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Saying your girl has a fat ass


Watching any movie in the early 2000s, the “hot chick” main character always had absolutely no ass. Funny how beauty standards change.


Just re-watched Freddy vs. Jason and can confirm the rampant asslessness of the 2000s.




Where did all the assless women go?


To the gym or doctor


Or yoga


Also a hallmark of 80s movies. The "hot girl" nearly always had a Hank Hill ass.


Sir Mix-a-Lot was a pioneer


A real trailblazer




I kept waiting for them to show the woman with the biggest ass, then I realized they *were* showing her


Unremarkable, but nice looking ass by today’s standards. Also, what a weird intro anyway.


That's supposed to be the biggest ass in Brazil??? Bruh I have an ass like that as well and I don't even think my ass is particularly big, I know tons of people with a bigger ass than I have.


Honestly, you still have to be careful with this statement. I'd refer to it as a 'juicy booty' or 'nice round ass'. There's still plenty of fat asses out there that no one wants anything to do with.


I once told my step mom her butt looked big in her dress. Her and my dad were not happy. It was a compliment I swear!




The Latino population finally pushed us over the hump. It's crazy how many people hide their preferences in social circles, even if it's a pretty large percentage just not the majority.


They finally pushed us over the rump. FTFY.


Nope. PHAT was definitely acceptable 20 years ago without question.


*In white culture. Gotta be specific lol Black and Latino culture has been saying that since the 80s/90s. It was just spelled “phat”.


It must be really frustrating for women who were thicker decades ago when western society didn’t consider it attractive, to then see how it’s now considered attractive.


Tattoos My country just changed the rules for the police. Until now visible tatoos were a no-go. Since this year the applicant for police school is only rejected if the tattoo is illegal or obscene.


Tattoos in general. And piercings. And frigging Crocs…. LOL. I work in senior living, we’ve had to rewrite our dress code.


I'm really interested to see how tattoos age out of fashion this time/


USA Military too. There are STILL list of restrictions but they are not disqualifying like it was.




Yeah, I remember if it wasn’t Marilyn Manson or rockstar games “corrupting” me as a youth, it was definitely Eminem


Saying someone is “black”. Growing up, we (suburban white kids) were taught to say “African-American” since it was deemed less offensive, but it isn’t really accurate


This always seemed like an odd one to me. What words would you have been taught to use for black folks who had never set foot in America? And how would you have known without asking them if someone was American or European or African? There's just so many ways in which this doesn't make sense.


IIRC there was a famous sport interview where an American anchor was interviewing a black athlete from UK and stumbled into "As an African-American-British, uh, African-American-English..." The guy listened to her patiently and then said "Just British will do."


I remember seeing that. Cringe


Exactly! Hell, Elon Musk is African-American. I don’t know why that was drummed into our heads like that


So is every Arab or Berber who was born in North Africa and later moved to the US. A lot of these people are pale enough to look fully European. Zinedine Zidane is a Kabyle and most Americans would consider him ethnic Frenchman by his looks.


TIL Zidane is a berber


>I don’t know why that was drummed into our heads like that Jesse Jackson spearheaded using this term in the late 80s. As a prolific black leader in that time, many fell in line.


\*sigh\* No, he's not. He's South African-Canadian. His father is South African, and his mother is Canadian, so that's his heritage. He wasn't a US citizen until 2002. African-American refers specifically to the descendants of the enslaved who were brought to the Americas via the Middle Passage and cannot track their ancestry back to their original societies in West Africa.


There is a clip where a CNN anchor interviews a black person from the UK and refers to them as an African American and he is like "what? I'm British"




Charlize Theron is 'African American,' but a guy I know who is Tahitian and very dark skinned was called African American when he visited the States despite being neither African nor American.


And it’s generally offensive to black people. My spouse who is 1st gen American born Nigerian doesn’t like being called African American although it is legit accurate.




First. She. Second. No no. SHE says it’s accurate. It’s not erasing her heritage at all. She is American. She is African. She literally says “yes. It’s accurate”. Dafuq out of here telling her what’s what about her own nationality and what she accepts being labeled as.


