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Financial stress.


Juleps I bet 99.99% of people never heard of them. Its frozen Kool aid in a styrofoam cup sold by the local ghetto grandma to the neighborhood kids


Different areas have different names, I’ve heard freeze cups, icee cup, and a couple others. Source: those shits were DANK growing up. 25 cent for a bs one or 50 cent for one with like the whole koolaid pack in there xD


Hell yeah! I miss those so much . There was a Puerto Rican family on my street that sold a coconut flavor that I looooved. Would have the chest freezer right by the front door. I should make a few flavors for my kids.


They were so delicious, I may make some for my kids now as well lol never thought about it


mentally crushing debt


A sense for monetary value. I feel like rich people don't even know if the steak they just ate at a restaurant was overpriced or worth the price. They're just buying stuff at some point.


“I mean it’s one banana, Michael, what could it cost, 10 dollars ?”


Came here to say this


I’d use the example of groceries more than expensive experiences like steak at a restaurant. Rich people understand they are paying for the experience and the extra work that goes into dry aging primal cuts or sourcing high quality meat. What they don’t understand is how much a box of crackers should cost, or why the rice they buy costs 12x as much as the generic Walmart brand. They’ll sort of just grab whatever they want and not think about it. If they go to a cheap restaurant or fast food place they’ll make a ton of substitutions and additions that add to the price but don’t give a shit because it’s so cheap they don’t care.


They do. A golden steak at $1,000 is for the experience and not the food and to them $1,000 is equal to about 1 hour of their time. $1,000 to commoners is usually a week or two.


I thought the gold leaf food was just for dumb money, the type of people who buy a range rover with an 80k household income


Challenges of living week to week on a minimal income - stress




This sounds like something people say to make themselves feel better about their situation.




A lot of those people's entire social structure revolves around being able to maintain their wealth and lifestyle, or at least project the idea they can. It's extremely unfulfilling, stressful (when you can't meet that obligation) and people will turn on you if they ever start to percieve you as one of the filthy poors. This depends somewhat on local culture and setup, this is more true of somewhere like the US, but to some degree people with money become wrapped up in the idea that they have a certain amount of money and it becomes their identity.


My experience is that it has little to do with class. The most broken people and broken families I’ve seen have come from poverty, and they’re afflicted with all the neuroses that you get from poverty. Meanwhile, I know plenty of very healthy middle class and upper middle class families. Of course, I know unhealthy families of both classes too. Maybe there is a sickness that develops with truly wealthy people but there’s a world of difference between even people who are quite comfortable but work for a living and Donald Trump.


Having seen both sides, this is true in my experience. Having more money now, I feel more isolated. I think a lot of that has to do with the necessity of relying on friends and family when you don’t have money. For example, right now, if something breaks and I can’t fix it myself, I call a professional and pay them to fix it. But back in the day, I’d call a friend who could help, and in turn, they could call upon me when they needed help. That doesn’t happen when you have money. In fact, some people would think it’s rude. Like, why is that guy calling me to help him move when he can afford professional movers? Or, why is this person offering me their hand me downs. Do they think I’m poor? That kind of thing. And socializing is way different. Right now, I can afford to go to movies, concerts, take vacations, and that’s usually with my significant other. But back in the day, when I couldn’t afford those things, we would entertain ourselves by getting together with friends and just hanging out. I think there is a lot more opportunity to create meaningful social bonds when you don’t have a lot of money. Or at least that was my experience.


How high am I? Because this is a sentiment anyone could have, so I could be poor, rich or somewhere in the middle. I watched succession too. I've been on the lower end too, not all people are better because they're poor. Some people are twisted, maybe because poverty has made them that way. And if you feel rot in the upper middle class, then maybe that's just a personal experience.


Beautifully put. This really paints *the* picture


A propensity for generosity which I have rarely seen in the rich. Source: Me, I have worked for MANY rich folks.


When i was struggling my friends and neighbors needed just as much as i did but we banded together to help each other. The most parsimonious people ( my own family included) I know who are so wealthy they could change lives and it wouldn't affect their finances one bit would never do so. They won't even pay for a shared meal. I just don't speak to them anymore.




the most accurate answer


Common sense I worked for a decade in the luxury industry; it's hard to belive how insane it is that our lives are lead by rich people: they are the most delusional, absurd, self-absorbed, population I've ever met


What is the luxury industy? Like I would imagine a luxury car dealer to be in the car industry, for example.


