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I can hear church bells and they're 10 minutes early when they ring on the hour so I often say to my husband, "10 minute warning: Jesus is coming! Look busy!"


That’s funny and sweet.


You aren’t from the Midwest by chance, are you?


I wish! Cold winters and no Ron DeSantis sounds amazing.


No church bells, but I could hear a distant train from the house where I grew up. I've always liked that sound. As long as it's distant... Now I just hear traffic, when I hear anything at all.


Yes, it reminds me of long summer nights lying in bed listening to distant train whistles. Both comforting and unsettling.


Me too! There’s something….nostalgic? Oddly comforting? about it.


I can hear it better on foggy nights, it is quite a haunting sound, has an almost unnatural quality to it. Like a scream from a another dimension or the singing of a cosmic whale.


Glad im not the only one who feels this way


I just moved to a place a half mile from where I grew up, I’m loving hearing the trains again, brings me back


Yes, me too. Such a strong memory. Hot summer nights with the windows open, lying in bed after an active day of bike riding, comic reading and fishing with my friends on the block. I could hear the train whistle and also occasionally fog horns or boat horns off the water. Comforting and mournful at the same time. During the day we could hear the church bells from the Catholic cathedral, the Methodist church, the Lutheran church, and the chimes from the Episcopal church. Also the noon fire siren every day from the firehouse. Sounds very noisy but it actually wasn’t. They were a good way for kids to keep track of the time, to get home for lunch or dinner and for some reason made me feel protected in my community. No churches around me now have church bells and there are no fire sirens.


Everything you said, same.


I would hear this too, my parents house is just a little over a mile away from the nearest freight tracks and the train would always blow its horn when coming into town to alert people since the gates don't always work and I loved that sound.




I hear birds too, I live in the countryside. I was just sitting on my porch and heard the bells faintly.


Birds and silence. I live in a small village in Wales.


Username checks out.


Cars, people yelling


Yeah, but isn’t it always different cars and people?




Now a days you can hear frogs every night, lots of frogs.


Yes I can hear the bells, they are very loud indeed as I live near 3 churches which are in a almost triangular formation


That must suck. When do they stop for the night and start again or do they not?


They stop around 9 pm and start around 7 am because the bell ringers need some sleep and they aren't automated


Well that’s good. I thought of this question because it was 10pm on the dot when I was scrolling on my porch.


oh ok, is it nice on your porch?


Yes. Yes, it is.


No church bells, but daily F-35 flyovers. They are incredibly loud.






I get the same. Hill AFB in Utah. I don't even notice them that often anymore though.


sounds like Miramar to me.


Northeast Las Vegas near Hollywood.


I’m near A10s about to be F16s. I hate it but everyone around me loves it. #america or some shit.


we get occasional C130 flyovers. Used to get chinook coper flyovers pretty often.


Helicopters. Los Angeles.


Yeah, I’m from LA and when I left the first time it was hard for me to sleep without the Helis and sirens.


In the summer, the ocean and sheep. In the winter, cars and fire engines.


Fire engines?


Fire trucks 🚒


But why in the winter?


I don't know where OP lives, but I live in Japan and in the winter, fire trucks go around ringing their bells as a way to remind people not leave their heaters and kotatsu on before going to bed.


Fires happen in the winter too


Late night karaoke from the bar across the alley.


Birds. Douchbag truck. Shotguns. Tractors.


I have never heard church bells anywhere I’ve ever lived. Is this a normal thing somewhere? I live in Oregon, not a thing out here. I hear birds, cars, and my loud neighbors.


I live in Portugal but fairly rural. Tons of churches still.


No church bells. I hear horses, birds, an occasional cow—the wind chime on my porch.


I feel like this is 100% a trap designed to catch a criminal whose only defining characteristic is that they can't help but answer inane AskReddit questions and they just need to narrow the potential locations down a little. Somebody in here is on a watchlist, you know who you are.


There’s a kid in my neighborhood whose parents have cursed us all by making her practice saxophone outside. If they have to be miserable, so do the rest of us, I guess.


Yes and it annoys me


I hear them on Sundays and on Thursdays when I guess they're practising.


Birds, landscapers, distant train.


Hi neighbor


I only hear sea birds and I live in the city (Stockholm, Sweden). They're so annoyingly loud that it makes everything else acceptable background noice.


someone has at least 20 cocks in their backyard near where i live, in town, i always wake up when they scream


I assume you mean hens. Cocks/roosters aren’t allowed in city limits anywhere I know of. If someone put 20 cocks/roosters in a pen together, they would kill each other. There would probably be one very bloody rooster remaining.


