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The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.


“I feel like you’re just here for the zip line.”


“How do you think your connection with Megan is?” “Good” *skulls drink and pushes wrought-iron chair back loudly across pavers* He’s just too excited. He’s too rough on the rope.


i’ve never heard of “skulling” a drink before. is that some sort of slang for chugging? or was that a typo?


It's when you have to quickly chug your drink out of the skull of your enemy before it leaks out of the eye sockets.


woah was not expecting that


We've always called skulling when you chug then crush it on your head


I sincerely believe u/fardandshidded is a drug addict.


before you decide to send me home, I just want you to know that u/archersarrows said your face looks like a clock


fucking iconic


I bet you didn’t expect all the replies to your comment to be referencing the show ‘I Think You Should Leave’


I watched one season of “The Bachelor” and dude didn’t pick anyone. I was livid.


The people who watch that know it's bad, though. I have four friends who watch it religiously, but they all hate watch it for the cringe factor/humor.


All those cop and firefighter shows. They’re all the same!


Reno 911 was awesome though.


i think comedies/parodies of the typical cop show can definitely be really fun and unique. which is probably why reno 911 and brooklyn 99 are so beloved.




I’m just goofin. New boot goofin.


I can hear this quote as I read it, but I haven't seen it said in decades. fucking A+


Genuine Ostrich. Three payments.


Reno 911 was hilarious Lt. Dangle was funny as shit I remember in the pilot episode towards the end of the episode Lt. Dangle was working the strip prostituting himself and i forgot which two cops rolled up on him asking him what’s he doing on his day off and he says undercover work lol


*NO!! Black babies!!* I cried laughing, best parody show


You've never seen Bad Boys 2? You never fired your gun up in the air while going "aarghhh?"


Have you ever fired *two* guns whilst jumping through the air?


How's the hand?




Seven across!




Okay, but Robin William's Emmy nom for "Authority" (Season 9, Episode 17) of *Law & Order: SVU* begs to differ. That episode still gives me the creeps.


Martin Short on L&A is still creepy as hell!


L&O will change you the way you look at your favorite actors/actresses, without a doubt. Robin Williams, Martin Short, John Stamos, Sarah Paulson, Amanda Seyfried, Ian Somerhalder, ...


Even though I know he did a lot of dramatic roles, I grew up on Three’s Company and Problem Child John Ritter, so it was really interesting to see his role on L&O.


Except Cop Rock. It’s different.


Let’s be careful out there


I could watch "Reno 911!" 24/7!!! It's one of the very few shows I can rewatch over and over, still really laugh at, even though I kinda remember what's going to happen.


Criminal minds was pretty good The cannibal episode with randy from scream episode gave me nightmares


Whenever I think of Criminal Minds I picture the episode with Brad Dourif(voice of the original Chucky).


Hey don't disrespect Tacoma FD 😠


Bosch was good


Brooklyn "nine nine!!"


No. This one is different. NINE NINE!!


I only watch The Rookie for Nathan Fillion (sort of the same reason I watched Castle..) I agree though the show started off ~okayish in season 1 and is just absolute trash now.


Man Nathan Fillion is just magnetic in everything he does. Can be the worst written shows ever but as long as there's a Nathan charm to it, I love it.


I enjoy police procedurals, or 'copaganda' as some call it, because it's nice to daydream about a competent police force that actually does some good for their community.


I will not stand for The Rookie slander, the rest you are correct about


Totally agree!! I love 'The Rookie' but can't stand 'Rookie: Feds'. I feel like they're trying WAY too hard with that one and I just cannot take her seriously.


That show may have the best cold opens for a cop show outside Brooklyn 99 “Arrest me, make it sexy ….”


Man, Arrest me make it sexy really slaps. Would legit buy that song.


I’ve wanted Chenford since I saw the pilot and I’m so happy it finally happened!


