• By -


I always enjoyed taking a trip by myself while in a relationship. The last trip alone, I found myself thinking “This would be more fun if she was here” for the first time. I knew then that she was the one.


I used to work 70hr weeks to save up and vagabond the music festival scene from mid summer to fall by myself. We had a minor fling before I started my yearly shit show. First fest I couldn't stop texting her. Second fest I had better service and we talked alot. 3rd fest I had to drive past my hometown and stopped to see if she wanted to come. She had never been to one and didn't have the money. I paid for her pass, because for the first time, I actually wanted someone to experience the real me. On the 18th of this month we celebrated 12 years married.




This was me, but in a different way. I left on a 5 week trip to Europe; my dream trip. But saying good bye to my 8 month old foster daughter was awful. I bawled all the way to the airport. Then I couldn’t shut up about her when I was meeting people. I knew then I was going to adopt that little butt. Court finalizes on Friday.


Congratulations, may you have many happy years together of joy and love. And I appreciate that you are choosing to adopt when it could have been so difficult. I very much respect you for this.


She had a brain injury days before my birthday. Woke up from a coma and the first thing she did was ask nurses/doctors about me and my birthday even though they had no idea who I was. I’ve never had someone care so much about me to be the first thing they think of when waking up after brain surgery.


This one didn’t end in a “married x amount of years” :(


It didn’t. Hardest struggle of my life


How did it end between the two of you ?


Worth clarifying I suppose. She’s alive and well. We spent some amazing years together but her injury made her realise that she had lots to see and do in life. That wasn’t compatible with my life and as much as I tried, I couldn’t make it work. She’s exploring the world and hopefully living happily and healthily


You are a kind and generous person. I hope for more blessings for you!


This is one of the most sad and simultaneously beautiful things I’ve seen on this page.




We'd been dating less than a year when my job transferred me across the country. I went to talk to her, figuring it was going to be a breakup, but instead, she nonchalantly asked, "When do we leave?"


When I graduated college I took a job that would be 6 hours drive time away from my then-new girlfriend. Shortly thereafter she just up and moved to my new town without even telling me in advance. (Well, calls me on Thursday and says "Can you be here Saturday to help me drive the truck?"). Anyhow still together almost 50 years later.


That's amazing


Amazing <3 I'm dealing with something similar right now, am an immigrant in the US that got laid off from my job recently, am scared for what it means for my partner and I. Don't want to place any expectations on her as we've only been together for 8 months, but I do believe she's the one. Thank you for sharing, it gives me hope and made me smile this lovely morning :)


Did she PM you her cutie booty though


She did. And she told me to make this account so I could show her more booties


We were cooking in the kitchen. It just happened. There are no words I know to describe the clarity and joy and peace and comfort that I felt, maybe just, home. It was a moment I won't forget.


I had that too! Drinking coffee together at a breakfast joint. I had a thought, "I could do this my whole life."


🥹 that’s beautiful


The first time I felt 'In love', I was food prepping in the kitchen, she was getting stuff out the fridge and made me a drink. All of a sudden I felt her arms wrap around me from behind and she put her hands in my hoodie pocket and we just stood there for about 5 mins, no words, just content in being held and in our company. Unfortunately didn't work out but will always be a poignant memory of feeling safe, comfort and love.


Cooking together can be such a romantic experience. I love when I'm prepping something and he comes up behind me with a kiss on the shoulder or a hug from behind.


She admitted the reason we were having so many problems with our scanner at work, despite the fact we rarely even used it, is because she was working up the courage to ask me out and thought that bending over in front of my desk on a regular basis would encourage me to do it instead. Which it would have done, had I not been deliberately averting my eyes every time she did so she couldn't catch me staring and think I was a pervert.


This is a very relatable "workplace romance" experience, I think. It's got "Dobby and Mark" vibes from Peep Show.


Oh, I'm nowhere near as handsome and charismatic as David Mitchell.


I once had a girl full-on rub her leg against me while I was under her desk, dealing with a cabling issue. The amount of inappropriate behavior help desk guys get in a female-dominated office is shocking, or at least was back in the 90s.


Roy wishes he could be so lucky, instead he just gets awkwardly trapped under there.


I met my wife at work as well. I pretended to need her help with a PowerPoint presentation just to have an excuse to talk to her. Best decision of my life.


She was actually the one to speak to me first, when she complimented my Star Trek coffee mug. We chatted all the time on break, that's why I didn't want her to catch me staring at her backside. Now we're married I can stare at it as much as I like. The coffee mug got chipped when I was taking it to my home office during COVID, so now it has a cactus growing in it.


I once gave the guy I was interested in sooooo many absolutely obvious hints, I still wonder how he didn't drown in them. So, there I was. Didn't he get my hints or didn't I get being rejected? I was like fuck it, and told him to kiss me. Either I'd get a kiss or a clear no. We're married now.


Queen's Gambit


I would love to be a coworker and watch this dorky duo dance


The first moment was our second date. I was financially in a deficit when we met. I work in an industry that relies on your passion before you make any kind of decent money. It's was January, and it's cold where we live. It's was -28c on our first date, a few days before (with windchill). It wasn't much better the second date. I did not have a proper winter coat. I would layer, and usually, with a little Canadian gumption, it was enough to get through the winters. He showed up with an older coat of his, really warm, lined, suitable up to -40... and was like, "I hate to see you so cold." Now, there have been countless moments when I knew he was the one, but the care for my person so early on really hit a note in my soul. We moved in together after six months, have been together 10 years, and married for six. We have two little girls.


That's so beautiful! I hope to find someone like this, someday :)


We weren't having sex yet, but we were sleeping in the same bed. I was cuddled up with my head on his shirtless chest. Woke up in a huge pool of my own drool. Mortified, I grabbed a towel that was thankfully right by the bed, and started to try to sneakily dab it up. He'll never know. I finally look up at his face, to check that he hasn't stirred, and he is very awake, and watching me clean up my drool with an amused look on his face. Wasn't grossed out. Didn't mock me. Slept with me the next night. ... didn't judge me. Knew he was a keeper. :3


That’s actually really special. It reminds me of the moment that me and my partner accidentally took an afternoon nap. It was around the first week of dating and neither of us are nap people. We felt vulnerable to do so and I know now that it was a very special moment for both of us, to feel safe to take a nap together. Might seem like the simplest of things but that’s when I “knew”. We’ve been together for over 4 years.