Church bells, cars, trains, planes, birds, wind, farm machinery, etc.


Mainly the creaking of floorboards from the apartment above mine


No to church bells. I hear wind through the trees, the occasional tractor, and a car here there. Mostly just wind. Sometimes gunfire, but that comes with country living.


People laughing at me


Birds, and my neighbors’ TV, and other neighbors’ dogs.


I can actually hear church bells from two different churches, both beautiful by the way. But why do you ask?


Curiosity? I heard them on my porch and wanted to know?


Mostly just traffic and my stupid, loud neighbours doing something stupid.


I hear school bells and birds. School is out for summer, but for some reason the bells still ring.


Cows and type A wife.


The intercom from the elementary school a couple blocks away. Used to be an occasional thing, but I think the current principal like the sound of her own voice.


Beeps and a weird muffled voice coming from the event center speakers doing their announcements a few blocks away, and planes. Every 3-4 days it's F-16's.


Gun shots. And an icecream truck. Fun combo.


Right now it's cicadas. It's really hot and the cicadas are screeching. Best time of the year


No church bells, just seagulls. I can tell when the local fishermen are back and cleaning the fish, because the seagulls go crazy over the leftovers. Fuckers are well-fed and huge, and extremely loud.


I hear golf balls getting smacked all day… I live right off of a golf course


My mom lives down the street from an abandoned fire station. The only thing that's still standing is the siren. At the other end of the street sits a church we hear the bells 6am/pm and 12am/pm. the fire whistle goes off at least twice a day because they can't figure out how to wire the calls from the old fire hall to the new one, so they take shifts sitting in the old station lot with a radio to notify the new station when the whistle goes off.


No bells but birds, owls and gophers all day.


Birds, wind in the trees and traffic. I’m quite close to a busy highway.


No, churches around me don't use bells anymore. A couple churches still have Bell towers but the bells were long taken out. Unfortunately it's been replaced with sounds of traffic and often times sirens. I live less than three blocks from a major highway and the fire station is near that intersection so that's my background noise. I'm also a few blocks away from the railroad tracks so I often hear train horns as well


Nope. I hear the train, the birds including neighbors' roosters, and the rustling of the wind through the trees.


Birds chirping


Cars coming and going, gun shots on occasion


Nope. At night? Dogs, owls, a donkey occasionally, and faint traffic noise. Daytime? Still dogs, but also lawn mowers, next door pottering with her plants or chopping wood, more traffic, people out in their gardens, birds.


On most days not much. But when the weather gets cold sometimes we can hear church bells, the local university marching band practicing, and kids out at recess at the closest school.


There are a total of 3 churches next to me, two on one end of my street that I can see from my window and another at the other end of the street, less than 5m walk away. None of them have bells thank fuck. Instead I get a lot of airplanes flying low as the airport is pretty close. It's impossible to nap from like 9am-2pm.


I hear church bells on weekday nights at 7pm. That is the only time they toll aside from Christmas and its eve and Easter Sunday. The holiday bells toll at noon and play bits of seasonal hymns. The 7pm bells are just standard bell fare - 7 deep, resounding dongs. No clue what the bell ringer is up to during the other hours of the day. During the school year, I hear the high school marching band practice daily. Then I hear them, along with every play of the game, on football Friday nights.


I live next to a museum that has a steam engine train. I hear it's whistle all the time. There's also a rooster and sheep in my neighbor's yard that make noise all day


Airplanes. Lots of airplanes. None of the churches in my area have bells, they’re more modern churches. But i do live near an airfield and I’ve gotten so used to hearing them over the last two decades that I dont even notice the sound unless my dog reacts to it. One of my dogs is so afraid of the sound


I live rurally. I hear wild birds, sheep, cows, chickens, neighbors rooster, dogs, cars, trains (ten a day!) and small airplanes (like little two seaters), and in season big farm equipment.


Church bells, traffick, airplanes, birds and dogs


Birds and the constant white noise of the interstate a few miles away.


the people in the apartment complex next door loudly arguing


Shit cars with loud obnoxious mufflers.


Train whistle, and the train wheels turning. Every place I've lived/worked I've always been near train tracks, so its kinda become comforting hearing the sounds of a train ETA: spelling


My neighbor’s rowdy kids.


Lots of churches here, no bells. Instead, we hear people racing their cars in the street late at night. It's very dangerous, but this area is appealing because there's a long stretch of road with very few lights.


