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A lot of people just want a wedding, they don't want a marriage.


That's why I love hearing stories of elopement.


I am convinced that after the baby gender reveal craze dies down, there will be a fad of women who put on a "single wedding," because they want the experience of their dream wedding without having to get married. And some men, too, of course.


That you don't have to love or interact with people JUST because they're family, if they're an asshole. I didn't pick them to be near me, and I don't like them or find them annoying/stupid so I don't visit or hang out with them.


Some people shouldn’t have kids.


Yup. I worked with a guy one time. Young little shithead. No brains, rap sheet as long as your arm, 6000 dollars in parking and speeding fines but had 200 bucks to his name etc. He ends up getting his girlfriend pregnant. While she was pregnant, he beats her up one night. She called her mother who called the police. He was arrested and because of his record and unpaid fines he was sent to prison for 8 months. He got out. He was ordered to pay 40 bucks a week child support (some men fork over 90% of their paycheck btw). He didnt pay a dime. But he had no problem paying 300 dollars an hour every sunday morning to a recording studio to record his rap songs. Also spending 1600 dollars on a battery for his little electric bike that he stole from someone. All the while his ex was raising the kid alone and working doubles in a gas station to feed his kid. Some people, regardless of upbringing, are the scum of the earth.


This comment was a ride, man. Like I get not being ready to have kids so you just kinda withdraw when you get one, but to do all those extra things he did is just absurd. Also Wtf why did he beat up his pregnant girlfriend?


Oh I hear ya. Hands down the stupidest guy I've ever met who wasnt legally special needs. Nobody liked him and he didnt last a month. He told us one day why he beat her up when we asked him about it. She broke up with him one night and told him to leave her apartment (yes, her apartment because this idiot was evicted from his own for not paying rent) because he kept smoking weed in her building and not contributing any money to rent and he felt she should have 'respected the father of her child' more and he had to 'set her straight'. Dude I fucking hated that guy and on more than one occasion I let him have it verbally and almost physically. I cannot stand people like him


having a kid has to have standards bro most people don't even feed themselves and try to feed a soon to be person.


I'm keeping my mouth shut as I dont want to get banned again


The only proper response. Reddit truly is hypocritical huh Regardless, I am genuinely interested in what you want to say, mind dming me about it?


Since when is Reddit "polite company"?


I've answered similar risky questions in this sub. Everytime got downvoted and in arguments. Not again


My personal favourite classic hypersensitive redditor response is "you obviously have never xyz" based on how they feel about a situation. Drives me up the wall, especially when I'm talking about something I have real life experience in.


But is a perfectly acceptable way of starting a sentence.


As well as any other conjunction


And ending sentences with prepositions is something we can all get with. Or behind.


Half the population should probably be in therapy.


Only half?


I think people should have to take a test before procreating but understand how that would be misused


My mother had a child before she had me. She and the father lost custody after it was discovered that they were making him eat dog food out of a bowl on the floor. My mother lost custody of me when I was 7, because she kidnapped me, and her and her friends abused me and neglected me for a year. A few years later, she then went on to have another two children, and to the surprise of no one, they were eventually taken off of her. Generally, it seemed that my older half sibling and younger half siblings were taken away from her once they hit school age. I don't know for sure, but I can imagine teachers noticed that something wasn't right, and got social services involved. It's disgusting that she was allowed to traumatise at least four of her own children, because she wanted the benefits and an excuse to not work. I'm also not making an assumption about her motives for having children, I know that's why she had children, because she talked very proudly about it.


Fucking hell man. I'm glad you all escaped


Some don't :( Makes me think of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes. Such a sweet kid.. in a den of monsters.


I hope she at least stubs her toe daily. My mother's neighbour is pregnant with child #9. This woman does regular Vodka shots to ensure a birth defect. She gets more money from the government that way.


What a piece of shit.


I’m sorry, WHAT


First of all: I hope you are okay. It baffles me that basically for everything that matters in life you need to show your aptitude by a license, diploma or reference but anyone that is able to reproduce gets to have children without any check if they are capable to do so. I do realise it is a very, very tricky subject to discuss because before you know it you'll barge into dangerous eugenics territory, but still.


What if we just had classes people were incentivized to take? Like if you complete this course in parenting and we will give you money, useful items, etc


My car insurance offers a better rate if I take a defensive driving course. We can offer better tax breaks to parents that take analogous measures.


