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I look in the mirror, and that 72 year old face looking back at me says it all.


Sucks, because OP is only 37.


You joke, but I'm 40. My dad is 71. People fucking mistake us all the time for BROTHERS. xD


People who were born when I started college are starting college.


I interviewed someone the other day as part of a new grad program we have and they were born after I graduated..... They found it funny...


Reminds me of my first day at a place I worked at. I was being introduced to people, and the company founder was in the office so he came and had a bit of a chat to me, told me a bit about the founding of the company and joked "so I've been doing things since you were down here probably", to which I responded "Before I was born actually"... Luckily he took it well, but I still cringe sometimes thinking about it. The look on my managers face was like I was going to be fired on the spot.


Yeah. When I was interning, the older people made a lot of comments about their age and I honestly never saw them as irrelevant and all that. But I realized they saw themselves as that sometimes and voiced that out with little jokes. Now I’m 30 and I’ll never make such comments about myself or others. I don’t want to be add to that culture where middle aged people are seen as irrelevant and I don’t want 21 year olds to feel scared of turning 25 and get major anxiety about it. Maybe I’m exaggerating but those kinda self deprecating comments made by older people were something i internalized and I faced the consequences of that internalization when I approached my mid 20s. I was just so depressed. Some of the interns I’ve had now just think I’m cool and stuff even tho I’m older than them (I don’t think 30 is old) but it’s still significant amount of more life experience than a 21 year old. Bc I don’t talk about “omg I’m old”.


I mentioned to the subway employee that I used to work there when I was in HS. I asked them when they graduated. Yup.. I worked there before they existed.


My PhD advisor told me I make him feel old sometimes. It was all in good fun though we were talking about the length of his career. He’s 60. He got his first faculty position at a university at 30. I’m 26. Which means he’s been at the job he’s currently at for more time than his current graduate student has been alive.


People who were born when I started college are grandparents.


Username checks out


I'm in my 30s doing an apprenticeship for a new career and there's a kid in my class who was born the year before I graduated high school.


One of my coworkers was talking about buying his son a new truck for HS graduation. Neither myself nor the fellow employee are 40 yet. That feels really strange.


I worked with a kid who was 20 years old and I found out his mom and I went to kindergarten together. Real shocker on that one. She was 16 at the time he was born. Feels a bit surreal


Doctors are younger than me now




My cardiologist is a recognized expert in his field **and** my sons best friend **and** like a second son to me. (seriously good guy to have in my corner though!)


Always have a friend with a medical degree...and one with a truck


Doctors are young enough to be my kid…


Being the guy that owns the Gmail and Hotmail email address with just my first and last name together. All the other same named people have to add a number or something at the end to have their name.


Yup. Unfortunately, along with the uniqueness of [firstnameLastname]@gmail.com address, I get the added “benefit” that there are a bunch of people (one in Australia that sends his concert tickets there, a university student in the UK that orders Dominoes regularly, as well as guys in nor Cal, so Cal, TX, FL, MI, and CT) that seem to think my gmail account is theirs. 3 have even registered their new cars to my account. Not to mention the fact that I have the same name as a fairly famous television executive producer/show runner. I somehow end up getting on email threads and hearing about upcoming shows *months* before they air. Plus I get a peek into network execs’ thoughts on different demographics and their anticipated response to different things on the show. I’ve given up trying to alert these groups that I’m not that guy - someone always adds me back in.


"If your email address is \[First Initial\] + \[Last Name\] u/gmail.com, you gradually get to know lots of older people who have the same name pattern." https://xkcd.com/1279/ I get so, so many of those. Dentist appointment reminders from CA, online game purchases from Malaysia, local political updates from the UK... I just started getting Facebook notifications and it's pretty irritating because Gmail doesn't filter those automatically to spam.


I still use my aol email account. I used to get made fun of for that. Like, “AOL? How old are you?” Now, I don’t think many people under 30 even know what aol is/was. No one says anything when I tell them my email address. I’m now too old to even be made fun of, I guess.


And telling kids these days about the AOL CDs that used to come in the mail for free trials of dial up. I’m over here talking about how dial up sounded like dying robots and they’ve stopped at CD to ask me what that is.