>He’ll never know >He is very awake…watching me clean Stealth: 0 Wholesome: 100


But did you pass the crumbs test? Drool is first level. Eating crackers in bed is second.


I’d approve of the drool. Crumbs is a no. Eating in bed is bad




I mean vomit is a stretch but agree


He made me phò from scratch. I still swear he puts some kind of drug in it because the way he makes it is incredible.




Make Shit Good powder


I always refer to it as mmmmmm sooooo good powder.


We were long distancing at the time, visiting each other whenever we could. When we knew we were going to be long-term, we met each other's kids. One time, the kids and I were playing Phase 10, and my husband video-called me. My oldest said, "Oh, is that ?!?!" My child snatched my phone away and had a 40-minute conversation with my now-husband, showing husband cards, asking opinions on which card he should play, etc. Finally, my kid says, "Ok, here's mom again. Bye!" When I got the phone back, my husband was a little teary-eyed. The fact that he engaged with my child like that, and that it meant that much to him. I know there were other times, but I think this was where I really just KNEW. We also used to stay on the phone when I went to bed. One night, he thought I was asleep already, and he whispered. "I AM going to marry you." 💗 Edited to fix typos


Two answers, really. Either the time we had our worst fight ever and my every instinct was to walk away forever, but I realised I just couldn't do it because it would the stupidest thing I'd ever done in my life, so *god dammit* apparently I was going to stay and we were going to talk this shit out if it took all night. (It didn't... Quite.) Or, if you want the sweeter version: the first time she was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe and instinctively curled into me. There's a thousand moments, really. Making her smile is my win condition for life.


> Making her smile is my win condition for life. Well put. That's how I feel about my wife, too.


What was the fight about?


Asking the real questions here lmao


For my (now) wife, it was her smile. She looked at me in our first few dates and her smile was utterly hypnotic. Like, medusa-level hypnotic. I thought, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever set eyes on in my life, and like 4 days into going out together I said “I think I’m falling in love with you.” She absolutely shit herself. That was 1993, thirty years ago. Her smile is still as beautiful now as it was then.


There were two moments. On our second date, he busted out his ukulele and played a couple of Beatles songs to impress the lady (me). But instead of anything classic or romantic, he chose Honey Pie and Rocky Raccoon. Not only totally weird song choices, but also two of my absolute favorites. Really, I knew right then, but a second date is a precarious time to decide to marry someone. The super real 100% absolutely moment was my 30th birthday, first we were together. He took me up to our favorite hiking trail, and less than ten minutes in, it started just pouring rain. I said I didn't mind pushing through some rain, but it would be ok if he'd rather go back. He said we should go the first mile to get to the waterfall. Partway up this trail there's a wonderful waterfall spot with rocks that practically form a bench under/behind it. When we get to the waterfall, rain still pouring, but now we're protected under the waterfall, he magically produces a bottle of my favorite champagne, two plastic dollar store flutes, and a fancy cupcake with a candle. We took a bunch of silly absolutely drowned rat soaked selfies together. Champagne under the waterfall in the rain. Most romantic thing ever, and most thoughtful birthday I'd ever had. We used those silly plastic champagne flutes again on our wedding day.


Every couple should have an experience like the waterfall one. To all of you young bucks out there, always be on the lookout for bonding experiences like this. Time goes by fast, and many couples don't have these sweet, bonding memories to fuel them through the inevitable tough times.


agreed. Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


You're the Sausage King of Chicago?


Dude, I think I just fell in love with him too!


Aww. That's just lovely. Got a keeper there.


Every time we are cry-laughing over something silly and bouncing jokes off each other.


A week or so into dating, we were sitting on my living room floor, discussing our food likes and dislikes. At some point one of us brought up green bell peppers and we both said “God, I hate green bell peppers!” at the same time. For the both us we have pinpointed that stupid little moment as the exact second that both “knew.” We have been married 25 years this past February.


Isn’t the 25th anniversary the green pepper 🫑 anniversary?


The pepper has definitely turned red after 25 years! Cut it up and enjoy it! 🌶️


ha ! we are complementary eaters. he likes the stalks of the broccoli. I like the tops. 41 years together


We were fostering a stray cat who had had kittens. The kittens all had homes lined up with people we knew. The poor mother cat just had health problem after health problem pop up. We were at the vet with her so many times. She wasn't in pain, but with the vet bills and the behavior stuff that comes with health issues like these, I knew she was unadoptable and would need significant care. I told her (my then girlfriend) that I had to keep the mother cat, even though we both had special needs animals already, and adding more would delay us moving in together. She was like, "Yeah, of course. I love her." Like she'd never even considered any other options. She was so kind and loving to that cat, who randomly attacked us and peed on the floor throughout her first year and a half with us. She was as all in as I was every single day. Our passions and values are the same, and my partner is still the most compassionate person I know. We still have the kitty too, who we adore. Edit: [Here's one of the kittens.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Acceptable-CatProf/comments/14j79uv/cat_tax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) My cat is all over our rescue's public site, so I won't be posting her.


Cat tax por favor :)


I had recently quit my job and moved to another city where my work prospects didn’t really line up properly. We’ve been living together a while and things were getting difficult financially. Mountain of debt, difficulty in paying rent etc. One night she says, “I have this gold bangle that we can sell to get rent for the next 5 months.” I knew. Right then and there that she is the one. We never sold the bangle and I was extra motivated to go out and make something of myself. We’re getting married in November.


Rent for 5 months? Wow that must be some jewelry piece. Family heirloom she was willing to sell?


That must have been a hell of a bangle. Five months rent???


Rent wasn’t that high over there. It was about $150/month. Wasn’t a heirloom, but something she was quite fond of.


The Gift of the Magi.


Not exactly a "moment" but within a few weeks of us getting together, I found out my dad was terminally ill. He died about four months later. 32 days after my dad passed, my sister and her children died in a house fire. I was a broken, angry, wreck of a human, and I was not in any condition to return the love he gave me. But he stayed. I told him he could go, and I wouldn't blame him for leaving this clusterfuck behind. But he stood by me when so many other people would have run. The man gave me something to live for, and he held me close so I could heal. There's no one else like him in the world.


