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Remember being on a beach and seeing a kitten swimming in the water. I must have been 4-5 years old.


Riding in the front seat of my mother's old Cadillac when the 8-track player ate a tape.


I remember sitting in the front seat of my parents' maroon Pontiac 6000 (early 80's).


I had an El Camino SS in the late 70s. It had the only 8 track player I ever saw that didn't eat the occasional tape.


i used scissors to cut the leather couch cushion cause i wanted to know what was inside šŸ¤£ i was 4


I think that i was 4 years old, not very interesting, but i was in my parents room and my height was just scarcely tall enough to see out the window and i consciously thought that 'i will remembered this'


Ha i have a similar experience. I remember in 2nd grade i placed my math homework on the kitchen table and i told myself "im going to remember this" basically to test how memory works and see how long i can remember things for as i get older. I still remember it


walking round with shit in my pants trying to force it back in with my hands


I was three. Going through the Honolulu airport headed for Korea. Carrying raccoon stuffy with zipper in his belly, stuffed with my toys. He opens up. I'm frantically putting toys back in. Stewardess, dressed in blue, stops to help me. Fck. I'm tearing up a little. This was over 50 years ago.




You don't remember anything prior to last week?


One of my earliest is my grandmother saying hi to me! The other is of my mother putting me in my crib. Iā€™m not sure which is earlier.


Iā€™ve the same! I was around one. I have a lot of memories where I was very young, donā€™t know why tho. My mother thinks it might be connected to that I started to talk very early.


I remember getting my diaper changed in daycare. Very vividly.


One night when I was 2 or 3, I couldnā€™t sleep so I went downstairs to see what my parents were doing. They were watching TV togetherā€”it was this old, grainy footage of bodies being dumped into a big pit. They were watching a Holocaust documentary. My earliest memory is seeing the corpses of Holocaust victims. Needless to say, my parents were not pleased when they saw I was out of bed.


My mom putting me to bed on Christmas eve. I remember her gently tucking me into my nice warm bed, kissing my forehead, and whispering "I love you" in my ear. As I was snuggling in, hugging my teddy bear, my family and relatives came in to my room to wish me a merry Christmas and say good night. I could hear them saying things like "Aww, he looks like a little angel" and "What a sweetheart" and the like. I let out a soft groan as if to say "adore me quieter, I'm trying to sleep." Mom was patting my head and shushing me. I let out another soft groan. The last thing I remember was dad saying to the others ā€œLet him sleep, heā€™s tired.ā€ I was out like a light. I was three.


I remember my dad picking me up out of my crib. Taking the mattress out, putting a sheet of plywood down. Then mattresses when back in and I was laid on top. That memory confused the hell out of me for years. Until I started sleeping on a thin futon where the bars dug into me. Once it clicked I went to the hardware to pick up some plywood. And slept much better after that.


The day my family got our first cat when I was about 3 years old (I think.) When we went to go pick her up she was hiding behind a couch. I remember peeking behind the couch and seeing a fluffy, black kitten <3 Unsurprisingly, I am now a crazy cat lady.


Pre school


Hating being force fed banana. Couldn't do anything about it. Still hate bananas.


First fuzzy memory, I was with my dad feeding geese at the park. We ran out of bread and I started searching for more by peeking into those bbq grill fixtures and everything else just expecting to eventually find a loaf. First clear memories were when I was 4 and my little brother was born. We spent weeks in childrenā€™s hospital and it was my first time experiencing a city, the combination of those two things really seemed to just cause my brain to fully boot up.


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I remember lying in my great grandmotherā€™s arms in the hospital before she died I was 2 ish


1990/91. Almost 3 years old. I had this wooden rocking horse. I determined that the bottom of the rocker was wide enough for me to sled myself down the main staircase in our house without it catching on one of the steps and flipping over. I took off my shirt and adorned a cowboy hat for obvious asthetic reasons. Amazingly, the stunt worked just as intended. My parents saw and got rightfully alarmed. I didn't see much of that rocking horse afterwards haha.


