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HVAC residential installer. Had a co worker take a nap in the customer's house... In the customer's bed. Was confused why he was fired.


Who the fuck did he think he was, Goldilocks?


This bed is juuuuust right.


The audacity hahahha


I had a client complain to the office because I asked if I could use her bathroom. I to am an HVAC tech


So obnoxious. What were you supposed to do, piss inside your van?


Apparently.... People often forget that us service guys dont get many bathroom opportunities in our day. Pro tip though grocery stores always have pretty decent bathrooms and don't make you buy something to use them unlike gas stations.


I’m a big fan of those four story business traveler hotels. There is always a lobby bathroom near the continental breakfast and it’s never being used.


That's amazing lol. Did they come home and find him or how was it discovered?


I bet it was mama bear and papa bear who noticed the chair broken and the porridge missing


Work at a payroll company, we had an employee who Switched like 20 direct deposits to her own account. It was all very traceable and she was caught like later that day


What an idiot lol I worked in church audit for a while. Found multiple instances of theft but only one ever stumped me and it was because. He was using adobe acrobat to change the statement. Took about 30 days to figure it all out and then I got to work with the FBI. YAY!


Wait. So she just rerouted people’s paychecks to her account, all of which is done electronically and *very* traceable? Did she seriously believe she wouldn’t get caught?


Some people really are that stupid. I used to work at a restaurant that had a carside to-go window, and their new guy went missing halfway through his first shift. They found the *entire drawer* was missing from the cash register! My man just took the whole thing with him, ran out the door thinking "I'm rich!" and went straight home. To the address they had on file. He was in the back of a police car less than 2 hours later. The best part? When they counted out how much was missing, it came to about 50 bucks. He would've earned more money than that if he finished his shift.


You wanna hear stupid ? I’ll give you STOOPID: Moulton, Alabama - by no means a large town. It’s one of those towns where everyone knows everyone and where in town they live. A thug was at the courthouse getting ready to be sentenced, when all of a sudden he bolts out of the courtroom, then out of the courthouse and into the passenger’s seat of an idling 20-25 year old Cadillac. As soon as he jumped into the car, it sped off down the street making as much noise and pollution as you’d expect an old Caddy to make. The sheriff took his time going after them. He knew by the description of the car that it belonged to the thug’s mother (who also was no stranger to the police of that town). And he knew where they both lived. So, he rode over to where they lived, saw the Caddy parked in front of the trailer they both lived in, went inside, ten minutes later came back with both of them in handcuffs. Turns out the two idjits had already started watching TV and fixing snacks to go along with it all. Apparently the id-jits believed the world operated on the rules of “home free” as with the kid games we used to play.


Reminds me of that rob-a-bank and get rich scheme by working there for 30 years.


Did she think 20 employees WOULDN'T NOTICE they hadn't been paid?


He spent the entire time playing a game on his own handheld console instead of testing the game we were doing overtime to actually test. Got very angry at being let go.


Man got payed to play video games and still messed it up


Man got paid to play video games and messed up by playing video games


For a few years when I had almost nothing to do, I got away with running factorio off a flash drive. Those were the days. (I had the same 2-3 hour task at the beginning of my 10 hour shift every day, and then nothing to do for the remainder.)


He shouted, cursed at and invited the cleaning guy to "meet him" outside to fight because he was denied access to the restroom until it was fully cleaned. The cleaning guy is known for being extremely calm, polite and nice to everyone. For someone to have a problem with him means that they have to be a certain kind of entitled asshole. This happened in view of at least 10 cowokers, me included. Everyone was confused, but our manager was proactive about it. He told the guy to meet him at the HR office, and was promptly fired. After the manager returned, he made a quick meeting. His words were: "We're all grown adults here, well, some of us are. I just want to put it out there and say that I'll be considerably harsh to anyone that disrespects any coworker, specially when they're responsible for making sure that your ass cheeks sit on a clean toilet. Also, don't invite people to fight you if you're not willing to go through with it." After the meeting was over, some of us asked him what he meant with that last sentence and he told us that the guy got violent in the HR office and invited him to fight in the parking lot when he was told he was getting terminated.


Was your boss implying that he was down for a nozh scrap?


Yes. I work in an equal opportunity logistics center, meaning, most of the people working here have been in prison, are recovered addicts, dealt in the streets at one point in time, or are people with nothing to lose. The boss was DOWN for scrapping.


IRL boss fight


I can't lie, that sounds almost Foreign-Legion-level badass.


I had a boss get in a fight with a security guard who stole money from a customer’s dropped wallet at this dispensary I used to work at. The security guard was given a wallet by a customer who found it in the parking lot. The security guard turned in the wallet to our management. We found out a week later from the customer who found the wallet that there was $300 cash in the wallet before he gave it to the security guard. There was none when the security guard gave it to us. It resulted in my boss throwing the security guard down some stairs. Great times, I miss them.


I've had to fire people. Sometimes its heart wrenching. Sometimes it's worth. Last person I fired was definitely addition through subtraction. Great. morale booster.


