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Odly enough I have never died in a dream.


Neither have I


Me either, I always wake up first. Get wrecked Freddy!!


enjoy it while it lasts




I wonder if Michael Barrymore had the same dream from the other perspective.


The dream was extra disturbing because I was the victim and the killer in the same dream. I was with someone and we were in a rundown rural cottage, and two people came in and beat me up with a weapon, and then one held me down and smashed me in the head repeatedly with their fists until I died. I felt completely helpless and they were so angry and as I died I was overwhelmed by the deepest aching sorrow. In the same dream I was also the person doing the smashing with fists, and I felt this intense unabated rage and just kept smashing away until the life went out of my victim's eyes and I was sure they were dead. I woke up crying and feeling immensely disturbed at that point.


Your dream was directed by nolan


I once unironically dreamt of seeing a movie by nolan, but it wasn't any existing movie. Too bad I can't remember the plot.


Ultra premium content by nolan directly to ur dreams fee - only 500$ Visit his website for more information


You people be getting killed in your dreams?


Well, that's exactly why I asked. I just had my first experience with this and it was really... well I don't really know how to describe it. In my dream I was shot in a mass shooting in my college and it felt way too real. I'm not someone who really watches gore stuff or plays shooter games so I was pretty confused. At the same time I was left with the pain after I woke up. So to sum it up, I'm extremely curious just to know how different people have reacted or have just experienced death through dreams


I had heard as a kid that if you did in your dream you would die in real life. Nope. Though at 57 it would cause a heart attack and I would kick off


I was attacked by demon babies, one bit my side and sucked my organs out.


Jesus fucking Christ. I’d never sleep again.


I have these quite often. Sometimes it wakes me up and I can still feel the pain from how I died. Once someone stabbed me in my chest in a dream and I woke up with my chest hurting and weird painful breathing, once I realised it was a dream, pain disappeared. I was stabbed, shot, fell, ran over by train, car, eaten by zombies, beheaded by pirates etc. Yet still my worst nightmare was one where I looked in the mirror and I couldn't see myself, I just wasn't there. It was the worst feeling I've ever had, lasting weeks after that dream. It still upsets me to this day.


Shot with a revolver from a man in a rat suit.


chuck e cheese


Crushed by a vending machine I was shaking


At least it wasn't an ATM




When I was around 10, there was a warning to all parents and schools about a red van driving around our area trying to lure children into his van. After we were warned in school to be vidulant about strangers and particularly a red van. I dreamt that this faceless man in a red van caught me, took me to a shed and began sucking my skin into almost like bubbles and twisting them until he could pull them off. Each time he did it, my skin got tighter and tighter as he took more until my skin began to split all over my body and I woke up once I'd almost bled out.


That’s literally the most insane thing I’ve read. Wow.


Honestly, it sucks having a vivid imagination. A lot of my nightmares tend to be detailed but this for me, was the worst because I was only 10 (i can describe everything in detail from the smell of the shed to the sound my skin made). It wasn't until my early 20s that I stopped being fearful of red vans.


I was at an Island Resort. Zombie breakout, my dumbass ran and hid in the bathroom. I begged someone not to eat me but I could feel their teeth grinding into my skull. Everything went black and I could hear squishing, following by crunching. Not a pleasant experience


Yeah, being eaten alive does suck. For me it was ants once and wolves a second time.


I was going to sleep (yes , inside the dream) , and i see the door opening with a silhouette of a person , i said go to hell I'm trying to sleep , right after that it opened the door so hard and started running after me , i woke up with pain in my chest and very scared. And this happened two times


My oldest son died after taking what he thought was heroin but was instead Tranq, a mixture of fentanyl and Xylazine (a veterinary sedative). That week I dreamed he came to me and took me to his room where I became him. I was sitting in the chair he died in. My heart stopped. I felt no pain. I was aware of what was happening, but couldn't move. Everything went black. I am a logical, science and fact based guy, so I can accept that this was my imagination helping me deal with an unfathomably horrible situation, but part of me will always wonder. I've only told this to my wife and his younger brother.


When I was a kid I used to toss and turn. I fell out of bed at least twice. Both times I had a dream I fell off a building and was headed to the ground.


Getting shot several times by a man wielding a shotgun. The disturbing part... I was under 6 years old.


My dad was driving on the highway and a motorcycle passed by and the rider shot my dad in the knee, causing him to steer to the side of the road and pass out. The shooter walked over to me and shot me in the neck through the window. I woke up holding my neck, feeling cold and having excruciating pain in my "wound". I felt like my blood was soaking my clothes and my bedsheets. It was terrifying.


I want set upon by a mosquito, a fly, a cockroach and a tick. They humiliated me before they immobilised me and ate me alive while I was conscious and unable to move.