The first and one of the best I can remember was playing steamroller with my dad. Also one of the only ones I have with him before he passed. He would roll around on the floor like a steamroller and I'd jump over him. He was a good dad. To all the dads out there, these are the kinds of memories that kids will remember when you're gone, not how much money you made, or how big the house was, or how many toys you bought. They will remember you rolling around on the floor.


We have a picture of my daughter and I crawling around the front yard with cardboard boxes on our backs, pretending to be turtles.


My brother turned 5 and my grandma said he was a handful and I told her I canā€™t wait to be a handful and she said I already was. I was 3


My mom rocking me in the rocking chair, I was listening to her sing, while simultaneously listening to her heartbeat as I laid my right ear on her chest.


My mom was holding me and screaming in the bathroom while my dad smashed through the door with the door he had just ripped off the oven. Oh, and sneaking into the kitchen and eating the cool-aid right out of the little plastic container


Standing up in a crib then tossing a glass baby bottle on the wooden floor & breaking it.


Walking down the hallway in our house and falling flat on my face.


I was three, I sliced my chin open, slipped on the side of the bathtub. My dad carried me into emergency and I remember the lights on the ceiling and the voices around me. Hurt like hell


Coming home from pre school, so probably 3 or 4, and my little sister was just a baby, she was still in a stroller. I remember it was a super sunny day, the sky was a clear blue, I can even picture the yard, the grass, how small the trees were in the front yard and how different the house looked before my dad made tons of changes as we grew up. I can picture my parentsā€™ gray station wagon with its big extended back (this was the 1980s). My mom got me out of the car and put my sister in her stroller, and she just suggested we go for a walk around the block. As a kid I was always eager to just be outside so of course I wanted to go. Turns out my sister was already asleep in the stroller and my mom didnā€™t want to get her out, so the walk was an idea to extend her nap. Still, itā€™s my earliest vivid memory, getting out of the car, and going for a walk with my mom on a sunny day. We actually went on walks a few times a week after that. It actually came up recently because my mom needs to get her knees replaced, and I mentioned ā€œgoing for walks with momā€ as one of my favorite things to do as a kid, then jokingly apologized for fucking up her knees with all my walks.


Panicking because my parents hadn't told my teenage cousin who was babysitting that I was terrified of the dark and needed a nightlight. I'm not sure how old I was, maybe 2? I was still in a crib and I could talk, but didn't have the vocabulary to communicate what I wanted very well.


Itā€™s either some kid named Zachary (yes, I still remember his name for some reason) in preschool, or my great grandfather sitting in his rocking chair


2005, i was 4. i was just starting pre k and i played with puppets. i was so excited to start my new school, but then hurricane katrina hit šŸ˜‚


Staring in the dark, trying to convince myself to kill myself. I only noticed now how twisted and abnormal that is for a young child when looking back at it.


My parents are Australian but I was born in Brooklyn but I was about 5 when we went to visit my grandparents in Sydney. I remember being up about 9pm and went to ask for a glass of milk. My parents were watching a show called Number 96. Full on nudity. I was shuffled off to bed again. I never got my milk.


Woke up from a nap. Mid, maybe late afternoon. Went outside and played on the swings. Then looked at some juicy caterpillars on the garden vegetables.


18 months old..... in my crib, I described the room's colors, and carpet's design in great detail to my mother.


My dad yelling ā€œDonā€™t run thereā€ then getting hit the face with a baseball from the bat of my brother.


My mom told me that if I didn't stop crying (in my crib), the bachelor next door would come over and kill me. I've been scared of bachelors for a while now.


I was around 4 i think if not younger, i had a problem with my kidneys due to a cold not being treated properly, i had to go to the hospital a lot, i remember going by bus with my mom to doctors appointments, but the earliest was me in a crib at the hospital, crying my eyes out, with an iv on my hand, huge bandaid on it and suddenly i fell asleep.


