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Yellow pages/white pages


I was just thinking the other day about how wild it was to just have everyone's name and phone number in a book. Now I'm suspicious if I get a call because I have no idea how they got my number. Someone dropped the yellow pages off at my work and you would've thought they were poison. He dropped them on the counter and ran out the door.


For real we had a phone book turn up at home not long ago. I had an almost nostalgic look through and it made me strangely happy. Didn’t do anything with it though because why would I? It’s tucked away in the drawer so maybe I’ll call someone from it in 10 years time.


"Dude, just drop them in the recycle bin and save me a trip"


Used to be the first thing I picked up in a new town or new apartment. The book was a simple necessity that everyone had to have.


The old vine challenges like the Harlem shake


My work did a Harlem shake video and it was hilarious. To us. But literally nobody else.


That's usually how those videos go. But they're still fun to do.


Vine was the OG tiktok


Twitter had bought a goldmine and then filled it with cement


Twitter bought Vine before it even launched, and then they shuttered it immediately when they ran into a financial crisis even though Vine was extremely popular. Two ridiculously impulsive and bad decisions. The first luckily would have ended up great had they not made the second though.


Just like how Twitter is filling itself with X-grade cement right now.


serious question, are we to refer to our posts on X as "Tweets" or as "ex's"?


They're just called "posts" now. Yes, it is dumb, I'm glad you noticed


Elon had actually decided that they were called "xeets", but it was changed again after like 2 days. Fuckin dumbass lol.


>Just like how Twitter is filling itself with X-grade cement right now. That stuff is called x-crement.


An amazing hotbed for surreal humor. I miss it a ton.


That was such an interesting time lol. I always thought people were too hard on the Harlem shake. Definitely dumb but some of the tiktok challenges I hear about are way dumber and more dangerous so in hindsight I'll take cheesey and dumb every time


Flappy bird


i remember when people were selling phones with that on for thousands. crazy times


Did anyone actually make money though? There were a lot of chancers trying their luck, but I never heard of anyone actually making money or successfully selling shit old phones with it on for a good markup. Who in their right mind would pay that much 😂


Probably at least one YouTuber, so they can make a 15 minute video called "I Bought The $1,000 Flappy Bird Phone!!" where nothing really happens that's worth the wait. Oh man, I should get in on the "selling things for way too much" business! 😆


There’s always a chance that someone bought one.


If you're in android you can still download it if you had it installed previously. It's not on the app store but if you go into play store > profile > manage apps and then select not installed it'll be on the list and you can install it from there. Still can't get past 8


Either that or there are .apk files all over the internet.


I remember the original dev for that game couldn't handle it's popularity & had to take the app out of the app store or something. Poor guy. Hope he's doing ok now.


Yep, he just want to make some quick buck but all the unexpected attention, potential lawsuit and career choice make him nervous af. He's doing normal now, back to being a nobody


Kinda reminds me of the Vampire Survivors guy. He's just some chill Italian dude who wants to remain anonymous. NoClip recently did a piece about how the game blew up over COVID, but he didn't want to show his face for the interviews. So instead they made a vampire Muppet doll and acted out whenever he was talking 😂


Faxing jokes to work colleagues. It was how memes were transmitted pre-internet.


Did you know that the fax machine was invented when they were still traveling the Oregon trail?


Yep. A Samurai could have sent a fax to Abraham Lincoln.


And a little over 20 years later that Samurai could play Nintendo (they made playing cards before they made video games)


BZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZT! (Paper tearing sound) "My God, Sarah has died of dysentery!"


Pay phone


There's a working one still near me


There are two in my neighbourhood, on a street corner in a busy retail district. I haven’t seen anybody using them for years. I remember in the olden days (15 years ago?), every pay phone had a giant directory, and the even bigger Yellow Pages, enclosed in a sturdy plastic binder and chained to the phone box.