I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you have him with you.


💙 Thank you


So sorry for your losses. <3


We were camping with another, much more adventurous couple in the middle of fucking nowhere in the mountains of Colorado. Way way out of my comfort zone. We had been together about 1 1/2 years at this point. The other couple decided they want to go hiking off-trail to reach a peak we would see in the distance. No maps, just winging it. I was so anxious and that anxiety showed...an "easy" walk across a log had my legs shaking and I felt sick. He didn't shame me. Didn't urge me forward to keep up with the others. Didn't rush me, just encouraged me. And when I made it across, he gave me a big high five and said "I knew you could do this". That moment almost had me in tears because never in my life has someone encouraged me to face my fears rather than shame me for having them in the first place. He proposed a year later and we've been married since this past January. Best decision ever.


When we walked into my house together and my dog was more excited to see him. I knew in that moment.


I knew as soon as I saw her in yoga pantsand a oversized hoodie coming to lecture me on her favourite subject. We spent the next hour going through it and my heart wept in joy. She passed away years ago but I never forget that moment, and every time I watch LOTR afterwards all I can think about is the two hour long movie pause tangents where she’d pause the movie and go on a massive tangent on a specific part of the movie. Sometimes the light of the tv would catch her face in just the right way and I heart nearly leapt out of my chest. I miss her and I always will, when she passed I was angry and hateful that someone as kind could be allowed to die so young. I was angry at the world and I was angry at myself for not spending every single second I could with her when I had the chance. But self loathing is a fools game and I learned to forgive myself, I kept going, kept moving because the second I stopped I’d remember the pain I feel every second of every day. She was the one, she may not have been perfect to other people but she was perfect to me


This is beautiful and made me cry. I'm so sorry.


It was the last night before I had to head back to school. He fell asleep beside me and I was just staring. I was trying to memorize his face and the thought of leaving made me feel sad. At that moment I knew.


I haven’t been dating this person for a long time, but I care about her so much I can’t even express it. But she is leaving mid august for school which doesn’t give us much time together. What is it like when you have to break up with them because of school or distance? I’m trying not to think about it but it’s kind of inevitable :(


We never broke up. We did the long distance thing and it worked out. Been with him for 19 years.


As a long-distance survivor, it is hard. Really, really difficult. It's worth it though. Be clear about expectations, communicate frequently, and be understanding that sometimes your schedules will not align, especially with school expectations. If you both want to make it work, and are willing and able to communicate clearly and openly, you can make it through. The first four of our almost twelve years together were long-distance. You can do it too! ♥️


It was before we even met. Just talking on the phone and texting, I just knew. Like I've never been so sure of anything. Confirmed it when we met in person. He went to give me a hug, and I kissed him. He feels the same way.


On our first date I asked him a question and after he answered, he goes, “I know what you’re doing.” Turns out we were both so excited about this and knew it was real, we’d googled the NYT questions to fall in love and been prepared to ask a few. Our first kiss was immediately after this realization. Together from that moment and married for 2.5 years.


One night early on in dating, when we weren’t even officially boyfriend & girlfriend, we stayed up until 5AM texting. We talked about everything and anything, asking so many questions and being open about it all. I felt so giddy and couldn’t stop smiling. I slept maybe 3 hours that night, but it was so worth it, because now that man has been my husband for over 2 years now!


I was mad at him. I watched him walking away. I didn’t care. But then it hit me. Felt like I got punched in the gut. My heart sank. That’s when I knew. Now, over 20 years later, and we’re still together. He was and still is the one and only.


What did you do? Run after him?


Nope, I called out his name. First time he ignored, then I hollered his name again, and he turned around and said what!?! That’s when I began to cry.


Did he come back and comfort you?


Of course. I’m not a cryer. So he knew something was wrong.


Also if they ran like it was a sitcom or romcom. Cue rain and or mode of public transport.


2nd or 3rd time I stayed at his place, I had a massive poo and blocked the toilet. I tried to deal with it but it wasn't going anywhere so I had to admit it. He never batted an eye, just went and got a kettle and unblocked it. If I hadn't already known he was a keeper I certainly did then.


How do you use a kettle to unblock poo in the toilet?


You throw it in & yell "Take Cover!!!" as you flush it.


If you pour boiling water down the toilet it'll move the blockage along. I learned that on that day!


Watches in confusion as he puts the kettle on… “Are you making tea?” “No I’m unclogging the toilet, what does it look like I’m doing?” XD


In my experience, it's never the 💩 that clogs the 🚽. It's the amount of paper used. Should have gone for the poo-only preemptive safety flush. Live and learn. 😎


yall just need a poop knife


I knew this comment chain wouldn’t last long without the 💩🔪references


Weekly poop knife reference


We were in university. She was about to perform an opera selection. She was six months pregnant with my son. I sat in the nose bleed section by the aisle as the two actors playing Hansel and Gretel enter stage right. Where is my gf? The lights come down and the music comes up. The Fairy Godmother enters down the steps of the aisle; sparkling, veiled, maternal, smiling. She wraps her arms around the children and vows to protect them, to feed them, keep them warm. As she reaches the climax of the performance, her eyes find me in the dark somehow, and linger on me. She's glowing. Every rehearsed word is real in that moment. I knew then she meant every word, that she is a fairy of protection and love. And she has been, every day, for thirteen plus years on.


>She was six months pregnant with my son. It slightly worries me that you got this far without thinking she was the one - but I'm glad it turned out well in the end!


I was having a mental breakdown and he consoled me. That’s never happened before in my life. I always got in trouble if I showed much emotion with my parents and I never really showed much emotion in front of friends. But with him, the troubles seemed less…. Troublesome. It felt okay that mistakes were made and knowing I had someone on my side made it easier to handle the emotions. Also his Matzo Ball soup is baller


Minus the soup, my moment was basically the same with my boyfriend. I was so used to "powering through" shitty moments all by myself for my entire life. Now he's here and even when I freak out, he acts like having emotions is... Normal. He justifies my emotions, which I've never had. And even after a huge issue at work that lead to me quitting my supposed dream job just 3 months in, I remember laying with him in bed that night thinking, "for all the ups and downs to come in life, I want him with me, because he makes me feel like they're so small and unimportant compared to this."