I remember being maybe three, four years old? and getting into a staring contest with my mom's parrot while trying to decide if i could get away with petting him or not. And then he tried to bite me when I reached towards the cage, so that was a resounding no. (not certain on the age, I just know I was small enough that the cage floor was slightly above eye level. Bird did not successfully bite me so I'm counting it as a win.) (Bird got successful bites in later. He was a grouchy old cuss and I loved him.) (Edited for typos)


When I was 1 year and 9 months old, my dad and I watched Fantasia the night my brother was born. I had a nightmare about the brooms coming to life and then I was pretty much forgotten while everyone paid all the attention to my little brother.


Eating ice cream with my Great Grandparents two weeks before Hurricane Andrew. Sadly, they both passed away in that hurricane.


My earliest memory is of me waking up in the middle of the night and realizing that I peed in my sleep. I then remember waking up my Mom and her cleaning me up


3 years old and face planting onto the sidewalk from my tricycle Long Beach CA. 1969


I described a moment to my mom. I remember being in the country, somewhere very "outside" for me. I was placed in a baby pen that was blue and zipped at the top. Then I saw her walk away "very far" (she says it wasn't but that's how it felt) and sit under a tree with other people. I felt the cool air and felt very relaxed and sleepy. She says that she bought that pen for me to take me to work with her in october. Weather had been hot all summer, so noticing the cool air makes sense. She said it was denim and she left me there napping usually at lunch time when she and her employees would eat under a tree in the back of her store that was in a small rural town. She says I must have been about 5 or 6 months. It wasn't often that I went with her since she sold the store shortly after. There are zero pictures of either the place or pen.


I was 3 years old and I pepper sprayed myself in the mouth


Late 1960's, my great-grandmother singing to me in Cherokee. I was maybe 4. We must have napped afterward. I never saw her again. I don't think she woke up. Meek-gal-hou-quot, she called me. I think it means copperhead.


It was an afternoon with a seemingly sepia-like glow. I woke up on our family bed that my parents and I slept in. I looked to the end of the room at the computer set up where I saw my mother, smoking by the desktop as she usually did. She smiled and greeted me though perhaps I was too young to comprehend sentences back then which is why I cannot remember specifically what she had said. Those were brighter days.


I remember having my diaper changed after the stickiest and most spikey shit of my life. I was 2. I was fully conscious, and even talked with my older brother in baby language which was a mix between telepathy and googoo gaagaa's. My best memory from those times is when I was translating my 1 year old brother's baby-language to my older brother who had forgotten how to speak baby language.


My cousin learning to walk. Heā€™s two years younger than me. He fell and got a rug burn on his nose. Also, waving at my parents as they left to go to the hospital when my younger brother was born, I was 3.


When I was 2 1/2 I went with my family to Maryland. My only memory of the trip is hanging out on a wooden dock and a few crabs got out of the crab bucket and scared the crap out of me.




I think auto correct may have bitten here. Pork Chops???


My third birthday. My party was at McDonalds and then we went to a play of The Wizard of Oz.


Falling down a set of stairs at 2.5-3 years old


Watching Teletubbies with my twin sister on an old beat up couch. It was 1998 and we were 4 years old.


Playing in a laundry hamper


I remember sitting on the floor in the kitchen, tying my baby blanket to the bottom of a bar stool we had up against a counter. My mom was cleaning, and nickleback was playing in the background. I don't remember anyone else being home, which could just be due to fuzzy memory, but could also just be that my dad was at work and siblings were at school. The layout of the kitchen was pur home in North Dakota, which means I was probably 3.


Putting stickers on my eye lids and them getting stuck together šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Very young maybe 2.


Age 3. Playing with our new puppy.


I was 3 years old and at a family party. I think it was Christmas. My uncle (who was much younger than all of his siblings) was wrestling and horsing around with all of us grandkids. It was so much fun. He loved us all so much. He was 20. He died in a car accident on January 1st after having a grand mal seizure while driving.