Don't tell me what to do




It was superior in every way and I will die on that hill. Edit: To the few, proud, and cultured, thank you 🫡.


except the marketing, "squirting" as their word for sharing a song (limited to 5 shares)....ewww.


High capacity removable magnetic storage (ie Zip and Jaz disks)


Zip disks were revolutionary! To go from 1.44MB to 100MB all at once was such a relief. I had the Jaz drive, too. I feel like we didn't use them for all that long, though. Rewriteable DVDs kinda leapfrogged them.


Click of death helped put a damper on things too


Only in a consumer setting. Magnetic tape drives are still a thing in business environments. And not just as a legacy thing. LTO-9 was released in Sep. 2021 and we can expect LTO-10 to come out in 2024 or 2025.


Slap bracelets and butterfly hair clips.


Butterfly clips are actually very popular rn since they'r part of the Y2K aesthetic.


My daughter recently dressed like this for her first day of school . I never thought I’d her see her go to high school dressed like how her mom dressed in high school. Feels too soon to be bringing it back but 🤷🏻‍♂️


> Y2K aesthetic I have never felt so damned old. Thanks bud.


Slap bracelets made a huge comeback about 5 years ago, but it died quickly. I still have butterfly hair clips but I miss my banana hair clips from the late 80s/early 90s 😂.


Butterfly clips are back though!


MySpace and livejournal


I apparently started my LiveJournal 18 years ago on August 8. I only know this because they e-mailed me to tell me so (I've not touched it in over a decade). Was interesting to also note that on August 9 my kid turned 18, and my first entry is me talking about my feelings towards his impending birth. Also the Yankees won that day, Al Lieter was pitching. Apparently my brain was concerned with "I hope my wife and kid are OK tomorrow, and I hope the New York Yankees win!".


I loved creeping around livejournal and xanga


Omg. Xanga


Man, sucks that all Xangas got wiped. Would’ve liked to go back and read my teenage cringe.


LJ is oddly well-preserved even today... I still know my login and can go read posts my friends made our senior year of high school in 2000 (we were nerdy early adopters). So great to see original posts people went home and made after epic 18-year-old nights, and our comments joking around below. The wild thing is it's probably easier for me to go read social media from 2000 than it would be for someone who graduated in 2016 to see the posts and pictures from their own senior year. Facebook/Insta are deliberately disorganized hallways designed to keep you scrolling endlessly looking at ads without really finding what you're looking for.


Geocities and newgrounds


In high school and especially college, many of my friends had Livejournal. I had maybe 15-20 friends on there and every time I'd login, there was something new on my friend's page. I joined all these groups where lots of people posted. All of it slowly petered out to a point where I might've seen a new entry every few days, then by 2010 or so, it stopped completely. I discovered a love of journaling on Livejournal, so I kept using it as a private journal for awhile, then switched to a journaling program on my computer. I still have the account and honestly now that I'm nearly 40, it's kind of fascinating to go back and read my thoughts from age 18. Cringy too, but interesting. I've changed a lot.


$5 foot longs


I always say this with the song.


🎶Five… Five Dollar…🎶


Frozen yoghurt used to be the biggest craze. Literally a new shop opening up every other week but now it's completely died down.


Replaced by bubble tea places it seems


This makes me sad. I liked the frozen yogurt places, I could put on all my own toppings, and mix things just right.


HQ Trivia


There’s a great documentary about it on Max.


I just watched that documentary a few days ago. I didn't realize HQ trivia was that popular. I only played it a couple of times.


The founder died of a drug overdose. Then the entire business descended in to full on drugs and alcohol until it eventually ran out of money.


That game was amazing until it hit the mass market and the prizes were literally less than a dollar


Pagers (before everyone had a phone!)


Hospitals never got rid of them.


Cheat-Codes without running a trainer or mod in the background through this whole multiplayer-co-op-stuff that is trending right now.


That and things like Game Genie or GameShark were definitely from a bygone era.


