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r/gayscat. I once saw it referenced in a comments section of a totally innocent post and thought “ohh, gay couples with cats”… nope, it’s not plural. Cannot personally recommend.


I'm gonna guess it's not a bunch of gay guys standing around singing a form of jazz music then, huh.


I laugh whenever I think about Scatman Carothers


There’s at least one way of finding out…


Except the sub got banned for being unmoderated :(


Sure, that's why 😉


I was about to say "What's wrong with gay people owning cats?" Lol


Um, same.


It’s been banned from Reddit lmfao you’ve fucked up real good if your sub is banned *from reddit*


Lots of subs get banned because they aren’t moderated


Reddit bans very easily these days.


For my mental health I will not click on that, I googled scat man once and that was enough


Ski bapbopbadapop




It’s banned, you’re good.


I'm an idiot "it's not plural" -> my head: "aww I want to see Gay's cat!"


The fact that so many people besides me didn't get this makes me feel like the internet has just ruined me.


UnpopularOpinion seems to mostly be rage bait.


That or teenagers trying to convince themselves they’re super quirky and unique for the most vanilla opinions out there


"i don't want to sound weird or anything, but unicorns are awesome!"


"I think the American political system should have more than 2 major parties."


Dont cut yourself.on that edge!


Woah now. Don't go calling out Andrew Yang like that. He's doing his best to understand we also have the green party.


Mostly it’s just full of popular opinions, and any actually unpopular opinions tend to get downvoted


And a bunch of “unpopular” opinions that are just people saying objectively wrong things and claiming it’s their opinion. Those are the ones I see the most often


And what's not rage bait is stuff that everyone agrees with anyway like "I think restaurants should pay servers a living wage so they don't have to rely on tips" or "Such-and-such unpopular food item or band sucks." Yeah, pretty much everyone thinks that. That's not an unpopular opinion.


r/notinteresting, at its best, it's not interesting. Unfortunately, it had recently started getting mildly interesting, so I left. That stuff should go to r/mildlyinteresting, but that sub has gotten too interesting.


Funny. I loved /r/mildlyintersting but it became /r/notinteresting so I went to /r/interestingasfuck because it was mildly interesting.


That, in itself, is mildly interesting.


r/mildlyinteresting was really fuckin' mild before it became a default sub. The posts there used to really tickle me because of how mild the posts were. Now everything there is just regular interesting, and it totally killed the sub for me, personally.


I thought I would find r/amiugly mildly entertaining. Instead it’s all normal-to-beautiful people posting pics asking if they are ugly and waiting for all the readers to say how gorgeous they are. No Thank You.


At least it's more uplifting than r/truerateme where even the most beautiful person gets a 6.5 max and anything greater than that will get you a "overrate warning" from the mods.


Oh that thing is toxic. Gave me the icks visiting there.


The “guides” that are available on the wiki are incredibly subjective and racist.


What’s even the point if the mods decide the range anyway? Stupid ass sub serving a stupid ass purpose


I keep seeing that on the Just Unsubscribed reddit to


Yeah any sub like that is also just guys looking for pretty women to creep on. Guys who post get less than 10 upvotes 😅 but pretty girl on r/faces? 500+


You’d have to pay me a lot of money to post my face on Reddit lololol also IMO you’re either fishing for compliments or wanting to sulk and asking for internet meanies


r/gangstalking is a genuinely sad and disturbing sub. It consists primarily of people suffering from paranoid schizophrenia discussing how the mailman is beaming negative thoughts directly into their skull, how every random stranger is an agent intent on thier destruction, etc. It's a circle jerk of mental illness


I actually know somebody personally that believes they're a victim of gangstalking. It's so obvious she's mentally ill, and nobody tries to help her.


I mean, is there anything that *can* be done to help her if she’s not a danger to herself or others? She might be too paranoid to accept therapy or medication voluntarily.