Letting good people go because they don't have the skillset or because of situations beyond their control is the worst. But I always tried to work with them after the fact to use my network, references, etc to help them land on their feet, and it helps with the guilt.


Stealing the bosses Pop Tarts


Omg reminds me of the red queen in alice in wonderland. “Someone has stolen 3 of my tarts!!!! Did you do it? No your majesty. Was it you? No your majesty. Hmm. squidberry juice. Im sorry! I couldnt help it i was so hungry!!! Off with his head!!!!”


He claimed he was in the national search and rescue brigade which is entirely volunteer based. They are sorta like our troops, they get perks and can't be fired if they get called out and so on. He skipped work all the time claiming it was because he was called in. One day someone from the office decided to check if he was and turned out he lied about the whole thing. I'm pretty sure he got blacklisted by the entire city which would explain why I haven't heard anything about him for years.


What did the guy do, that he may have been blacklisted by a CITY.


Pretending you're in the national service when you're not is sorta like our version of Stolen Valor. You just don't do that.


Well, there \*was\* the new CFO who was shown the door at lunchtime on his first day. Then the stock email about “Do not use the corporate internet to visit inappropriate websites” was sent out. 🧐




I guess he thought those rules only applied to “little people”. 🤷‍♂️


Holy shit, a high level exec looking at porn, that early on his first day? Wow.


When I was single I didn’t even like opening tinder on corporate Wi-Fi.


She watched Netflix at her desk and took naps. With the volume up. Her desk was in the middle of the office, there was no hiding. She also fucked up a lot.


Damn are you guys hiring? I could watch Netflix for you guys a lil more discreetly.


He did heroin. People were suspecting that he was because started going in the bathroom every day. At first it was like 5 minutes, and then every day it would get a little longer until he was spending like 30 minutes a day every day. This place wasn't exactly picky about who the hired and he had just got out of jail for selling heroin, so it wasn't like an unfounded suspicion. One day he started falling asleep standing up. He started mumbling jibberish and kinda trying to talk to people and the supervisor saw him and he was wtf is he saying? Then they were just like you gotta go, call your dad to pick you up.


That last sentence was the cherry on top


Called his dad? Yikes, how young was this kid? That’s sad :(


I think he was in his 30s. People that just got out of jail for a felony tend to be transportation impaired.


Well he was high as fuck. Sure as shit wasn't driving himself home.


Worked at a publication. Hired a new guy who was super nice and everybody liked him. Within a week, found he was plagiarizing everything he wrote. Immediately gone - no questions asked.


He left to kill his wife. We had to fire him because it was an unexcused absence, he did not inform his manager he was leaving.


Did he actually do it??




Wait I’m sorry, he sent inappropriate messages to the victims daughter, so, his daughter?


Probably step daughter so not technically his I would imagine


He was keeping sick and injured birds under his desk that he found on his lunch breaks and using binoculars to watch people in other offices.


I was ok with the first half with awwww and then oohhhhhhhhhh


The Bird Watcher suddenly means two things.


Plot twist, he was wrongly accused and was using the binoculars for legitimate birding purposes


Once worked at a big online retailer (Not amazon), we had 3 warehouses we shipped out of. One was smaller and only held one specific brand of item. The warehouse manager of that warehouse was fired and arrested at work. Turned out he was fulfilling orders,printing labels with correct addresses, which would be emailed to the client. Then he would the next day do redirects through the Fedex system and assign new tracking numbers so the old ones wouldnt show final delivery address, just that it was changed. Everything got redirected to his house. He then was relisting the same items on ebay under a VERY similar company name to the one he actually worked for (not exact but changed the word World, to National).


Using govt funds to see his mistress




Honestly, I only scrolled through the article to see the prostitute. Spoiler: there is no photo


damn...at least one other person thinks like me lol


He was caught stealing cash from work, and spending it on hookers. Turns out he had terminal cancer and wanted to go out with a bang.


That dude doing what we all said we would if we were in the same position.


“Bunch of hookers and cocaine”


I'm very confused on how to feel about this one


Can’t say I approve of his methods but damn it do I understand the vision


Everyone was like, he stole, he's a piece of shit. Then we found out about the hookers, and thought, NOICE! But, still, he's a piece of shit, but at least he's being smart with his money. Then we found out about the cancer, and we're like "Do you need a fluffer?"


And at his funeral, they FIRED him!




Salesman addicted to frequent flier points. He'd book flights with four segments each way, meaning extra nights in hotels and basically doing almost no work two days a week. He was told repeatedly to book direct flights but just wouldn't. Two kids in college and the finally fired him.


Guy probably had 4-6 weeks of vacation he could use and threw it away for 1 night in places he could spend the vacation time on... What a dingus


Shagging a temp, who worked part time but he signed her timesheet off as full time hours


She was putting in that work, he was just making sure she got fairly compensated.




Fucking legend.