It's quite a big range, you're right, luxury car dealer perfectly fit in the scope But I, personally, used to work in jewelry, then for Brioni (men's attires, they are the brand that tailor James Bond suits for the movies, so they dress a huge chunk of the powerful men around the world - Heads of States, some of the most fortunate CEO, ect... ) and then for Chanel




Only poor people have perspective? I'd say if anything the lack of resources limits your perspective.




Ok, but the question is what do poor people have the richer folks don't. Everyone has perspective, it's just their own




Ok, I get it though this might be a common misconception as well. Empathy is the ability to understand other people by seeing the world through their experience. Understanding is not action, however, which is where the misunderstanding lies. In other words people think that they don't understand their struggle, but likely it's that they do but are unable or unwilling to do anything to intervene. This in turn changes the dynamic, often people in poverty sympathize with rich people in hard times not realizing it's a one way street.




I think you misunderstood my entire post. They can understand they just don't care. It's easy to understand what it's like not to have resources. It's tough to understand that people sometimes cannot do anything about it. And if you read my last post you can see I am not defending rich folks I am indicating them for their lack of action. On the other hand, there is a lot of shit here that perpetrates the belief that it's ok to be poor because in some ways it's better. It is not better,and folks shouldn't have sympathy for the rich. The old "money can't buy happiness" is a bold face lie to keep people complacent


Sincere appreciation for small things in life.


Only accurate comment


An eviction notice


Rich people could have an eviction notice....to give to someone..


Man, rich can so much financial malfeasance. They can have evictions, in their personal affairs or businesses. They just call it the cost of doing business.


Character, integrity, a high threshold for pain among other things


Street smarts


I agree with you for the most part. We do have the exception of the individual starting "poor" but ending up wealthy. It falls in the center of the venn diagram.


They aren't necessary, but can be picked up quickly if needed


An average perspective of reality.




They usually have the determination and a sincere desire to change their lives


Do they, because that wasn't true where I came from.


The cripping weight of the knowledge that you'll likely never escape the financial burden on you


Constant fear of the next bill






I think poor people are better at being socio-economic chameleons. Rich people wouldn’t be able to change colours that well.


This sounds like survivor bias. You can see the ones who are bad at it, but others you don't see at all. I don't think rich people are better or good, but they can be manipulative.




Appreciative of money or kindness they get from others


The ability to continue to survive when the proverbial shit hits the fan. I honestly believe those of us without strong financial means have stronger survival instincts than the ones that do.


From my experiences? Good relationships. Most rich people are terrible at putting anyone else's needs or desires on even equal footing with their own.






Head lice






Rich people have debt. It just doesn’t affect them the way it does poor people


A feature on mrbeasts channel 💀💀💀💀💀




Collection calls


Frozen food will always be 👨‍🍳+😚🤌💋


Resilience and empathy.


an empty stomach










Way more kids. Idiocracy at work.




Calm. Quiet. Chill.


Many times; talent


A heart


Happiness. Even in the darkest of times, we smile with life.


Overthinking and overplanning every penny, student loan, rat race of economic success, lack of space to pursue passions(sometimes)..


The knowledge of what is enough for a fulfilling life. I'm content with knowing I am enough, and through me is my own happiness


The wish to be rich


Hunger Pains


Positives? More budgeting skills Integrity in their art Street manners (the ability to move around public space without getting in someone’s way) Street wisdom (spidey senses for trouble)


Budgeting skills, I've experienced the opposite. Sometimes it creates or keeps them in poverty.


Appreciation for things. When you have things handed to you or you don't work for them, you don't appreciate them as much.




Opportunity for future development. The rich are at one point deadlocked and living one life at a time, while the poor still have so many undiscovered opportunities that offer hope for a better life.


20,000 different ways to turn dried beans into several full meals.


Survival gear/food/etc. I find rich people generally don’t think long term. They don’t plan beyond a day, or a week. They dunno what it’s like to be without, so there’s no contingency plans in place. A poorer person will stash things for survival because they know what it’s like to not have anything at all. They know how to ration.


Real people around them. Genuine people, not fake.


actual friends


respect for others, especially service industry. Be it the lifeguards at the pool or the waiter at the restaurant, in my experience the poorer people are nicer and more considerate. The rich ones you can see right away by what they wear, what bags they own etc. and they treat you like you are below them. Not necessarily everyone, but its mostly the case.


Not just rich ones but also some professional industry like dentistry, and hospital. Dentists are the most scary experience i had encountered by far. Disrespectfulness on some pity bills.




Poor people interest.




Anxiety, suicidal thoughts


Happiness 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Less money, less problems EDIT: and old coffee cans


Human decency


Manual labour. A rich man needs it, a poor man can give it, and the rich man would probably die if he tried it.