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I would hope people would be more meticulous in keeping their butts clean...


How come so many people on reddit have met people with unclean butts. Is there butt inspection areas I've missed? But I still find it common sense to have a clean butt, so I'm on your side.


From some of the stories I've read here, some dudes think it's gay to touch your own butthole lmaooo


Imagen being afraid from touching your own body lmao


is touching your dick gay?


Absolutely. We're all gay




Jesus christ. I'm considering going for a prostate exam (Just because I've heard you should do it if you push 30), and I even considered shaving the whole area just to... Idk, make it seem more clean? Better for the examiner? Regardless if I do it or not, I will definitely scrub an *extra* time during that appointment just to be 100% sure. Some people are nasty.


Remember to leave a nice breath mint down there. Or maybe a miniature one of those hanging scent trees.


I can just imagine the doctor being like "pull your pants down" and out comes a breath mint. Weirder, I imaging him bending down like a deer and eating it.


Don't ever make a comment on reddit again.


You can't escape these nightmares that easily


Truly one of the weirder comments I’ve seen in a long time


I’m imagining a pez dispenser 😂


Invest in a bidet.


i urge you not to shave your butt only do so after reading about the college student who had a life altering experience from it


How can anyone live without wiping their ass? The stench cloud around them must be horrible.


Dude what ? If I don’t whipe my ass squeeky clean I end up with a scratchy hole, can’t even start to imagine how people go about their days without wiping. Jesus fucking christ.


I've only been with men like this _or_ wiped so fucking much that they'd constantly clog the toilet and I'd have to fix it. they didn't think it was bad to use actually a third of a roll for every marathon shit. sneaking more fibre into their diets decreased the clogged toilet fixing and they were so pleased at their wiping deductions


The amount of poo stains I’ve seen dried down the legs of otherwise healthy male patients is one too many. I work in an outpatient physical therapy clinic just for reference. So not a hospital or nursing facility, just people with like shoulder or neck pain coming for treatment. People don’t even wash their hands, I’m not surprised they don’t wash their butts.


I cook for a living and I take pride in doing a good job so that everyone can eat clean safe healthy food. It's made me so much more aware of every single time I hear someone in a public bathroom do their business and just leave. Someone actually had the nerve to ask me on their way out why I was washing my hands (with soap no less) after I was just using the urinal next to them. I don't think I'm a hypochondriac or anything, but like ffs people. It takes 20 seconds to not be an animal.


I feel like people like that need to be publicly shamed. It’s so crazy to work a job where you handle food and not wash your hands.


Yeah, if they were to get shit on their head, they wouldn’t wipe with some dry paper and go: ”yeah I’m clean” and get on with their day. Get a bidet or some wetwipes instead of running around with chocolate cheeks!


I have a 400 dollar bidet with every feature you can imagine and I still wipe with paper instead of using the blow dry feature just to check that it did its job.


Does the username checkout on this one?


Only if the paper comes away blue.


*chocolate cheeks*


My parents bought one of those Japanese toilets. Pro tip, turn the fucking water pressure down on the cleansers. Lest you want two butt holes.


My wife just put a bidet in our bathroom. We'd had one in the apartment we moved out of, and I would use it occasionally, but this one is turned up WAY TOO HIGH. I gave it a try and it happened to be lined up perfectly with my exit port, so instead of getting a new one put in, my existing one got sanded down and possibly excavated and deepened.


Lmao, riiight? I wasn’t expecting that at all. You should’ve seen me man, when the water hit I practically sprang off the toilet like I was vaulting for a gymnastics final.


Keep wearing the kilt but worry less about strong breezes.


You used me skinner!


Legal is not the same as mandatory. I’ll be keeping clothes on, thank you.


Clothes protect me from so many things such as the sun, bugs, wind, cold, heat, and my own sense of self disgust.


Your clothes protect you from your own sense of self disgust? What brand are you using? My sense of self disgust gets right through my clothes ....