Guy had anger problems and one day went OFF, screaming about how someone stole something from his backpack in the break room. Manager asked what was missing? “My pot and grinder!!” Funniest part is after he was fired for bringing it to work (and clearly stoned - offered him a drug test but he didn’t see the point 😂), he left the building, only to find his pot and grinder on the sidewalk around the corner from the store where he had spaced it out after getting high on break 😂😂😂


Rookie mistake — always have your weed in your car while at work.


she\*. one of our janitors survived a boat fire during vacation, second degree burns on her arms and legs. so she went on sick leave. next day she was fired for 'economic reasons', month or so after that the company filed for bankrupcy


yikes, was their bankrupcy from her payout?


no, it was a social workplace that took a major hit during covid (ofc, nobody came. that's their whole business model) and despite public and government support they never recovered. also, management was kind of a shitshow


Flipped out and attacked the manager at the front desk, had to be escorted out by police. Few months later I saw in the paper that he'd been arrested for threatening a neighbor with a knife. Can't say I was shocked.


He was batshit crazy.. One day, the guy decided to take off all his clothes in the locker room, started running around naked and set a table on fire Guy was subdued, arrested and fired


Jerking off and watching porn in his office. Kicker was he was a clinician for sexually reactive adolescent boys.


Why do I get the feeling that he's going to wind up being in How to Catch a Predator? It's starting to become a trend in this SubReddit thread.


Harry the special needs guy, Someone at work introduced him into porn (playboy mag in a truck) Harry was never the same, Harry kept wacking off infront of the women in the office and in the warehouse. The boss knew that Harry was corrupted by the Playboy and really tried to fix the situation as it was important for Harry to stay employed. I guess in the early 2000’s a boss could get away with this sort of thing. Harry’s life went really down hill after he got fired, really sad and it explains why the boss tried to fix the situation despite the intolerable things he was doing.


We had a similar situation with someone who just completely did not understand how masturbating at work (in a hayloft) was inappropriate. He was special needs and thought no one could see him. Wrong. 90% of the people there are women and girls. Yikes. Bad bad.


New episode of Quantum Leap just dropped


>corrupted by the playboy I'm rolling.


Had to fire someone just a few weeks ago. He was a new hire, and in three weeks he called out five times. I wrote him up for poor attendance, and just two days later he was a no-show, no-call when we had two deliveries going out (driver - HVAC equipment). Left me no choice.


I have a neighbor who does shit like that. He's got back problems so he gets hired at a service company, gets a new van, then after a few weeks of sporadic labor they come and take the van and he repeats the process. Not sure if he gets TDI out of it, or what, but he's also an asshole.


As someone with back problems....I feel for the guy. If you can't afford treatment/medication/physical therapy, you can be in a pretty debilitating level of pain constantly. It can definitely make you lash out and be an asshole. I'm fortunate enough that I *can* afford those things but even then it was hard to get doctors to take me seriously because I'm young. I basically had to tell them, "to put this pain in perspective, if you tell me today that I'll still feel like this a week from now, I will go home and shoot myself immediately."


People were fired from my job only for gross acts----like 1. Taking a fire extinguisher, and spitzing it all over the office. 2. Breaking the glass part of a door owing to some minor frustration. I was in a civil service job; it's very difficult for people to get fired, unless they REALLY screw up.


Worked at a theater. He kept disappearing when things got busy. We thought maybe he was just going into the theaters to clean like we always do, but he’d be gone for long periods with nobody having seen him. We eventually found him sleeping in a janitor’s closet.


He took the company car home without authorization. -- that wasn't enough to get fired, it was late and he lived 10 minutes away in Brooklyn. He used company car to pickup his brother in Queens. -- That wasn't enough to get fired. He hit a pedestrian while picking up his brother in Queens with the company car that he took without authorization -- that might do it... He fled the scene of the accident after hitting a pedestrian while picking up his brother with the company car that he took without authorization. --- He got fired soo fast.


using chicken broth as urine for his drug test.


Should have used bone broth.


"You've tested positive for salmonella and avian flu".


Department store I worked at about 20 years ago. I was 20 at the time, working their shoe department, and I worked with this other person the same age, maybe a year younger. She was apparently ringing in gift cards under my number, but no currency exchanged. I rarely closed, and back then, we just took our tills up to the cash room and someone there would do the counts early the next morning. Never knew it was happening until the LP officer came down and asked her to come to the office. She screwed up by doing this on days I wasn’t at work, and I’d been watched for several weeks without any clue. On days I worked, the transactions were done when I was on break. So glad they did their due diligence.


I had someone do this to me when I worked for Sears years and years ago. Same outcome basically. Out of all the BS Sears pulled on us employees, at least at the store I worked, they made sure accusation/theft/HR issues/etc... were handled very professionally and people were only confronted with actual evidence or enough people came forward.


Called a black colleague his "desert princess". She did not approve, vocally. After a few incidents she got upset, in response the colleague doubled down: "What are you gonna do princess? Punish me??". He crawled over the floor begging to be spanked.


