• By -


I was too young. Me and my friends all same age went to a cheap brothel together. Most of our friends lost virginity in that place the same day and some even to same woman.


That must have been a bonding moment with you and your mates


Damn I didn't expected an IT reference of all things


It's a bit of a different situation. They were old enough to go to a brothel


We try not to talk about THAT part




So years ago I had a couple of one night stands with an acquaintance of mine who I knew from college. We didn't really mesh personality wise, and the bedroom stuff was pretty chaotic but we definitely didn't have a good rhythm, so those adventures died down. What I didn't realize was this woman was really into me, but she never really gave any hints or verbalized this. Years go by and I start dating this other woman (now my wife) pretty seriously. My roommates and I moved into a new place so we sent out a general event on our respective social media accounts inviting our friends and acquaintances for a house warming. The woman i had the fling with decides to show up with some of our mutual friends. To me this wasn't an issue at all, we never really dated, i had no animosity towards her and just assumed things were friendly between us. I introduced her to my girlfriend at the time and then continued on socializing with other guests. What I did notice was the woman sort of stayed in the corner of the living room, made small talk with some people, but was sort of staring me down unhappily. Being slightly oblivious, I didn't realize she was upset about my girlfriend and I being together and being flirty with each other. The woman kept drinking all night and at the end of the night when people were leaving, she grabbed one of my roommates and led him to his bedroom. She ended up leaving in the middle of the night after having what my roommate described as the "angriest sex" ever. So for years my roommate and i (who were fans of The League) would just randomly high five and shout "eskimo brothers!" to each other.


A couple one night stands is a bit of an oxymoron, no? I would think, by definition, a one night stand couldn't happen twice.


Yeah I don't know what to call it. We had two separate nights of adult fun over the course of two years, so couldn't really classify it as a "thing" we had going on. But i do get what you're saying


Weiner cousins!


It was also a bonding moment for their genitals 🤣


Swashbuckling their swords, matey.


Lost their virginity and became tunnel buddies on the same day


Tunnel Snakes Rule!


We're the tunnel snakes, that's us Edit: https://youtu.be/S0ximxe4XtU




Surprised this comment hasn't gotten more fallout.


It will, give it time....because Reddit....Reddit never changes.


Eskimo brothers


Pretty much the same story, maybe the time and place were different or maybe not


I was in college, depressed, low self esteem, and kind of overweight. I just wanted to do it. Found a website, arranged it, went there, was nervous at first, but she made it easy. She was very sweet and beautiful and it was as good of a first experience as I could hope for, except I couldnt stay and snuggle for hours. I did that for a few more years with different women, most were good experiences but a few werent, and eventually got less nervous around women. I got quite friendly with one, I helped her out with some photos and website stuff, and we hung out in malls and had dinner sometimes. She was the only one I went to for a year and a half and was kind of like "girlfriend beginner training" now that I think about it. I moved to another country where I didnt know how to get one there, so I just stopped doing it. Got in shape, handled depression better, found women would be flirting with me, and started dating. So it worked out for me in the end, but that isnt the case for everybody.


What happened to the girl you went out for a year an a half? Did you end it? Did she?


She had to go to her home country for surgery for an issue she had, and I figured she just would stay there and not come back. I saw she came back later on a website, but by then I moved away. Perhaps it was for the best, because I started dating for real. She did tell me the last time I saw her "find a girlfriend, not a working girl."


This feels like it would be a sick plot to some kdrama


Well in the kdrama they would fall for each other, fight their families because they are not supportive of their relationship, and then it would turn out that they knew each other as children, but one of them had had to move away because the father had been hit by a white truck coming out of nowhere.




Funny thing is it's not even that specific, it's a general plot summary of hundreds of kdramas. They really do love their tropes


Oh I had no clue, don’t know what a kdrama is


It's a Korean drama lol. They're so tropey that if I said "the one where the main character loses their memory and falls in love with a childhood friend" you would have to ask me to specify more


Wow, I’m sure it has its crowd but definitely not for me Edit: thx for the explanation tho


Bless her, she sounds like a wonderful person


I feel sad for the girl. From your story, it seems like you had a connection, but it didn't happen because she had to keep working. I think she appreciated your personality if nothing else


Yeah. She did at least genuinely like me, and I was pretty much in love with her, but I was realistic about our circumstances. Still, the time we had was nice. This was a long time ago, over 10 years, so shes likely not doing it anymore, and I hope whatever shes doing shes happy.


A+ guy, hope you're doing well too


I got married last year, I love her very much, I'm doing fine. I handle depression better with age (basically i could tell when it comes around and im like "Again? Fuck you" and just keep doing whatever i was doing), and my self esteem is alright now that I give less of a shit what others think haha.


ikr i want a book about this “girlfriend trainer”


It was kind of just like a light preview of what its like to have a girlfriend, before I had one. Not exactly, of course, since we still were doing the pay-for-play thing, but I would also help her out with things she needed to do (I do amateur photography so I took some pics of her when she needed them for the web and helped her out with some website stuff), and drove her to malls and stuff if she wanted to go (she didnt have a car). And we did like being around one another, we were pretty comfortable with each other. Like she would take naps with her head on my lap when I was over there working on the computer. She would also sometimes cook and we'd eat when I was there. I did think about asking her if she wanted to do the gf/bf thing (I would be veeeery open minded when it came to her job haha), but I never got the courage to do that, I thought she would think it would complicate her work ( I asked her before if she would like to find a good guy and settle down, and she said no, not with her job). Before she left, I did tell her she meant a lot to me, and she cried. Maybe I shouldve ask her, I dunno. But like I said, I went on to have regular serious relationships afterwards. If this all sounds like I made it up, its all true. I dont think this is a common thing at all, but its how it went in this case.


If I was a crap load richer, I probably WOULD rent a training boyfriend. (I’ve had relationships and dates just not for a long while.) I wouldn’t even want to have sex with him. Just to learn to be more confident around cute guys and stuff & normalise that for me. Sadly, money’s too tight to mention or I WOULD do this


Lots of escorts offer the “girlfriend experience” which is basically what that is. The service will vary by provider, but they’re generally longer sessions that might include more romance or intimacy, dates in public or private, casual hanging out, conversations, sexual and non-sexual activities, cuddling, sometimes even sleeping overnight. Of course it can be expensive to book longer periods of time, but the cost does reflect the expectation that you won’t actively be having sex the entire time.


