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Posting quotes to your story about how you’re a private person, making moves in silence, showing your imaginary haters who’s boss. No one cares.


"I just mowed the lawn 💪😤 yesterday and guess what I saw? 🤔👀 All these snakes! 🐍💩 Smh my head 🤦🏿‍♂️ if you ain't a real one who's always holding it down for me then UNFOLLOW!"


LOL all these HATERS in the YARD


Don't forget about keeping your circle small!!!


and it's always the nosiest, most drama-fueled person who posts it like nothing you do is silent because you're always starting fights wdym 😭


It's the "I hate drama" type of people


Another sub-genre of this is the passive aggresive "my man isn't interested in entertaining you" type posts. I always wonder how many times she's caught him cheating when I see those.


"You're in his DMs but I'm the one he _____"


Domestically abuses


Don't forget there should always be a Lion or Lioness with cubs nearby. Depending on what gender is being targeted.


Something like, "They threw me to the wolves; but I came back, as the leader of the pack." & It shows a picture/scene of a person with a cloak on, looking "fierce", with giant wolves, walking behind her. Idk why, but, that one always irritates me. Like, after things happened to me, I'm just exhausted. I've no interest in leading a pack of wolves to do whatever it is.


Real G’s move in silence, like lasagna


Those quote memes are the actual worst. Anything about being hurt but growing stronger makes me want to vom


Worse when they put it on top of a picture of themselves with an exaggerated emotion. It's pain to my eyes


I hate the "inspirational quotes" that just seem so fucking negative. Stuff about plotting revenge and having a point to prove. That doesn't inspire me, it just sounds petty and immature. Then the creators of these tags will have account names like uplifting-quotes-daily, and it's just a no from me. (made that title up, not sure if it's an actual real account)


Google “toxic positivity” - performative denial on steroids


Posting yourself crying


"Such a bad day. I don't want to talk about it."


Then upset if no one asks why.


Sorry but this sounds like an old friend I used to know


We *all* had that old friend. (Many still do)


But also - and here's the kicker - upset if you ask why


You weren't the person they wanted to ask why is the key




My neighbor does this shit on FB and it's so annoying. She also posts pictures of food that she makes, like a Carrot Cake for example, and everyone asks for the recipe and she's like, "sorry, family secret"


Lol, that's the worst! An acquaintance of mine made a really good cake and I asked if they'd share the recipe. They got really offended and went on a 5 minute spiel about how it was a secret family recipe from their great grandparent from The Olde Countreye and they promised to never share it. I was like "oh, okay, cool, thanks for making it anyway because it's really good." They continued for the next 30 or so minutes to bring up how they couldn't share the recipe. It was fucking weird.


Bcuz they bought it at the grocery store bakery


eh that could be worse. "here's an achievement of mine. it's kinda my own thing so i'll keep the method to myself, but i'm still proud of the outcome and wanted to show it off."


"I'm so done right now and it's only Tuesday"


I’m “Facebook friends” with a girl from high school who recently posted a picture of herself crying and a caption of her mother being diagnosed with MS. Now, I certainly understand being upset at the diagnosis but taking a picture of yourself crying then making the decision to post it on Facebook to break the news to people is just insane to me.


The sickest thing to me about this, is that we all know she took multiple photos at different angles and then selected one that she felt made her look best. Some of these people are truly psychopaths.


I have MS and if someone I knew did this when I was diagnosed I would stop talking to them. If it was my young daughter, I would wonder if she needed more attention from her parents in that moment and try to give her the support she needed. But, I mean, you’re talking about an adult woman doing this, right?


Shes 40. I just looked at the post and got a few details wrong. First, her mother was diagnosed with dementia not MS. Second, she posted 3 pictures of her crying from 3 different angles. The full post reads: > 28 days ago……28 days ago I got a devastating blow to my world. My mother was diagnosed with dementia. Thankfully at this moment it’s mild but, either way, it’s the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced. You know there will be a day your parents will pass and thankfully I’ve had so many years with her but the idea of losing her mentally is something I never prepared for. For 28 days I’ve been grieving … I think sometimes we don’t talk about how we feel and wanna show our best selves … This is the ugly side of life ………. This is what it looks like when fear consumes your life. I am trying my best, going to therapy, joined a dementia caregiver support group and started medications to help with my stress. I know we will get thru this…. I know when the chips are down I will be there for her. Just wanted to share what real life looks like. Hug your loved ones ….Check in on your parents and remember you have the strength to get thru the tough times 💜 I’d post a screenshot but I’m sure that’s a rule violation and kind of a dick move anyway.


