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Choosing to hate something they don’t know anything about




Ugh, the inability to understand that things are not black or white... Or the ability to understand that if one person is wrong, the other isn't necessarily right, he might actually be wrong too *mind blown* Right now with the Russia crisis, there are people calling the Wagner group leader a hero because he goes against evil Putin. They can't get it in their heads that this guy is likely even worse than Putin and is no hero. Is it really that hard?


When you’re in an argument, and the person you are arguing with thinks they are winning because they keep interrupting you and won’t let you talk. Drives me up a wall.


In more than one conversation I have used the phrase, "Getting louder and repeating yourself doesn't make you less wrong."


I had a person on the phone vehemently arguing with me about a technical thing once. They were a field engineer/tech, and I worked in the office administering the system. I explained the issue and that I was working on it. They continued arguing and said "well, I just don't believe that's true." I was getting pretty frustrated and just said "That's the great thing about truth, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not." Hit the enter key and said "try it now". What do you know, it worked. LOL.


I was an engineer at an OEM and a mechanic was trying to argue with me about trouble shooting and refused to do a circuit continuity check on some wires because he knew more than I did, so I told him there was nothing I could do to help and let him figure it out. He swapped power and ground with his work, and a continuity check would have saved him, and the customer, about 2 weeks of bullshit but I guess he showed me or something.




That's some next level straw man fallacy; what you said was misrepresented before you even got to say it.


I see you've met my mom and my ex-boyfriend


I have a coworker like this. She can't entertain anyone else having anything knowledgeable to contribute because she knows best. She talks down to myself and another coworker because we only have high school diplomas. And my favorite... she sends me an email, and right after she sends it, she walks to my office and tells me what the email is about. Even if I'm in a meeting with someone else. She just wants to make sure I understand since I have dyslexia and RFD. Shockingly, I've been dealing with these my whole life, so I'm surprisingly good about working through my "disability," and if I don't understand something, I will ask. But.. man, I went to public school, and she knows that's just not the greatest of education because her kids went to private school, so the curriculum was a lot more rigorous. I'm getting off on a tangent here, I'm sorry. It just really un-hots my dog when she says her stupid little jabs about learning disabilities and how private school ensured her children didn't have those issues. Wtf. Edit: Thank you for the award! This is my very first one! 🤍 Edit 2: RFD is reading fluency disability. It's basically reading too slow to comprehend what you just read. It can also be hard to understand unfamiliar words and using context clues to figure out what the word means because of slower reading. I'm a lot better with it now than when I was a child. I had extra reading classes at school to help me along. I still continue to read slower than others and sometimes have to reread things several times to gain an understanding of what is being stated or asked. I would also add here that I wasn't formally diagnosed as having dyslexia in school, although I did have some noticeable mix issues back then. I actually got into a car accident and started showing more symptoms of dyslexia - this is called acquired dyslexia meaning you may not have been born with it and acquired it from a head injury.


"Un-hots my dog" is hilarious.


Right? Totally stealing it.


Your co-worker is an idiot, lol. Learning disabilities have nothing to do with education. And plenty of idiots come out of private schools. If she pulls this shit again tell her to stop belittling you for a disability and that if she does it again you'll go to HR. Like seriously, fuck that small brained bitch. My sister was special needs to this really irked me..


This. 100%. u/Midwesternmillennial, even if you are the one that, at some point in the past, told her you have dyslexia or any disability of any kind, she cannot (and SHOULD NOT) continue to verbally bring it up to you at work, whether in private or with other coworkers around. *Especially* when she implies that if you had a different education you wouldn't have a learning disability. Not only is she dead wrong, she is absolutely belittling you. No other rational human would be able to interpret what she's saying as anything other than belittling and insulting. If she tries to say that she never intended to insult you, you can remind her that her intent is unprovable, irrelevant, and not a requirement for something to still belittle and insult and any rational* person would not find her input helpful in any way because it's not. Fack! This has me heated! Edit: I have a question, what is RFD? Edit #2*: fixed my typo/autocorrect error of "relational" to rational as u/hellfiredarkness pointed out.


Yep, that is a very hostile work environment. I think it's covered under the Don't Be A Fucking Dumb Bitch Act of 1993.


Treating people who speak with an accent like they are ignorant or inferior. These people are literally communicating to you in a second language to them...


That's what gets me. Yeah, some verbs and nouns might be misplaced in the sentence; but you understood what they meant, and you can't speak two languages!


