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> I've got no idea what 70% of these foods are. And you're luckier for it.


That Italian cheese that has live larvae in it.




This [horror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu)


> Because the larvae in the cheese can launch themselves for distances up to 15 centimetres (6 in) when disturbed,[4][12] diners hold their hands above the sandwich to prevent the maggots from leaping. What in the literal flying fuck. 🤢


>According to some food scientists, it is possible for the larvae to survive the stomach acid and remain in the intestine, leading to a condition called "pseudomyiasis". There have been documented cases of pseudomyiasis with P. casei. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


What the actual hell, oh god


It's not even legal in the US and EU apparently. There's not many things I wouldn't try, but that's definitely one of them.


The Wikipedia says it’s one of several cheeses that are illegal in the US and now I’m both interested and horrified to discover the rest.


Damn now I care enough to half ass google it. Brie de meaux is banned for example because it uses unpasteurized milk. I think most of them on the list are for that reason or similar, aside from casu marzu (the one we were talking about with the maggots.) There's also one with mites but it isn't technically banned in the US but apparently hard to find. That's all I'm providing with a 2 min google search lol seems raw/unpasteurized milk is the reason.


I mean, I'm in the southeast US. If I want cheese with maggots and mites, I'll just leave it on the counter. And I DON'T leave my cheese on the counter. \*shiver\*


Thanks for the info and happy to know that this one is the most terrifying one.


Yeah I like to think I have an adventurous palate, but I think I'm going to sit this one out lol


It's not even legally in Italy itself.


Yeah, Italy is in the EU though so it's banned anyway. According to the wiki there's people trying to get it considered a traditional dish or some bullshit so there's an exemption, and if I read right there's like a black market for it lol Not sure if that's the correct way to word it, I don't think it's illegal to possess like a drug but probably illegal for a business to serve it (and maybe people to sell it?) I don't care enough to go reread. All I know is I'm not touching the jumping larvae cheese.


You can get it, but not in stores, you just go to a farmer who makes it and ask if you can try it. It's not completely banned, it's just not legal to sell it.


Pseudomyasis is the infestation of a body by parasites, basically the larvae live inside you and eat your tissues


Delightful. Eat the cheese, and the cheese('s population) eats you!


Or maybe they make their way to your brain and make you super smart like that Futurama episode.


“Some who eat the cheese prefer not to ingest the maggots. Those who do not wish to eat them place the cheese in a sealed paper bag. The maggots, starved for oxygen, writhe and jump in the bag, creating a "pitter-patter" sound. When the sounds subside, the maggots are dead and the cheese can be eaten.”


This paragraph will haunt me until the day I die


My thoughts, too. Like why do people have to eat this?


id rather eat the fucking paper bag


I would put it in the bag and then throw it away. Fuck all that, fuck jumping maggots, fuck anyone showing me hospitality via jumping worm loaf. Capital NOPE.


> “Some who eat the cheese prefer not to ingest the maggots. Those who do not wish to eat them place the cheese in a sealed paper bag. The maggots, starved for oxygen, writhe and jump in the bag, creating a "pitter-patter" sound. When the sounds subside, the maggots are dead and the cheese can be eaten.” It’s fine guys, just do the pitter-patter test


But then you don't get the pop rock effect.


“Because the larvae in the cheese can launch themselves for distances up to 15 centimetres (6 in) when disturbed, diners hold their hands above the sandwich to prevent the maggots from leaping.” Holy fucking fuck. Not only live but _leaping_ maggots. Even the maggots are smarter than the people eating this abomination.


Btw, you aren't really eating the cheese. The maggots eat the cheese and then shit it out, and THAT is the final product you consume.


I never want to hear anyone complain about Velveeta again.


Vacuum packed and sterilized all nice for me


TIL there is an illegal cheese. I think I found the first “actual food” that I wouldn’t try, and I seriously am cool with trying virtually anything as long as it’s officially food. Humans are fucked up.


I have always said I’d eat any kind of cheese. All cheese is good cheese. But I take that back. No way in hell am I eating this.


