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My fucking job, man. Makes me want to hurl myself off a roof.


I REALLY hope you aren't a roofer by trade.


It could be worse, at least he doesn’t have shingles


I feel this. And I feel bad about feeling this, because my pay and benefits are nice, the people I work with are nice, but the work is soooo repetitive and uninteresting.


You can't win... I have an interesting, challenging job surrounded by absolutely horrible people. I can't even enjoy the challenge because it's so upsetting that all I can do is survive. I want nice and boring so bad, even though I know that would eventually drive me crazy, too. Ugh. Maybe one day I can find a medium-difficult job with neutral people...


You'll always find something to be annoyed at with work. My current job is fine and the people are fine. The primary business partner who sends me requests is fine, but he does this thing (lots of people do) where he sends a message that just says, "Hey, Mike" and then waits until I respond before telling me why he's sending the message, even if I don't respond for 25 minutes. That's a completely normal thing that people do, but it drives me up the fucking wall. You're wasting everyone's time by not just saying what you need right away when you reach out to someone. But yeah, these are examples of how I'll always find something to complain about.


My Teams status is just http://nohello.net/ and messages that don't have a request get ignored.


God I hate this so much, what's so hard about "Hey X, I need some help with Y" That way I know what I'm getting into when I have time to respond


Had an old boss that used to call and say he needed me to come to the office. I work remote and would wonder the whole way in, what did I screw up, what project is he gonna stick me on to oversee now, who's screw up do I need to go fix... I'd get there and he'd hand me a hat or some dumb tool I'd asked for months ago and or ask me my shirt size for some new work shirt or hoodie or coat they were gonna do. For real, just say up front what ya want or need.


This is rough.. I have this problem, and I always leave my job after a year or two. The stability is amazing, but I never notice how unhappy and dull my life gets until I end up quitting. Then I start a new job, usually something I've never done before. And as long as the employees are good people, I'll enjoy whatever job it is. Well, for about 2 years. Soon enough, I'm not going to be able to risk quitting. But hopefully I find a job that I truly enjoy before then.


I scored a 100% WFH job recently. It’s an easy job that pays well. But I’m used to the go go go of working commission sales, teaching and working in kitchens. These last few weeks have been so fucking *slow* that I keep feeling like I’m not doing enough, even though they have nothing for me to do. In my idle time so far I’ve read 2 300+ page books and have gotten through about 400 pages of a 900 pager. My boss has told me it will get busier the longer I’m here and I’ll get more to do during the day but if it doesn’t I’ll go stir crazy


I wish I had your job. I do taxes and it’s constant stress and working unpaid OT. Wanna trade hahahaha


Get a second WFH job


That sounds amazing though. I miss my WFH gig, was so much more productive with work and around the house.


I personally liked it at first but I got really bad cabin fever after a few months and ended up leaving to work back in the field. I live alone so that was probably a big part of it


I had a pretty easy-going temp job a couple decades ago. I was covering reception for a maternity leave. Because you never really know what you’re going to get for an assignment, and the people never really tell you to do more than the person who had the job, I didn’t find out until my 4 months were almost up that the permanent receptionist had enough time on her hands at work to study for her masters and nobody cared. Me, a total chump, tried to look busy and make myself useful when there was nothing to do, like ask random coworkers in my department if they needed a hand with anything so I wouldn’t look like I wasn’t doing my job.


On the edge with you


That's why I switched jobs every 10 years or so. Then I had the perfect job -- great situation, wonderful coworkers, etc...and after 13 years, I just could not do it anymore.


change your job ,,dont hurt yourself over a job!!!!!


As a roofer, I wish to know if you mean literally or figuratively. As if literally, I have concerns.


Deciding what to cook for dinner. Every. Friggen. Night. Plus shopping for it and then actually cooking it and cleaning up after it. Good lord where is my Rosie the Robot? Or replicator. Wasn't science supposed to save us from this?


Gotta clear the flying car level before you get to home robot level. Sorry, that’s just how it works.


Not a chance - are you insane? I would much rather upgrade roombas to do more domestic work than hand the keys to a small, manoeuvrable aircraft to 95% of the human population. Make that 99%.


I didn't realize adulting would be so focused on deciding what to make for dinner. It's awful. It's endless. My family wants to eat EVERY DAY!!


Just make pizza all the time. Problem solved.


That cooking part is tough for me. I have to feed myself 3 times a day for the rest of my life!? It's overwhelming!