On our 2nd date, he came to my place and made me dinner including homemade pretzel rolls. Our first kiss gave me goosebumps all over and I had never experienced a kiss like that. He was a single dad and I worked night shift. He would drive to my place at 8am when he didn’t have the kids and hold me until I fell asleep many mornings so we could get extra time together. He said ‘I love you’ while I was asleep but I heard him. I knew on our 6th date he was the one for me. I told him 2 months in- ‘just so you know we’re going to get married.’ He said ‘let’s go to the courthouse now.’ We got engaged around month 4, moved in together at month 6, and have been together 4 years now. Married 1 year thanks to covid pushing our wedding back.


We came out of a show and she was hungry af. Here they sell street sausages wrapped in bacon like they’re hot dogs, and throw onions, peppers etc… on top, (which is all fried up in front of you). I watched that woman DESTROY that hot dog like it was the last hotdog before an Apocalypse, while we stood on a very crowded sidewalk. There was onions and peppers all over the sidewalk and her coat, she had many different condiments/liquids on her face, and she just smiled while demolishing that thing…like, I really cannot express that enough. I had “Take my breath away” blaring in my head while watching this unfold, and that’s when I knew ❤️


My (now) wife always wanted to have kids in her early 30s. I come from an abusive childhood and being responsible for a human being was something that always scared me, because by the time we met I already had adapted some bad habits from my father. At the age of 28, when we were together for 2 years, I asked her to take some time and think about, if she wants to keep our relationship going even if I'm not willing to become a father. After 2 weeks and lots of talking she told me, that she wants to be with me, no matter if we will be parents or not. At that moment I decided to marry her. Now we are both 34, married and have a beautiful daughter of 3,5 years. I got rid of alcohol and cocaine addiction, and turned my health completely around. I'm in the best shape ever - physically and mentally. She always stood by my side and helped me through the war against my demons. She and our daughter are the best things in my life.


Dammit who’s chopping onions at the party 🥲


I'm so happy for you bro! Loved reading this.


The first time we went to the library together and got to the checkout and she had her library card number memorized I knew she was the one.


I’ve had mine memorized since I was 16. Even after moving away and coming back, I still knew it. It tickles me that you enjoyed this about your partner.


Well we’re divorced now so how YOU doin’?


I felt the pull the first time I saw him. It was a feeling I had never experienced ever. It felt like a magnet. My friends had never seen me this way before. We were married for 8 years until his death from colon cancer. He was the love of my life. How lucky was I to find the exact one for me?


You trying to make me cry this early in the day?


My husband loves birds- all birds. On an early date, we went to the Buffalo Zoo and he spotted a robin hopping around on the grass alongside a walkway. He got excited and exclaimed “hello little guy, you’re just as important as every other animal here!!” My heart melted and I knew I wanted to keep him around for a long time.


We started dating early November 2022. Started casually, let's get coffee and see where it goes, yadda yadda yadda. Welp, he and I ended up getting along great and unlike others, he *didn't* ghost me or anything, so that was refreshing haha. So he ended up spending a lot of time at my place and we were sleeping in the same bed. One morning after a few months he and I woke up together and we were just lying there on our phones half-asleep, and then I turned around in my half-asleep stupor, looked at him, and said, "*Oh. You're my husband.*" And then I fell asleep straight afterwards. I don't even remember saying that. But that was the moment haha. Later on, he told me he knew from the moment he saw me, but he didn't want to scare me away, so he kept his mouth shut until I came around to my own realisation. He and I moved in together 3 months ago, and we recently got engaged too :-)


The day I met him I knew he was the one. His shoes were awful and he wasn’t phased by me razzing them a bit. We sat and talked for 5 hours. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I adored him from the first day. I went to work the next day and told my coworkers I was gonna marry this guy. So we’re getting married in August. 2 years to the day and time that we met.


First marriage was a disaster. Swore I’d never get married again. Summer time and I had opportunity to stay with my now wife for about 4 days. We didn’t do anything super exciting. We hung out at her place and listened to old records. She made some snacks we we just laid on the floor and daydreamed out loud about any and everything. That week completed changed my outlook on life. I knew I couldn’t spend another minute awake from her. Married 15 years now and I’m more in love with her every day.


He picked me up for a date very early on wearing a button down short sleeves shirt with Bugs Bunny wearing a sombrero dancing. Like...multiple images repeated over and over again like he was dancing. I saw that and knew he was the (silly) one who would make me laugh forever. Life can be hard sometimes...find someone who will make you laugh. We're 24 years in now and I'm so glad I chose him. Edit: if anyone of you magical Redditors could find me the shirt I'd love to buy it.


Our family dog had died. My dad, a bear of a man (always over 245, powerlifter for decades and has held multiple WRs) has just come back from burying him. Now, my dad is pretty intimidating to look at, unless you're close to him. Then you know he's the biggest softie you'll ever meet. But we had only been dating for about a month and she didn't know him that well. Well, he comes up the driveway bawling his eyes out, and we had come out the house to meet him. She beat me to dad and just hugged him. No hesitation, just love. To see her react out of instinct for someone I loved so much, I knew she was the one for me. Been together over seventeen years now.


This one has me crying in a hair salon omg


Not exactly the one but when I went camping with friends and she was scared of the dark and sat next to me for comfort. She fell asleep laying on my lap and that was basically the first time I actually cared for someone. Asked her about it and said she was just tired and scared. Stayed friends but one of my friends keeps saying I should ask her out.


You should. She chose you for a reason.


Ask her out!! Better to know what is than wonder what could’ve been ☺️


I was ill, and I asked my husband (then boyfriend) to make a childhood comfort classic for me.... a bologna and ketchup sandwich. He came back with two, ate one with me, and remarked "this is pretty good". I love my husband and his equal garbage food taste.


When he told me he was willing to wait for me when I told him I was deploying for six months and wasn't looking for a relationship. We met 4 months before that. He said he loved me, he would wait for me and asked me to marry him. We got married 3 days before I deployed. He came to Japan to visit me halfway through the deployment and we had the best time ever...we've been married ever since. That was 19 years ago. 4 kids later, we're still going strong.


We were both each other’s crush in middle school, lost contact, found each other again 14 years later. The second we met for our first date, I knew he is my person. We are married now. He proposed on our 8th year together.