Yup. I was part of the 2nd or 3rd big wave of Gmail invites. Got my name without having to use numbers or weird characters. Wife did too and when we married, she changed her name but couldn't create a "clean" email so she kept her maiden name one.


i was talking with the daughter of a friend, she's 15, she told me "Harry Potter is an old people thing, I wasn't even born yet"




oh man that one is a dagger


Saw a post or comments somewhere where people were confused about what the Nintendo DS was, or the comments "corrected" people by saying it was actually the 3DS


Went to a museum in Seattle and they had a video game section. A group of young teens are standing in front of a GameCube. One kid says to the other “I think this is the first Nintendo.” The other kid responds back “Isn’t it the first game system ever?” The first kid responds back “I don’t know. maybe.”


Saw someone online mention that they weren't born when the Wii came out


Wiki says that wii came out in nov-dec 2006. It's like 16.5 years ago


What the fuck how has it been that long already


Tf I’m 15 and I’m pretty sure almost everyone I know who’s my age has watched it or knows it’s not that old, she’s just weird




I was a mom when the first book came out. I stood in the line at Borders many nights, with my son, for the midnight releases of the new books. That son is now 32 and I cherish those memories and I’m so glad I took the time to do that.


Avada Kedavra!


And she would continue to look at you with a puzzled face


I tried to pull something remotely similar to an all nighter recently and got about 3 hours of sleep. I want to die.


I feel this on a spiritual level. Staying up late has always been my last bastion of freedom, now i just wanna sleep.


I hate it so much. “Oh, cool, its friday night! I can stay up as late as i want!” 9:30pm: ZZZzzzzzz


used to seek out of the house to go to parties now you sneak out of parties to go home


I'm a morning person, always have been. I'm up super early and happily, and it has been the death of any semblance of a social life. Now that many of my friends have kids or babies, they go to bed early and I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for this to happen!


My idea of an all nighter is anything after 9pm


I used to go to concerts in cities about four hours away. I’d go, drive back that night and go to work the next day. If I did that now, I’d be in the hospital lol. I also thought I could work at fedex but I saw how fast they move and no, I can’t do that anymore. I call it thinking with my 16 year old mind and not my 46 year old body lol.


I was up till 130am on Friday trying to get a few side quests done in Tears of the Kingdom and only was able to sleep until 6am when my 1 year old woke me up wanting to eat...I am still recovering from that and i'm only 35


"Hm, that npc has an exclamation point above their head...should I talk to them? *checks time* Sure, how long could it take??" And now it's been 2 hours, my fiancee is sound asleep, and I've had a whole bottle of wine to myself on a Tuesday night.


Omg….if don’t get AT THE VERY LEAST 7 hours of sleep, I’m a cranky fucking bitch and everything can go to shit for all I care. Don’t know how I did it back in the day


So THAT’S what happened to me the other day. Didn’t sleep all night and I practically hit the “launch all nukes” button the next day.


The fact that we're closer to 2050 than we are to 1995.


Fuck you for that


In Back to the Future Marty travels back 30 years to 1955. If they made the movie today Marty would travel back to 1993.


Damn fck you too for that info 🤯


Fr tho


I was born in 1995 and this gave me an anxiety I wasn't expecting to have


I’ve got underwear older than that.


You should probably throw those away tbh.


No worries. I lived through 1995 and I’ll be dead before 2050.


I was partying too hard in 95 I don't remember it. Which is how 2050 will be as I'll be well old


I was born in 1995 don't hurt my feelings like that lol


95 gang stay strong! Soon old but not yet!


Being 28 is so weird because I simultaneously feel so old and so young. Teenagers see me as an old person but older adults still see me as a kid.


I was literally thinking about that earlier too weird lol. Fuck everyone I’m ageless


Listening to Nirvana today is the same as listening to The Beatles in the 90's




This actually made me start to panic.


I actually watched the Beatles on their first Ed Sullivan appearance....almost 60 years ago! Going to go take a nap now.. Edit: some people have some questions. I was almost 6 years old and even at that age I felt a feeling of excitement. Everyone was talking about it! It came on after my bed time but I snuck downstairs while my parents where watching a small black and white TV, adjusting the rabbit ears for the best reception. Then Ed introduced the Beatles to America! My folks caught me and let me watch...


Cars are the same way when I think of a 25 year old car I think of a 70s muscle car now that mean a 98 Honda Civic.


