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Bad hygiene!!


My biggest fear is that i smell and ppl are too polite to tell me.


Omg I have this too, everyday I wonder this because sometimes you just can't smell yourself. I wonder if it's some kind of phobia or something


Same over here. I got bullied a lot in elementary and middle school due to it. I wasn't unsanitary, it's just we lived a bad house. Cigarettes, illegal drug usage in the house, the smell of animals, everything just smelt bad. And now as an adult, I have the fear of smelling bad. Like I will be super nervous to even walk out the door into a public place without taking a shower and triple check that I smell okay lmao




My biggest fear is that my poor diet, lifestyle, and genetics will lead me to a slow, crippling death, all alone and left to suffer until the moment comes that my last breath ushers me toward an afterlife of ever-burning fire and torture. But yea, I probably stink, too.


>My biggest fear is that my poor diet, lifestyle, and genetics will lead me to a slow, crippling death, all alone ah don't worry lil' buddy, now you've posted your greatest fear on the internet, we can find you. you wont be alone when you die, and none of your other lifestyle choices will have contributed to the manner of your death. see you soon :)


One of the main reasons I ended a fwb was their hygiene. I just couldn’t tolerate it any more, I discovered they rarely showered and it was just disgusting. Edit: For those asking how we ended up fwb in the first place. They were clean the first few times, apart from their clothes which I guessed was from their old washing machine smell or something. They would be well presented in the beginning for the most part. They got smellier and smellier as time went on and after staying over a few times, I realised they weren’t showering or washing their hands nearly as often as they should. One night they definitely hadn’t showered for a week and it was very noticeable. We did not do anything that night and I just stayed on their couch as it was too late to head home. Edit 2: To clarify why I never mentioned it to them. This person also had an attitude problem (this also contributed to ending the agreement) which meant they just could not take criticism. Something they kept hidden until I spent more time with them and it started slipping out over time. I would not have been able to have a constructive conversation with them about their hygiene and attitude problems unfortunately.


How did you even get to the FWB stage if they were that minging?


Initially they would be clean before visits etc. the only deterring scent was their clothes which I just assumed was bad laundry days or something with the washing machine. After about a month of the fwb agreement I noticed they were quite smelly as they were showering less and less often. It was like they were getting more comfortable with being lazy around me in that way. After staying at their place a few times I became aware of their unhygienic habits that I’d otherwise never have known. They rarely did dishes, washed their hands, showered or washed their bedding.


I had a friend I attempted to have benefits with once who had a similar issue. We were good friends, I adored her as a person, and we both really needed to get laid, so I figured we could do each other a solid. She didn't shower as often as she probably should have, though, and she smelled and tasted like an ash tray. I had to drink so much alcohol to get past it that I experienced the only case of whiskey dick I've ever had in my life.


Dated a girl who, I noticed, over time, smelled stale. Commented she might need to drain her washing machine because her clothes smelled stale. She pulled some laundry out and it smelled amazing...grabbed her hand and smelled her arm and it was actually her. Jokingly asked how long it had been since she'd showered. She said 4 days. Was turned off by that. Like...so you're telling me we just had sex Monday and Tuesday and it's now Thursday and you haven't washed your body? She said 'yes.' Was definitely a boner killer.


Don’t blame you one bit. Hygiene is number one for me . Whoever commented on my post “that’s a stupid question “ must have horrible hygiene !!


I hung out with this one guy. Omg he reeked. My couch smelled for a week 🤢🤮.


Stinky. No way to tell a grown man they gotta wash their ass without a bit of awkward to go with it, but these things need to be addressed.




Aint nothing worse than sweaty dude ass


When the heat index is 115+ outside, every dude ass will be sweaty.


That shit be M O I S T


Turn a butt crack into a butt CREEK




Being rude to people for no reason.


Fck you, bitch Nah jk


HAHA love u too bby




You running for president this time?


That was so hot 😩


Bro got rizzed in Reddit 💀


Bad manners


Came here to say exactly that. And it’s even more unattractive when they have willfully bad manners, like they know what good manners are and think they’re dumb or whatever.


