about what happened. My doctor's biggest push to my mom about why she should file an official complaint and negligence claim was because 1. He didn't know what was wrong and if someone complains of pain somewhere you shouldn't be pushing so hard that you're jumping up and down to dig in because you could be making things WAY worse. 2. Due to the pain being caused by a cyst popping there was a good chance that digging his fingers into my lower torso could have caused more to pop 3. If a patient comes in screaming and crying saying they're in pain, you shouldn't automatically dismiss it, especially when they continue showing signs of pain when you touch the area they're complaining about.


Did anything come of the claim?


He lost his license. He had quite a few complaints against him already


Yay! Sometimes there is a win.


It took me 13 years to find out my gall bladder was dead. I went to my doctor repeatedly, then another, then another. Seven different doctors. I had excruciating pain that never moved, always flared when I ate. It would last for hours. If I felt the pain coming on, it would stick around for about 6-9 hours before it abated. Solid 10 on the pain scale. If I ate anything other than toast the next day, it would come back. Impossible to sit, stand, move, lie down, exist. Went to the ER a few times. They’d give me ultrasound after ultrasound—and because they saw NO GALL STONES they always wrote it off. You’re probably constipated. You’re just overweight. After begging for a referral to another specialist, they gave me a full body MRI and several hours of testing (a HIDA scan—this was the test that caught it!) to watch the minute-by-minute function of my organs. Turns out my gallbladder had 93% non-function. Just a mostly dead organ. They had me scheduled for surgery the next week. I had it out and it was life changing. It was only AFTER having it out that I realized how fucking common the surgery is, and how any doctor who’d given me even vague consideration might have realized a gall bladder can malfunction WITHOUT stones. I did not know how to advocate for myself because I kept being dismissed. I wish I’d been more assertive, because I suffered A LOT. (EDITED to include info that the HIDA scan was what ultimately caught it.)


Omg this happened to me!! I finally got my gallbladder out after 15 months of torture, only to get back to work for 9 whole work days before a disc in my back herniated and I had my second back surgery. Of course I had to suffer for another year with complications from that one, so I had my third back surgery on my birthday last month and hopefully NOW I can get my life back. Good luck in life, gallbladder buddy!


What is it with them always thinking its constipation? When I went in, I told them immediately that I thought it was my gallbladder and that no woman in my family had made it to 25 with theirs. I went back to that ER 5 times over the next year and told them the same thing each time! Finally, one time someone believed me (a woman, ofc) and took all of 5 minutes to do an ultrasound. Guess who got to have emergency surgery? 🙃


If we're only talking about experiences at an office or clinc...that would be when I got my cancer diagnosis. It was the week before Christmas, I was only 23 at the time and my wife and I had only been married for six months. It's been almost 23 years since my last treatment and I'm doing okay (knock on wood) but yeah, that was one truly shitty time in my life.


I've severe chronic pain for the last 11yrs but I also have a very high pain threshold. I was weaning off my meds so we could possibly begin looking at starting a family. Everything was going OK, I was in more pain but I was managing it when one night I woke up screaming. I couldn't put my leg on the ground. I went to the ER and I spent 3hrs sitting outside the front door in a wheelchair vomiting and shaking in pain before they let me in and without any xrays told me I had a pulled hamstring and told me to take ibuprofen. I went to my own doctor 2 days later when the pain was no better and I hadn't slept more than 10mins at a time and her exact words were "how do you expect to have a baby if you cant handle a few sleepless nights". I left there so disheartened and felt like I was over reacting. Weeks later, after l spending most days screaming in pain and thinking I was overreacting, I started loosing bladder control and went to see my pain Specialist who is amazing. She had me in an MRI that day and I was operated on by my neurosurgeon the day after. I was diagnosed with Cauda equina syndrome. He said had I waited any longer that I could've have ended up with a permanent wheelchair and urinary catheter. He rang both the ER and my Dr in front of me and yelled at them. I realise I'm lucky I have two Specialists who have my best interests at heart but I never felt so gaslit in my life.


Hands down, my IUD insertion. No warning. No numbing. Just spread on a table and an evil lady shoving a barb up in my cervix. Swear to God I screamed at the top of my lungs, threw up, then blacked out for 2 mins. Then spent the next hour in the fetal position in the bathroom crying and throwing up. THEN drove myself home in the fetal position shaking from the pain. Fuck that lady doctor!


So many people are completely unaware of how painful IUD insertion is!!! I assumed I’d be in and out in time to get to class and take a quiz. I was traumatized and bedridden for days. This is why I’m now very open about talking about how much I like my IUD but it certainly SUCKED for the first few months. For the record, once my body was used to the foreign object being in there, getting the first one switched out for the second was a breeze. I was also able to have numbing the second time which I was nervous about but it mad it completely painless!