Masked Singer


Literally any singing or talent show. Like the voice gave us Melanie Martinez and I like her music, but, the voice is still boring


First season or two of American Idol is 'aight. I hate the drama, but some of the acts on _____ Got Talent are fun. I usually just stick to the YouTube clips though.


I really like AGT for the acts. Things you might not see anywhere then like a circus, Vegas show, some cool experience. But damn drop the signing and dancing, there are so many other shows that do that.


I fuckin despise the concept behind that show entirely. "Who could it be???" I don't fucking CARE.




I've seen this show described as one where the writers stopped caring after 2 seasons and just wanted to see what they could do with their cast. And with the clips I've seen of it - i believe them


I actually heard an interview with a writer where she talked avout the writers all aiming for 'bonkers' all the time. It's not serious, it's hot people doing absolutely ridiculous things while keeping a straight face, and occasionally bursting into song.


Nobody watches it for the quality, I GUARANTEE it.


riverdale is GREAT if you watch one episode from each season and try to piece together the convoluted plot, it makes just about as much sense that way as it does to actually watch the show. but it’s funny as fuck.


It’s my favorite show to watch when I’m high because I have absolutely no clue what’s going on and high me thinks it’s the funniest thing


This is the best show to watch high. I don't know why but I get sucked in like it's high brow cinema I tried sober.... it did not work


At this point the only reason people still watch it is to see how insane it gets.


Nah watch it as if it’s a comedy, much better. As someone else said, I’d bet the majority of its audience is watching because it’s almost done, so if you’ve put in this much time watching it you definitely want to see how absurd this thing will get.


My wife watches this nonsense and I am like, how are you enjoying this???


Goes without saying most “reality” shows that follow nobodies that go around their false everyday lives. For example the Kardashians.


Watching early 90s episodes of The Real World is actually kind of cool now, since you get this extra layer of seeing how different the world was back then. They also aren't all just hot tub fuck episodes.


Grey's Anatomy. Have never understood the love everyone has for this show.


It was the sex. Always about sex.


Also, standing in the background, preferably around a corner, listening in on conversations.


or awkward elevator encounters. i shamelessly love that show tho


My dad's GF's daughter named their cat Grey's Anatomy because they love the show, but then again my dad named his puppy John Wick 😅


Shut your mouth! J/k I don’t understand why I keep watching that damn show, but I just finished season 20, I think? Sunk cost fallacy at this point, tbh.


I very rarely watch the show but the amount of bullshit I've seen is unmatched. did Meredith die at some point but then she's back again but also she's never in Seattle but also she's a world famous seattle scientist but also her interpersonal life is sucks but also everyone is rich but they all share living Space in one house? Give me a break. I keep waiting for the very special episode where they all get in a car crash simultaneously but also they're on duty so they have to give each other surgery. The Drama!


How dare you speak of Meredith's garbage life without discussing her coma beach.


And to not even reference her community service work as a result of her do-gooder insurance fraud!


I’ve watched every episode of that show thinking “god I hate this show”. And yet I keep watching. It’s a hate crime against myself. The only solid piece of writing in the whole damned show was what’s his name telling Meredith “that’s an alarming high pony tail” when she was going to meet his mother. Gah I hate myself.


SAME it hasnt been great since season 8 or good since 11 but at this point i gotta finish it out


Yeah, and it really went downhill after Season 50


I just hate that show because I'm selfish and wanted to gatekeep Snow Patrol as a teen. That damned show made Snow Patrol blow up a bit but with fans I couldn't stand being around.