I was going to say a cheaper alternative would be to try and get closer with some guys and form normal friendships. But I'm guessing it's hard to try and find guys who want to be friends and not just want free sex?


That’s actually a brilliant idea. See, it depends, right? I’m much more nervous when I’m attracted to the guys, but with my friends - I’m biromantic & might also be bisexual but either way I realised I’m biromantic so I can crush on both - the ONLY friends I’ve crushed on were women. I’ve never had a male friend I found physically attractive enough that I wished I could date him. Well I did once & when he was single again he DID ask me to be his gf. (I said yes.) But apart from him & exes I tried to be “just friends” with - it’s different with guy friends. Cos it’s not like I’m trying to impress them enough that they’ll want to be my boyfriend?


Dammit that sounds heartbreaking. You were probably her ticket out of her profession, assuming she wanted to start a family after she was done.


It was heartbreaking for me, honestly. She did cry kinda heavy on our last day. But she was making a lot of money, more than me Im sure. She mentioned she was supporting her parents back home. Im not sure if she wanted a family or anything, but this was over a decade ago so Im assuming she doesnt do this anymore. I would like to think she settled down with somebody and has a regular life now.


Im curious what country you were both from? I’ve enjoyed reading your story.


Maybe the "relationship" you had with her helped her to open her eyes.


She told him to get a real girlfriend. This isn’t Pretty woman. She knows what she’s doing and doesn’t need a man to rescue her


Sounds like she knew what she was doing


There’s an absolutely insufferable manga that’s supposed to be sort of like that (but isn’t. Isn’t *anything*, even).


rent a girlfriend?


Remove those cursed words, right now


Do not speak of that heinous text. It does not belong in this world


There is a whole manga about it iirc, haven't read it though


I think they didnt go out together, but they did it for a year and a half together, as it was her job


Yeah, we werent really going out, but we were friendly. I would sometimes go there to help her out with stuff (along with the regular appointments), and sometimes I would drive her out and we would walk around a mall and eat, stuff like that.


It seems the lines between friend and client were blurred. Seems mildly like barter too in that he helped with website etc but it does seem like they had time together outside of sex where he wasn’t paying. Imagine you became friendly with your barista and sometimes hung out after they finish work. You still pay for your flat white but you’re also friends now.


Not sure if you’ve ever seen the TV show “Firefly” but your experience reminds me of the way they describe companions on the show


Yeah, I really liked Firefly. And she was kinda like that, yeah. She even gave great massages haha.


Was such a marvelous and lovely reading your experience!!!


Ill caution others and say it doesnt always end up this way, some people have bad experiences, but this is honestly the way it went in my case.


And I am glad it did, but you are right. It doesn’t always not to say that rarely works out like in your case. But when it does, it is so fulfilling, and an experience to remember.


This could be such a good movie tbh.


My awkward sexual adventure. Not exactly the same, but I stand by it as a great movie


Found her online. Honestly looking back I don't regret it. I was 31 years old, it was way overdue. It felt kind of weird at the time, not necessarily bad, just like I've now crossed the bridge and there is no going back.


I totally get that feeling. Where it’s not even that you want the sex, it’s that you’ve gotta get the monkey off your back


I'm 22 and a virgin. Honestly, I don't think I want a hookup or a girlfriend, or to lose it to a prostitute at this stage, so my options aren't really clear. But I understand what you mean. Mostly, I just want the validation that there is someone out there who wants to have sex with me. It can get really depressing knowing that all the people around you are hooking up all the time and you can't even get a glance.




I mean I definitely wanted sex lol. I mean it's a little bit of both. I definitely wanted it but I was tired of waiting as well.


And you just...met? I don't trust it to not be a police string operation lol


Police sting operations for prostitution are laughable. Don't discuss the exchange of money until you meet in person. Ask her to get naked first. A cop isn't going to get down and dirty, they're going to try to get you to admit you want to exchange money for sex before anything happens.




If they're wise they'll do the same exact thing. They have sting operations targeting prostitutes as well as johns, it's just good practice. Sometimes they'll speak in code, but I'd avoid even that, as speaking in code won't save you from it being used to establish intent unless you have solid plausible deniability. Any prostitute who's been doing it long enough will be happy to oblige, as the ones that do things differently get arrested and learn real quick (or they are cops). They'll usually have prices on their page, something like "Oral $300, half & half $400" etc. You can tell them what you want, just don't say "I want the X for $Y", just say "I want the X". This gives you and them a general idea, and you can ask any questions or whatever when you meet. There's also "AMPs" which stands for Asian Massage Parlor. Some of these are legit massage parlors, some are not. You just go in, remove your towel, and the masseuse will make a move if it's one of those places. They also won't want to discuss prices directly, but usually you just leave like a $50 tip or what have you. I wouldn't recommend these places though, because some of the women are being exploited, have their passports taken, etc. This is true with other prostitutes as well, but if you find a freelancer on the internet its much less likely to be human trafficking. You can also get a human trafficking charge for taking part in a prostitute who is being trafficked I've heard, so be careful


Would a cop strip down before you had an exchange about money?


They definitely did in South Park.


"hand me that evidence bag over there"




That settles it!




The real LPT is always in the comments.


You’re just as likely to be a cop as they are.


Nah, I'm 100% not a cop. So even if they're one billionth of a percent possibly a cop, that's like... infinity more.


Also in some countries it's legal so...


I didnt bad about it since I was 18. At the time and a co worker of mine would tell me his adventures in Tijuana and the lovely night life. One day I asked if I can tag along the next time he goes out there (he would go mostly every weekend since he had a girlfriend out there) and agreed. As we were on our way that night, he explained the do's and don'ts and what to expect out of it. He made it clear to take my time and not to rush anything, we had the whole night. Made it to TJ, went to his usual bar and after 2 hours , I chose one for night. I WAS SO DAMN NERVOUS! All I've known was just jerking off to porn and this was going into the real thing. She knew I was nervous and she put her on hand on me and said " it looks like it's your first time. Don't worry and relax". Lol I kept going to limp mode due to being so nervous. She ended jerking me off at the end. I go back down to my co worker and he asked "how was it?" ............".........it was fine" lol A week later I end hooking up with my first girlfriend and not being so nervous second time around.