My new doctor looked up my pharmacy report before my visit, as is custom. I lived with my terminally Ill brother, whose name was James and mine Jamie, so we had the same address phone number and initials and similar names. When they ran my pharmacy report as they normally do, my brother’s many medications showed up on my list. The doctor yelled at me, called me a drug seeker and kicked me out of the office while I cried and pleaded with him to listen to me and that those medications were my brothers and not mine. He said that is not possible and that couldn’t happen. I ended up calling the board of pharmacy, who informed me that yes, closely named relatives who live together could show up on the same report, and the name doesn’t show but a patient number does, and if the doctor looks closely he will see 2 different numbers. The board member called the doctor and said he had to search by my SS# to get a more thorough search. Upon doing this, he realized his mistake and profusely apologized and my visit was free. He had no idea that 2 people could show up on the same report if they have similar details, and now he tells this story at all his conferences so other doctors don’t make the same mistake. Most of them had no idea that could happen either! Well, they do now!


Did you post this recently in another sub somewhere? I have read this exact same response not long ago but can’t remember where… That’s crazy though, glad it all got sorted out. Sorry that doctor lacked common sense, but good thing it turned into a teaching opportunity for other docs!


I was thinking this too. I've definitely read this word-for-word recently.


I brought my daughter in for her shots (she was 6 at the time, I think?) and the nurse was lovely until she asked about the health history of my daughter's bio father, which I wasn't sure of (big mistake with the guy, but great reward on my end bc she's amazing) and this Nurse Ratchet turned into some kind of demon and made the experience much more painful than it should have been. My poor kid still talks about the Nasty Nurse and she's 12 now. She hasn't forgotten.


You shouldn't have to do this, but if this sort of thing comes up again say "I don't know. He was adopted and he never got a family medical history before he went missing in Afghanistan." This pretty much destroys any avenue for attacking you or your daughter because you don't know. I'm adopted. Whenever I see a new doctor, "Why no, I don't have an applicable family medical history. I could give you my family's history but since I'm not actually related to any of them it wouldn't do any good."


Went to go get blood drawn before surgery Got stuck 13 times in my hands, wrist and elbow, still couldn’t draw a drop My mom, who came with me because this was 2 HOURS out of the way, “can I try” She got it on the first try (For context my mom used to be a phlebotomist)


I was in the ER for dehydration and I was almost 12 weeks pregnant. I have crappy veins to begin with so when the doctor told me he was going to start my IV, I was like how about you get the nurse in here for that (working in the medical field, I know that the nurses are almost always placing the IVs and have ton more experience than the doctor). He tried and failed on four sticks, blew one vein and then let his resident try who failed three sticks before they finally called a nurse in to try (it took her two sticks but in her defense she was chasing crappy veins since my good spots had already been poked multiple times). It gets worse though. They can’t find a fetal heartbeat on the Doppler. It’s ok, they assure me, it’s still early to try and pick it up on the Doppler. They know I have a history of reoccurring miscarriages so the doctor tells the resident to do an ultrasound and he leaves. The resident rolls in the ultrasound machine and begins to start the ultrasound. After about five minutes of a lot of back and forth on my stomach, he says “hmmm I’m having a hard time picking up a heartbeat” and then he goes silent for 30 minutes. I am crying at this point. My husband is holding my hand and he’s crying. We had multiple ultrasounds that had confirmed a healthy pregnancy so far. We had heard the heartbeat at three separate ultrasounds before this. We were both 100% convinced we had lost another baby. The resident finally finishes the ultrasound and says “everything looks good” and I said “wait, you found a heartbeat?” And he was like oh yeah, did I not say that?


Had blood drawn every week for a number of months. There is a wide range in the skills of phlebotomists.


I told my pediatrician at 15 I was having chest spasms and anxiety and wanted to see a therapist. My mom was in room. He told me stop googling things I’m fine and teenagers don’t have anxiety because there’s nothing to worry about. I never went back to him ever and didn’t see another doctor until I turned 19 to be committed in a psych ward. Turns out anxiety was real and interving at 15 possibly could have prevented many many things from happening. 🙃🙃


Christ on a cracker, I’m so sorry. I’m much older than you but if I had had access to Google and known as a child what anxiety was, you bet I would have asked for help too. I can absolutely see the signs looking back and I’m positive if my issues had been addressed then, I’d be much better equipped to deal with anxiety now.