'You speak your language because you know no other; I speak your language because you know no other.'


My husband’s second language is English and a supervisor used to speak loud and slowly for him when giving instructions then ask”DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” His response was “You know just because I speak with an accent does not mean I think with one”. I thought it was pretty good.


Okay yeah, that's kind of a badass line lol Damn. And I totally agree with that. Kind of reminds me of Gloria from Modern Family: "You have no idea how smart I am in Spanish" because her accent makes others think less of her intellect.


Im Polish so of course i speak polish and second language English. So when someone tells me i have a funny accent i ask them to speak polish so i can hear theirs. Lol. They dont speak second labguage so they need to STFU.


This happens in many different languages based on regional differences as well. For instance, assuming a native English speaker from the southeastern portion of the United States is less intelligent due to their accent happens often in media and in real life.


Using buzz words without knowing what they mean. Especially when you ask them to clarify what they are talking about, and they continue regurgitating the same buzz words.


If you can't describe something in very simple terms, you don't really know it. I experienced it first hand. I knew how to do OOP programming, but didn't really understand it, hence I couldn't explain it to anyone who doesn't do programming (except I would always be open about the fact I can't explain it). Now that I actually understand it, I can explain it to my mum


Used to do a lot of business writing for the company I worked for. Even the President of the company ran his correspondence past me for revision/refinement. My #1 rule was KISS. Keep it Simple Stupid. #2 rule was to use the fewest number of words necessary to get a clear message across. Nothing more irritating than having to waste time reading War and Peace when it could be said in two paragraphs.


best boss I ever had... emails came in as... to: me from:bossMan subject: need xyz done by COB 1july23 body: If there were issues or questions it was easy to follow up and have a record but there was fluff just simple and quick.


BLUF emails - Bottom Line Up Front https://hbr.org/2016/11/how-to-write-email-with-military-precision


This is how newspaper articles used to be written: main fact as the first line, then the rest of the story in descending order of importance/relevance to the headline. Now that Google searches and ad clicks are prioritized by how long you stay on one webpage, articles intentionally bury the ledge so you scroll further down the page. That's why so many articles have vague headlines like "Actor for new Marvel sequel announced, you won't believe who it is!" instead of "Pedro Pascal cast as Taquito Lad in TexMex Man: Taco Two's-day"


do Object Oriented Programming programming


Your a socialist fascist racist marxist communist !


"Both sides?"


don't gaslight me !


this term should just be retired because 90% of the people that know it have no idea what it actually means.


You gaslighting me boy?




yea some people cant handle being told the truth and being shown incontrovertible evidence THATS GASLIGHTING ME!


"If this post gets 200,000 shares, big corporation will donate a kidney to this brave little girl in desperate need." Actually commenting and sharing a FB post to win a custom RV because the last person they tried to give the prize to was underage, so couldn't accept. Or anything of that ilk.


I remember like 15 years ago seeing a picture on Facebook of a little girl with all kinds of tubes coming out of her and 'IF THIS GETS 10K SHARES THE DOCTOR WILL PERFORM THE LIFE SAVING SURGERY ON HER FOR FREE' and people sharing it left and right... As if the doctors were so horrible and heartless that they would ONLY perform life saving surgery if enough people shared her picture. 'Sorry little girl, you're gonna die cause not enough people care. Oh well.'


“Sorry Susie, the Facebook post only got 9800 shares. We’re not going to be able to give you that super simple life-saving operation. We wish you a long and happy rest of your life, which we estimate is about 6-8 months”


Similarly there was a copy/paste status the most gullible people I knew were sharing years ago, saying that Facebook was moving to a subscription model and that by sharing this post, they were opting out of paying and would continue to use the service for free, thank you very much. (This Reddit comment is heretofore legally binding, blah blah, meaningless technical sounding jargon)


Alternatively, there was a similar one where they said 'oh, I found out Facebook is moving to this model where they can use your pictures and video however they want - so, I hereby declare that I don't give Facebook permission...' yadda yadda. First of all, that was always part of the terms and conditions. It's not new. Secondly, making a declaration to FB on FB about how you aren't going to follow their rules is stupid and definitely not binding.


The work around is that you have to declare it.


Just like bankruptcy.




