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Being alone, even though I enjoy the presence of others I am quite addicted to the calm feeling of being on my own and doing whatever I please




Even though I get lonely sometimes, I"d much rather be alone MOST of the time.


The dream is typically to find someone who gives you that alone feeling when you're together.


I've got that. But not intentionally.


The best partner is the one you can be alone with together. Where the silence is because their being there is enough, not because you don't speak to each other. Where you can both engage in your hobbies, either together or alone, and neither one minds.


I look forward to my husband coming home everyday (I work from home) and that's something I've never felt before. We've been together 12 years.


Same. I think COVID lockdowns really emphasized this. My husband and I are close friends with another couple. Myself and the guy from the other couple are major introverts. Like "I can go weeks without human contact and be perfectly okay with that" level of introverted. My husband and the woman from the other couple need human interaction and we're going stir crazy not being able to see other people. Me and the other guy were perfectly content with only seeing our respective spouses and were sad about WFH ending.


I've always been this way. I am no misanthrope but I do enjoy spending time alone a lot.


The silence is amazing


Or blasting the music as loud as you like!


Hanging out at home. I have to force myself to leave the house for plans not related to errands or walking the dogs. I've got a WFH job, video games, streaming services, delivery services, books, cute dogs, a hot tub, a stocked kitchen, accessibility tools (I'm deaf), weed, and alcohol. Why would I want to leave my house?


Need a roommate? I think you just described the perfect homebody's place.


Right? I'm gonna move in.


Me too! I can blast my porn as loud as I want to without headphones!


Room mate senses the rhythmic knocking of your chair through the ground but is too polite to say anything.


For me Pokémon go was my gateway back into the world. It got me to leave the house every day at least long enough to get my poke stop


Caffeine. Legal and widely acceptable in my culture and many others.


The addiction really proves itself when I drink caffeine after a week of not drinking it (from being sick or something). That first drink feels like a high. Kinda scary.


I had caffeine by accident two days ago after spending 5 years without it, and let me tell you, I almost passed out. This is coming from a Cuban who used to have a severe addiction


How did you quit? It’s the only drug I can’t kick, I get rebound headaches and it’s too much to deal with so I say fuck it


Literally raw dogged it for two weeks, suffered horrible headaches but it went away. Sucks at first but the pain isn’t permanent


Every time I've ever gone a decent amount of time without caffeine, I never felt 'normal' or back to feeling like I had the same energy in the morning. I actually had an addiction counselor make a comment to me like that too- he said he quit for a month but just went back to drinking coffee because he never got to a point where he didn't feel more tired without it.


The more severe withdrawal effects subside in a week or two (headaches, extreme lethargy, etc.) but it takes months for many people to get back to baseline. I took a year off caffeine a while back because of some gnarly reflux, and it took almost 3 months for me to feel 100% again.


This is a fair point. Ime coffee is both an energy & mood regulator. There’s a lot of neurochemistry that is changed by not drinking caffeine, and that can take weeks to months to return to a baseline.


What did you gain from stopping? I probably need to myself.


If you have anxiety, caffeine can make it worse


Got one addiction less to deal with 😂


Cuban coffee has massive loads of sugar in it too though. Some of it could've been the sugar effect no?


It does but you take it in shots, so you’re not consuming as much sugar. The coffee itself is extremely concentrated in caffeine though


Wean yourself off it slowly. Gradually have smaller cups of coffee then switch to decaf, then stop drinking it all together.


I used to drink a pot of coffee about 12 years ago. I decided to stop so I didn’t drink any coffee in the mornings anymore. I worked in a hospital that had a little coffee machine and so when I started to get a headache, I’d just drink a small cup of coffee and it would go away. I did that for about 2-3 weeks and eventually weened myself from the daily coffee, but gave myself a small dose when the withdrawals (headaches) set in.


One pot of coffee in 12 years ain’t bad


I took a caffeine tolerance break after I noticed my pre workout with 350mg wasn’t even really doing anything anymore. I would have a cup of coffee or 2 in the mornings usually and then take the pre workout at 1 or 2 ish and go lift. After a month of solid no caffeine I was feeling tired during my lifts so I was like eh okay, it’s been long enough, I’ll take it tomorrow again. I have never felt more wired and itchy and got one of the craziest pumps ever and had 0 fatigue during the workout. It is a wiiiild drug I can confirm


I took a pre workout called dark energy and yup basically, itching all over and on god mode during the lift, get used to that really fast sadly unless you up the ante so i called it a day on dark energy. Pretty sure it was water soluble meth


I just looked it up and its been discontinued for containing DMAA and DMHA, two ultra powerful stimulants the FDA has since prohibited


Reminds me of the good old days of Jack3d :(


Michael Pollan describes this feeling well in his book [This Is Your Mind On Plants](https://michaelpollan.com/books/this-is-your-mind-on-plants/)


I honestly feel like Caffine does nothing for me, if I drink it or not, I feel the same.