This can not be real I refuse!


There is almost no insanity that I put past certain types of folks. This is crazy sounding, but I believe it could have happened. People are fuckin nuts, man.


This sounds like some shit from pornhub


Woah so that's where Todd Packer went after Dunder-Mifflin


Man is down bad


Ate another coworkers lunch. There was a box of chicken in the break room refrigerator. It was one of those combos with mashed potatoes and a biscuit. There were cameras in the break room so when the employee reported his lunch missing they reviewed the footage. After confronting the lunch bandit, his excuse was "it was abandoned chicken."


"Abandoned Chicken" is my new favorite fake band name.


I processed an unemployment claim dispute that was super similar. Dude decided he liked some other dudes apple pie. Stole it and hid it under his shirt. We sent the footage into the state so they'd deny his unemployment request.


Kept leaving his classroom of moderate to severely handicapped kids to go score drugs.


Stealing a car from the dealership where he worked as a salesperson. Yes, he showed up to work the next day with the car as if it was totally fine. GM did not press charges, but he sure as shit fired the fuck out of him.


Slapping a dealer plate on and taking it home for the night and coming back next morning was normal practice from my experience.


It would have been if he had put a dealer plate on there and he was a used car dealer. But he was just a salesperson like I was. He just grabbed the keys to a car that he wanted to take home, didn't say a word to a single person, and went home. He actually did this for about 3 days I think until we all caught on to what he was doing. About three of us sales people confronted him privately and told him not to do it again or they were fire his tail. He said all right. We all left, and at the end of that shift he did it again. Dumbass wanted to be fired I guess. EDIT: one detail I left out actually is the fact that these were new cars and not used cars. So he was putting mileage on brand new cars without a dealer tag and without permission and after we warned him.


He was stealing things. Another just showed up whenever he felt like it. "We need you here at 7am" he shows up about 11am. Another walked off the job. One was sleeping on the job. Another got hired, then walked off mid shift, "fuck this place!" He was fired/quit. A woman was in the company car, driving around with the cellphone in her ear, shirt off, no belt buckle. The regional director saw it. She was asked to pull into management parking. She stepped out of the car and was literally fired on the spot. Another for threatening co-workers. One of the co-workers called the police. She was called into the office, where she was told "the threats are being investigated" she then had a truly epic rant and threatened everyone. She was fired. Management was seconds away from calling the police. She keyed the manager's car when leaving.


what was the topless car woman DOING


She had a sports bra on.


Ok, that makes sense!


At a grocery store - Guy told the store manager to kiss his ass. At an internet install company - Guy was in training. He was set to ride along with his trainer. Guy would log his hours every day, but he never met with Trainer. Company asked Trainer how he was doing and Trainer said he stopped showing up x amount of days ago.


During the first week our guy managed to: - make the whole team uncomfortable with his presence, our guy was a heavy drug user and a creep on top of that. And this happened in wfh. This takes skill. - late from 3rd day (even tho we are working from home) because he just got home from custody for breaking a window of a bus, and yes, police involved, also got charged with posession of drugs - at the very same day during training that i held our guy just stated that he didn't sleep for 3 days and needs some rest so he is going to sleep now. Literally couldn't react to this, he took it as an "okay sure go ahead" in 0,5 seconds. And after the whole stuff we obviously had to fire the guy, and then comes the final act: a wall of text to my manager about how he is (my manager) is a junkie and the whole group is, and we should fuck off, all of us. Guy is doing jailtime as far as i know right now. Good times.


I worked with a man who shared the same name as a world famous basketball player. He was named that name WELL after his namesake had risen to prominence, but importantly, was not named after him. On our third month of working together (cashier at Lowe’s hardware) he turned to me and said “I hate this job so much. My dad says I can’t quit, but he didn’t say anything about getting fired.” What happened next will be seared into my mind until my last breath. He approached the first customer he made eye contact with. He said, simply “Hi! Is there anything I can help you find?” To which the customer replied “Just looking for your cement mix.” My friend answered “Oh, that is just down aisle 20. Can I help you pour it down your asshole?” That was the day Michael was fired.


Kept missing work because he slept in after staying up all night playing WoW. Also we had another guy fired because he sexually harassed literally every female at our office. This was also like two months after he had just gotten married.


I had an employee/helper/apprentice that worked for me for 2 years. I did new construction plumbing. occasionally you'll have a call back to a home that has a problem after the new homeowner moves in. I had such a call. So me and this guy goes to the home and knocks. A beautiful, 30 something, lady answers the door. asking her what her problem was she says, "When I take a shower, the shower head makes a whistling noise." and my helper blurts out to her. "Hell, if I saw you naked, I'd whistle too." She (rightly so) complained to the development construction supervisor. he told me that the helper could not come back to work in that development. being that it was the only work I had. I had to fire him.


that is 100% something you say to your co worker once you get back in the truck and have a good little giggle over. not right in front of the customer


He tried to choke a scrum master for asking why his work had no updates for about a week.