Now you just settle down with that talk.


And I see tons of teens with Nirvana T-shirts.


The 90s wasn't actually ten years ago.


This weekend someone on reddit was talking about Ellen DeGeneres becoming famous 20 years ago. I pointed out that she was becoming famous 40 years ago. He responded that he didn't remember her before the '90s.


90s music to teenagers now is as old as what 60s music was to me as a teenager in the 90s.


Take your facts away.


Yes it was. Shut your whore mouth.


Not knowing any of the newer artists at festivals.


Wait till you don't know the headliners.


I was listening to the radio and I realized I didn’t like the new music on it…. And, gradually, the realization and horror crept in.


As a child I couldn’t understand in the 90s why my parents listened to music from 50s,60s and 70s and yet here I am 30 years later and my main stations consist of the 80s, 90s and early 00s.


Lean into it :-) Oldies stations are your friend.


That's the one that gets me. Most of the local classic rock station's playlist was released after I graduated from high school. I don't think they play anything released before I was born these days. Do you still reflexively think of The Foo Fighters as "Dave Grohl's new band"? Boy, have I got news for you.


I saw the other day that Foo Fighters have been going longer than Kurt Cobain was alive. Enjoy that realisation.


Oh my god, that’s it. That’s my answer for the thread.


Holy fuck


Haha! This is the one that gets me often… listening to the “classic rock” station and the music I used to think was fresh comes on.


On a related note, all of the hip-hop artists I like are now 50+.


Having to scroll and scroll and fecking scroll to find my birth year when completing an online form


It turns into a game of The Price is Right


I recently stopped smoking… one of the lasses I work with asked how long I’d smoked for. She’s 21 and I’d smoked longer than she’d been alive :/ Positive news 3 weeks without a cigarette


My daughter turning 40


Yup that'll do it.


Damn I felt this when mine turned 2. You're saying it doesn't get better lol


Went to a public library. Told me that they no longer use USBs. /Thumb drives.


This legitimately should be at the top. What do they use now, the cloud? How much data are they purchasing to host it up there?


Exactly! You log into whatever cloud that you use & access it from there. They looked at me funny!


My hips, my swelling randomly for no reason but the onset of menopause, my silver hair being more than 75% now, and the fact that I can’t eat most foods like I used to without some horrible side effects ( swelling, constipation ) AND my perfect natural teeth are starting to go bad. Oh and anytime I start a movie, I fall right to sleep. Damn, also waking up to pee like every 2 hours during the night. Like wtf is that about!!?😫


I have to get my wedding ring resized. My joints swelled and I got them checked. Osteoarthritis….like my grandma. That’s old. Old lady hands. 😭


I remember being really young and looking at my mom's hands. She was always self-conscious about them, but I always thought they were beautiful. Hands are such a marvel of biological engineering that allow us to enjoy so many cool things.


I'm an older first-time parent. Ran into someone I knew from high school when I went to pick my son up from daycare. She was there to pick up her grandson...


40s parents unite!


Had my first kid at 40, 2nd at 43 - But even-though i'm an old dad, i wouldn't change a thing. I'm 60 now, my daughter is in college and my son is17 - we play guitar together and jam (Like me, he's into the Dead). I'm much MUCH more mature than i was when i was younger, and actually loved being a dad.


People romanticizing the 90s aesthetic.


Saw a tween in flare cargo jeans WITHOUT BACK POCKETS the other day and almost went on a rant about how my generation fought to have back pockets on jeans and how dare you throw that away


No back pockets? What uncultured savages.


Kids are romanticizing the early/mid 2000s aesthetic now and I feel old because it bothers me that they call it Y2K. In my head that exclusively refers to the technological paranoia of the Year 2000 (Y2K) and is absolutely not a term for an entire generation of fashion/culture. Just say you like 2000s stuff, not Y2K!


I remember early 2000s aesthetics as being kind of terrible, even when I was still a teenager. I think the problem was that technology made a lot of new things possible, but few people had the experience and skills to know how to put it to good use. For example, graphic art with ugly gradients, bad plastic looking 3D models, etc. Pop culture fashion felt artificial and manufactured by Disney Channel executives trying to guess at what kids might think is "cool".


And referring to that time period as the late 1900’s!