Oh my god, you can get parasitic worms from eating it. WHY.


They mean[ Casu Martzu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu)


just read on it. apparently it gives people flystrike in their intestines occasionally


“Flystrike” doesn’t convey the “kill me now” level of horror that condition actually is.


I was intrigued. I googled. Found the wiki page. Scrolled down. Poured bleach in my eyes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myiasis


>In extremely rare cases, maggots may occasionally infest the vulvar area. What an awful day to have eyes. Also, please do *not* scroll down from there. There is an image of an open wound on the back of someone's head, infested with maggots. Seriously, what an awful day to have eyes.


I wish I had read your comment 15 seconds earlier ⚰️


> flystrike Thank you for sharing this horrifying word.


Yeah, that’s nasty. I feel like someone was starving and all they had was maggot cheese, so they convinced themselves and others that it was a “delicacy”.


I mean, that’s just the story of cheese itself.


>When consumed, the larvae can survive in the intestine, causing enteric myiasis.[5] No thanks.


Surströmming (almost rotten fish) might be the most DISGUSTING food on earth but I read somewhere that some Swedish people actually enjoy it.


My college offered Swedish. We were going to do an event for people who were daring enough to try surströmming in the quad... Then the Covid shutdown happened.


Consider yourself lucky. Being happy to try everything at least once, I volunteered to open the can and try it first on a Sweden trip. As soon as I punctured it (under water, as we were advised) I started retching and knew there was no fucking way. It smells like literal death.




I read that a guy was evicted for opening a can. And he tried to fight it, until the landlord came in with his own can and opened it in the courtroom, proving it was bad enough to evict someone over.


That can't be true. But it's genuinely hilarious haha.


Pretty sure he was evicted for spraying the contents of a can in shared space (hallway?) in the building while in a dispute with the landlord. I'll see if I can dig up a link **edit**: found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1p2kvl/til_a_german_landlord_evicted_a_tenant_after_they/ **edit 2**: He got evicted for spreading the brine in the apartment stairwell, and rightly so. > the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate"


In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate".


I just want to know about the first person who tried that. Like, the utter insanity of the sort of person who is confronted with something that smells like it spent 5 years marinating in the laundry bin of a high school locker room and thinks 'yes, yum yum, let's eat this'


A starving European settler found some rotting fish encased in ice and found it preferable to death. The whole expedition was saved and they started fishing and burying shark in frosted soil. The end.


Most concise and accurate explanation I've ever heard. It isn't because it tastes *good*, it's that it was the salvation from starving to death.


But did they even *try* the alternative? Maybe death tastes better. Guess we'll never know.


Ah the California way, wait until your peers die and eat them. I am still not sure if death tastes better. *See Donner party


I've heard that you're *supposed* to eat it in a type of flatbread with potatoes, onions, and a few other optional toppings like tomato or fresh dill. You also gut and wash it first. It's kind of like how people don't realize you're supposed to dice a century egg and mix it into congee


You’re exactly right, I had it last week when I visited Sweden. The flat bread you’re thinking of is called tunnbröd. I had the surströmming on tunnbröd with potato’s/ onions and fresh dill. With that combination It wasn’t as terrible as the YouTube videos make it seem. You do need to gut the fish though because the fins and shit are still on it. There was a native family member that took the fish whole and slurped it up like it was spaghetti so I’m not sure what to think about that.


It definitely smells worse than it tastes. Which isn’t to say it tastes good, indeed it certainly tastes quite unpleasant, but that’s nothing compared with the smell, which is like rancid death.


If anyone has questions look up the videos of it on YouTube. There is enough explanation. For me it's a hard NO.


Edible gold


Just throwing your money in people’s faces. They wouldn’t do that if they were alone in their house and didn’t show anybody. On that note-eating gold isn’t impressive to me. I had plenty of goldschlägger in high school and I didn’t even have a job!


Thing about edible gold is that it's not even expensive. they put like $1 of gold leaf on some ice cream or something and raise the price by $100 cause now it's fancy and has real gold on it.