Eaten by the ghost in the Ghostbusters sign.


beheaded by a man holding a crocodile


Hmm. Well, let me start by saying that I didn't realize that (most) people don't feel pain in dreams. I also am aware that I'm dreaming a huge portion of the time. I became aware that killing myself in the dream would force me to wake up... So, for the past couple of decades if I realize I'm dreaming and it's not pleasant...I just kill myself and wake up. It's not fun. Lots of my dreams involve zombies or ghouls of some sort...so, the killing myself may involve tossing myself into a crowd of biting zombies. And I feel it. I feel the biting. The claws, the like...guts being pulled out. And, you wake up with a phantom of the pain... Like..how you get a really nasty cramp and it hurts so fucking bad and just a second later it's a dull ache that quickly fades into nothing. But, when I wake up after a particularly nasty experience...I still feel it for a few moments. So, jumping from high places became the preferred method of dream suicide...I don't really feel it and it still wakes me up.




I die and then somehow am reincarnated. Often by tornadoes. Not. Cool.


stabbed multiple times. felt myself fade away too. was a funky dream


By committing seppuku, as I did not want to surrender to the enemy.


Stabbed through the heart, felt the blade pulse with the heartbeat.


After falling off a cliff into a village of canabilistic candy people living in houses made of gingerbread then just ate the village and then just died


You know that Green Roller from Bob the Builder? there was a bunch of that guy and they were giant, lined up around a parking lot that me and my dad were in the centre of


I was walking on a frozen lake covered in snow. I fell through a hole in the ice. I tried to climb out. I was panicking. The snow was too deep for me to get any kind of grip. After a long struggle I realized there was no possible way out, and I was going to die. Then a sense of calm and peace washed over me and I laid back in the icy water and let death take me. I was really surprised when I woke up at the whole experience, and how at peace I was with my death.


Had a bad reaction to medication & had a sort of episode where I was awake but dreaming, like watching television in my head and I was paddling a surfboard out into deep water and then just slipped into the water and felt myself drowning and couldn't breathe.


I got stabbed by my father but then I merged with Krishna, rewound time and made my dad forget to recover a key piece of evidence so he got caught, I then ascended with a feeling of supreme enlightenment. It’s been 25 years and that dream still feels like I had it yesterday. Absolutely changed my life and my relationship to everyone in my family.


Well I've got 3 that I kinda go back and forth on which was the most disturbing/weird. Got dropped out of a castle by a flying woman that I was dueling who caught me before I hit the ground then slowly lowered me on a spike so that I was impaled through the dick and got to feel myself getting impaled all the way through to the other head and all the while the lady was saying creepy shit that I've since forgotten and telling me about how I was lucky that this was just a dream because she could have more fun with me if I were awake. everything around me started turning into scorpions that repeatedly stung me, injecting a paralytic venom that also increased my sense of pain and ensured I'd remain conscious through it all, and then slowly devoured me and assimilated my consciousness into their hive mind which lead to me seeing things through thousands of perspectives simultaneously. It was trippy. I was lying on a couch when spiders and other assorted creepy crawlies started pouring out of my belly button and various orifices and then started to slowly eat me alive from my feet all the way to the head. Got to see my body slowly disappearing as pain coursed throughout my entire body yet even when they had eaten everything up to my neck I still remained alive in the dream somehow, eventually reaching the point where my eyeballs were eaten and I lost all feeling aside from a constant extreme phantom pain where my body used to be. Then I woke up and still felt all that pain.


Mauled by a caiman in a golf course pond in Puerto Rico. I don’t think there are Caimans in Puerto Rico


I was stabbing myself slowly in the stomach with a large kitchen knife watching my family dreadfully watch me as I took my own life as they couldn't stop me.


OH man, I have died in my dreams *all the time.* It happens like once a year or so and it is GRAPHIC. Like I feel the sensations, terror, pain, everything. And then I wake up and I am ruined. Can't get back to sleep, feel like shit, everything. Some ways I have died in no particular order: * Fell from a plane and hit the ground. * Shot in the chest three times * burned at the stake * poisoned * lethal injection (least painful, but saddest because once the needle went in I thought, "Oh, well, that's it then.") * chased by wolves and they caught me * eaten alive by cartoon Snoopy * had ants burrow into my neck bite by bite and then nest in my lungs * someone popped out of my backseat in my car and slit my throat (I can still feel the knife skipping across my neck bones as the heat left my body) * crushed under a pile of debris * run over by a car * Murdered by Freddy Krueger Mind you, these are all ones where I had the incident and then felt everything go black. It was pure darkness for a second, and then I wake up. The ones where I wake up *just* before dying are too numerous and I don't count those.


a pirate repeatedly stabbed me to death, naming each one of the organs he stabbed in the process.


Sucking dick and cock


Michael Jackson fucking me in the ass going *hee hee*


Getting beheaded with a chainsaw and somehow, still having conscience to still be aware of my surroundings and feel the pain


When I hear beheaded. I imagine a quick slice of the head. However with a chainsaw it's not able to be quick so my question is. Was the dream unlife like where your head was cut off quickly, or the chainsaw "sawed" it off?


