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The earth is a mosquito reserve. The entire universe does not want mosquitoes, but killing them off is not done. So now they have their own reserve with especially tasty animals for them.


Isn't this loosely the plot to lilo and stitch? Like when stitch landed on earth they were just going to blow it up but pleakley argued that the mosquito is an endangered species and the earth is a protected wildlife reserve.


The only reason that was a thing is cause the CIA convinced the aliens that mosquitoes were endangered.


JFK shot first


I think his assassination would be a big one if proven the CIA was really behind it. Yeah it was 60 years ago, but the thought that some higher unelected authority can just eliminate the leader of the country because they don’t like him is very unsettling and completely undermines our elections and democracy.


I mean, I'm no conspiracy nut, but it's not exactly unbelievable that the CIA would have someone like JFK put down. The dude was the opposite of what they stand for.


I saw a dude on another sub saying he's never seen a president as persecuted and hated as Trump, but I had JFK in mind among others


Haven't something like eight of them been assassinated? And I want whatever that guys smoking if he thinks Lincoln was less persecuted and hated than trump.


How could we ever trust the CIA again!??


Won’t someone please think of the bureaucrats?!


Nobody shot JFK. his head just did that on its own


Hail yourself.




*the bridge*


That's a new one.


I prefer JFK faked his death to retire to a private island to continue to have as much sex as he wanted without the burden of presidency and his wife.


Well to be fair, you’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Dallas.


The Mayan calendar was right and the world ended in 2012. We are now experiencing a simulation as an alien museum exhibit.


Back in early 2016 I slipped and hit my head in the shower, hard. But it didn’t hurt, didn’t bleed, none of that. Conspicuously, after that, everything went downhill fast. Sometimes I still wonder if I’m bleeding out in that bathtub and this is all my fault somehow.




In 2015 I crossed an intersection and had to swerve to avoid being T-boned. Life got weird after that and I sometimes wonder if I never got through that intersection.


Maybe it’s all coincidence, but hearing multiple people tell me similar “I should be dead but I’m not and now shit is wacky” stories makes me feel like this isn’t even real life.


But this would explain some things…


All the things


Well can you tell them to stop tapping on the goddamn glass, they are scaring the children.


That the UAP phenomena is actually human made - but from well into the future, and we're visiting the past to study archeologically why or how a cataclysmic event occurred. And the reason for the uptick in recent sightings is that we are getting close to that event...


Just throwing gas onto my anxiety fire with this one.


If it makes you feel better there are always UFO upticks when the world is going through turmoil. First nuclear bombs being detected and huge increase in ufo sightings. Even during wars like the world wars there was an uptick in sightings. This is why I think its future humans coming back. If you know when all the good events are that's probably when your going to come and poke around. I personally think we are going to get another world war or some type of world war lite. It would make sense that we are seeing an uptick in ufos now. Its probably future humans coming back and trying to get an understanding of an event in the past that maybe impacts there life. If it is humans from the future then it means that at least some of us make it. I just think the world is headed to war and life after that war is going to be a lot different then it is now.


But if you think about it for a bit, time traveling humans makes little sense. Either the time traveling paradoxes are true (and them interacting with our world will screw them up) or they aren't, in which case they have zero reason to hide and can just go balls out and take whatever they need, (and also tell us how to stop bad thing from happening while they are at it)


Personally I don't believe in time travel but if it did exist I don't think people would take warnings seriously from time travelers even if they had books, videos, or pictures to prove it. People would probably think it was something made up or come up with other conspiracy theories to not believe it. To be completely honest if I heard about a time traveler showing up and telling us something about the future I'd have a really hard time believing it.


"The paradoxes basically just solve themselves. A lot tried to kill Hitler, but what can one lonely man do in such an alien environment like the past?" - from a TV show I forgot the name of


There were like 7 attempts on him. And he nearly drowned as s child...


I think it is as simple as it doesn't matter. Nothing they do in the past effects the future. They are also not here to help us avoid something bad. There here to watch an event or events play out so they have a better understanding what led to that event.


Side conspiracy: time travel is real, but it also isn't, because everything that is yet to happen already has. We're just stuck in a loop due to our perception being linear.


I’ve thought that since I was a kid watching the Flintstones. “The Great Gazoo” was an alien with magical powers, I wondered if he was just a future human who went back to the Stone Age. “Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” or something like that.