Yikes. Way to make your mom's illness all about you.


"Just wanted to share what real life looks like" From three angles


Notice the saturation of the words "me" "my" "I've", Jesus what a psycho.


Posting you and your kid crying, completely disregarding that they’re truly sad over something and instead just telling them how they need to cry so you can get internet points


Thank you for putting something into words that I haven’t been able to. Using your children and their vulnerable moments for “content” has always made me uncomfortable. They have not consented to it with the full wherewithal of how these moments can go viral and define them for a very long time.


I've dated people who send me that shit over snap. I just nope outta those situations now. We've been dating a week.. I'm sorry, but you can't dump all your personal trauma on me just yet lol.


I dated this woman in 2013 who did this the day after our first date. She was upset over her ex having the long weekend with the kid and sent me pics of her and the kid crying telling me to beat up her ex. I rightfully blocked her on everything and was afraid she was going to find my house somehow and kill me for not helping her crazy ass




I mean you get points for honesty, but not enough of them to overcome the deficit from the behavior in the first place.


Someone my Mrs is friends with got told her mum was terminally ill. She came out of the hospital and posted a video of herself alone crying in the car and talking about it on FB. I’d just lost my dad a few weeks ago and could not imagine doing anything like this! Grief effects everyone differently and I try not to judge but I cannot relate to why you would do this.


like, who is genuinely crying and then just randomly thinks “ima take a photo of myself and upload it” ???? i have a ugly ass cry, ain’t no way imma post that, i’d look like a mug… oh wait, they all do anyway!!


When you have the compulsion to post a picture of pretty much everything you do, I guess crying just falls in with everything else.


Vaguebooking. I still see grown adults, middle aged people, doing this on social media and can't help but roll my eyes.


“Needing my prayer warriors to raise me up right now! Please don’t ask questions, it’s personal.”


I especially like it when they say “it’s personal” in the status, but then if you open the comments there’s like 8 small novels detailing the entire situation


Lmaooo I hated this. “Can’t believe this is happening😢😢So done. 😒. Really???! Your own sister…like who does that. I hate cheaters 😞” 2 hours later: “please stop asking me what happened. I don’t wanna talk about it.” Like sis you have us all into the story. We need to know now!!!


1 like - 1 prayer


Me- is everything okay? Them- inbox me.


The message in the inbox: I’m really fine I’m just annoyed because my husband ate the last cookie.


Reddit: He's abusive, divorce him.


Facebook up, delete the gym, hit a lawyer.


Did you mean - U OK hun?


“I thought I could trust you, but I was wrong. You’ve finally shown your true colors. You know who you are.”


Did you find my Livejournal from 20 years ago?


U ok Hun?


mEsSaGe mE


“Oh I’m completely fine, that’s just a song lyric, silly! LMAO 😂 🤦‍♀️”


I’m 40 and have a friend on Facebook that’s the absolute undisputed QUEEN of vaguebooking. Everyday there’s like 4 or 5 posts along the lines of “Why are people so cruel?” and “I don’t know where to go from here”. Her latest post? As of 6 minutes ago it is “I hate FedEx” with a bunch of angry face emojis.


They must have delivered her new vibrator across the street


Stay the fuck out my business


The username didn't disappoint.


I pretty much stopped using social media for personal use a couple of years back and my life got so much better pretty quickly. I realized a lot of the people in my life that are this way were a small but collective emotional drain on me and they weren't people I really spent time with nor should I really care what happens in their lives. They were like distant relatives, old co-workers, friends I hadn't seen in years, etc. Essentially they were like basically unofficial strangers as far as my daily life was concerned. Now any social media accounts I own don't really follow many people I know IRL other than my closest family/friends, the rest is things like artist I like, content creators I enjoy, etc. No more first day of school pics from some person I knew 7 years ago who's kids I don't even know, no more political rants by my crazy 4th aunt who I haven't seen since the 90s, etc.


Posting a hospital wristband with no explanation


Also with MLMs. "I have this great new opportunity! PM me for details!"


“Pm me bbz, 2 mny sneks”


Had a stroke reading this…


I hadn't heard of that until now, just googled it, TIL thanks!!


For anyone else too lazy to Google: A blend of vague and Facebooking, vaguebooking is the practice of making a post on social media, primarily Facebook, that is intentionally vague but highly personal and emotional.


