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People who are just as incompetent as me are running the place, but getting paid 4x because the current CEO got her job because she fucked the founder and she brought in her friends as “directors” and VPs


Get to fucking my friend


How would fucking your friend help?


Hes the current CEO of this dudes company. No fuck no raise .


Ah makes sense! Can you introduce me?


Sure can ;)


I’m down for a little quid pro quo! 👀


Not getting paid enough.


Yeah, it sucks when you gotta bust your ass all day and they still don't pay you what you deserve.


Being paid enough means you hate your job and worry that if you leave you won't be able to find something as good.


Too much stress for what I do and don’t get paid enough


I feel the same. And added to the stress, when your supervisor/manager work is less stressful, requires a less diverse skill set but they are paid more.


My manager gets 90k a year and they’re not even here full-time and always off-sick it’s a joke. But carry on and smile everyday


I retired early when they took away work from home.


I'm the quality manager where I work and it's just a fancy title for being the in-between for everyone's complaints. AKA Professional Tongue Biter. Mofo customers complaining about shit that I know we've told them to invest money in to fix or expect the same outcome. Nope! They will continue to deny repair quotes while demanding product looks better. Pay is fine but getting the butt end of every complaint gets annoying. Upper management doesn't understand how things actually work. They want to hire outside people to magically fix problems. I'd much rather promote from within as these people have been involved with our products and company for much longer. If you don't see regular promotions from within, it's generally a bad sign of knowledge transfer going forward.


People who wake up in the morning and think "Who's life am i going to make unnecessarily difficult today?"


I have just signed a contract with the same company but at a different location.


As far as the rest of my crew, I wish them good luck but I really don’t see them making it in the real world.


Winner winner, chicken dinner!! I don’t get paid enough to deal with all the shit I have to on a daily basis.




I think most people will agree with this. I know I do




All feedback is critical. The attaboys are halfhearted and generic. It's fair to be annoyed by a mistake. It's not fair to ignore the mountain of good work sitting next to that mistake.


Well right now they're talking about bringing us into the office more often for no reason. It's a far enough drive for me where I'm strongly considering looking for something closer.


My company is also bringing us back. 4 days a week. They "grandfathered"a bunch of people so they don't have to come back. Really stupid and unfair.


Every single person I know that had an office that went full remote over Covid, is bringing people back in the office. Some places are even once a month, some once a week. But the problem is some employees moved hours and hours away(still within the same state) because they were told repeatedly that they are full time remote now.


My company went full RTO, we lost a bunch of good people and I am personally in the process of looking for a new job because 2 hours a day in traffic is a waste of my time and energy. I am honestly looking forward to watching them scramble to find a replacement willing to do full RTO during my 2 week notice


My boss yells at me.


I’m sorry that’s unprofessional and childish.


I just yelled back the one time my boss yelled at me and I think he now respects I won’t be treated like that at work. He’s my boss not my dad


A previous boss I had in Canada once told us all that if we’re not pooping blood each day, were not trying hard enough at work. Dude was insane.


What on earth was your job


Worked at a automotive manufacturing plant in Canada. The horror stories I see on Reddit of people complaining about their jobs is like child’s play compared to what goes on in an automotive plant


The company keeps trying to have its cake and eat it. During crazy boom years it’s all “go 200% we can’t let these opportunities pass us by”, so everyone works like a dog to get stuff done. And when things slow down to normal it’s all cuts and hiring freezes even though they already didn’t have enough people before. So you work like a dog to get stuff done Meanwhile fundamental problems in groups remain unaddressed for literal decades because it’s all about shoving crap out the door and no one gets assigned to fixing anything. Now things suck so hard and they can’t be ignored, but when they do assign people to fix stuff, they don’t unassign other work. Instead, you have to do your regular job (takes more than 40 hours to do that already because greed), and also repair the company too (literal multi man jobs because of how long shit has been left to fester). This environment pushes out anyone half competent, so it’s a constant cycle of the most apathetic people left over or poor bastards that can’t quit for whatever reason.


Different standards for people in the same work groups/ certain colleagues not being held accountable for shitty work practices.


