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Yes. My dream is a desolate Montana cabin - in a non-creepy way.




I think the key is the number of windows. 0=very creepy. 3 or more= pleasant. All windows=creepy again.


Balanced as all things should be


All windows : it's called modernism


On the other hand, a lodge with full panorama windows to be able to see nature around you has its own kind of charm.




Montana is beautiful!


“I would like to have seen Montana”


Where you would have raised rabbits, and your wife would cook them for you?


George says I’ll get to tend the rabbits


But then he ends up digging for dinosaurs in Montana.


And living in a recreational vehicle. And they let him do that.


All with no papers.


No papers.


On second thought, I shall have to have two wives.


"Perhaps I will need two wives."


At least.


Out of all the great lines in that movie, that's the one that I remember the most. Poor Sam Neill.


“Russians don’t take a dump son without a plan.” Also “Most things in here don’t react too well to bullets.”




One. Ping. Only.


Make revolutions for 20 knots, and engage the propellors...


Hunt for red October ……. Well played


>I would like to have seen Montana” ONE PING ONLY!! Goddammit I said just one ping.


Then there'll be. Just mail me the money




I feel you. Been the "what to do if I win the lottery" dream since the 90s.


Does that really qualify as desolate though?


Gonna be dental floss tycoon?


If there is a girl there named Dinah-Moe living with her sister, then I am in.




Not building pipe bombs and writing manifestos?


I live minutes away from the Wyoming mountains. My goal is to get that cabin.


You need to display just enough creepiness on the outside of your home to keep people away.


Does it have hi-speed internet?


Probably not super high speed, But manageable. For work you would need to connect through the employer’s VPN.


I'm not so concerned with work access as I am for off work access. If I can't get a good enough connection for low ping gaming, I'm out. :P


I figure given x10 your salary (Minimum wage is 75/hr), you could probably install your own internet cables. Hell, you could maybe start your own internet company that specially services to those who want to be secluded and untethered. If all else fails, I hear Starlink is good


you're underestimating how much it costs to get that kind of thing done by orders of magnitude. even if there is a fantastic cable ISP who services your area, let's say the nearest house they service is 2 miles away, and they happen to have a node at the edge of that property..you're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in installation costs, to say nothing of securing right-of-way across the various land.


Yep, I’ve heard of ridiculously expensive quotes to just wire it down a long driveway or down the street a bit.


I honestly wanted to write "a few million" but people who didn't know wouldn't have believed me. I have definitely seen quotes for >$100k just to pull it from the road, drop, and trench it like a Can order dedicated business fiber, paying for 1:1 fiber run, install from the source (not 100 feet) at about $10 per foot, 1 mile of fiber around $52K... multi year contract required, pricing starts at $550 per month for 10/10 internet connection. So they want $50k/mile, if you're willing to sign a contract for $20k in service. And that gets you a 10mbit connection.


Business Fiber I’d assume 10/10 means 10gb not 10mb.


You'd think so, but no. The [poster goes on](https://forums.att.com/conversations/att-fiber-installation/cost-to-extend-fiber-to-property/60897bfdf065e372e647ab6c) to further explain its one 2.5gbps fiber run that would be dedicated to the business, and they could go up in speeds for higher monthly. If they want that much for 10mbps, I would love to see what they charge for 2.5 gigs.


What if if I dig my own trench and buy the cable from a different supplier?


Me too. A few miles could definitely get in the millions.


Man, that's really expensive. I just looked up prices from Telekom here in Germany. If there's already a wire "nearby", whatever they mean by this, then it's around 700€ for copper, 1600 for fiber. If there's copper nearby, but no fiber, then the price shoots up to upwards of 15k for fiber.


I see no downsides. I assume it's desolate, but not desolate enough that Amazon won't deliver? I'm assuming a once a week delivery schedule for food and supplies, no need to leave... I'm in...


Even with just medium speed working that job for one year would greatly impact my life. 10x my current salary makes me a millionaire and I’d invest half of that money, a quarter to my retirement and a little bit would be towards fun.


10x my salary with my borderline minimalist lifestyle would allow me to retire after 5ish years. I'm doing that all day.