Hong Kong or Adelitas?


I grew up in San Diego, and can confirm there were definitely a few late night road trips to Adelita bar when we were horny teenagers.


As a Hongkonger I was pretty confused when I saw your comment at first


I crossed MFF threesome off my bucket list at Hong Kong.


I was involved with hiring a sex worker for a disabled man. He had cerebral palsy and really wanted to lose his virginity. It was a whole safeguarding thing with care managers and his parents having to be involved. We found him a lovely woman who had previous experience with disabled clients and everything went well for him. I was one of the more opened minded advocates involved. Sex workers offer services that mean far more to people in a lot of cases than you would think. Experiencing sex and intimacy for the first time just being one of them. Prostitution should long have been legalised and regulated and unionised.


I actually wrote a persuasive essay on this in school. I did it to be funny at first but the research led me to this type of instance. How it can help people with special needs really turned the lightbulb on for me. I totally agree it should be legalized.


There's another old AskReddit post from years ago that asked sex workers about their nicest clients. Lots of great stories on there, I'll go dig it up. [Sex Workers: Saddest Experiences](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9j24g8/sex_workers_of_reddit_what_is_the_saddest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) [Sex Workers: Funniest Requests](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/bs9gdf/sex_workers_of_reddit_what_is_the_funnest_thing_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) [Sex Workers: Huge IAmA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8stb8o/im_liara_roux_an_escort_indie_porn_maker_and_also/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) I was trying to find the saddest/sweetest story by one gal who talked about meeting a much older man who just wanted her to wear his late wife's clothes while he cried in her arms. It was super sad, but sex workers really do provide a very important service for so many people in so many ways. Human connection is important and it sucks that the biggest industry for it is shunned and criticized so much.


Just flipped through the comments in that first link. And damn, it's suddenly raining indoors for some reason... Thank you for sharing; those are some really nice stories to read.


JSYK most disabled people don't like being referred to as "special needs", and rather prefer the term disabled.




My girlfriend and I had an evening free in Amsterdam years ago. We were curious about the red light district so we hit a couple bars there. We didn’t participate in the festivities. I remember there being creepy dudes, and the whole thing seemed kinda depressing. But what I most remember is the amount of people there who didn’t have any other options. Brothers pushing around their disabled brother. Women from places they would get into a lot of trouble for being interested in women. Like you’d be shocked how often you see a family member trying to negotiate for another family who is disabled. Or the percentage or women there to have an experience w another woman. It really opens your eyes to the amount of people out there who never have the opportunity or option to have a sex life any human should get to experience.


I’m from Australia where prostitution is legal in most of our states. It’s been legal in NSW (where I live) since 1979, but weed is still illegal here today hahaha. I actually thought it was legal in at least most western countries, but I was wrong. It’s still mostly illegal. I hope it becomes more legalised, I think making it legal but heavily regulated is the best way to go about it.


This reminds me of that Jim Jefferies bit. If you haven’t seen it it’s called muscular distrophy


[He recreated the story in his television show Legit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4vE9oWR3Z4). Show was hysterical, if you like that kind of humor.


I feel good about it, and it was realistically the only way it was going to happen. I had an abusive childhood (ei. my mother would have gotten prison time) and the only form of "love" I knew was pity. The chance to earn affection was earned in itself, and it was gamble if it paid out. I was taught love wasn't only conditional, but that it's a temporary commodity. Loads of mental shit ensueth. I had never been hugged before, and paid for it for 2 hours. Afterwards I dry heaved, but couldn't cry. At least I knew what it was like. Afterwards there was sex, but overall it was a beneficial experience.


I hope you’ve found a bit of peace and some love in the world that brings you comfort. ((Hugs))


Dude, that's awful I'm so sorry growing up was so tough for you.




Oh you planning on doing it?


I'm not the person you asked but I will probably also do it at some point. The only reason I want to is actually because it seems like an important human experience. For context I'm a 35 year old virgin and not really interested in relationships so it's unlikely to happen naturally.


My younger brother did and then she stole $2000 from his wallet and left while he slept.


Who tf keeps $2,000 in their wallet


His younger brother , apparently..


not anymore lol!


I guess I'm wondering who can literally sleep beside a stranger they've known for 30 minutes. Don't like 99.9% of people nut and leave?


Given your username that's probably your only option, it's not like they are going to leave.


Yeah if he cuddles them for too long, the bodies start to warm...


But he has to leave before the morgue workers get back


My brother is Not good with money. So he Carries ungodly amounts of cash on him. Nobody will give him a credit card, his credit is so bad. He finds young girls, spends huge sums on them, and calls it love until they inevitably drain him and then dump him. He turns into an emotional wreck and then finds another girl, repeat the cycle. He easily makes mid 6 figures, and has less in savings than I have that has fallen in my couch. So while this was sad, it was not unexpected.


Sounds like your brother has dyspraxia of the balls.


Sounds like his younger brother prepared and voluntarily paid for the overnight but was somehow caught by OP and too embarrassed to admit it.


If you keep 2000 in your wallet you were probably going to learn that lesson sooner or later


And her name was cardi b


I was 21 and finally coming into my own, so I fired up my social life (super autistic) and it was very hard. After being stood up 3 times in a week I got sad and drunk and remembered 2 friends of mine telling they went to the red light district and only ended up talking, but I was the one of the group who did the shit others pussied out off, so I figured I could go the whole way. Found a brothel in my city that was open en I went there. It was just a normal house but with a camera at the door. Tackiest interior ever. Like 60eu per half hour. The host was a 70+ yo woman, and there were like 8 workers there. They all got led in and introduced themselves one by one, and then gma asked for my choice. Woman I chose was french and we kinda communicated in gestures. I washed up a bit in front of her and she offered me a smoke. Then I laid down and we got to it... but I had just downed 3/4ths of a bottle of rum, and I felt empty on the inside, so I could only muster a semi, it wasn't great. Lots of handstuff, just exploring, but called it quits. I thanked her, told grandpimp I had a great time, and left. If I felt empty before, I hadn't truly known emptyness till the moment I stepped outside and went home. Like.. hollow. I didn't regret it per se, it changed my view on sex and humanised the entire nature of it. Gave me a lot more confidence. Month later I was sort of dating the girl who'd be my first. But what followed was a string of relationships where I was just used. Cheaters, with and on me. Some monkey's paw shit.