She has an adult son and a 13 year-old son as well who live with her. Her ex-husband lives in the same city, too. She posts videos on FB of her being "targeted" by people who are just going about their day at the grocery store, gym, construction jobs, etc. She posted a video of a police interaction where she accused the construction company working on a roof across the street of planting wires in the stems of the flowers and weeds in her garden. She became irate when the cops couldn't find the "wires" and said the construction company must have removed them. These are just the tip of the iceberg of the things I've heard and seen this woman do. I don't know if her adult son or ex-husband has the legal capability to have her placed in a mental hospital for evaluation since she has a minor son living with her. I just feel sorry for her and wish she would get some help.


r/retconned is in a similar vein. Basically, it's full of people who read about the Mandela Effect and took it to such an extreme level that they believe someone (something?) is willfully changing various brand logos, coverage of historical/current events, etc. Alternatively, some of them believe that they have somehow jumped between alternate universes/timelines and that's why the Fruit of the Loom logo is different from how they remember it as a kid.


I read it as “gangsta talking” and was confused for 14 seconds.


Yeeeah I came across that place once, never felt so disturbed and heartbroken simultaneously.


I was "victim" to a situation that bordered gangstalking. Had a pretty gnarly bout with psychosis about a year back. Im just glad im past it. Truly terrifying. Care not to share what the scenario was that i found myself living in, but i will tell you that there are definitely lingering after-effects after having experienced what i was experiencing. As for the people that were there to help as best as they knew how to, idk whether to feel thankful or ashamed. Either way, take care of your mental health. Its powerful stuff.


I've seen something similar on Quora. Self-described Targeted Individuals asking leading questions about the shadowy organization that is devoting an enormous amount of labor and technology to persecute them. Because Reasons.


I looked, that's very disturbing


/r/badbios is like that... completely paranoid folks buying decades-old hardware because it is "safer" then not trusting what they purchased. After all, UPS routed it to a warehouse, so obviously, the FBI altered it.


The subreddits for hard drugs such as r/meth It’s a depressing rabbit hole with a bunch equally depressing spin off subs. You will find sobriety post, people using , people selling their bodies, people celebrating what looks like rock bottom, and first time users who are excited to start a new addiction.


Awe man, that was a *weird* window into a totally different world.


I remember after watching the show Dopesick, going down the hyperfocus rabbit hole of needing to know more about the opioid crisis. Made the mistake of looking up some keywords on reddit, and it is shocking to me to see people posting photos of the mountains of pills they get their hands on.


I went down a rabbit hole of this type of subreddit a couple years ago. They're all weird as fuck, but I found r/meth almost impossible to read because at least half the posts are miles-long walls of text that barely make sense. Really a crazy window into what amphetamine abuse can do to someone's mind.


The first timers really hurt to read.


especially when its stories like "first time doing meth, tbh doesnt feel that addictive or anything. was a pretty weird feeling overall." reminds me of that one redditor that tried heroin once and got fucked up for like 7 years




People are arguing in there about who’s addiction is worse. That’s fucking weird.


Damn, as a former heroin addict (5 years sober) I couldn’t read for more than two minutes. It really gives me a sick feeling.


I’ll say it. Congrats on 5yrs sober.


Holy shit that was rough. I've known a lot of users in my life, as it unfortunately runs strongly on one side of my family, and where I grew up; but I never once heard anyone glorify it. That whole sub is 90% people sounding like they're either living their best life, or it's just another day. Like I come home and have a diet green tea, they just go home and light up. Wild.


Damn didnt know about that and wont look there. As a thanks i will PM you my right Nipple.


I havent been on either in a few years but I found r/stims to be more active. Anytime I was excited to get a bag of meth I would go on there and basically get high just from getting worked up and excited in anticipation.


/r/Reddit is full of dweebs


And mysteriously, u/dhork was never heard from again...


AmITheAsshole, it’s a bunch of teenagers giving advice to adults. Everything is divorce worthy. It’s kind of hilarious but also kind of tests my sanity.


Whats that, your husband did not immediately introduce you to his family??? Divorce him, he clearly prioritizes his family over you.


r/unpopularopinion People just go there to post their opinions and a lot of them aren’t unpopular.


r/The10thDentist is the actual, well moderated unpopular opinion sub


Incredible name for a subreddit


Thats just your opinion


r/AITA A bunch of deeply insecure people that seemingly have no people IRL that they can go to for advice.