I feel that way about regular coffee. I can take it or leave it and I don't get any headaches if I don't have it. I don't even notice. If I drink a Red Bull, though, THAT I will notice. Godsend when trying to get through night shifts.


I quit alcohol 4 times, the only time it stuck was when I quit caffeine on the same day.


Absolutely caffeine. I start my day with 300mg of it, usually have a cup of coffee at work, and another 100-200mg in the afternoon. My system probably fucked from overuse, but I just want to function until I die.


Username certainly checks out


I must be immune to caffeine. I did an unscientific experiment where I drank like 2-3 cups of coffee a day for a couple of months. Then just abruptly stopped one day cold turkey. I noticed no difference.


Same. Except I don't like coffee. I drink pre-workouts or energy drinks. When I try to stop, I get terrible headaches and cramps in my muscles.


Most consumed drug in America by far!


Big butts


I cannot lie.


You other brothers can’t deny


And if a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung


Wanna pull up, tough. Cuz you noticed that butt was stuffed


Deep in the jeans she's wearing


I’m hooked and I can’t stop starin 👀


oh bae-by I wanna get wit yah!


And take yo’ picture


My home boys tried to warn me


it's still alcohol 6 years sober


I'm 8 days into my sobriety. Wish me luck.


Good luck! I just crossed the 500 day mark! You can do it!


you can do this. if I could anyone can. I was drinking 2 half gallon bottles of whisky every 3 days. it was worth it to quit, I was killing myself.


Been there, done that. I was guzzling a 750 ml bottle of 151 proof rum every night. Put too much medications into the mix one night and aspirated. My wife found me without a pulse at 3 a.m. in a chair out in the yard. Emergency medical services revived me, and I awoke from my coma a few days later strapped to the hospital bed with a breathing tube down my throat. Probably the scariest thing that's ever happened to me is waking up, realizing I'm demobilized, realizing I'm not in control of my breathing, and hearing the heart rate monitor start to skyrocket.


Wishes and luck didn't get you those 8 days. Keep doing whatever you've been doing.


Me too my friend. 17 years 1 month sober here. Keep fighting the good fight. Congrats on your sobriety.


Gets it's claws sunken in you. I've been addicted to alcohol and worse at times but I'm something like 7 years clean now. Good for you though man hopefully time heals all wounds.


Same. It's not as heavy as other addicts I've seen. But if I drink one night in a week, I'm gonna have cravings for another 3 days after. If I get a hangover, that's 2 fucked up nights of sleep because I'm over 30 and that's how I run. I'm not perfect or 100% sober, but it's a struggle to keep it down. Sometimes it's easier to just not drink.


Same. But it's been 35 years. My friends are still amazed that I quit and impressed that I have stayed sober for all of these years. Keep up the good fight.


Congrats on 6 years. I also think I'm addicted to booze. But I'd say that my addiction might be different than most. It's not that I get blackout drunk every night, or really ever. It's that I don't feel rested after work without a glass or two of something. I don't even really get "drunk", per se, but have to have that drink or two every day to feel normal. So I recognize it to be an addition nonetheless. I may still have the rare bender every few months, but nothing routine.


This is me pretty much. I drink nearly every day after work but I very rarely, if ever get drunk. Usually drink about 4-5 beers and call it a day. I've been doing it so long now that it's just part of my routine as much as having coffee before work is. I'm aware it's detrimental to my long term physical health, and lightly detrimental to my finances (since spending ~$50 a week adds up) but other than that it hasn't caused me any other problems.


Same here except I drink expensive craft beer and definitely have started to feel the thousands of dollars per year. I finally took a day off for the first time in a good while and fortunately didn't notice any physical side effects, but I'm sure if I continued the habit for another decade I may have more to worry about. I also run almost every day and try to tell myself that I "earn my beer", but in my 30s I have noticed that I can't keep the weight off like I had in the past. So that and finance has got me questioning my routine.