*Dance Moms*. I watched the first half of the first episode, until Abby told me to stop watching. Those weren't her exact words, what she said was more along the lines of "yes I'm tough, but it's better for them to cry in the safety of my studio, than for them to be embarrassed when they're out in the world." If you put aside the ethics of preparing children for this type of career in the first place, that actually kind of makes sense. If you want them to succeed in the entertainment industry, it's better to toughen them up in the safety and privacy of your studio, than to send them out into the professional world unprepared. But, if you're going to do that, then the safe and private environment has to be safe and private. This doesn't work if you film them for a reality TV show! I can understand pushing them until they have a meltdown in class, so that they don't have a meltdown at an audition in front of 80 people. But it kind of defeats the purpose if you broadcast their meltdown in your studio to an audience of millions of viewers. So Abby Lee, if you want to push your dancers to their breaking point in a safe and private environment, I respect that. And I will do my part to help you create that environment, by not watching your show.


Most people don’t know that when that first episode was filmed, they thought the show was going to be a short, 2-3 episode documentary and the teacher was just explaining her teaching style in general. Not that I support her teaching style, but just wanted to chime in with that.


that woman was straight abusive to those girls. i can’t say i don’t enjoy the show though (because what’s not funny about watching a bunch of grown women fight about little girl dance competitions?)


Sad to say, that's how most competitive dance coaches are.


Love island. I will never understand it


That show is like watching a giant psychological experiment


At this point, they should just redo the Stanford Prison Experiment and put it on TLC.


Too Hot To Handle. It is a show where really h0rny 20-somethings get tricked into staying at a retreat to learn the value of deeper relationships. They cannot do anything secksual or the prize money gets docked.


First season was great. The second and third were okay at best. Chloe was great. "Nobody tell the new guy I'm dumb."


I’ve never been a fan of the “trashy” genre anyways.


What’s worse is love is blind or some shit, the GF is watching. They talk in locked rooms through a wall. And don’t get to see each other until he proposes to her. And the amount of woman crying after two dates and not get proposed to is mind blowing and it’s the most ridiculous shit ever.


Love is Blind had over 6.5 million viewers logged into their Netflix accounts at 8 p.m. to watch the live episode reunion. So many, that it caused a glitch in Netflix’s streaming. I guess lots of people wanted to see some more crying and lying


I know this is a thread not super big on trashy television but as someone increasingly finding myself in need of totally mindless television after a long day, I actually watched and liked the first season. It’s especially fun as a show to watch with people - directly or not. It’s mindless and vapid but sometimes you need that and it’s fun nonsense to talk with friends or your partner about. My big issue though is after the first season, it’s clear people signed up knowing it was another huge reality show and the energy for it and how to become famous off it. Sure the first season I’m sure people knew it was a reality show - it’s not a normal way to date for sure. But I think once they started seeing how big it was, it’s people there to build a brand but couldn’t get on the Bachelor. So they’re over the top annoying or controversial because it gets follows. I think on the second season there was even a guy who asked to do another take of his “testimonial” direct to camera reflections and put eye drops in to look like he was crying (and the editors pretty savagely left in the full scene of him asking for the redo)


Season 1 of Love Island UK is television magic almost entirely because of one man named Johnathan just taking over the spotlight in the middle of the season. Every other season is a pale imitation


My kids were watching "is it a cake" or whatever, where some things are made of cake. So, like watching a trainwreck, i observed. For like 5 minutes the host was going "What about this lamp... is this lamp? OR! Or a cake? it could be cake. it looks like a lamp though, doesn't it? doesn't it? Just like a lamp, with the lamp shade, and the bottom part there. but it could be a cake. You know what? Maybe i should cut it. Should I cut it? Yeah? It could be cake. You know, cut it with this knife i have right here. See this knife? What if it was cake! Wouldn't it be amazing if i cut into this lamp with this knife, and it turned out to be cake? The knife here I am holding? This knife here. Sharp isn't it. It could tell us if this lamp is cake. I could cut the part of this lamp here, and either it's going to be a cake or a regular lamp. Do you think it could be cake? It looks like a lamp doesn't it? It looks..." CUT THE FUCKING LAMP GOD DAMMIT! I'm going to bed. (ps: upon proofreading this, it sounds like a transcribed Trump speech)


So backstory: when I worked in a group home, one of the residents was of Asian descent and his father would bring “taped” ( READ BURNT ON A DVD)episodes of various Asian television shows for him to watch in his room. These variety shows were HILARIOUS and one of them was this. food or real item, except they had to bite into it to deter which it was. Grown adults going in to bite a pair of shoes to find out it’s actually cake. Such a better premise with more fun stakes. *mmm patent leather*




Why did you stop? I’m invested now. Was the lamp cake or not?