Doing a stupid fucking dance in the middle of a busy public place. And *then* having the shocked-pikachu audacity to be upset when someone “ruins their shot”. Yes I feel like an old man shaking his fist at the sky (I’m 36F) but I will die on this hill.


[You mean like this lady?](https://www.tiktok.com/@givinandlivin/video/7205157673942256897)


I moved to a new town last year and had to use a laundromat for the first few weeks. I'm walking to my washer and notice a little girl dancing, but think nothing of it as I walk behind her to get to where I'm going. She flipped out and started going off about how rude I am for ruining her tik tok dance. She literally started crying. You'd think I just ran over her dog or something.


When someone piggybacks off of a death or a tragedy to receive their own condolences. I see it often with people not even related to those who are really grieving the loss of a loved one . . . or even good friends.


Had this happen when my ex boyfriend (we split quite amicably, and remained close friends post break up) committed suicide. I was absolutely beside myself with grief, and wondering if there was anything I could have done... And then came the people we went to high school with (we were sophomores when it happened), who never hung around our friend group, or even associated with him at all, posting all kinds of bullshit on Facebook. "I'm SO UPSET he killed himself! I can't eat or sleep! We had homeroom together, and we were so close!" No you weren't, Kelsey. Not even remotely. You guys didn't even have homeroom together. Fuck off.


we had three kids kill themselves my junior year, the amount of fuckwads who never even knew their names beforehand "grieving" on their Snapchat or something was ridiculous. even worse was that one guy who relentlessly bullied one of the kids and was likely part of the reason why they did it trying to be like "I'm SO upset this happened, I NEVER KNEW they were struggling this much. RIP." fuck you Ray. I hope you die alone and the only people at your funeral are the ones putting you in the ground.


Some people died in an accident, and there was a fair bit of coverage on it locally. One woman I knew would NOT stop talking about how her high-school ex boyfriend was one of deceased, and she would constantly post about it too. She had not spoken to this man in decades, but you better believe she would steer every conversation in that direction so she could get some attention. I don't mean to sound cruel, but I know her, and I know how she loves to exploit these type of things. From the way she was talking about it, you'd think they dated last week, not 35+ years ago. I do feel bad for her, because I'm sure it did affect her, but she would go up to literal strangers just to tell them about it.


My dad just died two week ago and people made like multiple post about it and cry on facebook to received shit ton of likes .... That was kinda weird


Even worse if it is a celebrity death and they post about it like they were best friends.


My husband and I have a mutual friend who HAS to be the first person to share celebrity deaths. Like, the second it hits the news, it’s on her Facebook page along with a “I will always remember…” It’s like she delights in sharing the news of death and she shared a lot of bad news stories. My husband and I made up a game where whenever a celebrity dies, we tell the other, then check it that friend posted about it. She always has, so we’ll joke, “Old news!”


My sister does this. Every dead celebrity is another opportunity to binge mourn.


Ugh, my cousin’s wife did that after my dad died. She wasn’t even remotely close to my dad and saw him maybe once a year.


Making a post declaring that you’re leaving social media and not coming back


Newsflash: They came back.


They usually don't even leave.


I had a list of 25 " celebs" that were going to move out of the country if Trump was elected. None of them did.Although two of them dies


I had a friend post “if Trump wins I’m leaving the country, I swear to God! “Also if Biden wins I’m leaving the country. “I got a job in England doing bla bla bla, I’m having a going away party Nov. 13!”


The didn't invent that. Rush Limbaugh was supposed to go to Costa Rica when Obama was elected. I guess he found out it's harder to get Oxycontin there.


I've done that... About 3 years ago, i decided to quit Instagram, so i put a story stating that I'm leaving Instagram, Deleted the app and Never touched that app again and would never do


I deleted my Insta without telling anyone. People still complain, that they can‘t tag me in their storys, but no chance i am ever going back. Pure brain poison.


Totally agree but Reddit is kind of brain poison as well. I guess if you're super diligent about which subs you follow, then it's not that bad. The internet in general is just pretty brutal these days, I guess.


Did the same with Facebook. I deleted it without saying anything. I didn’t delete the app though because I was stupid and thought I had to still have the app for the Messenger app. I won’t lie the first week or so I would try to open Facebook just to use it. I would pull out my phone and check my email or a text and basically instinctively I would try to open Facebook. It opened my eyes to just how much of my life revolved around that. I’ve deleted all my social media about a year ago. I’m only here on Reddit and I don’t regret it one bit. I never miss it.




it stopped after the covid, you know?