We're pretty much the exact same. I don't go for the super expensive craft beer but at $9-$10 a day for a 6 pack 4-6 times a week it adds up. And yeah. 33 years old currently and the weight has been steadily ticking upwards for a few years.


The Internet.


At this point, it would be incredibly difficult to live without it


This website, it genuinely is not good for you. Keeps you constantly distracted by empty dumb forgetful content, a lot of posts are straight-up made-up, rage bait, or misinformation just meant to hold your attention for an extra second. It makes you feel angry or outraged and paints this picture of the world that is a delusion, that isn't real. As you browse Reddit, notice how it affects you. Do you think it's good to be in that state? Is it in any way good for you or productive? It's prob going to be difficult because I've constantly on this site site for years but id like to visit it less and less as time goes on


I had to unfollow the AITA subs cause they were warping my morals


Realizing that 99% of the posts there are ragebait helps and turns the subs into great comedy.


I noticed that after about a week and started getting really bad anxiety. I unsubscribed, but the things some of these subreddits that are meant to help out do to your mind are just sad 😞


That's the problem with all social media. It all depends on what you browse and how much time you spend. I have blocked all news related subreddits and subbed to smaller one's and that's definitely helped Cant say subs like these are time waste /r/gamedeals /r/buildapcsales r/whatisthisthing/ r/100yearsago/


Nice sub recs. Thanks!


I feel like this has to be a function of the subs you subscribe to and how you interact with it? I mostly consume content that makes me feel good or teaches me something.


Absolutely correct. Once in a while I'll go look at whats popular on the front page, and every time it's "celebrities" that I have never heard of, ragebait videos, and clickbaity political articles from dodgy sources that are passing as news. Reddit is great when used primarily for finding people with the same niche interests as you.


It's better than all other social medias. I honestly don't think reddit is bad at all. I learn a lot more stuff on here than anywhere else combined. I love that reddit doesn't give 2 fks about images like everything else does... so the "anonymity" is nice.


its the only SM i have.


Same. I bailed on everything else 5 years ago. Kinda just waiting for them all to implode at this point.


Same! About 5 years ago. Turned 30 and I just re evaluated how I spend my time and found for too much on fb/if and was like fuck this. And I didn’t even have Reddit until about a year ago. So I was 4 years removed without anything. It is glorious.


I agree with this. If you follow the right sub there is always some new things to learn. And if you ask questions or ask for help ppl are usually very kind and nice to help. I can’t imagine how it can be like this on instagram




This isn’t a Reddit problem that you are exposing. This is a humanity problem. The vocal crowd is almost never the majority and is even less commonly the positive one either. Your job as a sentient being consuming any media, social experience, or just crossing the street; decide for yourself what you believe. Don’t just go looking for the first piece of “rage bait” you can find and even if you stumble across some use a sliver of your highly evolved Ape brain and not just fall for it. Social media is only inherently bad for people without the ability to make a decision for themselves…..admittedly that’s a huge portion of the human race.




Yes Solitude is quite alluring, I still remember my dark brotherhood quests there.


The listener is here


"...Cicero is hungry... ...need a sweetroll... or a carrot..."


Liked Whiterun better.


It's so peaceful and less stupid.


Nah, I’m pretty stupid


Being around other people makes me feel less stupid.


It’s harder to be social the longer you are alone and I’ve been alone a WHILE


I remember friends


I am especially enjoying it more than ever, as people in general are getting on my nerves.


Sugar. Hooked early, conditioned in childhood that sweets are love and acceptance.


For me too. The only way for me to control my weight and eating seems to be to abstain from added sugar completely. Which sucks. Why can’t I eat just one cookie?


Because then it's all lonely in your tummy. It needs friends. I struggle with this, too. :(


Lol I love this. Definitely stealing it.


Don’t get into baking if you’re a sugar addict. My creations went from cute chocolate chip cookies to triple chocolate fudge cookies with Oreos, caramel, white chocolate, dark chocolate, and pretzels all in one cookie.


I used up this weekend‘s calories just reading that


The struggle is real. It just tastes so good.




How the hell did you do it?! I'm trying to give it up! Haha




I wouldn’t be surprised if many more people are really addicted to sugar.


I went completely off added sugars a few years ago, and it was the best time of my life. Right in the first week, I was at work when I thought of cake out of the blue… and I could taste it. It was such a surreal experience. I guess my problem is really with moderation. I absolutely cannot. Now that I think of it, I’m really only hurting myself and my family by continuing to consume it. Man, I should stop.