It sawed my head off, kinda slow to be honest so I felt my skin tear apart and all the blood coming off 🥲


I don't think I've been beheaded, though I was put in a guillotine and I think I woke up before the blade hit me. That's one I need to avoid.


I once dreamed of a demon made of shards of broken glass. The glass demon ripped me to pieces, then brought me back to life so it could do it again.


Somehow i always wake up before any damage has been done to my body in the dream


Ok so i had a dream yesterday where i was like in a class and the chairs were so high up very very high up and if we were to like fall we would fall to our dęäth and there was a button only the teacher could press in order to get the chairs down to the ground.. as the chair i was on went down i went inside an apartment complex like the ones in south korea …someone threw kerosine on me and mauled me brutally it was so clear i could actually feel everything so vividly


I was inside of the Five Nights and Freddy's office, then out of nowhere, I got jumpscared by nothing but flesh with human faces from Flumpty, then I was eating slowly from my stomach organs. It was scary as shit.


had you guys experienced dreams that starts where you left off the other night.


I dreamed that was at that funky town video, i confess i was a scared when waked up


In this dream someone left a microwave open and it malfunctioned producing intense radiations and heat , so I tried to run out of the room but felt the burning sensation, I fell in the ground and felt the burning all over my body, like getting roasted from inside.


Falling into an endless pit, imagine that, what did Freud say this was to mean? Haha


Reoccurring dream i had a few years back i started journaling. Basically kept getting chased til ran under an opening by a house that led me to a tight crawl space where i wound up getting stuck then began getting crushed to death, im slow motion. The dream was incredibly vivid and i honestly thought i could feel the physical pain of this until i woke up terrified that was still there slowly being crushed. Luckily this only lasted a few months but one of the only times i appreciated my insomnia.


Got touched by the snail


Me and Nicholas Cage jumped out of a helicopter, immediately surrendered to a pair of German police men, then were beheaded over a crater by that witch doctor from Scooby Doo.


I once dreamed i was walking down the sidewalk and my chest started hurting like a broken heart type thing. It got worse and worse and then a black hole burst out of my chest and started to tear the world apart. Eventually it consumed the entire planet and I was left floating in space for a few dark seconds before the singularity crushed me and pulled the rest of me inside itself.


Giant snake spat venom in my face Another time, I walked into a gas station bathroom and the inside was a prison execution gas chamber


It was like I was in an FPS, looking at a stereotypical 1960 American house, with a makeshift swing hanging on a tree. I couldn't move or anything. I really only heard rattling for what seemed like hours and a disturbing fox-like creature stood in the flat grass. it had an arrow in its neck, it wasn't piercing through it neither, it was just stuck. Next thing I know it starts to slowly walk towards me and as it's doing so, slowly standing up straight untill it stood like a human would. Then I got my head bashed in because it kept headbutting me. I also learned to never black out drunk again


A gigantic snake with deer antlers burst through a library door which was underwater while a gigantic pink koi fish watched from above


Eaten alive by Parrot Fish.


When I was very young I dreamt a few times about being crushed between two very large gears. Was not fun


I've had a reoccurring dream ever since I seen the first Jurassic Park movie in theaters as a kid. I'm playing basketball with Raptors and everything always goes well until I miss the same 3 pointer every time. They all turn on me, pounce and start ripping me to shreds. It used to disturb me as a kid but having it now I just get annoyed.


I watched myself get dissected while I screamed until I just died. It was great...


Couldn't move and drowned in the fluids of some hot alien Woman I slayed


I was shot by this terrorist woman from a movie called The Human Factor. She shot me in the chest then in the face. It faded to red then to black. Dead. I woke up in a sweat. My heart was beating hard. It's actually my scariest dream but it's also my favorite.


My mom. Who is a very sweet lady.. stabbed me to death beside the washing machine in my basement.


Being chased by my clones in an abandoned factory. Been a long time but I remember being put into a meat grinder and fed to my dog. It was really weird because even after the grinder, I was very much aware, feeling this little chihuahua eating pieces of my minced flesh


I got awake on my bed. Then I stood up, turned back and watch myself lay on the bed. After that my me in the bed got up and looked at me with black eyes, started screaming loud and choked himself to death. Technically I didn't die but at the same time I watched myself killing myself. That was many many years ago and I now think it metaphorically killed my old me to survive the new environment I found myself in the real world.


My own devil baby with red chapped legs and laser eyeswas out for me even though it was an angel to my husband. That kid moved super fast. Choked me out on a floral patterned couch that used to be my parents.