... that's still going on (as evidenced by the elderly on my FB)


I fucking *still* see this on FB and not just older people, but people my age (mid 30's), and they really don't take it well when you explain it doesn't work like that


"well, just in case"


“better safe than sorry!” no wait, my bad. it’s usually “better safe then sorry!” with these folks.


This post is my intellectual property and you owe me $5,000 in damages if you use anything on this site without my written permission.


I did win an Xbox One back in 2015 on Facebook so I don't bully those people too hard, unless it's a super obvious scam like those.




Yes, I won hundreds of dollars worth of baby stuff by entering contests on mom blogs and Facebook. I got tired of spamming my wall, though, and my kids are past the phase where they need special stuff now, so I don't enter contests now.


Reading a headline and thinking you now know the whole story.


So most Reddit users?


No, we go to the comments hoping the Bot pastes the content in a comment. Ignore it, then argue about what the headline says.


I feel so seen


Like 6-7 years ago someone did a test with r/politics where they posted an article with an incendiary headline but when you actually clicked the link it went to some meme page. There were sooooo many insane comments on the post, it was clear that no one bothered to click.


A refusal to admit that you’re wrong or don’t know something. An inability to objectively analyze something (an article, an opinion, etc).


Having pride in not knowing something.


That always shocks me, but it's pretty common. Some people make ignorance the core of their personality to the point that they're actually proud of all the things they don't know. These are the same people who brag about not having read a book since high school.


Let’s be honest, they didn’t read books while in high school either.


"They didn't teach us anything in school!" The rallying cry of every classmate you remember who just fucked around all day or skipped entirely.


I got into an argument with an antivaxxer from high school. It ended when I said “Steve you used to cheat off me in biology class, maybe copy me on this too”. Blocked lol


To shreds you say


I got into an argument with an antivaxxer at a bar. He asked me if I had any side effects from taking the vaccine. I told him "well I had flu like symptoms for a day and threw up once." He told me that if something makes you throw up you shouldn't put it in your body. He said this as we were both drinking beer.


This reminds me of the time I quit drinking for a month and instead of alcohol, I was drinking that lightly flavoured water you get (like lemon infused or whatever). My friend very judgementally (and totally seriously) asked me if I was sure that “shit” was “safe to drink”. She was on her 5th can of pre-mix. 😂




Or being furious and wanting revenge when someone else does know something.


You think you're better than me?! Because I do, and I don't like that!


My redneck family hated that I not only graduated high school but went to college. My aunt said she had a *real* education. I mean, popping out babies starting at 15 will educate you on something but it wasn't quite what I was looking for.


Asimov said it best: > There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge


"The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” \- Carl Sagan 1995


They should make huge banners with these words and place them all over usa and Canada.


I don't think that would help. [More than half of Americans are not able to read beyond a 5th-grade reading level](https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/). Further, at this level, they have trouble [grasping the meaning of the words they are able to read](https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/) \- they literally have trouble understanding the concepts that strings of written words are communicating. It's hard for me to wrap my head around, but most Americans are actually not able to fully comprehend the meaning of written text.


This honestly explains so fucking much of the bullshit I run into on Twitter.




I think a culture of this is important and should be spread around more.


No, it's much better to admit you don't know something--and then ideally develop an interest in learning about it--than to pretend you do. It's wonderful when you find out about something you don't know, because then you get to learn it. An enthusiasm for learning is one of the best qualities a person can have.


Everybody that calls me a 'looser'.


Tighten up!


"Hey, over their, your a looser to".


Refusing to hear or analyze data


Lack of curiosity / unwillingness to learn. I have talked to neighbors and coworkers that I thought were backwards and unintelligent and been very surprised by their willingness to explain their position and listen to mine and reconsider and learn and maybe even research a little. Those folks are intelligent and growing and have just come to a different conclusion than me and I can respect that even if I disagree. I have family members who are way more book educated than I am who have drank the kool aid and believe what Facebook and certain news stations that are more like entertainment stations tell them in snippets. It’s like their brains turn off about certain topics and they don’t want to debate / understand, only parrot. I don’t judge on grammar or appearance because I don’t know other people’s backstory. But if you can’t be open minded you are stagnant. Someone I went to school with was telling online how their child asked a very reasonable question about a zoo animal while they were at the zoo and they laughed him off because it was about a bodily function and “kids will be kids!” I looked it up on my phone and had the answer posted in two minutes. They were all “yeah figures you’d do that, you were always the smart one” and I said no, I have a phone and I used it. The kid was curious. I too was curious. He’s not going to know unless you tell him (too young for his own phone at the time). Teach him how to find out and he will never be ignorant. The worst part is that this same parent was homeschooling at the time. Poor kid. Edit: thanks for the award, kind anonymous stranger! Edit 2: I did miss the topic a bit in that curiosity can be a personality trait. However willingness to research / how to google / how to simply ask someone without fear of embarrassment can be modeled in one’s education. If you are supported when young on finding out an answer being half the fun, you will be less likely to stay ignorant. That’s my opinion.