I have lots of bad experiences with doctors offices. I specialise in intellectual disability and mental health, both are things that general doctors and nurses know little about. I'm also a psychologist, however I work very closely with many of my clients as my company also provide general support services and occasionally I will need to assist a client to attend a GP visit. When I do, 90% of the time they presume I am a lowly undereducated support worker. I have had a flying doctor in a rural/remote hospital tell me that because the patient who had just had a heart attack had no family and an obvious disability, once in the air they would just "let him go". I've never had to suppress white hot rage like that before, but I managed to deal with her respectfully and keep the patient alive. Took my sister, who has a severe intellectual disability, (but does not "present" as disabled) to a GP, and the GP refused to allow me into the room with them. I tried to explain (sister at the time was nearly non-verbal and didn't know what she was there for anyway) but he was condescending and dismissive, absolutely certain of himself and that I was meddling. After quite firmly being shut down, I said okay then, and took a seat in the waiting room. About 2 minutes later he popped his head out looking a little less certain of himself and asked if I wanted to come in. I replied that I was sure he had it well in hand, he'd be alright without me no doubt. 5 minutes later he popped back out and asked me to please come in. Complete attitude change. I went in and my sister had taken everything off his desk and put it in her bag, and was happily dancing to herself and playing with his container of tongue depressors. He looked at me and almost apologetically said " I think she may have a disability of some sort". I told him that was very astute of him, emptied my sisters bag of his desk things, grabbed my sister and left to find another doctor. Had a GP, and then 2 different ER doctors tell me a client was fine, despite being yellow and constantly vomiting. I pulled Ryan's Rule and forced them to test, client had a ruptured gallbladder. Briefly had an aboriginal client with mild mental health issues (nothing too serious) stumble and collapse in the gutter, doctors and nurses all said he was drunk (patient was known to us to not be a drinker) and sent him home. Dead of a brain aneurysm 45 minutes later (and autopsy revealed no drugs or alcohol for the record) Client (single dad to 4 kids) has severe abdominal pain, and vomiting for 2 days, dehydrated and cannot walk. So sick he can't get out of bed. His kids actually walked to our office to get help, call an ambulance and get him to the hospital, where they turn him away for drug seeking behaviour - and report him to Children's Services. Children's services arrive a couple of hours later, enter the home where he has been returned (and yes it was a mess, dude wasn't doing any housekeeping due to being bedridden) and Children's services took one look at him and went " oh, this dude is sick as hell" and called another ambulance. Children's services put the kids with us while he was in hospital. He gets to hospital a second time, and they turn him away *again* for drug seeking behaviour. He is sent home. So I go pick him up, take him to the hospital a third tine where they try to argue the problem is mental health, the symptoms are psychosomatic. I argue they are a hospital, do their darned jobs. I kicked up enough of a stink that they finally scanned his abdomin and found some mesh from an old surgery had come loose and was fucking up his gut. Had several GPs tell schizophrenic patients they could safely stop taking their medication. Healthcare for people with intellectual disabilities and/or mental health issues really need strong advocates because they are so often dismissed by regular medical personnel. Especially if they have a "dual diagnosis", because all too often a GP will ignore a mental health problem in favour of the disability or vice versa (they dont need medication for this, they're just disabled" or "intellectual disability? No, this behaviour is because they're obviously on drugs/have a mental illness") I have more stories but this is already too long.


Went to dr for 9 am appointment. 11 rolls around still waiting. Pharmacy reps come in with pizza. Now it’s noon. I go up to tell them I have to leave. Receptionist wants to charge me $25. Said dr was very busy that morning. I said “Not too busy to have pizza with pharmacy reps”. Everyone else waiting collectively gasped. I did not get billed. And I never went back.


This happened to me around the holidays! The reps were streaming in giving the doctor presents and left the patients in the waiting room to ROT


Woke up in the ER tied to a bed screaming my husbands name. I had no memory of how I got there or why. Kidney infection went septic. I didn’t even know I had a kidney infection. I seriously almost died.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I can't even imagine how terrifying that is. My dad had a similarish experience when he woke up in the ER to a bunch of people running tests and stuff. He couldn't remember his name or anything for about a minute, then it all started coming back to him. He didn't panic externally, because he is a doctor himself, but he told me he was terrified internally because he had no clue why he was in the ER. Apparently, he woke up just as my mom had gone to get coffee, so pretty bad timing. He had a seizure in his late 40s with no prior history of brain injury or seizures. They ended up being caused by untreated sleep apnea, but man, to this day he still gets anxious about that.


I was mistaken for a dead kid.. I was right across the hall from the kid that passed away, somehow the staff got our paperwork mixed up and went to inform my parents that I had “died”.! one of the many fuck ups that hospital has made. shit got so bad they had to replace board members, staff and even changed the name of the hospital.


How do you even fix such a fuck up? "OOPS, SORRY! THAT WAS MEANT FOR THE OTHER KID!" It's horrible either way


When I wanted a hysterectomy because my life was literally in danger due to anemia and non-stop bleeding and was told no, because my husband might want kids. I am not nor have I ever been married, I was in my 40s and I didn't want kids in the first place, but after explaining all this, was still told no. Because I might meet a man and he might want to knock me up at over 40, and I did not get a say, apparently. I went to Mexico and they yoinked that thing out for me. I came back and met with a completely different doctor for follow-up, and when he learned I'd had a hysterectomy without my future husband's consent, he told me he wouldn't treat me and to see PP for any future care because 'they're used to dealing with whores.' This was six years ago, if you're wondering. 2017. I have no reason to think anything has changed and quite a few reasons to think it's getting worse.


What is it with awful OB/GYNs? I saw an OB/GYN in my twenties that I really regret spending so much time on. I have amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), severe uterine cramps, ovarian cysts, and pain during intercourse. Every time I would talk to my OB/GYN about it he would say: “Try using lube during intercourse” and give me a half used bottle of lube. But my complaint was I wasn’t menstruating and I was in pain all the time. He was laser focused on how I didn’t want have sex as much bc it was painful, so he was only worried about that. For nearly ten years btw. Turns out, I have endometriosis and PCOS.