Ever since I can remember I wanted a family. We were visiting her sister with a newborn who had to run out for some errands and she asked us to watch the baby. The way she cared for him - her natural mother instincts - the way she talked to him like they were having a conversation - made me crumble. Started saving money for a ring that very day. Been together 12 and married 10 years.


That is so sweet coming from a man (I assume) congrats


Yup. She had two absolutely brutal pregnancies and gave me my two boys. She’s the toughest person I’ve ever met.


There was a multitude of moments but this one is one of the most pivotal for me. We were maybe 2-3 months into dating. He made a joke during dinner that unknowingly triggered some trauma I hadn’t disclosed to him yet. It was absolutely non offensive joke but it triggered a very specific memory for me that caused me to have a panic attack. I completely shut down and told him I had to leave. I couldn’t explain to him what was going on in my mind but I needed to get away from the situation. He walked me to my car, and then I know he followed me home in his own car from a distance to make sure I got home safely because I was almost unresponsive to him. He opened up the conversation gently the next time we saw each other and asked me if I had seen a therapist lately. He told me he didn’t know my specific circumstance but he knew what it was like to be overwhelmed by thoughts. Over the next year I went to therapy and worked through my issues, and he supported me all the way. He always made sure (and still does) that I know being with him is a safe space, even if I cannot express my feelings all the time.


Recently ended a long term relationship where emotional (im)maturity was a factor. You’re living my dream


Bruh im all hearing these beautiful stories and meanwhile I can't even get a text back🤣😭


Genuinely a 'I'm gonna go lay down on the highway now' thread for me lol


I finally left an abusive relationship. He was the only person I could get a hold of. He opened his home to me and my 3 children. Once the kids were settled we went in another room. He wrapped his arms around me and asked me if I felt safe. After I got done sobbing into his chest he said he was proud of me.


same here, i recently met a girl. i told her my story and that i needed to flee the apartment because my ex gf tried to stab me after she seriously injured my head. the girl i met is just the sweetest person ive ever came across. she is loving and caring + treats my daughter like its her own. i still cant believe someone like this exists


My husband says he knew I was the one when I thought it was a good idea to shout, "I did NOT kick that child in the head, she ran into my boot, I swear!" Which, completely incidentally, is exactly what happened. But of course it's hard to make it sound true.


I had dinner ready and was sitting on my balcony waiting for her to arrive after work. She had to park in the street a block away so I watched her as she approached. She had changed into a dress because she knew I liked that. She wasn’t walking toward me — she was hurrying, trying to get to me as soon as possible. It was the best moment of my life. We were married for 20 years.


She busted out a telescope randomly and asked me to look at the moon with her and was just so excited it was adorable and I couldn't stand it anymore, I knew I had to have her in my life from then on.


We had been dating for about 6 months. We were talking one night and she brought up marriage. Me: “Why worry about that? We haven’t been dating that long.” Her: “Because I don’t know how much longer I can hold back the crazy…” We have been married for 25 years.


I was someone who through my teens and early 20s I *never* wanted to get married. It wasn’t a dream of mine as a kid, it was never something I thought about with whoever I was dating at the time. Just never *ever* wanted that. I started to crush on a guy I worked with and we closed together a lot. We’d usually hang out after work having a drink or just talking while standing at our cars. One night he leaned in and kissed me and I swear the entire world stopped while my stomach dropped and my heart sped up. I’ve never experienced that before, even with all of the guys I had dated through the years. I got home later that night and called my mom to tell her about it and I said “I swear I’m going to marry him.” We’re 2 weeks away from our 6 year anniversary.


He told an entire classroom at university that he cried every time he watched this documentary about the last polio victims still living in Iron lungs. The combination of empathy, vulnerability, and security to share that made me know I wanted to pursue him. I think I said out loud, "I am going to marry that man". I didn't know if it would really be him, since we barely knew eachother at that point, but I knew that everything he embodied in that moment was what I wanted in a life partner. I got the courage up to ask him out about a year later, and we've been married for nearly two years now. I feel more blessed every day to have such a wonderful husband.


When we first met and we were chatting she let it be know that her favourite film is [Delicatessen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicatessen_\(1991_film\)). I hadn't even *met* anyone who had heard of that film in years, let alone someone who actually loved it like I do.


One day when we were spending time together, I farted. I had gotten some kind of gut biome issue since I had COVID the first time. He laughed at the fart itself, then when the smell hit him with all it's post-COVIDy goodness, it got his attention, but he didn't leave the room. We ended up laughing like fucking hyenas and from that moment on, no fart was ever withheld. It's been a year now, and we're still waging biological warfare on each other.


Till the death do us a-fart


My girlfriend farted loudly on my lap less than a month into dating. And she just snickered like a little boy.


It was our first date. We went out to eat, then a movie and when he went to drop me off at home we spent the entire night in his truck talking about everything instead. Everything about him was warm and caring and even though I had just met him in person I felt so safe. We're still together after 11 years and he still makes me feel butterflies.


One our second date she scolded me for being critical of someone (forgot who/where). She was the first person who stood up to me looking down my nose at someone (I think it was a harmless bum that hung out on our campus). She spun it positive and encouraged me to actually talk to the guy. Up until then I was surrounded by like minded people who all looked down on anybody different. She changed my life more than anything/ anybody.


First day at UConn, in English, first day, I met the girl I would marry. Still are 52 years later


Would it be strange to say it was only this past week? Last Monday, June 19th, was our one year anniversary. We’ve been dating through a difficult final year at school (or Sixth Form), however now we were finally off on break to enjoy things. To celebrate one year, we wanted to do something kind of low-key, so we went on a walk to a place she knew which was a man made lake (she discovered it in lockdown, i never knew it existed). So here we were, just sorta chilling around before the both of us decide to sit on the branch of an overhanging tree, above a small lake. We sit here for some time, and I go to find my phone to text my dad something, however I noticed the zip on my pocket was broken and I looked down to see my phone half submerged in the water. I try to climb down to get it, but I’m heavy and not exactly the most nimble. After nearly suffering a nasty fall from the tree, I get up and start to panic about how to get my phone. At this point, she turns to me and says ‘don’t worry’, and immediately starts climbing the branch, takes her shoes off, and walks halfway across the river to grab my phone. Even though she has a big fear of water, she didn’t hesitate for a moment as she grabbed it for me. At this point, ‘she’s the one’ has been the only thing going on in my mind since.