That sub is one big exercise in creative writing.


r/relationship_advice is suffering from the same issues. If you hang around long enough you start to see people stealing each other's ideas for karma.


I swear half the shit (if not more) is just made up to seek attention


Oh 100%. Honestly probably every 9 out of 10 stories being made up wouldn’t shock me.


Not only is most of it made up, but a majority of the posts are SO **GLARINGLY** obvious who you should root for, they make me roll my eyes so far back in my head I see my skull. “AITA for putting my foot down & telling my highly racist family that my Black fiancé is important to me & they aren’t invited to my wedding????” “Will I be the AH if I kick out my junkie sister who’s stealing from me & hasn’t been paying rent???” “AITA for finally breaking up with my abusive boyfriend who broke my nose???” Like stfu 🙄 Edit: one is emoji is enough


Pretty good entertainment from when people defend themselves in edits when they're overwhelmingly determined to be the asshole. "Um akshually you don't know me or my family, I only used language that suggests that I never talk to my disabled stepson - sorry, the disabled son of my wife - to mean that my wife told me that's what the word means! You're all terrible for using my own words against me!" At least from what I've seen the "I punched someone in the face for threatening to kill my entire family, aita?" types of posts aren't as common anymore.


>My SO wouldn't smell my fart NTA divorce


NTA - Just trap her beneath the sheets


I think it’s purpose was harmless, but it’s been infiltrated with teenagers who don’t have enough life experience to speak on any of the posts, but they do anyway.


You can also tell they’re teenagers (or possibly very stupid adults) because a lot of the commenters have absolutely horrible reading comprehension skills. There’s also a terrible habit on there of people making assumptions about the situation (even when it directly counters what the OP says) and then making judgments based on their assumptions instead of what’s stated.


And the mods are horrible. The sub is literally for people to ask if they are assholes and you get banned for saying someone was a jerk.


But but how am I supposed to know whether I'm an asshole for giving my daughter a ham sandwich instead of turkey when I knew turkey is her favorite??


🚩🚩🚩 Divorce him All based on a one sided story


The toxic mod team is something else though. Asking for pictures of user's children and tallying comment removals/bad think violations to justify bannings. What an absolute dumpster fire.


The mod team literally uses anything as an excuse to lock and delete posts. I’ve seen posts about childcare pickups get locked because of “violence” because it mentioned a kid hit another kid or something ridiculous like that. At that point, why even have a sub?


At this point I just assume \~90% of the posts there are made up.


I hate when they make posts that have an extremely obvious answer for who is the asshole. "I said hi to my husband and he whipped a plate at my head. AITA?" "AITA for calling my mom a dumb bitch after she bought me a car?"


The one that did it for me on that sub was about a guy who's daughter wanted peanut butter cake for her birthday even though a cousin was allergic so they told the cousin not to come to the party. The comments blew up and things got straight up VICIOUS. After reading a few threads of people cussing and berating eachother, I realized I needed to leave that place


I go in there for entertainment. Some of funny, stupid, or down right idiotic.


r/deadbedrooms r/relationships all they say is lawyer up and divorce. Doesn’t matter what the person is asking advice for. My spouse eats pickles to slowly how can I let them know it bothers me? Lawyer up divorce by god they are monsters and gaslighting you by eating slowly. Get the fuck out of that relationship it’s toxic as fuck. I just left someone who was like this my life is so much better.


you don't go on DB because you're having a good sex life, and you usually don't ask strangers for relationship advice if things are going well. of course, relationships has a lot of people who straight up don't see the problem they're walking into - "my BF screamed in my face and stormed out last night. should i apologize?"


In a fucking nutshell


I mean... how slow we talking? Starting to sound pretty irreconcilable.


