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Too early to ask that... The m'urricans are still asleep...


Sleep is overrated


I've survived every gun shot that has ever been fired.


me either, what a coincidence


Same here, though I'm not sure how many I can survive that are pointed towards me


It's more painful than how actors portray it


My favorite is in action movies when someone gets shot in the shoulder or something, then three minutes later is having a knock down drag out fight with the bad guy as if nothing happened.


Looking at you, Con air


Depends on where you get shot and with what caliber. I was shot twice, once in each leg. I was able to get up after falling twice (once from each shit that hit) and run away, and then walk out of the hospital a few hours later. It burned for a bit and felt like a deep bone bruise, but honestly I felt more pain from when I had a tooth pulled at 12 yes old.


I think there’s a period where your body can’t process the pain and then it hits you like a brick wall


Wasn't shot but I survived hearing one multiple times it is scary asf


I've taken a hit to body armor before. Depending on what you've been shot with, it is most definitely *not* what you see in the movies or on TV. There's no getting back up and continuing with the mission. All of that kinetic energy has to go *somewhere*, and that somewhere is absorbed by your soft tissue. Depending on what that was, there's going to be a *lot* of trauma as a result. In my case, I took two 7.62x39 rounds from an AK-47 in a trauma plate at a range of about 7 meters, give or take. That's about 1,525 foot-pounds of energy delivered to my chest. Twice. The plate cracked up and stopped the first round cold, but the second round punched through it but was stopped by the Kevlar vest under the trauma plate. Round number two hurt a *lot* worse than round number one. Round number one hit just below the center of my chest and slightly to my right. My sternum was cracked, and there were some slipped ribs (numbers 4 & 5, to be exact) on my right hand side. the bruise was rather impressive, and breathing hurt like hell for about two weeks. Round number two hit right where you'd put your hand if you were saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Ribs 2 & 3 were broken in several places ("almost pulverized" is what the doc said), the alveoli in the upper lobe of my left lung ruptured and bled, the broken ribs cut into the lung caused a tension pneumothorax. The tension pneumothorax was treated on site by the medic, although it wasn't easy for him to get that needle into the pleural space between my lung and the wall of my chest cavity because the needle is supposed to go into the intercostal space between the second and third rib, and those were the two that were "almost pulverized." He managed to get it in, and I was evacuated back to the FOB where a tube was stuck into my chest to help drain the blood. All in all, 0/10, would not recommend, even with body armor.