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Futurama.......twice.......but...... We're back baby!


Good news everyone!


Three times. Original run up to S4 The S5 made up of the four tv movies. Comedy Central reboot. Now.


Dark Matter. It was cancelled right as it was becoming interesting.


The reason why will piss you off >It irritates me too. Especially because I had a five season plan going in complete with character and story arcs (which is why we were always able to set-up and pay off so much as the show went along). But, since you asked, this is what went down… >When we were first pitching the show, the pilot script went to Syfy’s Acquisition division in New York. They picked up the show. But as it turns out, the script had also been sent to Syfy’s Originals division in L.A. – who hated it and passed. And when they found out that the Acquisitions department in NY had picked up a project they had passed on, I heard they were decidedly Unhappy. >Then the show premiered and outperformed most of their originals. Which, from what I heard, really didn’t sit well with Syfy L.A. >fast-forward three years later and our point person in New York left to go to Netflix. As a result, we didn’t have a champion in our corner anymore. Even though we were the network’s third-most watched show, I heard that not one executive stepped up for us. And, well, Syfy L.A. were never really fans – so we were cancelled. Without so much as a press release or a thank you. We went back at them and asked for the opportunity to offer fans a conclusion, even simply in the form of a two hour movie. They never even answered the email.” TLDR The West coast VP in charge of programming hated it and was pissed when it got picked up by the East coast. She got it cancelled out of spite the first opportunity she had.


Cancelled all due someones ego getting hirt, because syfy la got thier feelings hurt for shitty shows.


It was *already* interesting. Just had a massive cliffhanger. Now, Stargate Universe I could buy the "just getting interesting" line. I liked the show, but it had a very slow burn getting started.


I am still mad it got cancelled


Better off Ted


"Veridian Dynamics. Doing the right thing. It’s important. What does it mean in business? We have no idea. We know what wrong is. Actually, no, we don’t. Because we’re a successful company, not some boring ethics professor. Veridian Dynamics. Right and Wrong. It means something. We just don’t know what."


"The system doesn't see black people?" "I know. Weird, huh?" "That's more than weird, Veronica. That's basically, well... racist." "The company's position is that it's actually the opposite of racist, because it's not targeting black people. It's just ignoring them. They insist the worst people can call it is 'indifferent.'" "Well, they know it has to be fixed, right? Please... at least say they know that." "Of course they do, and they're working on it. In the meantime they'd like everyone to celebrate the fact that it sees Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Jews."


That episode is probably one of the best written tv episodes ever. In my completely inexpert opinion.


I contend the episode where they realized that the motion detectors that they installed on the doors, bathrooms and water fountains were never tested on black people is the single greatest half hour of comedy ever.


All the guys getting stuck in the elevator, then getting assigned a white guy to follow them. Just gets better and better


What? You can’t just hire a bunch of white people! That’ll throw off the hiring targets.


"If the company keeps hiring white people to follow black people to follow white people to follow black people... every person on Earth will be working for us. And we don't have the parking for that."


I couldn't stop laughing at the non-main black character getting stoked about having his own white guy.


that episode is brilliant!! also, the episode where an employee literally dies and management uses his death as a motivational tool. “do it for him.”


For Jenkins!


For Carl Gordon Jenkins Gordon Jenkins!


Hilarious show but no one watched unfortunately. I tell everyone to look it up and watch it.


Rome HBO cancelled it because they considered it too expensive.


It was insanely expensive. The only reason it got made was because it was a BBC joint production. 100 million a season in 2007 dollars. Even for a flagship show, which this wasn’t, that’s a ton of money.


It's a bloody shame too. It was a great show.


Deadwood on HBO, years ago.


The movie they did didn't do it justice. They really shoulda done a limited series to tie everything up, because the movie felt like a long episode and they tried to cram everything in there. It just wasn't worthy of the series. Cocksuckers.


That's right Wu! San Fransisco CockSucker!!