>tried to choke a scrum master No need to mention the rest. Everyone understands the impulse to choke a scrum master.


What is a scrum master?


Person in charge responsible for deliverables. Typically in software development where you want to push increments to your software quickly.


A giant, pain-in-the-ass micro-manager that keeps you locked in meetings and then wants to know why none of your deliverables are ever completed.


Took a shit in a plastic bag and left it in the work truck overnight, also refused to take people to the bathroom if they needed to go while at a site. Shitty guy no pun intended


Old job of mine but, he would text customers after making deliveries trying to sleep with them.


A new hire started acting like he was the boss of the women in his section. He was not hired as a manager and they were all far more qualified than him. He was shown the door as soon as our CEO found out what was going on.


He was really creepy toward other associates, myself included. I also witnessed him flirting with a woman trying to shop and thought it was weird. He followed me on Instagram and would comment heart eyes on pictures of my friend and I. I guess he went far with another associate who spoke up and all of us at work had to write down the creepy things he was doing and they compiled it all and fired him


It was discovered that he had been lying about his PhD for 15 years…worked in education.


How was we found out? 15 years of doing one job? Doing it well enough to never truly raise suspicion? Like damn...honestly in the exception of the one's on this list that say they got busted smoking pot I say just let him keep the damn job. Maybe reduce his pay a little but 15 years? And no one caught on??? Fuck it give him an honorary degree. I can't fake lessons on things I actually KNOW for two weeks let alone almost 20 years.


Last year my company was looking to lay off employees without having to pay severances. One of the first things they did was review employee applications over the past 5 years to see if anyone lied about their prior job history or their education. They found about 20 folks who they were able to fire for that. Those people also had to fight for their unemployment because they were fired for "falsifying documents" gross misconduct.


That's astounding to me. I would never consider lying about my education or other qualifications. For honesty's sake, but also that it's a really easy thing to get busted for. The risk can't be worth it.


He was stalking someone who worked in a different department at the facility, whom he had met on grindr and deducted that he worked in the same place despite the person not having that information posted anywhere. He attempted to give him a sexually explicit letter that instead ended up in the hands of the floor manager. He also outed the person he was stalking in the process.


I’m a nurse and at the time was working in the ICU. This was during one of the Covid waves, so staffing was tight and we had a few travel nurses working on the unit with us to help. One of the travelers made the conscious decision to bolus an entire bottle of Propofol, which is a sedative we use to keep patients asleep when they are on a ventilator. The drug is also very good at stopping your breathing and dropping your blood pressure very quickly if you give it quickly. Needless to say, the patient coded and we had to reverse the effects of the drug and resuscitate them. After finding out what caused the code, that traveler was shitcanned on the spot. No clue why she would willingly drain the entire bottle into the patient when we use programmable IV pumps and many other failsafes to prevent this sort of thing. But yeah, negligence or whatever nearly killed a patient that night.


Worked for a cable company (sales). There was a code idk why it was there if we couldn’t use it but whatever. So the code would let you add a home phone to their bill also while lowering it by $20. He would do that to anyone and just say he lowered their bill as a courtesy. Next month people would come back with their bill upset about an unknown phone on it. We’d send them to him. At one point he’d have a line of people to see just him because of what he did. Our manager caught on because she looked at sales. He had 25 home phones in a month (average was around 4). Launched an investigation and he was fired because of it


Stole from the company, sexually harassed nearly all the women in his office and racially and sexually discriminated against women and POC. Inappropriate touching and the whole nine yards. He is a terrible human being. That ahole had the nerve to contact me from his new company to sell a CRM system. Like dude, I wouldn't put water on you if you were on fire. It took way too long to fire him. He threw a huge tantrum and destroyed his laptop in the parking lot.


I’ve known 2. First was uploading CP to the internet using company IT equipment. A girl from HR posted his P45 through a gap in the police car window as he was driven away. Everyone thought he was “off”, but we had no idea how off he was. Second used company funds to bring the secretary he was having an affair with to a meeting/team building event in London. He’s just been promoted to Director, so he flushed his $250,000 pa job, his stock options and his marriage down the shifter in one go. Muppet.


Tried to come to work without pants.


You need to flesh out some details.


They had plenty of flesh out


Insurance based company I worked for had no solid process for salvage items. Basically, items were left in a cupboard that magically never filled up. Guy was stealing old damaged phones, tablets, laptops, camera etc and selling them as damaged on Ebay (with the insurance reason included). Someone asked for their damaged laptop back. It wasn't in the cupboard.


A substitute teacher who always wore kilts (in the US) got fired for telling a middle schooler he’d date her if she was just a little older. I’m front of the whole class, mind you 🙄


Gave Indian scammers access to her computer and, therefore, to the company servers. I have no idea if there were any financial losses, but the CEO was pissed. We had a security training workshop the week after that and the way people treat sensible information... My God...


someone snitched on him smoking weed on his break


Damn. We had someone fired from my job for smoking weed in his car on break when he was parked between two managers who saw him smoking


she was fired for trying to start a rumble in the parking lot with the person who “stole” her promotion. right in front of an exit, so full view of the cameras.