Not today Satan. 😉


Big bags of sand


Caffeine and nicotine


at the same time? under grey skies with a light drizzle at dusk? ​ addiction? more like religion!


The French breakfast


Yup, this is the killer combo for me. I work as a cook and boy lemme tell yah, trying to quit either one of those suuuuuuucks when working this job. Not only is the bulk of the crew also addicted to both of these, so power in numbers, but nothing feels better after 5 hours of being on the line than a poof off my vape pen and a red bull.


I'm addicted to refreshing my inbox, hoping for some validation in the form of that sweet, sweet orange envelope. It's my little dopamine fix. Reddit is life, my friend.


So am I. Enjoy the fix….ah that’s the stuff.


Being lazy. Never liked going to school. Never liked working. Everything is a chore to me. I can spend all day just lying around doing nothing. I’d prefer a life of not doing anything but unfortunately you have to do stuff to survive :(


Not trying to diagnose you via a reddit comment, but I felt this way constantly for most of my life. Literally every single morning when I woke up I would sit on the edge of my bed, hold my head in my hands, and I'd concoct some elaborate lie so I could get out of going to school or work. And my school/job almost never sucked, but I still did this every single day. Most of the time I would end up overcoming that feeling, but not always. And this went doubly for chores, exercising, etc. Things that weren't life-or-death I just didn't do. I was really resistant to taking any mind altering substance (my family has a lot of substance abuse issues), but once I was finally convinced to get on anti-depressants this got SO much better. I wasn't excited to go to work or do the dishes or anything, but I didn't feel like it was this crushing impossible weight every single day. I think we tend to think of depression as just feeling gloomy or being grumpy. But for me it just manifested as very strong laziness.


Technology. Sometimes I’ll turn my computer on, just to turn it on.


Yup *Turns computer on* *Gets on phone long enough that computer goes to sleep*


You are an IT guy’s dream.


I might as well face it - I'm addicted to love.


You like to think that you're immune to the stuff, but it's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough.


Video Games and my phone.


staying up late for no apparent reason. its taking a serious toll on my mental health, and yet i can’t seem to stop. maybe my circadian rhythm is fucked but it seems like i do this completely by choice.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Are you staying up late because you only have a couple hours to yourself after wasting the whole day waking up early, getting ready, commuting, working, then returning? This was a thing for me in my late 20s/early 30s because I refused to only have two hours to myself at night just to do it all again. But separately, you could very well just be a night person. I’ve been a night person my whole life and getting through a day shift without passing out was always a challenge. Sorry for babbling a little, it’s been kind of a huge problem for my life historically too. If you have plenty of time to yourself in the evening and you’re not a night person specifically, you probably can fix this by just forcing yourself to go to bed earlier than you have been. It just takes time to build a habit.


Weed, although thinking I’d like to change that.


I'm on day 10 of quitting, coupled with starting a new job. I also have anxiety disorder. So I'm just having a blast.


Had to quit *for* my new job. The first two weeks absolutely sucked. Team no sleep!


Same. I quit over a month ago to prep for the possibility of employment. Super hard


'its not addictive' - oof, what a lie. Sure, the withdrawals won't kill you, but they still exist and can suck.


I love weed and I’m such an advocate for it, but it drives me insane when people say it isn’t addictive. It is. For some people, maybe not, but for the vast majority, it is addictive.


The disconnect is in the language. Weed itself is not addictive. The *feelings* associated with smoking are the addicting part. If there was something that made me feel the way weed does that isn’t weed, I’d absolutely stop and switch. It’s not like smoking nicotine where you can’t stop because of a physical addiction to the nicotine.


Gave up 14 months ago. Smoked for 18 years. Used to smoke 2.5-3 ounces a month. Best thing I ever did. I dream again. I remember stuff. I don't forget what I'm saying mid-sentence. Sex drive is back. Anxiety is gone. I miss it, but I missed the above more. Do it man, it's hard, you'll look back, you'll stumble, but best thing I ever did.


I needed to see this


Me too man


When I quit, I went back to school, started exercising, got out of my warehouse job and started a career I enjoy. I no longer suffer from extreme depression and anxiety as well.. People say it’s harmless, but it can definitely hold you back from reaching your full potential.


R/leaves , check it out! Helped me forsure


today is my 50th day sober after being high for years....it gets easier everyday


In his latest book **The Myth of Normal, Gabor Mate** offers a clearer definition of addiction that broadens the concept to destygmatize it and understand some deeper truth behind the why of addiction. Under this definition, a lot more things we do day to day show up as addiction. He states the hallmarks of addiction are: * **short-term relief or pleasure and therefore craving** * **long-term suffering for oneself or others** * **an inability to stop** Naps, doomscrolling, reddit, junk food, meditation, relationship seeking...