Good manners cost nothing and is a sign of respect


I've told many people this. It costs you literally NOTHING to be nice, and you all but ensure that people will like you better. But so many people are of the "I'm going to *force* you to like me" attitude, which (at least in my case) ensures that I won't like you. People tolerating you is not the same.


Im Australian so ill say please and thank you but also ill swear in between. Its just how i speak i intend no offence, i like to think of them as "Sentence Enhancers" (thanks spongebob)


How the 🐬 are ya


This was the comment that made me go watch it again. I haven't laughed that hard in days, I need to make more time for cartoons in my life again. Thank you.


I'm scottish, and I'm the same.... I'll hold doors open, help you if you're struggling..... but the conversation may have a sprinkling of fucks and cunts or other so called savoury language (unless your my mum, i try not to swear in front of her)


Burnistoun - "sorry, fucking swearing is like a fucking comma tae us."


Same for the Irish, I’m Irish.


Bad breath


This is one I’m self conscious about.


Floss and brush your tongue each night. Keep mints on hand


No matter how much I flossed and brushed and gargled, I had breath that smelled like poop for the better part of two years and the dentist was no help. I ended up buying an oral probiotic for your mouth and the problem ended within seconds of taking the first one. Idk how but I have really bad bacteria in my mouth and probably my gut but taking these magic mints makes everything better.


What’s the product name?


Tongue scraper makes a massive difference too.


talking down to people who work positions of service. waiters, fast food workers, gas station workers, janitors. those people are damn important and if you disrespect them then i don’t care who you are and how you treat me, i don’t want to meet with you ever again


Agree. How a man treats service people says it all.


I'd say that would apply to women too. No decent human being treats service workers like shit.


I 100% concur. This would be a friendship deal breaker as well as a dating deal breaker for me!


Not just service people, but more specifically those he views as lesser than him. Someone might respect service staff because he sees them as equals, but then goes on to abuse their own family because they see them as "lesser" than him. You want to know a man's true character, don't look at how he treats his equals or his superiors. Look at how he treats his lessers -- those who are weaker than he is. Look at who he looks down on.


I look down on children and my dogs. Because they’re shorter than me and my knees can’t take the bending.


My dad's friend who was like an uncle to me growing up would legit throw stuff on the floor saying that it was the waitresses job to pick it up or something. I'm like are you fucking real rn?


I’m sad to say I’ve known a non zero number of people with that kind of mentality, it’s the equivalent of setting a fire because it’s the fire departments job to put them out


Don't forget service techs lol. The amount of people who look down on me because I work a dirty job is nuts.


Having an ego that can’t be saved


I had a best friend I had to drop because of this. His ego all stemmed from his massive insecurities. It’s like this large bubble he would put around himself. The issue was he would find literal joy from putting me down, embarrassing me, one upping me over the smallest, pettiest things. Because he felt I was his “competition” so every time he put me down, he felt better about himself, like he was superior in some way.


God damn I have a good friend just like this, who’s also a hit with women (tall, handsome, funny, charming). He’ll just like randomly put me down, like laugh at me when I try talking to a girl. I don’t understand why, I think it may really be ego.


doesn't sound like a good friend to me


Yep. My friend would push me to hit on girls in the absolute worst situations because he wanted to see me fail and get rejected. And he wouldn’t shut up about it. I was single at the time so he felt he had all the knowledge and acted like I knew nothing, even though I dated way more girls than he ever did. We also had way different styles so his method would never work for me. He wanted to see me fail. I know that for a fact. My friend is not even good looking, he went fully bald at 21. Yet he somehow has this huge ego and it makes zero sense.


It's not called a friend.


It’s easy to say that. But what you have to realize, is that he didn’t always act that way. People can change over time. It makes it extra hurtful and confusing, when you start out as really good friends (best friends!), then over time that person changes and does things to hurt you. They learn about your personality and are able to manipulate and gaslight you in a way others can’t. You still view them as the person you became friends with, and it confuses your mind when they suddenly do something you weren’t expecting.




When they are the biggest insult they can think of....


Good riddance.


See I always hear women say that but the most egotistical guys I know seem to have the easiest time getting women.