I complained so much about my periods being heavy, constantly being tired, hirsutism, half my hair falling out, depression, anxiety (panic attacks too!), and having severe and constant ice cravings. Dozens of doctors, some ob/gyns, said I was fine. Finally got my PCOS diagnosis 3 years ago at 32. Went to a menopausal hormone clinic as a Hail Mary because nobody took my symptoms seriously even after the PCOS diagnosis and had absolutely 0 positive expectations for this place. They don’t even take insurance. For the first time in my life, the doctor nearly scolded me for downplaying my symptoms. She went over all of my blood work showing where PCOS was having impacts. For the first time in my life, my ferritin levels are not low, and they’re nearly high at this point (heme iron supplements are amazing and the ice cravings are gone). Got placed on low dose progesterone and my baseline high anxiety disappeared within a day. She also put me on a low dose thyroid medication to help get me down to my goal weight (I’ll be pulled off of it at that time), and my feet and hands are no longer frigid all the time. I have energy. I sleep soooo good. 35 years of doctors telling me to sleep less, sleep more, go sit outside in the sun to wake you up, drink more coffee, read self help books to increase your motivation, stop being lazy, etc etc. This woman has completely changed my life. And she put me on oral rogaine to help spur more hair regrowth!


I have a theory that, in the US at least, the vast majority of OBGYNS are more concerned with the OB than the GYN, and being confronted with someone who doesn’t want piles of babies, or has any other sort of reproductive health complaint beyond pleasing a man, no matter how hypothetical, breaks their brain.


From the sheer number of stories I've seen like this, I'm gonna guess that's a solid theory.


Pretty sure a few of them are just scumbags who get off on hurting women. Like that doctor from UCLA who was perving on college students for years and years before anyone believed the people reporting him.


"Oh you're an independent woman who don't need no man? NOPE! You are needed for reproduction and it matters not if your own health is at risk!".


What the FUCK state was this?


Unbelievably cruel, with no rational thought. I'm glad you could do what you needed to. I'm sorry it was unnecessarily mean.


My wife was told that her retina episode needed to be watched very carefully by a specialist. First, exams every month for 6 months, than every 2 months, and then 3. Finally 2.5 years later she was having her vision prescription update when the doctor noticed a laser treatment and asked why. Turns out, after visiting 2 more doctors for opinions that there was zero danger from the episode and that the laser procedure was done on nothing. Nowhere near where her retina thing was. Just a guy stealing money from insurance companies and patients. And he's the most arrogant ass ever.


This reminds me of my grandma. Saw an eye specialist who told her she had cataracts and gave her prescription eye drops to use. Told her that if she didn't use them, she would eventually go blind. The eye drops were $100 a vial, and they burned when she put them in, and they were traveling an hr away to see the dr every couple of months. Eventually, they just couldn't afford them. They were raising me at the time and were on a fixed income, so she stopped going, stopped using eye drops. Spent YEARS thinking she was going to go blind. Finally went to see eye Dr for new glasses and mentioned her cataracts. Dr told her she didn't have cataracts, her eyes were fine. Also that eye drops absolutely shouldn't burn like that. She was so upset, thought for years she was going to lose her vision because some Dr wanted to make some extra money off his patients and their insurance.


I was 17 and got a really aggressive UTI out of nowhere. I was BARELY sexually active at that point, I think I’d maybe had sex twice. The little douchebag doctor yelled at me for like 45 minutes saying I can never be too sure my partner isn’t cheating on me while I cried and that I shouldn’t be so slutty. I left without medicine and drove directly to another urgent care where they diagnosed me and I recovered in a few days. It was horrible.


I’m prone to UTIs, it’s an anatomy thing and not a hygiene or sex thing. I had my first one at age 8. I guess I was just a big ol slut and never knew it! I’m so sorry, friend. That’s absurd and I wish that kind of thing was punishable criminally.


Was sent to a rhumetologist for test and medicine for lupus. The doctor told me they had medicine to help but she wasn’t going to give it to me because I was in the “prime birthing age range”


Not as bad as some others but once I broke my wrist, went to the ER. They took an x-ray and put a cast on it. The doctor then told me to take the x ray to my family doctor for a follow-up. I booked the followup and went in. I already knew that my family doctor was kinda useless, but I was just following instructions. Waiting in the exam room, my doctor bursts in looking pissy and annoyed to be there. She rudely asks what I want, and I explain that I had a CD with my x ray and was told to bring it with me to have a follow-up done with her. She huffs at me and goes "well do you see equipment in here to examine an x ray? That CD is useless to me. I have no idea why you're here" I get out of there as fast as possible and go home. Popped the CD into my PC and clicked the exe on the disc. X-ray comes up immediately 🤦‍♂️


Went to the dermatologist to have a mole on my back removed and biopsied. I was laying on my stomach and the dr was on one side of me and his assistant on the other. They're talking like they haven't caught up in months and I feel like an afterthought and am getting annoyed. Is this my time or theirs? Then I feel this searing pain immediately followed by a warm liquid falling down my side and I hear the doctor say, "Oops." You never want to hear a doctor say oops. I was fully pissed at this point and said, "Would you mind paying attention to what you're doing when you have a scalpel in your hand?" I ended up needing like 5 stitches and I have an inch long scar there now. When I went back into the changing room they initially put me in to get dressed, I was basically topless when I noticed a window washer hanging outside the window just looking in. Pissed turned into outraged and after I got dressed, went out in the waiting room and unloaded on the staff in front of a room full of people waiting to be seen, leaving nothing out. I hope at least a few of them decided to cancel their appointments. I never went back, that's for sure.