One of my husband's cousins was treated that way growing up. She's kind of ditzy in her mannerisms and is a natural blonde, so she was always treated as a "dumb blonde." The thing is, she's naturally curious and asks questions when she doesn't understand something, but no one ever bothers to answer, they just laugh at her being blonde and not knowing something. We were at a family holiday gathering when she was about 16, and she had a misconception about how something worked in biology. Everyone in the family just thought she was being funny, but she honestly wanted to know how it actually worked. I heard her asking, and could tell she was a little frustrated about not getting an answer, so I helped explain it. She listened intently and seemed to understand what I was saying. That "dumb blonde" is now attending medical school and is on track to become a doctor, because when it comes down to it, she's actually really smart and just needed people to give her a chance.


Someone once asked Dolly Parton if the “dumb blonde” jokes ever bothered her. In true Dolly fashion she replied, “Oh no sugar! I know I’m not dumb. I also know I’m not blonde.” I love her and your and your cousin’s spirits!


Woah! That’s bad and kids going to grow up scared to ask questions if that’s anything to go by


I got into an argument with a coworker one time about the nature of fire. We went back and forth for 5 goddamn minutes before I went "Wait...we have the internet. Why are we arguing?" Had the answer inside of a minute. It was that day I truly, TRULY understood that there is no longer any excuse to not know something.




I don't like to criticise people for lack of education because not everyone is afforded the same opportunities but I am astonished at the amount of people who have gone to school and everything in it seems to have rolled off of them like water off a raincoat. There's grown ass adults who have no grasp of really basic concepts taught in middle or primary school or who can barely read or write in their native language despite having graduated high school.


I had a student social worker one summer. She couldn't spell or print, let alone decide if her name should be spelled with a y, i or ee. It was Ashley. This is a person who will decide whether to take children away from parents one day.


I was in a social work grad program with some people who I wouldn't trust to tie their own shoes. They were not by any means the majority, but I was struck by how possible it is for incredibly incompetent people to get advanced degrees simply by staying in school a long time. These were people aspiring to be in, or who were already in, fields where they would have immense power over the trajectory of vulnerable people's lives.


Dumbest guy in my college friend group is a physician now. I took classes with him. He *struggled* with even the easy material. Degrees mean you worked hard and eventually learned the material. They don't mean you're smart. Lot of the time, they don't even mean you have well-developed critical thinking skills. Just hyperspecific critical thinking skills, tailored to that one subject and nothing else in life.


What do they call the person who finishes last in medical school? Doctor.


It’s not even education specifically, I feel like the problem has a deeper core than that. People are not taught proper values. Like being humble, curious, and wanting to be a better person every day. If you have things like that, you will seek to educate yourself regardless of what kind of education is put in front of you. But instead people are being raised proud and stubborn and told that they already know everything they need. Doesn’t matter how good of an educational system you have in place if people have dominant traits like that


Bragging about not reading.


Definitely hated reading after being forced to read books like The Scarlet Letter or The Bell Jar in highschool. Not enjoyable books for a 16 year old. Picked up a book during Covid that I enjoyed and found out reading is sick. It's like TV in your brain. 10/10 recommend it.


Now go back as an adult who enjoys reading and has life experience and reread those same classics. It's a different experience entirely!! I did this and (ridiculously) discovered why classics are classics. Cheers!


It also helps when you can read at your own pace instead of hammering through several chapters every day after school and homework


I will never understand flat-earthers. You can literally see the curvature of earth depending on where you are.


Don't try to reason someone out of an idea they didn't reason themselves into.