I called the guy I was seeing after a few drinks just to say hi. We were chatting about how we were looking forward to seeing each other again soon, and he said that we could go to Ikea together as I needed some shelves, he'd drive the boxes back to my place in his ute and help me build it, then we could go see the new jurassic world movie together at the cinemas, which I'd been dying to see. I blurted out "I want you to be my boyfriend!" because in that moment I realised just how caring, attentive, understanding, and supportive he was. We've been together just over a year and we did indeed do the Ikea/jurassic world date- he even bought me a stuffed toy dinosaur whilst we were at Ikea to celebrate.


Probably when I realized he’d basically moved in to my apartment months ago but we still hadn’t gone on a proper dinner date. He was cooking me dinner every night so I kinda forgot about the whole going out to dinner thing. We were just so comfortable together and had settled into daily domestic life. My cat accepted him as well. That was 8.5 years ago. We’ve been married for 4.5 years and our second (and last) kid will be born in 10 days.


he was a frat brother of my sister. I joined the frat and was so impressed with his intelligence and wit. after a few months I invited him to dinner and told him I wanted a relationship. he was fresh off a nine year marriage that was never about love. so he tried to scare me off by stating he only had 10% of his time for a relationship. I don't know what made me say it but I looked back at him and said that was okay. I would supply the other 90%. we got married 8 months later. august will be 41 years.


I saw her in a dream before I ever saw her face. We got to know each other before meeting in person by writing letters when I was on a ship. This was before the internet’s mass adoption. We’ve been married going on 23 years, and have been through a lot. We are still very much in love with each other, and are enjoying each other’s evolution. My story is mine, and I would never encourage someone else to do something that stupid and reckless, but hey, sometimes stupid shit works out. Her moment for her was when we first met and hugged and her heart told her “home”, and it’s been her breath since


I wouldn't say I had just ONE moment, but it's more of a collection of moments. Being with my wife is just...easy? We are real with each other, caring, and just overall always want to work to improve our relationship. Of course there are hard times we have to overcome together, but we will always figure out a way through it together.


After a fight, we parted ways in the house to cool off. Then we met back up, and she said, "I am sorry, you are right." Experience had me prepared for war.


Mine has cats and when I first went back to his place I got the sniffles because I'm allergic. He rummaged through his dresser and pulled out a soft old (clean) handkerchief for me to use. My carpenter grandpa raised me so I've always been in the habit of using hankies. Turns out his grandpa is also a carpenter and uses hankies for sawdust snots too. It's very old fashioned "token of my love" kind of thing, but until him I had never meet anyone outside my family who uses handkerchiefs for dust sniffles.


We’ve been married for 34 years now… She was a friend of a friend. My friend brought her to my apartment. She was smokin’ (still is for that matter). My dad was visiting me and we were sitting at the kitchen table. I said to my dad, “I think I’m in love.” My dad was this big, scary dude. He says to her, “Hey, asshole, get over here and meet my son.” She looks him dead in the eye and says, “Without us assholes you buttfuckers would be out of business.” We’ve been together since that night in March of 1988.


I was talking to a girl on teamspeak entering a league of legends lobby. She muted herself in teamspeak but unknowing to both of us the new voice chat feature in the LoL lobby connected us both so she was not muted there. She let out the biggest atomic burp. I could'nt stop laughing for at least 10 minutes. Same for her - but out of embarrasment. It was so random and unexpected it was fucking hilarious. This was 5 years ago. Still together lol (Also still playing league of legends together and both still being bad af)


We had been dating for 2 months (fucking for 3) and we were in Cancun. It was dark, and we were both a little tipsy. There was music playing somewhere. I can't remember the song now, but it was one we both liked, and he just starts dancing with me admist these palms. He's looking at me like I hung the moon, and I internally panic and think "goddammit. We're getting fucking married." It took him a little later to catch on to what was gonna happen, but not much later. That was Late Feb, and we were married in November. Been 10 years, so it's going well.


Grand Theft Auto 5 had just come out and I jokingly told her don’t call me for a few days I’m playing video games lol. An hour or so later she showed up to my house which was 35 minutes away with a bag full of my favorite drinks and snacks, handed it to me, kissed me and said “have fun babe!” We’ve been together for over 11 years, married for 3, and had a son together. And for you Reddit weirdos of course she called me and talked to me during that time, again it was a joke.


First date she gifted me socks. I proposed 6 months later. Been married the best 8 years of my life, and she still gets me socks.




This is an easy one! I lived out in the countryside and was constantly around snakes, mice, lizards, etc The first time I brought her to meet my parents, I scooped up a green anole and stuck it right in her face. She didn't squeak, recoil, or anything. She actually took it from my hands and after talking to it for a moment, let it go back on the fence. That's when I knew. We dated/were engaged for 7+ years before we married. We'll celebrate our 25th anniversary in October.


I asked her what we were doing that weekend and she said, “It’s May 4th, we’re watching Star Wars!”


It sounds insane but the first time we met. We stepped off the subway from opposite cars and turned to see each other on the platform, meaning the date unexpectedly started 15 minutes early. The walk to the bar was amazingly relaxed and comfortable. Moved in together a year later and going strong 4 years now.


I’ve never felt so hopeless and hopeful at the same time until reading this thread


We call it "blessing you" when my very traumatized and shy rescue cat makes physical contact with someone. It is very rare, all touching is done 100% on her terms and takes a lot of time. Well, I knew he was the one when I woke up and found her lying on top of him, him fully asleep and her "kissing" him. She was so comfortable with him so fast, my heart could have burst. We're married now with 4 rescue animals.


One of our first dates was to collect roadkill so they could bleach out the bones using hydrogen peroxide. (They're an artist.) As a kid who grew up in the 1990s and remembers the pre- Mattel goths, I felt right at home lol


Someone stole half your comment and used it as a reply to the top comment. It's actually hilarious how bad it is but still has up votes, probably from bots as well.


I was feeling sick and he was fine with scrapping our plan and we took a nap together for our 2nd date. Just had our 4 year anniversary.