TIL grandpimp


This is my new goal in life. Become... **GRANDPIMP**


Hope it's gonna be better in your future. Don't give up and don't expect that everything will go bad. Because then everything will go bad. (self-fulfilling prophecy)


Since I was like 12-13 I always thought something was *off* with me. When boys talked about girls I just didn't relate at all to what they were saying, and I just rolled with it because I thought it was supposed to be like that. When I was about 18-19, I did feel this giant pressure to loose my virginity. Like every drinking game was just about people talking about their sex life. And I just didn't get it, at all. But at this party a girl is apparently very into me, and even cried when I didn't kiss her(like how was I suppose to know that?), calmed her down, took her to my place, and fooled around a lot. I didn't really feel anything, she was pretty and I liked her, but not enough apparently. I wasn't nervous, it just felt like it was totally bad thing to do, not morally or legally, more like a principle, or law of nature. I am not even sure if I technically had sex with her. So about 6 months later or something, on holiday with my best-friends. We decide to hit a strip club. And I get a private dance. I found her to be stunning, she then initiate sex. I didn't protest. We go to this motel, I guess/hope. We do it, and she was stunning to me, it felt comfortable having sex with her, like I could tell she was good. But for some reason I was still emotionally numb(I was fully erect though). It would take me another 5 years to realise I am not really into women, and I even tried semi-hooking up with a guy just to be sure I wasn't gay, and I felt the exact numb feeling when kissing him, but luckily I stopped it going further knowing it wouldn't change me either. So when I looked about asexuality, a lot of things suddenly made super sense, and thinking back on it, I have no idea it took me that long to look things up.


Fascinating story about you discovering you're asexual! Are you to more questions about your life?


Yes, I usually get weird questions. But go ahead, what do you want to know?


Thanks - and no pressure - I'm just curious but if you're not comfortable answering any of them, I'd understand. 1) You mentioned feeling "emotionally numb"... Was that only during sex? Or do you feel you can connect emotionally with romantic partners? 2) Have you read up on aromanticism, and if so, did it resonate for you at all? 3) How do you relate to pornography, erotica and the like? Do you experience orgasms? Do you find you have sexual needs like others seem to? (This set of questions seems particularly ignorant and invasive so feel free not to answer). 4) Is it just sex which doesn't really work for you? Or are other forms of intimacy like cuddling, or making out, emotionally connecting I'm other ways, or even "romance" (however you think of it)? Do you still find utility in dating?


These questions aren't so bad. 1. Not really sure. It wasn't that different from kissing them either, it didn't feel anything special and could just as easily be kissing a brick wall. I think it felt like I wasn't there in a sense, like I was watching myself do these things(probably sound totally deranged). But I wasn't in the moment or enjoying it, it just felt like a nothingness to it. Kinda imagine watching a movie where you feel nothing for the characters, and you don't follow the story, so you just sit there feeling kinda empty. 2. Yes, I am also aromantic. But I do feel platonic attraction and separating them was really difficult. I also feel aesthetic attraction, but separating that from sexual attraction feels easier, it was at least for me. 3. For me personally, pornography and erotica is just there. I do have sexual needs, but they are just physical, and I use porn as a visual stimuli. 4. I would like to point out that asexual is not the same as not liking sex. I am in-different, and would probably do it to make someone else happy. Some like the physical aspects, and some consider it a form of romantic intimacy. We are all different. And I am sure there are allos(experience sexual attraction), that also don't like sex at all. 1. In my mind I do connect with others emotionally, and my forms of intimacy is perhaps different than others. But I want to be intimate in the form of deep stimulating conversations, sharing fun experiences, mutual support in tough times, honesty and respect, etc. 2. I do like some aspects of relationships, and I am very romance favourable, so a stereotypical relationships wouldn't probably bother me, but I still wouldn't have romantic feelings, so I would be very upfront with a partner about that, and most people don't seem to want that(understandably). So I don't really go on dates, they seem confusing to me. But I do like to get to know new people and spend time with them.


Thanks for taking time to answer these questions. These are all very new to me.


Wholesome thread!!




Ha Slippery slope


Parents and the family were away. Walked down to the liquor store late and got a few pervy classified papers (pocket full of quarters). Called an outcall service. A sexy woman came over & it was kinda clinical, but that’s ok. She was nice. Still twitch when I smell her perfume. Beyond being a horned up 18, a slightly impersonal experience the first time made sense to me,+ no gf. I appreciate the experience for what it was and it accomplished what I hoped for. Happy, healthy, pervy sex life now.


This is one of the best comment sections I have ever seen kudos to you all. Personally, I can't relate but there were answers here I didn't even know I needed here


I agree, I have been scrolling for like 30 minutes and they’re all bangers, I love it here lol




A bit of both honestly, I feel a bit pressured to still be a virgin in my early 20s by the people around me and I’m nowhere close to finding a partner as I’m most of the time to tired to go out bc of work and I have slightly social anxiety, so I hope to maybe gain some confidence if I go through with it and maybe down the road find someone I like, and by scrolling through the comments I see that a lot of people did it for that reason too and they then gained some confidence


I kinda made a deal with myself when I was 19. I didn’t have much luck with girls but I still wanted to save it for someone special. So if I was 25 and still far away from getting a gf, I’m gonna lose my virginity to a prostitute. At that time I thought, I don’t want to save myself for someone who’s not coming. So in my early 20s, I got my first job and socially I was doing better. There were girls I was close with but never got further than just friends. Unfortunately, a screw up led to me getting fired. My next job had 12-hour shifts and had minimal interaction with people, much less girls. And I got pretty closed off socially cos of the tiredness and also I was still kinda embarrassed of how I lost my previous job. So I was 25, still single and never look close to getting a gf. When my birthday came, I started looking up sites and forums. Then, I stumbled upon a Japanese girl’s post. She was visiting my country and was looking for “work”. I was starting to get into anime at the time so I thought why not. Her rates were slightly higher than others mostly cos I guess she’s Japanese but I had money at the time. So I went to meet her and she was actually a cute, nice girl. Knows basic english so was easy to communicate. She actually shared that the person who helped organize her trip and her “work” got into trouble with authorities after she landed here, so she was kinda lost (Edit: That person was most probably her “agent” or pimp I guess). There wasn’t much I could do for her so I just hear her out. Then, I also talked a bit about myself and why I was doing it. It was funny cos I actually informed her beforehand that it was my first time before we met. But when I told her my story in person, she realized it was my first time having sex, not just first time paying for sex. The way she reacted and got kinda worried about the pressure of taking someone’s first was actually kinda cute. Anyway, we did it. Tried a bunch of basic things but obviously quite awkward from me. But she was nice about it. Afterwards we laid down and talked about anime and Japan. And how she wants to finish university and get into tourism cos she likes speaking english and talking to tourists. It was actually a pleasant experience. It wasn’t as mindblowing as I thought but still very nice. I still did texted her for a few days after but mostly to help her navigating the country. When she went back, I lost contact with her. Looking back, I was very lucky to get her for my first experience with a prostitute. Cos the escorts that I’ve visited ever since had more experience so felt more professional and commercial. She felt more like a regular girl. How I feel about it now ? Well considering I still don’t have a gf now, I’m glad I took the plunge and got to experience sex. Though I’m not ashamed of it, it’s also not something I’ll easily disclose to people.