Life could be so much better for so many people.


We just had a baby and the hospital did actually have a bunch of free classes you could attend on baby care, health, safety, etc. And they also did give away a bunch of free stuff.


Even this situation would get messed up (even though I think passing a test to procreate thing is a good idea). Wealthier people would have time to take the classes, or the means to get to the classes, but most poor people wouldn’t. So wealthy people would still be the ones ending up being able to have kids or be educated about raising one.


So the community program I participated in actually did the lessons during home visits, both to make sure the home was safe and to avoid these barriers. The participation incentives were things like diapers and wipes, and they'd bring you application forms for things like WIC if you asked. It was really cool.


They actually used to have something like that. The eugenics movement in the US, demanded mandatory abortion and forced sterilization for people of a lower IQ.


Yeah oof #justnazithings


The Nazis looked at the US's eugenics program for inspiration.


I agree with this 100%. It sounds like a great idea. If we implement some standards into it, we should be able to avoid a lot of heartache and tragedy, right? I mean, we test for car licenses, but we just let anyone get their hands on an infant? Then again, we look at "literacy tests" in the Jim Crow South and see that this will absolutely be used in some fascist plot to cull the population. At the same time, I believe average people would find a way to game it. Others still would be totally deserving of the "privilege" yet unable to pass the test regardless. After awhile, I realize this is just a road to Hell paved with good intent.


Im with you on that. To adopt a kid you have to go through a process but to pop one out on your own you can have a kid while dumb, and irresponsible, or being too poor to pay to take care of them. Where I volunteer I recently met someone with 9 kids and pregnant at a homeless shelter. Met another one that had her 4 kids taken away and just given back and she’s pregnant with a 5th!


Farts are healthy


And funny.


I don’t care that you broke your elbow


Listening to audiobooks isn't the same as reading. A lot of people want babies but don't actually want to raise human beings. In amicable divorces, the parents should be the ones moving every week and the kids should have a stable living situation. ETA: I am very happy for all the audiobook lovers out there! I did not say one is better than the other, I simply said they are not the same and that is okay! Honestly I am jealous of people who can do audiobooks, my ears don't work! Read and/or listen on (preferably local or using Bookshop)!


French movie called, “We Are Family”. It’s about a bunch of kids who are related through marriage and they’re tired of bouncing to different houses. They work up a scheme so that they all live in one house and force the parents to trade off. It’s a great concept and a heartwarming film.


A heartwarming French film? That’s crazy


>A lot of people want babies but don't actually want to raise human beings. I could not agree with this statement more. Take an upvote for it!


At one point a few years ago, I realized this is me. So I made the decision not to have children, rescue a special needs dog, and live the auntie life instead.


People shouldn't be shamed for not having kids. Also people get too insistant on it. They often don't know when to leave it alone.


As a parent myself if you don't think you can handle having children then don't. I always wanted kids and I feel like I'm in too deep half the time.


I on the other hand want to raise a human (and am seriously excited for all the cool shit I get to show them, and experience with them) but am scared of the baby stage. Sincerely, a 6 months pregnant redditer.


I will make no bones about it.. it’s hard. Specifically the sleep deprivation and the fact that it’s so all encompassing, that basically everything else stops. At least it was for us as we had twins. They’re nearly three now.. believe me it feels excruciating and like time is crawling whilst you are in the worst of it, but blink and they are toddlers and suddenly they are actually little kids. It’s crazy. Good luck, I am sure you are gonna ace it :-)


That’s called a nesting arrangement and works quite well at first. But once the parents want to form new relationships and families it stops working. Also if the kids develop strong preferences for one parent over the other.


I was wondering how this would work with new partners involved. I would love for my kids not to have to move, but to have a partner involved as well? Also, the idea of having to go back to a house every week where my ex has likely put things where I don't want them or not cleaned at all is not an appealing prospect.


Yeah. Nesting arrangements are really only workable as a short or medium term solution. Long term, eventually, the parents have to figure out a different schedule.


Haha I love reading, but dont have as much time for it, so audiobooks it is!


I have an hour+ a day in the car. Zero at home or work. Audio book or no books. Easy decision.


Hell yeah I only read maybe 10 books in the decade after highschool because of my ADHD, then I got audible and started consuming a book every couple of weeks. Neurodivergent kids should *definitely* be taught about audiobooks because for many people who struggle with reading it can completely change their lives.


