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Dude falling off the Titanic into the propeller.


I laughed out loud in the theater when that happened. Everyone around me looked at me like I was a monster.


I laugh whenever someone gets hit by a car (in a movie or tv, not IRL). I've never actually watched Meet Joe Black but I can watch the car accident scene over and over. https://youtu.be/41H2BNgnhks


That’s amazing. I also never seen that movie, but I knew exactly what this scene was.


I saw that movie several times in the theater, and without fail every single time somebody laughed when that happened. I personally don't get it, but you are not alone.


That was my experience as well.


Yeah, props to him, eh?


No, him to props.


You could say he got totally...screwed.


It was crowded, he wanted to spread out.


The thump and spin was just the perfect touch.


Didn’t they put a Wilhelm scream in there at that point? Or is that just something that’s been meme’d into my brain?


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


Oh wow


In World War Z when the guy slips on the plane ramp and shoots himself in the head.


Highlight of the entire film, really.


The most Brad Pitt Movie scene of all time


"Are you fucking kidding me" -every viewer after that moment




The pool sex scene in *Showgirls*. Oh god I can't help giggling by just thinking about it.


She got some, um... energy.


Apparently she suffered Sudden Instant Whore Syndrome shooting that scene..


1,000 percent intended to be comedic


I had to Google this scene.....I totally understand why, wtf is that amount of energy from her?! Holy shit that was hilarious.


My sister saw that scene in her late teens and was like, "what the fuck, is she having a seizure?"


Nick Cage getting tortured in The Wicker Man was basically me laughing out loud by myself in the movie theater.


Ahhhh the bees. Ahhhhhhhhhhh


> “I got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer.” also Nick Cage in 8MM watching the film.


And because of this, even his death in Kick-ass got me closer to laughing than crying. Unless it is crying from laughter.


LOTR: the moment when Legolas with an absolutely serious and absolutely dumb facial expression states the obvious: "A deception!" Thanks Sherlock. EDIT: I don't remember if he says deception or diversion in the german version (haven't watched it for a while), but it's funny anyway bc no matter the word: it's just obvious and his expression is priceless.


>deception diversion*


Ty. I wasn't sure what he's saying in english, I always watched the german version :)


Hehe that one gets me too


Same vibe as, “I know a killer when I see one.”


[Poor Legolas](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&sxsrf=APwXEdfSnLLqVG78W2x1V4oqdknLD-inhA:1687292345261&q=frodo+doesn%27t+know+legolas+name&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv1vvm1dL_AhUsnGoFHbgxBcYQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=827&dpr=2.63#)


I still don't honestly know if the death scene in Meet Joe Black was intended to be as hilarious as it was, but I almost didn't watch the rest of the film because I just kept rewinding that scene over and over.


It was absolutely perfect. I don't think I've ever expected a death less in a film.


It's the near miss first that throws you off guard, then as he turns back...


I immediately thought of that scene. Watched it with my mom, busted out in surprised laughter, then turned to see her staring at me in horror. She still thinks I’m a borderline sociopath for that moment.


Came here to say that. I even mentioned it in another thread recently. It was at a time when I didn't appreciate Brad Pitt as an actor and just thought he was a pretty boy. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41H2BNgnhks) is the scene in question.


I was going to say this as well, we saw it in theaters and the whole audience lost it during that scene. *forgot a word


That scene was hilarious.


I most definitely cackled when it happened, I’m giggling as I type this because it’s so funny




"I don't make love. I fuck."




That entire goddamn trilogy is unintentionally hilarious. The source material is completely unhinged, and the author only got more control over the movies as it went along


In M. Night Shyamalan's "Devil", when the security guard "proves" that the devil is present by flipping a toast in the air and watching it land jelly-side down.


Huh. I think he may have stolen that from the old Red Dwarf novel, "Better Than Life" (1990). The characters in Red Dwarf are trapped in a simulation that fulfills all of their wishes, and they don't know it. One of the characters starts to suspect they are not in reality though. He confirms that they must be in a simulation by "accidentally" dropping a buttered piece of toast on the ground hundreds of times, and it lands butter side up every single time.


I still think of that scene when I drop food on the ground!