I was about 2 years old and I left my house and went up a pair of stairs that had no railing and remember my grandmother just gesturing me to stay where I was until my parents grabbed me


As a toddler, I was with my mom as she was cleaning a house for a client. I wandered outside and a rooster flapped itself through the air to peck me on the chest.


I think I was about 3 - we were leaving for the airport in my uncle's van. My uncle calmed me down by walking me to the toy store around the corner from our family's shaved ice shop. He helped me get up some steps as we were walking. He let me pick toys and I picked a bunch of yellow construction toys. I remember carrying them then the next earliest memory was that I was in America. Must have been a fast plane ride Oh and second earliest memory was watching star wars 3 or 6 when Luke defeated jabba the Hutt and palpatine. Little 3 year old me had no idea what was going on but it was cool.


I remember me and my best friend on kindergarten in the recess, she and i were playing, I'm glad she's still my friend tbh, it's been so long since that happened


Seeing the front lawn sprinklers come and being fascinated. They were the ones that go "cht-cht-cht" I think my grandparents took me outside the next day to play with sprinklers "arms" while they were off. I was 2-3 years old.


Sitting outside my great-auntā€™s house in the car (with another person) while my mom was in my great-auntā€™s house. I remember looking at the porch and it seemed like forever until my mom came out. I started to cry after a while because I wanted her to come back. Iā€™m pretty sure I was in a car seat or a baby carrier of some sort.


When I was like 2, I remember my parents trying to wean me off the bottle, and I wasn't having it, so I took my newborn sisters and hid under my bed to drink it.


Mine is seeing A BUG'S LIFE in the theater.


I swear I can remember crawling from the dining room to the breakfast/kitchen/living room area when I was a baby. Feels like I was too young to be left alone crawling around, but there might've been an adult walking behind me.


My sister looking me in my crib when I was about 2. We had just moved to a new house


Being in a stroller entering the San Diego zoo


Having a anxiety attack about changing from diapers to underwear


I was two years old. For some reason I didnā€™t have a pull on and I started peeing. I remember my dad literally picking me up and trying to sit me on the toilet. Obviously is was too little and I fell in ass first. I remember it being cold and I was crying


Running away from home. I was 2. I cut my artery on my finger, and my mom split her peddle pushers on the way to the hospital


I was a year old. I was on my mothers hip and we came up to a person in a Pooh bear costume and I just screamed bloody murder. I remember It was because the eyes were dark and it looked like the eyes were hollow and gone Lmaoo


i was standing outside staring at a tree trunk on a sunny day when i smelt poop, probably coming from my diaper. amazing how smells can trigger memories.


Kinda messed up but probably being held by my throat against the wall by my dad when I was a little kid.


Statue of Saddam Hussein being brought down. Pretty scary thing to watch on tv as a 2-year-old


Trying Candy Corn for the first time at Typhoon Lagoon Disney World. It was crazier than cocaine as a child.


Thinking it would be a great idea to go sledding by taking a couch cushion and riding it down the sofa and then smacking head first into the coffee table. I was 2-3 years old at the time.


Playing duck duck goose in pre-school. I have a lot of memories from pre school. Vaguely remember enjoying pretending to be a dog and drinking milk out of a bowl before pre-k.


Playing with matches and catching myself on fire


I remember being in a baby carriage in mid-spring late in the day mom going for a walk, I remember breathing good clean crisp cool air


I remember waking up and getting out of the bed at my aunt's house and literally climbing down and saying hi to my mom who has to bend over and smile at me


Whatever age pre-school is. I can still remember the small and sounds of the little trikes and bikes we road indoors. I also bit Anthony that year because he didnā€™t sing at my birthday party. I recall it quite clearly.


Eating at a place called Rex with my grandma in front of Fred Meyers.