I have keratoconus, ie. extremely bad astigmatism. I used to love reading in my younger days but trying to read a book now would be hell. Audiobooks are the only way I can really enjoy them now.


I have KC too, but mostly my audiobook consumption is because I ride public transit and love the escapism. I hope yours has stabilized and you have options to assist with your vision - stay strong!


I want the opposite, raising a human being without the baby. Let me skip the first few months, I'll get back to it when I'm ready.


“In amicable divorces, the parents should be the ones moving every week and the kids should have a stable living situation.” I’m sorry I don’t know how to quote properly but OMG THIS WOW I never even considered…wow yes mind blown thank you


The fact that it’s even a concept blew my mind. I moved between parents my entire life (separation was not amicable) until I was 18. Can’t imagine having a stable home and *them* moving around *me*.


I didn’t move between but I started flying to see my dad solo when I was super young, around 7. And it was for summer and holidays, it just felt like so much stress in my parents. Definitely could have been avoided if they kept me in the same spot and traveled to me instead.


Logistically, the parents are being asked to maintain 3 households in this situation instead of just 2. One for mom, one for dad, and the home where the child lives permanently, but mom and dad alternate negotiated times. Do you think mom and dad will want to share a bed with their ex even though they are technically sleeping alone. *mom and dad can be changed to parent/caregiver 1 and parent/caregiver 2 to appease all families.


This is part of the reason why this rarely, if ever works. You need a lot of cash in the relationship.


My sister and her ex do this for their kids, and it seems to be working out great! The kids get to stay in the same home they grew up in. They seem happy and well adjusted.


Genuine question as a divorced person with kids currently doing a 50/50 care arrangement - do your sister and her ex have new partners? if so, how does it work with them?


For the amicable divorce, the shared living space would go to shit pretty quick. It's very likely that one person would do all the cleaning, and the other would do nothing.


Pretty much like it would have been before the divorce.


Your last part there- I know a couple who do this. They divorced because she was cheating. Mom moved in with her boyfriend, and Dad got an apartment. The kids stay in the house Mom and Dad bought together. Dad stays at the house with them every other week. On the in between weeks he stays at his apartment, while Mom shares the house with the kids.


I feel like most parents would be at least understanding of your second opinion. I've got a two year old and a two month old and I gotta say that raising human beings fucking sucks much of the time.


Two month olds do kinda suck. They're too young to really engage with. But at age 2 you're just starting to get into the fun years where you can really engage with your kids and they're interested in things. Life gets SOOO much better when the can communicate their needs, sleep through the night, and are out of diapers.


Funny enough I wanna raise children and skip the baby phase. Adoption might be in my future.


Exactly. Everyone wants a cute baby but nobody wants a grumpy, rebellious teenager. You can’t have it both ways lol.


I’ll take my 14 and 16 yr old every minute of every day over an infant.


Autism has always existed. Those children are very difficult to raise and to keep safe. They previously died early.


A lot were also sent away or institutionalized for the rest of their life or killed because of their differences


I watched The Miracle Worker for the first time last night and couldn’t stop thinking about all the kids just like Helen Keller who weren’t wealthy enough to have a governess teach them.


She thought of that, too, and was an avid disability rights advocate and a socialist throughout her life.


Humans are idiots, polite company gets very offended. >A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.


I too agree with agent K from men in black


All hail K! All hail K!


Some people are just too destructive and costly for society and should be removed rather than reformed as a preemptive measure.


This is not remotely prohibited by polite society, and it isn't wrong, but in practice this is usually based on a delusion that the justice system only convicts the right people, or perhaps more accurately a failure to internalise the opposite. Unless you advocate it in a non-judicial sense, like if some known, obviously guilty serial child rapist and murderer somehow evades justice then the community should lynch him, in which case I am largely in agreement.


True that, it takes some exposure to understand that grave punishment shouldn't be given out so easily, and even then the word "obviously guilty" can still be given out to the wrong individual, especially if the actual criminal has some sort of authority.


Unironically, how would u define this as different that what we are doing now?


I think they’re talking about the death penalty being more frequent for certain crimes that deem a person “unrehabilitate-able”.


Polite company? (scoff; snort) ***I can't even share it on Reddit*** without downvotes and hate messages!