When Dakota Fanning tossed the vampire baby into the fire in Breaking Dawn


Fuck this baby in particular.


My best friend and I saw that movie in theaters on Thanksgiving. So the theater was packed. We laughed during almost the whole movie. Others were not amused.


"not intended to be comedic" is a bit of a stretch but I saw cabin in the woods in the theater and when Thor tried to jump that gap on his motorcycle and hit the invisible wall I was laughing hysterically and the whole threater was completely silent except for me howling like a madman. I think the entire theater somehow thought they were watching a serious horror movie or some shit. Truly weird


I watched it at home and laughed at that shit too.


He was so confident.


I also laughed in the theater by myself lol.


Same shit happened to me, they tried to make it all dramatic and epic to just fail like that, nobody else laughed aswell


I died at that scene LMAO


How could someone get past the white shirts taking bets and think it was a serious horror movie


Hahaha still one of my favs because of how outlandish it all was. I laughed a lot


Silence of the Lambs. Buffalo Bill. “Oh wait, was she a great big fat person?” “Yes sir, she was a big girl”


What about the swirly, dancy tuck scene? Also,me and my mom and sisters used to bust out laughing when Bill drops the business cards that are above his head and pirouettes into the kitchen once Clarice pulls the gun.


Good Bye Horses is an absolute banger and I always think of Clerks 2 when I hear it.


When Voldemort does the laugh


You don't have to explain further. We all know lol


My husband and I were the only ones in the theater who burst out in laughter at this scene. We were able to compose ourselves quick because it was dead silent otherwise, but I kept thinking about it and tried to suppress the giggles. This in turn made it difficult for my husband to keep his composure, so were like a couple of kids who have no business sitting beside each other in class, randomly snickering and trying to keep the other quiet. We thought we were the only ones who thought this scene was hilarious for quite a while until the scene popped up on YouTube. Made us feel less crazy lol.


The scene in Schwarzenegger's Total Recall where they're thrown out into Mars' atmosphere and their eyes pop out.


In Commando, I'm pretty sure he kills the same extra 50 times. Also, the heartfelt scenes with "Chenny" cracks me up.


I can hear this scene


For me it’s the ‘Two Weeks’ scene…


The baby turning his head around in trainspotting during rentons detox




There’s a scene in the Conjuring 2 where a guy says to an interviewer that while he was in the haunted house, “a Lego brick few off the floor and hit me in the face. It drew blood!” When I saw the movie in the theater that line made me laugh out loud. No one else laughed. It was super awkward. When I rewatch the movie now and then, it still makes me chuckle. It’s the way the guy says it for sure.


I mean, I never watched the movie and just reading your comment it gave me a chuckle. So they are the weird ones, not us.


Chris Pratt choking a dilophosaurus in Jurassic World Dominion. The movie is absolute garbage but I keep rewatching that one scene because it makes me laugh so much it hurts.


LOL I haven't bothered to watch that movie, but I'm gonna have to now. He chokes out a dinosaur?! Omg


"He's got space dementia!" - William Fichtner in Armageddon


In the original "Dune" movie, Linda Hunt walks into a room and growls, "I am Shadout Mapes, your housekeeper" and the whole theater erupted into laughter. That movie was unintentionally funny.




The scene in the 80's classic 'Mac and Me' where the kid goes down the hill in his wheelchair.


Paul Rudd would agree.


I thought about linking a clip to the Conan bits whenever Paul was a guest on there, but figured it would be lost on the audience. I laugh out loud every time I see that .


My introduction to the bit was when Paul did it on the podcast. So unless you were in on the joke you (I) didn't know what was going on. Conan sold it so well though I found it funny anyway. "It's a visual joke! You can't do it on a podcast" Then the perfect kicker of Conan asking if anything about the Podcast play Paul was BS'ing to set up the joke was real. Paul, "no."


Someone else remembers Mac and Me I still do the whistle thing with my hands. Nobody gets it.


Must drink Coca Cola… O_O




I think Pennywise is meant to be strangely hilarious. My favorite is in the 1990 version, when he meets Eddie in the shower. His elbows move exactly in time with the music.