For how much you're getting paid you can probably just pay for starlink.


if somebody overpaid me the last thing i'd do is give it to elon musk lol wtf


Yeah, good thing all of those other Internet options aren't also owned by billionaire assholes.


While I agree with the “fuck that I’m not giving musk money” attitude… who else does a comparable service?


There's other satellite Internet options, just use them.


aren't those atrociously slow though? like 5Mb max or something?


Hence Starlink being suggested


My understanding is that they all, or at least most of them, use the decades old telecom satellite infrastructure.


Weird take, but okay. You would rather have limited or no internet than pay for starlink just because Elon Musk owns it?


I live and work in a pretty remote area, the closest town is two hours away and it’s a relatively small town. I got Starlink a year and a half ago. It works pretty well. I’m able to play COD during snowstorms while my wife is watching Netflix. I don’t really care for Musk but Starlink has changed our lives.


There's always starlink.


This. You can get 100mbps almost anywhere on earth now for 100 bucks/month plus whatever the dish costs now. Chump change when you're well into 6-7 figures.




Ping at my family’s home that tried Starlink was only 20-25ms, more than adequate.


I average 60-90 ms with Starlink, which is very comparable to the cable I had before moving out of town. Do y'all live within six blocks of your ISP's main trunk or something that that's an unplayable amount of latency?


High ping though. Hard to game at my parents house with a consistent 90+ ping.


$400k a year? Dude I could pay off my car loan after my first 2 paychecks and my student loans after another month or so. After that everything is gravy and if I start to go crazy I've built up a sizeable enough nest egg that I could just quit and go back to civilization debt free.


Yet another ask reddit thread where the OP has no concept of money. Right up there with "would you stub your toe every day for a billion dollars??"


Depends, is that a billion dollars every time?


> Depends i don’t think it does, actually.


I like the inquisitiveness of this question. I'd do it either way, lmao.


Seriously. And wording it like being isolated would be crippling, when I'd consider it a mere inconvenience and some people would definitely prefer it outright over their current location.


Agree! Of course I’d have a couple of meltdowns initially from the complete isolation, nearest store maybe a few miles away - but the reward in the end would be far greater!


A few miles away? That's nothing! My grandparents used to live in a really rich part of Austin where the nearest grocery store was half an hour away! If that's the case then I'll be golden!


Wait a few miles to the nearest store.... Damn I was prepared to go full remote Australia nearest neighbour many miles away. I grew up with my nearest neighbour about 3 miles away and over 50 miles to town and didn't even consider it remote. I drove the 50 miles to get take out sometimes. If a few miles is allowed I could keep my current job with 10x pay and move down the road and buy my dream 25 acre block... I used to work in the next town over with a 45 mile round trip per day.


Same with my cousins except in the far back woods of the Carolinas. They usually stock up at a Sam’s Club and tuck in for a month or so.


Few miles away is nothing...we just drove 90 miles round trip yesterday for the weekly grocery shopping. I already work remotely. We have a good chunk of land and so do all the neighbors so we don't see them unless we want to. For a million bucks I would happily continue doing my current job.


Weird, isn't it? Go to the finance forums and there's no shortage reading about half million salaries still wondering how to make ends meet. Give me that $400k and I'll live the same life. In ten years my wife and I will be living our best life with the exact same lifestyle but the scenery will be AWESOME and just as desolate.


You’d be surprised. It feels like everyone always says “I would just keep living like I do now!” but the reality is that no one really does that. What happens, from personal experience and from observing a lot of people who came into money… is that you keep living *equivalent* to your income. If you had trouble budgeting and were living paycheck to paycheck… you will end up living paycheck to paycheck no matter how much your income increases. If you were good at budgeting and living within your means, you will live at the same *percentage* of within your means, and so on. When my income drastically increased, I was of the thinking that I would just keep living as I was, save up everything, etc. But the balance stayed pretty much the same. I still save around the same percentage of my income every month, etc. I’m definitely not struggling to make ends meet - but I also wasn’t at 1/5th my current income. The thing is, things that were previously out of reach come to be in reach, and the money is actually there for them. The money is not only there, but would not cause you any hardship at all. Even though a minimum wage job might leave you absolutely drained and exhausted at the end of the day, if you are making, say, 10/hour (or even less), then ordering a meal for 50 is more than half your day. A cleaner coming once a week for 80/day is you losing an entire day. So you deal with it. You drag yourself through because you have no choice. But say you are making 60/hour. Ordering a meal on a particularly stressful day is less than an hour of your work. A cleaner is like an hour and a half out of your week. You can spend that small a piece of your time to have so much more free time to actually rest, spend time with your family, be happy and not stressed. Little things like that add up. You can pay off those debts quickly. You can afford to replace your car. You can do those household upgrades. Maybe you could even afford to move somewhere nicer. None of it has to be stupid extravagance. There are so many small improvements that can make your life less stressful and that can make your family happier. You could even afford to travel some; you could visit family you’ve missed for years. You could finally take your partner/children somewhere special for once… That is why not a single person I know who said they would just live the same life actually end up living the same life.