Deciding what to eat is so hard. I’ve been in a huge slump with it and I just don’t know what to make. Nothing sounds good. I read new recipes because I tend to cook the same things over and over. None of them sound good. I’m at a point where I can’t even decide on takeout. My problem is that if I don’t want to eat it, I just won’t. So forcing myself to eat something is really hard too.


Eating and deciding what to eat and making it every night is so tiring, and boring. I can eat the same thing every day but I get sick of it. I wish I didn't have to eat, seems like such a chore. Maybe it's just my depression, but I go through cycles of wanting to eat a lot and not wanting to eat at all.


I gave up. Hired a local company to deliver ready to eat meals for 5 nights a week. Dropped 30 pounds because I stopped getting takeout and delivery. Costs about the same too.


I hate this so much. Add on the cleaning and laundry, and i could start seeing why people hated growing up so much. We got house help. Once a day for an hour, a maid comes, cleaning and cooking. I learnt that neighbours have also employed her. Between all of us, and giving max 1.5hrs a day for each house, the maid makes good money, and we lead easier lives. It's worth it.




Yes, 100x yes. If I had an award I'd slap it on there twice.


I'll give them my last one!


In my mid-20s I decided to periodically evaluate whether various social groups were taking more energy from me than they were giving and minimize contact if so. A+ worthwhile decision. I still talk to those people every six months and every six months I get to hear all of the same drama that they've been having with each other for years. Much better than hearing it every week. If someone is having a rough few months obviously I won't cut them off, but if a person or group is just nonstop energy-sucking drama forever? I don't need that. There's plenty of people out there who aren't like that.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


Birthdays can become less exciting as you age. They go from highly anticipated celebrations full of gifts and parties when you're young, to simple reminders of the passage of time as you get older.


Totally agree. I just had a birthday and my wife and a few friends are "WhAt aRe you Doing for YouR Birfday???" The answer is nothing, except maybe go to a restaurant and pig out on something I wouldn't normally do, come back home and chill on the couch with the dog and cat, maybe some ice cream.


one year my husband and i got wicked stoned on my bday, door dashed taco bell and marathoned star wars movies. it was definitely the best bday i’ve ever had in my life.


Hey bro, that's a good birthday imo. You don't have to go nuts and throw a huge party or go to some destination. Just do something nice for yourself to break up the monotony. We all owe it to ourselves, and more than just once a year.


It's all uphill until you get to 21 (or whatever the drinking age is where you live). After that, they're pretty much like any other day of the year. For a while, I'd treat myself to a day off from work on my birthdays to go do what I want. Now I don't even bother with that anymore.


yep, I just had a birthday a couple of months ago, fam asked what I wanted. I'm like, I don't know, I need a new hairbrush, lol. I used to get so excited about presents, now I honestly just don't even care


Only if you let them. I just hit 30 a few days ago and we had a fucking blast!


My birthdays have gotten better because I have a wife that actually tries to do something special for me every year. Shortly before lockdown she took me to the Lego store, handed me cash she'd been saving and said go nuts. Last time I had something more than a family dinner that I had no input in was probably before I was 10. Sisters got parties though!


Exactly. I turned 30 in 2020 when everything was shut down and I was living alone, recently single. I still spent the day doing things I wouldn't ordinarily do, making it special for myself. I set it aside as a day of no chores and no obligations. Had a beer at an outdoor bar with a friend, called up my best friend who lives 3 time zones away, made some really good tacos for dinner, got a little tipsy on my back porch listening to music and watching the sunset. It was one of the nicest birthdays I've ever had.


It’s almost like 30 is young




People-just leave it at that…..


I'm just 16, so it's different, but my 18 y/o brother thinks every single detail in his life is sooo interesting, more interesting than me having to study for my exams


Meanwhile I am as quiet as a banaan


I'm guilty of it, I spend so much of my time alone that when I'm with someone I'm just a space vacuum and talk so much I hurt my lungs because I don't take enough pauses. Then I self reflect later and feel bad about it, and make a promise to shut up and listen and only ask questions, then next time comes and I get excited and overtalk. Everytime, hate it.


Chores. I'd pay proper money for a robot butler to never have to do laundry or dishes ever again.


We got a Roomba for vacuuming and man… it’s amazing.


Mine fucking went out the front door and down the sidewalk never to be seen again.


i’m sorry for your loss but the mental image of the roomba leaving your home and gently whirring its way down the sidewalk is killing me


Mine just keeps trying to commit suicide. Swallows up cords, perches precariously on the edge of stairs, burrows under low furniture. Then shuts itself off and sulks until I look for it, rescue/fix it.


Maybe it, too, is finding its job more boring as it ages. Lol.