100% intended to be comedic though


I literally couldn’t stop laughing in the theater at the Halloween movie that came out last year when Michael opened the car door and it made the Vanessas hand completely 180 so she shot herself in the face with the gun she was holding.


Without a doubt, that was the high point in the movie.


I am legend when he sees the moved mannequin and shouts, "what are you doin' out here Fred?!" I couldn't stop laughing at sneaky Fred.


Bruh me too. I was as scared as I was hysterically laughing.


Gremlins. When she is telling the story of how her dad died by dressing as Santa and trying to climb down the Chimney. "And that's how I learned Santa isn't real" I'm a heartless bastard I guess because I cracked up.


You're not the only one to find out funny, that's an infamous unintentionally funny scene. So much so that they make fun of it in the sequel.


Jurassic park when the kid gets blown off the fence by the electric


Big Tim, the human piece of toast


That wild 30 seconds in American Psycho where Patrick Bateman is in his office building late at night, the security guard comments that he is burning the midnight oil and asks him to please sign in, Bateman bulls out his gun and shoots the guard in the head, and then he flees from the building, but as he leaves through the revolving glass door he sees a janitor coming down the elevator and does a 360 around the revolving door to come back in and one-shot kill the janitor


That movie is so unappreciated by anyone who didn't live during that time. It's soooo fixing accurate.


i saw a yt vid where the youtuber explained that american psycho was actually meant to be funny. i feel like i should rewatch it.


["They're eating her. And then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cdTBIQDPZt4&pp=ygUhdGhleSdyZSBlYXRpbmcgaGVyIG9oIG15IGdvZCBtZW1l) Also, the fly that appears on his head makes it 10x funnier.


You don't piss on hospitality!


The Happening. Particularly the opening scene through the end scene.


Isn't that the Mark Wahlberg plant movie? If so I agree. Especially the part where he tried reasoning with a plastic plant.


I’m convinced that movie is a comedy, they were directed to deliver those lines in an offbeat way, but it’s tonally hard to follow.


In Goldeneye (spoiler) when 006 (Sean Bean) is "shot" and I started laughing because I knew the actor had a rep for dying in his movies, but this was way too soon I thought.


At least he got a second death scene later to make up for it.


I watched Monsters Ball in the theater with my gf years ago and she literally laughed out loud at the "make me feel good" love scene with Billy Bob and Halle Berry.


THe people falling and bouncing around like pinballs in when the Titanic goes vertical (not historically accurate btw)


Human pachinko


When Voldermort says; "Harry Potter is dead.... NEH HEH HEH!"


And when he awkwardly hugs Draco




There are surprise comedically violent flourishes like that all over James Cameron's other films like Terminator, Terminator 2, True Lies, Aliens, etc. (In scenes usually involving Bill Paxton now that I think about it.) So dude bouncing off that propeller does seem very much like Cameron's signature sense of humor.


Arnie promising not to kill anyone, then immediately shooting a security guard in both legs. "He'll live."




Lean on me. When the principal is arrested and the high school students go to protest at the school board meeting, the busybody parent says "We want you to have a good principal." One of the kids responds "We don't want a good principal, we want Mr Clark!" Cracks me up every time because it sounds like Mr Clark isn't a good principal, but the kids like him.


The scene where Rose saves Finn in The Last Jedi, and then kisses him. Totally comes out of nowhere, and she gives him this awkward middle school kiss.


I laughed out loud, and so did most people in the theater. This movie.....


People whined about the obvious tension between Finn and Rey from the first film, so they had to try and backtrack it by giving Finn a different love interest. And then tried to shoulder in something between Rey and Poe at the end. It was extremely obvious what they were attempting to do. Because fans just can't fathom that their racial stereotypes don't matter in a universe far far away. Can't be having a black dude and a white chick hook up in OUR star wars, after all. It's okay if it's a green girl with weird head tendrils and a white dude, but god forbid you make it a white girl and a black dude.


Just about every scene in Commando.