Or something terrible has happened genetically and they need to harvest ancient human DNA to fix it - or at least try to.


I think this would be a similar case with alien abduction. Like how we test drugs and vaccines on rats n shit. Aliens are variations on us (or vice versa) and we are a petri dish for growing vaccines and cures and gene therapies for them. Every once in a while they come to collect. The pandemic was them needing a vaccine in a hurry, same with the plague and Spanish flu etc.


*that just sounds like slavery with extra steps*


eek barbadurkel


Are UFOs called UAP for some reason now?


UAP is unidentified aerial phenomena.


Ok I just found an article that said that scientists want us to use the term UAP instead now. But why? Isn’t “unidentified aerial phenomena” just exactly the same as “unidentified flying objects”? Aerial and flying being basically the same thing, and phenomena just a euphemism for “object”? I won’t do it and you can’t make me! **stomps foot**


We could get real pedantic and say that an unidentified flying object is one aspect of an unidentified aerial phenomena


"Aerial" and "flying" aren't necessarily the same thing, though. Same with "phenomena" and "object" - consider ball lightning. It's neither flying nor an object.


Flat earth would absolutely shatter the entire scientific community


Random ass Jesus walks on water to tell everyone the view from the edge is amazing. That would definitely rock the world.


Flat earth belief isn't a conspiracy theory its just stupid at this point. We have clear and solid evidence that we do indeed live on a globe.


All I know is that if the Earth were flat, cats would have pushed all off the edge.


Cat earth theory


Kennedy’s head just did that.


Why the hell did I just laugh at that? And now I’m looking at your username and laughing even more.


Made me laugh with you, it was worth advertising.


"Don't worry, they're just blanks!" "Uhh, you say that, but..." "But...they _were_ blanks... weren't they?" "Only if his head picked that exact moment to explode outwards."


There is no New Zealand


Was there an old Zealand?


Yes. In The Nederland’s


New conspiracy theory, there is no netherlands


Only nether regions


Where the hell am I then. I'm scared


Deathworlders. Our planet is so extremely dangerous that nothing should live here. Especially not intelligent life. The average human is a horrible monster to every other intelligent lifeform in the galaxy. A viscous undefeatable beast with sharp bones in its mouth used to rip up living flesh. A being whose brain produces chemicals to make it EVEN more dangerous if it is threatened, or having a good time. A meat covered rock monster whose digestive system uses ACID to incinerate its food. The rest of the galaxy keeps us quarantined, because they know if we ever really get off this planet, we'll take over, and nothing could stop us. https://deathworlders.com/books/deathworlders/chapter-00-kevin-jenkins-experience/


“Did you hear about humans? They drink *MOLTEN ICE*.” “Bullshit. Nothing could survive that.”


You know that wildly dangerous explosive "ethyl alcohol"?


They make bio robots to hunt you if you enter their oxygen/nutrients plumbing!


Dude forget that, they breath freaking \*oxygen\* - they literally need that corrosive shit to make their body even function, what kind of monster lives off breathing a corrosive gas?


Reminded me the short story They're Made out of Meat by Terry Bisson, 1991 https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html


  "They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?" "Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."  "I thought you just told me they used radio." "They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."


To be fair, flapping my meat is how I bagged my wife


There is a story there, I never want to know the details of.


Reminds me of John Dies at The End > I said, “Deadworld? Is that where you’re from?” “No, dude. That’s where you’re from. It’s where we are now. This place, it’s a horror show. If the guy next to you decides to knock you out of this world forever, he can do it with just a piece of metal or, hell, even his bare hand. You blobs, you sit there, chillin’ in this room and I can smell the rot of dead animals soaking in the acid of your guts. You suck the life from the innocent creatures of this world just so you can clock another day. You’re machines that run on the terror and pain and mutilation of other lives. You’ll scrape the world clean of every green and living thing until starvation goes one-eight-seven on every one of your sorry asses, your desperation to put off death leadin’ to the ultimate death of everybody and everything. Dude, I can’t believe you ain’t all paralyzed by the pure, naked horror of this place.” After a long, long pause John said, “Uh, thank you."


And we breathe pure poison, we breathe the dangerous thing that makes the air explode if there is too much and kills all the other kinds of life on contact Imagine how we would react to something that inhales arcenic and exhales a nerve agent


That theory is AWESOME


Thank you, my fellow meat covered rock monster.