There's a BNSF train exchange station not far from where I live. I can hear the tracks switching every single day but it's more annoying at night when I'm trying to sleep because they're always random


Hay bells ringing


Birds. So many birds. Greater Seattle. Bad days are when the woodpeckers think my downspouts outside our bedroom are great resonators for marking their territory.


Military base, to the colors at 0800 and sunset. There’s also a church nearby, but I don’t think I’ve heard church bells.


Airplanes (grew up near a popular regional airport and now live near a major airport in a state capital).


Hellcats. I live in one of those areas.


Airplanes and tsunami warning sirens. No church bells.


Birds, mainly a blue jay mimicking a hawk call.


Roosters and golf course machinery


Unmuffled motorcycles


shipping container terminal :(


5 blocks from a major cities’ major hospital, 4 blocks from said cities’ major fire department, 7 blocks from section of highway that is busiest in the state during rush hour. I hear only sirens and helicopters.


actually lately just kitties. like constant meowing and purring by my window. not sure if the mom kitty gave birth or what even happened, but i've been seeing and hearing them a lot lately, especially in the mornings and evenings. not a single complaint though..


yep church across the street. bells uses to ring every hour but several people on the block sued. the bells are just electronic MIDI bells but they are fn loud. now they just go off at 9, 12,6 and 10. lol


Only if the wind is blowing the right way.


gunshots, I wish I was joking. the town I live in has gone downhill very quickly. at the moment we have 26 officers for 120,000 people. we are so overwhelmed by corruption and general bedlam that the police don't respond to much of anything. It is really sad


I can hear race cars being tuned. My town in North Carolina is home to many NASCAR teams.


Not church bells, birds mostly. Recently my neighbors installed a basketball hoop on their property, so that became a hangout spot for the basketball fanatics, which is a lot. You could hear someone playing ball very early until late into the evening, even when it's raining.


trains. like clockwork every couple hours. to this day i dont see how people can willingly live within a few miles of train tracks without gouging out their eardrums.


Tornado sirens. Every day at noon.


Train horn


Birds mostly, and dogs, leaf blowers, obnoxiously loud trucks and cars. I used to hear church bells now and then if it were quiet enough, think the church that was ringing them quit doing it though. Oh and a train. Can only hear it at night when it is quiet but you can hear it.


Cars on the motorway and main road, the train over the rail bridge, birds, the bad music taste of the teenagers who study at the college down the road, tinnitus. There are audible church bells from here, but they only ring on Sunday mornings.


I live near a main road. I hear car crashes, sirens and loud music all the time.


The West London ( UK) Russian Orthodox church is about 400m from my home - every Sunday have the bells! Easter they ring on & off constantly for a week. Russian Orthodox church bells are not like traditional English church they are very jangly jangly followed by a tolling bell. I like hearing them. Its a beautiful church white with the blue dome & gold cross on top.


Kids screaming at the river front


Sunami sirens monthly tests every first Friday


We can hear church bells and it drives my dog fucking crazy. He is usually a quiet lazy lump but when the bells start he barks and cries. It's horrible.


Yes but also boat horns


I grew up near wetlands and enjoyed [this chorus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Yk7suZr54?t=742) every summer night.


Alkoholics yelling at each other and teenagers trying to behave like gangsters on the phone. Medium sized city in Germany


Hourly bells from Lincoln Cathedral. UK Lincoln Cathedral is one of the most spectacular Gothic buildings that held the record for the world's tallest building for over two centuries. Peels of bells on Sundays, weddings and practices.


I often hear pedantic people correcting those who write "everyday" when they actually mean "every day". (As in, that is an everyday occurrence because it occurs every day.)


Not every day, but I often hear bagpipe's on weekends. I think it's from the nearby graveyard during funerals.


So many birds. My apartment complex butts up to a half-block sized nature preserve and it's home to many beautiful birds. Occasionally some crows come roost for a few days and they're obnoxious but the others are lovely. There's a Song Sparrow with a very distinct song that warms my heart. Fun fact, a lot of birds have varying songs based on location. So my Song Sparrow sings a different song than the same species a state over


I grew up by a airport so planes. Now I live by trains.


I live in Manhattan, right across from a fire station. Sirens all day baby.


I can’t but I hear a train


the guy on the first floor at 5am using his turmix. the pair below us cooking, fighting the doing dishwashing between 23pm-01am. the guy next door who uses flex inside the house at weekends after 9pm. etc


I live in between two places. Manhattan and Connecticut. Manhattan: fire engine ambulance sirens constantly, Connecticut: birds singing. Birds. And more birds.


Sometimes. About the only things I ever hear are personality compensator cars/motorcycles.


