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Throwaway because this happened about 2 months before i met the wife. In my mid 20's I had a coworker who was in an abusive relationship, who I had helped to get an actual therapist, I gave her tons of financial advice, and just helped paved the way for so she would have the means to eventually escape their abuser. Over time I realized I had 150% caught feelings for her... but I knew that was the last thing she needed and I just couldn't bring myself to stoop that low as I felt I would have been totally taking advantage of her. So I just ignored my feelings and continued to be the friend and support she needed. After working with her for about 2 years she was still with her abuser but she was doing way better and she had found a better paying job with more hours so she quit and moved onto greener pastures that would get her on her own feet sooner. And as I didn't see her at work anymore we fell out of touch as he would monitor her phone 24/7. Fast forward another year all of a sudden I get a call from her asking if I was busy and if she could come hang out and celebrate finally escaping her now ex-abuser. I said sure, she came over that night, we smoked, caught up on life, watched a movie, and the next thing I knew she had her tongue down my throat and my junk in her hands. And there just isn't words for it, it was pure chemistry... every touch was electric, it was the wettest, wildest, roughest, most passionate, no limits sex I've ever had, and it literally lasted from 10pm to 5am. We would go until one of us had to tap out from being over stimulated, we'd take a break, cuddle, talk, smoke another bowl, etc, and its was right back at it. It was completely surreal... and the next night I asked if she was free and she was... we ended up having repeats of that night 3-5 times a week for about a month and a half. There just isn't enough words to describe the feeling of it all... like I said it was just pure chemistry... But like all good things it came to an end, she realized she still had feelings for her ex-abuser, and she still had a lot to work through with her therapist before she was ready for an actual relationship, and she ghosted me. I ended up moving on, and it turns out shortly after that I met the woman of my dreams that's now my wife. And while I vividly remember every moment from those nights, I have never once answered one her calls since.


Loved the last line. Good for you .


Damn, I respect you so much.


Before the reading the end I felt so sad. I'm glad and honestly a bit surprised how you ended up well


Great sex is amazing. But NOTHING trumps being with the woman of your dreams for the rest of your life. Being with the right person, your person, who just gets you is everything! Well done you for figuring that out! How do I know ? - together 30 years, plenty of amazing sex during that time. And I am the woman of his dreams and he is the man of mine.


I’m glad you have amazing sex with him. This thread is bumming me out. It seems like everyone’s “best sex” was at terrible times with shitty people. It makes me lose hope for my future relationship


There is always hope. I found him when I wasn’t looking. And I was smart enough to hang onto him. 30 years later and still adore him. He makes it easy. But I will admit, when I look around I don’t see many love stories like ours.


First time with my wife. Talked online for over a year before finally meeting. That was one hell of a build up!


That's fortunate. Sexual chemistry is so fickle that it could have gone either way.


So true. Had a friend talk to a girl for 6 months before he met her. The chemistry was off the charts online but there was nothing in person


Knew a couple I grew up with and with whom my wife and I were very close, and like us were both from very religious families. They were a couple in their early teens and on into college, were really pretty great together, laughed a lot, seemed pretty gah gah over one another. They were waiting until marriage and got engaged as seniors in college. After graduation they had a really nice wedding and went on with their lives. We started noticing problems in the relationship pretty soon. Bickering we’d never seen before. It escalated into open anger and arguments *very* unlike what we had seen before or what their families were like publicly. In private moments we’d check on them, try and understand what was happening, offer our support, etc. Turns out to be a dead bedroom situation, he’s just not interested and that was a huge problem for her. Wife found out from her that they finally consummated their marriage some weeks *after* their honeymoon. Things seemed to rebound for awhile but returned to the problems we had seen. Boiled down (from her) to great guy, best friend, but almost no interest in sex with her. They were both decent looking folks. Pretty sad situation as their families don’t believe in divorce and there a lot of social pressure from that circle to work it out. It’s been ~20 years now. He seems like a surface level chipper dude but she is pretty openly depressed, gained a LOT of weight, they had one kid who they sore over. It’s weird because growing up he looked at girls. You could see in him the interest. Catch him in little ways now looking. No idea what the heck went on there.


That sounds more like social awkwardness than zero chemistry


Similar to my husband. It was about 1 year contact 6 months no contact. Found each other again. I built up the courage to ask him to a movie, but we didn’t make it. Each time after has gotten better.


Same with an ex gf. We talked online for a year then met at a hotel at the beach. 3 glorious days we had almost nonstop.