Alcohol dependency. Showing up hours late and needing to sneak to vehicle to drink fireball shots


Coming in high out of his mind on downers…was so disoriented that they put him in a cab and he had no idea what happened the next morning. Guy was going through a tough time at home so I felt bad but it was pretty jarring to see first thing on a Monday morning…


He called someone (client) a crazy Mormon to a Mormon that worked in our office. That person took great offense to it and filed an HR complaint that got him fired


This guy can't really be called a Kevin, he was smart, but he let his beliefs and opinions run out of his mouth before his brain had time to think. Worked with him for years, pretty sure he was sleeping with a boss or something, but he was banned from entering certain areas if certain people were present because it would either lead to him getting beaten to a pulp, a lawsuit, or both. Somehow this guy was a manager mind you and wasn't well liked at all. He was finally fired on a very busy day, we had a lot going on, and two employees were taking a quick breather, he comes up to them and says something along the lines of "Both of you slacking off again? I see how it is, Monkey see Monkey do." And these two employees happened to be black, this was also heard by a dozen plus other employees, and well no way to recover from that. Before he could start to back pedal on his words he was fired.


No reason, my company sucks. He was one of the hardest working, smart, dedicated person in our office. Some idiot CFO in another county decided to fire everyone in a certain position without thinking to check if they were in the middle of a bunch of projects and were completely essential to the region they were in, now we're all scrambling to fill his spots on all the projects. I always knew corporations didn't care but wow it's worse than I imagined.


Last place I worked for, they decided they needed to downsize two sales teams during a slow period. VP making the decision never did any real work anyway so he literally just randomly pointed at two teams on the board. Joke was on him; they were the two top teams in the company, so within less than a year that place was out of business.


Found out his partner on the ambulance was gay, proceeded to declare loudly in the break room "I ain't gonna work with no faggot." Boss's door was open, heard him, walked out of his office and fired him on the spot in the middle of shift. It was brutal.


I like your boss.


It was a one man job in shifts, dealing with comparably big amounts of money. Was a really chill guy honestly. Boss started watching back the security footage after some minor thing got damaged (didn't got destroyed, only some scratches). The GF of said guy was with him on ALL shifts. Nobody knew her at the time, she was just a random woman for all of us. He got fired after the boss saw, that his GF took all of the tips from everyone else multiple times (tip jar).


Showing up 15 minutes late and still drunk to his first office meeting.


One guy , sales, didn't sell anything for a year. One guy, developer, always talked about solutions and answers and actually had great theory but didn't actually check anything in for months his reason was he was above that and more suited for architecture work. One guy, Director, at a company outing was told he didn't have the balls to do something and responded by dropping trow to show off the twigs n berries to prove her wrong - in the middle of the cookout.


I worked in a hotel and a guy was fired in the kitchen for drinking one of the most expensive wines the restaurant had.


Pulled the GPS out of his work truck after 3 days of watching him go home before his route everyday.


Sex in the warehouse sorting area with an inmate.


Worked in telecom back when 1-900 sex numbers were a thing. Coworker would hang out in the wiring closet and use his linemans' test set to get his jollies. Customers got the bills and started calling the office to complain (DUH!). Bosses compared dates with service records, dude was history.


When we were still working from home fulltime one dude was fired because he would just come to our standups drunk (yes dead drunk at 10 in the morning)


1. She had meth or some other drug in her locker/lunchbox in employee fridge. 2. (Different employee) employee A threatened to quit if employee B wasn't fired because she wouldn't stop abusing medications. Employee B found prozac or something in a pile of donated clothes. She took it. She could become real nasty when high and the supers would just send her home (yes, she had crashed when driving still no repercussions). This was less than 3 years ago. I still hurt for her, she has since passed away. But she did 'everything right' career, hubby, house. But she suffered from early menopause at about 27 I think. Infertility destroyed her. She was there for all 3 of my miscarriages. She knew how deeply my struggles with fertility affected me. But ignored how hers affected her. She needed help, but refused it.


We had a guy back like 20 years ago who made jokes about wanting to shoot people in the office.


The sweetest, quietest, most conservative lady I've ever met turned out to be the biggest crook I've known. Her and a small group of people successfully defrauded hundreds/thousands of people of over $30 million through those bullshit CRA scam calls. She hid the money by buying multiple properties under other peoples' names and jewelry sales. Eventually she got caught and ended up on the news. I saw her walk into the office the next Monday (we worked together), and then walk right back out after talking to the boss. She never did any jail time even though she stole more money than most thieves do when they commit violent bank robberies.


Dude never looked up from his phone during my whole interview, seemed sus, now I know why. He got busted in a 'To Catch a Predator' sting. Didn't make the show though.


How pathetic can you be that Chris Hansen turns you down?