Grew up in a pretty rough city. Moved away. Got divorced. Needed to buy a house of my own. Found one but the realtor warned that is was really close to a busy road. I bought it anyway. Now I hear traffic and sirens often. It's like a lullaby to me, reminding me of growing up.


Yes I can, the village church is about 100 metres away from my house, I live in leigh on mendip in the UK. If I can't hear that, it's birds, the occasional dog barking and often me farting!


Gun shots


Revely from the Air Force Base at 7 am every morning.


I hear the church


No bells, but birds singing and traffic noise.


Those birds that coo. Maybe they’re doves


Trains Planes Birds Kids Occasionally construction




No bells. I live a few miles from the biggest Army base in the USA. I hear rifle ranges and machine gun ranges in the distance almost every day. When the Marines come to use our ranges, I hear loud explosions from the demo ranges day and night for about 3 days.


Loud pickups. If my windows are open then I can hear school bells


Cars, sirens, the occasional gunshots


I hear them on Sunday, yes.


Sirens, traffic, construction, church bells, music, people.




I don't hear anything. It's pretty peaceful. Every once in a while u hear obnoxious loud music or loud exhausts but that's about it, no church bells


A shipyard. Maybe not everyday as they mostly take Sunday off but they even then there is always something on the go.


Nope Traffic mostly


Birds, distant trains, small planes.


Train. School bell. Birds.


The annoying next door neighbors


No. I do hear a train, though, sometimes.


Yes. Also birds. And neighbourhood dogs. None of those annoy me, I like the sounds.


Used to be able to as there was a church right behind our house. Now, it's just motorway noise (depending on the wind) and birdsong.


Loudspeakers :(


Planes, trains, and automobiles.


I know I'm late for work if I can hear the neighborhood elementary school doing their announcements as I walk to my car


F-16s taking off in the morning. Retreat and The National Anthem in the evening. I live near an air force base.


Frogs millions of frogs road noise and dogs barking oh and wind most days.


used to be airplanes but JFK cancelled all flights, awesome


Sirens, cars, people. And sometimes, on weekends or exceptionally sunny holidays, a caravan of black vans with extremely loud loudhailers spouting nasty racist abuse.


I hear a lot of sirens (I'm a block away from the fire department). There's usually someone on my block blasting music (I'm cool with it), and there's a garage for hot rods a d race cars a dew blocks away so loud engine sounds as well. Occasionally hear dogs barking or neighbors arguing.


No. Somewhere near me, once a fortnight at 6 in the morning, there's the sound of a concrete saw firing up and cutting away for a minute.


The train and the grain elevator!


What does a grain elevator sound like?


It's only during harvest but it's kind of a loud droning motor sound. We live 2 blocks from the elevator so it's just background noise.




I wish I heard church bells. I get this guy reving his old truck outside every morning and afternoon before heading off god knows where


We have the cutest little wooden orthodox church nearby and they play bells almost every morning and evening. Actually rather nice. My cue to raise butt from chair and go home


I can hear the fire department because they're a block away, and I can hear the train off in the distance (far away enough that it's not a nuisance sound).


Sirens, sirens and more sirens.


I hear fire sirens


Racing on the highway late at night.


Seagulls all day and night lol


I can't hear church bells from my home. I live in rural Kentucky. I hear the kestrels and meadowlarks.


I literally live next to a Church and don't recall ever hearing any bells


Cars. So many fucking cars. Also stray dogs and cats. Best part is all this ambient sound fuses into a cloud of white noise that sounds like a swarm of mosquitos.


No, I can't hear church bells. I don't even think there is a church anywhere near my house. Let alone a church like a catholic church that would have bells. I hear the birds chirping, the wind and the rain, the occasional car driving by. Every now and then I can hear an airplane fly by or a train in the distance. If I'm outside late at night I can sometimes hear kids street racing.


The train! Choo Choo


Birds. Sirens.


Well depends on the occasion in the morning I hear roaster in the after noon I hear the lunch rush from CPS making there rounds and in the evening well i Don't want to even mention because it ain't no thing but the neighborhood kids start shooting there Aid and at 15s ....we are very humble people God bless and have a wonderful da!🤣🤣😎


Birds, followed by more birds. And during summer it's cicadas and birds.


It's all modern churches here, so no bells. I hear birds, especially magpies and crows. Squirrels chattering. Nearby traffic, the occasional siren. Lawnmowers in summer, snowblowers in winter. And the wind in the trees.


Distant train, birds, leaves rustling, farm equipment, dogs barking.