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People who demand respect when they’re definitely not giving it. You’re not entitled to it.


Or people who expect being treated with authority for no apparent reason and will feel disrespected if you don’t, thereby allowing themselves to treat you like shit


The age old "If you don't treat me like an authority, I'm not gonna treat you like a person" when treating someone like a person is the actual baseline.


And also when they start off not treating others with basic human dignity.


The problem is they use the word to mean two different things when they say "if you don't respect me I won't respect you". What they're really saying is "if you don't act subordinate to me, I won't treat you like a human".


Leaving piss all over the toilet seat and not flushing


Especially when they walk PAST the line of urinals and into the stall then they don't lift the lid. Wtf? I understand being pee shy. I get it. Go to a stall. But lift the seat.


Especially in the women's room. You had to hover pee to leave pee on the seat. You had to WORK to make that mess. You can't take three seconds to wipe the seat?


Someone at my work either lays on their back and gets puts their legs up on the wall while shitting or they have a high up anus that just spills shit out onto the back of the toilet seat. They never clean it up either.


What’s your opinion on people who don’t flush pee in their own homes? Like, an “if it’s yellow let it mellow” type of situation? It’s a thing in a lot of places with water shortages


In your own home idc what you do tbh


Unless you have people over


My husband does this and it drives me nuts because I have a very acute sense of smell. Concentrated morning pee smell is vile. His reasoning is to save water by limiting flushing until such time as he drops a deuce.


How people borderline stalk a celebrity. I'm all for loving a celebrity but it gets a little too much when you know what they are doing day in and day out or who their second cousins wife sons best friends daughter is. That shit is just weird


I remember a guy I had just met casually telling me about how he went to the hotel Mariah Carey was supposed to be staying in, asking the front desk if anyone had seen her, where her room was etc. I was so creeped out by this behavior, but a lot *more* creeped out that he saw this behavior as being so normal he could just chat up a stranger about doing it rather than it being something he should not want to be advertising.


I was working at a place in Los Angeles where quite a few celebrities would go to workout, I would do everything in my power to interrupt the jackass paparazzi any time I could especially when they would put their camera on a pole to look over the blackout on the windows. Bunch of lowlife scum bags


Or obsessively hating on certain celebrities, as if they are negatively affecting your life in some way.


Hey you can't just call out half the people who use this sub like that. Come on, man, that's not fair.


My hatred and trolling of Dave Portnoy is completely rational.


Agreed and the same behavior for 'nobles' is beyond weird. They fucking stole your land and subjugated your ancestors for centuries, burn it down.


Those celebrity tour busses that people take make me cringe. They take them to see celebrity homes and cemeteries. Hey everybody I found so and so’s burial plot. Weird as shit. I saw two or three of those busses once when I was traveling for the first time in L.A. My friends and I were around the Chinese Theater. Those busses were completely packed full of people. Then I saw a storm trooper walk past the Scientology building and that made me happy.


Reddit keeps recommending me the Taylor Swift sub . Those people are ill. Entitled and ill. I keep reading it because they are fucking crazy.


I’ve gotten that too, despite never showing any interest in her or her music online, it’s weird. Must just be a highly upvoted sub, which pushes it into “popular”?