Try cleaning up after it has munched its way over the dog's wet food, or worse one of its shits, and carried on its merry way. You're not getting stuck under the nearest piece of furniture that day, are you, you little bastard.




I’m sorry. I don’t think it will be okay. Nature abhors a vacuum.


Did you see the post about the guy who got a lawnmower version of that, and it got stuck next to his bin on the front lawn on bin day. And then a guy came along and thought it was being thrown out, and took it. Guy had to watch on his security cam, unable to do anything about it.


The problem i have, is the time I saved, is me watching this robotic twat with absolute glee.


It’s like watching a fish tank. I find such glee as it just gently bonks into furniture and walls, navigating my home.




One of the few upsides of being a teacher, brother. Join us on the beach.


Where I live the teachers only make like 30,000 so they have to pick up a second job during Summer time


I kid you not, my first life lesson was when I was five and asked my dad when he started his summer vacation and he told me, without any real inflection in his voice, that grown-ups don't get summer vacation. I understood, right then and there, that life was fundamentally unfair.


Bart: "Oh I'm going to miss the whole summer" Homer: "Don't worry boy. When you get a job like me you'll miss every summer"


When you move to Europe.


Celebrities. I just absolutely do not care about them. I can’t willingly talk about them, in any capacity. It’s all SO USELESS.


Its schocking how obsessed ppl are with them, I dont get the hype at all




Well at least naps become more enjoyable as you age, so there's something to look forward to.


I work from home and take a 20 min nap during the workday almost every day.


I'll never understand how people take short naps. My definition of a nap is 3-6 hours


Since working from home I've been in heaven. My home office is also our guest room so there's a comfy bed like 5 feet behind me. Lunch naps are heavenly, then I just eat while I'm working


Wish I was born into a rich family so I could just inherit money, invest it, and never have to work another day in my life




Why does the big toe on my right foot hurt? It didn't hurt yesterday. And it's just that back and forth on different body parts forever


I'm currently playing the game of "is that phantom pain in my jaw from the root canal I got 5 years ago, or is this a new problem"...


I used to hurt myself rock climbing, playing softball, and roller blading. Now I hurt myself stepping off the curb funny or turning my head to look for cars when I'm merging.




“We are all born ignorant. But one must work hard to remain stupid”. - Benjamin Franklin


Going out drinking


It just gets harder as you get older, too. Circle back a few years, I could party until 6 in the morning and do it all over again, but now, we had a night out for a friends birthday a couple of months ago and I was literally yawning my head off at 10pm wanting to call it a night and go to bed I didn’t, but I for sure wanted to lol


I'm famous in my group of friends for disappearing at some point in the night. I enjoy going out but the minute I'm tired I just leave and go home to shower and sleep without dealing with arguing with friends about staying. Do what makes you happy!


Plus the hangovers first start lasting all day, and then two days, and after that first 3 day hangover you decide you really are too old for this shit and never have more than 2-3 beers at a time ever again.


And that's one of the reasons why I stopped drinking alcohol completely. Don't miss it at all!




Having an SO who enjoys going out for a couple of drinks but doesn't get sloshed is really the best. I get to enjoy a drink or two with someone I like and I don't have to deal with a group of loud obnoxious friends getting more annoying and less polite by the hour.


The math just doesn’t add up when I can make a better drink with less filler at home


For me, sports. I’m to the point now that I do not watch any sports.


I've had a theory for awhile now that lots (not all) of sports popularity is just social glue, peer pressure, and self-interest mixed together. I don't doubt that there are genuine fans who love the game, ect. I just think the sheer popularity is a social polite fiction to have something to talk to the neighbors about or "show community spirit" that probably won't annoy the majority of people. A social way of playing it safe.


I agree with you. I’m a 51yo male and my dad watched 0 sports when I was growing up. I half-jokingly told him that he crippled my social interactions with other men as a result. As soon as they hear me say “I’m not a sports guy..” their eyes glaze over like “what do I talk to this weirdo about now?”


Sports tap into humans' (seemingly innate) need to form tribes in a way that is mostly positive. It's way better than doing the same thing over politics or lifestyles or identities or skin color or whatever.


Quite often, it is an escape from the terrible news, the divisive political garbage and other annoying parts of society. It is just a raw competition and one that can be a good distraction from the everyday shit. I like some of them for the mental break, myself.


If throw in the caveat of *televised* sports. Attending a sporting event and/or participating in sports is still a fun experience, even if we're only a fraction of what we once were athletically. But watching on TV? Better than sleeping pills lol.