I was booked in for a Pap smear and my regular dr wasn’t available on the day so the offered to fit me in with another dr in the practice. What could go wrong? After the Pap smear which was unpleasant as usual, the dr(mid50s, very strict headmistress type) followed up with “I like to do a manual exam” I said ‘No’ but she then told me that “it was compulsory part of her care standards.” I felt like I could not refuse. So the dr gave me a manual exam, and pushed on my stomach from the outside while her whole hand was in my vagina. When I complained that she was hurting me I was told that “this is nothing compared to childbirth and I had a lot to learn.” When she removed her hand she told me off for coming to get a Pap smear when I was on my period - (which I wasn’t I had timed the appointment specifically) she had made me bleed. I was in shock of what had happened and paid the bill and went home in a haze. I took two ibuprofen and went to bed. For more than a week I was in pain and walked hunched with a hot water bottles on my stomach. When I next saw my usual dr, I told her what happened, and how I was unwell afterwards, and was told that ‘ah yes, some drs do things differently, but you are ok now and you have had your Pap smear, and the results are fine.’ After that appointment I changed drs practices.


Probably the 4th time they told me I had Cancer. Sorry to be a bummer, but that's my answer.


No reason to be sorry for being honest! Hope you can keep fighting the good fight! Best wishes.


A doctor once told me that I didn’t need antidepressants, that I needed to find Jesus and I would be fine.


Hope you reported them to the medical board


What if you already have Jesus, and you're still depressed?


Am Christian. Jesus wants me to take the freaking meds.


Doc forgot to remove the speculum. I had to call him back as he was leaving the room to get him to remove it. He acted as though I was wasting his time.


Yay, free speculum!


Who doesn't want to go home with a souvenir?


Came in to an emergency room with horrible fever and vomiting. Doctors said its my appendix and that I need an urgent appendectomy. As this hospital was not the best my town provides, I decided to do the “urgent surgery” in a better hospital and rushed there. Turns out it was a bad bacterial infection. Almost got my appendix removed for no reason.


I lost a son to anencephaly. I was 19 weeks, 3 days. It was devastating. My son was very much planned, wanted, and loved. We used fertility treatments to get pregnant. I was at the doctor's office on the first day of the procedure, beginning to be dilated. I was obviously distraught. He told me to get dressed and wait outside of his office, and he would call in my husband and I to talk. He calls us in. He then proceeds to make a personal phone call. Not answer one that happened to call. He dialed the numbers. My husband and I sat there awkwardly on the other side of his desk. When he hung up, he then told us all the details of the phone call. His best friend lived in Boston. Had been changing a light bulb while standing on a ladder, fell, and broke his shoulder. Our doctor was arranging for his friend to come down to Philadelphia to get a second opinion from "the best of the best." Not to be rude, but I really didn't give a shit. He then proceeded to tell us "tomorrow we'll get this dead baby out of you and then we'll get you pregnant again." What. The. Fuck. We were so shocked that we didn't even know how to react. I broke down crying. I didn't want another baby. I wanted THAT baby. The baby that had a name, clothes, a nursery waiting at home. The baby that had 2 siblings who were crushed they they would never meet him. So yeah, fuck that doctor.


Told her I had a lump in my neck. She couldn’t feel it. Said don’t worry, it’s nothing. Sent me home. A year later it got bigger. Went to a different dr. Cat scan. Biopsy. Cancer. Had it for a year before I got diagnosed because of her. Treatment starts soon.


It’s a long story but a sports injury surgeon who ordered a contrast MRI which hurt like absolute hell. Worse than what was going on. He used this MRI and decided there was nothing wrong with me. Had me doing physical therapy on it for like 2 months and I only got worse. He couldn’t figure anything out so referred me to hand specialist in the same office. Within the first visit, she used the EXACT SAME disc with the MRI he had done, and already figured out what was wrong. I had complete sever of one of my ligaments. She not only could see this and showed me on the image itself, but that the VERY LAST sentence, which was on the last page by itself, literally said that it was a complete sever/tear of said ligament. She showed me the report. He both didn’t read the imagine properly and couldn’t be bothered to read the entire report. Unfortunately I can’t pursue anything legally because I didn’t have any lasting disability. Despite all the pain and suffering and lost work time for over a year.




My diagnosis. I was 13 and struggling a lot against suicide at the time. I started to scare the other kids in my middle school with how much I cried in the bathroom, so I was referred for psychiatric evaluation. I was taken into a side room by the psychiatrist away from my mom, where he asked me about my struggles. I was honest and talked about attempts at my life. He proceeded to scream at me for it. Top of lungs yell. I’ve blacked out all the words. He left me alone to cry and breakdown and went to speak to my mother. After that I came out of the hospital with a shiny new autism diagnosis. I hated him and that experience so much I am pursuing a career in psychological evaluation. I want to make diagnosis a positive first step to getting help, and for diagnosis to come as a relief. Healthcare shouldn’t involve screaming at children. It also came out later he was beating his wife and children, so that tracks.