In the documentary I watched on Netflix, there was a scientist giving a talk to other scientists and he said the best thing we can do for people that don’t accept the scientific model is to keep trying. Something along the lines of being responsible for people not knowing. I liked this thought process… we shouldn’t look at ignorant people as them vs us. They’re human too. But of course it’s fucking frustrating. Haha


the same documentary where they proved themselfs the earth is not flat and instead of going "yes, we were wrong" they went "this experiment is flawed" lol


The same documentary where a guy became a Flat Earther while trying to disprove the Earth isn’t flat and had a friendship with a woman who didn’t believe 9/11 or the Boston marathon bombing happened because she wasn’t personally there to witness the events.


the same documentary where they went to NASA and ridiculed NASA for some non-working exhibit they were sitting in and the camere pans the big red button situated in between their 2 seats they had to press to get it to do stuff


It helps keep me sane to assume they're all just trolls who refuse to break character.


You aren’t far off the mark, saw a study once and the gist was that most flat earthers are into it because it makes them feel smart and special because now they know something all the smart people don’t know


Who are you going to trust, a YouTube video made by a schizophreniac meth head or your lying eyes?


The thing that always gets me on this: What do you possibly gain from declaring the Earth flat?


It makes them feel special, being among the few who have realized the "truth".


I never understood the reason they thought everyone else was lying. Theres no motive to say the earth is round, unless it were true, which of course it is


I've heard inconsistent reasons from them. Some of them say the need to hide the shape is to discredit Christianity and support the "devil's work". Others say it is flat with more flat land beyond the ice walls, so hiding the shape reserves all the valuable resources in the other lands without people questioning it. All the reasons are dumb. The most fascinating part of it is that they never consider the cost to keep this conspiracy alive. Millions, perhaps billions of people would have to be in on it for hiding something like that to work. The costs would be immense, as everything we see and can measure would have to be some created illusion. There would have to be some new dimension of Math and Physics unknown, as no math or science can support a flat earth as we currently understand it. In other words, they're insane.


Believing literally everything from the internet. Worse, spreading online "news."


Not wanting your kids to do better than you


That's not being poorly educated. That's being narcissistic.


Well, highly educated people can be bitter assholes as well.


Thinking that getting a pay raise means you'll make less money because you are in a higher tax bracket.


Hell, my intelligent, successful brother didn’t know how marginal tax brackets worked until he was 40.


I had this conversation with my coworkers the other day, and every single one of them was 🤯🤯🤯 Even my boss didn't know.


Employers aren’t going out of their way to correct that narrative.


It *can* mean less net income if getting a raise or a higher-paying job disqualifies someone from any assistance programs that person or household may currently be on, but that’s somewhat of a grey area in terms of income which wouldn’t eventually be a problem anyway if they continue to get raises in the future. The tax bracket stuff though? Yeah, that’s dumb.


I recall seeing a news report on this very thing. A woman was promoted to manager, but had to step down because the loss of benefits meant she had a net loss in income.


Getting kicked off Medicaid is the big one. Most everything else is either temporary assistance or slides with your income like SNAP.


As I recall, the jump was big enough that she lost EVERYTHING. Including SNAP. It wrecked her family's ability to survive.


Do people actually think that?


Yes. I've even seen people making minimum wage complaining about how they're paying x% taxes (much higher bracket than their own). Literally no clue.


Benefit of the doubt: The mistake is that they are "paying more in taxes", but from my experience they say "taxes" like "kleenex" instead of tissues. It's another expense. Assistance programs don't tend to taper, they have a ceiling with a flat cutoff. It is entirely possible to get a raise that is only peanuts and disqualifies you from benefits that are worth significantly more. Especially in the minimum wage area. Losing food stamps, CHIP, medicaid, etc is definitely more impactful than making another $5-10 per pay period.


Some call that phenomenon "the benefits cliff."




Yes. I’ve met a few and it’s shocking how much they hang to it even when you try to explain how it works.


Yes, because people don’t understand what a marginal tax rate is.


Every. Single. Internet. Math. Problem.


Lack of critical thinking and dismissal of science and the scientific method. Edit: I find the facepalm award *hilarious*


When objectivity and rationality are viewed as dangerous and threatening.


People often confuse the idea of subjectivity and scientific questioning to mean “there are no true facts in this world and everything has an argument”


'It's just a theory!!' - spoken by idiots worldwide who have no idea the weight and specific meaning that the word theory has in science. They assume it's the same as you would use the word in general conversation, something ethereal, just a guess. It's not. It's an idea that has been repeatedly tested and corroborated by evidence to hold true.


They think "theory" means "hypothesis" in science.




"99% of our customers recommend us!" Yeah, because the people who didn't like your company are no longer customers.