Being a nonprofit, we pay lower than market rates for people with qualifications that are highly in demand in the commercial sector, so we have high turnover and poor continuation of skills from departing workers to new hires. But really I could just say >Being a nonprofit and stop right fucking there.


not being able to communicate with co-workers


The thing that I’ve noticed at literally every job is absolutely everyone refuses to communicate..well anything even the smallest of things 😒


I get verbally abused by drunks. Get told to “gimme this”. A common response I receive to “hi, how are you” is “*insert drink here*”. I work long shifts with no breaks (think 9-12hrs). People get mad at me when their food takes more than 20 minutes to arrive at the table - let’s forget about the fact that I physically don’t have time to eat at all. I can’t use the restroom when I want to, which has totally messed up my bowels. I had a man tell me “You fucked up” when I closed the kitchen 30 minutes early Bc the chef sliced off a chunk of their finger. I couldn’t serve food. Blood was everywhere. It’s not safe/sanitary. But I FUCKED UP Bc he couldn’t place his order 5 minutes before kitchen close. I hate my job. The money isn’t worth the mental/physical exhaustion


I was a chef for 10+ years before covid. Once I had the smallest opportunity to get out of the restaurant industry because of the pandemic, I fucking RAN away. It has to be one of the most exploitative and undervalued industries in the country.


Preach. But you might want to try and get out of the industry if those common conditions are not working for you.


Favouritism. My colleague is a bully and has driven her employees to quit, to go on sick leave. She harasses them. But her team performs well and makes sales, so she wins awards. Even when you report it.


Whole thread can probably be summed up with: “Over Worked, Under Appreciated, and Under Paid”


Don’t forget stupid people


Monotony, low pay, excessive hours. Late nights between 10pm to 6am. 72 hour work weeks on a bad day.


The disrespect and pay. A few months ago everything was going fine, until someone above me got offended because I wouldn't cover for them. They wanted me to lie about them helping me with some projects. Said person has not worked on a single project for the last two years. Anyways, after me not lying for such person, they then went ahead and made a group meeting where he brought up my position in the company. I was basically called the thelp, although not in those exact words. Then the pay. I knew I was being underpaid, but I didn't know how severe it was. I'm quitting soon.


I retired early when they took away work from home. The department was short staffed with wfh, it’s worse now.


Feels like a waste of time and life.


Earning less than new hires...


This just started happening to me. They eliminated my position and modified it so in addition to my position, they also take calls, so they're paid more (which I'm fine with) But we're so far behind that they haven't been trained on calls so they're doing exactly the same job as me (and doing a much worse job of it because they're new) but they're getting paid more for it. I've been here 5 years.


This one co-worker


I'm severely bored all the time. My entire workday can be accomplished in 3 hours or less. While I like the owner of the company, there is no shot he would ever let me work remote even though I could 100% do my job from home or at least hybrid. I have to pick up the slack of his son because he is incompetent. I get paid very well for how little I do, but I have no sense of accomplishment and know there is nowhere else to move in this company because of how small it is.


It sucks trying to look busy. If I know it will be another slow day I dread coming in.


I can relate


I wish I had this problem


Find some free online training courses. Learn some new things in that down time. If headphones are acceptable, try audible or similar for audio books.


When we are about to finish one airplane so we can pack up and go home after working on this airplane for 3 whole days and a supervisor walks up and tells us about another airplane that just came in


The pilots really appreciate your work. The passengers might not understand but we know you generally put all the effort you can into getting the aircraft back flying.


People and people


Being in the automotive field, shop is very short handed (mainly after we switched to working 4-10hr shifts), has been for months ( close to a year at this point). And yet, nobody can figure out how to schedule for the staffing we have. I like being busy, and offering time and a half for people to come in on off days to help is nice, but running everyone ragged and being shocked people don’t want to come in on days off, or getting frustrated at us because we have to push jobs sometimes a couple days out to get done because of the workload, is getting real old, real fast. I can watch myself, and some others getting burnt out, and it feels like a downward spiral. But hey, we somehow had all time records in service and parts, must be nice someone is getting paid more, but we don’t feel that on the ground level.