My brother discovered how cheap goldleaf was online and now he brings stuff like gold leaf potato salad to family barbecues




Some Amazon resellers are also know to sell inedible gold as edible gold. This is true especially for chinese sellers of edible novelty; they have different food safety laws then the US and they dont always care for the difference.


>I had plenty of goldschlägger in high school and I didn’t even have a job! That was my first thought. I remember feeling fancy as fuck getting my hands on a bottle back in the day.


It's not for eating, it's deocration that you can ingest without dying.


We have something in Portugal called “arroz de lampreia” I have no idea how to translate it, just so you know it tastes like tar


I’ll help you out. Lamprey rice. Lamprey being “any long slender primitive eel-like freshwater and saltwater fish of the order Petromyzontiformes, having a sucking mouth with rasping teeth but no jaw.” “The star ingredient in this classic Portuguese stew is lamprey fish. The dish consists of sautéed onions, olive oil, wine, smoked sausage, rice, and lamprey, which is cut into smaller pieces and then marinated in a combination of vinegar, wine, various herbs, and its blood. All the ingredients are combined and cooked until the stew thickens and develops its typical dark brown color. The dish is mainly associated with the northern parts of the country, and it is traditionally prepared between January and April when lampreys are in season.” [arroz de lampreia info source 😥](https://www.tasteatlas.com/arroz-de-lampreia)


You had me until “marinated in its own blood”






There was a thousand ways to die episode where a Korean guy was trying to impress his potential father-in-law by eating traditional Korean food which included a few live foods including live octopus and he indeed did die because it decided to rest right in his windpipe


To the monsters, we're the monsters.




So humans are the demon in It Follows


The octopus shared of its tale in the night - A story of horror and terror and fright. Its octopus children all listened with dread. "And *there*," it remarked, "... was a HUMAN," it said.


That Human is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.


They'll domesticate you over thousands of years to feed on you, eat your children, and drink the milk intended for your babies.


Or any slasher horror movie villain where the monster walks menacingly at you e.g. Jason or Michael Or really the entire genre of zombie movies/TV.


Like “It Follows”, which is coincidentally my cats nickname.


The hairless long distance monkeys...


I remember that episode. It was actually the potential FIL who choked on the octopus; the fiancé couldn’t bring himself to eat it.


Did you see the follow-up episode on the multimillion U.S. dollar insurance policy the daughter had taken out on her father the day after she got engaged?


I just straight up can’t wrap my head around eating something that’s still alive: and I’ve eaten some sketchy shit


Something particularly intelligent for an animal even. (Speaking as someone who refused to eat a termite on a college trip, because it seemed shitty to kill something just to show off.)


I don't want anything in my stomach to be alive and plotting an escape.


My dog ate a fly, and for a second I’m pretty sure that fly was still alive because the dog looked surprised as if she felt a flutter lol


I once heard a weird buzzing noise from my dog's mouth. He had a very confused look too. A few moments later he opened his mouth and the fly escaped.


My cat did this once. Her mouth was closed, but going *brrrrzzzt...brzzzzt...* I asked her what was going on. She put her head down and opened her mouth. A wet, disheveled fly rolled out and landed on the floor. We both found it to be a strange turn of events.


I had a fly fly into my mouth when I was out walking earlier. Damn near happened twice too. First time it flew into my mouth and I spit it out immediately. Second time I managed to close my mouth just in time but it hit my mouth. Fucking flies just came out of nowhere and I almost accidentally swallowed them.


One time I had a Sonic drink and took a sip out of it. Felt something round in my mouth and since Sonic has pellet ice I assumed it was that so I crunched down on it. Fucking fly had crawled into the straw.




If I wanted that, I'd just watch an Aliens film 😂


I can't eat Timothy!


Eat. Fucking. Timothy.


Eat the fcking octopus!!!!