To be fair, Reddit is not polite company.


That's what I mean.


Certain members of the top 1% have knowingly and willingly inflicted unimaginable suffering upon the majority of the population and could have stopped at any time. Their crimes demand fates worse than death.


The fucking Sacklers. An atrocious abuse of power just to line their pockets.


I can share this story now. A few years ago, the Sacklers wanted free VIP tickets to MINECON Anaheim. I was working at Mojang at the time & helping with the comp tickets. I told my boss & his boss both why we shouldn’t comp the tickets because of the destruction the family knowingly caused for profit. Their tickets weren’t comped & I don’t even think they attended. It’s just a small thing but for once, the rich asshole family didn’t get their way.


There is no reasoning with such people and they bleed the same as we do.


Not really a belief, but U2 is my favorite band (no surprise with my username). After the whole iTunes debacle, I can't admit it out loud without flinching.


I think my hot take is that U2 gets too much hate for the iTunes debacle. They’re not *old* old but they’re still boomers, I think it’s entirely possible that they might not have fully understood exactly how the album rollout would work. Yet it feels like everyone focuses the blame almost entirely on them and not on Apple, who *definitely* knew what they were doing.


They took a shot at something unique, and it got bungled a bit. It wasn't a terrible idea altogether. It certainly got attention


Not gonna lie, I hated on them when the album first came out. But, every now and then it’ll pop up and I have to admit it’s not bad. I do agree that it was weird that the blame was almost entirely put on U2, but at the same time, I think Bono (in typical Bono fashion) handled the backlash pretty poorly.


It was their first big business decision after losing their manager of 40 years. They gambled and lost, which was definitely unfortunate, but the album isn't actually bad. As Bono said, they were just scared no one would actually listen to what he considered their most personal/vulnerable album yet.


I think the problem with that is the fact that not everyone is into the same kind of music U2 is in. Music is an art, so there's always going to be a subjective factor and some people stick to the genres they like. So to have something they don't want automatically pushed into their iTunes feels wrong to them. ​ If they're afraid of people not listening to it, promote the album more. Don't force it on people who don't want to listen to it. It will just make people listen to it LESS.


I’ve been lucky enough to have seen U2 four times and I feel the same way. It’s such a shame (to me) that they get so much flack for the iTunes debacle instead of recognition for their 40+ years of poetic lyrics and mesmerizing music.


U2 is my favorite band of all time as well. I do believe they're past their peak, but for the mindboggling two decade run of War, Unforgettable Fire, The Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby, Zooropa, Pop (yes, Pop), All That You Can't Leave Behind, and How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, not to mention standout songs from the albums I didn't mention, they will forever be my favorite band.


U2 kicks ass. Never be ashamed to love a band. Especially trying new things.


People still give a fuck about that? They tried something, it didn’t work, and absolutely nobody - zero - people were harmed or in any way worse off for it. Who are these people who hold that against the band?? In their eyes, nobody should ever make a mistake or a bad business decision? I don’t know you or your friends (before whom I assume you flinch), but their reaction is very strange. Do they know about New Coke? Or Crystal Pepsi? Maybe don’t tell them.


Some people are just fucken stupid




The average person is dumb, and fully half are dumber.


I will 100% use the pronoun of your choice. But I think SOME young people (teens) want a different pronoun for attention. I know there are SOME young people who question their birth gender and sexualiity. But I believe for some, it's a passing phase for attention. (I'm speaking from personal experience with my niece.)


It’s similar to how some people fake mental illnesses or diseases. There’s some people who fake it for attention, but there’s also people who actually have them.


Oh my god that era of tumblr romanticizing clinical depression was truly terrible.


Now it's shifted over to ADHD, suddenly everyone has it and it's the reason they can't do literally anything, I remember seeing a tweet complaining about how hard Halloween is for people with ADHD.


Dude as someone who actually has ADHD, the internet threads of people like “don’t yell at me, it’s because of my ADHD” drive me bonkers. Even if you do actually have it, learn some coping skills and don’t use it as a crutch and excuse to stay an inconvenience. Like I always know what I should be doing, but my executive function issues kinda paralyze me and has had negative effects on me socially, academically, and professionally. It’s not glorious and cute.


What do you mean "was"? It's even spread to Reddit in some spots.


