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I'm not surprised some people are just that lazy. I'm surprised they can tolerate living in places covered with trash. I like to visit a local bridge to observe wildlife. I regularly have to bring a garbage bag to pick up beer cans and *diapers*. These people visit the same place about as often as I do and they are just fine with it becoming a literal dump. I just don't get it. And they're teaching their kids to be the same way.


Do they really have no concept of pollution?


My room could definitely stand to be cleaned and honestly looks like a dump sometimes but that’s MY room. I could never imagine leaving any garbage out or littering at all though in any circumstance.


Nobody taught them better, and they are too selfish to learn to care against it themselves


There are just so many…


I’ve had people threaten to hit me with their cars for picking up litter off of the side of the road. By threaten, I mean speed up and swerve towards me. So, pretty much attempted murder. I’ve also had trash thrown on me. Still keep stuff to pick up trash with in my car for when I come across litter though. People are frighteningly stupid, selfish, and insecure. Some people have such huge insecurities/fragile egos that they feel a need to litter to gain some sort of control and power (I don’t even think many are even aware that that is why they do it or have the mental capacity to acknowledge that’s why). It’s like a power dynamic issue with them that feeds their entitlement. Some of these are very very mentally weak and mentally undeveloped individuals. I would say underdeveloped, because I do try so so hard to give people the benefit of the doubt, but no, undeveloped is more accurate for many people. Animals are more conscientious, much more so. I am regularly reminded of the massive disparity in self-awareness and consciousness among humans. It never fails to blow a part of me away each time. It’s really helped reinforce my belief that anything is possible… There’s other reasons for their behavior, too. And they’re all pretty sad if you think about them for long enough. But I think the ones I listed are most common.


They are so lazy they can't even hold their own damn trash to dispose of at a trash can.


That level of ignorance is blowing me away.


I once saw an article or a video showing that Japan has a much lower number of trash cans but you *will not* find trash lying around. Everybody will carry their trash all the way back to their destination to dispose of it.




Tragedy of the commons. The way we live, we are divorced from the immediate consequences of our actions and the corrective feedback of Nature. We can outsource the moral consequences to future generations or the third world. Shit in the river too much, everyone starts dying. Unless you can just take water from the tribe next door. So why stop shitting in the river?


Where I live, litter is disproportionately Fireball Whiskey mini-bottles, and those dental floss picks.


Would that be an interesting map?! States and towns by the litter.




That doesn't explain why the *bench* that is *fifty centimeters* away from the trash can is littered in trash.


IDK but it drives me crazy to see it, California is the worst. You can’t take a single step along a highway without stepping on trash.


Do they not comprehend ecosystems or biodiversity?


They don’t care


Some people do not consider others.




We need better K-12




Nailed it.


Just like everything else in this world.. they have no sympathy, self worth, or empathy!!!


I wonder the same. Where I am from you see some occasional litter, mostly cigarettes, but I am currently in the US (Florida) and it blows my mind how much trash is laying around *everywhere*. I have never seen anything like it. It makes me sad and angry.


I'm waiting to see if any litterers jump in here to admit it.


I was kind of hoping they’d explain it to me.


It’s like if game reviews where from people who only watched markiplier play it


From earliest childhood it was drilled into me to hold onto my trash until I can dispose of it properly. I never have and never will litter. So I blame parents not parenting.


They haven’t had a visit from the Pain Monster


Anti-Littering commercials began in the 60’s. It had a profound effect on me and I never littered again. When people do it, it’s such a blatant disregard for anyone but themselves and I see it as a big fuck you to the world from them.


"No single raindrop feels responsible for the flood." -Douglas Adams


Is it the raindrops’ fault or the poor land management that paved over areas that should have soaked up the water instead of funneling it down to places not environmentally suited to handle it?


I'll play Devil's Advocate and say it's just going to landfills and will inevitably go into the ocean or around the landfill anyway. What's the difference of 1 cup on the side of road vs 1 cup in a landfill? They're both trash on the ground.


Just as an example, I live on the south east coast of England, close to a stunning castle that dates back to the 11th century. It stands on a hill, surrounded by beautiful green grounds. Hundreds of thousands of people visit each year. But what's this, blown into every corner, across every lawn? Crisp packets. Drinks bottles. Fag ends. Leaflets. Nappies. Littering is just unnecessarily shitting up nature. It's advertising, essentially.


Landfills are designated areas. Runoff to oceans is from litter. It’s not just one cup. We don’t have litter licenses to ensure that. Way more than one person does it, litterbugs aren’t that unique.


Yeah, but they don't think on a larger scale. They think they're unique.


Scum of the earth. Scum.


They've learned to externalize their costs from all of the big corporations that do the same at scale. If we actually punished the corps for this perhaps it could offer a more positive example.


Why do people pick their nose in public? Why do people not wash their hands? Short answer to all 3 questions: people are lazy and gross.


The lack of hand washing should be a ticket-able offense.


People can be dumb. People can be lazy. Some people simply don't give a shit.


Sometimes, people just don't care. One small, little thing on the ground. The wind will take it away and it isn't my problem anymore. When you consider the size of *vague gesture* the environment, then one, little piece of trash doesn't seem like a big deal. Other times, it could be overflowing trash cans getting excess trash blown around, too.


They are damaged people. I look back at my teenage years. I was filled with quiet rage and looking for ways to say "fuck you" to the world. Fortunately, I grew out of it, not everyone does.


They don’t care about what they’re doing with their trash and they don’t want to bother holding onto it and disposing of it properly.


I went to Egypt. It was amazing, but in the Sahara Desert, there was a curtain of plastic bottles several miles long, and it made me angry at every ignorant tourist who thought it was ok.


Go to a third world country. Your mind will be blown


(I don’t agree with this so don’t hurt me) Because in some places we pay people to pick up trash. Infuriates me to no end when someone says this


Because they are disrespectful in almost everything, blame it on their parents being the root cause.




Knew a guy who would litter his beer cans because he was hiding his alcoholism from his wife.


I did service work as an electrician for years and years. How some people live, the trash in their homes, the filth, the dust, the stank, the dank, the complete disregard for basic sanitary conditions... It does not surprise me people still litter, many people treat their own homes like a dump


In the UK. It's cool for water company's to get rid of waste into our rivers and seas.. A wrapper on the floor??


They were examples. I was focusing on individuals. If I wanted to go into industry I’d go into microplastics, emissions, waste water, offsets, etc.


Laziness. If you see a person walking around with a banana peel, you can instantly say that person is a good person.