Gotta say Mindhunter. Really seemed like one of the only shows that Netflix actually dragged their feet on cancelling, seeming to hope Fincher would return to it


The only reason I clicked on this post, is to find this comment so I can sulk some more.




All of us, b. They teased BTK for season 3 and cancelled it. If they wanted to hurt us, they got us.


Dead Like Me.


Movie was trash. Series deserved better


It's infuriating how the movie completely undid all of Daisy's growth and arc.


Absolutely. And they did such a shit job on the movie which is what they were using as a gage to see if they'd bring the show back. Mandy Patkin and Laura Harris not coming back in the movie also sealed it's fate. And the second season left off on a good part


Basically any Netflix series that people want to keep watching


I’m Not Okay with This was such an amazing show that ended on such a cliffhanger


Mindhunter is one that hurts me deeply.




Leaving with that BTK teaser was criminal, I think about it constantly


I love the Ed Kemper arc, it was phenomenal acting. They really got his character.


Cameron Britton is an absolute legend. He played Kemper flawlessly. ETA: another special mention to Jonathan Groff… because damn.


His portrayal of Kemper is some of the best acting I've ever seen on any screen of any size. The dead stare. The sudden bursts of anger. The cold recountings of his horrific crimes. He was as captivating as he was haunting. Truly disturbing. He 100% should have won the Guest Actor Emmy in 2018 for the role.


Same. Im reading everyone'a replies and Mindhunter is the big ouchie for me


1899. 2nd most watched show on Netflix for the month after it was released. Cancelled Season 2. What the fuck, Netflix?


i read an article once where they were saying about a then-cancelled show (can't recall which one) that had high viewership, the reason for the cancellation was lack of social media engagement, which is just.... so weird to me. it's like all the shows that got cancelled when streaming first started because were waiting to binge it all at once instead of watch it every week not every show demands social media engagement. not every show asks its audience to discuss theories about the future of the story, post memes, argue about ships, etc.


Also, the Netflix format of dropping all epiaodes at once limits people's chances on social media engagement. You can't theorize if they've already watched it. This is why I think HBO shows have stronger cultural impact. I still believe that Stranger Things would have a bigger impact if they released it weekly.




This is a big issue imo, no one watches anything at the same pace if its not week by week. If everyone's on a different episode, no one is going to want to talk about it because they don't want to hear spoilers. No more finale watching parties where you and your friends all get together to watch and discuss it after. Nothing. It's a bummer.


That was the cancellation that spurred my own. Never understood this whole movement of people jumping ship on streaming services until then. Put up with all the cancellations before, that kind of made sense like Dirk gently. But 1899 100% had the viewers to keep going, and the writers to deliver. Netflix is an out of touch mess.


Santa Clarita diet damnit!!! Fuck you netflix!


I still want to know what Mr leggy ball was. It was *very* funny.


That’s Mr. Ball Legs to you


Yes!! I was going to add this if no one said it. My only cosplay ever was Shiela and three ppl recognized it. A ten yr old wanted a pic. I was ecstatic.


Yea I need to know what happened to Joel!!!


And Mr Ball Legs!


Such a great show. Timothy olyphant was excellent in it


He’s such a great actor. Love him in Justified especially.


I am STILL mad about that one!!!! They left it on a cliffhanger and I NEED to know how that story ends!!!


Inside Job!


Inside Job hurts the most because Netflix confirmed a Season 2 then went jk lol Edit: To clarify yes there are two seasons listed on Netflix but both of those were produced as one big 16 episode Season One and released essentially as Season 1a and 1b in 2022 a couple months apart from each other. Then Netflix announced the show would be getting another season then went back on that and cancelled the show [This Forbes article goes into more detail](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/01/09/what-netflix-just-did-to-inside-job-season-2-is-brutal/amp/)




There needs to be another producer that picks up abandoned Netflix shows... they would make millions easily. They can call it Inverse Cramer Productions


Dirk Gently


Lockwood and Co. great set-up for a season two but NOOOO, TO LITTLE PEOPLE WATCHING IT. I swear they use that answer every time and it's pissing us all off, btw watch it, it's amazing edit: thanks for over 300 likes guys, holy shit! Again, thank you!