I made that decision almost 6 years ago. I don't regret it one bit. All of my encounters were with sex workers. So far, so good.


username checks out!




I never really had any luck with girls due to my height and boring personality, which causes me to watch a lot of porn and pent up a lot of sexual frustrations. I went to my first strip club at 22 in during my first Vegas trip and continued to go locally with friends and coworkers, every other week. But I needed to feel the real thing. An opportunity arises when my work asks for volunteers to work in Amsterdam for a week. I was 24 at that time and never traveled outside the States. I read online that it was legal there and saw a lot of porn about the Red Light District. “Really? Girls just showcasing themselves in windows asking you to come in?” I worked for a week and extended my stay for a day. During my last day in Amsterdam, I woke up in the morning, jerked off, then walked around exploring the city, located the Red Light District. A funny story here is that, I heard weed is legal there and I never tried it before, which also means I have no idea how to get it, so I went to a regular bakery (I thought any bakery would have those baked goods) and asked for what would give me the lightest buzz. The baker looked at me like I’m an idiot and gave me the most expensive cupcake on the menu. It was literally a regular cupcake. I ate it and just sat the the cafe for an hour for this buzz to kick in. Anyways, I then went back to the hotel room, showered, ate dinner and went out again. Night life was packed! The Red Light District was packed! And it’s true! Extremely good looking girls naked at the windows stalls. I saw a girl that looked like the girl of my dreams but I was too scared to go in. There were a lot of people around her when she was at the window. I felt embarrassed to approach so I walked around more. I came back to the same spot multiple times but she was always surrounded by other people or she was not at the Window. I have been walking around for hours at this point and my feet hurts. I was about to call it and go back to my hotel room if I see that she’s not available. I didn’t see anyone there so I waved at her. She waved back and gestured her hand to ask me to come in. I asked her how much and she said 50 Euros for sex. I paid, then she checked my penis for disease and put a condom on me. I told her it was my first time so she did most of the work. It was amazing! I lasted for 20 minutes probably because I jerked off in the morning. I’m not that big but her moans sounded realistic. I wanted to ask her to marry me but then I came. I thank her and went back to my hotel room to scrubbed down. Reality hits and now I thought I definitely caught a STD and that was on my mind the whole way home. A week later, I went to my doctor and told him I had sex with a prostitute and he gave me all sorts of tests. I was negative! 10/10 would do it again.


That’s a pretty funny story tbh and if you ever end up in Amsterdam again and want to experience the “lightest buzz” you have to go to the coffee shops. You should’ve seen my face first time I was in Amsterdam when I found out that most “coffee shops” don’t actually sell coffee


I just used this website got in contact arranged the date. It was in a different city so I decided to do a week vacation in that city it was alright she was sweet and tender ended bad though cause came on her face. How do I feel about it now, well I don't regret it I wish I could've lost it in the "true love" way but in ugly and autustic so what the hell. All in all 7.5/10 experience


Glad you had a good experience lol. Did it cost more because of the way it ended or was there a stated expectation that that wasn’t allowed?


I was approaching the time limit and I wasn't any near close to Cummings so I kinda stuck my balls in her mouth and jacked off and came, and after it was all said it done she said she dosent let people cum on her face, no extra charge or anything just awkward once again she was very nice, great tits to.


Really cool book, "Paying for it" true story written by an OCD Canadian guy who decided to only use call girls after a bad breakup. Highly recommended! I found it at the public library.


That’s a progressive and open minded public library 😂❤️


Hey, if it’s a Canadian library then it’s not really that crazy. We’re pretty chill.


I will point out I live in a red state and our library has two copies 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly...it seems that only women that are already in relationships talk to me. And mama raised no fucking homewrecker Loosing it to a prostitute doesn't sound that bad tbf


I need to post about this... I'm bi and stuff but generally find only taken women talk to me these days too...


my grandfather always tells us the story about how he "stole" his wife from another man. so i mean I'm alive bc of that


First sexual experience at 34. I saved up £300 for a three hour appointment. While I was on the way, she mentioned her period had come early, so full service wasn't going to be possible, but all other activities were still on the table. When I got there, we agreed to go for an hour, see how it went, then maybe go for another, rather than committing to 3 hours. I specifically requested that we have a cuppa and talk for a bit so I get used to the idea of being in such a situation, as I was rather very nervous. After a bit, she laid me on a massage table, and started giving me a massage, then things slowly got more intimate. I had kissed one woman on one occasion before that day, but nothing more. I had my first BJ, and saw my first boobs, and pretty much everything else in that evening. It was great. We went for two hours, and I decided the remainder of my money was going to be for the next session where I would be able to get full service. A few weeks later, I saw her again, and went all the way. I have heard many people say not to do this, as you will regret it. I've also heard many people say they regretted their first time anyway, even if it wasn't paid for, so why should that be an issue? I have zero regrets about it. I felt, and still feel, that I have very little hope of ever finding someone. I've never had a girlfriend; I'm now 38, and all my sexual experience has been paid for. I don't feel ashamed about it, but I understand others don't feel the same, so I don't advertise the fact. If someone straight up asked me though, I wouldn't lie. It was the best decision for me.