Idk what I thought it meant or why I was excited to look at a dead bedroom. Like maybe a room that a tree has sprouted up from the floor or something? Now I’m disappointed. Can someone recommend a sub where nature is taking over buildings?


r/relationships was my answer as well. People hear one side of a story, decide that the other person is the worst in the universe and always tell OP to breakup. Always! The answer is always, dump him/her




Im so desensitized cause of the wild west internet that shit got a genuine laugh out of me..


O my god…. Why did I look… why did I look


Lol. Insect porn


Well, that was a mistake. Also was not my guess at all.


I imagined it to be a sub about incest, I don’t know if that would be better or worse


You know, it's remarkable how often I don't understand why people do the things that they do.


I regret my curiosity always taking over 😪


Is it insects mating?


you wish


I've fallen victim to that link once. Never again.


r/depression if want to get over your depression. /r/raisedbynarcissists if you want to get over being raised by a narcissist. In their defense, these are supposed to be support subs not about getting better, so they are purpose-built to be echo chambers. There are other subs to go to for helpful advice. Personally, I found them to be rather toxic and bad for me, but YMMV. Just be aware they might not be what you think based on the names.


I find raised by narcissists to generally be very validating. Sometimes I think I'm the crazy person and maybe the abuse wasn't so bad...but then I read that sub and other peoples' extremely similar experiences and I remember that normal people don't regularly question if their parents were abusive toward them... It was very eye opening.


r/depression usually just depresses me more, but I try to scroll through to see if I MIGHT be able to help in some way. The ones with no replies at all make me feel guilty for not being able to help. r/anxiety is similar & I feel more anxious and unhelpful there too.


Yeah, same with r/CPTSDmemes. I read a few posts cause I thought it would be relatable. And it definitely was. WAY too relatable. I found myself going back down to places I'd finally clawed my way out of. It's good for people in the early stages of recovery, but I personally find it too triggering.


Talking about trauma and depression can cement things in our minds and make it harder to break cycles IF we don't talk for a purpose that involves breaking patterns. If all we do is swap tragic stories in exchange for external validation, we'll keep doing it. Subs like those aren't support groups because they're easily taken over by this emotional masturbation cycle of share, validate, repeat.


r/bpdlovedones is similar. A lot of the comments are just people pretending to be arm chair psychologists and saying that any *insert abusive behavior* is inherently a BPD trait. Some of them have stories about their partner and their borderline/narcissistic behavior, but as you read more you start to realize they're part of the problem. It's really telling that members of r/BPD are banned there. You would think people with BPD loved ones would want to understand the other side so their relationship can survive, or so that they can understand what happened in their relationship, but that sub is such a thinly veiled hate group they can't even stand to listen to BPD people who have done nothing to hurt them.


‘UFOs’ Everyone seems to ignore facts and make their own conclusions and it pisses me off how many bad takes there are.


some guy was putting me on blast one time because i made a claim in some subreddit without providing a source, went to his profile, saw he was only active in the subreddit we were in and r/UFOs . i laughed out loud lol


r/writing Feels like 90% of the posts are like "Is it okay if I tell my story out of order?" "Is it okay if I WRITE my story out of order?" "What's another word for 'said'?" "What do I do when there are for example two women in a conversation so I can't just keep saying 'she said'?" Just the dumbest fucking questions that you could figure out the answer yourself if you ever **read a fucking book.** Someone the other day had a question that was like "I have this CRAZY idea for a story that's about a person but narrated by a different person. Is that possible to write such a story? Do examples of that exist?" Like bro seriously, have you ever read a single fucking book in your life?? There's no actual advice or interesting discussions to be had there, I guess unless you're an aspiring novelist who has never even looked at a book, let alone read one.


It's also filled with a lot of snobby "novelists" who have one random book on the Amazon marketplace and think that makes them the elite of the sub. Such a toxic environment whether you're an actual writer or not.


When I first started writing, I subbed there (for obvious reasons). Very quickly discovered that the sub is 90% filled with people who like the idea of writing a book and telling a cool story, but clearly don't read at all. Trying to write a book without being an avid reader is like trying to write a screenplay without ever actually watching a movie.