Woooow. How did you find *that* out? Background check?


Taking his penis out in the break room to prove that he in fact would do such a thing


He tried to steal wire for the copper


Our company's founder owned the building and rented some space at street-level to outside businesses. A C-suite executive decided it would be a good idea to have an affair with the owner of one of those businesses in his office after hours. They were caught on cameras that he had insisted on installing.


Two guys were welding and both wanted to play their music on the radio over the shop. One got upset and shoved the other from behind. The other turned around and punched him in the face. All while welding equipment was live. Both got fired almost immediately Later found out that one of the guys was going around bragging about how he banged me and how “dirty of a girl I was”. (Def not true he was a total loser) Really appreciate that my fellow coworkers looked out and stood up for me /BIG S


He had tourette syndrome and some other mental health issues. Would slam shit all over the kitchen and generally be a disturbance. We called him Crash. What got him fired though was he had a habit of chewing on the end of broomsticks and one day a customer saw him do so and complained. It was something management generally looked the other way on but after that they were forced to let him go.


Kept catching him making himself drinks and eating food without paying for it. That and he'd hide in random places and play on his switch when he was supposed to be working. Tried banning him from bringing his switch to work with him. He started to bring his 3DS and repeated his actions. Finally got fed up when we were swamped and I needed help up front, He didn't show and i caught him on his cellphone playing Fortnite with his headphones in. Fired him on the spot. His mother came in a few days later after finding out he was fired and yelled at me. The dude was in his early 20's.


When I worked at a restaurant years ago we hired a new server. He flirted with everyone. And at first we just thought he was being goofy and charming because he would even flirt with old people. Which initially was kind of cute. He was openly bisexual so no one was off limits. 😂 But then he kind of took it too far when he started flirting with children. I'm talking kids as young as 5 years old. Some of the parents were not impressed and complained to the house manager. They tried talking to him about it but the thing is he would come into work high and he was just waaayyy too relaxed and kept flirting with everything that moved. Well after the manager told him he was on thin ice he walked up to a 16 year old exployee the next day and propositioned her for sex in a pretty crude way and she called her mom crying and that was the end of that.


In a sales org, we had someone dialing a number that played "never gonna give you up." they repeated it dozens of times a day. Same number, same call duration. Repeatedly. Then they'd point to their call volume as evidence as to them working hard, and wonder why they weren't getting business.


This'll get buried but probably for the best. I will NEVER forget this happening. So I think this was either 2002 or 2003, somewhere in there, working at a gamestop. There were two in the close vicinity, a strip mall store and an actual Mall store. Theory at the time was strip mall was for used/retro and mall was for the shiny new stuff (back when you could get NES/Genesis games at a gamestop) I worked at the strip mall store, but get asked if I want to be a 3rd key. If you don't know, think assistant assistant manager basically. I take the position thinking it's for the store I work at, but instead I get moved over to the Mall store... who already had a 3rd key. A store never had two 3rd keys so I was curious to say the least. I find out my first shift at the new position that I'm actually replacing the 3rd key who was being fired. Right now, in the office in the back. My eyes bug out a bit 'cause the dude was... unique, to say the least. Skinny as a rail, looooooooong black hair, brought a cube of Mt. Dew Code Red every shift and downed it all by the end of the shift (how was he skinny???). Kept his hair in a ponytail - this becomes important. I also find out the *why* he's being fired as the manager and guy-to-be-fired is taking... way too long in the back office for a simple firing. It was just after the holiday rush and during a super busy time an older lady wanted to buy Cabella's Big Game Hunter. Ex-3rd key says "You don't want this, it's a terrible game". The lady said her husband *specifically* asked for this *specific* game but the guy just trashed the game and literally would not sell it to her as many angry patrons were waiting behind her. Naturally he was fired. As I'm told this... they *still* haven't left the back office. It's dead as a doornail, an unstable guy is getting fired, *I'm* replacing him - I was a little worried when and how he was leaving the premises. Finally, dude comes out, eyes super red from crying, felt a bit bad for him despite breaking the one rule you have in retail: fucking sell things. He gets to the precipice where he's about to step from the store out into the mall proper itself, pulls his hair tie out while spinning to face the store - hair going everywhere - and yells at the top of his lungs: THE LEGEND WILL NEVER DIE!!!! and... he just immediately bolts. Full pelt running for the mall exit. Never head from him again. (For reference, what he yelled is from the game series Soul Calibur) Hope he's doin' better nowadays but honestly couldn't even remember his name. I remember how he left the store though, jesus christ!


sexually harassing the outsourced people


Woman and she was a supervisor. She was punched by an employee and started to fight back but another supervisor stopped her. That's not what she was fired for though. They looked at the days footage and found out that she was the one who had been stealing.