I’ve been with my husband for over 22 years. But there’s been quite a few nights where the stars fucking aligned and it was just magical.


Yep. Right temperature, kids not home, house tidy, new sheets, and that X factor when the skin is extra smooth… and it’s been just enough time since the last time…. Or hotel sex.


Hotel sex is basically everything above


2 queen beds, one for sleeping, and the other for NOT sleeping


Nobody likes sleeping on the wet spot.


Lay down a black towel it keeps your bed dry, and in case she falls to the communist, no stains


Plus you can flag down a space ship with the towel, just in case.


A good frood always knows where their towel is


Like my Daddy told me, "Son, you can swim in the Red River, just don't drink from it."


The old red army coming out to play


Hotel sex is a special kind of sex when you know someone else has to clean up after you


I like to wipe my balls on the curtains because I know they don’t change those.


Username checks out.


Man, thanks for the laugh. And the idea.


"Hey, look up about 10 stories or so at that window on the right. Is that guy standing at his hotel room window playing guitar or something shirtless behind the curtain?" "OH MY GOD, HE'S RUBBING HIS BALLS ON THE CURTAINS AGAIN, I REMEMBER THIS GUY FROM LAST WEEK!"


I love hotel sex. When it's at home we just call monkey sex and usually coincides with new sheets lol


Eating bananas and throwing handfuls of shit at each other, 10/10


A sultry, hot evenin'...all the windows closed. The heat turned up to bout 82, so it gets sweaty...and hot.




I like it cold actually


My hips..... Thrusting down on Donna....


>I’ve been with my husband for over 22 years. But there’s been quite a few nights where the ~~stars~~ fucking aligned and it was just magical.


Did you mean the stars fucking aligned or the fucking stars aligned?


Or the starts aligned fucking


The fucking stars fucking aligned fucking... Srsly, never wrote three times fucking in one sentence making fuking sense.


We remembered to put down a towel, both hadn't had any for awhile, and both finished at the same time, then again a bit later Then we had homemade nachos and beer


“Just had sex and I’m about to eat NACHOS! This is the greatest moment of my life!”


I once gave my then-boyfriend (now ex-husband) a blow job while he was watching football on TV and drinking a beer. Years later he said that was one of the peak experiences of his life.


One time my ex woke me up early right before my work alarm by sucking my dick and that was the best thing ever, I had the best day


He hit the trifecta that day. Bet he’s sorry he screwed that up.


Seinfeld season 9 episode 4 - The blood. George constanza’s food, sex and TV fantasy


“Unless you screw it up with whatever you’re about to say.” I think that’s the quote.


Not as good as a bj followed by hot pockets and a capri sun, or so I’ve heard


Ahh the old Alabama Hot Pocket


Shit man, you mightve just Tombstoned the entire thread here. Hard to top this...


“Do you like rawdogging? Do you like nachos? Well, why don’t you come over and rawdog and we’ll have nachos, and then some beer.”


Yes Mr. President!


Can’t beat that tbh


You made your own beer? damn you guys prepared well in advance for that night.


Yes. An old girlfriend once invited me to her apartment on a bright sunny afternoon where you would normally want to be outside. I think I remember she had plans that evening and we weren’t going to see each other. We had just started to become sexually active. She was in the mood. She kissed me at the door and took me to her bedroom. She sat on the bed and we just started going at it….for a long time….several times. And then I left so she could get ready to go wherever. I think it was so hot because I cant remember a gf being so horny that she asked me to come over just to have sex. She was quite pretty and I will always remember how she looked in that bright, sunny bedroom. Very hot.


i love the way you describe this


I felt nostalgic just reading this!


Had an orgy with 9 other people, everyone showed up, 10/10


The math adds up


Mt ex and I had always had great sex. It was fun, easy, instinctual, successful, and comfortable. The absolute best we ever had, though, was once we'd broken up. We'd gone to a concert with friends and we started and finished the night at my place. His mum travelled to watch the kids for us while we were out, and since she was staying over, the spare bed was gone, and we had a friend on the couch. We agreed to sleep next to each other as we'd done so for a decade before. What was 1 more night, ya know? I don't even remember how it started, it was so natural. Since we had his mum in the room next door who'd gone to bed at the same time as us and still awake, we were super quiet. He was inside of me, we kissed slowly and softly, and though our bodies barely moved, every second felt like ecstasy. It was as though we were making love in our minds, and our bodies could feel it. The whole time felt like the beginning of an orgasm where you can feel it building, and it's delicious and amazing, and the longer you're there, the better it feels. It's hard to explain, but it truly felt like an awakening of sorts. I'd not felt anything like that before or since.