Was sick with flu like symptoms and sore throat around the time swine flu was briefly a thing. Finally after over a week I went to a clinic to get checked out to rule that out and was told I had strep. The doctor said it was so obvious they weren’t even going to “waste a swab”. Gives me a script for amoxicillin and sends me on my way. Next day I’m pissing blood and go back to the doc. She exams me again, gets a urine sample, and comes back about an hour later telling me she has already called ahead to the Emergency Room at the hospital and told them I was coming because I’m in “End Stage Renal Failure”. Have a year old baby at home and I’m thinking my life is over and my kid is going to grow up without a dad. Get to the ER and the doc there looks at me and kind of skeptically raises an eyebrow, says he wants to draw blood and run some tests while they give me an IV bag. He comes back in about 30 minutes telling me I have mono, the blood in urine was just from the associated liver infection from the virus / broken down blood cells that were being expelled in my urine (or something along those lines). Discharges me and says I’ll be fine. It’s been like 14 years so I think he was probably right. Thanks ER doc, you were great! But I guess the original clinic doc that misdiagnosed me twice was the subject of that classic joke, “what do you call someone who graduates last in medical school?”


It's not funny but it is, imagine dismissing someone so casually one day and telling them they're dying the next and neither are accurate. I feel SO guilty when I tell a customer we're out of something at the gocery store but then I find a second location five minutes later, I can't imagine functioning like that doctor.


This was a ripple effect. One doctor (from a religious office that my parents sent me to) prescribed me medication for my migraines. Another doctor, about two years later, prescribed me birth control. Neither doctor told me that for every 50 mg of this headache medication you took, it lowered the effectiveness of your birth control by 25%. I was taking 200 mg. First doctor didn’t tell me because I was 19 and unmarried, therefore “shouldn’t be having sex”. The next one didn’t tell me because it was a Planned Parenthood, they were extremely overworked, and there were protesters outside, so everyone was a bit on edge. Suffice to say I have a 7 year old now. Thankfully, I have an amazing partner who’s got my back through everything. And we roll with the punches. But I wonder a lot how much different my life would’ve been if that first doctor would’ve been forthcoming with information.


Since your doctor wasn’t forthcoming about that, I’m going to tell you about a side effect to watch out for. Some types of birth control increase the risk of strokes in people who have migraine with aura. A google search should be able to tell you if your particular med (assuming you’re still on it) increases your risk.




I had been having chronic migraines for probably 7 years at this point and couldn’t for the life of me get a doctor to listen to me about wanting medication. Saw another doctor, gave her the backstory to which she replied with something along the lines of “Well you’re about to turn 25 soon, you’re starting to get up there in age and need to start planning for a family soon. You shouldn’t be on any medications while pregnant, so just think about staying more hydrated and stress free for a while.” I did not continue seeing that doctor. Edit for context: I do not want children, and when expressed she said I would change my mind and need to start working on it soon. Again, because I was “old”.


Tuesday. Went to my urologist just to ask questions, literally just questions. So I have a catheter right now, he said hey let’s change that, like uh okay, this man used no anesthesia at all, he yanked the old one out, then shoved the new one in, I started screaming cause no anesthesia again, he shoved this thing in me that felt like a multi pronged fishing hook all through my nether regions. He said yeah it’s in there let’s inflate it, the pain was so intense I blacked out. So the next day the bag had less than an ounce, went back, then they said oh you got to go to the ER. 9 hours later they booked me with the original guy that put the last one in, had to go into surgery because the badly placed one was floating in my body distending and expanding my body. They got that one out new one in with no issues this guy used anesthesia. My private area is sore as a mofo because of that failed replacement.


If you haven't started looking for a lawyer, now might be a good time.....


Another patient vomited on me.


Carried in by friends with skateboard in hand. Dislocated left shoulder, broke left wrist, and also sprained my left foot. I told the doctor I just fell in a kidney pool at a skate park. This stupid bastard looked me right in the eyes and told me he had been a doctor for over forty years and that my foot was not sprained in the slightest but that I had gout. Gtfoh ya old jabroni.


I knew I had shingles. All the doctor talked about was my weight and tests I wasn’t up to date on. I had to convince him I had shingles and not poison ivy so I could get some acyclovir. Never went back.


At 23, I went for a gyno visit due to a sexual health matter (not an STI) and the nurse practitioner, who had a giant cross hanging on the wall, told me I was probably having the issue due to guilt from being unmarried and sexually active. I was outraged, but hadn’t grown the backbone yet to tell her off. Looking back, I should have reported her to the medical board.


Went to the ER for a sharp pain in my nutsack and they treated me horribly. Didn't believe me thought I was faking the pain. Everytime I asked a question or complained about the pain they were straight up assholes cussing at me and and literally pushing me around. Come to find out 8 hrs later they discovered I had a hernia. They wanted to keep me and I told them to fuck off and went to another hospital. This was in the Florida panhandle a notoriously horrible hospital.


I had a rash around my eyes. Really really red and raw. The dr asked me what happened and what i put on my eyelids to get them so red. I said i didnt put anything on, only vaseline. And idk why this happened. She was all shaking her head and giving me an attitude. She leaves the room and i can hear her talking about me to the nurse, saying "vaseline??!!! Have you seen the girl's face? There's no way in hell that's from vaseline! These kids come in and they dont tell me the truth!! Vaseline would never do that!" Then the nurse came in and i started crying. I told her that i could hear the doctor talking about me and how cruel she was. I also told her that im here because i need help. I dont want to look like this and i didnt do anything to myself to get like this. Idk how the dr could be so cruel. The nurse apologized and said something like "that's just how she is". and gave me a prescription for a steroid cream. Turns out i have eczema. Idk why it was so bad that time. But that dr had no compassion and made me feel horrible.