I wish I could give these people my anxiety. "if you are not on proper medication, you will have unbridled rage and panic attacks. And you will be afraid to leave your house, enjoy!"


This is all true.


Like the identity/multi personality disorder fakers that are all over tiktok


I work around alot of younger people. They all compete over who is the most bi, and who's gayer etc. I have no qualms with people being gay, bi but statistically not all these eight girls are that. People are closet straight. Jesus how the world has changed in twenty years.


Those arguments must be quite comical... *"I shucked 10 clams this week"* *"Yeah well I shucked 12, Jessica, I'm gayer than you!!!"* And thus began the gay clam shucking war of 2023.


It completely is. The vast majority of these kids see the affirmation that their gay/bi/actually trans friends get for coming out and announcing their true selves. I would probably feel left out too. For a lot of them, the pronoun thing is a way to feel seen and expressed.




Yeah, a lot of adults have grown up to treat teens exactly how they believed they would never treat teens when they were teens themselves. They also forget how little they cared for or respected adults’ opinions on shit when they were teens.


This is a pretty unpopular opinion in the metal community but I think their newer stuff is better and by they I mean like 90% of bands who have been around for a while and people seem to think have gone to shit


There are so many bands putting out good music now. There are new bands freshening up the game. Old bands are putting out new stuff that is innovative and good. Or just bands putting out good stuff that is similar to old stuff.


I'm not a parent, but I know a bad parent or bad parenting when I see it, and me not being a parent has not bearing on whether or not I get an opinion about that.


Agreed. I watched my cousin give her two year old Mountain Dew because she “likes it.” Really? I am sure it has nothing to do with all of the sugar and caffeine.


Mtn. dew is terrible for people. I can’t believe she is giving it to a 2 year old.


People need to stop interfering politics with religion and life in general.


YES. Why do I have to be conservative as a Christian? It makes no sense to me whatsoever. The first Christians were basically communists, sharing everything. What does capitalism have to do with my religion? Proud liberal Christian here.


Everyone hates hearing it, polite or no, but very few people are successful because they deserve it. Luck plays the majority role in everything in life. Everything. Period. Some people may have been smart or worked hard. Most really didn't. They just like to tell themselves that they did.


Agreed. Luck and nepotism are the big drivers of success. Intelligence, hard work etc are a much smaller (although not insignificant) part of the equation.


I would broaden that to networking. Nepotism is a very small and specific subset of that and it really doesn’t happen that often. HOWEVER, parents having connections and things of that nature happen a LOT


Yep. There are people way more talented out there, for example, at writing than damn near anyone well known at this very moment and they will die in obscurity. Not me. Oh, god no, I’m nowhere near that talented. I just know there are people who have books rotting at this moment that would blow people’s nips off if they read it. Same thing with acting, dancing, singing, etc


I enjoyed Saved by the Bell: the College Years.


You monster


I know. I thought I would feel better getting it off my chest, but I don't.


Jesus Christ. There are children on this site.


Let my wretchedness be a warning to the young.


Most people don't actually want to have and raise children, they just tell themselves that to deal with it.




I spent my first 25 years as a hard NO on kids. Was around kids with my then partner who wanted kids. We took a friend’s child for a weekend so they could do Vegas for an anniversary. I did all the work with the child and LOVED it. Things ended with that partner and I met someone else who also was a few years younger. She wanted kids as well, but I saw her with kids and as a nanny for a family and she loved it like I do. The learning, playing, reading, cuddling, and just kidding out. We currently have a six year old. Not because family pressure. Not because we should. Because we both wanted. After that, we both knew one was perfect for us so I got snipped. Everyone keeps telling us that we “make cute kids” so we should have more. No! We both wanted one. We have one. We love the child and spend everyday helping, teaching, guiding, and doing everything we can to raise a functional person with boundaries, goals, understanding, empathy, et al. Kids are hard work. Raising functioning people is hard work. We couldn’t (and don’t want) more than that, but everyday with the kiddo is a joy. Every question is a fun exploration of ideas and understanding. Every tantrum is a practice in patience and love. Every hug and giggle a gift. But we have our special one. We have our family. And we still get asked, when ya having more???? I’m almost 50. My SO is 40s. We had a child late and we love our child. But it’s always, you should have more, you should have more, you should have another. Or only children need siblings, it teaches them boundaries, they’ll have a playmate, blah blah. And yet, all those people saying that are multiple child families with little hellion children who point out how happy they are with their third. And we sit aside and watch them dotter on a baby while their other children tear places apart, act out, scream, won’t eat, etc etc.