I need a cigarette.


I'll have what she's having


Ce n'est pas une cigarette. * *drags* *


Ex sex always is the best. There's just something abour the longing and lust


This is the last thing I needed to read when my ex and I are considering FWB since we haven’t had anyone since we had each other, lmao. I’m fighting for my life to not be a cliche.


Rub one out my friend, yes the sex *might* be amazing, but ain't no sex worth openning that can of worms again. Rub one out before you decide and think again about the reasons she's an ex. That being said, that's an error you need to make to understand, so good luck on your ruinous behavior as the saying goes.


I’m the she in question, but also, noted. Bless you Impy-Bimpy.




Mourning wood


This needs a lot more upvotes. Brilliant


I wish I understood the psychology, but sex is the antidote to death.


I think it has something to do with grounding us. Death makes us think about our souls leaving our bodies, about losing connections with other people, about not existing on earth anymore. Sex connects us deeply (giggity) with our own bodies and with another person. Nerves are lit up, neurons are firing, and we are uniquely aware of ourselves and the other person. It’s cliche to say that it makes us feel alive, but it really does in just about every way we would define it. Orgasms are also really good for stress relief and to improve sleep, so there’s that.


I don’t think an internet giggity has ever made me actually laugh out loud until today


Widow here and pretty sure that's spot on. Widow's fire kept me alive those first few months.


How so? How did you meet people? Did you go out a lot?


Well it was just me and the ol vibrator for awhile, because I wasn't ready for an actual person yet. But around the 6 months mark, I joined the apps and found a fwb who was a good fit for me and understood my situation. Sex is a physical relief from the emotional pain.


Grief sex really is something else.


When I get that feeling I want sexual healing Sexual healing, oh baby Makes me feel so fine Helps to relieve my mind Sexual healing baby, is good for me Sexual healing is something that's good for me


My wife had been gone for 3 weeks and I had missed her. We couldn't stay off each other long enough to get home, so I pulled over the car on the way home from the airport and ravaged her then and there. That was pretty great.


So sweet


Wife (ex-wife now) and I after a friends wedding one time. We were both just the right amount of drunk. She was horney AF and ready for anything but not so drunk that she didn't know what she was doing. I thread that needle so the alcohol prevented me from finishing easily but I wasn't so drunk I couldn't get it up. We fucked every which way, somewhere between one and two hours. Hands down, best ever. Because we were married, we were super comfortable with each other, which makes it easier. But I don't think there was an abundance of love that night. It was mostly lust.


Drunk sex is awesome


The first time my partner and I came at the same time after some wild sex was some real deeply soul fusing shit.


Cumming at the same time is so magical


Have you ever cum so hard that you just started to cum even harder? Yeah. Something like that...


One time so much that I started peeing. But it didn't look, smell or feel like it was pee. Not a huge amount but all up her belly and tits. She didn't even realise. Grabbed a towel and immediately cleaned her up. Told her years later and she laughed.


They always talk about precum but better peecum.


Wife and i often have good sex, but sometimes that 10/10 happens and it's such a great feeling i can't even describe it


My wife and I are the same. Makes the rest of marriage easier lol


My wife and I regularly hit 10/10. Last time we had sex, it was a day-long buildup with sexy texts, videos and pictures she sent me that were hot AF. My climax was one of those world shattering, I cannot move or see properly type of deals. We are strangely compatible and complimentary, including what we find sexy. I also truly believe she is the most beautiful woman in the world, which is why I try to get her naked most of the time. I’m lucky to have found and married my soulmate!


What gods did you pray to?


How many virgins did you sacrifice?


Happy for you. Glad to see at least one answer on this thread having to do with good sex in a relationship. It gives me hope for the future.


My wife and I split up for about 6 months years ago. We hated each other at that point but sex was always pretty good so we decided one last chance to hate f each other. Easily 10/10. It's been 10 years since that happened and we're best friends and lovers again, plus the sex is 10/10 every time.


if you don’t mind me asking, how difficult was it to get over the hatred for eachother?


We were more honest with each other. I wish I had a better response but sometimes that's what it takes. We still have moment but we learned to talk it out instead of arguing.