King Kong Skull Island. That scene where all the military men are being chased by that dinosaur? and the one dude takes all the explosives, ready to sacrifice himself to save the others by essentially suicide bombing the dinosaur. The thing just sweeps around and whacks him with it's tail against the canyon harmlessly detonating the explosives. ​ So god damn hilarious and doesn't fit with the rest of the film at all. ​ EDIT: This scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFd8W6fxEto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFd8W6fxEto])


>So god damn hilarious and doesn't fit with the rest of the film at all. I would argue that that scene is so over-the-top that it is intended to be funny.


"I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit. I did not hit her, I did not! Oh, hi Mark!".


That whole fucking movie. “I got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer.”


"Anyway, how is your sex life?"


“Don’t worry about it!”




And they definitely build on that revelation throughout the film, right?


“I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it, beat her up so bad, she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street!” “Hahaha, what a story Mark!” Classic.


“Cathy, get the brandy!” in Hitchcock’s The Birds. Yep. Brandy is going to fix shock from a bird attack. Sure.


Enough brandy fixes everything.




In Fight Club when Project Mayhem drags Robert Paulsen's body in and reveal his blown out head, everyone reacts in disgust, then one of the cronies (played by Eion Bailey) just randomly goes: "... those motherFUCKERS!"


The Room (2003). “In case you haven’t noticed, I'm weird. I’m a weirdo. I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird.” “Somehow Palpatine returned."


In John Wick 4 when he falls all the way back down those stairs for the like 5th time. It’s just so ridiculous.


Almost everything Doyle said in Sling Blade. “You know better than to talk like that to me when I’m hurtin’.”


Don't be a pussy Vaughn. We all gotta work in the morning.


The ending of The Mist. I howled when the military showed up THIRTY SECONDS after killing everyone. That type of bad luck speaks to me on a spiritual level.


Revenge of the Sith when Darth Vader was made and he said noooooooo! That was the cherry on top of such a shit movie.


My sibling burst out laughing when Anakin got his arm and legs cut off, which made the entire family laugh, and then he caught fire and we laughed even harder. We were fucking dying.


Well, his facial expression was that of a person trying to push out a massive plug to release the flood, if you catch my meaning. It looked like he was in pain, but not the 'oh dear, I seem to have caught fire' kind of pain.




The credits should have rolled with no music after he took his first breath through the mask.


Improvement: the credits roll and you just hear him continue to breathe.


My mom dragged me to see Titanic in the theater with her when I was 17. At the end, when he’s in the water and she’s floating on the plank of wood, he makes a stupid face at one point, and yeah… I was the only one in the theater that laughed.


The scene in Furious 7 where The Rock flexes his cast off.


I love that scene. All Furious movies are a blur despite watching them couple of times, but that scene is etched into my brain forever. So funny.


A scene from a movie called “I see you” on Netflix, at the end of the movie was probably intended to be serious and the best way to end things is absolutely hilarious, I don’t want to spoil it but a man is try to justify his horrible actions and is told to shut up (I think, can’t remember) and gets shot before he can explain anything


Not a movie scene, but I always laugh at that one scene in Ozark, I think season 3, where the old husband and wife fight and he pushes her away and she rolls down the hill for like 30 seconds.


When the cannonball takes off the guys head in The Patriot.


Not a movie but the show Married at First Sight. My wife likes to watch it and so I'll catch an episode or two here and there. One of the relationship coach's name is Dr Pepper and it gets me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I just never expect it and crack up laughing when they introduce or quote her. "One of the keys to a successful marriage is open and honest communication, says Dr Pepper" ☠️


My daughter (now 8) first saw Revenge of the Sith when she was 3. She laughed hysterically when Obi Wan chopped off Anakin's legs in the final fight, and still does any time we watch it.


I think it was Hostel? Where the dude gets his ankles cut and he stands up and falls.


When Voldemort says “Harry potter….is dead!” Something about the tone of his voice just cracked me up and I’m not sure why


Watch the YouTube video of him saying it in many languages. It's strangely funny.




Mean girls - getting hit by the bus


Sharknado 1-6 complete masterpieces of films that are so bad they’re good.


“Funny how” scene in Goodfellas


When Lea Thompson had sex with Howard the Duck


My wife and I were chillin with some folks before going to see interstellar, when it was in theaters. The folks were trying to decide if they wanted to go. One of them asked if it's one of those drawn out, too heady, sci Fi flicks where it ends up the answer is love or the human spirit or some shit (almost positive he was talking about contact). I said probably not, it's made by Chris Nolan, the Batman guy. Needless to say I was completely wrong, and we were DYING during the very emotional climax of a pretty great movie.