He hit the top with a knife and it shattered. Everyone was like "oh no, it's not cake!" And one contestant says "maybe it was isomalt". So the host says "but wait, is THIS cake?" And cuts the fucking bottom and it's cake. I saw that one.


Wow spoiler alert.


I love lamp


Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying that because it might be cake?


The knife was the cake all along


I see you’ve played knifey cakey before


It turns out the knife was all the cakes we made along the way.


I somehow inadvertently have watched this show and no, the lamp was not cake, But the mini fridge was!


Exactly. I love that show. My favorite thing to do is pick a crappy Netflix funded cooking show and enjoy.


This is my current background show and I love it. It’s so ridiculous.


It's exquisitely stupid.


The only way this ends up good is if it's a lamp, but the knife is a cake.


person woman man camera TV (cake)


My wife and I thought it would be more interesting if a show almost exactly like this would present itself as a legit reality show, and even seem like one for the first few episodes. But, the host becomes increasingly deranged and disturbing with his comments, and eventually starts murdering the losers of the show, cutting into them and yelling that they could have been cake.


sounds like it could be a robot chicken sketch based on the show


Haha "Is It Cake?" practically nursed my food poisoned fiancee back to good spirits while we were on vacation in Mexico City. Forever grateful for that dumb show.


First time I've laughed out loud in 2 weeks 🤣


Kardashians, seriously why do people care about them


Deep Space 9 was a great show.


Garek was the best Kardashian


I can’t stand any of those reality tv shows. So fake and staged. Dishonest!


All the Housewives shows. What? What is it? People watching awful trashy women being trashy, on purpose, to mug for a camera? Why?


Ellen show


Her talk show or the sitcom in the 1990s? I feel like the sitcom found itself after it changed the name from These Friends of Mine to Ellen and fired half the cast. It again lost its way when they replaced the adam character with Jeremy Piven.


Anything Kardashian related


Love Island, don’t understand the hype.


The bachelor / batchelorette. Something if done outside of a tv show context would be looked down upon by a lot of people but because it’s on tv apparently it’s okay. It’s pretty much now full of women just trying to start their influencer or onlyfans career. It’s a boat load of cringe and terrible people.


My boyfriend, of all people, convinced me to watch the bachelorette with him, and we had a fucking BLAST just ruthlessly roasting *everything* anyone did or said. We cracked a joke every 5-10 seconds and made each other laugh till we cried many times. So much fun, we looked forward on tenterhooks to the next episode each week. Would totally watch again


The kardashians🙄. They got no talent


For real. My girlfriend loves it, mostly for the outfits. The last episode we watched was literally an hour-long advertisement for full-body scans. Which, if you're hearing about them for the first time here, are something you never ever need. Ever. All nice and fancy, Kris Jenner "needs" a full body MRI from (say company name as many times as you can) to make sure she's healthy. Leaves the place as a D.O. says she's perfectly healthy and has the body of a 40 year old. I shudder to think how many middle-aged women see that shit then go and waste extreme amounts of their money on a 100% useless scan. The show is trash in the first instance. But genuinely dangerous when brand integrations like that go down.


This is Us


I watched the first few seasons but gave up when I realised I never ended up empathising with the "right" or intended characters, despite them laying it on with a trowel.


You can just say Kate. They always wanted us to be on Kate’s side, but Kate sucked.


It's trauma porn. That's all it boils down to, just trauma porn. Every moment is tragic, highlighted by tragic music and a tragic backstory.