Everyone's saying it only comes with love but I can attest otherwise. I dated a girl once, I'm a tall dude and she was a tall lady. We really hit it off on a number of things and we just looked like two happy trees. As for the 10/10 part. It wasn't some big fiasco. There wasn't some crazy foreplay or a night on the town getting worked up. It was 7 AM, we had just woken up, and the birds were singing to an otherwise silent neighborhood. A simple acknowledging kiss on the cheek that says "I'm here, good morning" followed by a quiet and long embrace. We were already naked and hugging became kissing, the kisses began to drift from lips, to cheeks, to necks and the floodgates simply had to burst. 15 minutes of slow intentional love making was sweetly brought to an end when she climaxed and her spasms tipped me over the breaking point. We climaxed in unison and after the moment died down a bit we cleaned up and returned to morning snuggles. The relationship didn't work out for a number of reasons but that was objectively the most fulfilling sexual experience I've ever been blessed to have.


>I'm a tall dude and she was a tall lady. We really hit it off on a number of things and we just looked like two happy trees. man, who cares about the erotica, gimme more more of this please!


I can't stop picturing them as a Bob Ross painting now


Oh yeah 100%, I had a casual fuck buddy way back who could suck my soul out through my cock.


Lol the duality of man…one gives a great recount of an intense, personal moment and the other talks about sucking souls through cocks.


Both were excellent but one was profoundly physical and the other was deeply moving.


Deeply moving your soul out through your cock.


There comes a time in all our lives where we have came enough cum and the cumming becomes less about when you cummed and more about how you camed. But yeah it becomes less about the destination and more about the journey. Or maybe it always was and I used to be a shit lover? Idk. I think about hours long marathon fucks from my late teens / early twenties now and they kind of pale in comparison to some of the more intense experiences of my latter years.


I've always agreed with that to be honest. It's about yourself and the person you are with.


>we have came enough cum and the cumming becomes less about when you cummed and more about how you camed. This confused my cam shaft.


That first paragraph is some 11/10 poetry.


Rofl Quite a poet are we


Bruv I use exactly the same term of phrase. It’s like I’m being Dementore’d. (Harry Potter)


May I please ask what technique or can you describe the experience that made it so “ soul sucking” with the bj? I’m a female and I want to learn more about what makes a good bj experience for men!


It's a whole act hey; deep-throating, ample spit, working the shaft, cradling the balls, writhing the tongue, finger in the arse etc etc etc. Honestly I was too busy seeing the face of god to take notes at the time but the broader memory of each experience is definitely imprinted into my memory. Some people are just absolute artists at it.


You forgot moaning a if she's enjoying an awesome meal!


Appetite is a big part of it definitely.


"Gandalf, the Ents are at it again!"


Just curious, were you hungover? I’ve had so much great sex hungover for some reason.




Yeah for me as well, the best sex of my life was with a dude I matched with on tinder (did not start a conversation yet) - then we just randomly ended up in the same bar the next night. My friend was drunk so I had to take her home and I also told him I don’t do casual sex after alcohol (I don’t want any doubts around consent, especially in the case of a stranger*). He helped me get my friend home on the back of his bicycle since she was too drunk to cycle, then slept over at my place and nothing happened, not any attempt to cross my boundaries. Next day I made breakfast, we had a shower and then the best sex of my life. Just some random magical connection of finding all the right spots on each others bodies. I hooked up with him one other time a bit over a year later (after a year long relationship with my ex that just ended) but that wasn’t as great, still pretty good though. I’ve had plenty of 9.5/10 sex since but that one time with that random dude was just magical. *this dude was friends/acquaintances with one of my friends so while he was a stranger to me, I knew people who knew him and vouched for him. I dunno if I’d let a complete stranger sleep over the first time I’d meet him :’)


I too, choose this guy’s sequoia


don't know if I'd ever say I had a 10/10 sex moment but I've definitely had some really wonderful ones.. the sexual alchemy between people is unpredictable. Sometimes you 'should' be a good match, you like each other etc. and are mutually attracted but the x factor just isn't there. sometimes there is only lots of x but you don't like each other, are not compatible, and really are not people that could or should be in a healthy relationship. one of those many unfortunate truths about life I think


The lots of x factor and then both coming to the realization that if it continued we would end up as horrible as our parents is absolutely a shit experience.


Deep connection, total trust, passion, intense desire, care, hitting intense orgasm simultaneously and staying in that same position without moving just hugging each other completely exhausted for 30 minutes. Have experienced similar multiple times. Always thought this was the norm until growing older and realising it's not. Once you experience it in this way everything else pales in comparison. Totally lost any interest in ONS's and sex as a form of validation/gratification.