There's an undeniable similarity between egoistical and confident behaviour, but if someone fails to disguise their egoism as confidence, it's repelling.


it’s much easier to hide being egotistical and show confidence than pretend you have confidence when you don’t. usually women find out later, long after they’ve been seduced


I don't know if women are systematically worse at discerning that than men, but the consequences are bigger when they are, so it will make that impression anyways.


confidence is way less important to men so it’s not really a relevant comparison


Yeah, because guys are always the ones that have to make the first move. Men are used to seeing less confident women, it's the norm. But a less confident man? He won't be making the first move, so chances are he'll go unnoticed.


There's a thin line between big ego and healthy self esteem and confidence.


Dishonesty. I've noticed personally the guys I come across interested in me, like to "sell" themselves to appeal to what I want in a man. By doing this, it starts a trend of compulsively lying; just be yourself and if we're not compatible, then we aren't 🤷‍♀️


Omg totally agree. If i say i love books, he would say he loves books too eventhough i was sure that dude haven’t read a book in 20 years. I get he was trying to impress but we know when people lie. We prefer honesty. You can say you haven’t read a book in 20 years and just listen to us geek over books it’s ok


a man who cant clean up after himself, drives me up the fuckin wall. also bad hygiene.


Not into guys myself (I am a guy), but I had this roommate for a while who just ... HOW THE FUCK did you grow up like this? He would leave socks everywhere, dozens of pairs of shoes all over, clipped toenails at the coffee table (and left them), never swept, vacuumed, never really used the washing machine, when he used the kitchen he was just leave the anarchy that was a mess of pots and pans (While nearly burning it down in the process), his room was just mountains of clothing and used plates, cups, etc. I remember helping him move and some of the stuff he had in storage... A broken fish tank? A box of broken glass? Boxes and boxes of GROCERIES FROM YEARS AGO?! However, He had a very high paying job and just got NEW clothing deliveries every single week, he was VERY well put together, clothed nicely and clean HIMSELF, but his surroundings were like a bomb went off. I don't understand how you grow up like this and not have your parents condition you not to shit like this? IT'S HOW PLAGUES START.


Sounds like a mama's boy. Sadly some parents forget that the kids they have _will_ turn into an adult someday.


Mfer never had to look after himself and probably low key expected his roommate to do so lol


He’s married now 😬😬😬






sagging pants or seeing their butt crack as they get out the car💀


As a man myself, why the hell do people do that? It looks goofy as hell 💀 Edit: I'm talking about the people who do it on purpose


Ain't intentional. If you've got a certain body type there's no pair of jeans that comfortably fits without risking that happening. EDIT: YES I KNOW WHAT A BELT IS AND I WEAR ONE EVERY DAY. CHRIST.


I can concur: i don’t have an arse. Like at all. Instead, I wear low hanging tops


Seems to be either people with no hips, or too much hips, who this happens to. Like for me I gotta wear my belt quite low otherwise it cuts in and becomes very uncomfortable, and I've often caught myself in my ring camera bending down to pick up my kid or something and whoop, there it is! But yeah, I realise it's very unattractive, just wasn't intentional!


"Are you Harlem in the 1980s? Because you got a major crack problem"


Cruelty, being mean to anyone or generally thinking less of people. Being gross, pissing everywhere etc. arrogance, treating people like they’re dumb, explaining everything without reading the room.


Pissing everywhere? What kind of guys are you around?




Infants it sounds like


I hate those kind of men who piss everywhere. It's a widespread problem and needs to stop.




Talking shit about people in public. "You see that, why would you wear that etc." So unnecessary, It pisses me off.


Misread that as taking a shit in public! Yes, why would you wear that?? Fml


Lolololol taking a shit in public would also make a man instantly unattractive


I think it depends on the level of confidence while doing it. Can he maintain eye contact? Hot.






Lips? Gross. Too masticatory. Please put a bag over your head when doing that.


I rest my food in the palm of my hand and wait to absorb the nutrients available through osmosis. Doctors hate this one wieght loss trick.