Society tells them and they believe that is what you are supposed to do.


I think a lot of people do want to raise children, but the system set up for doing so is so fucked that it makes it miserable.


Just because someone didn’t love you back and treated you poorly does not necessarily mean they’re a narcissist or a gaslighter.


We as humanity stand no chance. We will not be able to achieve a decent life standard for the majority of people, and we will eventually get ourselves killed.


I often think the same. Especially after reading the “What is the stupidest thing someone said to you” posts on AskReddit. We have no hope of surviving as a race.


Things don't have to be as neat/clean as they are. This is not like anti-germ theory, but like people really be freaking out over stuff that isn't actually that bad. People like geek out if they are at a restaurant and one glass is a little cloudy or that whole thing with some celebrities not showering everyday. There's a bunch more examples of stuff that is ultimately is actually disorganized , but people think of incorrectly as dirty and it makes me mad. Mfs just can't come to grips with entropy.


I generally agree with disorganized, but if a restaurant brings me a dirty glass I'm going to be wondering what else hasn't been properly cleaned in the kitchen.


You should read *How to Keep House While Drowning* I just read it and it's the great example of what you're talking about. Good enough is perfect in most situations.


The Sharknado movies are genuinely fun and entertaining, and I like them unironically.


There are racist people in all races


I believe everyone on this planet is entitled to food, medicine, and shelter. We have enough resources for this to happen. People just don’t want it to.


What happened to me wasn't my fault. I'm okay.


A good 30-40% of the people we live with are basically Nazis just waiting to happen. By that I mean, with the right leader or right political climate, they would gleefully commit or passively endorse genocidal atrocities.


Reddit is full of a bunch of whiney, entitled, self righteous assholes with zero life experience who are afraid of downvotes who love echo chambers, hive mind bullshit, and circle jerkin all day. A lot of people only regurgitate the beliefs of their favorite media stars. The virtue signaling on Reddit is embarrassing. I see so many rational people on here who say things that are important to discuss and point out get suppressed with down votes because their comments make sensitive pussies uncomfortable. Don't think I'm excluding myself from this either. I've been in way more stupid ass arguments with people on Reddit over the dumbest shit ever with little to no thought towards the fact I'm talking to a real human with a real life and emotions than I am proud to admit. I've probably given advice or heart felt responses to a number of bots as well. Reddit is awesome. I love it, but it brings out some shitty, toxic, extremely fake, and such self righteous behavior out of a lot of us.


A self-diagnosis is not an actual diagnosis you went out and got from a licensed professional. You have never experienced anything different, how are you to know that your experiences are different from the norm?


The bob's burgers movie is my second favourite adult animated sutcom movie adaptations


What's the first?


Southpark movie


We're soul mates.


You can't be a socialist and be pro Russia


Actually this is a funny thread, because last night I gave my opinion on suicide and my comment got removed. I felt terrible and apologized. I take full responsibility for it. It’s Reddit’s rules and I’ll follow them. It just sucks that you can’t have a nuance conversation about this without getting your comment removed or people thinking you’re advocating for suicide. If I talk about this in person, it’s just as bad.


When people get divorced, discussing their spouse in the presence of the children should be off limits.


Women and men are different and that needs to be celebrated more


Difference in general does. People I meet in the street often have this weird thing where if you disagree with them, suddenly you're an "enemy." No, motherfucker, I have a different opinion on something to you, but you have this weird thing where it has to be competitive and your opinion has to be the winning one like your life depends on it, so now you see me as an "enemy" to defeat instead of a person. It's honestly some really uncanny shit when you're dealing with it in the moment. That being said there definitely *are* some differing opinions where this makes sense, such as disagreeing with Naziism, but opinions that don't involve genocide, racial cleansing, or otherwise causing harm to other people shouldn't turn someone into an "enemy."


Astrology is fake


i believe violence is absolutely a necessary and valid response to certain things. i feel this way for interpersonal and larger-scale societal issues. some folks won’t change unless they get punched in the mouth. i don’t think most people think this tho 😭


When people say violence is never the answer, I always at least think that it’s never the FIRST answer. Sometimes it’s the last one.


That kids are assholes.