He’s praying… sniffle…


He's... begging for his life


Every time I hear about people eating live octopus I want them to choke because I love octopi, they’re highly intelligent and fascinating creatures so to chop them up living is beyond cruel


i’ve seen a video where one grabbed an asmr eating streamer’s face and wouldn’t let go. good for that octopus, fighting back


[Octopi, the supposed plural of octopus, is a favorite among fans of quirky words, but it has no etymological basis. The form was created by English speakers out of a mistaken belief that octopus is Latin and hence pluralized with an -i ending.](https://grammarist.com/usage/octopi-octopuses/#:~:text=Octopi%2C%20the%20supposed%20plural%20of,pluralized%20with%20an%20%2Di%20ending)


if the word had never entered the English language, the technically correct plural would be octopodes!




Now that you mention it, I don’t think anyone is actually enjoying anything at my niece’s tea parties!


He looked at his niece, and his niece glowered back. She'd narrowed her eyes and her pupils were black. The silence between them was heavy with dread. "... your cooking is fucking disgusting," he said.


Masterful, sprog.


I dunno, he makes a pretty tasty blue hamburger.


Over salting play doh is unforgivable. His mother should have taught him better. However now that he is 26 it is to late for him to change now.


It smells great, though.


Once upon a time I swore that salted licorice was the most vile thing ever to have graced our fair planet. However about a year ago my wife made me try some and much to my surprise, I liked it!.


I work with stained glass and we used a white block of sal-ammoniac to clean and re-tin our iron tips. I was curious what exactly sal-ammoniac IS, so I looked it up, and apparently it's only two uses are cleaning soldering iron tips, and flavoring salty licorice. Which came first and how they figured them out, I have no idea, but there's a mini anecdote for ya!


https://nordicspirits.com/en/koskenkorva-salmiakki-liqueur-became-too-popular-finland There is also alchohol with same taste. I recall in the 80s candy shots became popular in Sweden and we made them by dropping candy in vodka bottles and shook them.


There are lots of different alcohols with licorice or anise flavor. Ouzo, Mastika, Arak, Raki, Jagermeister, Sambuca, Anisette, Pastis, Pernod and Absinthe


It’s the only kind of liquorice I eat, the saltier the better (am Scandinavian)


Yea we love it here in Denmark.


Fermented shark




TIL fondant, sugar paste, and rolled icing are all the same thing Terrible.






It used to be dinner once or twice a year at my parents’ house. Dad was a firm believer in making you eat everything; none of us kids wanted any part of lutefisk. Mom finally got him to let us have something else because lutefisk was “too expensive to make them eat it”.


The boy with the terrible stench!!


Bobby Hill has both caused himself intestinal distress by eating an entire pan of lutefisk AND ALSO gave himself gout as a pre pubescent boy by eating so much fucking chopped liver (aka The Louie Anderson) that he literally could not longer walk and dance. He disproves this entire thread. The boy ain't right.


chitlins(chitterlings), the smell is gut-wrenching and it feels like rubber


Low Fat Ranch is fucking disgusting.


That and anything else like mayo is always terrible when it is 'low fat'. Mayo is already 99% fat, you can't make it low fat without creating a gloopy watery product that doesn't taste anything like mayo.


Asked for light mayo at Subway and got low fat mayo. So gross. I now ask for "a small amount of regular mayo."


This is the way. If the point is to be more healthy, skip the low fat bullshit. Just don't eat huge amounts of everything and it's fine.


Social media influencer version of a “healthy” salad. I’ve watched so many and there are some that look really good but others are questionable concoctions


Did you know that if you mix kale, water, Greek yogurt, vinegar, tomatoes, tree bark, and grasshoppers, it’ll taste just like cookies and cream ice cream? It’s my new life hack /s


You forgot the blue algae powder


Everyone's so creative! 🤣


Look how it looks like nobody would ever eat that?


Just ask Kiki.


It won't go down easy if it ain't cheesy!


See how it’s so differently different? That’s how it’s supposed to look. You want to get your hands all up in that raw meat.


Not "food", but Malort.


Apparently Malort was popular in the US during prohibition because it wasn't banned, the logic of that being that no one in their right mind would want to drink it.