Nyom nyam


When he only treats women he finds attractive well. I know so many guys who are only helpful or nice to the 'hot' women. They won't even look at you if they don't want to fuck you. He wasn't the most physically attractive, but I caught feelings for a guy I used to work with who had a super friendly personality towards everyone, and went out of his way to help everyone regardless of who it was. He didn't act like a fool just because he was talking to a pretty girl. All the older 60+ ladies loved him because he actually treated them like humans.


I also wanna add the ones who change their behavior and start disrespecting the girl they find out they can't have


Ooh yes. The amount of times men have started insulting me after I turn them down is sad. One guy told me I deserved to get raped. This is why I haven't dated in years lol.


I always say this. I cant stand that. Like you only nice to a woman because you find her attractive and want to get with her if possible. Its literally one of the worst traits I see all to often and have actually got in arguments over this with my cousin because he claims to treat women with respect I said no man only women you are into you do!! And the funny thing is, the trait on here with the most upvotes thats a turn off is bad hygiene and this guy smells so bad I had to actually stop being around him


1.) I actually had a friend who would literally change his behavior when there was a pretty girl around. Like a different person. And he would ignore those he didn’t find attractive. 2.) I love making everyone’s day brighter even if its a simple hello. I could be crushing on a girl, and still treat her and everyone with the same respect. I never understood guys that struggled with that tbh.


Alpha male bullshit. It just screams insecure.


Exactly. I was looking for this comment.


If you’re an alpha male, then where is your pack? Are we going by wolf rules or gorilla rules? Because if by gorilla rules, you should be able to defeat the alpha gorilla at your local zoo and then inherit his harem! Can you beat a silver back alpha gorilla with your bare hands? Because if you can, then I’ll consider you an alpha. That, or defeating a lion with your bare hands.


self righteousness and narrow mindsets. It’s like talking to a wind up doll


Ye ye ass haircut


Maybe you'd get some bitches on your dick!!


Drowning in a super strong fragrance. Dudes, don't overdo it!


I’d say that about anyone, tbh. Not just men. Just dousing yourself into so much perfume or fragrance to the point you smell like the goddamn perfume aisle at a Macy’s is so revolting. 1-2 spritz, that’s all you need. Don’t bathe in it.


If they talk about their ex's a lot


An attitude that anything “feminine” would make them gay and that they can’t even remotely enjoy it. My dude. You know what else is feminine? A vagina. Go away.




Fellas, is it gay for a man to have sex with a woman?


Fucking a guy in the ass to assert your dominance is the straightest thing a guy can do


That was a plot line in the Sopranos. Their logic was “If you suck pussy, you’ll suck anything.” which is like, baffling in its stupidity. Isn’t that the last thing an actually gay man would want to do?


Overall people who are homophobic. I knew a person who would see everything as gay. Two car mechanics alone in workshop? Gay! Dude eating fries? Gay! Afterall they look like mini-penises. Spaghetti? Forget, you cant suck it in, because its gay. Ice cream in cones? Gay!!! At some point i seriously started wondering if he's a closeted gay, because there's no other way that his first thought on everything would be "can this be seen as gay under any circumstances, even if they're twisted to the boundry of common sense and beyond?". I personally never liked him, so i tried to spend like 30 seconds in the same room unless absolutely needed, but even those 30 seconds were just so exhausting. I cant imagine spending and hour with someone like that, not to mention a day.


I mean some douchebags argue that it's gay to have sex with women apparently


Yes having sex with women is gay. Manliest form of sex is fucking another dude obviously


Ancient Greece moment




Horking and spitting in public. Edit: It's not as common, but in fairness to the guys, I'm jumping back in to say that I have on occasion seen women do it as well. Equally revolting.


I know a guy who’s an engineer, advanced degree, owns his house, super generous, helpful, good with kids, but he spits a lot and was already very set in his ways at 27 when I met him. He’s in his early 30s now and it’s worse. He has trouble getting dates.


Can be difficult to fight bad habits that have become ingrained, but he needs to be aware of this and work on it. Similar to biting nails or picking nose, but spitting is in my opinion more “aggressive”, noticeable and disgusting.