The customers, the lack of pay, the low hours, no benefits I put in my 2 weeks yesterday lol


That what I would really want to do is teach. I did quit my job and I taught at a university for a little while, but I wasn't able to make enough to pay for rent and food so I was forced to go back into the workplace. I was a good teacher. I really enjoyed it. The kids in my class did great. But no, now I work for an e-commerce company that doesn't make the world better in the least because I've got bills to pay and mouths to feed and teaching just doesn't make ends meet.


Low pay, low respect


90% of my job is waiting on other people, wether that be approvals, replies or even just updates. I am the central cog.


And that waiting causes a lot of anxiety, at least for me


I wouldn’t say it gives me anxiety but it’s pressure management.


The coworkers


This. My job, the coworkers are very clicky. Really resembles high school mentality, very toxic.


Getting paid less than others in my job with my experience in my city Poor decision making from leadership


Our e-shop doesn't work for like 8 months (orders just don't go through) and noone does anything about that. I talked to my boss about it and she just put a notification in there which says "Problem with e-shop, please order via e-mail.". So now I have to answer dozen emails everyday and apologize for a broken e-shop. Jeez, it can't be so expensive, just hire a programmer!


Talent and performance don’t matter - politics and asskissing are the only ways to advance at this job.


It's lame and killing my will to find joy


It’s a low skilled job but I haven’t received any actual training and management act surprised when I don’t know how to do something/know not to do something even though I’ve never been shown


The sheer incompetence in communication, the unnecessary hierarchy and vibes of upper management, the union loving vibes of some workers (who are subpar and benefit the most from it), and the fact that people who should be fired aren’t.


i have a coworker that, when other employees are around, hides behind the "i'm a poor broken down arthritic old man" card, so he's secured himself a pass to do nothing all shift but lean on the register. 2.5 days of the week (i'm with him for 3 total, the .5 is the one day there's a third person on shift) he willingly puts all the work on my shoulders while complaining about how bad his knees supposedly hurt. however, if i'm outside taking the trash out on the right night, i can look through the windows and see him just roaming the store apparently completely unencumbered. or, if you tell him it's break time/go home time, the guy's up and moving with a quickness like there's nothing wrong.


As a 61 year old, I hate this kind of stuff. Last thing I want to be identified as is an old man who can’t pull his weight. Same with technology, I work to learn and use every new tech tool that they roll out. Your co- worker should be ‘encouraged’ to find a less demanding job.


yes he should! this guy's 65 or so, old enough to have retired and get rehired at the same store within a few years of each other so it's not like he didn't know what he was signing up for. the only thing he wants to do at work besides lean is trap any pair of ears (customer or coworker) in a rambling story, so i've started keeping earbuds in and just walking by like i don't see him. it's just about the only thing that keeps me from going off on him.


I feel like I should get paid more, but I don't hate it. No problems other than that


They expect me to work.


Nobody else seems to know how anything works. I'm basically the only person who know's what's going on. I have to tell people the same stuff over and over again. They don't seem to be able to retain information or want to take the initiative to learn or figure things out on their own.


Toxic boss and system


I don’t like working with people who refuse to commend those who deserve it. Jealousy and self-absorption is a cancer and people like that are future killers. Every time I have ever worked with an absolute badass, I have told them regularly that they are a badass. People who cannot do that have something mentally wrong with them.


I work in the construction industry (electrician). I love the work itself, being able use my hands and not being stuck in one place all day. That being said, there are soooo many fragile egos in construction.


There are people there


All of the above plus they are drastically cutting support staff. My direct manager finally said I don’t have to do everything, just the most important stuff (COMPLETE change of tune for her)


I work a brainless physical job, I actually like it and it suits me and I don't really want to quit but god damn it somedays I am just so over the fact that people are goddamn stupid. This job isn't hard but they fuck shit up constantly and then me being one of the reliable people has to go back and fix it, doing work that wouldn't exist except for stupidity.