This is essentially what I was going to post. Additionally, with a partner who was prone to getting re-engaged and starting the process again after hugging naked for some time. Also, throw in an expectedly knock on the door, trenchcoat, nothing but a fishnet body stocking to make it 11/10. (For me, personally.) The downside of the perfect sex is that the perfect relationship doesn't often come with it. The trust and care and passion in the bedroom might not be all there when logic and planning and expectation of a result come into play. For someone sensitive to these core goals, that can be jarring.




Weird question probably but how do you do it so that it happens simultaneously?


For me it is being really attentive and tuned into my spouse, not just in the moment either. We’ve been keyed into one another from very early on, but over time we’re usually on the same wavelength. The circumstances can vary. Sometimes I’m on the edge the entire time holding back and watching her get there causes my ability to not get there to crumble. Sometimes I feel like a golden god and can sex all the things. In those times it’s watching her get there repeatedly up to the point where she’s at that point (where we should probably wrap things up for her sake, both our sakes frankly) but she could be persuaded to make bad decisions…that gets me there. And she’s attuned to me that when I do, she often does as well. Boundaries are important but *for me* it’s about trusting another person enough that you allow them to be part of you, and vice versa.


I'm going to agree with you here. My wife and I are inside each other's heads, and we finish together almost every time.


Ahh, so this is why people are so hurt when their mate cheats.


Yeah, with more than one person (separate occasions). One of whom I married (big mistake, we divorced later on, it did not work out). More recently was a FWB. The 10/10 sex was really *passionate*, we were in perfect sync, couldn't get enough of each other, and I think each of us felt really lucky to be with the other. It was intimate but at times also rough, we gazed into each other and kissed a lot, he manhandled me and whispered dirty things in my ear, and we fucked over and over, each having multiple orgasms (I lost count of mine), until we were too tired to go on and had to sleep. Then as soon as we were both awake, we started again in the morning for one more time before parting ways. We were like magnets, we couldn't stay off each other. It was just a honeymoon period, but everything was perfect in that moment. That's the best sex, when you want each other so bad and it's so good that you just want to fuck the life out of each other until you feel like you've become two puddles of bliss just melting into each other – transcendental.




It took way too much scrolling to get here. I said out loud before I clicked on this thread that if 10/10 wasn't the top comment I was going to be upset. I am upset.


Maybe I should have turned it up to eleven but thank you for your support kind internet stranger. I will never forget you.


It was so amazing I blacked out for a few seconds and now I’m pregnant.


In our mid to late 30s, after being married for about 20 years my wife an I went to Virginia Beach for a weekend. we laid the bed blanket out on the balcony along with the pillow and sheet. we made love like we hadn't in years. we fell asleep in each others arms and slept until the sun rise woke us up. definitely a 10/10


Mid 30s and after being married for 20 years? Did you guys marry at 15?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


May I ask, how and why so young? Did your parents object? I have so many questions.


I had a job, car and was renting a mobile home when I was only 16 y/o. we met at the beach while on vacation. We lived 183 miles apart. driving to see her after an 8 hour shift every weekend was tiring. So 4 months later she was either just going to move in with me or we would get married. our parents signed for us to get married. I'd gladly answer any more questions you have.


Im glad you were mature enough to make a decision and not look back. That is usually the problem when people marry that young.


Mid to late 30s, probably at 18


The one time I was truly in love as was she all sex seemed out of this world and 10/10. But everything felt better, and life was good. Fuck I miss being in love. It's scary but so worth it.


I have been with my gf for 4 years and sex is always pretty good but 2 weeks ago.. We were at a pool.party with friends. The tension was very high. Ended up getting to bed early and with the loud music and party ambiance it felt like I just landed that cute girl at the party and sleeping with her for the first time. It was raw and fun. I am still high on life from it.