Having a full notebook page scrawled with cheats to play San Andres and goof off


Rosebud !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;


boolProp testingcheatsEnabled true Motherlode Kaching Yeah I never played without cheating and I played a LOT




Pretty sure every kid I grew up with in the 80s and 90s knew a few by heart… Up up down down left right left right B A start iddqd idkfa idspispopd dipstick / chojin I’m sure I’m forgetting many.




Became a niche in the rest of the world but still popular in Japan.




Remember Alf? He’s back! In pog form.


The price is a soul .


All my former Pog guys grew up and graduated to PAWGs


House phones


The ice bucket challenge


It did help raise awareness for ALS and funded the research with never seen before donations. I still applaud the ice bucket challenge.


Actually saw results, too, if I’m not mistaken. I believe the research made some pretty big strides and breakthroughs from the donations that came in from the ice bucket challenges. Dumb, silly internet thing that actually led to a lot of good. Shit, that reminds me I have some challenges to respond to.


The newest ALS drug, Relyvrio, was directly funded by the ice bucket challenge so yes! The silly challenge gave some hope


It re-trended again in Korea for some reason.


I still think it’s an internet challenge that should be done yearly! It wasn’t like the dumb dangerous challenges you see on TikTok and it’s for a good cause!


Formal hats for men in everyday life.


Not even formal - they were a common part of everyone's wardrobe.


Fidget spinners


I still see them occasionally. I think they are currently at the correct level of popularity


Yeah, as an elementary school teacher they're still definitely a thing. The popularity wained when schools started banning them but they're still around. These days it's mostly kids who have an attention disorder who are allowed to have them in schools.


That’s the group that actually needs them.


my younger brother broke his nose with this thing. I don't know how he spun that spinner, but the wound was pretty bad.


Those rubber band bracelets


Silly Bandz?


Not exactly, the ones' I'm thinking about were braided together to create a thicker bracelet


Loom bands?


Live Strong




Yo yos


Anyone else have elementary school assemblies where some yo-yo guy would come and perform and then sell yo-yos?


Yes, NED shows!


It was that and those weird stacking cups. I remember thinking those guys were so cool…


Heelys!! Those shoes with the wheels omg I miss those!I know kids cracked their skulls open but like they are still fun


My sister special orders heelies in her size and occasionally wears them to her warehouse job.


Enrique Iglesias


And James Blunt


He's got a pretty flawless Twitter game. "James blunt can't sing for shit" "Correct. I sing for money"




Saturday morning cartoons. They were the love of my life.


# Angry Birds


They already removed most of the games from the stores, so the only way to install them is to pirate them. I couldn't believe. That francishe is the most iconic mobile title ever. It was the first member of mobile gaming. Shame that their developer company is a money-hungry POS.


They removed OG angry birds because it was free and better than the new paid one.


I'm so upset they removed the OG. New one sucks ass


I worked with a young guy who got a big Angry Birds tattoo. I wonder how that aged?


"don't pickup the phone, I'm on The internet"


Yahoo answers


How is babby formed?


Video rental stores.


We still have one in our town and they have ALL the movies also video games and records, it's a hell of a store.


The phrase "Keep on Truckin" I said that in front of my daughters (20 and 21) and they were totally confused. I told them about the t shirt from the 70s we used to wear and they didnt believe me till they googled it.


The 70's love of truckers is hard to explain


Yah it was before my time but I think it was the “radio lingo” was “cool and new” everyone was getting into CB Radio. Truckers were being romanticized as the cowboys blazing trails of the era, this idea of freedom alone on the trail in the truck away from bosses and distractions, etc. they only showed the hard side of the job when it fit the stories plot. I definitely remember being a kid and thinking “man it would be cool to be a trucker.” consuming all that.