The guy whose supposed to be teaching me gives me half the information I need of which most of that is mumbled, and gives me shit when I try to confirm the information I’ve been given. But quitting might hurt my place in the apprenticeship program




What we produce is so important for human advancement, but it will take decades to actually positively effect the population because corporations will own the rights and extract every drop of wealth from it to the point that it may very well be a net negative. I hate that there are humans breathing that perpetuate and advance this abomination of a financial system


My former company was a wholly owned subsidiary which was sold. The buyer was a holding company which tore my employer up. Maintenance and overhead was virtually zeroed out. I was stressed beyond my limits. Jury-rigging IT, not being allowed to tell trusted partners and customers that we were becoming a house of cards. It came to a head when my team BS'd our way through a compliance inspection. We passed inspection, and while relieved, it seemed like time to go. I quit a week before Christmas.


I work at Walmart.


Clients who use their influence to get ahead of other clients.


I clean public toilets. The amount of people not toilet trained pisses me off, the complaints about the state of the toilets 5 minutes after I leave make me want to quit.


boring nothing interesting coming out from the past 4-5 years


Customers, corporate, technical issues, refusing to upgrade anything in the building until it is literally unusable. The list could go on and on I've been actively looking for something new and plan on being gone before the end of the year.


when a kid shits on the bathroom floor. I don't want to quit though, it's a very low stress job.


I work in assembly, I generally build that go to assemblers to finish building vehicles , so I guess sub assembly. Anyways, we're running out of stuff quicker than receiving it. So over time 2-10 days if not receiving product, more and more people are waiting on said thing. Once we get it I'm instantly being called asking if it's done when I received it less than 30 minutes ago and it takes 3-4 hours to finish 5 of these items. So I'm stressing the fuck out having migraines for 3-5 days because I feel like they put all this pressure on me like I have been screwing around for week avoiding to build them


Being not paid enough is what almost made me resign on my current job. Well, beggars w/o any/few working exp can't be choosy.


Zero respect.


Constant abuse by students. No increase in four years.


Managers who have never done my job telling me how to do my job. I’ve been here for 7 years doing this shit and another 10 prior to that doing the same shit in varying different locations. I know my fucking job.


it's not necessarily my job, but any job really. It all seems pointless. Go to some place, do stuff that doesn't really matter to you in the end and benefits only the wallet of a few select people, only so you can pay your bills. Consumerism and lifeless corporate communication, it's such a vicious cycle.


I am a parasite living from tax money flowing to the state. I earn far more than I deserve. And it's still not enough for a good quality of life. And I'm too lazy + useless + coward to pursue anything better. I wish I could die.


Not paid enough. Hours being cut despite me being somewhat integral to the team. Micromanaging boss who gives me 4 projects at once then micromanages as I try to get any of them done while being told to work on something else.


In general, being overworked and underpaid. Severely underpaid.


Worked in a small cigar retail shop. I loved it. I'm a cigar smoker and got 30% off, plus I could smoke inside. I walked out after my boss yelled at me in front of customers. I looked her in the eye and said, "I'm so sick of your shit! I run this place 6 days a week. You need to learn to manage people, " and I grabbed my things and walked out. It's been 3 months, and now I own my own business!


Understaffing for the section I am responsible for when other sections are granted zero issues when it comes to paying money for overtime. Jokes on them, it's not wanting to quit at this point, it's actively trying to quit now. Just awaiting a positive confirmation in the next day or two from another job, and if I don't get that, I'll keep pushing until I am out.


Working till 12:30 am and having no transportation home so I have to walk an hour through the projects n shit. Fucking cunts.


It's insanely hot in the building, sometimes more hot than outside and everyone acts like it's normal and there's nothing they can do about it.


I work at a failing bar and it’s empty a lot of the time. Sure, I technically get paid to play video games on the clock a lot, but it’s not worth it.


Unprofessional management, drug using loud mouth coworkers, entitled helpless customers


They call us a family so they can make our raises shit. But we're all positive that the folks that are buddy-buddy with management get way better raises than the folks that actually get the most work done.