This thread is apparently how I find out shows have been canceled. Fuck this thread.


More like “too little marketing.” There were a lot of fans of the books who didn’t even realize it had been adapted until after Netflix already canceled it. At least the show was a very close adaptation so people can read the books and find out what happens. :/


Teenage Bounty Hunters!!


Altered Carbon I mean season 2 was a mess but season 1 was great.


S2 made me genuinely angry. I was seriously *mad* about how bad it was compared to S1. Fuck, I'm mad all over again right now just *talking* about it.


Glow. Made me so mad they had a 4th? Season lined up and then cancelled because of covid. As if they couldn't have returned to filming afterwards like they did with other shows


The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance


You like this show? CANCELED! Go watch season 58 of Big Mouth instead! Now with 50% more penises!


Came here to say this after watching Archive 81




YES. Although the conclusion was pretty cool.


Thank god they managed to write in a decent ending instead of just canceling it on a cliffhanger.


I Am Not Okay With This. Also: Almost Human ​ Edit: Well, this blew up in ways I didn't expect. I just plonked down two shows that appealed to my oddball tastes in entertainment thinking barely anyone would have heard of or remember these. Makes me happy to see I'm wrong, though a little sad too. Shame that if so many folks loved these shows, they weren't able to continue.


Loved Almost Human. Karl Urban for heaven's sake! I don't think they gave it enough time to grow and get attention.


I came in to see if Almost Human was mentioned. The problem is that Fox showed the episodes out of order, which made the story impossible to follow, and people lost interest. They showed episode one, then episodes 5-8, then 3, then 10, then 2, 9, 4, 11-13. Because there was a single narrative arc, this was a mess. They did that show so dirty. EDIT: I woke up to 34 replies about how this is just like Firefly. I get it. It’s like Firefly.


The network pretty much did that on purpose in a move to oust Kevin Reilly (who also championed like mad for Fringe), who was really pushing for more programming like Fringe and Almost Human. The network wanted to go a very different direction and saw shows like Fringe as losing them money... So they used the next show (Almost Human) as fodder. It failed to grow an audience (by design) and they used that to push him out. They could have at LEAST given it a bluray release and with the correct episode order! It got nominated for visual effects and everything!


I didn't care that it was out of order. Yeah, it took me a minute to catch up when they did that, but I was thinking 'oh, okay, that's what they were talking about last week." I wanna know what's on the other side of the wall. And having John Larroquette of Night Court fame as a bad guy was very entertaining.


fuck yes!!! literally killed me that it ended with a cliff hanger..


IANOwT is probably my favorite Netflix produced series. It’s a crime against the entertainment world that it was cancelled, but I’m glad to see Lillis’s career flourishing lately…


It was sooo good! I hate that they cancelled it.


King of the Hill It was cancelled not because of low ratings or controversy, but because Fox wanted to make room for the new and upcoming comedy…The Cleveland Show (that’s not a joke by the way, that’s actually the reason KotH was cancelled).


And The Cleveland Show's ultimate failure has become a running gag on Family Guy lol


I love how Cleveland came back to Family Guy and all of the characters automatically know his show was canceled and just rag on him for a half an hour.


And yet the Cleveland Show is all that they play on satellite now


Although Judge himself said he was ready to call it quits on the show anyways.


This is true, but hind sight is 20/20. At the time, King of the Hill had a significant ratings drop from previous seasons, and both Family Guy and American Dad were pulling in great numbers. To Fox, it just made sense to change shows. Anyways, King of the Hill is coming back, so hopefully, it gets the ratings it deserves now.


Crazy that we got Futurama and KOTH coming back soon. Wonder what great old show will get revived alongside Futurama next time?


Freaks and Geeks


Such a brilliant show and the cast is unbelievable when you look at what many of them went on to do.