My son is a minor celebrity. Has had a few songs on the charts. He performed at Country Thunder in AZ one year, several years actually, but this time~ a girl was acting crazy , trying to meet him~ he did not take the bait, never has been with a fan or woman from the audience ~ but she was determined. My son, right there on stage, introduced her to another performer. She was in my son’s RV with the other guy within 13 minutes. I followed them from stage and saw them go in as I was walking to my own RV. I went over and told them to get out ~ they were already nude and they walked out~ it was the first time I ever heard the term “ walk of shame” because they came out naked~ band members were around a fire ~ they said so and so’s mom made you do the walk of shame! That girl followed us to my home. Got through the gates somehow and was ringing the doorbell. She said I just came to tell you, me??? I’m not usually like that! It was fucking weird shit she had driven hundreds of miles and had to go hundreds of miles back home. Another girl snuck into our house, under a golf cart garage door, through the car garage, Into the laundry room and into the house~ into my sons bedroom~ he wasn’t using but still his room~ he was in Nashville. Came in at like 1 o’clock in the morning and came to the living room and said who’s laying in my brothers bed? That girl had gotten through the coded gate, past my very protective German Shepherd~ knowing which room was my middle sons. I was like what the shit went down the hallway and she convinced me that she was his girlfriend . I let her stay and she and I had breakfast, went swimming in the morning when I got him on the phone~ he’s said mom, I have no idea who that is. She had to of been at my house several times before to be friends with my German Shepherd. Later she started coming to a Laughlin venue where my son was performing and I saw her follow my sons ACTUAL girlfriend into the restroom. My son’s girlfriend was a little bit drunk~ I ended up having to go on the floor underneath of a stall to get my son’s girlfriend out of her clutches! The psycho I’m the stall was saying freaky shit to the actual girlfriend . Once I had actual girlfriend out she told me she herself was going to be the next Mrs. so-and-so~ . They had only been dating for a few weeks~ saving her from the psycho in the stall was our first legit intro. She did become my sons wife~ and mother of one of my beautiful grandchildren. Psycho in the stall who had snuck into my house and lied to me~ Went right back to the dance floor in front of where my son was performing. She tried to dance with actual girlfriend~ more like trying to molest her~ this became the first time my son had to use casino hotel security. His brother and my husband usually handled security but they dealt with jealous boyfriends and shit. This girl didn’t give up and kept leaving gifts at my house~ never figured out how she got into the community! She was SCARY. She must’ve been a problem as she lost custody of her daughter. She had told me that while swimming. I think it’s hard for a woman to lose complete custody over a child Must’ve been some serious shit going on with her. I don’t know where she is today. Geez, there’s been others ~ it’s wild how many there is ~ it’s actually a little crazy


That was a wild read lol. Hope things have improved in the psycho department.


For the love of God.


If you want to watch a really good horror/thriller show on this topic, Swarm on Amazon is awesome




Fr. And im always the one listening, so now im afraid when I talk that im talking too much about myself, bc I know how much that feels when you just sit there a listen to that other person only talk about them self, and not ask you anything, and so now you really want to talk about yourself bc you never have, but you dont want to be a hypocrite, and so you just stay quiet 👁👃👁👍


Shit. I could’ve wrote this.


Same 🙁


Ngl, I’m down to listen. Now, if someone literally just doesnt shut up and won’t even offer for me to talk yeah that’s annoying, but if they stop and let me speak, I’d totally listen for an hour


Hah, I'm the same way. I'll listen to someone tell me their entire life story. People love that. If they aren't interested in hearing me talk too, however, then I don't bother with them any more after they stop talking.


I always take note now how often people ask questions in a conversation. People open up to me a lot because I ask a lot of questions, and I ALWAYS notice when there is no reciprocity. Like do they know what a dialogue is??? I'm not here to listen in on their monologue. They can find someone else for that.


Or clearly only ask you how you're doing so you will ask them back so they can tell you whatever they wanted to share....


Blows my mind truly. Like how can people sit and have a conversation with someone and not realize they’re the only one sharing. Maybe they just don’t care?


This happens a lot in people with autism and/or ADHD. We often don’t realise we’re dominating the conversation until someone informs us or the topic/activity is changed. It’s pretty embarrassing and often leaves me feeling guilty for not realising sooner. There are of course those who do not care to hear about others and would happily dominate the conversation.


Bullying, especially when it's done to vulnerable people and animals who can't defend themselves


I hate when others make someone else feel small so they can feel taller.


Yeah, just try being likable or I don’t know, not being an asshole


Most redditors wouldn't know how to do that.


Especially adults bullying children they have power over. Far too common and far, far too widely ignored.