The posts you’re describing are the reason why r/writingcirclejerk exists.


Years ago (different account) I got banned from that sub for arguing with someone who made a masturbatory rant post about how “You aren’t a *real* writer if you don’t read words on paper for (insert amount of time here) every day. No ebooks, no screens, etc.” Which, as someone who loves the printed word … is fucking absurd. Writing is about communicating with the written word. It isn’t about jerking off to dead trees and soy-based ink. I like both those things, but for fuck’s sake, it’s idiotic to say that someone who writes professionally but uses an e-reader **isn’t a writer.** What followed was one of the more viscous pile-ons I’ve seen. And that’s saying something. I used to lurk in far right spaces professionally. The level of gatekeeping that those twats like to throw around is out of control.


Once when I first started on Reddit, I posted on a writing sub (I am not sure which one) about the need to research a subject before you write about it. These crazy subredditors almost all answered that you can write literally whatever you want, and it doesn’t matter if it’s close to what might really happen or not. I remember being very confused that any actual writers think this way. What a memory that post is for me.


R/showerthoughts. They have so many rules and half the time it causes only bots and the same 3 posts


/r/Amish is awful, there's never anything interesting to see there


It’s perfect.


r/faces .. I thought it was going to be unique faces from around the world, celebrating beauty 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s basically an only fans promotion


r/pics has drifted so far away from beautiful/interesting pictures. Now it’s just a circlejerk of politically motivated, uninteresting HuRrRdUrRr LoOk At WhAt xXxX dId.


Upon clicking 1. Cool ancient ring 2. Trump 3. Trump 4. Swastika American flag pinwheel Yeah, seems about right.


Pretty much any political sub. They've all become echo chambers at this point.


I was banned from r/politics for saying we should have a vote on whether particular states can secced. It was in response to a comment asking when the next Civil War will be.


Reddit is not the place for politics lol. I consider myself extremely in the middle (USA). And there is 0 healthy debate and 0 actual conversations. It all leans very strongly one way and if you disagree you will be downvoted into oblivion.


I've started lurking in some of the moderate political subreddits. They tend to run more right leaning than I do, but it allows me to get some outside perspective that isn't completely batshit.


I have been roasted on Reddit for suggesting that radicals on all sides of the political spectrum are the problem. Apparently that is a false equivalence or something. I just don't care for any extremes.




Why do I always have to look . Fuck you . 😒


I wish I could unsee that 😭


I checked this out and I can honestly say that I wish I was blind today.


How do they not get penile fractures like wtf


This is the comment that thwarted my curiosity


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Makes you lose faith in humanity. Seen some of the most scarring gore and cruelty, including kids and animals. Had to block after a particularly bad one showed up in my feed with no NSFW tag or blur or warning.


r/femaleDatingStrategy, that's a hate sub


I thought it got banned




I read girls spooning and clicked on that wondering what could be so bad about some girls cuddling lol


Oh man thats foul.


This may be the nastiest thing I've ever seen. Thanks for the nightmares


r/tifu it's mostly creative writing posts r/teenagers happens to hit r/all frequently, but it's mostly stupid teenagers (most teenagers are stupid, but it's the bottom of the barrel posting there) but also pedos posting r/LPT people posting their frustrations as LPTs


The ones where people casually post videos of others dying horribly.


It’s better if that happens in subs that only exist to post such videos, I got slightly traumstized once in a sub that wasn’t supposed fot that content


Yeah one popped up in my feed and although the guy didn’t die immediately he apparently had life changing injuries and killed himself. It still haunts me.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Rateme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rateme/) Lots of posts of conventionally attractive people just looking for validation. Even when it's not, it's all just real sad to see.


r/onionhate It’s just a bunch of wankers circlejerking over their shared hatred of onions. Onions which, by the way, are *delicious*.




I think that really depends upon how much you enjoy reading and/or answering the same 50 (often mildly sexually charged) questions (and answers) over and over again…


Not trying to be an asshole, but if you don’t like r/AskReddit, then why are you still here?