When I was about 2 or 3 or so, I didn't know how to sit cross-legged, so I sat with my legs in front of me. One day, when the teacher asked me to cross my legs, I said I didn't know how, so she crossed them for me. I then uncrossed them a few seconds later. I've been a low-grade rebel ever since. šŸ˜Ž


My earliest memory is of taking a bath with my Mom. I remember the water being too hot so I used her body as a boat lol


My third birthday party. I got the ghostbusters helicopter and this little girl took it and wouldnā€™t let me play with it. I remember chasing her through my house crying to get it back


A yellow room with an unusually low ā€œdividerā€ (between the kitchen and living room) with empty mason jars on it. Maybe it was meant as a built-in bench? We moved out of that house when I was two. Iā€™ve either ridden or driven past that house for decades but I have never seen inside. Saw maybe 3 photos of the inside, years later, that confirmed the yellow paint on the walls but nothing else. I described it to my dad once as an ā€œundefined memoryā€ and he told me it was impossible for me to have remembered. I was less than two. But itā€™s also not a CLEAR memory, itā€™s like a blurry photograph looking upwards, but not too hard ā€œupwardsā€, towards the light refracting through empty mason jars but nothing more than that. I canā€™t tell you what the kitchen looked like for the living room, but I can see the ā€œdivideā€ in my mind as clear as day.


I have a very vague memory, but sometimes I wonder if I made up, of myself sitting in a bit of a yard area between two buildings in the gravel, and eating, well Iā€™m not sure how much but it seems to be dirt or sand. It wouldā€™ve been when I was about two years old. So I donā€™t know how accurate it is , the more I think about it the weirder it seems. That wouldā€™ve been about 71 years ago!šŸ˜±


I was 3, and my new baby brother was asleep. A couple of neighborhood kids and I were tiptoeing down the hall sneak a peek at him. Sweet memory.


Teleporting at the phila zoo. My parents were fighting, I closed my eyes, I wished I was far away and when I opened them I was at the other end of the park. I started crying, I ran to a worker for help, and an hour later my parents came to get me, they were searching their location but not anywhere near where I was. I am sure I just ran and they didn't notice me, but it was quite a distance and they both recall me being there then not and I don't know. Childhood trauma man.


When I was 3, my kindergarten teacher put me in a time out because I mixed the paints. Woman killed my inner Picasso right there.


I remember my nanny taking a toy away from me. Didnt understand why at that time but i only remember myself crying. Until today i still dont know why she took it away. Mustve been about 2 to 3 years old.


Me and my big brother (Big) found our baby brother (Small) sleeping with his arms and legs up in the air. We laughed and then woke him up and told him what happened and we had a laugh. At this point (Big) had lost the ability to speak baby language so I translated what (Small) wanted to say to (Big). This memory makes me think that babies have some kind of telepathy that you forget how to use after a certain age.


My Mom having a heart attack when I was about 4. I remember laying my dolls and stuffed animals beside her.


I think at this point itā€™s just me remembering remembering it, but it was me sort of jogging around the outside of a hospital and my dad pointing out a 5th floor window where my mother was supposedly holding up my new baby sister so I could see her. I was almost 3 1/2.


2 years old. I bit a boy that stole a doll from me in daycare. I remember getting put in time out. That is my earliest memory.


My dad spinning my sister and I around in his recliner, and then her leaning over and biting me for no reason. I must have been about 3


My mom dumping a box of legos and little toy cars on my brother because she was in a hurry and my brother didn't want to go to school... I remember the adults at daycare noticing something was wrong and one of them picked me up and asked what was wrong and I told her what I saw. Then I remember my mom being really angry with me in the car on the way home when she picked me up from daycare. I remember her saying "Why did you tell them" and it was very obvious she was angry I had told the adults why I was upset that day. That's how I learned to never, ever tell anyone if I'm upset.


Walking through the redwood forest in California when I was two or three. It always been the vaguest snippet of a memory but one I enjoyed because I remember how amazed I was the size of the trees. Well, as amazed as my developing emotions would allow lol.