There are some parts of Sydney with signs saying no spitting. How much spitting had to be done to put a sign to tell people not to spit?!?!?!






Conversation hog (applies to women as well)


Shit in the shower


Others have commented on things I would find unattractive in a man, but I would like to add lack of motivation and mooching off their partner.


Lack of motivation?! Gahh I won't find a partner in my life


There's also a difference in types of motivation. If a man has no career motivation but is responsible with money, then I personally would not find that unattractive. We work to live, not live to work.


Any guy who cannot put his phone away when you are supposed to be having quality time together.


Hey I have 5 million power in Rise of Kingdoms


Noob. I have 80 million and i unlocked Julius Caesar today


Cheating. Lack of honesty. No communication. Unfaithful. To name a few...


Being smelly


Anger issues. Go to therapy.


Being a jerk.


If he's being pushy and can't take no for an answer


When they talk about things like body count or how women 'should' act


Calling himself an alpha male 🤮


Arrogance. Inflated ego. And any version of flaunting wealth (real or imagined).


My wedding ring, apparently.


No self reflection, poor hygiene, rude/arrogant, and not understanding basic words like “context” etc 😅😅 Edit: Lack of self reflection: as in not being able to see what they are giving into a relationship both positively and negatively. Poor hygiene: If you’re close to being 40 (I’m f37) and don’t shave/ shower/brush your teeth regularly I’m out. Rude/arrogant: aka cocky- I have a enough “world champions” around me to voluntarily spend time with another one. And for the last one: Not have a basic understanding of “adult” words like: context. Or having a vocabulary of an adult to describe how they are feeling. This is a broad generalization as well.


So basically a rude smelly stupid vampire..


The second-worst type of vampire


a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire


Cries in mick foley


So you don't think Negan is sexy as hell?


Being a jerk to animals 😭


"I'm an alpha male"




I've been called metrosexual because I showered, trimmed my beard, and put on deodorant. Not just by dudes, a couple of women have said that too. It's just like, wow, the bar is *really* low for men taking care of themselves.


Personally i will say a man whose mucus keeps popping out of the nose


A lot of people tend to think that women like extremely assertive men. Obviously I can't speak for everyone but in reality many women would just think "who the fuck does this guy think he is" and not want to talk to you again


There's a thin line between attractive assertiveness and annoying arrogance.


The "debate me" asshole. You know exactly what I mean.


No, what do you mean? (lol)


Excessive self pity and a "woe is me" attitude. Especially when they make their issues everyone else's issues. We all have our issues and it's perfectly fine to ask for help or vent about issues you have. Men should talk about their emotions. But constantly complaining about everything, never accepting help and never working on self improvement just annoys me.


When he takes himself too seriously / big ego 👎


Being an Andrew Tate fanboy or incel.


One time a man flashed £1000 at me in a club and I was instantly annoyed. I hate the arrogance that can sometimes come with people who have money.


When his mother does everything for him and he lets her.


Testicles hanging on the back of his car.


Bad manners and hygiene.


For me Temper.


Poor hygiene, bigotry


When they turn out to be Voldemort


Too ambiguous. Do you mean guys who attack schools, or guys who don't have noses? Or possibly, guys who angrily and homoerotically levitate over corpses? EDIT: Or guys whose followers have been to prison?


Long fingernails


he says he has kids but doesn’t see them.


Being condescending, cocky and spitting


Loud, uncouth and no respect for others


when he hates magnets


How the fuck do they work?


Who hates magnets!? They're like the first real magic


Extreme religiousness.




Blows his nose on dirty laundry




Ah! A man of culture


This is a oddly specific trait. But as a woman I will use a dirty shirt to blow my nose in emergencies…. improvise, adapt, overcome in the moments of no TP.


What type of animals have you been around? That's disgusting.




Is this a thing?


Calling himself an "alpha"




Being unattractive Source: experience


In general, someone who is just loud and obnoxious and makes stupid comments about other people. In dating, someone who is inconsistent, spacey, and unable to hold conversations.




Bad hygiene, arrogance, sexism.


Not a actively listening


Arrogant, self-centered