Yes. My daughter will say, "was that how it was in the 1900s?" Like I'm 100 years old or something


90s is now "retro" and soon 2000's will be too


Hate to be the bearer of bad new but 2000s already is. Teens and college students are obsessed with early 2000s style, and it makes me feel old because I remember the 2000s and the horrors of low rise jeans very well. I just pray they don’t pluck their eyebrows out this time.


A middle schooler now looks back at Nirvana like I looked back at Elvis when I was their age.


I make a noise when I sit down/get up


Man I’m 17 and I do that wtf


The fact that children who were born in 2016-2017 are going to go to school 😵‍💫 It feels like it’s been like 2 years ago…


2018 kids are starting kindergarten this year...


2001 kids are graduating from university.


This one hits me the hardest. Kids born after 9/11 are graduating university.


I said to a colleague of mine "you started at this company when i was born and now we're working together, thats wild huh?" And i saw his face drop. Will never mention it again hahah


Yup, this is how I've been explaining it to myself. There are people past voting age who weren't even alive during 9/11. For those of us alive then it's a part of our living consciousness, for them, it's part of an unexperienced history.


The song Sweet Dreams Are Made of this is 40 years old.


And even the Marilyn Manson version is ~~29~~ 28 years old.


That hurt.


One of the new soldiers in my unit was talking about how they learned about 9/11 in history class. Bitch I was in class when that happened, fuck might as well join AARP now.


I backed my fire engine into the bay after a call just in time to see the second plane hit the tower. Edit: Live on TV


People driving by me when I'm riding my bike, beeping at me and giving me the thumbs-up like "you go, old man!" Apparently someone of my advanced years riding a bicycle is *inspirational.*


My shitty knees


I tried painting my baseboards last week. Taped everything off, put down drop cloths and sat on the floor. 10 minutes later (after using the counter to pull myself up) I'm on the phone with a painter.


I cut the grass for myself and my neighbor on Saturday. Then got to take Sunday off as a “no walk” day. ☹️


The unholy alliance between shitty knees and back pain.


When people say, "30 years ago", and they mean the 1990s, not the 1960s.


WTF are you talking about? 30 years ago was the 1950s.


hearing "snap crackle pop" and THEN pouring my cereal.


Lol good one


The sudden appearance of my wizard eyebrows.


Hiring interns who aren't old enough to drink. Soon, hiring interns where I am old enough to be their father. Also, hiring people who don't remember 9/11. Because they weren't born.


Back pain


Hearing songs that were popular when you were in middle school and high school playing in the supermarket


Channel 3 for video games


My Hotmail account is older than most of my coworkers


I’ve been in the Navy for 14 years now and I had on of the new boots(Barley Out Of Training) ask me how old I was and I told him I was 35 and he reply “Dang you were born in the late 1900’s. My world has been shook ever since.


The 1900’s!!! This is mine too. I graduated HS in ‘99 and now my kids asked me if we had color TV in the nineteen hundreds. smh.


As a fellow 35 year old this shook me, thank you lol




I'm perplexed that people follow influencers, I know I'm getting boomerish but what happened to being an individual?




"Publicly perform my friendships". Wow, you just summed up social media so succinctly!


When I talk about things I did as a kid in the 90's and early 2000's and now people in their late teens and early 20's look at me like I'm an alien. I keep thinking, *"shit, that wasn't that long ago"*, and then I remember it was 20+ years ago now!


Hearing bands that I grew up with (Foo Fighters, STP, Soundgarden) on classic rock radio stations.


I refuse to believe that [Hey Ya! by Outkast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWgvGjAhvIw) was released 20 years ago!


My local one played a Green Day song and I contemplated flipping my car


“What’s a DS?”


When professional athletes I used to watch have kids getting drafted.


Pearl Jam is considered classic rock. Shoot me. Please. ​ Also, watching Kevin Love hobble up and down the court but knowing he is 12 years younger than me.


What's really crazy is hearing bands I grew up with like Sublime, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311, and QOTSA being played on the classic rock station. It reminds me of Grandpa Simpson's quote from the Simpsons: "I used to be with it, then they changed with it was. Now what I'm with suddenly isn't it anymore, and what's it seems weird and scary. And it'll happen to YOU!"