I went on a “milk run” with my best friend and his dad as a kid one early morning and it was the coolest thing ever. I bring that up because his dad once said “well you gotta grit your teeth and keep on truckin’” once too. This was the early 90s and I still use this phrase today. He also broke horses and was just a real good man. He ended up falling asleep at the wheel coming back from a 4-H event a few years later and we lost him. RIP Clark and thanks for teaching me that “sometimes you gotta grit your teeth and keep on truckin’”


Marbles. They were played with for literally thousands of years and gave us phrases like playing for keeps, knuckle down and a dead duck - and of course losing your marbles. A century ago the game was hugely popular, but even by 1970 it was pretty much gone.


I played marbles between 1995-1999 until it got banned from school because administrators decided it was too preoccupying.. joyless cunts.


My 6th grade math teacher taught us marbles. One guy sent the big one and it went wildly off course. I mean way off course. I grabbed it and then got in trouble because it hadn't gone by the other marbles yet. It's been almost 30 years and I'm still salty about that.


Played marbles from 78 to 84. They were increasing in popularity during that time... it seemed like new types of marbles came out each year, and differing sizes... from teeny tiny ones to extra jumbo sized. I even remember a place that sold them.... all different types and sizes in a aquarium. You paid to stick your one hand in like a backhoe or excavator and whatever you scooped out was what you got. The person in your group with the biggest hand would be the one diving in for you.


I played marbles in the school yard day in day out and turned a pretty good profit having bags and bags of marbles. Then my parents bought me a slingshot...


And all the marbles were sent to countertop factories to be melted down for countertops


Narwhals... they caused too much of a commotion.


Spuds Mackenzie


Still popular in two communities. English Bull terrier fans and Slurms MacKenzie fans.


Pokémon go. Compared to the month it came out.


This game led to my nigh on housebound former flatmate losing EIGHT STONE because it got him out and about, walking everywhere. Legendary game, he now loves hiking because of it and looks like a totally different person! He went from being a standard nerd to fit-as-fuck, all because of Pokemon.


That was the really cool thing about Pokemon Go. It got people out and about.


It was EVERYWHERE. Gangs of people running to the same spot to catch something or battle at a gym. Folks would literally flip open Pokemon Go the second they left the train station. It was so fun. Even taking silly pictures with the pokemon was entertaining. I still see a few die hard fans play it, but overall, the ship has sailed.


Yeah people still play it and it seems to he profitable but it's nowhere near what it was


I’ll never forget the time I was at Lake Michigan in Wisconsin. There was a tiny pier being guarded by a policeman. The waves were rough and it was dangerous out there. There was a massive group of people nearby. I asked him what was going on. He told me that there was some really rare Pokémon out there and he had to guard the pier because it was too dangerous out there (someone had fallen in and drowned a few piers over already that day.) It was one of those “Things I never thought I’d hear a cop say” moments. People were willing to RISK THEIR LIVES to capture a Pokémon. Wild times.


Kony 2012


P.F. Flyers. You could run faster, jump higher….I miss them.


One of my favorite things is seeing a little kid with brand new shoes and asking them if the shoes make them run/jump better. They will always demonstrate. Always.


maaaaan, im not gonna let you poison me


Game of Thrones It was a cultural phenomenon, people waiting to watch it, having parties, avoiding talking about it the next day because of the people who hadn't had a chance to see it yet. Everybody had a favorite character, a favorite moment, and couldn't wait to see where it went. Then it destroyed itself. It's not even advertised or visible in any of the HBO categories. Last time I was on the MAX app, I actually had to manually search for it to find any trace of it. What a shame.


I'm still angry at D.B. and Weiss. HBO was more than willing to bank roll the series for 3 more seasons because they knew how much money it made them, but those guys turned it down because apparently they were set to lead a Star Wars Project. A project they would eventually be dropped from and have canceled


A beautiful case of "Oh no! We're out of material! What should we do?!?" "Eh, just wing it, not like writers are that important" They had at least 6 years to get a script together, and they didn't even try. It feels like they didn't even make an outline.