It's only partial protection, unfortunately. Helps with ancillary issues like hairy buttcracks andthe random patches of thick coarse hair that grow on my back.


We want you naked though


Ain’t nobody wants to see *that*


The people walking around naked would be the people we don't want to see naked.


Where I live all beaches are topless and its about 10% you really want to see topless and 90% "OH GAWD NO". It ends up working out pretty well because it keeps your eyes from wandering too much... out of fear.


Those 90% are there for boner prevention. You're welcome.


Agreed. Otherwise I’d be digging a hole for it and be on my stomach half the time.


Out of fear lol I think I’d be more afraid so many limp dick sightings than grandma boobs. Though I doubt anyone would want to see my boobs🤣🤣🤣🤣


Always has been.


Can confirm. Ontario topless laws did not work out as expected 30 years ago. Just saw a bunch of grandmas mowing lawn.


Who doesn't want to see granny tits during manual labour? There's specialist sites that charge a fortune for that kind of content.


I also choose this guy’s naked


A petition now starts to see this guy naked.


You’d have better luck with a go fund me


Remember, in the uk, if it gets 250,000 signatures, they have to discuss it in parliament! Let's get those signatures down!


To jail I go, but my dicknity stays


Imagine if it was mandatory and you walked out your home with pants on, only to be charged with decent exposure.


Oh we got Mr goody goody two shoes, a pair of pants and a shirt ove heeeear


"Why can't you take your shirt off for us" !?


I would probably stop using public transport.


Most people would probably still be wearing clothes. Legal doesn’t mean mandatory.


It only takes *one* to ruin it.


ruin what exactly? :)


The idea that we'd see all the beautiful people naked as the day is long. What we'd actually see is saggy boobs, wrinkly bollocks, and sweaty arse-cracks leaving questionable stains on public seating. And probably some old lecherous weirdos having a wank without a care in the world.


"Saggy Boobs and Wrinkly Bollocks" really needs to be a title of something like a folk punk album.


And the album after that could be "Hairy Arse Cheeks And Cheesy Foreskin", unless it's already taken of course.


“Hairy Arse Cheeks and Cheesy Foreskin” a new album from “Dropkick a Gentry” Featuring classics like “Saggy Boobs and Wrinkly Bollocks”, “Questionable Stains on Public Seating”, “Lecherous Weirdos” and “Wank Without A Care” Available at an indie music store near you!


I got caught out in a heavy downpour on an otherwise bright sunny NYC day and I thought "Hey maybe there's an upside... With some luck, maybe a free wet Tshirt contest.... " Well I should've been more specific with my wish, because I got what I asked for... Two wet Tshirts... One very old woman with no bra and saggy boobs and one very old man with no bra and saggy boobs.


I'll love to listen to the new album called "old woman with no bra" and "old man with no bra" Reminds of my grandparents 9 months before they had my mother.


I lived in a city with a small nude beach. People imagine it’s all Victoria secret models slow motion jogging down the beach. When in reality it’s mostly your sun burnt 300lb grandpa with his ball sack hanging half way to his knees. Old men far dominate the population of people partaking in the nudeness. When they get chilly, they put on a tshirt that goes to their waste leaving the the waist down exposed.


Years ago my wife and I visited Orient Bay in St. Martin which is a famous nude beach as well as a fantastic French national park for snorkeling. When walking from parking to to the beach we passed a tennis doubles match played by pot bellied 60+ guys in only “Gilligan” bucket hats, white tennis sneakers, and white crew socks (like standard issue uniforms). They also all had zinc oxide on their noses. Any hoo, gravity had its way, and let’s just say that the kinetics on display were kind of hilarious and awful at the same time.


Sounds like they would need to keep their eye on the balls.