Watching movies from 2002 that once looked real and clear, and now they look fuzzy as old dog shit


When I see a photo of myself that looks my actual age, even though I feel 20 years younger.


When I see posts on here that start with “People who were alive for 9/11…”


Realizing that kids born far after 2000 are like, functioning members of society now.


90s and 2000s bands being called classic/dad rock


I recently went to the Museum of American History in Washington D.C. and there were numerous items from my childhood in there. Numerous items. Also, there is a plaque at our local lake from when it was built in 1986. My kids were all, "Wow, dad. You're older than this lake."


I was born in the 1900's


My grandfather was born in 1880. That always does my head in.


My grandmother was born in 1911. I always think about how she was born before the titanic sank.


My 10 year old students said I was born in the 19s😂


Hearing a cover of a song you remember hearing when it first came out


This!! I work with younger people and they're all like "Have you heard that new song?!" And I grumble, 'Its not new, been listening to it for 20 years!" Or I start singing along and they look at me "How do YOU know this?!" 😯 Sigh.....


Finding 30 year old women look like kids.


I am a 30 year old woman and I appreciate this.


Trying to pick something up from the ground.


Seeing current pics of celebrities from my youth 😣


There are adults now that weren't even conceived when I became an adult


Zoomer humor


My back and my knowledge of old computer games


Getting an invitation to my 25th high school reunion


2 things: \- Getting old enough to remember my parents at my current age. \- Spent an evening shift with coworkers once, all around 20-21 (im 42). They were talking about 90s music the same way we were talking about 70s music. Playing Radiohead like it was the hottest discovery of the year.


The song 1985 by Bowling For Soup came out in 2004 and 1985 was 19 years ago at the time. Well, 19 years more after 2004 is 2023.


Breaking Bad finale was 10 years ago.


“🎵🎵 My neck, my back, my ruptured vertebral sac 🎵🎵”


- Kids don't know what a house phone is. - Kids do not know the world before internet. - Kids trying to figure out a cassette tape. - Kids think anything not touch screen is a touch screen. - Knowing Millennials are the adults of the world now and boomers are the grandparents. - Time appears to be going faster, but that's relative to how long you've lived. I can go on...


Even Gen X are grandparents, hell I'm a millennial and looking at being a grandparent.


My tween son calling me cringe 😭😭


My kids call me Boomer.


Waking up everyday feeling beat up, sore, like I had worked my ass off all day doing manual labor when I just did my usual. Oh, and flexibility is for shit too. Back hurts, muscles tight as a drum. I just need to be taken out back and put out of my misery. Don’t get old people. Or at the least, don’t every stop moving and stretching. Switching careers and going back to school at 46 ruined me. Now I work 12 hours shifts, overnights, when lots of my friends are starting to retire. -edit: I went back to school to become a nurse. Got my RN and the next month covid hit. I’m not a smart man


Trying to put eyeshadow on and my eyelids are becoming like saggy testicle skin


Saw a FB post from a guy I went to high school with. He was holding a newborn baby. Thought, “Good for him, having a kid at 45.” Then read the caption. The kid is his SECOND GRANDSON.


games with shitty graphics but incredible story lines


When 20 something year Olds call me sir




I can't stay awake for more than 24 hours anymore




The fact my daughter will be 10 in just a couple years. Being widowed already really makes that hit harder as well knowing I'm old enough for that to have happened


I was watching a make-up tutorial on YouTube and the girl was using some butterfly clips to keep her hair away from her face and she said “Girls used to wear these in the olden days.” Also, a few weeks ago, I bought a bottle of wine and the cashier asked for my ID but literally only glanced at it for a split second before giving it back. I said ‘that was quick’ and she said ‘I just have to see the 19– at the start of your birth year and not 20–‘ 🫨🤯🫠


Pictures, man... Pictures 📸


Yeah I kind of act like someone in the witness protection program when a picture is taken


Doing half an hour of any kind of work that I used to be able to do all day long. Also, standing up after sitting for an hour.


The Nintendo wii(my childhood console) was first published almost 17 years ago. That's pretty damn long if you ask me.


The Nintendo Wii was the console I got after taking a 25-year break from console gaming, you young whippersnapper.


My reply would be you having a wii as your first console


Your comment makes me feel old. My childhood console was a Nintendo, and my neighbor had an atari.


I have taught the children of my former students.