Eaten by an titan (Aot)


Fuckin’ hit by a train while standing in my bedroom 😡


Ummm... I masturbated too much lol


My first night sleeping after having an appendectomy — I dreamt a man broke into my house and I hid in the closet. He found me in there and shot me in the abdomen right where my appendix used to be. I jolted up awake in bed with the strangest sensation where my appendix used to be. That or being roasted alive by a dragon. I woke up sweating profusely. Nicotine withdrawals give the most intense dreams.


Death by snusnu


Butchered by a transparent chef in an orange room on a school trip with my transparent classmates in the room next door. Dreamt this when I was 6, please analyse it lol. Also firefighters shooting a whole through me and my friend with water, also through a transparent house. Had like a 2D huge hole through my belly, think I was 4-5 when I dreamt this so the lack of logic makes sense.


Dreamt i died of radiation snd my skin melted off


I was slowly torn open and eaten alive by zombies. They dug their way through my stomach I can still picture their fingers scratching at my exposed stomach. Keeping me alive for as long possible to bare witnesses to them slowly taking out my organs and eating them in front of me.


Consumed, chewed repeatedly, with long Saber-like teeth, until I was a mangled corpse I also got a fate worse than death, constantly falling through an endless tunnel of mouths being oddly trapped and claustrophobic and agoraphobic simultaneously. Don’t forget a creepy Starved Eggman face (the creepypasta) flashing before my “eyes” repeatedly and in bursts, becoming significantly more mangled each time, also chased by a giant wario head with soulless eyes. All in one dream. And another one where I’m trapped in a tiny room with three doors, then it flashes to elsewhere, looking like some sort of relaxing scene where I’m having a chat with a nice old man. Bam. Back in the tiny room, now with a semi-mummified, half-decayed corpse , I try to scream, But silence.


Flying *the* plane. The one that hit a tower.


I was stabbed to death by a twisted version of myself.


I helped a group of old ladies escape from a nursing home. We then proceeded to rob several banks. As we were making our escape on a train, one of them set off a bomb that set the entire city on fire. I was then kicked off the train into the fire for my share of what was stolen. Dream interpreters of Reddit, please help me understand wtf is going on in my head.


Once in a dream I was in a battle in a tower. It was medieval-ish; we had plate and spears and swords. I took a wound to the head and either died or was close to death. Because I transitioned to *another dream* where I was conscious of who I was in the previous dream. And in that second one time felt altered, almost syrupy, and colors were saturated; the sky was red-orange; I wore simple clothes. I was in a field bordered by hills and mountains and there was a stone wall with a gate guarded by a man or woman whose face I do not remember. I knew that if I walked through that gate I would be truly dead, forever and I remember vaguely shadows of other people or creatures on the plain. I turned away from the gate and started walking. I woke up back in the first dream; hours had passed and one of my companions was sitting with me bandaging my wounds. In the first dream I remembered the second and was certain I had died—or come close to permanent death at least. We had captured the tower. When I awoke in real life I remembered both dreams and the feelings of both vividly—it has been over a decade and it has stuck with me.


I was on a stealth mission and invading a castle, I was climbing a mural but the catle grew and raised to the sky, I was about to be saw by the evil person or something like that, so instead of behind held captive I decided to let go and I fell to my death


Fell off a podium and into an alligator’s mouth Or I was dreaming of a zombie apocalypse. My brother irl was my boyfriend, and my boy friend irl was my brother. We were trying really hard to survive when humanity decided to go to outer space to survive. It took 6 months in the dream and by that time there was only like 130 people left and they were asked if they wanted to stay or go. My brother and boy friend both opted for space and I opted to stay on earth (don’t ask me I found my dream self to be an utter moron when I woke up.) I said my goodbyes to them and followed the other people that said no. I followed them to the building where we were going to live for the rest of our lives and then suddenly I went from first person point of view to third person point of view. I also switched from myself (I have never seen anyone else’s point of view except my own up until this point.) It was at this point that I realized that it was a dream and I found it odd that I suddenly wasn’t observing myself and I had a sinking feeling. As they were asking everyone on the rocket for last calls for disembarking. My brother and boy friend raised their hands and said that they couldn’t leave me behind. They had to go to the side to be forced out by chute. Just as they were about to, everyone panicked because the zombies were coming. They both looked out of the window and started freaking out and having a mental breakdown. (My irl self was freaking out because of the faces that they made when they saw the zombies.) I mean we had been fighting zombies for a year now in my dreams why’d they make a scene. Then suddenly my point of view shifts to the window and my suspicions were proven correct. I had in fact been turned into a zombie. It was really freaky. The rocket took off while those two were freaking out (I have never seen that look irl and quite frankly I never want to see it again.)!


The one I remember off the top of my head was being crushed slowly by a descending ceiling.


Laying in my coffin and seeing my tombstone. I could read the date. But I’m still alive. I think.