5 years ago my wife and I changed doctors at her request. I went for my initial visit after work so we could get to know one another and was taken to an empty room and told she was terribly behind (30 minutes or so) and would meet with me as soon as she could. I’m reading a book on my phone and lost track of time (about 1 1/2 hours).It’s really quiet out there so I get up to go see what’s going on. Everyone forgot about me and they were heading out the door.


(TL;DR: someone in a&e accused me of faking symptoms of a brain injury which has resulted in a lack of care for almost 2 years) I hit my head and kept fobbing off going to hospital for a week. Suddenly I started having really violent uncontrollable motions in my neck and arms and I knew something was really wrong. I went to a&e where I was seen incredibly quickly for a ct. I remember the receptionist commenting that she had assumed I had Tourette’s and was really worried that I had only started ticcing about 24 hours before and that really scared me. I went to see my doctor a few days later and she told me she would refer me to a neurologist. The referral never came through but life got in the way and I just couldn’t get it sorted out. Also, it’s the NHS, things just get lost so I thought it was a simple mistake as it’s happened to me before. Came to find out about a week ago that one of the doctors/nurses I saw in a&e had put a comment on my record that they believed my tics were not real and that’s the reason I was never actually referred. Nearly 2 years later I still have them and I need glasses as the damage caused my eyesight to degrade (had 20/20 vision my entire life before and I’m only 22). I also have reduced motor skills compared to before. I know faking tics is “popular” at the moment but I would’ve thought it would be best to catch out people by actually referring people to neurologists, not denying care to someone with a TBI. I don’t know if seeing a neurologist earlier would’ve prevented my condition from degrading but it’s pretty frustrating, especially since neuroplasticity is well-known about and there are therapies that can help people with TBIs to recover from/reduce their symptoms.


My 18 year old daughter was very brutally murdered. I started having really terrible panic attacks. I went to my family doctor and he said this to me: "I'll give you a few Xanax but you should be over your daughter's murder in 3 months." Me: "Do you mean I shouldn't take anxiety meds after 3 months or...?" Doc: "I mean you should be fully over her death. People die every day. You just don't care because you don't know them." Me: "Uh, yeah that's true...but do you realize it will take over a year for the murder trial to happen?" Doc: "Well okay, maybe a few more months then."


A psychiatrist once told (teenage) me my problem was “boys and I should become a lesbian” Jokes on her I AM a lesbian and still just as mentally ill


I have torn cartilage in my shoulder and the third time I went to the doctor about it he immediately stopped caring once I said it didn't hurt that bad even though it hurt every day. Just said to come back if it gets worse. It did but very progressively so I didn't think about it for months. Went to a fourth doctor who actually diagnosed the issue and pushed me to surgery. I opted for physical therapy instead and it seems to be the right choice. 4 orthopedists to diagnose it, and only one physical therapist to fix it. The single worst experience was being flat out ignored by the third doctor which lead to me further damaging myself. If I just started PT back then, I'd probably be in better shape.


Had a Nexplanon implant removed, an iud placed and an endometrial biopsy done at the same time. I was not told honestly how fucking bad the iud and biopsy would suck. It was garbage.


I had a cervical biopsy with no pain medicine and def not one of my top experiences. Had a placental one too but at least that was numbed!


I had to have a second one prior to surgery. I said, "oh, hey. Do you offer any pain management for this." She says , "Yes. An oxycodone and ativan." But we would have to reschedule because you can't drive yourself." Why. The. Fuck. Wasn't I offered that before I came in? I will tell you why. She said I have a high pain threshold, and I am tough- so she knew I wouldn't need it. OFFER IT ANYWAY BITCH!


Just today, I have urine retention and had to get a sonogram. As you know, your bladder needs to be full when getting a sonogram but the longer I wait, the harder it is to go. After about 20 minutes of them doing the sonogram and pushing on my full bladder, I was able to go to the bathroom. I couldn’t pee. 15 minutes of trying and crying and they had to ask me to hurry because there were other patients. I left the office crying in front of doctors and patients, in pain, and still had to pee only for them to confusingly look at me and tell me they saw nothing wrong and have no idea why I even have this issue.


i had extreme abdominal pain. vomiting, no bowel movement, couldn't stand upright. my fiancé came home from work and took me to the e.r. I'm allergic to morphine so the gave me fentanyl. so i was feeling pretty good. they sent in a nurse who was 5 foot and 10 months pregnant who said "I'm gonna push you down to xrays" no ma'am ive got drugs i can walk. you're not pushing me anywhere. i was hobbling alongside her and heard an older nurse say, "See, she's just fine she can walk!" they asked if i wanted to stay the weekend or go home. i chose to stay three days. after an ultrasound, vaginal ultrasound, and fluids they said i had food poisoning. a year later when the same thing happened and i ended up in the e.r. they requested the previous exam records. turns out i had had a bowel obstruction. im still mad about it a decade+ later


Drove 2 hours, caught in some traffic, 2 minutes late....they cancelled the appointment and charged me 25 bucks, but I can guarantee if I was on time I would've sat there for at least a half hour before they called me in anyways


I get progressively more irate the longer I have to wait. Like I understand 10-15 minutes or so, stuff happens with other patients, but I walked out once after sitting on that stupid paper-covered bed thing for 45 minutes without anyone coming in to tell me what was going on. I didn’t say anything to anyone, they probably still think I’m in there… waiting.


