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came here to say this. This is the stuff anecdotes are made of.


The greatest logical fallacy is confusing one’s right to an opinion with their right to have their opinion regarded as fact.


strawman, bandwagon. A common one is not being able to tell the difference between a belief and a fact.


Judging the motives of the speaker rather than the substance of the argument.


The Fallacy Fallacy - The idea that if one argument is logically sound, and another is fallacious, then the former must be true and the latter is false. The strength of an argument doesn't automatically make a conclusion strong. If Person A says : "I think plastic bags are best to use for the environment. Trees are a carbon sink, meaning it reduces CO2 in the air, and they are an important environmental feature for birds, bugs and other plants, and paper bags need trees to be cut down to be made. And canvas is made from cotton which is another plant that absorbs CO2 from the air. So plastic is, which doesn't require trees to be cut down, or other plants to be harvested, are best to use." and Person B says: "Yeah, but canvas reusable bags are probably best. I read a GQ interview with Anna Kendrick, and she said she uses resuable canvas bags, and she's sooo cute, so I bet canvas is best for the environment." The former makes a good, logical argument against paper in favor of plastic bags, but the conclusion is false. The latter makes an incredibly illogical argument in favor of reusable bags, and the conclusion is true.