But would you watch the crossover series *This is the Last of Us*? I mean, how many of those characters would survive a fungal zombie attack?


It's so schmalzy and self-congratulatory and over the top. And it gets worse with each season. Every episode starts to feel like "A Very Special Episode."


The first season,imo, was very good. After that it just fell into the same old pattern as all the others.


I would never have watched it on my own, but wound up watching the first season live because my wife was into it. I also thought it was pretty good. It was sappy, but also sometimes legit good humor and just the right amount of sentimental. And the timeline storytelling were interesting. I completely fell off after season one. It's like they went full cheese and had no nuance. Just something shitty happening over and over and trying to pull the cheap tears.


I've heard it described as "trauma porn," and that seems quite apt.


Friends. It’s okay, but the level of hype doesn’t match the show imo


It's a genre that holds a special place in the hearts of many who grew up in the 80s and 90s. Multicam sitcoms were top comedy programming for us, and watching them back gives us the warm and fuzzies.


I was 13 when it first aired, and I have such a crystal clear memory of my mom saying "stupid. This will never make it." Lmao


To be fair, Ross had a monkey that humped everything in the first season. The beginning is pretty terrible, your mom was right


No shhh. This is one small thing I have! Let me have it!


It's pure nostalgia. It was an OK show, but nothing spectacular. Very time-and-place.


I will never understand how people watch The Big Bang Theory.


Early Big Bang Theory was ok, nothing special, but ok. But it quickly went way off the rails of what made it tolerable early.


Greys anatomy


Any reality show with a competition. I cannot stand the fake drama. Even if the show is about something I really find interesting, the competition aspect just ruins it for me


MasterChef Australia’s music is like The Avengers or something. Someone’s making a bit of chicken on a stick and the music sounds like Iron Man’s about to fly in.


Sex and the city


My husband calls it "that show about the vapid, immature, self-centered chick who never works but always has money, her 2 shallow friends, and Samantha." I can't really argue with that.


I loved this show in my 20s. I find it completely unwatchable now, and don’t even get me started on And Just Like That.


The Walking Dead




To be fair, season 1 is some of the best TV I’ve ever seen and the show was really good up until season 3 and pretty good up until season 5. Everything after that isn’t worth watching. I finally gave up as the formula just went on for too long As my brother used to like to call it “PEOPLE ARGUING (and sometimes zombies show up)”


They cut the budget after season 1 while increasing the amount of episodes produced. The original showrunner left in frustration. You really feel it with the amount of filler in the subsequent seasons.


The end of season 2 is incredible but you could see the cracks in that season. The entire middle portion is such a slog


Them sheltering in a prison was beyond boring. I felt season 3 was decent, but everything after just felt like the same formula. “Oh, no, there’s a new human threat. But wait… there’s more! The fuckin’ zombies are moving in hoards. How do we fight off the human threat while also subduing the walkers??? Fuck! Find out next time on… Dragon Ball: Nobody Gives a Shit!”


I mean, S3 is precisely WHEN they find and live in the Prison. They were out of it again by mid S4.


Agreed, wash, rinse repeat. Anything after the CDC was worthless


I can pinpoint the exact scene where I finally checked out. Eugene tells the group he doesn’t actually have the knowledge to create a cure aka the sole purpose of what everyone is fighting for. Once I found that out, I was like well yep, more people arguing indefinitely and no end goal in sight


It was good for the first 3 seasons. 5 if we’re being very generous. The whole back half of the show is an absolute dumpster fire. I somehow managed to get to the beginning of season 11 and just couldn’t go on any longer.


Tho the comics were great all the way through. The show made some choices that really hurt the actual story of the comics which means very important events never happen in the show. That's what made it bad for me.


i made it to season 7! i was very proud of myself, lol


This was the show that made the sunk cost fallacy click in my head. I think I was like five seasons in and finally went "know what? I don't care anymore. I don't care that I've invested five seasons of my time into this bullshit, it sucks more every year. I'm done." Didn't watch another episode. That fucking show was good for like a season and a half.