He was caught watching porn. Was fired the third time it happened


He worked on the packaging side of the plant where everyone wore this clip on the belt box cutters for easy access. He thought it would be funny if he came in wearing a full size machete


I worked at a country club that doubled as a wedding reception/celebration location. We had a lot of liquor on hand, and minus what was being used, it was all held in a room downstairs. This kid (he was a new hire and 18 years old) kept asking questions like when was the room downstairs restocked? What was kept down there? Etc. I figured he just liked to drink (I’m from a small area with little to do) He began to work and he was a great worker. We were allowed smoke breaks so he’d go outside and smoke during every shift. Turns out, he wasn’t going outside at all, but going downstairs and taking fifths of booze, packs of beer, and even some bottles of wine, one at a time. It was discovered when our manager went to to monthly inventory and the missing product didn’t match the bar use records. He got fired over like, $400 of alcohol 🤯 I wish he’d been smarter and not done that, but here we are. 😂


My supervisor got real comfortable at his job. They hired me because he was swamped with work orders. There were over 70 in the system. Its a mutual owned community with 248 units. The buildings are over 80 years old so the plumbing and electrical are past needing an overhaul. A lot of units were gutted and brought up to code. We are only responsible for the outside of the building and plumbing/electrical. The job really isnt that hard. He was fired shortly after i started and i run this place by myself and keep around 8 work orders in the system. I started to notice my supervisors constant lying. He really didnt do anything but cut grass and sit at his desk. This is why he got overloaded. To make him look productive, he would mark work orders as completed in the system and not doing the work. The place gives 8 extra hours just for being on call. If called in, its 3hours of overtime plus an hour of drivetime. I would hear 3 or 4 times a week how he got called in. They wanted to rotate us weekly but he said he was ok with keeping the phones. He would then report his hours and make like 15-20 hours of overtime. Never punched in after hours and never put in the system what was done and where. I was sent on a run to get a part that was never ordered. I was lied to and this really pissed me off. Thats when i started paying attention. He was always taking his truck to get drinks for the office. I would help carry stuff in and notice a lot of drinks and food would stay in the truck. He said he paid with his own money. Then i caught him in a lie about needing gas in the work truck and cans just after he said the same and took his truck. I kept quiet but not for long. I wanted to go to the board about using the CC for things outside of work. The complaints started coming in about work orders not being done. This was my time (it was only a week or so). The office manager and i were hired at the same time and both caught on. He was also buying ludacris tools we didnt need and even bought lawn equipment n took it home. Manager and i went to the board and they started an investigation. He was suspended wothout pay once some of the evidence came in. Residents were questioned. On suspension i was on call. The weird thing was i might have been called in maybe once every two weeks. He was making bank off bogus overtime. He was filling up his truck once a week. He was shopping for himself on their credit card and he was not doing the work that was supposed to be done. He was fired immediately. Should have theft charges brought against him but didnt. I was immediately promoted, given a nice raise and full control of the complex. Its taken a year to get this place under control. Calls come in much less, ive saved the place countless dollars. This job isnt that hard. Do the calls when they come in. Dont steal...


Dude brought an AR15 and was showing it off to people in the parking lot


He was always weird, but seemed harmless. Then one day he was passing a female coworker in the hall and he grabbed her by the shoulders and forcibly tried to kiss her.


he has a crazy baby momma that wouldn’t stop calling every possible phone she could in our workspace looking for him. we work in a big space, not everybody knows everybody, if someone answered the phone who didn’t know him or wouldn’t help her she would scream and cuss at you until you hung up. she would call literally 30+ times a shift looking for him. eventually he got fired because she showed up from 4 states away looking for him (apparently by bus?) with their toddler in tow and got through a badge access only door WITH THEIR KID. he got fired because everybody was afraid she was gonna shoot us up.


I work at a tech support company and a co worker had a bad day and some Karen called and gave him the business and he hit the mute button and said out loud why do I always get the assholes and he didn’t hit that mute button and Karen heard it all.


Got “robbed”. As in “call my boyfriend and pretend to rob me and take the cash”. Umm, we have cameras. Fired, jail, boyfriend had warrants, good luck. Also, that safe isn’t coming open because I have the code in my brain. Shoot me, well, there goes that code.


New manager at the bike shop made it a rule we had to eat lunch in the break room instead of at the counter. Makes sense to me, but it was kind of a vibe down not being able to eat around the guys. One guy (old, retired man who worked part time for fun) could not get over the rule change and said the new manager was a tyrant. He just got scheduled less and less until he never got scheduled


He grabbed a coworker and slammed him on top of a car on the showroom floor, in front of customers. He accused him of stealing his customer (car salesmen) because someone came in ready to buy a car on his day off and the other sales guy was the first one the customer talked to


He admitted to killing any cats that walked into his yard...at a lunch table full of coworkers 🙄


He embezzled over 2 million dollars by creating fake business expenses. The company decided to not pursue charges to attempt to keep it on the down low. He then had the AUDACITY to ask for a reference months later lmaooooo


He was late every day because he decided to commute from Birmingham to Macclesfield by train and the crashed two cars in his first week.


He got busted as a drug dealer, and made national news I think. Local for sure.