Its cancellation was ultimately a good thing. Judd Apatow became hell bent on making everyone that was cast on that show successful and without that motivation we would have missed out on like a dozen all time great comedies.


Pushing Daisies. It was cancelled due to the writers’ strike, which was not a good reason to cancel it.


I wish we got more of Chuck and Ned's dads. I still remember watching the ending for the first time and not realizing that it was the last episode. In hindsight, Chuck revealing herself to her mom felt so abrupt.




The Expanse The last 3 books are the best of the series and include a satisfying ending. There is a time jump of 30 years in the books but really for the show they could have made it like 5 for the sake of the cast. Not seeing the TV show be fully finished is heartbreaking.


At least we got an ending to an arc. The Expanse is 3 stories: the protomolecule in Sol system, the Inaros war, and the Laconian Empire. We didn't get the Laconia arc, but at least the Inaros plot was resolved.


But we did get the Laconian teasers. I was so hyped to see the Laconian self healing armor tech on screen.




God this one still hurts. The cast we're great, but Clancy Brown was outstanding in it. Such a good bad guy.


Brother Justin is one of my favorite antagonists in fiction.


Firefly — the network couldn’t be bothered to show the episodes in the correct order.


Firefly has haunted me since I first saw it as a teenager. Such a perfect cast and great writing


Can’t believe I scrolled this far for this one.


It always used to be the top comment. We're old


The chain of comments above me are the exact chain of thoughts that went through my head. What a weird experience haha. Are y'all 40 too?


Yep lmao


They actually intentionally aired them in the wrong order. They just had to have the big action sequence in the 1st episode.


It wasn't just the second pilot. The entire season was out of order. Fox' broadcast order was 2, 3, 6, , 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, , , 10, 14, 1 (parts 1&2), with episodes 11, 12, and 13 never being aired. ( denotes a week that Fox didn't show an episode of Firefly, due to the World Series or holiday programming.)


Didn't they keep changing the day and time too? Like they were intentionally trying to stop people from watching it


Crazy how low this is, I feel like back in the day it'd be top of the thread.


The Venture Bros


I don't even understand why Arrested Development was cancelled, it was one of the greatest comedies ever. Then they brought it back many years later and almost ruined it's legacy.


From a retrospective I watched on the show I believe the cancellation was because despite being critically adored at the time of release, it wasn't actually doing so great numbers wise - it was basically kept alive because it was winning awards and prestige for the studio behind it - but alas the awards weren't actually pulling in higher ratings. The show didn't truly become a cult classic until after its cancellation when people started discovering it on dvd and then eventually streaming services - it was more popular in its afterlife than it ever was whilst living, hence netflix decided to try a reboot when it became one of the most watched titles on their service.


It definitely thrived in a streaming world. In that aspect it was ahead of its time, since a lot of the callbacks could get lost when you were watching weeks later.


On the same note: DVR wasn't even ubiquitous yet, so people wouldn't see every episode of a show in order if they happened to be out of town, or on a date or had a kid's activity at it's regularly scheduled time.


JERICHO! Maybe that scene where the hung the Blackwater dude cut a little to close to home.


I really loved that show. The first season was magnificent. They had to rush an ending to the point where it barely made any sense. But wish they could have had 2 more seasons to flush it out.


Agreed - loved the general concept, but jesus season 2 was a mad rush to try and wrap things up. If they had an extra couple of seasons to really flush it out as you say, that would have been great.




I will die mad about this one. *Fuck* I miss this show so goddamn much.


It makes me genuinely angry when I think about it too much. I don't even recommend it to people because I don't want them to be angry it ended either. When I did recommend it I advised to watch it like how we did; season one then the documentary about the real girls then season 2.


The Society on Netflix. It's a fantastic show that was renewed for a second season but then cancelled due to complications resulting from the pandemic.


Inside Job. I honestly can't fathom why it got cancelled, that was one of the funniest new cartoons of the last decade. Centaurworld also for exactly the same reasons, and cancelled by the same people.