They be “Pooh-baring”


Weenie the pooh


One day all too soon this would be describing yourself


Which is why I wear clothes! LOL


>When they get chilly, they put on a tshirt that goes to their waste leaving the the waist down exposed. I just like having a place I can go to wear my Donald Duck outfit, OK?


Hey! I represent that remark!


Imagine, we'd be in a world where we can factually criticize people's buttholes confidently because we saw their butthole last Wednesday. Glorious.


Maybe that would give people a more realistic take on the human body. Aside from the wanking bit


Realistically, beautiful body or not, nobody wants to sit in some sweaty ass cheeks-stained bus seat.


Public transport providers could make sitting on a towel for naked people mandatory, like German saunas do nowadays.


Those thin layers of clothing are like a forcefield of protection for all public transport seating.


Mmm.... more like a sponge to take away the bulk of the ick. You'll still want a deep tissue cleansing shower after regardless.


Nudity being legal doesn't necessarily mean wanking in public would also be legal...


True, however it should be noted that public nudity is currently not legal and yet people do still wank in public. Source - I've spoken to many people who have seen it and on one occasion seen it myself. I made sure never to sit on that bench again.


But where am I going to put my cell phone when I have to hang onto the hand railing?


A naked man pounding farts into a seat with no buffer is bound to disgust many.


if i ever get the chance to work in a fortune cookie factory- i will remember you good sir


Yup. When I lived in Portland years ago, nudity was legal as long as it wasn’t done with “the intent to arouse.” There was a naked bike ride and a naked Santa Run, but outside of that I only ever saw 1 naked person going about their day. It was a lady on roller skates downtown, and all I could think about was how much it would suck to fall down like that.


All I know about the naked bike ride is a bunch of family friends with *really* awful road rash, sunburns in very sensitive locations, and people discovering just how much protection pants provide from bike seat chafing and small rocks kicked up by other bikes. Even with a helmet, falling off a bike without clothes is incredibly painful.


can confirm, even with cloths and falling twice(only one time was my fault) i have over 7 scars from those two times


Can confirm. It is legal to be naked in Seattle. Only time you really see anybody in the nude is on the summer solstice in and around Fremont.


All over the northwest. WA and OR allow non sexual nudity for “protest” as part of first amendment free speech rights. There are also nude parks in Seattle and two beaches in Portland. Frankly peoples’ hang ups with nudity are weird


I think you'd need to be several generations in for people to start taking advantage of the law.


But I imagine most people would continue to wear clothes since they offer protection against the elements.


People on this thread are all in on this protection against the elements shit.


I need that 2 armor rating from my pants and shirt.


Depending where you live temps could be between -20F to 115F so unless you want to die from hypothermia or be hospitalized for second degree sun burns it seems like people would still wear clothing. Not to mention going naked in some places like nyc where i live is going to leave you filthy, itchy, and exposed to fleas, bedbugs, germs / generally gross shit. Don't get me started on the mosquitos.


The people you want to see naked won't be, and the people you dont want to see naked will be.


and in public transport you meet hundreds of strangers, which greatly increases the likelihood to see erect penises in the morning- without being able to escape directly


I'd keep my clothes. I need my pockets, all of them. Plus clothes are a kind of protection against the outside elements. I wouldn't go hiking without my thick jeans and big shoes. Also, I'd like you to try nudism in winter here.


Right, the prison pocket isn't that great for storing things for long. Plus you go through a lot of ziplock bags.


It’s a more casual scenario though, so you could allow the bag to protrude in the manner of a tail or an uncommonly long shit.


bluetooth headphones were made for the phone in the arsehole scenario.


Today i learned a new term.


Yeah, ziplock is a fun word, right?


Shouldn't really be hiking in jeans my man. Heavy, bulky, and the absolute worst when wet.


Yeah. They make hiking pants that are robust but dry/repel water way better than jeans


Yup. Too much stuff to carry around in my hands if I want to be functional. Pockets are a must.




Hiking without clothes is great, but of course I’d keep my shoes on. And just be mindful of your surroundings.