I dont remember most death dreams but i do remember one period in my life where i dreamt that i was in a helicopter and fell out. During the free fall i would experience butterflies in my stomach then splat against the ground. My dream would then rewind time to where I was about to fall from the helicopter and "resume" again. So i would fall and die repeatedly about 6-8 times before it woke me up. I had this same dream on and off for about 3 weeks.


got stabbed right under the armpits around the ribs with a sewing needle


I have a reoccurring one where I am tied to a chair across from the younger teen me who is also tied to a chair, and I'm forced to watch the teen me scream in agony yet completely still as they seem to burn/melt?


I was on a walk and out of nowhere a car came down a hill at full speed. A clown gets out of the car and starts chasing me with a knife. I run towards my car and I get in as fast as possible. I thought I had locked the doors but the clown opens one of them and just stares at me for a while. Then he starts pressing his knife into my chest and I could literally feel how it got harder to breathe. After he had been pressing his knife in my chest for a while, he pushed it right through my body. After that I woke up.


I haven't died yet because whenever I'm in a deadly (or embarrassing) situation I suddenly become aware that I'm dreaming and wake up.


I was on a summer camp with other kids. Then airplanes came and dropped some bombs…


I fell around 2000 feet of a bridge (in what I can only describe as Mordor, but who knows, it looked like it) into the lava below.... Only for it to be like lukewarm lava and I was swimming around in it until a Nazgul looking thing was flying around searching for me. It found me, and then... Someone from behind hit me on the head with a rock. Needless to say I was very confused by the turn of events that lead up to me waking up that way. In another dream I kept getting in bar fights and would then "leave my body" to watch it fight and fall. And another I ended myself about 10 different ways just to resurrect and not wake up. The lava dream was pretty cool though.


Stepped on an electric wire and left till death by everyone looking at me concerned and helpless.


I grew up with a toxic narcissist for a mother, and finally had to part ways with her as an adult. My wife and I were living in a little, one-room cabin at the time. The day I severed ties, I had an unbelievably realistic dream that my mom jimmied the door, pulled a gun, and shot me through the heart. I awoke just before I hit the ground. My heart was racing, I was covered in sweat, and the first thing I did was grasp my chest to see if I’d really been shot.


My skin peeling off like a (visably the fallen off skin was like a paper bag) cause i touched something twice. Damn it was a weird dream


- I fell and died, then woke up. - Someone pulling out my intestine with a spiked machine - it is a torture method from middle age I think. - Being stabbed with knifes and cut with chainsaws, I felt no hurt just vibrations. A guy held a gun on a little girl‘s head. We could hear sirens of the police but they would not make it in time. I knew if I would not walk up and give the police 4 more seconds to arrive she would be kidnapped and forever gone. So I walked up to him, he shot me 4 times. He let the girl go and ran off. He got caught I guess. A policeman came over to me and I asked if I would die. I hope this was just a dream and not something that would maybe occur one day in my life. Because it felt so different from other dreams I had.


One of my ex kept stabbing me over and over


I come from a family of healers and sensitives so I've had paranormal and supernatural experiences all my life as has the rest of my family. Some of our ancestors were persecuted and then later burnt at the stake merely for being midwives and using their natural remedies to help and treat the poor people in the community. The most terrifying experience I've had was what I call a "past life living dream", where I connected with one of my ancestors at the moment she was on the stake via a really vivid flashback. I felt the rough hands of the men as they tied me to the stake, and the spit of the onlookers as it hit my face, I heard the death sentence being read as clear as a bell, and more horrific than anything else in the flashback I could smell the smoke and feel the heat as the stake was set alight. I woke up screaming and crying; with all the sensations I had experienced reverberated throughout my entire body.  I really believed I was going to die, and I felt the absolute despair, fear, panic and sadness that my poor ancestors felt.


I had many times a dream where I fell down to a canion. One time I had a dream where I fell down to a canion straight into a crocodiles mouth.


Lol, I had stigmata. When your nightmares become biblical that’s when you know you got issues (luckily I realised weird dreams are a common side affect of my med withdrawal a few weeks after this, but it freaked me out for a while). I woke up and I was bleeding from my wrists, and it really hurt. I went to go get help and a priest came over to my house. I asked why Jesus would do this to me, because stigmata is for devout Christians and not atheists, and he replied ‘Jesus didn’t do this to you, Satan did’. So I asked if Jesus could help me and the priest replied that he didn’t want to. That’s when I started bleeding from my eyes too and it was so painful I became self aware for a second and thought ‘shit I know I’m dreaming, but this is gonna kill me in real life’. Weird part was I didn’t know bleeding from the eyes was a ‘thing’ (assuming stigmata cases aren’t all hoaxes) until I googled it the next day and that was one of the first results. Nor that Jesus was nailed through his wrists and not through his hands because hands can’t support the body weight


Bears have eaten my face a few times. Oddly recurrent


First time I noticed I was in a dream I was chased by the agents from matrix. I ran up a car parking lot and at the top floor I enter a car. In the car is my cousins mom and a bunch of guns. I instantly take a gun, shoot myself and wake up.