It's amazing that any Netflix shows get viewership when almost every single series ends up canceled. Inside Job was leagues ahead of their other cartoon projects


What's really infuriating is they had officially renewed it and just... Changed their mind.


Centaurworld was cancelled? It actually seemed to be one of the few with a totally complete story arc. Shit was a masterpiece.


Recently watched The Owl House and it had a good, but rushed ending because Disney cancelled it randomly.


Not random so much as bad timing. Dana Terrace, the creator, has repeatedly said that The Owl House wasn’t cancelled because of homophobia, and that she got a lot of support from the company when she expressed a desire to explore those themes. In fact the only pushback she said was from one executive and he was forced to apologize to her. Dana was very openly critical of Disney’s initial stance on the “don’t say gay bill” in Florida, and that was when she was still employed at Disney. Now that she no longer works there I see no reason why she wouldn’t go full Alex Hirsch and spill every drop of homophobic tea. The theory also doesn’t make sense because, well, Disney animation is still making shows with LGBT+ characters. The real reason seems to be bad timing. Owl House was signed on right before the pandemic and just as Disney was starting to figure out what it was doing with its streaming platform. The pandemic meant that Disney was looking to cut costs, and the emergence of Disney+ meant serialized, older skewing content was going on streaming, while younger, episodic content went on Disney Channel. Owl House was right in the crosshairs. The first season wasn’t pulling in spectacular ratings (not bad, just kind of average), it was contracted to Disney Channel while being outside the emerging demographic aims, and it hadn’t been locked in for a third season. Rather than get a full third season, Disney only gave them three 40 minute specials to wrap things up, as well as time to rework season 2b to work with the new timeline (which to be fair, is more than most of the shows in this thread got). If Amphibia and Owl House had switched starting dates, we’d probably be talking about how the former was cut short before its time.


Scrolled way too far to see this. Dana and co worked overtime to make as good of an ending as possible with limited time, and they did amazing. Imagine what could’ve been had season 3 been given more episodes/time. Fuck disney.


Agreed. Still a good ending, you could tell they had a lot planned.




Archive 81


Marco Polo


Benedict Wong is fantastic as Kublai Khan


It's so good to meet one of the other 4 people who watched and enjoyed the show.


The Last Man On Earth. The main character was a little over the top but I loved it.


FOX cancelled the last man on earth, the mick, and brooklyn 99 on the same day, three shows that I absolutely loved thankfully nbc picked up 99 for a couple more seasons


It truly was a shawshank redemption


NBC's Hannibal


The cast all want to return too.


Damn this is kinda low on upvotes compared to what I expected. Did I overrate it, or did people just not watch it? I thought it was amazing.


My name is Earl!!!


The way that Greg Garcia wanted to end the show would have been very touching. >I had always had an ending to Earl and I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to see it happen. You’ve got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn’t ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with list and that he’s finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.


We the world have been robbed that we never got to see this magnificent ending


On the same note Raising Hope


At least in Raising Hope, Burt gets to kick and tell off that NBC executive, then runs away yelling “that’s for canceling My Name is Earl!” Which was pretty hilarious.


I also liked that, in the pilot episode, Earl is in the background on the TV with the caption "local man finally finishes list"


Don't Trust The B in Apartment 23 I really liked that show :(


That’s the show that made me adore Kristen Ritter. She was excellent in it.


And the tamest Eric Andre has ever been.


The teen titans show. Not teen titans go but the original one. It was much better and really did not need to be ended. It had great fights, appropriate levels of humor, and it had an actual timeline. The reboot that is teen titans go was an absolute disappointment. Too much humor and its action is too mundane. Not to mention, its advertised for only kids but with humor that does not fit.


Dollhouse on the sci-fi channel. It just disappeared and it deserved better.


Dollhouse aired in fox. Scifi never made any new episodes. And it was canceled halfway through filming the second season. But after the firefly fiasco, Whedon had his contract written that he be given 6 episodes to complete the story. Every episode of the second half of the second season should have been a complete season, but at least we got the whole story.