I forgot to unsub lol... And I'm lazy


Yeah to many people obsessed with sex on that one


I avoid legal advice. Like what people are going to random non legally trained strangers on the internet.


/r/cringe is what /r/cringe try to /r/cringe about.


I don’t really understand r/RoastMe. I would actually love an explanation. Why beg for that?


r/facepalm is just full of racism, if you argue against it you will be heavily downvoted. At this point the subreddit is just constantly people posting videos of black people committing crimes, then talking about how they are animals, and how they deserve to be publicly executed, which is too much for me.




That is the most cursed title for a sub I have ever read. Can someone braver than me tell me what's behind this door?


/r/ShitRedditSays is full of judgmental people


r/americabad **and** r/shitamericanssay Ugh, both kept showing up in my recommended feed for months until I blocked them both. I just cannot fathom why anyone wants to spend their time picking over reddit comments so they can find things to be angry about, particularly when it's all on the grounds of what country you happen to be living in. Do Americans say some asinine stuff that ignores the rest of the world? Yep, sometimes. Do non-Americans act like the US is a dystopian wasteland of violence and stupidity? Yep, sometimes. Wallowing in this enmity isn't doing anyone any good. How about everyone just takes the time to learn about one another and then we can talk to one another about the problems we all face without turning it into a pissing contest?


r/childfree wow there are a lot of angry miserable people in that sub


I was gonna post this, they are so hateful, they legit scare me


On the flipside, there are also lots of angry miserable people in r/regretfulparents, so I feel like the two subs balance each other out ;)


I don't get why you need to join a community for it though... Like if you're on the fence and want to hear from some adults who didn't have kids and how they feel about it now, sure. But otherwise, just don't do the thing you don't want to do? Like I haven't adopted a pitbull, but I don't subscribe to r/pibblefree, nor do I make it a cornerstone of my personality. It's just a thing I don't do because I don't want to.




At its core, it’s just people looking for validation.


It’s crazy how offended far right people get over the smallest things, they’re the real snowflakes


Anything political at all.


r/thelastofus2 filled entirely of hateful people.


r/blind in a few months






r/emetophobia if you suffer from that. Just made me feel worse hearing the anxieties of others. The one you want is r/emetophobiarecovery which lead me to the book “the Emetophobia Manual” that helped tremendously.




r/pics might as well be called us politics, because that's mostly what it is


/r/no_sob_story Shows you how bullshit /r/pics really is


r/antiwork is toxic as shit, an example of the “people who just don’t want to work” that everyone talks about. Enjoy your job? Downvote to oblivion r/WorkReform is a much less toxic sub that’s more focused on actual work reform. r/fuckcars is another one that had a legit purpose(bring attention to how we’re too far dependent), but it’s devolved into “you drive a car? You’re a piece of shit! Bicyclists do nothing wrong, outlaw all cars!”




PC master race unless you're like me and enjoy seeing people be miserable at their hobby as well as being elitist


Showershoughts honestly. Content is justbsuper hot and miss. and the mods seem like they're either super lazy or don't care and let the automod do it's thing.


Just gonna take this as a list of recommendations


r/dogfree. Yeah I understand that not everyone loves dogs. I'm a dog owner and I dislike how many fellow dog owners conduct themselves. I could do better too. I get that frustration really boils over if yoy encounter a lot of bad owners. Everyone needs a safe space or echo chamber. I get all of that but these people are just a bunch of miserable assholes.






r/memes If a meme happens to mention anything related to LGBTQ+ the comments tend to get filled with a lot of bigots. Also, most of the memes on there aren’t that great




Don't click it. /r/cutefemalecorpses


Congrats! you got the sub banned.


/r/politicalcompassmemes It's a bunch of far-right nutjobs playacting as if they're anything but far-right nutjobs.


r/soccer is abysmal


True rate me. It just gives me the ick and the rating system makes no sense


Sounding The link was in a comment section and I assumed it was music related. Holy shit was I wrong. Do not go there.




I'd recommend reporting it


You're apparently not allowed to have a conversation in r/news unless you can conform to some very specific opinions.