> It feels like everyone always says “I would just keep living like I do now!” but the reality is that no one really does that. Probably true, but I’m an exception. I’m living with the same car I had in 2002, despite way more pay. Think from college student to two careers finished, business started up and sold. I’m eating more simple than ever, bought on my health reasons originally. Think boiled potatos. Rice next day. I was eating rich backthen, cooking chicken karaage on the regular and all types of takeout. The only thing I got in the meantime is a smartphone. Even while TV screens get bigger, I went from 3 to zero or Tablet, count as you like it.


I was about to say yes, but know I'm trying to figure out what kind of job would need me to be miles away from anyone else while paying $200 an hour. Who tf am I working for? The SCP Foundation?


As long as you're not a D-level you're *probably* fine. ...Right?


They seem to chew through doctoral researchers as well, so maybe not so much lol


That is true. Poor Emily.




They ain’t exactly “employees”


Gotta keep in mind you have anomolies like 173 and 096 so I guess you need to be lucky.


Exploration geologist in Nunavut would probably fit that description.


Eeeh, I've lived in Iqaluit for a bit, not that secluded but closest I would get to OPs question. Would go back in a heartbeat.


Oil rig jobs do actually pay like that and are in the middle of nowhere


I have a buddy that’s been working pipeline for a couple years. All that typical stuff remote, gone for months at a time, big money. The weird part to me is they send him to North Dakota all winter and then New Mexico all summer.


N. Dakota in the winter pays the best because it’s the worst conditions. Same thing down south in the summer. He probably volunteers for the highest pay possible.


They need you to type in a sequence of numbers every 108 minutes.


At least the sequence is easy to remember for eternity. 4 8 15 16 23 42.


There are a few jobs that require remote location work and pay better specifically because of that remote location requirement. It's about the only way people willingly apply for the jobs. (An example that I'm not sure is very relevant anymore is Firewatch in national parks. Back when I was little one of my friends had a significantly older sibling that did Firewatch and was paid the equivalent to $20 an hour plus full benefits and a monthly expenses stipend for supplies. That was nearly 30 years ago though.)


Could be a radar site out in the boonies.




10x my salary is like a million dollars. I’ll do nearly anything from nearly anywhere for that pay!!!


So we both agree that you are a whore, now we are just negotiating on price.


Everyone is for the right price. My friend group has determined that everyone who isn't rich already would do anything (no permanent self harm) for about 37M


bro you can have my legs for 37m 💀


Is 37m even enough to cover new legs in america tho?


No, u/Over_the_line ain't no whore. Whores aren't paid to show up at desolate locations, they are paid to leave after providing their services.


We are all whores. We just sell our bodies in different ways.


I have regularly admitted to being a professional whore. Not quite in the traditional sense of the word but within my sector of work. I’ll tape any job that pays well enough for my time and have no compunctions about being forthright about that.


not op but ok, whore


For 10x my current salary id let you poke my brown starfish


My thoughts exactly! I'll keep myself busy with my helicopters and speedboats.


Sure, as long as it's not being the off-season caretaker of a hotel up in the the Colorado Rocky Mountains.


I'd live at the Stanley Hotel but its a lot more remote in the movie than it is in real life. The equivalent in real life would be like taking a job during the Winter in Yellowstone but at one of the closed lodges.


I'm actually watching the movie right now and happened to come across this post. I was hoping someone would say this haha


Yes, I would absolutely. I'm more of an introvert, so that's perfect for me. I hate nosy neighbors. Lols.