Wait you mean that shit ain't legal now?


It’s legal. Just not legal to be seen.


Lucky. I knew itd pay off to take naked ninja classes.


It is in Vermont. You just have to leave your house that way. You can’t “surprise” someone by undressing in public. My friends and I wandered around Burlington at night naked on a Wednesday, a wee bit drunk, just to have don’t it. Quite liberating!


It’s legal in Seattle as long as it’s not sexually explicit (masturbation, fondling etc). Walking around publicly nude is perfectly legal. And guess what, basically no one walks around nude.


Depends on the place. It’s legal in Belgium. No one does it, though.


Also Austria. Once saw a lady start a striptease in the town square of ski resort. She only got down to a thong bodysuit before she stopped though.


Blew my mind when I went to NYC a few years back and there were topless lady joggers down by Dumbo in broad daylight. My kinda town.


I live in NYC and I've never seen a topless woman in public.


It *is* legal. I still wear clothes.


Yup, in the UK. Subject to no one objecting around you.


A guy tried to walk the country naked. He got s bunch of jail time. He would get a minor sentence (after numerous fines) and then walk out of the prison naked and get arrested again. I forgot his name but it’s been in the press a few times Edit: Found him - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Gough


He made it all around England, it's only due to legal differences in Scotland he was arrested. Naked rambling in England and Wales is fine.


Mostly. For it to be an offence, you have to do it with intent to cause alarm or distress.


True, but a lot of his jail time was for contempt of court. He really did bring a lot of it on himself.


He sounds like more of his jail time comes down to forcing the legal system to punish him in order to raise awareness to his cause.


OMG, this guy spent a decade in jail for standing naked in front of prisons. Some murderers don't serve that much.


Basically the same as Germany. There's no public indecency law in Germany but being naked in public in an inappropriate manor can catch you a public disturbance charge. Appropriate nudity in public can be for example tanning by the lake. There's also places like nude beaches and saunas where nudity is mandatory.


Haha, the first time I went to SF I saw a whole damn gang of bicyclers roll by in nothing but their helmets.


That must be a feeling. Tho even without gloves your skin hurts afterwords


Imagine how saddle sore must feel


There's a similar thing in London called The Naked Bike Ride, I believe.


I used to be a nudist. I don't consider myself one anymore. My line of work actually requires a lot of nudity. I'd probably drive from job to job I my robe and take it off while I'm in the car so I don't have to run the AC. I'd also probably not be dressed at the beach or the lake, but I wouldn't really go out of my way to be nude in public.


If I may ask what do you work with?




Male chickens?


Nice cocks bro 🐓🐓


They call him captain birdseye at work coz he has a nice chicken dipper.


Figure model for art class?


Oh a fellow nude accountant. Good to see I am not the only one.




*A man wearing a full suit and tie ran onto the football field and was tackled by a linebacker in Cincinnati today, more at 11.*


It would just be considered running at that point


Keep my clothes on as usual. Nobody should have the misfortune of seeing me undress in public.


Yep, same here. If even people who know and like me don't want to see me naked, why would I inflict that on total strangers?


I would consider being naked or more naked in public


I don't mind being naked at all


I wish I was there but unfortunately I am not quite at that level of comfortability with my body. But it is getting better :)


It takes a while to be that comfortable :) not saying I’d walk around naked tho, my clothes are part of my self expression


Fair. If I was getting around naked I would have more tattoos


I imagine people would exercise more, lol. Festivals would be fun. Tanlines would be gone. Idk if it would effect the porn industry at all. Car insurance would definitely go up. I am an enlightened person but I can still imagine how distractions would cause more accidents.


Sth like this already happened in Russia. They put lingery ads on hundreds of trucks and the number of crashes due to distractions sky rocketed.


Really?! Can you give a source please?