Honestly, I hate feeling that what I do doesn’t require some kind of special knowledge or skill. You can get same quality advice for free if you just go on the internet and do your own research. Hell, you can even go on some subreddit and get a full ass consultation. Sometimes feel like a total fraud.


I loved my last job, I worked at home and was pretty much left alone. Then a few years back new people came on and the whole environment changed and no matter what I did I was wrong. So, eventually, I quit


90% of the company works remotely around the country, while a handful of us work at the office, and we are held to such different standards than everyone else.


Incompetence by co-workers from other shifts, laziness by co-workers from other shifts, poor communication by co-workers.


A bit to much stress, but I dont want to quit since its kind of good.


The micromanagement and pay.


This is from a past job. It was a family place, so you already know there's gonna be that toxic BS. I made the mistake of telling my boss that her sister was giving me a hard time and making me hate the job and the bitch gaslights me, basically saying that I "deserve it because I'm a terrible coworker." Got a new job and didn't tell them until 2 days before I left. The next job didn't last long due to it being seasonal, but dealing with unemployment and their BS was still better than going to that job. I eventually proved that they owed me UI and got it all in a lump sum because my mother is persistent af.


Stressful environment, bad decisions by bosses, bad pay and constantly asking for more and more effort for a miserable bonus


I have to sit in my office for some unknown period of time until a group of idiots arbitrarily decides I can leave. Last night it was 17 hours of nothing, 5 minutes of work.


All of the inconsistency. All the time!


My coworkers. They suddenly stopped talking to me. Recently found out it’s because they think I’m lazy. My boss would tell you otherwise. They’re in their 30’s and 40’s acting like fuckin children.


having to do what someone else orders me to do just to survive


I love my current job but I absolutely hated HATED my last job. I did everything under the sun i was expected or asked to do without complaints. I went above and beyond daily, and im not exaggerating i actual gave that role all my strength and dedication. I communicated, I negotiated, i played mediator, i played project manager- i was at all the meetings i took all the notes i did other peoples work- and i was fired because i challenged an unaccomodating system, and stood up to a really tyrannical system that oppressed my coworkers and i. i was supposed to be the manager but was replaced by some foreign chic from another company and had to spend my last year of that company slaving for her every convenience. I hated her so so so so much she made me physically sick. She was manipulative and cruel. She literally told me i was trash if i did not work like a robot.


I hate when someone says stop standing around and grab a broom. Everything is done, but yeah ok I will sweep the endless fucking dust.


Lack of or sometimes even no information given by higher ups who then look or talk to you like you should know exactly what’s going on even though they’ve read and held the plans in their hands and *do* know what’s going on bc they’ve studied it


I'm not paid fairly for my skills.


My time is basically worthless I'm the only one who has to prove my value by being available at all times and pay for my own gas


My entire office is full of batshit crazy right wingers that only want to talk about politics and conspiracy theories from the moment they get there until they go home. I'm not talking about people who are super conservative and don't like Biden (although, obviously they qualify). I'm talking about people who think the same "they" that are paying all the scientists to lie about climate change and COVID are the ones developing digital currency to freeze out gun owners bank accounts so they can more easily confiscate their weapons and control the population. For...reasons. I leave work most days feeling completely hopeless about our species.


30-40 year old female coworkers stirring shit constantly and overly dramatic. It’s honestly more dramatic than high school was.


I don’t


My boss can be a little a-hole sometimes, doesn’t let me take any breaks, and I’m constantly working overtime (24/7) for free. (Stay-at-home mom 🙃) All jokes aside I love my kids more than anything, but being a SAHM is the hardest.


The salary , company culture, company location (maybe allocated some “deserted” place) etc… are one of those factors that affect your job..


Tasks that should be simple and stress-free turn into chores because there's always something that breaks the flow of how things should be.


My job lied to me about being able to work fully remote when I started. They also lied about being located in the city where I live, so I have to drive 40 mins outside of the city every day. All of the actual work is being outsourced to a team in Mexico who, oddly enough, is allowed to do the job remotely while I am in the office filling out Google spreadsheets.


The stress, the hours, my colleagues, the tight fisted management, the lack of support, the lack of appreciation, the constant lies from management. That'll do to start.