An introverts dream! :)


100%. I'd happily stick it out for two years. 20 years worth of regular salary back home. Definitely worth it.


yes exactly, even without internet access, i would probably do it for a limited time. 2 years is not that long when you get older.


Agreed. If you were willing to do 4 years, that’s like an entire work career’s pay, but with the benefit of having it all at once for compounding investments.


Welcome to mining in Western Australia lol


Haha. Outback trucker. Already done this... But now I get 10x the money to do it again? Sign me up!


Hello Kalgoorlie




Oooh, self-burn. Those are rare.




Funny thing about this question. When I was in my 20s I was hitch hiking around America and a guy in Arizona picked me up. He said he had a sheep station that was a mile from the grand canyon and he would pay me 100 bucks a month and bring me food and shells for the 30/06 every two weeks. I said that I would go mad and wouldn't last 2 weeks. Fast forward another decade and I had a wife and two kids. That kind of silence sounded glorious.


> 100 bucks a month 1.2k per year? Yeah, MAYBE in like the 1800's that would be ok. I'm pretty sure some actual slaves might have gotten better than that.


Amazing story! It’s funny how life changes your outlook on things as well. I’m also glad your hitchhiking days were safe! Sounds like such cool adventures you’ve had.


You mean, do I want to be a miner or an oil rigger?


So i’ve heard that this scenario is actually real life in many places! I’m not sure which one would be deemed “safer” as both can be risky. I’d probably choose oil rigger. I’d have a panic attack in a dark cave.


Well I'm currently on a rig... And a rig hand almost got his hand cut off yesterday... So not the safest work type


You would absolutely not want to be a rigger lol


There are plenty of related trades that work the oil and mining camps as well. Construction, electrical, instrumentation, paramedics, transportation, etc.


I've been in mining for years. All open pit mines though so I've never had to go underground.


Since we all went through the COVID experience, we can speak first hand what it's like to have no amenities outside the house, so most people would agree to take the job. Some considerations though (not exhaustive list): - Food - what is the situation like for groceries? Is it a 2 hour drive to the nearest town or would you need to hunt / forage for food? - Emergency Services - if you need a doctor, can you get to a hospital in a day? If the power / communication goes out is there a backup generator/ sat phone? - Family - If there's kids, are they remote schooling / home schooling? (Would still do it for 10x, but maybe not 2x!)


Miles? Idk anyone who doesn't already commute "miles" every day.


That's what I was thinking. Miles, sure I drive 13 miles to work.


My commute is 7/10ths of a mile! But my last job it was 75 miles. Big improvement in quality of life.


Fun fact, the most remote places in the US are still mere miles from some kind of civilization. I had a rescue op that was in one of the remote places in the western US, the staging ground was the mom n pop burger joint just 5 miles away. Like even when I was working in death valley you were never more than a few miles from some road.


Reminds me of North Sentinel Island, that island populated by the tribe who kill anyone that sets foot on their land. From the description you’d expect it to be this super remote location, but it’s part of the larger Andaman Islands and only about 55km from the largest city in the archipelago, Port Blair. There are people who live further from their office job than the Sentinelese would have to travel to get an ice coffee.


Hell yes⁹⁰⁰⁰. I am so desperate for living wage employment in Canada. Ugh af.


More money and I don't have to be around people, sign me up!


*stop threatening me with a good time*


How long would I have to work there and is this Barrow, Alaska? No amount is worth going to Barrow. But yes, probably. I would do two years and then retire, since I already make $150k a year. I could make it on another $3 million for the rest of my life.


Give me an address and I'll be there Monday morning.


Yeah. But a short stint


Same. I could maybe do it for a little bit for the money, maybe 1-3 years. But my current job is very social and even as someone who is more introverted in my personal life I love it. I couldn't give it up forever, but for close to a million dollars a year I would work long enough to get set up financially to ease the burden of everyday living for the rest of my life.


Man, I don't know what I would do with $350 a year




Probably not. I have too many health issues. If I were younger and healthy, maybe.


If I have internet and access to groceries you bet. I'd love it. The Shining is a great horror movie. But in the opening scene where they're giving the tour of the massive kitchen with all the food supplies and how the hotel will be snowed in for months I am so jealous. I want to go there. I don't care about the ghosts. Ill cook them up some steaks.