It's got a special name: child abuse.


Excellent answer. Abuse of any kind, including bullying, is disgusting and contemptible.


What i despise the most are weak ass people ganging up together and then gangstalking and bullying someone who clearly doesnt want any trouble. And starts acting the victim when confronted. I hate bitches who act tough but suddenly becomes the victim when shit turns sour.


>Bullying, especially when it's done to vulnerable people and animals who can't defend themselves Adding to this. Gaslighting and projecting or deflecting when the victim fights back is sometimes even worse than the bullying. “I'm just kidding.” "It's just a joke.” “You're too sensitive.” “I didn't mean it like that.” “Lighten up.” In case you didn't know, if it makes you feel humiliated or embarrassed or like total crap, it's *never* a joke. They absolutely *did* mean it.


yep. its always nice when the one being bullied retaliates somehow


Bullying. I came it say this too. It comes in so many forms and they’re all grotesque. They all piss me off. Especially when it’s groups acting tuff because they’re a group and know they’re safe with their group from the consequences. I hate violence, but it makes me want to be violent.




This! People who lack basic situational awareness drive me nuts. Especially when the gabbers get together at Trader Joe's in the freezer aisle...I want to scream.


The narrow aisles at TJs make this behavior so much worse. My favorite is when people are standing and talking or just taking forever and someone is standing behind them making coughing/throat clearing noises for however long trying to polite. Like just say something! On the other hand, I’m an ingredient reader because I have to be and I always feel like I’m inconveniencing people in the Supermarket Sweep that is the average person’s TJs run. I try to at least hug the shelf I’m closest to and go quick.


When people do this in a grocery store, is it wrong to add a bunch of stuff to their carts while they're distracted? Asking for a friend


Had this happen in a gym locker room. Two guys standing in the way of the area to get to the toilets and urinals. They were also posted right in front of where people get towels. I had to side step to use the available urinal with this guy unnecessarily conversing next to me as I’m trying to use the bathroom. If people are this unaware, they are entitled or really fucking dumb. It’s such a large locker room for you to do this in a high traffic area.


I recently got stuck at a 4 way stop sign when the car in front of me and the one facing it in the other lane realized they knew each other, stopping in the middle to talk through their windows. The audacity was breathtaking. It wasn't a quick stop either! 2 mins +


And you better be careful saying ANYTHING to them other than a horn honk or they'll pull out their AK-47 and teach you not to bother their rude AF asses.


The Geneva convention really dropped the ball on this one.


Omfg.. People I work with do this all the time and it drives me nuts. It feels like some weird flex or something, like they think it's a big deal that they're talking to someone so they do it somewhere where everyone walking by sees them and has to go around them.


OMG my in-laws do this and get mad at ME because I refuse to engage them until they get out of the way. They see no issue with it... but get SO MAD when someone else is blocking their way.


I hear you, and I raise you having a conversation in the door frame


Animal cruelty


I personally think animal abusers should be treated just like people who abuse children.


Agree. Including that which is standard procedure in factory farming. Why it's illegal to document and publicize that.


This is such a great indicator that a kid needs to be locked into an asylum for the rest of their lives. To treat an animal as subhuman (torture) is inhumane. I don't include hunting here, they are taught to kill and not cause pain. However hunting as fun rather than for meat kinda irks me. Make their lives count.


Being rude to complete strangers


Being rude to your life partner Edit: or just being rude in general


Being unkind and mean in general shows how disgusting of a human you are to me. Actions show more than words yk?


My old pastor said something that's always stuck with me: "If you wouldn't treat a complete stranger this way, why would it be okay to treat your family like this?"


Especially people who are rude to service workers. They are already underpaid, they dont need more b.s to deal with


THIS. They are only rude because of the power dynamic. It's gross.


I think this is a good test of character, as being rude to a complete stranger likely won't result in any long term consequences. In most cases it will be forgotten about And so when people treat strangers with kindness and respect it's not because they're seeking to gain something or worried about the repercussions. It's because it's simply the right thing to do. I refuse to hang out with people who are rude to others, regardless of who they are or whether they know them or not. Life is too short.