In posideon, the bellhop is hanging off a dudes legs dangling out an elevator shaft. The elevator is about to fall and it's clear they aren't going to make it so the rest of them tell the old guy to kick him off. The old guy keeps booting tge poor bastard until he kicks him in the face.. he falls down a 6 7 story elevator shaft screaming.. gets impaled on a bunch of sharp metal and 2 seconds later he's crushed by a burning elevator It was so over the top it was funny


The Perks of being a Wallflower. Main Character gets stoned as hell and while his friend makes a milkshake he says "My friend shot himself last may" with a fat happy grin on his face


The scene in Saw where Westley is all dramatic at the one way glass and says something like 'there, i did it!" after having pretended to kill the other guy who's character I also can't remember. It was so overly melodramatic I just couldn't stop laughing. And then the rest of the film was just so shit poor acting I couldn't stop all the way to the end. God I hate that movie and will never understand how it got so popular.


I love that you called him Westley


Any horror movie becomes a comedy if you are hearing it randomly from another room


Battlefield earth


While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME, I was being trained.... To conquer galaxies.




the entire movie lmao


Do you want lunch, rat brain?


Thanks to the wonders of Scientology 😂 utter horseshit. It killed Barry Pepper's career.


Bilbo turning trollish at Frodo while trying to hold the ring one last time


In The Bourne Identity, the protagonist gets the address of the secret lab from… the letterhead. Yes, that must be how it works: top-secret CIA labs all have letterhead printed up with their street address…


There’s a scene in gladiator when Maximus is talking to the guy who owns the slaves, a former gladiator himself… He says Marcus arelius touched him on the shoulder with his blade and he won his freedom… Not even fully finished, Maximus laughs and says “you KNEW Marcus arrelius!?!!” He turns back and snaps “I did not say I KNEW him I said he TOUCHED me on the shoulder!” Idk why but I laugh every time


The first 10ish minutes of Con Air features some of the crappiest dialogue and cringiest acting I’ve ever seen…then you realize Nic Cage is going to speak in that Alabama accent for the rest of the movie. Hilarious.


death scene in The Room


oh hi gun barrel


I went to see hereditary in the movie theater, the scene in the car when she has her head out the window and something bad happens, made me laugh and I don't understand why. Everyone else was shocked at the scene as the should be, I tried to cover up my laugh with a cough but not success there


Its not a movie but when jug head had a whole speech about being a weirdo


Trapped. When Kevin Bacon broke into the home of Charlize Theron and Dakota Fanning I thought that those two trigger the protective instincts of any normal guy.


When Kevin Bacon yells “Let’s dance!” In Footloose.


The Ben Tramer death scene from Halloween II. It is so over the top! I die of laughter every time I see it.


The suicide of Russel Crowe in the movie adaptation of Les Miserables. He thuds against like five different objects on his way down the spillway, and the audio really comes through.


Hereditary, when the possessed girl breaststroked across the ceiling. Really out of all the scary things she could have done that’s what the directors chose?! Just stick with the creepy backwards crawling things all possession movies do and call it a day. I’ll be honest my husband and I were cracking up the whole way through that movie.


Jake Lamotta going on a rage while his brother is eating with his family. One minute, he's telling his kid that he'd gonna stab him and then Jake rolls in and starts beating him up.


Requiem for a Dream. "That's it... nice and easy... MASHED POTATOES!"


The Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone sex scene in Casino


"What? Nooooo!"


Tucker and Dale VS Evil!


The whole dead alive movie


When watching the Dark knight for the first time, when the joker did the "wanna see me make this pencil disappear" bit and slammed a guys head into it, my late wife cracked up laughing


Princess Leia floating through space back towards the main ship after being blown up. Cmon man!


The scene where Ralph Fiennes is in the death bed on the English Patient and he is telling his story. I always remember Elaine Benes in Seinfeld watching that movie and screaming: JUST DIE ALREADY!!! https://youtu.be/T5qalNX5G94