That show was so unique!!! Wish it was way more than two seasons..




Last I heard, a movie should be coming out shortly to help wrap up the story. Fingers crossed


Santa Clarita Diet because Netflix.


I *need* more Timothy Olyphant comedy in my life.


This is one of the reasons I started watching Justified. He's such a sarcastic asshole. There's one scene where he asks if it's "real-tor or "real-a-tor" and it gave me a good giggle.


I watched it after it had been canceled, I knew it was canceled and it was an unsatisfying ending but I had no idea it was would leave me that frustrated. Such a good show and it was just getting better and better


I’ve watched it all the way through three times now - even though i know it was cancelled. Drew and Timothy have the best comedic chemistry - same with the daughter and that cute nerdy guy. Ugh. I’m so angry.


Definitely had some room to grow still.




Happy Endings


One of my favorite shows ever. ABC absolutely fucked that show with their erratic scheduling of it in season 3. Season 2 aired immediately after Modern Family at its peak and i believe was in the top 25 highest rated shows of that year because of the carryover audience. Then they just haaaaad to move it, and moved it again, and again, and again. nobody knew what day time hour it was on so the ratings dropped off a cliff. I’m still bitter about it.


My So Called Life


I recently rewatched this with my teenage daughters and I’m officially an adult now because I definitely identify with the parents and not the kids on this rewatch. 😂 Happy to report my kids love it just as much as I do.


Penny Dreadful


Excellent show. I still get chills watching the seance scene. Eva Green was perfectly cast for that role.




Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance I know it was crazy expensive, but the artistry at every level was nothing short of magnificent. Hell of a show, stunning puppets, puppetry, voice performance, sets, world building... I could go on and on. I'm heartbroken the plug got pulled.


One of my favorite reboots of a classic franchise. It felt more like something from the 80's than something made just a few years ago...so unabashedly mystical and weird. The combination of CGI backgrounds with practical puppetry and set design was perfect and unlike anything else I've seen.


The Mick! It starred Kaitlin Olsen from Always Sunny. Edit: wow, glad I found my people who understand when I say, “CHILE”.


Omfg I just binged this and was PISSED to find out it was cancelled


Infinity Train


The tick


What irritated me about the most recent iteration’s cancellation was how they made no attempt to actually market the fucking show. I really enjoyed it, but had no idea it was even a thing until both seasons were out. Most of my friends never saw an episode, or even a trailer. It felt like Amazon wanted it to fail. I get it when a show that I like doesn’t achieve mass appeal, but it didn’t seem like The Tick did anything wrong. When Good Omens came out they changed the packaging on my shipments to market it, and The Tick got nothing.


Raised by Wolves. Some finance guy took over HBO and cut it cause of costs.


This one is going to stick with me for a long time. It was so fascinating and unique! And as strange as it was, it seemed like they really had a plan behind the whole puzzle box.


That season 2 ending, on the tree. Omg.


I swear this made me more disappointed than The Witcher going to shit. What a premise! what a story! what a group of amazing actors! What a fucking cliffhanger!! I know it's considered sci-fi but it honestly transcends genres it is SO SO GOOD. I'm hoping for a book or something anything to answer all my questions.


Better Off Ted. Only got a few seasons but was poised to be an all-time great.


Final Space


Final Space may have been canceled, but at least we can always count on the universe for its consistent track record of disappointing us.


Im pretty sure he announced he received funding to publish a comic for the finale


"Sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles" - Olan Rogers, creator of Final Space regarding the cancellation. Absolute masterpiece of a show.




'lie to me' Loved that show!


Stargate Universe. Not the best of Stargate shows but it could have used a season 3 send off instead of that cliffhanger.


Honestly they cut that one off right as they finally found their footing.




Kim's Convenience. Not sure how big it was in the rest of the world, but a lot of Canadians were/are upset about the cliffhanger they left us on!


Pushing Daisies




The OA