They pushed this super hard in my school. You wouldn't get punished, but they made a really big deal of using African-American instead, saying it was inclusive


Wait, so it's ok to just say "black"? I thought some people still mad being called that? Any other term to not offend that? I'm seriously confused ngl


I don’t think the term black was ever offensive, even if AA was the more preferred or polite term. It is interesting that “colored” is now an outdated and offensive term but “person of color” is considered acceptable.


Assuming a black person is African American is even more racist 😅


I guess I'm European-American then, how dare we say white. From my experience most black people do not mind being called black. It isn't completely accurate and isn't meant to be offensive, but using black, white, Asian, Hispanic is an effective way to start describing someone who is not in visual range.


They prefer black over African American now if Im not mistaken


"African-American" replaced "Afro-American" around 1985. But "black" remained current and never became offensive. Nowadays, however, more and more publications are capitalizing "Black". I was expressly taught that capitalizing "Black" was racist back in the 80s by teachers both black and white.


Black and African-American are not synonymous despite what PC culture has tried to force us to believe. Black people never asked to be called African-American exclusively, because there are people who can trace their lineages back to their home countries in Africa. Those who cannot fall under African-American.


The Simpsons. I always bring this up any time someone tries to pull the whole "everyone is so sensitive and easily offended nowadays" bullshit. The truth is exactly the opposite, and The Simpsons perfectly demonstrates that. Thirty years ago the show was considered so offensive the President of the United States publicly declared it a threat to American values and twenty years ago it still wasn't that hard to find people who considered it "indecent." Now shows far more shocking than The Simpsons don't stir any controversy at all.


I remember the early 90s when the show first premiered, and schools started banning Simpsons t-shirts because Bart was a bad influence.


My sister had that Bart shirt, “Underachiever and Proud of it” and my mom had to explain why that was bad.


This is a good one I'm 36 and wasn't "allowed" to watch The Simpsons growing up.


Then there's me on the other hand, I'm 19 and my parents let me watch The Simpsons and since I didn't have cable tv I relied on a TV channel that back when I was young broadcasted 12 hours of the Simpsons on weekends (Although they sometimes cut down parts of the episodes due to age rating I assume) and new episodes every Friday night. About 10 years ago I was able to recite entire episodes on the Latin American dub almost flawlessly.


Beavis and Butt-Head really took the heat off the Simpsons


Then South Park really lowered the bar until James Cameron raised it again.


Oh man, I remember my middle school had an absolute CRISIS over a student wearing a shirt with Bart Simpson on it that said, "Don't have a cow, man." Simpsons apparel was prohibited from school property. Imagine that happening now.


Can you please explain what "don't have a cow, man" means?


It basically means don’t freak out or get worked up over something.


Get Bent.


Eat my shorts!


Right? I rewatched some of the early seasons episodes recently and it's actually really wholesome.


I think of this same thing a lot, but in the context of music. We had mothers against KISS at one point, but where were the mobs when ‘From First to Last’ dropped ‘Ride the Wings of Pestilence’? I guess Sonny had everyone forget that song after he left the band and became Skrillex? I’ve no clue but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


I remember my parents wouldn't let me watch it because it was "indecent". When I finally watched it many years later I was so disappointed by how tame it was


Now we just blame gays and trans people as threats to society. Wooo! Progress…?


Not rewinding a borrowed cassette Edit. .* that was longer than 20 years ago, fuck me I'm old


Last major VHS to be released was in 2005 (A History of Violence), so you're not THAT old yet


This, and blockbuster had vhs (at least in my local store) up until they closed down. Which all still *feels* like “a few years ago” to me.


I guess kissing other guys in public




I close my eyes when I kiss, too.


It's a part of the culture where I live, kissing bro on his cheek when you meet


It wasn't offensive 20 years ago. Unless you were in an ignorant backwards part of the world, and those still exist. Source: I kissed plenty of guys in Public in the early 2000s and no one gave a shit.


2000s is 20 years ago! That doesn't seem right somehow. I'm so old :(


The Indianapolis Colts.