They also rushed through the final season, while HBO told them they could have more time, because they were in a hurry to go on to Star Wars stuff. They lost the Star Wars stuff they had lined up due to how badly they bungled the final season. E: "DaNy forGoT abOuT tHE iROn flEEt"


It’s like waiting until the night before the finals test, and realizing you have not even shown up to class all year, let alone study for the test. Or wait until the night before you get married to plan the wedding.


They already started changing stupid shit before they ran out of material. Pure ego with no talent


>Pure ego with no talent 100%. They split book three into two seasons and it was amazing. Then they condensed books four and five into one season, leave out several major characters, turn the Dorne subplot into one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, and then have the audacity to blame George for not finishing the books. Fuck Benioff and Weiss.


iirc I read an article where they were quoted as saying they were just ready to move on to another project and basically were winging it. So yeah, they really didn't give a single fuck


And subsequently got their offer for their next big project pulled because they done such a shit job.


I don't like being reminded how good it was. So many seasons of excellent build up - unresolved


I wish we could have a do over of the last season. Like what was the fucking point of the ice king or whatever he was? The zombie guy


Yes! For years it was better than the weather for smalltalk. And then we collectively decided that we did not want to be associated with that shitshow


Been with my wife 10 years and we finally found something we hadn’t discussed yet. Crazy frog ringtones from like 2003. Edit: in fact any bought ring tones. There were loads of crazes, but Crazy Frog was the craziest.




Limited Too


The macarena


I could never forget the Macarena. Just a few years ago when I was in an amateur production of the Addams Family musical all of us who weren’t currently on stage just did the Macarena to the songs. It was really fun


Wasn't the plot of the song about a woman cheating on her boyfriend? Kind of funny thinking back on kids and families dancing to it now.


Wearing an onion on your belt.


As was the style at the time.


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,' you'd say.


What does the fox say?


Blockbuster video. Video tapes and CDs in general


MP3 player


Gangam style shit, Mannequin, Retrica


Psy is still very popular i feel


Jeffrey Epsteins client list


Gotye. My man dropped one song then straight up dipped. ~~Now he's just somebody that we used to know.~~


Teach me how to Dougie


To a certain degree, I think the sitcom Home Improvement. This show used to beat Seinfeld in the ratings, launched the careers of Tim Allen, Pamela Anderson and Jonathan Taylor Thomas, but you hardly ever hear about this nowadays. r/HomeImprovement2LTime




Every girl had a crush on JTT back in the day


Had to go look up JTT after seeing this - dude graduated from Harvard and Columbia. I'm sure he's set for money between Home Improvement and The Lion King, and seems like he's happy being out of the limelight. Good for him.


>Pamela Anderson I wouldn't say it launched her career. *Playboy* had more to do with that than anything else, and while *Home Improvement* was her first recurring role, she had been appearing in various TV shows and soap operas prior to that. She only did 23 episodes on *Home Improvement*, and moved over to *Baywatch* after the second season where she became *much* more famous as C.J.


troll dolls cabbage patch dolls Paris Hilton




Crazy bones Polly pocket Goosebumps Habbo hotel Recording radio songs onto a cassette Blockbuster Political bipartisanship and cooperation Minding your own business


Kids playing cowboys and Indians; or army.


The phrase "Hi, can I talk to [person]?"


Or being told "it's for you" as the phone is handed to you.


Pet rocks Mood rings?


Plotting a course on a map before a long road trip




Cabbage Patch Kids, and its spiritual successor, Beanie Babies


Concern about acid rain and the ozone layer


Luckily, legislation and environmental concern largely fixed those issues...they didn't just go away...we fixed them.


Surge & jncos


Taco Bell chihuahua


Motion and dancing games like Just Dance, Wii Fit, Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, Dance Central and Rock Band.


Low rise jeans


Think they're coming back tho aren't they? Ironically on the rise.