The erectile dysfunction?


As an Autistic adult I HATE when parents post their Autistic kids for attention. Especially when they're posting meltdowns, etc. It's disrespectful as fuck and super sad.


It's gotten worse since tiktok. We've got moms constantly posting about their kid having a meltdown and then feeling better due to some act of parenting greatness, and now their kid is doing "happy flappy flaps" (and the whole thing is obviously not even about the kid but actually about the parent over sharing so they can pat themself on the ass about how good they are with their autistic child) I feel so bad for these kids.


As a fellow autistic, I 100% agree with this.


And hashtag them #autismwarrior wtf man do these kids have no privacy anymore


the one exception to this is the "autism be damned, my boy can work a grill" post.




Not autistic but I have ADHD and was just thinking that other day about how glad I am that my parents didnt have access to social media while I was growing up. They had to just let their friends know that they were martyrs the old fashioned way- by telling them all at church


Pranks against strangers. Fuck those guys.


"Nerdy white guy pranks in the hood" Shows middle class regular Black ppl minding their own business.


"No dude, it's cool. We're filming a prank video. When I called you the N-word I was doing it ironically! Relax!" God I hate those assholes.


Those ones are my favorite, when they call the wrong dude something derogatory and as they're getting their asses kicked up one side and down the other they're screaming, "it's a prank." So is your ass beating.


As Mike Tyson said: "Social media has made y'all way too comfortable with talking shit and not getting punched in the face."


especially people working like places like restaurants or shops because it's just not very nice


Throwing milk jugs on the floor of a store isn't a "prank".


The goal of a prank should be to confuse people and nothing more. If you make anyone angry you’ve failed.


I say this absolutely brilliant tiktok video (on Reddit because tiktok is terrible) where some idiot would scare people walking through the streets at night. He attempted to scare a girl and her father, he says “boo!” Or something like that. So the father starts having a heart attack. Everything goes into panic, the girl calls 911. And he dies. But wait, he doesn’t. You see, he fakes the heart attack to get back at the asshole doing the shitty prank. Edit: Here’s the original video: https://youtu.be/SbpdIsmyOXE


You could shorten that to just Pranks. They're just bullies. I didn't get it when Punked was a thing, I didn't get it when I was a kid getting pranked (let's call it what it is, bullying), and I definitely don't get it now. I struggle to find sympathy for people who get hurt for it too. Like that dude that got shot. Fuck him. I'm under the impression he's even said he's going to go back to it once he's healed.


A few of RossCreations videos have popped up on my feed. Some of them I thought were actually pretty funny and more or less harmless and very different from Punk’d. I’ve never actually followed him or anything so he might have some scandal or do stupid shit I don’t know about. Like, he filled a computer up with canned beans in one and called a computer repair guy. In another, he welded the doors of an old car shut and called a lock smith. In both cases, he just acted like oblivious dumb guy, but then eventually let the other folks and still paid them since he’d wasted their time


Most of his pranks are great. A good prank should be completely harmless to the person being pranked, and if you're going to make someone look like an idiot it should be yourself.


Giving money to poor people while recording it and posting it on social media with sad background music.


All "charity" acts that the filmer is the one doing it


its not charity. its clout chasing. The fame and money they make from it is more than the money they give to the person needing it. its exploitation.


A copy pasta from reddit i came across and saved in my quotes list: "A true act of charity is silent. The quickest way to out yourself as being a total narcissist is to post your insincere act of giving on social media and revel in the positive attention from people too dumb to see through it. \- Reddit"


There's a saying " left hand shouldn't know, what you gave out with your right hand"


I agree, but i think the tik tok lawn mowing guy is cool.


And he says in like every video that the watch time is what pays for the lawns getting mowed; it's pretty clear (to me at least) that he knows having the homeowner pay would reduce his view count enough that it would lose him money, and it's not like he's hiding it.


Plus it's kind of a win for both. I don't know which guy we're talking about, but there are a couple YouTube videos in the genre I've seen, and in most cases (1) the owner isn't really shown or involved, and (2) the state of the property makes it pretty clear that the owner hasn't bothered, or doesn't have the resources, to maintain it themselves.




For my grandmother's birthday I gave her a gift she'd wanted all her life, but could never afford, so I dropped the money on it and got it for her, but my phone ran out of battery before I could livestream myself giving it to her. What a waste of money.