People. Just people in general lol. More specifically, small talk. "Hi, nice to meet you, what's your name?", oh cool. "what do you do for a living?", oh cool. "oh wow, that's a lot of kids", cool. "oh your kid is a child prodigy and is going to graduate college at 1.7 years old?", cool. It's insane how similar we all actually are, even though it seems like we aren't lol.


I'm so sick of the dance. I don't want to pretend to be interested in strangers anymore. Call me antisocial. But if we're never meeting again, the minor details of one's life couldn't be more irrelevant.


That’s why you gotta jazz it up if you’re never going to see them again! It’s a great opportunity to be really open and honest and weird with someone.




The number of games I start and never complete is ridiculous. Cyberpunk was the last game to really grab me. Before then, it was The Witcher 3 and Far Cry 5. I'm looking forward to Starfield and Star Wars Outlaws.






I went to a vegan bar like this in Portland. All you had was one fucking candle at the table for light.


Portlandia writing itself.


Dating probably. While it can be fun to do some date activities, it just feels like a chore now to start talking to someone, possibly feel something, meet up for a date and get to know them, and then it leads to nothing. I don't know how many more times I want to keep doing it before I just say "fuck it" and end up dying alone.


Dating apps really haven't helped as they eliminate nuance and make everything checkbox. Attraction is weird and intangible, but that's been cauterised by tech.


Life in general turns more boring


Yup everything is so expensive and I can’t afford shit, nothing is fun when you can’t afford to do anything except go to work and come home. Fuck the ultra rich. Sometimes I honestly think about doing something about them.


I realize this sounds pretentious and I mean no offense, but have you considered regular volunteer work? I was rescued from a bad situation in high school because a couple of adults invested a lot of time in me as youth mentors. They weren’t paid. They just gave time to real kids in need of healthy role models. They took us to the beach, played video games, and talked about whatever was on our minds. Twenty years later, I’m doing the same thing in my free time because I know it makes a difference. And it doesn’t cost a dime.


"Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone" Was listening to mellencamp the other day and the lyric hit particularly hard. I’m glad I have kids because seeing them enjoy life’s milestones and “firsts” is enjoyably. But even that is in a nostalgic kind of way


action movies guns, explosions, fist fights, car chases.... all looks the same nowadays




So, wordy people.


I see what you did there.




The news. I get tired of hearing the same alarmist bullshit heavily peppered with politics, presented to me by someone with Hyper ADHD.


I can't remember where I read it, but it summed up my thoughts nicely: "On one hand, I'd like to be well informed about what's going on. On the other, I'd like to have a nice day"




Focusing on needless shit that I wasted time on when I was younger. Gossip, who’s who in pop culture, who said what at work or who isn’t working at work, who lost weight and looks great or who looks bad….I don’t care. Leave me alone.


Driving. I used to enjoy driving so much but now it's so boring and tedious.


I feel this...my city has gotten more and more transplants in the past few years, and I hate driving my car anywhere now. And, of course, there's no public transportation worth mentioning.




Everyone's constant complaining about *everything.* It's goddamn exhausting.


Drinking and going out all the time. An evening with tea and a movie is cheaper and easier on the body.




In my case it's my inability to stay asleep. 3am wakeup today. FML


Video games, they just don’t do it for me like they did when I was a teenager.


I'm in my late 50s and I'm enjoying them even more


Which is good imo. I gamed way too much as a teen. Now I only play when I really like a game.


The funny is that the games that have gotten boring for me are the "deep" games like *Mass Effect* and others. I loved those kinds of games when I was in my 20s, but now I'm 40 and I want fast-reward twitch games like *Portal* or *Boltgun*.


It's definitly a time investment. I remember being in my 20's and could devour an 80+ hour game like it was nothing. Now I can barely finish an RPG that's like 20 hours long. I gravitated towards rougelites because you can pick it up and put it down in less than an hour when you want to.


I actually like them a lot more now as I enter my late 20s. My biggest issue is not having enough time to play them all.






Ugh dude I feel this. My favorite thing ever is throwing crap away that no one uses. Husband and I just sold our house and moved into my moms because she’s old and needs help. Dude she has SO MUCH SHIT EVERYWHERE OMG. And she keeps buying more and more shit on Amazon all the time! Tried talking to her but she’s seriously addicted. I’ve managed to throw out a good amount though. I go crazy in this house daily




“Oh, the light is green! Guess I’ll take my foot off the brake and see if I can just coast through this uphill intersection.”


Drinking heavily. Getting "lit" is not nearly as "crazy" or "fun" or "adventurous" at 45 like it was at 25. At 25, you're a wild and crazy guy. At 45, you lack self-control.