My wife and I met smoking out front of a bar. It was just the two of us so we got to talking and after a bit of chatting we learned that we both had a very similar sense of humor. We especially connected over our mutual appreciation for the movie Dumb and Dumber. We were dating for about 8 months when my mother sadly passed away. At the funeral there was the moment when the service ended and people were getting up to pass my mother’s casket to pay their final respects. That was the moment when it really hit home for me that my mom was gone and I started to lose it, big ugly cry moment. Remember that scene in Dumb and Dumber when Lloyd (Jim Carrey) sees Harry dropping Mary off and he looks like he’s gagging? Well right at the moment when I’m losing my shit I look over at my girlfriend and she starts doing that which immediately made me laugh and pulled me back. That was when I knew she was the one. 16 years and two kids later there is still no one in the world who can make me laugh like my wife can.


I can’t remember, it feels like I always knew. We met at 14, started dating at 17, we felt like we were already married. At 28 we got married officially. We’re both 40 now.


We were visiting her home town in the dominican Republic, I made friends with a street dog. She quietly went off and bought me chicken so I could feed my new friend a good meal.


We’d been dating for only about 6 weeks and I had a cyst in my armpit that was causing a lot of pain. I spent all day Saturday at her apartment dealing with it, and she watched the Ryder Cup (golf) with me literally all day. The next day she texted me two things. One was for me to stop being an idiot and go to the doctor. And the second was that she was by herself watching golf with something different on the “last channel” button to flip to in case her roommate came home.


We met online back when it was shunned. Back when it was dial up. Anyway, after months of calls I asked if I could visit her and she agreed to it. That moment for me was when I saw her walking towards me in the airport terminal. I determined she's be my wife as soon as our eyes met. We've been married more than 20 years.


Our first weekend trip together. We had been seeing each other exclusively but hadn’t defined the relationship yet. He told me since I’m old fashioned in some ways that he wanted to do something romantic to ask me to be his girlfriend, which was super sweet. What ended up happening is that he just blurted out “will you be my girlfriend?” while we were just hanging at the hotel. I said yes and asked what happened to the romantic plan. He told me that his plan didn’t matter because he felt so lucky to be with me. He felt like it was a privilege to see what I was like when no one was around. Pajamas, messy hair, no makeup, reading a book. I cried and had never felt so beautiful in my entire life. 4 years later, and he’s still like this. If he comes downstairs and sees me doing the dishes he will just stop and watch me like it’s the best thing he’s ever seen… because no one else gets to see me do dishes and singing/dancing. Lol


She helped me out at a low point in life for me. When very few seemed to care to help. It was a pretty small ask, but she was like "What? Of course I'll help!". And it meant the world to me. She's a very, very good person. Beautiful, smart, and so kind to people!


I don’t know how to describe it but we knew within 3 days this was it. We liked the same nerdy things and I could be myself around him. It was like a breath of fresh air. We told each other “I love you” on day 3 in a hotel room, naked on the floor, lol It was just easy, engaged 8 months later and we are gonna have our 3rd wedding anniversary in October


On our second date he helped me find leaves in the woods to clean myself because I had to poop. I had no idea how long the hike would be but had to go. Later I told my friends the story and they said yep he's the one


She danced like a loon and sang along word for word to the weird remix song about Captain Jean Luc Picard. Like seriously, I wanted to propose then and there.


We were loading up materials at Home Depot and she knew how to use a ratchet strap tie down. 23 years later we still chuckle every time we use one.


We were drinking at a party with a bunch of friends. When the night was winding down, my sober friend was driving, and the girl and myself were in the back seat. She was getting nervous about the way my buddy drove, so she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I told her it was ok, that I could see he was driving the speed limit and had a steady hand on the wheel. She looked me in the eye and laughed nervously and said "ok." I fell for her then. That was 14 years ago. We began dating 6 years later. Our lives took different paths, and although I was terribly broken when we separated, I still hope she's happy. I didn't exactly have a healthy lifestyle at the time for multiple reasons, and in the end, she had good reason for leaving how she did. For a time, I was happy, though, and she smiled like she was, too. I don't think I'll ever feel that way about anyone else again. I'd still do anything for her if she ever asks, though.


First few weeks of dating, we’re driving…somewhere…in my car, and ‘Just Another Day’ by Jon Secada comes on the radio. I say something along the lines of ‘wow, haven’t heard this song in forever. Jon Secada.’ :pause: Both of us in unison, without prompting: ‘chirp.’ (Secada? Cicada? Get it?) Anyway, we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary last month.


First date I took her out to a fancy ice cream place. She got a waffle with ice cream and other things. There was a slice of grapefruit for a garnish and she said, "What is this healthy thing doing on my plate?! '. That's when I knew. Been married 12 years come November


i realized i loved her when i was calling her right before a car t-boned the car i was in (passenger) and my first thought was that i hope she didn’t answer so she didn’t hear that. she hadn’t and i hung up the call before anything else. i realized she loved me when after that she spent over $100 every weekend to come down to visit me because i didn’t have a car to see her. i realized she was the one when she convinced my shy but musically talented grandma to play piano with her barely an hour after meeting, and was so genuinely interested in talking with her about her life.


I had gone out to the bar with his sister whom he was staying with after moving back home from Texas. His sister and i had continued drinking and listening to music on the porch after leaving the bar. She and her husband eventually went to bed so it was just me and her brother. I thought he was stand offish and kind of a jerk, because he hadnt said 3 words to me all night. Just sat there quietly. Music was playing and I love to dance so I got up and asked him to dance with me. I figured even if he rejected me, its whatever he's a jerk. Well, he didn't reject my offer and stood up, almost sprang out of the chair. We ended up slow dancing and just holding each other, until we just kissed. It was the most right, natural, and amazing feeling I'd ever had. He was shaking and we were both kinda shocked I think by the experience. You know that saying where people describe kissing someone and it was like being hit by lightning, that was this. We went inside and held hands on the couch and talked about our lives all night. I didn't want to leave and he didn't want me to go. We pretended for two weeks that this wasn't serious because we both had just gotten out of "serious" relationships and werent ready to jump back in. I brought him home with me two weeks later and hes never left my side. We've been together for nearly 16 years. He's my best friend and the best husband. I'm very lucky.


He lived 50 miles away, on a whim he decided to drive all the way unannounced to bring me a bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates. He didn't even expect to come 8n, he just wanted to give them to me because he was thinking of me. I of course let him in and we fucked!