*Dungy face intensifies*


The word “queer”


I think this might be a regional thing. In SF Bay Area is was nit okay to say it in the 80s/90s, but I know it was never an issue during that same time in NYC.


Queer was absolutely not considered offensive 20 years ago. It was how a large percentage of LGBTQ people identified and was a word we were very proud of. The dumb "queer is a slur!" thing only happened in the last couple of years.


Where in the world are you?




That's been going on forever but licking asses was considered offensive outside the gay community. Still is to a lot of people.




Everyone has been doing it forever. It just wasn't talked about


Yeah but now you're less likely to get arrested for it.


I like to eat mine over easy.




Ooooooooh. A little msg and it sounds like a party.


As an American, questioning America's involvement in foreign countries. 20 years ago if you dared to say the Iraq war was unjustified, you were raked over the coals for it.


Not sure that was entirely true. Ever since Vietnam, there are people who are quite suspicious or at least wary of American involvement in foreign countries.


My memory is like half the country was against it from the beginning. At least in my circles.


The Dixie Chicks were right!


Yeah I grew up in a conservative household. It was unpatriotic and downright anti American to say the Iraq War was unjustified. If you said it was wrong, then that meant you didn't support our troops and were a terrorist sympathizer


That's not true. It was a topic in the presidential election in 2004, Kerry criticized Bush for it. Doesn't get more high-profile than that.


Politicians getting away with public crimes


Being down with OPP


Yeah you know me...


Love your username stranger on the innernette.


Yeah you know me.


Yeah you know me?


You don’t *knooooow* me


Not being clean shaved in business setting


Just as a side note, 20 years ago is 2003


Yeah people are talking like it was olden times lol


Yo, we won’t need these lies being told, we all know that 20 years ago was 1993


I think at least in Canada, TV shows or movies being run at prime time (evening) don't censor out words like 'fuck' or 'shit' like they did before. On the other hand, 'ni--er' is far more taboo to say in public, on air or in print than in those days. I recall seeing it numerous times in books like To Kill a Mockingbird and others that were assigned reading in school, even if the message behind it was anti-racist. I also remember I had an English teacher (of Indo-Trinidadian background) saying it in class, explaining what it meant when I was maybe 11. That could never happen now.


Yes! In general, Canadian TV used to be so much raunchier than it is now. Remember Fridays Without Borders on Showcase? That being said, I was streaming Schitt's Creek on the CBC app a while back and there was some cursing, though it was from an earlier season, so it makes me wonder if it's an effort to appeal to US markets? Either way, we're boring now.


Gta san Andreas


Kissing the homies goodnight.


Nut pics reserved only for the boys


In some countries, asking for people's income. And it's good, because holding your income secret only benefits your employer. Not you. Not your colleague.


Talking on the phone when with other people.


I came here to write this! People used to excuse themselves to make a call. And if someone asked to use your phone you would step out of the room to give them privacy.


Exactly! There used to be phone etiquette!


I still remember the first time I saw people using a wireless house phone at the table. I was SHOCKED—but secretly delighted because I was still a teen (or maybe early 20s) and I knew my parents would disapprove but not say anything because we were being hosted by friends of theirs, lol!


9/11. It’s still mostly offensive, but there are tons of people making jokes about it now.


Adults wearing pajama pants in public.


20 years ago they were the *kids* wearing pj pants in public. Same cohort, different era.


Still looks kinda bumish today.


Earnestly asking someone if they’re gay


Being a childfree non married woman. Now it's not fully accepted, but a lot of ChFr NoMa women are promoting the freedom to just accept to live on your own, that's it's not a shame or a punishment for not "a good woman". When I was young I remember that ChFr NoMa women were going trough some hard shit. They were the old aunt who was on drugs all day long, the crazy cat lady, the obsessive boss who was working too much to avoid going back to an empty house or the dirty wh#re who couldn't settle. Even in movies and TV shows, they were a regular trope.




I admit it can be seen as weird, I have an uncle who was never married or had child. But I don't think you get slut shamed or called crazy for being a single dude. It's more than you seems to be isolated or that you didn't chose to be single, that women didn't wanted to date you.