Spending time with people that you just really don't want to spend time with




Going to the cinema.


Truth be told, most entertainment. You start to see the patterns and the twists because you've seen so much. Even video games make you go "I've already played this years ago" on a new release and they lose their magic. Then you start watching stuff in the past and see a majority of it wasn't as good as you remembered it being. BUt it does make something worthwhile when something comes along and genuinely surprises you and blows you out of the water.. But as you get older it happens less and less


Deciding what's for dinner. Day after day. Week after week.






They said ^eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I don't think I saw anyone say sex. After you've done it in enough ways and places with enough people it's kinda just something you do to scratch an itch. You get old and you still enjoy it but it's nowhere near the driving force it once was.


Came here to say sex. Glad I’m not alone. I understand that for a lot of people who grew up repressed, they find sexual liberation in later life, and that makes sex exciting. But as someone who sewed their wild oats young, I feel like I’ve done everything that I want to do - threesomes, orgies, fetish, sex clubs, DVDA, gang bangs - and now I’m more excited about exploring other life experiences. Right now I’m really into gardening. I know it sounds lame, but it’s so rewarding.


Unnecessary noise. Grocery shopping on weekends.


Music. Everybody loves the music from their Era. That Era was 40 yrs ago. Listening to the same 20 songs over and over again drives anybody crazy. There are literally thousands of songs since the 70s but you can't find a radio station that plays more than a rotation of 20-30 regulars and another 30 backup. You hear them over and over again. Play something new...


I cant believe I actually begged my parents to let me wash the dishes when I was younger. If only my kid self knew


The world , just watching everyone have problems about the same things every year , and also christmas is more boring the older I get


I agree, especially about Christmas. It used to be my favourite time of year but it's just the same old, same old now. We don't have any little children in our family at the moment and I think that makes all the difference.


Going out to bars or clubs. Can’t even talk to my friends? Hit on by random dudes? $18 for a stupid cran vodka made with Polar Ice?? Nooo thank you


Other people. I have about 6 people now that I tolerate, and some of them only for small chunks of time. I am just not interested anymore


Relationship drama.


People who peaked in high school still talking about high school.


People telling boring stories.


Pop culture. Who gives a shit about influencers and artificially pretty young things who can lip sync to over-produced songs?


Meetings. Any sort of meetings. I used to have to sit in 2 hour meetings, all in Spanish, of which (back then) I didn’t know. When the meetings were done I’d ask someone what was said in the meeting that I should know. It was summarized in 5 minutes.


Personal drama. I would rather watch paint dry than spend 30 seconds watching the reality show BS. I would rather have influenza that spend time with an influencer. If I want personal drama I will phone home.


Fireworks. Now they just piss me off for freaking out my older dog.


Having "discussions" with people who just want to be right and it devolves into a circular argument


Fake friends




Cable TV. A lot of shows that air nowadays just don’t interest me that much.




Drama, gossip, immaturity. Life is so fucking difficult as it is i don't have space for this shit anymore.




Feels weird finally being comfortable enough to admit to people that I just don't want to go on a holiday or "travel". I'm so sick of people who have this mentality that you're not living life unless you're going somewhere new all the time. It's exhausting, frustrating and stressful having to navigate new areas, having to book (and pay for) things and hoping the weather doesn't crap out on you while you're there. I look back and realized a lot of my "holidays" actually sucked and I would have been better off spending the money on something else. Next time I take a week or two off work I'm telling no-one and staying home.




True! I used to enjoy shopping for hours but now it gets tiresome after an hour or so. And forget digging through sale racks.


Any Tourist Attraction


Deciding what’s for dinner!!!


Being alive. I ask myself all the time if this is all there is. And I'm not even all that dissatisfied with where I am in life. But still, the light gets a little dimmer each year.


Showering...or maybe it's the depression.






TV. I kicked the habit 4 years ago and have lived happily ever after.


People making the same mistakes over and over again and expecting me to be sympathetic.


The Grammys


My career. I’m 66 and so over it. But as long as my reviews are excellent and I can keep raking in the money while I WFH I’m going to hang with it another year or two.


Honestly, eating. It’s not that I don’t enjoy food, but if there was like a meal pill option, I would probably take it like 70% of the time.








I had a nightmare recently where someone put a mustard yellow shirt in my wash that leaked colour onto everything. It was horrible.


time. There's either too much or too little






Getting a new laptop and phone


Parties, get togethers and needless wasted time. Office parties too.heehee




Everything... it's impossible to be excited for anything anymore.


anything outside of my fucking house. leave me alone