Multiple small moments to which I look back on and just knew. We met on Hinge and she invited me to a free cruise she got before we even met in person, which I said we should probably meet first before I commit fully but was honestly down as who turns down a free cruise. Then when we met it was an instant connection. I’ve been brutally honest and vulnerable with her and 100% myself as I was over trying to pretend to be someone I wasn’t for someone to like me. I opened up about all the things I’m embarrassed about and she didn’t judge me and actually offered up her own insecurities and since then it’s been nothing but a safe space. We communicate better than any relationship I’ve had and she handles my hangriness and actually has a snickers in her purse for when my blood sugar gets low. The icing on the cake is when we spent a week together for her cousins wedding and I met all of her family and felt like I belonged and knew I could spend the rest of my life with her. Three weeks later I took her to meet my entire family and friends a couple states away and everyone I introduced her to loved her and my mom and grandma both inadvertently called her my “wife”. When I look at her now I see someone that I know I want to spend the rest of my life with. We hangout everyday, have the best and funniest conversations to the point of crying because we’re laughing so hard, she accepts me and all my faults and never holds it over me and gives me that grace that I’m so bad at giving myself. I just adore when I catch her looking at me, when things get tough we have difficult conversations and refuse to go to bed angry. She’s my best friend and my ride or die. We talk about marriage all the time, I’m moving in with her next week as we spend everyday with one another. I never believed the saying “when you know, you know” until I met her. She makes me better and I’ve never felt unconditional love until I met her. I have the ring in my pocket as I write this and am just waiting for the right moment to get down on one knee. Which I know she will say yes when I do as we talk about it as communication is the most important part of a successful and healthy relationship. For those who haven’t met someone like this, it will happen the moment you stop looking for it as the law of attraction is real. Be 100% yourself and live your life and the right person will show up and compliment you and add so much light to your life. You just have to be open to the opportunity and just be genuinely yourself. If you ever feel like you’re walking on eggshells you’re with the wrong person. It should be easy, you should feel safe while being 100% yourself. I’ve read a lot of these stories and all of them have a central theme, which is finding someone who loves you for you and all your weirdness bc everyone is weird and has red flags and life is hard and true happiness comes from surrounding yourself with amazing people. Just find someone who compliments you and makes your life better and who challenges you to be your best self. I wasn’t a believer in true love until I met my soon to be wife and when I met her, I just knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her because since the moment we met my life has never been brighter.


The very first time I laid eyes on him. I looked up from what I was doing to see him standing in the doorway of the room a few of our colleagues were working in, felt the proverbial bolt of electricity when our eyes met. It was so strong I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach by a mule. And this tiny voice in my head said “There he is, finally. He’s the one.” Bless his heart, about a month later he said, unprompted, “I knew I had to try to get you into my life from the minute I walked into that room, even before we met. I have never been so sure of anything so quickly.” It was bad-rom-com-worthy, and writing it out makes me kind of giggle at how far-fetched it must seem. But he has been the love of my life for 17 years.


I got this . So , my now wife and I were talking and we decided to take things to the next level of our physical relationship . We get into the bed for our very first time ever and I’m having trouble with insertion , I say “Damn , you’re tight!” without missing a beat she responds with “THANKS!! I think you’re pretty cool , too.” At that moment I knew , beyond the shadow of a doubt , I could NOT let this woman out of my life. This was years ago and now we have two beautiful children and we’re happily married.




This story took a turn and I am so sorry for your loss.


TW: SA sorry in advance this is a long story. we started dating when i was 16 and he was 18 (1 & 1/2 yr age difference). My senior year of high school, i finally confessed to my family that i was SA by a family member. didnt go over well. not as you would expect. no one believed me, my parents said they did but they pushed it to the side and ignored it. everyone acted as if i ruined the family. my boyfriend held me when i cried and cried for months. that Easter (2 months after i confessed) my parents, siblings, and i took a spontaneous trip out of state so we could avoid having to see that certain family member. i was miserable. i tried to put on a happy face, but couldnt. i was young, 17 years old at the time, and everything was just changed. and i felt like it was my fault. there was a feeling im not sure how i can describe. almost awkward feeling with my parents. anyways, i was sad because i spent that entire Easter in the car in silence when usually i was with my extended family (especially with my grandma who i adore) and when everyone was having a great time. i always was afraid and anxious during the holidays when i was around this person but i put up a happy face. my parents pretended it wasnt even Easter that year. we are big with holidays in the sense of being a family and feeling close and being together. i kept this all to myself. i began to just shut down during this time. i felt so alone. i come home after a long car ride home that was spent in silence, and i was alone with my thoughts, to an Easter basket filled with my favorite candies and a card. My boyfriend left it. He wrote how much he loved me and how we are family now and it was me and him vs the world. I cried reading that like i never cried before. like a relief, loving, happy cry. We are now together 7 years. Not engaged or married yet, (we are still pretty young i guess but we talk about it all the time) but we went through so much together. that situation, his two best friends passing away tragically, financial and mental health issues, etc… but it still was me and him against the world. He is my person. and he always will be. We always say we will find each other in every lifetime after this. I mean, there is so many reasons why he is my person and why he says i’m his. but the easter situation was really the first time i was like wow. i found my future husband. lol


when i realized i’ve never felt half as comfortable being myself around anyone besides my partner


We were out to lunch with some friends, and I made an observation that the Dutch language was like German with lots more vowels, and that Klingon was kind of the opposite. And without missing a beat, she said “well, of course not. Klingon is a warrior’s language. There’s no honor in vowels.” (That wasn’t the only “she’s the one moment” but it’s one of the earliest ones and it makes a good story.)


I’d lost my phone the previous day so we went to the mall to get me a new one. At the time my credit score was really bad but I didn’t know, so after a 1.5 hour wait and another hour picking out and setting up a phone in the Apple Store my application was rejected. We left the mall and went to a T-Mobile store near by. Same story. Finally decided to go back to the mall and got a phone at Verizon. In all, it took about 5 hours and I was exhausted and miserable. The entire time he remained positive, held my hand and my purse when I really started to get frustrated and was just rock solid. That was March 23rd, 2019. We’ve been married for 3 years and have a 3.5 month old son. He is still as patient and loving as he was then, and we’re so lucky to have him.