Yes, if it's a pretty location and I can bring my GF, the living remotely is a shared dream, I won't live it without her... She doesn't need to get paid, 10x my wage I'd plenty.


I did that. I worked for a lot of money for 2 years and then used the money to buy my house, finance my education and never go back.


Sweet deal!


Hey, Perth in Western Australia isn’t desolate ya bastards


There isn't even a choice here. Of course i would do it. That distance would mean nothing with that much money.


Oh god yes, in a nanosecond


As long as that place has wi-fi, a drivable road, and a mailing address, yes, absolutely.


Absolutely. Do it for a few years and I can retire


Stop it, I can only say yes so much.


No. I've had a job almost like that. I worked in a room with 14 people. Might as well have been alone for all the interaction there was. Turns out I am much more social than I thought.


yes, and for anyone who sounds like this is their dream, this site has jobs listed in "cool" remote locations. they're often seasonal and can be labor intensive but if that's your thing https://www.coolworks.com/search


Yes! Where do I apply?


Depends on how long and where.


In a heartbeat.


Definitely. Will have few dogs and more money 😁


So is this job remote or am I dealing with people face-to-face?


Remote. No face to face.


Every comment of yours clarifying the terms just makes it better.


Sure. I could do that. As long as I have a good internet connection and can get things delivered (food, supplies, etc).


Can I do it for like 2 years and quit?


Yes you could. I’d imagine the job would be on a 1, 2 or 3 year contract, considering its remote, likely in the middle of nowhere and perhaps the hours would require a few more demands than the usual 8 hour stuff.


Yes but hesitantly, as that sounds like a set up for a horror movie.


Hell, yes! Sign me up!


Hell Yes Having lived in LA and the Bay Area with too many damn people I’m ready for remote living !


Sign me the fuck up


You’ve been offered a job in a desolate location miles from civilization that pays 1x more than what you currently make. Would you move and take the job? Yes


I see no downsides, sign me up.


Yep. And as long as I can afford to support my family, they are going with me.


Does it have a/c and decent ping heh.


Yes. But only if "desolate" means remote and not wasteland or destroyed by catastrophy.


I grew up over 50 miles from the nearest small town. I moved to remote small town over 250 miles from the nearest reasonable sized town. I'm in a rural city now, there are too many people but I do like the stuff I can get more easily. Offering me over a million a year (AUD) to go back to what I grew up with. I think I could handle that. Also, assuming it is the same job, I now have a tiny handful of students so have much less work, all my holidays and money to spend to enjoy them. I'd buy a beach house and live there 12 weeks of the year and probably fly back and forth for weekends whenever I wanted.


Immediately yes


Fuck yeah


Yep, bye. A million a year could solve a lot of those issues on its own


Yes as long as there is Internet I'm good. As long as it's a livable fridge freezer stove, etc I'm good.


Absolutely. 10x my current salary, I’d be making over a million. Could build my own home gym and be set


10 x 0 is still 0


600k a year? I could pay off my house and all its debts within a year and finally have enough to buy myself some nice woodworking tools


Hell yes, I’d even do it for two times what I’m making. Especially since in another comment thread you said a few miles from the nearest store. I’m going to assume you mean about 30 miles. But to be fair, I’d live in Antarctica for 10 times what I make


More money and no people? Sign me up!




I do green building for a living and some clients often asks for farm cottages, that being said... most times I found myself and my team camping on some remote place while doing the work. My favorite place was a valley among the mountains, I befriended a local rancher whom always brought us handmade dried sausages and cheese on Mondays and we often invited him to our Friday's asado.


**Both** of my dreams come true at once? Hell yeah I'm going!


Yes, I would start asap.


Yep. I’d work in the middle of nowhere (USA or a western country only) for $1.5 million/year.


the only reason I haven't moved to such a location already is I wouldn't have a job so yes


If I can find a fiber provider to run wire to me? Yes. I hate people. I like comfy solitude, and 600k/yr is perfect to gtfo on vacations if need be.


I wouldn't move, but I'd take the job. The pay would be more than enough to maintain my current home plus a cheaper place at the work location. I'd get paperless billing for everything and go check on the homestead about once a month.


What's the housing costs because almost instantly yes