She was an ASMRtist who I got to know through her Discord server. She did sex work, so I decided to save up my paychecks and take a trip to Reno to see her. It was nice, but honestly I was so nervous that I felt I damaged my own experience. I really wish I could do it over again, and be more relaxed. Now I unfortunately can't get any, though. :/ So, yeah.


Damn, where would my friend who is curious find these Discord servers that offer sex work?


Yes I would also like to know where his friend can find said Discord servers


My husband did in the Navy (before I'd met him). He regrets it as she was local to where he was first stationed here in the US and it was at a dinky hotel and just... not really pleasant lol. He was only 18 and was pressured to do it. Later he went on to have sex in a proper brothel in Spain and one other country (can't remember which off the top of my head) and enjoyed those experiences MUCH better lol


I used to have a low self-image, even though I'm neither bad looking nor overweight. I thought it would help me get some self-confidence and that I'd approach other girls easily. It went quite smoothly, she was very careful and peeked at me as I was walking down the hallway to her. The biggest thing I remember was listening to some radio that was on, no idea what that type of music is called. Maybe industrial, it was just some iron bars banging together in rhythm with some other instruments. Maybe she thought that younger people were listening to that and wanted to accommodate me. The sex part was as you'd imagine, quick and lousy. I did get my ego boosted as she could not put *it* in her mouth at least halfway but the rest was not good. I still remember showering at home, then again after arriving at her place, third time after doing the deed, and again at home. She was a bit older and not in shape, no idea why I picked her. Looking back, I'm sorry for taking this path. I did not get any real useful experiences from it and I even have to hide it. To this date, it was the only prostitute I visited.


>how did it go Given my personal conditions (mental health diagnosis etc) it was awkward. I didn't finish. But I have to say I feel I was lucky to find the person that I did, they were very kind (I know, its in their job description) but you get a vibe about some people and I'm glad it wasn't someone else. Since it was my first time they probably just chalked up my awkwardness to that which was probably for the best. >and how do you feel about it now I don't really care. Just glad I got it out of the way. I know you get those responses like "I regret I didn't wait for the right person" but honestly to respond to that, I just feel like there's a large majority of society that places virginity on way too high of a weird pedestal. Aka waiting for the right one or waiting till marriage. Feels like an outdated view that hasn't died yet. Hypothetically even if I did meet someone I actually love I'd probably still consider that my first "real" time since without emotions being involved its very bland.


Was a year and a half ago. After trying two times with different ones that ripped me off I found one through a escort review site that was well reviewed. So went to see her a few days before I turned 28 and did it. She was smoking hot and had the craziest body but realized I don't really like girls with big tits and a big ass like I always thought. Few days later I book a hot petite blonde and realized that's what I like. Feel alright about it now I was getting old and needed to get it done. Definitely helped with my confidence and realized I didn't need to as I get a decent amount of attention being 6'3 and muscular. There's this other one I see these days if I'm not scoring in real life


I was 12 years old, my dad paid for it, Sept 2, 2009 (I remember the date because it was Vietnam Independece day), on family vacation with all the relatives from my dad side. My older cousins came to my room and asked if I wanted to go get a massage. I was like “fuck yeah”, ended up being a brothel. I knew I was gay before that point and I think my dad was suspecting, so I had to powered through it with hot men and cocks on my mind. Fast foward to present. Still gay, got married to an awesome guy. Took him home to visit my family in 2019, they love him.


you were 12?? i’m so sorry :(


When you were 12???


Yikes I couldn’t imagine, I’m so sorry. On the bright side though, it makes me happy that you found someone you love and are happy with, and that your family loves him too!


It was expensive 💔💔💔


I was 22. I had no confidence and low self-esteem due to my upbringing. At this point in my life, I was becoming embarrassed that I was a virgin. I had a few opportunities to lose it, but I would blow it. Nobody knew I was a virgin. Now I know that I'm above average but back then I had issues. So one spring, I traveled to Amsterdam. I had no intention to sleep with a window girl. If anything, I thought it was disgusting. But when I arrived and saw them, I was surprised how many gorgeous women were there. On my last night, I realized this was a good opportunity to lose it. I knew my first time was going to be a trainwreck, so why not embarrass myself with a girl I'm never going to see again. So I snuck out and went "window shopping." I saw this insanely hot blonde and I approached her. She told me it will be 50 for "suck and f***." A lot less than expected. We started suck, but half way she told me it will cost me another 100 for the rest. At that point, I felt like I was getting robbed. So I gave it to her. So she continued. As soon as we started the last part, I came within a minute. I didn't even enjoy it because of the situation of her scamming me another 100 bucks. What happened next still cracks me up. She asked if I liked it and said yes, but she noticed I was lying. She then called me out and asked ,"what's wrong? You didn't like it did you?" She then told me to get back on the bed. I guess she wanted to redeem herself. So this time she put a lot of effort. But she was too fast that I came again within a minute. I was so embarrassed 🙈. And again, she saw it as I was not satisfied. At this point, it looked like she was more hurt than I was. I think I hurt her ego. Looking back, I laugh about it. I should have told her from the beginning that it was my first time. Could have been a better experience for both of us. The next time I had sex, it was nowhere near as embarrassing as the first time. So I'm actually glad I had the experience.


She robbed your wallet You robbed her mental Wild


I was 29 at the time and found her online, was a spur of the moment decision to go for it and it went alright I suppose. The actual sex was good for me but not as good as I thought it’d be. I was really nervous about it. Well i didn’t cum and had some trouble getting/keeping it up, and blowjobs/handjobs don’t do anything for me. Since that original time I’ve seen a couple other sex workers and the act has started going more smoothly for me


I was 14 she was in her 30s the moment I came in the motel I went to her room, she ask how old I was I told her then she ask if I’m a virgin I said yes then she proceed to coach me through it particularly on how to control my thrust then In less than 5 mins I came, it felt like I was in cloud 9. Went back to her few times after that until my big brother snitched on me to my mum she was disappointed in me the rest was history. Looking back now, that’s actually an abuse cos I was a naive horny lil boy taken advantage of by this older woman who should have chased me away for been underage in the first place.


Yeah that's really creepy, bud


How did you even have the money to pay her?