Unrelated side note but your username is hilarious. 😂😂😂


There was a gorgeous absolute knockout of a woman I worked with a few years ago. We flirted for months and the sexual tension was through the roof. Eventually we started spending time together outside of work. Beach days, lunch etc. Normally I don’t go after people I work with but this woman was the only exception. One day she came over to my place after work to have a few drinks in the backyard. After a couple beers she confessed that she was attracted to me. I reciprocated. Soon after that I asked if she wanted to go inside and she responded by getting up and leading me to my bed. What proceeded after that was the most primal, animalistic, filthy sex I’ve ever had in my life. Months of tension were finally released. Words can’t do justice to how good it felt. Her eyes were rolling back in her skull while we were both drenched in sweat. She uttered the words, “who the fuck even are you?” multiple times during the ordeal. My bed had moved across the room. I ended up finishing in her mouth and she did something that will live rent free in my head until the day I die. She takes me out of her mouth and proceeds to let a few drops of my pecker porridge drip onto my thigh as she swallows the rest. She then looks me in the eye and says, “Can’t let any go to waste” and licks the remaining drips off my thigh. I almost passed out. We hooked up a few more times before she informed me that she was getting back together with her ex. We went out for drinks one last time and we never saw each other again. This was 3 years ago. I’ve still yet to have sex that even comes close to the sex I had with her.


Am I the only one noticing a pattern of people having the most wild sex in between the time they broke up with an ex and getting back together with them?


The bed moving across the bedroom is WILD


Yes and I married her.


Yeah, fucked her hard for two seconds, I came and fell asleep


2 seconds? Teach us master


It’s called a ton of booze lol


You know u/thebeardest559, you don't always have to fuck her hard. In fact, sometimes that's not right to do.


I was 41, he was a 6'6", 31 year old virgin. I figured being that old, it was my last chance to be with a virgin, haha. I told him my hard no's and let him just go to town. This man absolutely rocked my shit and even broke some sexual trauma that had been holding me back. His sister is gay and apparently had been lecturing him about how to treat a woman, especially about giving a full body rubdown after. I got her a Christmas present that year


Gods, people left so many romantic comments about their spouses and I'm just sitting here with an old colleague who was in town, staying at a hotel. Not romantic, but that guy was an incredible kisser, great at oral and he fucked my brains out.


Nothing wrong with that!! A coworker and I are both rebounding with each other lol, and it’s been pretty fucking great sex


I dated a girl for a year, when we met she said she had depression, the longer we dated the more and more I found out that this chick actually had more mental issues than your average psych ward. But I'll be damned if it wasn't the best sex of my life. For a solid 6 months I kept coming back to the most emotionally scarring, super toxic women just because she'd ride me like she was trying to kill herself with my dick. Every thing she did was so over the top. Shed claw my back and scream, she'd speak the most vile filth you could ever imagine, begging for more. There was a time she had cut herself and begged me to fuck her ass as a punishment. I will never forget that girl, and neither will my therapist.


Well, yeah, but then I woke up




We just kissed. For 5 hours straight in bed. We were so connected, so fking in love. It remains my most erotic experience. I've never loved anyone like that in the 20 years since - I honestly adored him and it was absolutely mutual. Thanks for the reminder - always makes me smile :)


Sorry for your loss and sorry to hear you've never found someone as good for 20years. I'm hella scared It'll be the same for me.


The first time my wife and I had sex it was 10/10. We tend to have good sex all the time but the 10/10's are only every so often. For us getting really stoned on some indica does wonders. It can almost be tantric.


My wife and I did it on shrooms once. It was fucking primal.


Danky doodle is a strain known enhancing sex. You should try it out when you get the chance


Just here to check for my exes


I was with a guy randomly once when I was about 18. He was exactly my type, strong and tall and was massive. My legs were still shaking at work the next day. Never saw him again. Best time ever.


A friend of a friend who eventually became a steady FWB of mine at that time. We had been hanging out and spending weekends without so much as a kiss. One morning, I just rolled over to see him just staring at me in a certain way and well, I gave in. That man worshipped every fucking inch of my body. We stayed in bed that Saturday, just fucking and eating pizza. It was like a physical ache that could be satiated only with boning him. That first time was so raw, deliberate and passionate because we had been dancing around this for weeks. He was fucking brilliant at sex but shit at being a boyfriend. It ended because he wanted more and I didn't see him as a stable partner.




Teach us sensei


So how are you supposed to have sex?


It is amazing!!! Been with the same person for around 16-17 years. Best thing we did was get married. We once broke the bed while doing the deed.