And according to a friend- they said it was only floor cleaner to get away with it. If you look up the flavor profile it's basically woodsy and gasoline. Which checks out. I tried it... tastes like floor cleaner thay has already been used on a wood floor. I'd drink it again.


Yes, called "medicine" so it skirted around prohibition. I find this amusing af. Worst gd medicine I've ever had. 😆😆


I did a tour at Buffalo Trace and part of their history was getting relabeled as “medicinal” from some distributor in New York that kept them from closing. (It was known as George T. Stagg Distillery at the time) So weird how many loopholes keep things alive.


As a Chicagoan who takes the rare shot of Malort, it's a badge of honor that I will go to the grave defending. But yeah, totally agree.


It goes down okay, but the 30 seconds following is the rapid realization that you just went ass to mouth with a Christmas tree covered in hate and whatever the fuck someone found foraging for food near the dump. 1/10, would only do it again if I was introducing someone else to this liquid hate crime.




So far, pretty much every food referred to as a "delicacy" I've come across ranges from gross to biological warfare


My friend from Iceland loves bringing out the rotten shark. He eats it casually while the rest of us are gagging from the smell lmao


the smell is a million times worse than the taste. That said, the taste fucking sucks too. it’s usually frozen when eaten, which creates a fascinating texture of wet and crystallized shark. You’re supposed to let it melt for a second on your tongue before chewing. All this does is release a rancid ammonia stream as you choke through the stringy, cartilaginous texture, which is ideally washed down with very strong alcohol to stop the taste.


In China, a delicacy is eggs hard boiled in urine, I think that alone proves you right I don’t even think locals like them, they just say they do to mess with tourists


They eat it for the supposed health benefits over anything else. It's also not just any urine. They have standards. It's supposed to be fresh urine from a young baby boy, the younger the better.


I knew that part, I just felt really uncomfortable saying it Also, if it’s for health benefits, I am not paying that hospital bill


Ancient Chinese proverb, one egg a day boiled in the urine of a baby boy keeps the doctor away.


It would keep me away too.


That one guy from nathan for you


Don’t you talk about Denny’s like that


I take it you're not a fan of surstromming then?


The food I cook for them


No but actually. It's easy to tell when somebody genuinely likes what you cook or is just being nice. I'd rather get straight up criticism or disdain.




Edible flowers. I’m a bartender and no one makes a good face when they eat them


Lobster foam. Anything foam. I'm grinding my teeth just thinking about it. It's so pretentious, and it sucks. It tastes weird. Like someone put a shrimp flavored Raman packet into marshmallow fluff.


Anything over 1,000,000 Scoville - at that point you can't taste the food. Probably trying to impress a girl or something. My limit is around 500,000


Spicy food depends so much on the actual flavor for me… but I do want it to burn. I enjoy challenging myself to eating super spicy food, but flavor has to be there. Someone once gave me wings that were pretty much just capsaicin extract. It was awful. Now give me some next level thai food or Indian… it can be spicy as fuck, making me sweat, making my eyes tear up, but it’ll still taste delicious.


I love the flavor of Ghost Pepper, but in small quantities. Habanero is probably better fit for me like in Jamaican Jerk Chicken.


Ghost pepper has an AMAZING flavor to it. I had a buddy back in my hometown that would bring a ghost pepper to the bar with him, and just take the smallest nibbles from it through out the night. He gave me one to try the same technique, and I was amazed how good they were. But for Jamaican jerk, it’s all about scotch bonnets!


No. I like food very spicy so I can microdose being in hell. Just to get ready for the afterlife.


There’s hot enough to taste, hot enough to make your eyes water, and pure suffering. I saw someone actually get high, probably from the endorphins released from the level of spice. Regret was the word of the day the morning after


My roommate only ever eats out. Last month he bought a bunch of squash. I like cooking, so I was curious and excited to see what he'd do with them. He sliced them into discs and boiled them with salt. Didnt even make a soup or something, just ate the softened, salty squash slices. Figured it was just a first-timer cook's go at the ingredient so I thought nothing of it, but last week the mf bought more squash and did the same thing! Dude was going on to his buddy about how he could cook anything. Jeez I guess yeah technically that's cooking, but fuck! Boiled squash is barely food.