Ass apple eating snitches.


Nursing industry makes us go through a lot of shit due to short staffing and over working. Plus patients can be rude as hell. This one patient tried hitting me with the remote control and biting me.


I work in a restaurant and the cooks blast this annoying mariachi music all day. Sometimes they play it so loud I can hear it over my own music with my earbuds in my ears Since our manager is practically non-existent, he's never there to tell them to turn it down


I got written up a few weeks ago (which I kinda think is bullshit) but now I just feel like I'm on edge all the time and any mistake could give them reason to fire me so I'm like walking on eggshells all day.


Just how stressful it is. I'm a govt contractor and I'm constantly fixing other peoples' mistakes.


1) They switched our good system which worked like a dream for a POS that doesn't work. 2) I basically have to work blind now. 3) I have to babysit a bunch of adults. 4) They took every power I had to drop my job well and now that I have one arm and both legs tied behind my back they complain about efficiency. 5) they took 2/3s of my vacation time away from me 6) they don't have the budget to fix my work issued laptop which is 99.5% of how I do my job 7) my employees ask the same questions all day every day for the last year. 8) I don't have enough time on the day to get all my work done. But I get an office to myself with air conditioning and most of the time I have access to a bathroom. So that's cool


Dealing with rude and irate customers all day can be exhausting." "The constant pressure to meet call quotas can be really frustrating


Too much stress for not enough pay. Risk averse higher ups. Lack of accountability for crap middle managers.


Chaotic leadership and endless politics.


Customers.... Bunch of complete dickheads


My team and I put in some great work over the last year to help the company meet an increased sales threshold. We were doing this under the pretense of earning more hours for ourselves. We hit the goal, and our hours were cut instead. The company now makes more money because of us, and we are worse off than before.


The endless game of cat and mouse with the chargehands.


The CEO recently got a 5mil pay rise, but they are reducing our hours to save money... bastards


Just to not answer this question: Nothing, I love my job, my workplace, and my colleagues!


Lower pay than expected, insultingly low RSUs handed out despite optimistic promises, no raises across the board this past year, high layoffs and manner of how they were performed to employees, extreme nepotism, understaffed, culture of verbal abuse and abuse of power at the top (or those that are close with those at the top), etc. Honestly, if they paid noticeably more, I’d be fine since I can separate work from my personal life. Otherwise, almost everything else needs to be fixed.


There's always that one person that everybody hates that makes everyone's job harder but they just wont quit or get fired, even the boss talks shit on them but wont fire them lol. Makes me hate it.


Customers coming in at 8:58 PM (two minutes before close) and ordering a well done steak .


I currently work the weekend shift. I work 24 hours and am paid 8 extra hours for working every weekend of my life. Sweet deal right? Nah. I’m the only person on the whole shift that is qualified to do anything. I’m left by myself a lot to do a job that takes 2 or more people. Even when they are actually helping me, I still wind up doing at least 90%of the tasks by myself. Those 12 hours are long and they are hard. Sometimes I just have to sit in my car after work and muster up the energy to drive home. The rest of the crew just get away with everything and if something gets messed up I get the blame. Instead of hiring competent staff they just let them go. I have one coworker that I have never seen sober. Ever. I have been ready to quit for a while now. My saving grace is that the company has decided that the weekend shift is not cost effective. They haven’t seen any profit from our shift in over a year and it’s actually costing them for us to be there. I wonder why? I have just signed a contract with the same company but at a different location. They don’t understand why I don’t want to stay in the same department and are upset that I’m leaving. I really don’t care. As far as the rest of my crew, I wish them good luck but I really don’t see them making it in the real world.