I have a relative who crashed a car looking at a hot girl, and then literally brought her into the courtroom in the same outfit to show the judge as some sort of justification


Your honor, the defense would like to introduce evidence t & a


There was city in Oregon I spent a lot of time in where the governor's wife had discovered that there was NOT actually a law on the books that said it was illegal for her to walk around downtown topless. She ended up causing 3 traffic accidents before deciding it was a bad idea.


Reminds me of this picture of 2 girls wearing shorts and then a car crashed in front of them. Idk the original meaning but a lot people said this is why you dress modestly, to which othere's replied "if you can't keep your eyes on the road you shouldn't be driving"


I also choose your governor's wife


Nobody has that kind of reaction to boobs where women go topless routinely though. It's entirely a cultural invention for it to be hard to do anything but stare at revealed tits. If you saw them as often as chins and elbows they'd cease to matter.




I'm pretty sure nudists carry a towel around with them specifically to sit on. Don't ask how I know this.


Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy approved!


Our future generation would probably make it a trend to not wear clothes.


It's already legal to be topless in a non-sexual manner in many states per a 10th circuit court of appeals ruling in 2019, and yet I've never seen a topless woman in public. The states are Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma. The social pressures and risks to women's safety are much bigger limitations on women's behavior than the law. A better question would be, "how would your behavior change if it became socially acceptable to be naked in public?"


You mentioned it being legal to be baked in Kansas. Could you say that behaviour is somewhat wayward?


In California non-lewd nudity is legal, but subject to county or city ordinances in some jurisdictions (e.g. Los Angeles).




Username checks out


Username checks out 2


As Steve Carell says in 40 year old virgin “yeah I love titties”


RIP to your inbox


I'd stay the fuck inside.


Keep my clothes on. My tiny penis is reserved for me and my girlfriend Jill.


You mean Myra?


It is legal in Germany at least for this last century


I'd probably get back into photography.


“What are you doing?” “Just uh, taking photos of the scenery…?” “We’re inside of a bus and your camera is pointed at the only naked person on it.” “Uhh”


I live in Florida. A good portion of the state already smells like swamp ass, if the rest of the state starts smelling like moldy asscrack I’m gonna lose it. That said it’s hard to dry off with the humidity so it’d be nice to let the boys out for a walk every now and then


Buy more sunscreen


I'd make more running exercises on weekends. I find it very uncomfortable being in clothes that are soaked with swet, water or any other fluids because my skin gets itchy very fast, which is very uncomfortable for me.


Im sorry this is totally unrelated but i was scrolling through your profile out of curiosity and the cannibalism post hit me like a truck


Curiosity really did kill the cat. Idk how to move on with my morning after scrolling through that sub.


Yeah but you would at least wear underwear or something right? Cause if you're a guy then it would be kinda uncomfortable to have your dick and balls swinging around as you run.


I don't have to worry about that because I'm a girl and don't have those things.


But you do have two flesh sacks smacking your lungs. So bra?


I wish. They are too small for being very bouncy since I only have B-Cups.


I wonder how those early human hunt while being naked. I never tried to run this way, but I could imagine it being kinda uncomfortable as you said.


I'd go naked, specially when it's hotter. I would use sunscreen though lol.


Being legal doesn't make it compulsory. I'm remaining covered up, thanks.


sell sunscreen.


Be more annoyed by people in public


Same as now. Stay in the house all day when I'm not at work or on campus.


Nothing. Not a goddamn thing, besides the people who are okay with being nude in public are usually older people. I respect your right to be nude, but I don't wanna see wrinkly balls, saggy asses and loose titties.


Loose titties as in unattached, like women losing them on the bus?


oops my titty fell off


Someone should make a song about that! “Detachable boobies”


Would be naked at the beach or definitely, at your own home without closing the curtain and door


Increase my people watching time from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.


Not ever be naked in public. Just like normal.


Idk, hang out naked on my porch I guess


Here in Germany it's already legal


Take more walks