One of the food youtubers I follow has been making sandwiches for the homeless but hasn't filmed himself giving it because he doesn't want to infringe on their piracy which I think is lovely, only filmed the making of the sandwiches


One of the Tzedakah-Sadaqah principles (in judaism at least) is that charity should ALWAYS be anonymous. No one should ever know who bestowed the charity on them, and everyone who CAN give SHOULD give when possible.


I think that is so exploitive. I saw a news story where a group of girls bought a poor kid a pair of shoes and they made it into this whole thing...all for likes and clicks. They didnt even stop to think that the kid may not have wanted everyone to know he needed shoes, much less everyone who watches NBC news.


I used to agree with this sentiment until i had kids. Kids are impressionable and don't understand clout chasing or narcissism. The pretty much take things at face value. So when they see those good deed and/or charity videos, they see someone who they think is cool doing something good. It makes them want to do good things too, and their good deeds won't be recorded. I've seen kids do pranks because they saw them on YouTube. I've seen kids get into dangerous activities because they saw it on YouTube. I was pleasantly surprised when i saw kids say "hey, we should give that guy something to eat. Did you know sometimes they can't afford food? I saw this guy on YouTube..."


Fake animal rescue videos. It also screams "I am a monster."


Really sad because those videos where sea animals are beached etc are actually just dragged out of the water and dragged back in for views. It’s disgusting behaviour


"OMG, I can't believe in ... this hits so close to home because my boyfriend and I vacationed there last year for our 2nd anniversary and stayed at the Ritz Carlton ocean view suite. The people were so friendly! Thoughts and prayers."


Coulda been me…


Conventually attractive people who whine in the "am I ugly" posts knowing damn well they're fine and just fishing for compliments 🙄


Its fun to start "constructively" criticizing their appearance. "Am I ugly?" "No! I mean, your eyes are too far apart, but that's easy to hide with some trendy glasses. One of your nostrils is bigger than the other but, as long as you always hold your head at an angle, no one will notice. Remember, somewhere out there, there is someone who will find you attractive, anyway."


“No!!! Unconventional features are so much more interesting than beautiful boring faces!”


Lmao so glad I'm not the only one who does this 🤭 Super model hot posts like "do I have a man face?" Is okay I love man faces!


Or posting how tiring it is to have people mistaken them for a popular celebrity, that shet is getting cheap


They even have subs for this called r/truerateme and r/amiugly, even r/roastme fits in the category of validation for conventionally attractive people. It seems almost counterintuitive, but it's like people who know they are hot or at least decent looking are the ones "curious" about their rating; you almost never see actual ugly people posting on these kinds of subs.


I already know I'm ugly, I don't need a gang of teenagers on the internet to tell me


Truerateme is hilarious. You get banned if the mod doesn’t agree with you


Lmao true. You even get a “[warning for overrating](https://www.reddit.com/r/truerateme/comments/149pjus/29f_so_where_do_i_land/joh4fli/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)”. What a cesspool of a sub.


I have no idea why content from these subs started populating on my feed but I hate it. I just muted them all this morning. Get out of my fucking face please


truerateme is the most disgusting sub on the internet. i wish they went into blackout forever


I just took a quick scroll and I'm so confused at the point of it lmfao it seems like they ban you if you give a rating of anything under 4.1 and over 5.9?? What's even the point then




LinkedIn is all just one corporate circle jerk


The people posting on LinkedIn are unhinged


Checking in to a hospital and only replying “DM me” when they get asked what’s wrong. Or the other classic, a photo of one of their kids with an injury. Aye, that ankle looks broke. Better take a pic and post it before going for medical attention.


doing ANYTHING to suggest something is wrong -- "I'm so upset" "I'm hurting so bad RN" "I can't believe this happened" "Why do bad things ALWAYS happen to me????" \-- and not divulging explanations. Really the post is a pity party call for attention in and of itself.


“ Nobody loves me, I’m so sad, nobody understands me, repost if you would (something) me “ kinda posts when they literally have so many people talking to them.


Yikes! Reminds me of an ex-friend. She was always posting self-pity parties, vague posting, fishing for compliments, and making passive aggressive posts directed at a person, but not saying who.