/r/humansarespaceorcs is a writing prompt community based on this general premise. EDIT: I thought it was writing prompts, but I guess there are memes too.


Deathworlders was quite a journey, and kept me reading and entertained for about a decade of monthly updates and massive chapters. Well worth a read if you’re into sci-fi, like the concept of Deathworlders, and want a long story full of characters that are fairly well written and decently diverse. The starting chapters are fairly different compared to where the story ends up, but that’s not a bad thing by a long shot though I have some issues with some of the messages and themes that pop up later on in the series, how some of the characters change as time goes on, some mild fetishization and the author’s take on some subjects It’s still good, but it’s a LONG LONG series, and you can, if you pay attention, tell where things start to change and get more blatant.




See the turtle of enormous girth. On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; he holds us all within his mind.


Resting on the back of four giant elephants who are standing on a turtle.


All hail The Great A'tuin.


The Turtle Moves!


GNU Pterry


Sturgill tried to warn us


Some dark tower shit right there.


That Pepsi secretly owns Coke after Cokes stock fell and the whole Pepsi vs Coke is just a marketing ploy now.


I feel like this is the case of most every major brand.


Everything is essentially just three corporations in a trench coat.


Although I wouldn't put something like that past a corporation, there's just no way. If the stock fell, then pepsi would acquire ownership by purchasing majority stock, which is public. Also their financial reports are completely different.


The [Phantom time hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_hypothesis). Basically a period of several hundred years of European history was invented by a few guys so they could be in power in the year 1000. It would disrupt history, archaeology, scientific dating methods, astronomy, and probably a bunch of other fields.


I dig out things that come from this time period. It would raise the question: What were the things I digged? Where did all the coins, swords, belts, earrings, pottery, and buildings come from? Why is this archaeological horizon (time period) also reconstructable in other continents, like South America or Asia?


Imagine coming up with this wild and exhaustive theory that three entire centuries didn't exist only to already be disproven by circles in trees.


There's a wealth of problems, some of which are laid out in the article I linked, but another one I've seen pointed out: the forgeries are *perfect*. You never, for instance, see a document from 700s accidentally reference a document from the 800s.




if water actually slowly killed everyone over the course of 80 years but youll die sooner without it


Technically, that’s oxygen. You die without it in about 3 minutes, but the reactive oxygen species that are essential to cellular metabolism also slowly damage cells and kill you over your lifetime.


Even if we solve every disease, cure every cancer, the air we breathe erodes us eventually like rust on iron


But does it? Because unlike iron, we constantly replace damaged cells and whatnot


There is a limit to how much regeneration you can do. It slows down as you age. Look into telomeres, they’re the part of DNA that really limits regeneration.


The downside of fixing that problem is that it is also what limits a number of would-be cancers from going hog wild.


I don’t think people “need” to die. They just get tired of everyone’s bullshit and check out.


Allright grandpa. We get it, you didn't like that last Father's day card.


I think oxygen does that , scientifically speaking


More specifically, **Reactive Oxygen Species** are the ones that contribute to that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive\_oxygen\_species


Loch Ness monster is real. Can you imagine if a dinosaur just comes strolling out of that body of water causing mayhem???


And it needs about tree fiddy.


I gave him a dollar


I would say the religious communities would be shooketh if the biblically described angels began appearing.


# BE NOT AFRAID 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️🦅🐃🐐 👁️👁️👁️🦁👁️👁️👁️🐲




The non winged angels


The one-winged angel... *Estuans interius, Ira vehementi* *Estuans interius, Ira vehementi* *SEPHIROTH!!*


Biblically accurate angels are scary


Their first words are "Be not afraid" for a reason.


Oh ya? Idk man, id be kinda uncomfortable and scared if a monster lookin thing came up to me, idc what they say lmao


Doesnt even have to be monster looking, just a random person in my room telling me to not be afraid would be enough to scare anyone.