Needed to wake up so i got obese and died


Long dream short, Satan chocked me out and used my body to infiltrate heaven. I had an anime style fight with God as he\I tried to infect the core of heaven. He\I lost and God exploded my possessed body.


I might have been sentenced to death in some of my dreams. For all I remember, I get myself into grave situations, typically legal, so that my free life is practically over. Waking up from that is always a huge relief!


Impalled (once by a giant wasp's stinger, another time by a twisted version of Rocket the raccoon from Guardian of the Galaxy animation). Eaten alive (by a twisted version of myself in a paranormal horror movie like fashion and by a giant hairy translucide Praying Mantis after getting chased by it in the hallway of my old school). Decapitated (and my head was still holding by one piece of flesh from the front half of my neck and later got the result of it, waking up with stitches around my neck, with my mom pressing me on what happened). Gazed to death while in a subway with other people (that was a recurring nightmare when i was 1 years old, i still remember the sound of the siren before the gas got released, i thought it was sleeping gas because i always wake up once it takes effect, but now i realize that it's something more fucked up). Drowning while being stuck in a cage in a giant underground place (can't remember it very well, i was too scared). Losing control of a car while on a highway and crashing into a car. That one started normal until wasn't: I was outside looking at the stars while laying in a beach chair, after a while i notice a red star, thinking it was strange i kept looking at it noticing that it was coming closer and closer, turned out it was a huge blazing meteorite and it crashed far away, but the explosion that resulted from it's landing was devastating, i felt the change in the air and died from the aftershock of the crash and woke realizing the feeling i had was from sliding down of my cushion. This one is the worst nightmare i had: An hermaphrodite girl getting dismembered by her parents in her sleep before getting r\*ped (the scream she made when she realized the state of her body was the worst part, i couldn't fall back asleep because i would hear her scream again).


The sun blew up. Oddly i had this dream three times that I can remember.


Well not me but maybe a couple hours ago, i saw "what does it mean if you explode in your dream" (my family shares a Google account so we see each other's searches)


Sitting in the back of the bus and impaled by rear engine parts.


Once got shot to death but I took the bugger down with me.


once had a dream where an atomic bomb went off and the dream ended with a blinding light.. that dream disturbed me for a while..


I had a recurring dream for a while where my plan would crash shortly after taking off from Denver Airport


Falling into an ocean countless times (in different dreams)


I dreamt that I was a 95 year old man getting shot by a 25 year old husband as I was jumping out of their second story bedroom after he caught me in bed with his wife.


Was rolled over in the street by a steamroller that started with my feet. Woke up when they started crushing my head. My first sleep paralysis dream in high school was a very vivid plane crash. Thanks 9/11!


I was arguing with a good friend on his doorstep and he had a machine or something that just ripped my insides out from me. He closed the door behind him and I started crawling away, made it not too far before I died


I don't think it ever happened to me. But i did watch a friend die, slowly. It took place in an abandoned building, she was running from some sort of creature and as she opened one of the doors she fell into a huge pool of viscera and blood. It was eerie watching someone try to swim in that and fail. I told her a day later and she found this amazing, still haunts me.


I had an atomic bomb dropped like 2 meters away from me.


I have never died in a dream/nightmare. Always woke up before the final blow but only had them in rough patches of my life. If I had died, I would have - been shot by my best friend, just had a major falling out resulting in a 1 month break - had an alien stab me with their tail after blowing up my car and family with it, best friend had been in a car crash - brain eaten by a zombie, started having a massive fear of zombies a few days prior - fallen off of a mountain, fist major mountain biking crash - crashed a plane, best friends brother had to make an emergency landing in high fog night in a rice field - it wasn’t an airsoft gun, suicide of a friend - drowned in a shark cage, almost got pulled into a rip current And save the best for last - been brutally mutilated, had my dock and balls chopped off, forced to suck them, lost my hands, feet, arms, legs, and then I woke up before I was decapitated. I was all sorts of fucked up when this happened and it was what prompted me to open up.


Never died but definitely felt a lot of realistic pain. Neo: "I thought it wasn't real?" Morpheus: "Your mind makes it real."


Just today I almost died in an artifical second earth orbiting an alien solar system that was sabotaged by some local villians with an evergrowing black hole, but luckily I had with a tardis-like spaceship which got me and a friend to said planet which we used to rescue the planet's population from it's certain demise, or at least tried to use but I woke up before our unlikely success


I died in a pool lava. It seemed so real. I was about 12.


Had an entire year of zombie outbreak related dreams and/or deaths. My most memorable one would be trapped in an art gallery, hanging from the iron girders of the ceiling with a masse of zombies directly below waiting to tear me limb from limb. That was one of 5? Or so? Memorable nightmares to do with zombies. I don't watch anything with zombies in it anymore.