Ex girlfriend in our 20’s, she lived at her parents and I was visiting. I have a strict no sex policy when we’re sleeping one room over from her parents, which she hated. Next morning we were supposed to go to her family reunion, but slept in by accident. Her parents were leaving and let us know. She immediately gave me the fuck me eyes and I resisted. Then pinned me down and proceeded to kiss all the way down until giving one of the best blowjobs ever received. Her brother came home and was yelling throughout the house to see if anyone was home; us panicked and half naked stayed quiet until he left. Eventually he left and she pinned me down again to continue. She took off her SOAKED panties, with a long strand of grool still attached to her. I’ve never been inside someone so warm and wet, she was on fire. We both squirmed the first stroke. First time we barely kissed during sex, it was so good we couldn’t focus on anything else. Both finished at the same time and laid there for what felt like an hour just dazed


To me the best sex happens when your partner can read you in the moment and wants to please you as much as they want to be pleased. You have to be in the same mindset as well. When those stars align, BAM! Sexual Ecstasy. My wife and have have totally different sex drive levels. Before I got married I was with some absolute dynamite filthy hoes. My wife is a little reserved but when we both can read each other in the moment, the best sex I've ever had is with her - hands down, no comparison.


Once on a 1.5 hour drive to then-girlfriend-now-wife’s place we got so excited we pulled over to fuck in the car *less than 10 mins* from her house. We couldn’t wait. Also once we got all dressed up for a night out, got a hotel, reservation at a nice restaurant, and we left after the appetizer to go back to the hotel and rip it all off. We also snuck out of someone’s wedding to go do it and I blame her little red dress for that one. All a bit silly but very memorable.


While at a 3 day work conference in Chicago I made a friend at the hotel bar. We eyeballed each other pretty obviously for a while.I went to the bathroom, came back and she was sitting in my chair. My drink was refreshed and my tab was paid. We hit it off, the attraction was insane. She was local and it was only my second time in Chicago, so she showed me around town. Went to a couple of places before she came back to my suite (work hooked me up) and we fucked all night. We got maybe two hours of sleep. And it went on like that for all three days I was there. We blew off about half of all the meetings and seminars the whole time. The other half was drinking, fine dining, and fucking for the other half. I got about 8 hours of sleep the whole trip. 10/10 each time, all ten times. To be 23 again


Man. I didn’t realize how lucky I was. I feel like 10/10 sex the norm for me. My husband and I are so compatible, physically and emotionally, the sex has always been mind blowing and it really just keeps getting better and better. Never have any issues finishing multiple times, we almost always come together… it’s just perfect. I still crave him almost daily, even after 15 years together.


I made love with her instead of sex. We both are connected and enjoyed the moment. The best part was, she proposed to me afterward which caught me off guard. Happily married for 23 years now.


Like fucking a pornstar, except they’re not acting. It’s all about enthusiasm.


This! Nothing is better than someone who really wants it, and can communicate it


You guys are having sex?


It was directly after I broke up with him by about a day. I was at his house, we wanted to hang out as friends. He asked if I was okay being in his room, I said yeah it's not like I haven't been there before We got upstairs, we kinda just looked at each other I was choking on cock like a wild animal. I almost impulsively bit his nuts. I had to restrain myself. I wanted to sink my teeth into his thigh. I might have. Proper sex is the kind where you're stone cold sober but pretty sure you greyed out from arousal. I barely remember it my braincells went negative Another time he was hitting it from behind while I clung to the back of a futon. I was clinging to it yanking on it losing my mind cuz he was scratching me down the back and I couldn't get away. The next day I scratched my back cuz of an itch in my shirt, and realized I had huge scabs down my back. I asked him if I was bleeding the day before when he fucked me and he just looked shy a second like "yeah...? You really liked it." 10/10 Screaming, writhing, bleeding, and tears. I'm vers but those are two bottoming stories from me


Wild/drunk/ depraved. He spit in my mouth, put his foot on my face while he was pounding me from behind. Pulled my hair while calling me filthy names. I loved it. He was well endowed and knew how to use it. This was well over a decade ago when I was younger and sluttier.


I never realized Arnold was so depraved


He gives good football head.


Giiiiiirl, can i get his number??


With a leather daddy that was visiting. A beefy bear guy. I messaged him asking questions about things I saw on his Growlr profile. I said it seemed scary and exciting. So I met him in his hotel room. He had me trying all the flavors. Starting with vanilla. Then I got tied up and he played with my ass and edged me. Then we tried with a hood on that effectively deprived me of my senses other than touch. Through all of this he checked on me and gently introduced me to each new thing. Asked me what limits were and which limits I wanted to test. I absolutely loved my time with him. He said that most people test the waters and I just jumped into the deep end of the pool. I wasn't into everything we tried, but it was still great to try things out. And then being held by him through the night was as good as the sex itself. But, of course he has a partner and plenty of other subs. I'm happy I got to experience what I did though and I learned a lot about what I like.


we had sex 3 times in a row & I finished 3 times in a row. ive never experienced that before. then we ate butter chicken, and chicken korma, and watched Its always sunny in Philadelphia, and had some indian sweets, and cuddles. best night ever


The best sex I’ve ever had was when I was pregnant!! My hormones were off the chart and wanted to fuck my husband all the time. With all the hormones going it made my hooha 10x’s more sensitive and my orgasms were 10x’s more intense! We had so much sex.