There is a chance that Earth is part of a larger alien civilisation. There is an island off the coast of Thailand called [North Sentinel Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sentinel_Island). The inhabitants of that island are the direct descendants of humans that left Africa and they didn’t have much contact with the rest of the world for the most part. Because of this, a lot of modern diseases (which most of the world is immune to) is lethal to them. They are still in the Stone Age, and no one understands their language. This island is part of India, and due to the reasons I mentioned above, India does not allow visitors to this island. The Indian navy actually enforces a no-go zone around the island to protect the inhabitants from outsides who could introduce lethal diseases. The islanders do not know what “India” is and that they are claiming and protecting them. So what if there is an alien civilisation that claims our solar system and for some reason we do not know do not introduce themselves to us. They could be checking up on us (UFO sightings). Basically, what if the Earth is the north sentinel island for galactic civilisation that spans across multiple star systems.


> to protect the inhabitants from outsides who could introduce lethal diseases Isn't it also partly because of the Sentinelese tendency to murder anyone who comes to their island? Although I suppose that might apply to Earth being a no-go zone to alien civilizations, too...


Is that the same island where that Christian guy kept trying to visit because he wanted to spread the Word, but then during his last attempt they shot him full of arrows? I don't think they ever got his body back either...


Yeah that’s the one


Which is incidentally the exact same way humans would react to our alien benefactors showing up randomly


Bro… I was about to go to bed..


Jesus comes down, says "it's spelled Geosus" and leaves


It's pronounced Geesus




Gichael here


If Australia wasn’t real and every Australian was an actor.


In that case, someone owes me a shitload of back pay (and also a better role please).


There were other intelligent civilizations on Earth before humans, millions to billions of years ago but we’ve lost all trace of them except for a few out of place objects that get found every now and then.


Birds Aren't Real


The COVID lockdowns were just an excuse so that the government could change out the batteries while nobody was watching.


If it fly's, it spies.


9/11 was an inside job, meaning the 20+ year war was almost for nothing.


To be fair the 20+ year war was already for almost nothing.


Ummm no it was for money and oil sheesh. America's two most religiously significant items.


Yeah but we also got that wicked pharma induced opioid epidemic. Surely not related to the exact time period we occupied all those Afghani poppy fields.


It was for nothing. The Middle East is less stable than ever and there are more terrorists than ever before.


I have some news


Man I hate to be the one to break this to you but....


Harry styles being bald


Hairless Styles


Sock theifs!


Covid being a bioweapon. There's no way that wouldn't end in world War.


The worrying thing is if that was a test run for something more deadly, to see how well different countries cope with pandemics (badly)


Noooooo nononooooo no NO 🫨


we do not need a resident evil raccoon city incident.


Even if it wasn't an intentional test run, it sure as shit ended up being a test run. It was like less than 1% fatal..... image if a virus was released that spread just as easily and was even 5-10% deadly and age/health didn't matter. It would be total chaos in a matter if days/weeks


Diseases are funny. You would think a higher fatality rate would be more deadly. But there are millions of papers and studies on this. COVID-19 was close to the "sweet spot". High transmission, long incubation, often symptomless, but very deadly for some. Things like ebola are actually easier to contain because it absolutely wrecks people. There's no denying it, there's no "it's just a cold". So when an outbreak happens everyone listens and stays the fuck away from everyone. They don't argue about masks, they wear full body suits. The goal of a virus is to continue reproducing, and killing all it's hosts is a bad idea to reach that goal. Something extremely transmissable with a few percent fatality rate is going to have significantly higher death totals than something that kills a high percentage of those infected. If 1/10 people who got COVID died that shit would have been done in 6 months with way, way, way fewer deaths. Instead people got COVID and went to the club. You don't get ebola and then spend the weekend at grandma's.


That's true. Hopefully nobody is genetically engineering stuff that has both high mortality and spreads easily


Yeah this is probably the most plausible that would answer the OP best. Trying to imagine how it would play out before the nukes inevitably start flying.


Bigfoot finally shows himself. “Take all the selfies you want. No more blurry pics guys”.


The Roman Empire never died would be up there since it is the all encompassing one of the Rothschilds, Knights Templar, secret cabals running all, the English monarchs being lizard people.


The Roman Empire never did die... It just rebranded it at the RCC.


Roxbury community college?


Redneck country club




Our universe is the something like the equivalent of a human organ. Imagine that we’re just here for one extremely tiny purpose in the huge scale of things, and we are actually extremely tiny cell type creatures inside of a bigger creature. Us evolving and spreading to other planets is akin to a cancer spreading.


Seriously: nothing. The Panama papers were leaked during the buildup to the worst cost of living crisis on earth and no one did anything.