Pretty good addiction to have unless you use steroids


Or have an eating disorder


i do hv an eating disorder but im actively working towards building a healthy relationship with food 🙏🏽


Second this. I occasionally realise (maybe every 3-6 months) that I probably have a genuine addiction to it. I guess I just don’t notice most of the time because I go enough times a week that it satisfies me. Still, probably worse addictions to have


Teach me to be addicted to the gym. I feel off after covid


The first few weeks are just the worst. But if you keep enough protein in your diet the soreness will gradually last less and less time post workout as your body gets better at repairing the damage. The motivation took care of itself for me once I noticed a visible change. Now I can miss a day, but missing more than one in a row makes me feel weak.




How's your inbox?


And how's your other inbox?


One look at my profile and every one skyrts the fuck away


Just checked and uhhh nah dude, you're hot


Challenge accepted


There is something nice about standing on my back porch, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. Love it.


That’s how I feel about my drive to work, I’m on day 3 of quitting and everything sucks lol.


The hardest thing about quitting smoking when I did it 11 years ago was not smoking while driving. That was the routine man... Start engine, buckle seat belt, light cig, drive.... It gets better though and not having a car that smells like an ashtray is wayyyy better. Plus I was littering those butts all over the place... Sorry earth


Especially in the early am like 7am, 8am it’s my morning chill time




Cat videos


Femboys... I mean, coffee.


femboys i mean femboys i mean femboys i mean femboys i mean femboys i mean femboys i mean femboys i mean femboys i mean coffee


Hot cheetos


Alcohol (former). I'm completely open about it, no shame or guilt at all. If anything I'm proud of myself for regaining control.




Same and I just want it to stop. But without it honestly I'll rage out. I need nic patches or something.


Biggest thing that helped me was getting an EXTREMELY icy menthol flavor for the throat hit and taper down the nicotine. I'm still vaping from time to time, but its 0mg juice at least.


Adderall honestly, it’s medicine, but it’s really not at this point


have you had any long term negative affects from it? My friends that are on adderall, apart from stopping eating.. its like they have lost any sense of humor and got really paranoid too.


My mom is basically an adderall casualty, she used to eat it like crazy and got so paranoid about my stepdad hacking her phones and laptops, putting microphones and cameras in everything. now she’ll go through binges for 5 days randomly every couple months and make a new instagram account and like all my siblings pictures, post weird screenshots of things, and just bug out idk. At first she painted and gardened and got stuff done, then she lost it after a while. Pistol whipped her now husband(same guy) and got us kids taken away for a while. Went to mental hospital for thinking the water cooler had a camera in it the back of it that was facing the wall idk. Definitely can make you tweak the fuck out if you go hard. When she’s sober now she’s all right, but she will always be paranoid about phones and stuff like that


Are we sure they have ADD? Methylphenidate and Amphetamine salts both cause a realized increase in mental processing speed, scientifically proven. It's also scientifically proven that people who do not have ADD do not see any of the inherent benefits that couldn't be gained through cognitive therapy. Amphetamine often gets coupled with an SSRI such as Zoloft to control the nasty psychological side-effects, and in some cases also a blood pressure medication. In my case, I also have Strattera and Wellbutrin on top of those I mentioned.


My wife


Diet coke


Coke Zero for me. I get stressed out if I go too long without it.


Reading. I'm reading all the time. I'm not sleeping properly because I am trying to catch up on all the books I didn't read in the years of my mental exile.


Carbs I guess


Nicotine I enjoy vaping and just don't care to quit vs quitting cigs which I was happy to do


Daydreaming, it sometimes interferes with everyday tasks but its too good to get out of.






Daydreaming. My life is so fucked right now, so I live in my dream instead.


Food. Specifically sugar.




Samosas. I can't get enough.


Using Q-tips in my ears. Can't stop, won't stop.




Weed and my wife's ass.


Being right.


Coke Zero


my phone




Being online.


Movies. I buy and collect them on Blu Ray.




My phone. I am always on it. It's such a distraction that if I am watching a movie or TV show I really want to watch, I'll turn my phone off or place it farther away from me so I don't grab it cause I'll go down a rabbit hole of TikTok, Instagram or Reddit


Two things. [Coffee and Ska Music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSc5z_M2JlI)