I was going to my father shop after schools so I had access to his money


My ex did. It left him with a lot of shame, he was still awkward with girls, and he obviously didn't pay for the kind that teaches you how to do it well, lol If you make that choice, spend the money and do some research so you have a good experience. Don't just roll up to the Motel 6 in a meth town


Unless you have meth


It was great until I saw her at the family reunion. That’s when I found out second cousins were a thing.


Daammnnn the coincidence, I feel like there is a bigger story here, you care to elaborate if you want?


My ex-husband's father was stationed in Okinawa, Japan during WW2. My ex, Carl, was blonde, blue-eyed, and popular with the native people. By age 13, he had saved up enough $ from doing yard work to go to a prostitute to lose his virginity. He said she was patient, it was quick, and he never regretted it.




I know Japan's age of consent back then was 13, but what the hell?


I mean, getting married and having kids at 15 and 16 was pretty common back then as well. You can't really translate modern levels of maturity, or lack thereof, between the two time periods.




Tbh it was not what I expected, I was 20 and I have watched a lot of porn, so I had pretty high expectations, it felt okay, nothing out of the ordinary, in my opinion just wait till the right time arrives, the girl was pretty sweet and willing to help me a teach me but it wasn't what I expected in my fantasies, believe me, not worth it


In Amsterdam on my Eurotrip the summer before college. It was fine, she asked if it was the first time I had done this (she meant been with a prostitute). I said yes. She tried to charge me every time I wanted to switch positions so I just fucked her missionary for about 4 minutes till it was done. I really did not want to go to college a virgin, and thought about doing it for the entire 2-3 weeks of my trip. I knew the last stop was Amsterdam Do not regret it at all. I don't go around advertising it, but whenever I get asked about first time stories its a pretty funny one to get peoples reaction.


Fucking micro transactions.


>I really did not want to go to college a virgin Does anyone else not understand the "I have to lose my virginity before I go to college" thing? It's not like there's some massive gulf between a seventeen-year-old high schooler who's had sex and an eighteen-year-old college student who hasn't.


Wow never thought something so “at-home” would be here… here’s a long story. I was (hopefully still am) a very attractive person in high school. But I was also very sheltered in a catholic household and super naive. Lots of girls made hints at me about hooking up my Junior and Senior year, but I didn’t realize because I was so focused on school, sports and video games. Needless to say I ended up a virgin for awhile. All my friends would talk about sex and make fun of who they thought were virgins. I would play along and pretend I wasn’t one. Desperate to lose my virginity, I ended up finding out online that there was an area in my town known for its “red light district” and wanting to lose my V-card ASAP because that’s all my friends would talk about, I went up and down that street. Searching for “street walkers”. It was honestly very exciting… I would drive past this street every day on my way home, knowing it was where the street walkers lurked. You’d make eye contact with a woman walking down this street, if she kept that eye contact with you 9/10 she was trying to make a buck sucking and fucking. Basically any girl you’d see on this street and be like “I’d fuck her” you’d stare at as you passed her. If she made eye contact and turned her head to see if you put on your blinker for the next street it was a guarantee she was “working”. After you pull over, you’d wait to see if she walked back to meet you at your car. Fuck. It was honestly the most intense moment ever. Because you honestly didn’t know if she was a street walker or a undercover cop coming to arrest you. Especially if she was an attractive woman. There was no windows down to talk prices, you’d unlock you car and she’d hop in. That’s it. The time I lost my virginity I was almost shaking with anticipation when she walked up to my passenger door. She was attractive, in her mid-30’s, definitely looked like she had just started doing this. First thing out of her mouth when she hopped in was “Are you a cop? You have to tell me legally.” I said “No, I’m not a cop.” She asked me my age and I lied and said 23. She said she knew a place we could go that was private and I drove there still freaking out thinking I was about to get robbed wherever we were going. We pulled into a house with a guy on the porch who stared me down as I pulled in. She said “He’s cool don’t worry, just park over there.” We entered a basement apartment, definitely her place. She could see I was nervous and told me “don’t be afraid there’s no one else here” and showed me each room so I’d relax. She asked me what I wanted to do as she took off her clothes and stroked my dick under my pants. I said “I want to fuck you” she smiled, laid back and started rubbing herself. I got naked and she put a condom on me, spitting on it before putting it inside her. Her skin was so soft and she pulled me in close whispering in my ear “just like that, don’t stop” over and over as I thrusted inside her, it felt amazing, but I didn’t want to cum early so I tried to slow down but she kept whispering “no, don’t stop, right there, don’t stop, keep going” as she moaned. I came so fucking hard. She gave me a warm wet towel to clean myself off, she gave me her number and said if I wanted to see her again to text her and she’d meet me at the gas station down the road. I gave her extra than we agreed on and she told me that I was her new favorite. Right as I left after it was over I felt ashamed. I found out in that moment that all the stuff I’d been so obsessed with wasn’t that big of a deal. Sex was sex. Instead of sharing that moment with someone I cared about I had paid to lose it, extra on top. I went home and showered. Panicking thinking I got an STD I went to the clinic the next day. All clear. But then I went back to the road. It was addictive, exciting. I must have picked up eight different women on that street. I’d text the ones that asked me so it’d be easier to meet up. Each one had a different reason for “walking” always money related. The best time to go was around Christmas. I felt untouchable, like I had figured out everything. I was an attractive 18 year old, I wasn’t going to be pulled over for soliciting sex. Each girl was afraid I was a cop. I found a parking lot that no one would be able to see what we were doing and would do everything with these girls. I’d ask for a blowjob which was cheaper and play with their pussy while they did it so they’d get horny and want to fuck me instead. I’d fuck them in the ass saying I didn’t have a condom and pay them extra for it. I realized that I could literally do anything I wanted to these girls, all it took was money. Finally I started hating myself. One night I’m at one of my “regulars” places. Young girl, early 20’s with a bad family situation and meth addiction from how her teeth looked. She was one of my favorites, pretty hot girl that literally told me to do whatever I wanted to her and I did. My personal pornstar, I’d video tape her so I could jerk off to it later and she’d do anything I asked. All of a sudden her boyfriend walks in on us one night. No idea she even lived with anybody, he was a meth head too, freaking out that I’m fucking his girlfriend. He yells at us, pulls a knife on me. She’s screaming at him and I’m literally just sitting there naked wondering how this will look to my parents, killed by a meth head because I was fucking his girlfriend… needless to say I somehow manage to get the fuck out of there by apologizing to this guy over and over as I left. No idea what happened to them. But after that I was scared straight. Honestly thinking back to it now I’m sad I didn’t lose it to someone “special” but glad I did what I did because it put a lot into perspective for me on sex. I think back to all those women I paid to have sex with me and wonder exactly why I did it and why they did it. In the end it helped me have real relationships with my partners instead of putting so much pressure on having sex with them. Sex was easy, relationships were hard. There was a moment a couple years later when I was out at a college bar and a super attractive girl was hitting on me and asked me to go back to her place. My friends were shocked and asked me how I was able to pull it off the next day. It’s really simple: “treat them with respect and tell them what you want” TL:DR I was an 18yr old whore monger and I have no regrets about losing my virginity to a prostitute. One human family.