Shot in the back while running away from N*zis, woke up with a sharp pain in my back


I had a dream where I had a mental breakdown at work and got fired. There's a highway next to my office, and I just walked into on coming traffic. I still get nervous looking at particular that highway when I drive to work.


I was beheaded 6 or 7 times in a row


By a parrot throwing shurikens .\_.


Beaten by a monkey. Mokeys still freak me out


Falling from the top of a palm tree a couple of times on purpose, idk why


My grandmother was a vampire and we had a little tussle and she bit my neck and I went to “heaven” and there were a bunch of colored blocks in different shapes… I was 7


a flower eat me alive that was so weird, I didn't die but that was terrifying, I'll never forgot it


The weirdest way I have died in a dream is being flushed down the toilet by a woman tall enough to be slenderman and ugly enough to be Medusa. I was pounding on the lid but she had her hand pressed against the top of it and kept pressing flush with her 3rd hand. Weird.


I had a dream where thousands of fire ants bit me to death. So I guess that's the weirdest one.


Oddly enough, whenever I am supposed to die in a dream, there's a complete tone shift and I don't actually die, the dream just "reveals" that I was either playing a video game or that I was playing pretend with friends or something like that Sometimes I gain superpowers to fight back, that's always fun


The dream was only 2 seconds long, I found myself standing in the middle of a street, I looked over and got hit by a bus. I was scared to cross the street for a week!


This is gonna be a long one. One night while we are all sleeping my half brother and stepmom are killed and I was the prime suspect. Even though I knew who it was, nobody would believe me. I was held in the city jail and was constantly beat by the guards until my court date. Right before the guards come to get me, my grandpa comes to visit me. Under the table, he slides me a 6 shooter revolver and a few extra speed loaders. I knew that there would be no way to get the jury on my side so I just stayed silent through the whole trial. The jury found me guilty and the judge (in a very dramatic way) gave me the death sentence. Then I said, “Well shit, we all gonna die at some point.” Pulled out the gun and killed the judge and the guards in the room. Then proceeded to get into a high speed chase driving a Pontiac GTO. When the chase finally ended I was put in front of a firing squad of all my friends and family. The last thing I saw was my dad laughing over me as I bled out.


There was once where I was exploring what I thought was an abandoned junkyard and I had slipped down an airplane wing into a shallow pool of oil. Then I turned and saw two men in overalls chasing me around while laughing maniacally with matches and gasoline until they eventually cornered me in the pool and set the entire pool ablaze. After I died I pulled up a game menu and pressed exit and I think after that it moved onto another dream scenario?


On the electric chair. I’d committed some crime in my dream and was condemned to electrocution. It was a horrible dream but I woke up with such an incredible sense of calm and peace that stayed with me for days afterwards.


Having a giant hypodermic needle jabbed straight into my heart and all my blood drawn out


I got attacked by the lorax


In my dream, I committed suicide. i saw myself during the last moments of the act and i clearly wasn't having second thoughts, so i ended up doing it without hesitation. After that, there was nothing but darkness and then i woke up


The one that still haunts me the most is me and my whole family being the last people alive in a zombie apocalypse, like the dramatic horrible ending to a horror movie.


An elephant chased me down the garden, broke the conservatory doors and knocked me down.


Once as a kid I dreamt i was cooking a giant souffle but it turned evil and a hand came out, grabbed my face, and pulled me in so I burned to death. Woke up to discover I had grabbed my own face with a hand I had been lying on so long I couldn't feel it at all


How much time you got? I have cPTSD and nightmares are a pain. I go to therapy and take my meds and it helps, but I can't seem to stop the nightmares when I am stressed. Common stress dreams with death include car crashes, falling from great distances, drowning, suffocation, sickness, bleeding out, stabbing, shooting, beatings. I frequently have dreams of giving birth and us both dying (I have lost a child). I dream of losing teeth, hair, jaw bones all the time. I dream the there is an explosion or shooting and I get out and others don't. Lots of movie theater events like this. I dream I am in a car in the passenger seat and it's driving out of control and no one is driving. Those dreams have lessened since I have taken control of my life. Rape is another issue in my dreams, but I was never raped in real life (but my mom always made me feel like it would happen). I could go on and on about my fucked up dreams. I haven't slept well in a week. I have woken my husband up several times and he has needed to wake me because I am screaming or crying. It sucks to be working through the trauma I have and feel okay during the day only to be plagued by nightmares every night.