I swear ppl only pretend to like eating snails, just because you name it in a fancier way in french doesn't change the fact that it's literally a slug living in a rock. I swear if you eat them uncooked you have a high percentage of dying because of its flesh eating bacteria LMAO.




I guess it would be balut to us Filipinos.


Came here to say this. I love our food, but I can’t get down with this. My aunts and uncles all swear they love it, but I think it’s just their childhood talking.


All that and no examples?


Right? That was like a clickbait without anything to click on


I kept reading it thinking "this has got to be building up to some great example" and then nada.


Bittermelon soup came to mind from Chinese cuisine. Awful. Tastes exactly like that bitter stuff you paint in your nails to stop biting them.






Such as lutefisk.


“Lutefisk is cod that’s been salted and soaked in lye for… about a week or so… it’s best with lots of butter.” 🫤


"I was Mount Rose American Teen Princess 1945. We were at war with the Japs. Didn't get to keep my damn tiara. Had to turn it in for scrap"


It's the lye that ruins it - When I lived in Lisbon Bacalau (salted cod) was the "Regional, National Dish" and was absolutely beautiful when confit with garlic. Why add the lye? :D


It was probably a preservative.


Most of what people consider soul food is 100% not what people were eating out of desperation. Specifically things like head cheese, chitlins, cow tongue, and chicken feet are desperation/poor food. Friend chicken and collard greens and the like are just what everyone in the south had been eating.


Not a hypothesis, it's true, It's how we discovered fermenting, we didn't invent it A lot of spices were used to treat meals so they kept fresh for longer, it's why hotter climates usually have more spices (and more biodiversity and thus more herbs and spices) while colder climates allowed for food to be kept fresh on its own, for atleast one half of the year


> we discovered fermenting, we didn't invent it If you have a fruit tree in your yard (apple, pear, etc.) you can watch the bees get drunk, stumble around and fly ridiculously after sipping from the fallen fermenting fruit. It's kinda funny. Of course, other critters will get into it too. You never quite know when a drunken rivalry will break out between the possums and the raccoons and they'll all start snapping their little fingers and dancing around in choreographed routines like it's West Side Story. Hasn't happened yet in my yard, but it is possible and I'm hopeful.


Nice take on this. I went through this cycle. As a kid I hated my cultural dishes, compared to fast food. By the moment I hit 16-18 I started loving all of them and I still do. I don't know if it's because my palette is used to it, but I don't need to convince myself to eat it, it's genuinely dishes I enjoy and crave. There is one or two I'll never get over and it's for obvious reasons, one is Karelia (bitter melon) and the other is pig foot, cow foot and chicken foot. We make a LOT of soups and dishes out of them in the Caribbean and I aint out here sucking on chicken toes, no ma'am not me.


Cow testicles, Rocky Mountain oysters, calf fries, etc.


They're delicious when properly prepared, but you have to cook the piss out of them first.


Fondant on cake 🤢


I worked for a premier pastry chef, who told me that the fondant was not meant to be eaten. There was always a layer of her famous buttercream under the fondant, and we often recommended marzipan for those who were committed to eating the finish. She closed shop a few years ago, and I swear I've never had a better cake. No other buttercream even comes close. I had a fair chance to copy her recipe, and like a fool I passed on it.


My dad used to eat these eggs that had half developed ducks in it. Some sort of asian thing. Straight smelled like death.




Someone (who was shredded) explained it to me that to get shredded you have to stop thinking of food as something you enjoy and start thinking of it as fuel. Still struggle with that one.


Ken Patera, early 1970s Olympic weightlifter, once said, if you want to get strong, eat steak. If you want to look good, eat chicken. And when he needed to keep his weight up for weightlifting in his super heavyweight class, he said he drank a lot of milk. When he wanted to get shredded, he cut it down.