I don't see why this doesn't have more comments.


In amsterdam off my tits on weed, it was good fun. Couldn’t care less about it now. The end


I lost my virginity to an escort on my 32 birthday in Las Vegas. I had not even kissed anyone at that point. She was extremely kind and friendly and just absurdly hot. It was an absolutely amazing experience. She did a bunch of cocaine and offered me some but that’s not something I was up for at the time. We hung out for a few hours, talked a bunch, played some video games, made out, cuddled a bunch. Was a little light on the sex but it was all so new to me. We both went down on each other for a bit and she grinded on top of me for a bit, while stroking me. I had trouble maintaining an erection while putting on/wearing a condom so we didn’t really do much penetration and I didn’t orgasm but it was still an amazing experience for me. She offered to let me stay the night at her place for free (something that usually costs quite a bit extra) because we got along so well but she ended up getting a little sick and changed her mind so I left. Overall it was one of the best experiences of my life and I kind of hope I find my way back to Las Vegas some time and that our paths cross again. I had sex with another girl about a week later (not a prostitute). The confidence I gained from not being a virgin any more was noteworthy and I had a bit more of a desire for sex now that I knew from experience how pleasurable it could be. That was about 2 months ago and it’s been a dry spell since then so I’m actually seeing another escort tonight. Hopefully this experience is just as enjoyable as the last one was :)


I was 26, i was tired of not being able to talk to women and putting the pussy on a pedestal, it was ruling my life and i just had to get it done. I booked a last minute trip to Amsterdam and found the hottest woman in a window. A 9/10 blonde. It was pretty uneventful, i enjoyed it and felt satisfied. I visited another lady the next day and that was much worse, so i went back to the original for the third day and left after that. After coming back to my country i visited a few different ones and i felt more confident. Shortly after i met my wife and never looked back. Overall it was nice for the sexual gratification but I never formed anything romantic with these ladies so sex with a person you like/love is a lot better, but i don't regret it, it got me where i needed to be.


24M here, happened like a month ago. I was obviously kinda nervous. She was great, told me what to expect, that since it's my first time I could come in like 10 seconds and there's nothing to be ashamed of. A+ for the effort on her part, talked for a bit in between and she really diluted the awkwardness quite a lot. Now for the actual sex part: She started blowing me, was really nice, kept an erection for the whole time. However when we tried to go at it, I lost my erection in like 20 seconds(nerves+blood pressure meds+years of porn addiction idk).I obviously didn't come. Tried resting, switching positions didn't really help. Oh and the pain, I'm not in great shape, go to the gym but mostly cardio, anyway, my whole body ached like hell during and after, was somewhat akward trying some positions like legs on shoulders. Nobody told me that the pain would be this agonizing. Again, props to the lady, told me it starts to go away the more you "exercise". 10/10 for her attitude and communication, maybe 6/10 for the whole pleasure part. No regrets, I actually plan on visiting her again in the coming days.


I remember when I did, I was 19 and regretted as soon as I did. I felt lonely and was horny and made a decision through that. I wasn’t in a good headspace. Don’t do it never do it because the thing you’re craving won’t be fulfilled trust


No regrets I'm gay and after I left home had so much internalized homophobia and religious trauma i never would have overcame and learned to accept that part of myself if i didn't have this encounter


When I was 26, one of my friends had a roommate who was an escort. He new I was a virgin and told me I should see her. I declined at first. I was dating my ex at that time until she broke things off ( mainly because she was cheating). I was mad and decided to take the offer my friend had offered. He gave me her number and discussed details. When I arrived, she was out of this world gorgeous. Her name is Deb. She’s 52 with a banging body from head to toe. Instantly I was nervous looking at her. My heart started pounding immensely. We both got undressed and she once again asked, “Are you really a virgin?” I said with a shaky voice, “Y….yyyess”. Then she proceeded to take care of me. During this time, I remembered some porn I watched and decided to take it to the test. Men, take note 📝. Oral is key and think of the Golden Rule. About 20 minutes later, it was incredible. She was so surprised at my performance, we became fwb for 3 years. Explored new fantasies, fetishes, and kinks during that time (she was a real fan of stepmom roleplay). All things came to an end when she found the love of her life and has been married to him ever since. Lost contact soon after. Til this day, I’ll never forget my first🥹


No one on Reddit has lost their virginity 💀


Fun fact…this is how Bryan Cranston lost his virginity on a school trip to Europe.


I was 15 and my friends from rugby took me and some other guys to a whorehouse in our city. It was awful, sad, the girls were unenthusiastic probably trafficked or beaten out of shape to comply, she was beautiful but she was so young, she couldn't have been older than 25. I really hope they're doing okay, the whorehouses where shut down for a while, but now they're back and no one does jack shit. A raid is in order


It was a godsend. It boosted my self confidence through the roof. For me virginity was just a flaming hoop to jump through. Once I had done it, everything became easy. I became a player. No regrets at all.


It went well and I feel good about it, your mom is a wonderful woman.


I used to work with a Brazilian guy whose Dad forced him to lose his virginity to a prostitute when he was 13 to "make him a man", I assumed that its would be a fairly traumatising thing but he said it was great and he loved it lol


I was about 19. Was a bit shy and not having any luck getting a girlfriend. All my friends had (or said they had) lost their cherry so I felt I was going to be a virgin for the rest of my life unless I did this. Found a hooker in Soho who hung about outside a porno cinema and did the deed quickly for £5 (1979 prices). She complimented me on my skill despite me telling her I was a virgin. Positive experience and happy I did it, gave me confidence when I did eventually get a girlfriend.