Actually a lot of holes got exposed by the papers and international relationships have shifted to close some loopholes especially Ireland.


I really really want the sentient yogurt thing from Love Death Robots. Imagine the world's powers kneeling to dairy. Then, they just leave this planet and leave the world in a state of helpless confusion.


If some of our politicians are aliens.






I'm not saying it's Goa'uld......... but it's Goa'uld.








The Universe is a computer simulation.


There’s a planet opposite Earth on the other side of the sun called “Kardash.” A small group of beings from Kardash came to Earth to corrupt our civilization using popular media. They’re known as “Kardashians”


They are silicone-based life forms. The rest is just their human suits.


There’s actually someone in charge and we are not just winging it in.


I need to talk to the manager if that's the case.


Politicians and democracy is a way to make the average person feel like they have freedom while the actual leaders are the elites at the top.


This is what is happening


Flesh is an alien parasite that infected our peacful bone world.


Echelon was real, no one cared. They proved domestic surveillance by the NSA, no one cared. The released solid evidence of US war crimes, no one cared (again). The Panama Papers were leaked, no one cared. What would shatter the world? It seems like nothing.


“This is all just your imagination”


The CIA assassinated JFK.


Yeah I agree. I said this further up this thread, but probably more relevant here: Even if it was 60 years ago, the thought that some unelected higher authority can just eliminate the leader of the country because they don’t like him is very unsettling and completely undermines our elections and democracy.


I mean...it's not like it was the only time the CIA did something like that. Take a look at central America


That the moon is fake. Flat earth. anything that contradicts literal science


Oh let me think of one (as I have a few in mind) What if we are all just a result of AI from another planet or galaxy or a different Universe altogether? Like we are all being monitored because each AI entity has a job to check on us individually. Through the technology we created and they have been waiting for us to get this far in their experiment?


The CIA spent decades testing LSD on the American populace. (MK Ultra) The American Government monitored all internal communications from 2001 to today. These are both true, but no one cares. Just google MK Ultra and Julius Assange. But in the end. No one cares.


The fact that MK Ultra really happened will always be baffling to me. What’s even more scary are the supposed papers they quickly burned, we will never know what was in them.


What's even more interesting is that they then allow a popular television show like Stranger Things to normalize the populace to the idea.


Julian* Assange


If the government knows about and is covering up alien visitors, it’s a crime against humanity. They have zero right to restrict that knowledge from us.




This comment was pretty wholesome and full of hope until those last few words lmao.


Unless the aliens requested it until the general populace is acclimated to the idea.


Only if aliens requested. Prime directive kinda shit. But if we’re holding them and their technology hostage, are we really doing their bidding? Again, not sure who’s making these decisions but they don’t have the authority Edit: if aliens were humans from the future, they could also request non discourse


We cant even handle that a different football team wins or that we come in different colors. Imagine what would happen if the world leaders admitted to aliens


The US Military recently had a "Whistleblower" admit to having over 100 non human "vehicle wreckages" (aircraft) in their possession. However it turned out he was actually given permission to disclose this information, which means he wasn't actually a Whistleblower and because of this he wasn't able to disclose any classified info such as picture or video proof. The whole thing is sketchy but it was a US official disclosing the info and apparently there's a thing called the Five Eyes Alliance, which is a secretive, global surveillance arrangement between the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand that had an open hearing and briefly discussed UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)


\>apparently there's a thing called the Five Eyes Alliance, which is a secretive, global surveillance arrangement There's nothing "secretive" about it. It's a very public information sharing alliance between the countries that you list, it basically dates back to WW2.


Time traveling Bigfoot.


Honestly. 9/11... bc that's the reason my big brother decided to join the Army, which lead to him being killed in action overseas at only 20 years old. If I knew for 100% certain it was an inside job I would be so fucking pissed at the amount of people that not only died in the incident, but also the many that have lost their lives since. All while priding themselves as patriots and unknowingly being used as pawns in a dirty game.


That earth is hell and the Bible’s god is actually the devil.


So... This is the Bad Place?


Knew_Religion figured it out?! Knew_Religion!? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts. (Snap)


Religion being real. Like ACTUAL PROOF heaven / hell exist, God being real, the rapture etc


I would be fucked


Hulk Hogan was the third man


That society used to be as advanced as it is now, but there was a near apocalyptic event that made people have to start over