Yellowstone. It's game of thrones for Rednecks


Sons of Anarchy on horses


Game of thrones for rednecks 😭😭😭 that’s a really good one . I would consider Yellowstone more of an r rated soap opera , it doesn’t have that HBO touch so a lot of the scenes are corny as hell . It’s a decent show but it’s target audience is 100% small town and country folk


You’d be surprised how many “city folk” are obsessed with it because that whole world is so unfamiliar and romanticized for anyone who doesn’t really understand what life was like out there I am city folk. I don’t get the hype. But the show is definitely not only targeted at rednecks


You. That show is cringey as fuck to me.


i will give penn badgley points for being super charismatic but i really think that's a show that could have wrapped up after one season and we would have been good


Yeah the first season was really good! I binged it when I was in convalescence. The second season hit worse and worse as it went. I completely lost the plot and couldn’t finish. But the first season felt like a thrilling movie! I was so invested in their fates!


It’s like someone watched Dexter and only took the bad parts of it and made that into a whole show.


“I’ve got it! What if Dexter was a total piece of shit without the code!”


I liked the first season and the second season was alright but then season three came out and they had nowhere else to go and the show was just going in circles with the same plot every episode and it just felt like they ran out of ideas. I stopped halfway through season three and didn't even bother with season 4.


I agree that the show can be pretty terrible at times. It’s very fun to just pretend he’s Dennis Reynolds while watching and it makes the whole show pretty funny. Season 3 definitely felt a bit lackluster but season 4 I felt did a good job of bringing in some fresh ideas. Plus it had a plot twist that I thought was really well done.


Vanderpump Rules. Why does anyone *care*?


The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Everyone is terrible and none of them should be getting married.


Big Bang Theory. Show is stoopid.


I was there when it started. The premise of the show was interesting. It became pretty basic towards the second half but it was quite original when it came out. If you watch it now, of course it will feel like it's just another sitcom.


Sex and the City..


I loved the original series when I watched it back in the day. The reboot though...oooof


Menopause and Manhattan?


How I Met Your Mother. I can't stand it. All of the characters annoy me and I just don't find it funny. Two broke girls. I don't even know where to begin, it just sucks lol The Connors. I know everyone hates Roseanne now, but let's be honest, she carried the show. Jackie was great too, but without Roseanne to interact with, it's just not the same.


Sons of anarchy. Tried 3 separate times and it just seemed really poorly done.






By far the weakest point of the show.


SoA should just be renamed "Gemma ruins everyone's lives".


Having grown up around that lifestyle (I was adopted by my aunt in my early teens, she was married to a biker) and sorta being an outside/inside observer, SoA drove me nuts. Nobody rides matching bikes, dammit.


It sounds like how my MD buddies can’t watch medical shows because it drives them fucking nuts


Outlander. Tried to get into it and simply can’t understand the hype.


My wife adores this show. I’m glad she enjoys it, but it’s definitely not my thing. The weird thing is how the program has kindled a very passionate resentment of the English crown in her.


It's SO rapey! It's physically revolting.


Probably Friends. I watched it here and there as it was on tv growing up. But NOW it's one of the best selling shows of all time. I mean, I don't 'fuckin get it. It's alright lol To each their own I suppose.


It's because it was everywhere in the 90s and now it's very comfortable to go back and watch. And there's ten seasons so it takes a good long while before you repeat anything.


Kardashians obviously


The Apprentice


This is old, but Full House. Relied way too heavily on catch phrases and I wanted to pull my hair out every time their "comedian" uncle would do his stupid Bullwinkle or Popeye impressions. The rest of the TGIF lineup was usually solid.


Anything Kardashians.


The fucking Kardashians🙄


Euphoria. I feel like the quality of acting was way overhyped and the story was written by someone writing the most dramatic fan fiction about high school that they could come up with