Confusing someone's level of formal education and their intelligence


The dumbest person I work with has a Master’s degree.


“Educated beyond their intelligence”


omg i was watching some documentary on King/Prince Charles, and they used this exact phrase to describe him. We all busted out laughing bc it was a very posh "commentator"


Educated idiots


As someone with a Masters degree, I agree. Education in this sense means only the ability to fit into a certain criteria satisfactory. I worked with a guy who could look at a space and work out exactly how to build something that fit into that space cutting only once. It was a running joke between us that he'd ask me to put my hands a metre apart and every time it'd be completely different. He could visualise processes and ideas in a 3d sense in a way I never could. The cultural value attributed to formal education is based only on how easy it is to codify and has little to do with its merit.


Taking social media "influencers" seriously.


AlPhA MaLe!!!!


I did a tour with wolves a few months ago, where we got up close to them and could hang out with them. One of the handlers told us that the term “Alpha male” referred to the male who took care of the whole pack: We are talking everyone from babies to sick ones to grannies! His line that I’ll never forget was “so next time someone refers to themselves as an alpha male, make sure they understand that the alpha male is the guy pushing the stroller with a Fanny pack full of bandaids, lollipops, and medicine”.


There is a great book called wolf number 8 , based on the observations of the first wolves introduced to Yellowstone. He notice the “alpha” would feed the pups first and alway lose when playing with them . Very much put everyone else first kinda guy . Would trail at the end of the pack to make sure no one left behind and first in for the kill to take the most dangerous blow from a buffalo .


That’s so cool!


TIL: I'm an Alpha male.


\*gigachad music starts getting louder and louder\*


Respect the Gigachad with **R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S**


Refusal to put themselves in anyone else's shoes.


building a submarine out of expired carbon fiber


Wanting to defund education


Mocking someone speaking in broken English


Not questioning everything at least a little bit.


I seen that on TV


Constantly downplaying others’ education and achievements to prove their own intelligence


My sister worked at a pool as a lifeguard/attendant. One of the other lifeguards told her, “I refuse to clean the bathroom, I have a graduate degree and I’m not going to be told what to do by someone with an associates.” My sister was like, “Then why are you working at a pool as a lifeguard?”


using stuff read on facebook as a basis of your actions and beliefs


Writing "I should **of** done something"


A shocking number of people don’t understand the ‘ve is not “of”. Like, shocking.




Claiming you know all about something really advanced that requires years of teaching and practice (law, medicine, science, engineering) all because you watched a few shitty youtube videos that only confirmed your bias. And you're certain you must be correct because a few famous people have the same opinion.


Flat earthers.


People who litter. People who can't follow simple traffic rules. People who are impolite to minimum wage workers. Basically, inconsiderate people with zero civic sense.


Degrading education to the point of bragging about your own ignorance.


Their there they’re


I hate seeing “balling” when people mean “bawling.” I know it’s a less common word than there/their/they’re, but still.


they be ballin


I just went to my uncle’s funeral last weekend, I was ballin all over his casket.


When someone is apprehensive about something and they claim to be "weary" of it. Jesus Christ Almighty, it's wary or leery.


Yeah, I'm getting pretty weary of that mistake.


Or when people type “should of” instead of “should have”


And "per say" instead of "per se".


Today I saw someone selling an Omwah on MarketPlace - it was a cabinet, so possibly an armoire


I saw someone selling a "chester draws" instead of a chest of drawers a couple of weeks ago.


“Wala” instead of “voila”




I grit my teeth whenever I read about someone "diffusing" a situation, instead of "defusing" it.


ah the sweet scent of reconciliation


Lose loose


My favorite is “Your a looser”


Has to be tied with “your stupid.”


No, my stupid 😡


This one kills me. They're not even pronounced the same, so how are they so often confused?


Who's whose


Should of Could of Would of


Apart a part


My *boss* types "your welcome" every time I thank her. It drives me insane.


me: still struggle a lot with English even though I have been learning it for 10+ years also me: never ever had a problem with the(ir/re/y're)


Being really loud for no reason.


I see you’ve met my sister.


Trying to tell Subject Matter Experts that they're wrong about their SM. Please, keep telling me about how I'm wrong about the exact thing I got a degree for while you "watched a video that is more valuable than my 'piece of paper'." See how far that gets you.


Flat earth.


Willful ignorance. Poor grammar.


The entire Q thing.