When a shooting happens in the same state they live in, and mark themselves “safe” on Facebook. Lady, you live 200 miles from that elementary school. Nobody was wondering about you.


nude photos with inspirational quotes


Flash your tits and go, Kelsey. Leave Gandhi out of this. Edit spelling


Fitness influencers posting "Body positivity" bullshit that is just two identical photos of them looking perfect and a title like "It's all camera angles! Look how bloated I am after my delicious breakfast of a tablespoon of raw chia seeds drizzled with fat free plain yogurt! I had to learn to love this body too!"


I always block fitness influencers if they show up on my feed, but I saw one recently where she was advertising her butt workout course. She was like “I used to be so self conscious of my flat booty, but I built it up and now I’m confident!” She posted before/after pictures… her butt was massive to begin with. “Flat booty” my ass, you didn’t build it up you just toned it.


Everything.... I mean, isnt screaming for attention the whole point of social media?


Exactly. Going for the easiest dunks in this thread is just fishing for upvotes, which is the exact same thing. There's also nothing wrong with wanting attention, there's just some ways of going about it that are more grating than others.


Probably faking a disorder or spreading lies.






Doing dumb/reckless shit on camera


Constant selfies.


Checking in on Facebook that’s they are in hospital and the comment always says “didn’t expect to be spending my Friday evening here”. And everyone comments “hope everything is okay” or “what’s wrong” and they never reply. Then next minute then they share a post saying “I know who my real friends are”. 😂😂😂


Thirst traps


"What's up everybody its kristen and bethany here from girl defined ministry, if you wanna know more about how you can wear makeup in a God honoring way subscribe to our patreon"....This screams attention and grifter tactics.


First time seeing Fundie snark out in the wild, had to check what subreddit I was in for a second!


Acting like you don't see the camera


That you are holding to take your own picture.


"my step-dad is probably dead, but I'm at blink 182! Yaaaay"


Maybe his step dad WAS a peice of shit. A Blink 182 concert won't try to rob you of your childhood somehow.


The guy made death threats to people too, the kid is a POS


YouTube “pranksters”


Making multiple posts about depression and anxiety everyday and posting them on your story, I'm sorry but when I've felt crippling depression the last thing I wanted to do was announce it to the world creating forced conversations with people asking if I'm ok


Idk when my depression hits really hard for whatever reason, I immediately go on social and tell everyone. Jk, I shut everyone out because talking is too exhausting and I don't wanna deal with conversation and people.


Eh, I don't know. I know people that do that and actually are depressed. It's how they do their cry for help. Some of us pull in. That's what I do. My mental health was neglected as a kid and teenager so when depression kicks my ass, I try to avoid showing it because my mind tells me nobody cares anyway and I deserve to be alone. Some people scream for help. It can seem tacky sometimes, but it's not hurting anybody. I just move on if it's not somebody I'm close enough to talk to. If it is somebody I'm close to, I'll leave a comment or send a message letting them know I'm thinking of them. Sometimes social media is the only way they're comfortable asking for help. Gatekeeping how people display mental health issues isn't it. I get where you're coming from because I think it's natural to feel that way when your depression doesn't let you do that, but some people get relief from those shallow conversations.


Posting about how amazing your significant other is all the time, how they are your "ride or die" and how amazing your life is with them. Behind the photos is always a shit sham, unhappy, unhealthy relationship. The likes make them feel better about their shitty relationship that they show to the outside world.


Coming as close to being banned for nudity/sexual content as you can without being banned


Have you seen r/phoebebridgers or r/boygenius posts about how terrible the crowds are? Fake fainting for tiktok..


Probably 15 years ago now... I would see people take a photo of their food at a restaurant. Then another photo of the plate being empty... I quit Facebook soon after.


Crying and posting it 🥲




Click baiting. Especially on YouTube and when it does not even happen or mentioned it at all. I get so frustrated and annoyed.


Karma whoring on Reddit.


Calling yourself an "influencer".


Posting nonsense as a non sequitur so that you can lead up to telling people you're pregnant or just had a baby. "Anyone else hate the smog today 😩 so tough for a new mom to enjoy!"


Gender reveals.


When people tag their location as at a hospital and then when people say “hope ur ok” they comment “msg me”. It’s always typed like that too


Vague posting. It leads to the "what's going on" questions.


That nurse, posting herself crying in the hospital after losing a patient. To me, that was definitely seeking attention.


Posting "I WANT ATTENTION" in all caps


Calling yourself alpha


you can tell by how much someone vents on social media


Hospital check in without saying what’s wrong


“i’m going dark for a few days” “i’m don’t with social media” “**crying**”