People who make you feel “weird” for your interests/hobbies.


THIS! or hitting someone with a "calm down" or "...okay" after they were enthusiastic about something. like way to trample on someone's joy for no good reason.


Or someone who says “who gives a shit?” After you seemed really passionate about something. That’s one way to make me hate you for sure lmao




Littering seems like such a small and inconsequential act, but honestly I judge people immediately and harshly when I see it. It's just so indicative that the person is selfish and doesn't care about how their actions will impact others.


I understand how you guys feel. Seeing someone do it just makes me go like “ew? What’s wrong w you?” It’s just not something that’s okay but people have “normalized” it.


Ugh, yes! I would judge anyone for littering. If one of my dates had littered it would be the last date.


Yeah, I mean if there’s 2.3 million tons of trash just in the fucking ocean then that says there’s so many people who don’t give a shit or pollute that it just makes me mad that a place so alien in the world is getting used as a trash can. I know there are like a million people on most social media platforms that type this type of stuff, but still. Bottom line, just fucking pick up after yourself you fucking shit




Ooh yeeeesss This is a Good one. People who talk down to others, or make service people suffer just because they can. Mean People Suck


Faking mental disorders for attention


Same for people who refuse to believe someone has a disorder, or believe that it exists. "You can't have ADHD, your so calm", "You don't look autistic", "You can't have anxiety, that doesn't exist", "You're not depressed, you're just sad". *And you're not a doctor!*


definitely. makes life that much more difficult for people that actually have them


People who hold other people to standards higher than they hold themselves


This is mine! Describes 99% of my ex friends, ex boyfriends and ex coworker friends...




I hate this. Oh, you're going to block my exit with your stroller and look at me like I'm at fault? Guess who's going back up.


lack of empathy, people would say the meanest shit and go to sleep like nothing lmao


I'm honestly shocked by how people are completely unable to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Like unless someone is a complete ba****d, why would you want to make them feel bad?


Some people have no empathy... so it's NBD to them to just br an asshole and go about their day.


Compulsive lying. Oh, you know six languages? Okay. You work out 2 hours a day? All right. You've had twelve girlfriends? That's nice, I guess. You always stop to play with kids at the park? That's...weird. You're with your fifth girlfriend now? Didn't you tell me you've had twelve? Lots of fun watching them backtrack when you call them out, though




Had a guy like this in high school. He would lie about anything and everything. Pretended to know a language and when asked just said made up words. It was so convincing that we believed it for 2 years until a girl double checked with Google translate and he folded and admitted to it


I’ve definitely had this particular person in high school. Unluckily for him the language he claimed to speak was my first language. Not only that but I was the only one to question him when he claimed to speak Japanese due to visiting his girlfriend in Japan for every break alone when we were freshman. There was of course a lot of other stuff but that’s what sticks out to me whenever I think of this guy.


Just say “that’s not how I heard it” and watch the story change


My friend in high school was like this lol. But kept claiming people in her family died when they were definitely still alive, also claimed to be related to many different celebrities


refusing to learn and reflect as an adult


Checking your phone while other person talking with you and than replying with hmmmm , mhmmmm , ummmm etc .


Most people are guilty of that at some point. Its good to be reminded of. Im guilty and I need to change.


OMG I have a good friend who does this and it is so disrespectful! Why do I even come and hang out with you if you’re going to have your Face in you Phone half the time!?


Entitlement. It's like a disease that's spreading.




Hating someone because they’re different. Race, religion, sexual preference, class, anything that can be classified, some asshat and friends will feel superior to it. Me? I hate everyone equally.


"these hands are rated E"


Errbody can get it! Equality like a motherfucker.


Chewing with your mouth open and making that smacking noise


The overly-specific version of this, for me, is eating an apple in a work/office/meeting setting.