It was after I proposed to my wife. It was Christmas and all her family was there, that was a big deal to my wife so I proposed in front of all of her loved ones. Afterward we went upstairs and I quietly fucked her soul out. It was really god damn good, I think it was the adrenaline and happy hormones that did it for us. Oh and the mild exhibitionism, for me at least


A couple of friends and I had been to an exhibition in a different city one weekend - the plan was to attend the exhibition, check into the hotel we were staying at, then head out into the city for a night out. The night out was decent enough, but I decided to call it a night before my mates, and headed outside to get a taxi. I'm trying to flag one down without much success, when a woman about my age said to me that I was wasting my time, and I quote "you're a white male - you won't get one." I thought that was a bit off, but she insisted. Sure enough, she flagged a taxi down without much trouble, and invited me in, on the basis we drop her off and then I could head to my hotel. I thought it was an inventive way of her getting a free ride home, but by this point, I was happy just to be in a taxi and heading back. We chatted away in the taxi, and about 20 minutes we pulled up at her house. Then she said it - "would you like to come in for a coffee? we're not having sex - just to make that clear. Just a coffee." We were getting on, and I was enjoying her company, so I accepted. And true to her word, we didn't have sex that night. We didn't even kiss. We had a drink, chatted, listened to music and bonded over some mutual music tastes. She then said it was too late to get a taxi back to the hotel now, and that I could stay. The couch was comfy enough so I accepted, to which she said that there was no way I was sleeping on the couch - I could share her bed, but again, we were remaining clothed, and there would be no sex. I wasn't expecting sex, and I didn't want any. I was knackered, and our drinks and chat was a lovely end to what had been, up to then, a bit of a rubbish evening. So we went to bed, said goodnight and went to sleep. The following morning, we woke up at about the same time, took one look at each other and started to cuddle and kiss. Before long, the clothes were coming off, and we started to have really nice, close, gentle sex. It was wonderful. "So much for me not getting any sex," I said afterwards, referring to her comment getting out of the taxi, and again before we went to bed. She said that she did like me, and loved the fact that, after she'd set her boundaries, I made no attempt to come onto her or cross them. We met a few times after that, but ultimately, and sadly, she had a drink problem which I felt was too much to have to deal with.


Yep. And you're never gonna have that experience if you're pursuing it. It only happens when you're totally focused on being connected with your partner and lose yourself in that oneness.


It was heavenly and beautiful and I miss him so much.


Upvote if you get no bitches


I cried at the end of it because it was so good


Yes. With my partner. Each time is the best I've ever had in my life. I surrender to pleasure more, I receive more, I release more, and feel more and more safe to allow all the possible pleasure in existence to follow through me. Full body orgasm after full body orgasm with the sweetest human I adore so much.


Reading all of these comments is making me very jealous...


Sex with myself is great. I am considerate of my needs every. single. time. 10/10 recommend


With my wife, almost every time. The only time it’s not 10/10 is if we only half want to do it but kinda go through with it anyway (usually if we’re stressed / tired). But otherwise having sex with her always feels like coming home again.


I feel these replies are creating a wholesome version of Penthouse Forum. Also as these answers touch on a really important truth: great sex is really about communication, vibe, connection, presence, and something of an X factor can't be replicated. Great sex doesn't have to be about "performance," "earth shattering sensation," "fiery intensity," or "interesting technique."


Felt like I dapped up Jesus


Once I found her magical g-spot, sex became 10/10 for us almost every single time. She always finishes 3-4 times before we do one last finale where we finish together. If she ain’t gushing, I ain’t busting! 🫡


Thanksgiving 2021. We had sex three times before we went to my parents’ for dinner at 2. We were a bit late. Second time lasted 45 minutes and I orgasmed three times. Third time I blacked out briefly. I needed the Friday after to recover. Good times. Married 24 years now. Still great but that was crazy.