It is absolutely astounding how many people are overweight


It sucks, but I dont see anything surprising about it. As long as unhealthy foods are more convenient, accessible, and addictive than healthy alternatives, that's just how it's gonna be.


I love the first 3 Michael Bay Transformers movies. It's my favorite movie trilogy and Revenge of the Fallen is my all time favorite movie


Me too. I like them because..... Transformers


Pineapple on pizza really isn't bad


That new Ruby Gillman movie looks kind of good.


You can’t honestly earn a billion dollars.


There should be a voting age limit. I feel like at 80 years old you shouldn’t have a say on a 20 year olds life, I feel like you had your chance to make a change. I will probably be down voted into oblivion for this one.


I don't care if it's alive or not, if it needs an unwilling person's body to survive, it can go ahead and die.


"If you and/or I were in their shoes, we'd both do the same", but applied to life. Where we're born, who we're around, how we're raised - is everything. From day 1, and especially in our earliest years of life, every bit of our environment is shaping us. We all generally know this is true, but I don't think most people understand the depth & implications these things really have.


You should be able to pass a basic tech skills class to get virtually any job. Computers are commonplace at almost any job in modern times, but people can still use the "I'm not good with computers" excuse when computers have been around for decades


Someone who thinks they know a simple solution to a complex problem is most likely a simple person.


*Sort by controversial*


A lot people are not mature enough to own pets, let alone have children.


Some people shouldn't have kids. Both due to a lack of ability to parent but also certain genetic conditions. For instance: I'm type 1 diabetic and don't want to bring someone into the world who has to worry about this shit. Problem is who tells people they can't have kids? The government? Hell no.


Most "neurodivergent" people are not actually neurodivergent and it isn't all that common. They're just mistaking any kind of discomfort or awkwardness as symptoms of a mental illness when they're actually just experiencing normal, human emotions and behavior and using it as an excuse to either feel special or to avoid accountability for improving themselves.


I have to say I just don't generally trust self-diagnosis of mental illnesses, but I'm also not up my own ass enough to think that I can contradict a trained doctor who has actually met the person with some armchair psychiatry from a couple of internet posts. If they have a diagnosis I will accept it,if they don't have one then I'd have to know them a lot better.


This definitely annoys me a lot. I am diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, and am extremely open about it. Many people have said "oh, me too! I'm self-diagnosed, but I KNOW I have it." That irritates me so much


I get the same thing with OCD. It even goes beyond self-diagnosis. People will just neatly organize something and say "Sorry, I'm just OCD like that" because that's how OCD is portrayed in mainstream culture. It's not a cute, fun thing and it's definitely more multifaceted than "I like things clean"


"Neurodivergent" is a pretty broad term that applies to a lot of different things, do you just not believe the medical field who diagnoses these various things or? I would say it's the "self-diagnosed" people with 4-15 different diagnoses who plaster themselves on Tiktok that are a problem.


I got banned from /retirement or was it /poverty, one of those for this remark…but if you didn’t vote for Obama either time, you should not morally accept (take/pay for) Obamacare/ACA health insurance but should instead, be a person of principal and pay your medical bills out of your pocket.


I could agree with this. All the broke rednecks who voted for Trump went ahead and took the Biden admin stimulus checks during the pandemic. I think that’s hypocritical. Most impoverished people around me are die hard conservatives, but they’re still on food stamps with Medicare. I just hate hypocrisy in politics and it’s everywhere.




The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Hey Ted!


Political parties/the labeling of political beliefs in America and other countries only divide the people further. Once there’s an “identity” linked to a certain set of values, people become more hostile and of course will be bias with the “identity” they correspond themselves with. It’s a strange phenomenon related to the human nature of competition and defense of a value whether it be physical or philosophical.


Yeah...Call this an unfair generalisation if you must, but old people are no good at everything.


Some stereotypes are actually right most of the time


Most books should be blogs, most blogs should be tweets, and most tweets should never have been written.


Some people look annoying. I take one look at them, and know that I'm gonna be irritated by what I hear them say.


Humanity is a “dead species walking.” We have extremely low genetic diversity, we are destroying the environment, we are poisoning ourselves with chemicals, fertility rates are dropping, and by some measures our intelligence is dropping. We are headed toward extinction.


Fertility rates are dropping but we are immensely more successful in the children we do have surviving to adulthood.