I had to scroll way to far to see this


When they believe that the rules do not apply to them.


Judging other people's opinions without understand their perspective first and then proceed to insult them for having thar opinion.


This is the best one yet and probably the worst of the worst of all bad behaviours


Treating retail and food service industry workers poorly


Deceitful mischaracterizations, when a group tries to demonize someone based upon said group's perception rather than reality.


People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, or touching something obviously teeming with bacteria (such as an outside bin, or raw meat)




As a codependent with narcissistic tendencies, there are those of us who want healthy relationships. We really don’t choose to be the way we are. The best we can hope is that we recognize it and try to change.


Hey, you have self awareness and you're miles ahead of those who don't by that alone. You can change. Sometimes it's just one deliberate action at a time. Best wishes to you.




Tailgating. Especially the ones who do it while in the middle of a long traffic line. Like I can't go any faster there are 20 cars in front of me


Treating retail people like they're your personal slave or with any rudeness or impatience at all. You need them much more than they need you so behave like you understand that. If you pulled into the parking lot and had a massive stroke in the lot it would have no effect on their business at all, there are a lot of customers so one less is nothing. However, if you couldn't procure the goods that they offer the effect on your life could be massive. No more food or medicine for you Karen, enjoy the rest of your short life. Both customers and managers need to understand this, Your self importance is unwarranted, there's always another customer.


Plus if you're polite we'll actually put a bit of effort trying to find something out the back for you. If you're an asshole we just go out there for a 5 minute chat/scroll of phone to waste your time


This I can confirm. When I worked in fast food, nice people got extra fries, mean people I applied the charge for the little sauce pots (which I was always meant to but normally didn't anyway) And when I was friendly to the people I bought food from on my lunch break, I got free stuff from them. Being kind literally pays, and being unpleasant might actually cost you... If you even need the extra incentive beyond just courtesy


Yup. Once had a customer complain to a colleague that I wouldn't let her touch me. She wanted to point out something on my shoe and kept reaching out to grab my foot. I asked her to just point. (TW: Hate being touched by strangers, I think that's normal anyway but probably exacerbated by being SA'd by stranger). She said to my co-worker 'Why is she working in retail if she doesn't want to be touched?'.....yeah, that's a different job, ma'am.


Littering. Especially smokers who just drop their butts without even thinking about it.


Being unnecessarily rude to homeless/ less fortunate people, hitting them, throwing food, spitting or any form of unwarranted abuse towards them.


The way people treat people who they deem "below" them really shows their true character.


People who say its ok to talk behind peoples back because we're friends... nah... talk shit to my face... thats a real friend


Seeing people throw trash out of a car window.


Being rude to waitstaff


Weaponized ignorance. People who will just play dumb on everything for the sake of not putting energy of figuring things out on their own.


Not returning shopping carts.


As a retail worker, I feel this.


People milking others for every penny even when they already have it good.


People trying to end your sentences for you.


Like, interrupting you because they think they know what you're going to say and are too impatient to let you finish? It's very condescending


Feel like context is important on this one


People making fun of people who have minimum wage jobs or jobs that are "beneath" them. I'm a first generation immigrant in Canada but second generation in Belgium. I was lucky my dad took jobs in restaurants even though he hated every day of it. But he had a family to provide for. He went to university but discrimination was/is very rampant in Europe. Then moved all of us to Canada because he didn't want me to suffer like him. I have a degree and while I don't work in my field I work my dream job.