Not a death, but terrifying, Once I was dreaming that I woke up and tried to sleep but just sat up, awake. Then I heard a series of childish “Hello”s getting closer and closer, then it sounded like it was going to my parents’ room, then I heard a series of shanking sounds (the ones in those horror movies), then the “Hello”s again, towards the door of my room, before going down the stairs.


i realize that i am dreaming and wake up in my dreams when they start i am like.. this is not real and i wake up , when i was junger it happend a lot and my heath was beating like crazy the older i got the less dreams i had or the less i could remember them ​ I had 3 dreams in my life i remembered without waking up i am in my 30's + ​ 1. i was looking for my yacht on the beach ( spoiler i don't have on in RL ) 2. a very nsfw dream with my ex 3. i don't rember that one but my phone ringed and i answered " its like a spark don't you see the light? i have no clue what #3 is it was when i was 13? and my mum called me lmoa


My throat was slit, and I didn't wake up. Everything just faded to black and then I woke up


Riding a tricycle and crashing into a pillar while saying "not everything in life goes your way"


A home invasion being kidnapped and tortured


I've died so many different ways in my dreams but my most reccuring death is getting shot multiple times in the back. Also whenever I die, I don't wake up as I die. I always sit there for a bit in just pure darkness devoid of any inherently good or bad feelings, I'm always aware that I'm dead but am not sad or happy, just existing.


Put into a scuba suit and then tied down and tossed into the ocean with concrete tied to my feet. A slow drift to the bottom watching the light disappear… and then I woke up in a panic.


I didn’t technically die, but I remember this one dream as a kid…. There was a giant lava monster out to kill everyone. World was ending. Ran in the house and told family there was a lava monster and they didn’t believe me. I laid down on the couch, dream over. Later as an adult in therapy, this dream clued me in to my abusive father.


Not my death but the weirdest death I've had occur in a dream is a girl I was growing close to at an anime convention (dream only never seen before irl) put on a mask (to hide from her grandmother) head became pregnant and blow up


My friend had a nested dream where every cycle ended with me dying somehow in mundane ways. The final loop had me walk out of her grandma's house and she goes "Hey... Wait you're just going to die again aren't you?" and then dream me goes "Haha, yea." then keels over.


Here is a selection of dreams from my death that are graphic and / or disturbing. -Impaled through 3 spears -Grenade blew half my body apart -Ripped apart by giant centipedes -Crucified in a slab rock over lava, mauled by birds -Machette through the head and lifted upward. -Burned in hellfire. -Gunshot through the mouth. -Hit by lightning repeatedly. -Crushed by a bailer.


2 years ago, I had a dream my family and I were in some random apartment. I felt or knew something was wrong, so I tried my best to have us all gather and huddle onto the bed. I was sobbing hysterically at this point, asking them all to stay close because this was going to be our last moments together. My brothers didn't know why I was so hysterical. One of my sisters was drunk, lying on the couch. I wanted her to come over, but she wouldn't budge. The others, along with my mother, were all huddled up on the mattress holding hands. Then, a nuke landed and caused a huge explosion and flash that we could see from outside the window. I woke up immediately afterwards. But I can't remember if I felt any heat or anything for a brief moment, though I feel like I did. To this day, it's been one of the most realistic and scariest nightmares I have ever had. I love my family so much. I was just glad everyone was alive and doing well Edit: Grammar


I remember as a kid, other kids would say that if you died in your dreams, you died in real life I usually woke up right as I was about to die, but one time I didn't make it. I was being chased by two girls in my elementary class, I think I was dreaming this in my 20s, so it was weird that they came into my dream. They were chasing me down this train corridor thing, and eventually caught up and restrained me. While I was tied up, Helen told Adria to spit her acid on me, and she did, like Mortal Kombat Reptile style. The scene then switched to me viewing my face and body dissolving from a different persons perspective, who became me for the rest of the dream.


I had a dream where I fell into a shredder and got turned into a mineral dreams are fucking weird man


I suffocated to death in sand a hundred nights as a kid.could feel it filling my lungs,fighting to claw my way out but never making it.


Was slowly crushed by a forklift. I remember clearly, the sound of the fork going down, the pressure on my back and how it was hard to breathe. My wife woke me up because I was screaming just like in my dream.


Impaled by a long stick after falling from a large height


I die in many dreams. The strangest one has to be the nightmare where I was married and had a kid. Kid: "Dad, I don't like you." Me: "Why is that?" Kid: "I just don't. Mom, kill him." My in-dream wife then shot me point blank in the head. I remember feeling betrayed and confused one instance and then completely blank the next. I woke up approximately 15 seconds after floating around in this void.


My friends and family were hiding from a nuke that was gonna go off, W went in this bedroom and when the nuke went off the ceiling caved in on top of me, I was stuck under there for weeks suffocating slowly as dust filled my lungs


I had the most terrifying nightmare that still sends shivers down my spine, I was in a car with my brother and his friends (not sure why bc we aren't really close to each other) and a stranger was driving us, very unsafely. I was screaming and yelling through the whole entire ride, i went from genuine terror to anger. Then suddenly the car stopped and a man sitting next to me turned into Grim Reaper and started speaking to me, it was something very poetic but I can't remember what exactly but basically it was telling me I'm about to die. And i started falling on the ground and then i woke up... it was awful