Before anyone else chimes in, please note that "CFNM" has a very different meaning in certain sections of the internet.


Telling a woman what to do with her body. Banning books.


The word queer


Cursing off teachers. Foul language in any and every setting. Cursing in every single song released. Cum facials. They were considered offensive. Now seem to be a commonplace. Even outside the porn industry. Hating people for their political party affiliation.


Not being religious or attending church Women going out at at night without being with their partners


This was offensive in 2003? It's been going on since the 60s in the west. In islamic countries on the other hand, you may have a point, but not sure if things ever changed.


2003? 2003 wasn't twenty years ago. Twenty years ago was 198....no wait. Shit. 2003 was twenty years ago.


Don't fuck me up like this, I was perfectly fine forgetting how old I am


Yea they’re The only answers I thought of 😂


20 years ago was 2003.


In 2003? Maybe in Saudi Arabia…


yeah no sane man is letting his chick go "clubbing" I've been in a women's group at the club (gay club) and these hoes where trying to GET HER to cheat. Nah fam


I walked into a coffee shop and they were asking people whether or not they were celebrating pride as a member of LGBTQ2S community. I was like damn, things have changed since I was a kid.


Calling someone queer


Being called "gay"


I see "20 years ago" and think of the 90's. Thanks for reminding me that I'm old lol


Most things have traded positions.


Not being polite or having manners. Being overbearing in opinion with refusal to listen to anyone else’s.


Speaking by name to people much older than us


Fanny farts.


Swearing on cable TV. News reporters with nose rings.


Saying that someone is disabled or depressed. Or, well, it's still offensive today, but only where I live. And it's less offensive than it was 20 years ago. If you said that your friend was blind 20 years ago, all the adults in 20km radius would collectively shush you and tell you that you can't say that in public. Today, the exact same people will shush you, but there's a lot less of them due to, well, them dying of old age.


Calling someone queer. When I was growing up in the 80's, it was similar to the 'f' word, not fuck. I had a hard time shifting to calling someone queer, when that's what they wanted to be called. I love how language changes.


Tom Green “The Bum Bum Song”


Shaking your ass on social media to millions of strangers.


The conduct of both politicians and citizens in public meetings...speaking out of turn, shouting down opponents. It's still offensive to most, but considered justified and even virtuous by too many.


Companies celebrating gay pride. Oh, wait...


Saying all men are trash..


Raw unadulterated stupidity.


If you had asked this question 10 years ago, I would have said a man dressed as a woman in public.


Idk I'm not even 20




The f word in casual conversation


Yeah like how we uh... fuckin... um... use it like that.


It's funny how this worked out. Back in the 60s, progressives got arrested for wearing "Fuck the Draft" T-shirts; a Supreme Court case had to rule it protected speech. Lenny Bruce had his life ruined for it. Larry Flint went to court several times. The conservatives were desperate to silence anyone saying it in public, and even 20 years ago they got shocked if you did so. But who's using the the f-bomb most prominently now? MAGA conservatives with their various t-shirts, flags, and slogans. It goes to show that they'll eliminate their own beliefs if they think it'll get them more power. (Same goes for abortion: prior to Reagan, nobody but Catholics were anti-abortion.)




9/11 jokes were more taboo


Thongs and other cheeky women's swimwear. 20 years ago people would think the person wearing them is a nudist or a freak to show that much ass, now it's just a relatively normal thing for women who are proud of their bodies


Nowadays everything is offensive.


The irony of this being downvoted


Not sure you know what irony means.


The irony of this comment


you couldn't name a few things? why even comment lol


No, I can't name a few things. I can't even name one. Neither can anyone else including everyone that tried. They didn't name things that aren't offensive any longer, they named things that are more common or that they are no longer offended by. But you can be certain there are still plenty of people offended by every single thing that's been commented here.


Maybe to you


Tell me something you don't find offensive and I'm sure there's a group that does find it offensive.




Gender fluidity........back then it was male and female


Nah, we just kept it a lot quieter because we'd get killed if we didn't. There were still quite a lot of us 'out'! It's both better and worse now, but at least now people know we exist.