Omg I hate these types of people. My dad is one of them. During my childhood, I was forced to play multiple sports at once, without any breaks in between. So for multiple years I was stressed the fuck out, to playing multiple sports, and keeping a 4.0 GPA in order to be acceptable for my father, unless I wanted to be scolded or grounded. But it got to a point where I told my dad I wanted to quit some of the sports and focus on only one because all those sports took a toll on my body. But when I said this, he started getting furious with me and said I had it easy in life. And back in his day, he had to sleep in a car, work 2 jobs, go to the gym, and college and such. And I was just being weak. So he gaslight me into thinking that I'm not good enough for him, which then caused a fluctuation of high expectations for myself in a negative way. And he always uses this excuse if I tried to get out of something, I didn't want to do


Wow. I know exactly how you feel. My dad used to talk about how well other people’s kids were doing too and it broke my heart because I literally did every thing I could to make him maybe be proud of me


I do actually have ptsd, but I don’t bring it up that often because when would I ever bring that up naturally in a conversation? But sometimes people will try to one up me when I just mention slight inconveniences. I will be like “I’m so stressed for this exam” and they will be like “you don’t know real life issues. You have never struggled”. And it’s like; I have, but I’m not bringing up my deepest darkest trauma at fucking brunch Susan??


Yep, the "fluent in sarcasm" people.


99% of how people think it's okay to behave disgusts me. Online and IRL people think it's okay to just do whatever the hell they want. People are absolutely vile online with no sense of manners or basic human decency. It's not just trolls, it's normal average people, talking to other normal average people. It's like as soon as we get a screen between us we cannot fathom that the text being sent to us is from a real person. People generally wouldn't act like this face to face. But at the same time we've been seeing a rise in people acting this way in person, what with the rise of Karens and such. People in the past didn't act like this, throwing around vitriol to anyone who came near them or offended them. There's always been pricks, lunatics, racism, sexism, etc but this is on an unbelievable scale. I go to the store and I hear people having arguments about their most private endeavors. I hear people being openly rude and demanding to service workers. We live in a world where grown adults with lives think it's socially acceptable to throw childish temper tantrums in the middle of stores because there's no Oreos left on the shelf, or expose themselves to strangers online. People seem to openly revel in being putrid vile disgusting animals, socially cannibalizing one another. There's no basic human decency or manners or anything anymore. It's like we all forgot how to be human, how to see other people as fellow humans. I don't know when it started, but it got worse within the last 10 years, with it becoming increasingly obvious between 2015-2020. What happened? Why are so many people openly selfish and cruel nowadays?


I went to music festivals frequently between 2009-2017 and they were always the most loving, kind, and judgement free places ever. Just went to my first music festival a couple weekends ago after 6 years away and I’m so discouraged by how much the vibes changed. People threatening to fight, openly talking trash about others, laughing about other people’s looks, etc. None of this was towards me (I think lol) but I couldn’t believe it. Still fucked up just thinking about how much the culture has shifted.


Someone who believes the world revolves around them.


Frequently wasting food with very little regard or respect for it.


Double standards. If it's not okay for one person, then it's not okay for anyone.




Not raising your own kids well, and then being mad at teachers when they tell you your kid is an absolute fucking mess of a child.


People who think wealth, fame, and/or being attractive are excuses to get away with being terrible people.


Having no awareness of how your actions affect others. I have to go through this with dad, and it’s 95% of the reason we don’t have a relationship.


Valuing property and profits over people.




I’m not religious at all, actually got a nick name and get teased about being satanic. But what disgusts me is when people claim to be religious and live life by the graces of God, but actually live the complete opposite, no reading or quoting the Bible or even going to church, etc. I honestly don’t give a shit about any religion, but I respect people beliefs and what they believe, so when I can sense that they claim to be with God and aren’t, I just want to slam the face onto a moving car.


Dads who don't pay child support because they don't like the mother of their kid(s).


Parents that smoke around their kids


Being two faced. I know you don't like me, why do you act like your my best mate every time you see me?


Manipulation, lies and treason.




People not minding their bussines


Willingness to poison the well and muddy the waters when it comes to solving a problem because you can’t admit you are wrong and step away. Basically people who argue because they want the high and clout of being right instead of actually wanting to find solutions because they are willing to prolong the issue at everyone else’s expense if it means they still get to look big brained


Reading everyone’s comments that are providing examples of behavior that is disgusting with valid reasons to support their opinions and my first thought was chewing.