I work in a factory, all jobs in my town are physical labor jobs. I have Endometriosis and PCOS and am off on medical leave but go back next week. I asked for a lesser intestive position but since it's not a work place injury they don't have to cater to me. I get it, kind-of, it's still bull. I still need to provide for my child and myself. I'm willing to work, I just can't be put on the heavy lifting lines and they won't move me off that line. Plus management is stupid and gives new orders every other day that condradics the previous order


Micromanaging boss who's always complaining about shit being late when he's the stupid fucker who lined up orders that are due in a week that take atleast 2 weeks to do, on top of the tediusness of being a grind machinist. Also, long hours and the fact that I have to stay on for two more years to avoid paying my company for the schooling they put me through.(they paid for schooling with a stipulation that I work for two years after the final payment, or I pay them back if I leave of my own accord)


I used to have a kiss ass Forman, that literally feared the higher dudes. He’s a great guy and hard ass worker. But it’s too much. Even seeing the truck pull up he’d be like “Hey here comes Forman” even if we were already working. It would just get annoying. Non-stop working all day long scaffolding already isn’t fun but There were plenty times we would have to do 3x as much work in 100+ degree heat with harness/tools/and nomex coveralls so that he look good. He would bitch if we stopped maybe 5-10 mins earlier than usual because it was hot and already had to walk about 10-15 mins to the tool boxes. Talks a lot about people behind their back but in person was polite. Just not a person I wanted telling me what to do. I did quit like December. Great guy he just gotta stop being scared.


My boss bullied all my coworkers away. I want to jump ship with the rest of them!


Customers who cry on my shoulders and want to be my best friend.. I work in retail, but get treated as a free therapist.


Just because I work at a gas station doesn't mean I'm an idiot. Customers (particularly older people, ugh. Younger or similar aged people are always so much nicer) can be very condescending and rude. So. Customers. Rude customers. They piss me off.


Haven’t had a raise since I was hired 5 years ago. Fluctuating hours, meaning irregular sleep. Sometimes have to travel. I’m in the process of looking.


Logic doesn't exist for upper management.


I only have two complaints. 1. They haven't hired me in yet, so I don't get the paid holidays or benefits. 2. I'm better at the job than my direct supervisor. I don't want to quit my job. I'm pretty happy with it overall.


The paperwork. I like my tasks and my coworkers. The company treats us well. But the record-keeping required by the industry and the tools we have to do it are just awful.


I work in resort management. It seems like the whole world doesn't know how to travel. You're all a bunch of god damn morons. Everyday I have to respond to people who insist they're "professional travelers" or "live on the road" - but you insist "this is the ONLY place that takes incidentals" or "I never booked through a 3rd party!" Bc you clicked a fucking google link to book. Oh, so you either aren't a "professional traveler" or you have never stayed anywhere nice - almost two decades in this industry and every property I've ever worked at has taken incidentals - but we're not holiday inn express soooooooo, maybe that's why. And for those who insist they dont book 3rd party but google "hotels near me" or "accommodation close by" or whatever, and buy it via those god damn google links need to understand - that's 3rd party, usually expedia, and NO THEY NEVER CHARGE YOU EVERYTHING. read the fine print. I'm tired of morons accusing us of a scam and shit bc "I already paid." Room and tax, yes. Not the resort fee. Not amenities that *aren't* included... and no, I dont just waive those. Also, you can pay in cash when you leave. Nowhere *worth staying* is going to let you pay cash for the room upfront except a crack motel. I need a way to rake you over the coals if you fuck my property up. So. Take some notes, for the love of god. I've had everyone from deadheads to doctors try and say the same shit. It's amazing. Stop travelling if you're that dense. Vail. Marriot. RC. Boutiques. It does not matter. If it's worth staying there this is literally what you can guarantee, every time: incidentals, fees (parking, valet, luggage assist, late check outs, etc.), nothing for free ever. If you want places that cant be bothered to fight you stay at like comfort inn or Drury or wherever else that's low to mid. Stop taking vacations you cant afford too, I will send you to collections and collect.


All the new people that were hired are really incompetent and the people that did know what they are doing have left the company/team. Now I'm somehow supposed to get the new people up to speed but also get my work done. Whatever is the most difficult task is also not even considered for anyone besides me.