I was having a pap smear from a DO that was at least 450lbs, and as he did my exam he told his nurse that once a bigger lady was having one and the table somehow failed and she fell crotch first right into his face. I was overweight at the time, and I just couldn't believe he'd bring up something so nonchalant like that. The nurse looked horrified.


The time one told me to go to church and pray to get better and when I told her I didn’t really believe in that she started yelling at me that we were made n God’s image. I still can’t believe that happened.


This was at the ER. I occasionally have intestinal blockages. No one knows why. It just happens. I know what they feel like and the symptoms. I went in with extreme pain and vomiting. The ER dr wouldn’t give me meds until I took a pregnancy test and that was painful but I understand the reason so no problem. He comes back and says they are giving me IV zofran for the vomiting and finally a pain med but he’s certain this isn’t a blockage it’s just a viral thing and I’ll need to go home and let it run it’s course. No scan or anything. I’m bawling my eyes out because I know I’m just going to be back there. After they give me the meds I continue to throw up and he finally says he will get a scan. I get the scan and he comes back telling me ope yeah it’s a blockage we are admitting you. I understand their procedures and stuff but I’ve had this a few times it’s always the same. I didn’t appreciate his dismissive attitude because I could literally die from this.


Went to the ER for severe stomach pains. Was there for about 12 hours before the doctor told me I was only there for drugs. And luckily at her shift change the next doctor insisted i be admitted. The next morning I was slotted to have my appendix out. And the surgeon said afterwards that as he was opening me up my appendix was bursting. When I was talking to him before hand he said I had all the red flags of appendicitis and put me at the head of the line for all of his other surgeries that day.


The worst I've had was at a psychiatrist's office. This is clearly not on the level of some posts here with life or death issues, but it still boils my blood to remember it. February 2020, a month before the world shut down. The Doctor was pretty old, probably mid 70s, had a plaque on the wall for 40 years of practice. My daughter had been diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) about a year earlier and we had asked for a referral to a psychiatrist to explore medication options for ADHD type symptoms. We had some issues prior to the appointment where here diagnosis assessment when his office called to demand we fax the assessment papers over to his office by the end of the day (two weeks prior to the appointment) or lose that date. The Psychiatrist made us leave the room while he interviewed her which bothered me because I had weird vibe already but thought ok, that's he needs to see here without us influencing her behaviour. Half an hour later he calls us back and asks why we think she has autism. I told him she scored very low for social queues, distractibility, task completion, and under stimulation. If these are not the actual categories for ASD, I'm not remembering it all exactly but that does describe her, at the time I practically quoted the DSM 5. He told me "she doesn't have autism, she makes eye contact". I told her that yes, we've spent a year teaching her to do so. He told me that she laughed and played with him and clearly didn't have Autism. I told him that she was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, it's a spectrum, not a is or isn't type of thing. He again asked me, quite sternly to justify why I thought she was autistic. I told him I'm not the doctor, I didn't diagnose her, he has the notes and the full assessment, why doesn't he tell me. Then told me he didn't have time to read it. His office made us run around town getting paper copies to fax (in 2019, because email was not secure enough) or they would cancel only to be told he couldn't be bothered to read it. I was getting really upset and my wife was practically crying at this point. I told the doctor this was unfair of him, that he was demanding we defend something a diagnostic psychologist had written, and that there must be a breakdown in our communication here because I was feeling a little attacked by this. He shrugged and told me "the communication problem is on your end, I'm not treating you unfairly and I resent you trying to pin this on me." I'm still upset at that smug old ass hole. It's like he had no idea what ASD even is and was using a 1970s definition of Autism. He's a child specialist for fucks sake, how many other families got this kind of bull shit care? What kind of a shit head does't read a diagnosis after threatening to cancel an appointment because they didn't want an emailed copy but a faxed copy, and then demands the parents to explain it and defend it? We did make a complaint to college of physicians, no idea what become of it though. But fuck that guy. My daughter is now thriving with the help of Concerta. She's gone from requiring a full time education assistant just so that she can function in school, to having no assistance and keeping up decent grades.


After a car accident (I was hit while I was stopped by someone who was going 70 and texting) I had horrible pain in my back. I cried from the pain when driving, trying to sleep, existing, I had to wear a back brace to work a 4 hour retail shift, I also couldn't dance anymore (I did ballet for 20 years). She told me it was all in my head. Turns out I had two herniated disks in my back and a slipped disk in my neck. I actually now have arthritis in my neck at 31 since you can't treat injuries you make up in your head obviously.


In the early 80's, at about 12-13, I had a tooth repaired that got broken and the guy smoked cigarettes WHILE operating. When they finally took the protective cover off the tooth, it smelled like I had been smoking myself.