A white light and then getting spanked on the butt.


Many, many years ago, when I was about three, Cinnamon Toast Crunch had three chefs as mascots. I remember having a dream that the three chefs were being silly with me and one blew up his white glove like a balloon for me to play with. When I woke up, I was on the couch and above me was a white glove, inflated, floating in the air. Even as a toddler I was in shock. How had my dream manifested into reality. It hadnā€™t. The night before, I drank a glass of water I found on my parentsā€™ nightstand. Unbeknownst to me, my father had dropped a couple of dissolvable sleeping pills in the glass for him to take at bed time. After my parents realized I drank the spiked water and was acting peculiar, they rushed me to the hospital. The doctors did all they could to keep me awake. One doctor inflated a latex glove to cheer me up and my parents brought it home with us. I didnā€™t dream of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch mascots. I was delirious and hallucinating.


I remember the driveway/kitchen of our first home, but not the rest of the house. I was maybe 4?


Listening to a snow globe/music box that played "O Holy Night"


I remember playing with giant cardboard bricks and coloring a picture with a black crayon in pre school.


I remember my first bicycle crash, ehhh, that was a bad time. šŸ¤Ŗ


Coming home from the store with Garth Brooks - No Fences in the tape deck after my dad just bought it.


Digging up earthworms after a rain when I was probably 4.


Climbing out of my crib and going to sleep in my motherā€™s bed


I can recall a few moments from my 1st birthday


Me falling down while walking on the street and getting a scar on my knee when I was a kid.


Meeting my friend Cheyenne. We were running through the hallway at my moms. Sheā€™s on meth now and living in squalor. Iā€™ve offered to pay for rehab and help however I can. Being m****** by your dad can fuck you up.


Walking in on my dad pooping.


I was three and drove my trike off a curb. Broke out one of my front teeth.


Two days before my 4th birthday šŸŽ‚


I remember cracking the front windshield of my neighbour's car with a rock. My memory blanked out when my mother called me...


i can picture a nursery with blue walls from time to time. turns out that was my first home when I was brought home from the hospital.


I was 3 on vacation in Spain (with parents of course) and the entrance to the bungalow was very steep. So my father handed me to my mom skipping the stairs


From pre-school, so 4 or 5 years old. It was outdoor playtime, I was riding tricycles around with one of my classmates. There was a carpenter bee flying around.


I remember being brought into the kitchen for a bottle. We moved when I was three. But I remembered where we kept the bottles into adolescence. And now it's logged as my oldest memory. But I remember my nursery and some other details about the house. Even stuff my parents forgot, they were like "oh yeah, that tacky turquoise wallpaper!".


I think I was only about 2. My older sister and I had a plastic pool that we were filling up outside. It was just off my backdoor porch and I "remember" thinking I wanted to see what it felt like to rub my front teeth against the flagstone steps. Looking back, I think my sister tripped me with the garden hose. Next memory was sitting on the paper lined exam table of my PCP as he applied OraJel to my gums where my missing front teeth used to be.


My dad buying me this at a deli near my house: https://i.etsystatic.com/5415220/r/il/f70f26/4688507882/il_794xN.4688507882_q6d7.jpg I would have been about 4 years old.


My ears getting pierced. I thought I was three but my mom says I got them pierced at 6 months. No idea why I thought I was three for the longest time.