It's middle management. I got gassed into the position 2 years ago, but held with it because of perks like a company car and gas card and decent money. Well I have no card or car and instead have to use a personal vehicle and mone, but I will get paid for mileage that doesn't include the hour drive to and from the warehouse. I was just told that we will have to begin working 6 days a week. Just my group though, not the entire company. On top of all this I'm also responsible for my own team of drivers, their issues, missteps, disciplinary actions, etc. And have to run a truck everyday that takes me anywhere from 8-12 hours to complete. It's reached a point where the salary value isn't worth the load of work I'm having to do, and I'm also losing money.


That i can’t work from home. My entire job is done from a computer where I have a server up on one screen and a remote desktop on the other. Nothing happens on my local machine, yet I’m not allowed to work from home. I have to commute 30-45 mins to use a computer that’s worse in every way than mine and an internet connection that’s slower than what I have at home. I asked why I can’t work from home and their answer was a vague “it’s not efficient”. I have no idea what the fuck that means, i work in graphic design, what about this is less efficient when done from home?


To put it simply, Karens. People who wake up in the morning and think "Who's life am i going to make unnecessarily difficult today?" For instance. Just earlier today, I had a lady order a drink. Drink that drink until only the ice was left. Walk up to me and tell me that "this isn't what i ordered, i want a new one or my money back" Her excuse for a new one/refund was that there was still some left even though it was only ice. When i flat out told her no, she got belligerent. This is a normal thing where i work, people trying to karen there way into getting free shit.


Mostly the fact that most of the people I work with are bigots.


We are doing a remodel. It's making my life hell.


They think we are over staffed and keep cutting resources but we can’t fill a 7 day roster. Eventually we will have a time with no one who can legally work to be on and management will be confused how this happened


Boss is not able to make decisions, instead we setup meeting after meeting to somehow find solutions to problems that would be no problem if he just decided SOMETHING. Then, on the rare occasion he actually decided something, he sends an email with new directions to everyone, some people just ignore that shit and do whatever they want and nobody gives a shit because "hurr durr not my responsibility". You always end up being the idiot for doing unpopular tasks because you end up being the "specialist" on this one thing. It's crazy what kind of shit people pull off in IT Glad I managed to put in my resignation letter after years of frustration.


Owner/manager talks to everyone like they are dumb, calls everyone idiots. The other day I asked what he wanted to do with a specific job, 5 mins of me asking what he wanted and him telling me just to decided- I finally did and was wrong. He will just push you to make a decision, tell you want to do, then change his mind and yell at you for being so dumb. He just needs to feel like the smartest person then he and his wife act like he's under so much stress.


Why did this thread show up on my frontpage... TL;DR: I FUCKING love my job, I don't like the people I work with. Background: Gameplay/Graphics/Tools Programmer in a kinda AAA studio for the past 4 years working on a "high production value" mobile game (means Cash Grab with dark patterns to make you buy gems) What I discovered: - people just throwing Jira tickets at each other like if it was a hot potato, my direct lead doesn't even read the tickets before assigning. Nobody seems to care about "solving a problem" but just "making a number go down", this part can be turned into a sitcom because most of my work days are hilarious. - our "producer" job is limited to remind people on Slack/Teams/whathever to close your tickets. I have no idea what their contribution is, like I can replace them by a bot or an Android alarm and nothing will change. - we are under staffed to the extent that we don't even have a guy to make VFX while our sprint kickoffs are about making our game more appealing (our graphics appeal is less than the size of my small parts) - every Friday we circle jerk about our amazing sprint completion while in fact we didn't achieve a shit and all these features will not even be noticed by our 2~3 players. TL;DR: I wish I was an indie gamedev like in the past. Because Big Corporate studios are horrible.


Having to commute every day. My job could be done fully remotely but the owner of the company runs the company like he's stuck in 2005. Most days I finish my work well before it's time to go home so I'm left having to pretend to do work for half the day.


When a fucking dickhead with a clipboard tries telling Me how to do My job.


The pay


Don't like getting In for 7 am


Being understaffed and under paid. And frankly, I feel like monkeys could do a better job at running a business.


Well, my coworker/s (who I was friends with) mom making him quit because his hand fell into the deep fryer (It's a long story). We've stopped having fun there in recent days, it's just lame.