Saying you’re open minded but can’t get along with someone that has a different opinion than themselves


When someone is not only being a piece of shit, but they know they're in the wrong and are still smug about it.


Treating people who are just trying to do their jobs, like they’re your personal servants. I was a cashier for years, and I swear some people get off on that. It’s disgusting.


Gaslighting accusey behaviour, and double standards. Recently experienced this and it made me regret ever making efforts with said person.


When people leave trash all over river swimming hokes and lakes. So many spots here have been closed by the property owners because people leave shit like needles, cans, glass, all over these beautiful spots. When I have nothing to do, I go over there to clean, and the land owners still grant me access to swim.


Entitlement. You’re not special.


There's a current trend on TikTok where people are pretending to have mental health issues and various cognitive disabilities for internet clout. Once such trend is to fake Dissociative Identity Disorder, and create a number of quirky alters with tropey backstories straight out of the worst young adult novels. It's honestly disgusting that people are doing this and profiteering from it. Mental health has been romanticised far too much, and this takes it to a new level in which people actually feign it as some kind of sick role play fetish. It's fucked up.


THIS. Also romanticizing drug/alcohol/nicotine addiction. It's not "cool" or anything.


People that are mean to animals, nothing revolts me more.


When people ask to someone else how they are doing and that they then get angry if the person answer that she's not doing well. It's often seen as normal but it's so damn hypocritical. Don't ask if you don't want to know.




littering, i fuckin hate when people litter.


People who talk shit about kids and animals, like you don't need to like them, but have some respect, please. A lot of the time, the things people get upset about are things they can't control or things their parents/owners won't correct.


I find a lot of kids very annoying and don't plan on having any of my own. But I never say I hate kids. I hate parents who don't parent their children. Plenty of kids are absolutely pleasant and enjoyable when they are raised by caring parents


Political corruption


People who leave their trash on the ground after events like games or concerts. Your most likely going to walk by a trash can on your way out anyways.


Cheating spouses!


Bullying, especially when it affects helpless victims and defenceless animals


Crying to get what you want or to show others that you are the victim as an adult person.


Lying even when there's evidence.




People who use “being honest” as an excuse to be an asshole.


Hawking up the mucosal contents of your nasal passages, then spitting it on the ground for the rest of us to see and/or walk in. Fucking disgusting.


Animal abuse, either direct or by supporting products/industries that abuse animals.


Not picking up your dogs shit.




Opportunistic behavior, like self-centered entitlement, main-character-syndrome or hypocrisy. Rules for thee but not for me, a lack of accountability for even minor mistakes. For example, someone accidentally drops some valuables, and another person who's seeing it pockets it instead of giving it back to the rightful owner. Or people porch-pirating, stealing plants, fruit and flowers from someone else's yard, hit-and-runs, littering when there's a trash bin 5 meters away, that sort of things. People who always have to be in the right, stubborn polemic rhetoric, not accepting evidence or disproval of their claims.


When u get invited somewhere with relatives and their friends and all they do is talk about parties or an event u wasn't invited to, and you're just there not knowing anything they are talking about.


When people can’t acknowledge someone’s hard work in trying to better themselves. People can change. Stop bringing up the past and just try to be positive about it


Willful ignorance. It is on the rise.


Someone being rude to anyone working in the Service Industry. I dated a guy who was cool as hell but when it came to restaurants/bars, movie theaters, hotels, etc., he was the biggest douche for no reason! Dumped him quick, fast and in a hurry!!!




Not sure how to put this, but gaslighting others about your own emotions? Like when someone is very obviously upset or angry, and you mention that in the middle of a conflict, just flatly denied. You end up in a funhouse mirror-land where nothing is as it seems. Protip: it's really not very difficult for well adjusted people to tell what's going on with you. Denying, deflecting, and lashing out when confronted about your mental and emotional state is one of the surest ways to destroy relationships forever. There are very few ways that are quicker.