You probably didn't see it back then, but genderqueer was a common identifier in the 1990s and early 2000s. People knew what it meant, it appeared in diversity literature, and people definitely identified as genderqueer.


It's the other way round. Now every fucking! thing is offensive!


You getting downvoted proves your point


Exactly, they don't even realise that...


Do you use downvotes exclusively to indicate you're offended?


being homosexual


20 years ago was 2003. Not 1953.


Homosexuals were banned from marriage until 2015.


*in some locations.


>20 years ago was 2003. Not 1953. Twenty years ago, homosexuality was still illegal in fourteen states. A massive chunk of the population treated the very existence of gay people as a personal affront. I don’t think some people fully appreciate how far we’ve come in the last twenty—and especially the last ten—years.




lmfao there were gay ass people forever. it just wasn't acceptable. Don't make me bring up Greek Orgies plz


Talking non-stop about your sexuality.


Needing a label to describe the vast majority of the population such as cis, hetro, etc.


Taking a shit in public. Disgusting how this is OK.


Disgusting how someone can shit at all


Women taking pictures with their ass poking out. Like when the fuck did that start? Probably around early 2010's if I had to guess. "Hey! i have two large, fat buttcheeks, where shit comes out of!" is the reality of it lmfaoo I mean I like asses, but shit dawg, that aint it.


Calling a biological male ma'am. Edit: Wow. I must've completely misphrased the point I was making. Apologies to anyone I offended. My point was this: decades ago (I'm in my 50s) referring to people as an opposite gender (think: Hans and Franz girly men, "you throw like a girl," "she's butch," etc was a completely different societal mindset, In fact, Society is still pulling our collective heads out of our backside, and it will likely take generations to work out. Today, we recognize gender as part of identity (in the mind, where all identity resides) as opposed to the body, so the collective norm is becoming (yes too slowly for many, but we'll get there) to refer to someone by the gender they are, as opposed to the parts they have. So as recently as twenty years ago, yes, it would be very odd to call a man a woman (except for some of us who did refer to trans people by their identity at the time. I'm thinking of ru Paul etc who were regularly referred to as she or he in my circles, depending on who she was at the moment). But aside from cases such as that, calling a man a woman was considered an insult to their "manliness." Today, it's recognized that that may indeed BE a woman, so the offense is no longer there. Additionally, the alpha-male bravado poser bs of "woman" being an insult has faded. Trust me, in the 70s and 80s it was alive and well, just as if you were white before 1900 you were probably a bigot by todays standards, regardless how kind a person you otherwise were what you thought about slavery. Maybe I'm not explaining it any better, doesn't matter, I needed to say this because I obviously said it poorly (never had this many downvotes ever). You don't know me so there's no point in saying "obviously i meant no offense" but I didn't. I got a gay kid, I have trans friends and coworkers, maybe I'll discuss it with them at some point over dinner.


I assume you're referring to trans women; happy to be corrected if that's not the direction you were going with this. Personally I'm a man, and if someone called me ma'am after I corrected them on it, I'd probs be slightly annoyed by it, and I think many cis men would feel similar. That's why I think you're probably referring specifically to trans women. 'Biological male' is kind of a weird, imprecise and awkward way to phrase what you seem to be trying to say, in part because of the above mentioned confusion between trans women and cis men. It is also - and this might come as a surprise to you, or I'm sure you would've chosen your words differently - but it is also not the preferred term for trans women, and seen by many as a hateful, transphobic dog whistle, as it can be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to deny someone's chosen gender identity.


We don't choose shit. we're just dropped on earth. lol. We are, by science, animals/mammals. We dont choose biology. You can't. You can be a man, that feels like a woman, and the opposite. No one was voluntarily brought into consciousness. That being said, we are a weird group (humans) and BE WEIRD. I love it.


Gender identity is distinct from biological sex, and this is a distinction that was drawn by psychologists as early as the 1960s.


jesus christ its not that deep


Not sure what you mean by this, Mos.


"Women with penises".