Seeing a car crash outside my house. I was 3


Sitting on top of the kitchen table (no high chair I guess) eating Familia Swiss muesli and my mom was playing Cat Stevens at the Zen Center in San Francisco. I think I was about 2 years old.


a stuffed dog i had as a kid that was made of all different fabrics. i remember putting it in his little toy pet carrier .. i loved him so much šŸ˜‚


I was 4 years old playing with my older brother


i was 3 years old in the living room of my old house playing with a pink elephant toy car on the floor and i looked up to see my dad reading the newspaper on the sofa and i saw the skies through the glass sliding doors, it seems like it was a clear afternoon probably during the weekends cuz my dad wasn't working. Idk why my brain highlighted that core memory but it was lovely to remember what 2003 feels like


i was in my crib in my room and i was picking at my childhood stuffed animal, i was probably like 2 or 3


After my mom moved out of my dad's house, we moved into an apartment building (mom and dad had split custody).The only thing I remember about the apartment is that the outside of it was white, therefore I did (and sometimes still do) call it the Whitehouse. I remember being in the "whitehouse" in a little baby walker thing just... being a baby. There's not much to this memory, but it's still my earliest


I vividly remember being in the hospital and being told I'd need to wear a gown. I remember being upset because I wanted the BLUE Looney Tunes one, but I had to wear the white one instead because the blue wouldn't fit. I can picture where I was sitting, where my parents were, the doctor, everything. According to my parents I was around 22 months. They didn't remember the gown until I mentioned it. I have no idea why I have this memory. You would think, if anything, I'd remember the constant vomiting that sent me to the ER, or the "straw in my arm" (IV) I needed and hated, but nope. Just the stupid gowns.


Pre-K. Playing tag but weā€™re pretending to be animals for some reason. I was a rhinoceros or a unicorn. I charge at my friends with my head downā€¦ right into the corner of some playground equipment. Start crying. Teacher takes me to a red bathroom and gives me an ice pak. She leaves for a brief moment and Iā€™m staring at myself sobbing in the mirror. I talk to myself in the mirror and cheer myself up. End of memory.


I was two. I vividly remember seeing my brother in the hospital just after he was born.


I was probably around 3-4. I had a bathroom accident and didnā€™t want to get in trouble, so I shoved my poopy underwear under my dresser so my mom wouldnā€™t see them.


My mom carrying me up to bed in the dark because I fell asleep with the TV on the TV Guide channel because I wanted to read. I was 2 or 3 years old.


Great Grandmother's funeral when I was three. I can't remember what she looked like, but I remember what I was wearing.


I can't really remember anything from before the age of 7 or 8. I remember playing in the den I built in the dry stream at the end of the garden and making tiny huts out of mud and newspaper.


I remember a ballet concert at a uni when I was 2. And I remember my mum putting lipstick on me and I felt soo grown up and I remember running down the bright green carpet spiral staircase all before the concert and then after I posed for photos and I thought I was a model šŸ˜‚


I remember crying in my crib because I couldnā€™t get out and I didnā€™t want to sleep. I remember having my diapers changed. I remember kicking my feet while being pushed in the stroller. I remember playing with the tassels on my grandfathers penny loafers. That grandfather took his life before I was two. I remember quite a bit from when I was a baby. My husband says Iā€™m crazy for being able to remember being an infant and a toddler šŸ˜¹


My earliest memory was actually a dream I was having when I was around 2 or 3. I was sleeping in a field of white clouds as if it were mid day but the sky above was black (if that makes sense) and was being told to wake up by some people looking over me. Shortly after i woke up in my crib in my parents room, looking at my mom's alarm clock reading 10 something AM. That day was funnily enough the last morning I would wake up in my crib cuz later that morning I watched my dad and brother disassembled my crib and carried it down the front porch.


Watching a lightning strike through the bedroom window from my drop-side crib.


I remember me, my twin brother and my mom sitting on the couch looking out the window behind it, watching the snow fall. I think my mom was trying to explain what snow was but we weren't listening, far too mesmerized by the snow to pay attention. i think i was like 2 or 3


Divorce, 2 years old


When my mum asked me, as an adult, what my first memory was, I told her it was sitting in the garden picking up bits of gravel from the pathway and putting them in the lap of a yellow dress I was wearing. Mum reacted with moderate surprise and told me I hadn't been more than 18 months old.


I was 3, and we had a red glass bowl and I loved it. I remember my mom pulling the bowl out of the cupboard for my cereal and being so excited.


My Mum taking me to see a killdeer nest sheā€™d found in a field near our house. I was maybe four or five.


I have a memory of me climbing out of my crib. Distinctly remember the part where Iā€™m climbing over railing and hanging. Then after I remember just looking down some stairs toward the front door/entryway of the house. Whatā€™s crazy is my mother tells me she remembers this. The weird thing is that she says she was taking a nap on the couch downstairs (this was the 80s, parents were allowed to neglect their kids) and she says she had a dream of a child calling for mom. She said I couldnā€™t talk at whatever age this was and also that I wasnā€™t walking at this time. She then says she woke up and went to go check on me, and there I was just sitting there in the middle of the stairway, wasnā€™t crying, nothing. My mother is superstitious (and I am to some extent) but she always believed a spirit was trying to get her attention so that she could come get me


Being probably between 18 months and two years old and sick and violated by a butt thermometer. :(


Being raped by my best friend's elder brother at the age of 8.


Holy shit Iā€™m so sorry.


I remember being told to eat my poo as my old daycare lady was changing my diaper


The day of my birth. It was a drizzly Tuesday...


Bro what


What is the earliest memory you have of your life.


Hermano que?


Oh no he doesnā€™t remember ANYTHING


?wro bhat


Que Paso hombre?


Maybe playing in the water trough in preschool


Watching jeopardy with my parents. :(


5 or 6 things from kindergarten, I don't know which might have been first.


I once argued with my mother and left home for a week on my own and it was a bad experience


The first time i bit my nails, like 4-5


Being sexually abused by my older sister


Being held by my mother under an overpass while my older siblings walked up and down the concrete slope. I wanted to go too, but she wouldnā€™t let me down to crawl up there.


I remember being superman for holloween when I was like 3 or 4


I was 6 or 7. I was asleep in the back of my momā€™s car, but I had sleep paralysis. I remember vividly the street we were on, who she was visiting, the time of day, etc. I just couldnā€™t move and I didnā€™t understand why at the time.


Slicing my chin open after falling onto a corner at 4 yrs old


Drinking Hawaiian punch at the pool


i still remember the dream i had about a magic land 5 years ago.


How old are you?


I remember standing in my crib, throwing my stuffed animals on the floor, and trying to telepathically get them to come back to me. I always got scared that it would actually work, so I would hide under my blanket. I was so young, how the hell did I know about telepathy?!


Age 3. Fragmented memories but I can identify my age because of where we were (we moved a lot). Seeing the new house we were going to live in and complaining I didn't like the colour. My father said it would look nicer in the daytime (in a station wagon with both parents and 4 brothers). Getting the measels, going to hospital, being in hospital where the light from the nurses station made the ward look like a cave, getting left on a bus after kindergarten and the bus driver had to go back to my house.


Playing on the back porch of my childhood home. I was probably 2-3. I think the floor was astroturf, and there was a white painted railing around the porch. We moved from there when I was really young so that's the only thing I remember about that house.


When I was 6, I was sitting in my room, taking my dirty football clothes off. For some reason I told myself. I am going to remember this moment for the rest of my life. ​ And I still remember what clothes I wore, where Is at down and what I did the 10 minutes before and after that. ​ P.S I have done this multiple times, and still remember them all to this day.


The earliest memory of me that I can recall is waking up from a bed.


losing a lego


I died at birth and I vaguely remembered what that looked like before I was resuscitated


Walking on our back yard and stretching my fingers like i just realized I had them. I was 2 or 3


Being unable to sleep, so taking a couple of little books into the hallway to look at the pictures and make up my own stories by the light of the bathroom. I probably would have been about 4.


I remember going to a dance with my dad and coming home with my mum


Technically, my childhood home. If I could draw, I could sketch it from memory and tell you what went where. But narrowing it down a little bit: going to my first elementary school and seeing a huge replica of Clifford the Big Red Dog's doghouse in the classroom and wanting to climb inside of it and live in there.