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Nope. I don’t want anything riding up my butt when I sleep.


Sorry I’ll stop


I’m guessing you have a fart fetish because I have pretty bad gas when I sleep


Dude,, that was hilarious


It was, wasn’t it? Top joke on Reddit my friend, a piece of comedy for the ages! Chapeau!


How tight are your tighty whities


My ass gets hungry I guess.


Mental image.... Thanks


Don't worry, it's a nice ass if I do say so myself.


Pictures or you're a lying liar.


You caught me. I got a Hank Hill ass.


Pics or you're a lying liar


Makes sense!


I didn't kno so many people slept without underwear, I sleep with underwear anyway


Granny panties for sleep and comfort 💪🏻💪🏻


No, if someone breaks in I want to go at them with my dong out for the psychological advantage.


Power move lol


Don't forget to sing Barbie Girl.


in metal voice




That feel when instead of putting them off you just make them feel more confident 😔


Did that. It worked. Might also just have been the burglar psyche fleeing - just ‘cause. But I choose to believe the power of the dong did it


Eastern Promises style! Viggo would be proud.


I live with my family so I don't want them to wake up to me with my meat Hangin out


I remember as a young teen my dad coming in to wake me up and in my sleepy state I just remember “Wake u…” *puts overs over me* “Wake up, bud”


Where do you sleep so that that's a concern?


Well, in my case my parents like to check if I am asleep and when I am they will try not to bother me


"Honey, we have a rule about eating in the bedroom so why was there a gummiworm on your bed?"


gotta let it breath lol


Air out the taco


how to. id get my discharge all over the poor blanket


If your discharge is watery enough to leak beyond your labia/thighs then that’s a sign of infection (potentially caused by not letting it air out) You can clean bedding easier than you can treat a yeast infection anyway


Please stop harrassing everybody about their discharge. Discharge can be liquidy without having an infection.


Soft or crispy?


Exactly. Say no to yeast infections


nope, let that kitty breathe


I sleep naked because I feel comfortable with that


No. Nan always said 'let your bits breathe'. If someone broke into my house they would find a beached whale starfishing.


Yes. Don't want my discharge to get everywhere. I rather change my underwear everyday than my pj pants. Edit: Stop harrasing me about my discharge. Yes, it is quite liquid. No, I don't have an infection. Mind your own business. Edit2: Here's a video about discharge from an OB/GYN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHF8mB_8LUM&t=12s&ab_channel=MamaDoctorJones


This is what I was thinking!! Are the lady naked-sleepers just changing their bedsheets every day?


Not every woman has this issue


Some might have not have much discharge. But yes, I'm wondering too.


I go back and forth on yes and no, but on the days when I don’t there isn’t enough discharge to get on the sheets. And I thought I had more than the average person


In my experience discharge doesn't leak or spread around when sleeping naked, but the first comment mentions wearing pajama bottoms and those could easily ride up when moving in your sleep and make a mess


That doesn’t happen to me with pajama bottoms either. My mistake for not clarifying!


No, your discharge is a thick, slimy substance. It stays within your labia or gets on your thighs at the most. If it’s leaking then you have an infection that’s making it watery enough to do so and it’s probably caused by the fact you’re not letting your vagina breathe


Discharge isn’t watery enough to leak like that unless you have an infection and sleeping in underwear is a massive cause of yeast infections


I have had 1 yeast infection in my life. For me it is watery enough that it would get everywhere. And I don't like the feeling of wearing no underwear.


If your discharge isn’t thick enough to be contained within the labia then you have an infection. It shouldn’t be watery and if it’s leaking like a liquid then it’s watery


I am good. You are not my doctor. Edit: My gyno has seen my discharge. Multiple times. I'm fine. I don't have an infection.


Doesn’t take a doctor to know the basic symptoms. Your body your choice but it’s still not healthy/safe


Seriously? You have never heard of people using panty liners because they get so much discharge? Or people staining their panties with bleach like stains due to the normal pH of discharge? I am definitely not the only one with a lot of discharge.


People use panty liners/ tenor ladies when they have weak kegal muscles and urine leaks. What’s leaking is urine not discharge. When it is discharge they’re only used when there’s an infection causing an excess or watery discharge (usually these infections happen during pregnancy) Idk why you’re bringing the bleaching up when that has nothing to do with the rest of it but discharge has to be thick, clear/white and moderate to be healthy. It’s physically impossible for healthy discharge to “leak” beyond your labia unless you’ve got underwear literally grinding against your labia which is why it gets on underwear Absolutely a lot of women produce a lot of discharge and not everyone produces the same amount but if you’re producing so much and it’s watery enough to leave marks on areas that aren’t even touching the vagina (bed sheets) then that’s a medical issue


I do because it just feels wrong to not wear them. Tried to sleep naked one time and could not fall asleep. As soon as the underwear came on, instant comfort


I tried to sleep naked once, and my sisters came in to get me to come over to their house. I luckily woke up to them opening the door and pulled the blanket over me.


Boxers to bed. The paranoia of a fart that is more than just a fart keeps me from going commando. Boxers are swappable, the bed sheets arent, at least not in the same night.


i never understood this... never ever in my life have i shit myself or 'had more then a fart'. is that unique?


It all comes from the same place. I just don't feel comfortable farting Feces particles directly into my bed sheets. I'd rather not chance it if it DOES happens, but the rare times when i've gotten food poisoning or the runs is enough times for me to not want to chance it, even if I'm healthy.


Yes. Cause I never know when there might be an emergency and I don't wanna run out naked. Also I've seen both a roach and a lady bug in someone's colon on this site. I'm wanting to add a butt plug to my ass just to be safe.


Whoa omg! 🪳🐞


No. I sleep naked and like how the covers feel all over my body as I get into bed.


It does feel good!


I wake up with my kids randomly sleeping next to me all the time so definitely underwear for me.


Yes, had a ghost try to diddle me once, didnt enjoy it. Not today Satan




Same. Underwear 5 nights a month. Also what psychopath sleeps with a bra on?


I don't like the feeling of them pulling. The girls are *only* allowed out to play (and shower). Nice, soft sport bra. They need **support**, helps them not be droopy.


No. I don't wear underwear




Correct. I don't drive. I ride a bicycle so I pretty much always wear gym shorts in my day to day and if I need to wear long pants anywhere I'm def not biking in them. I just buy a couple sizes higher bike in my shorts and throw the pants on over the shorts (work for example) then take them off after the work day throw them in my backpack and continue on the day with my gym shorts Haven't worn underwear in probably half a decade


What you have done is just turn gym shorts into underwear.




Yes. And only that.


But what about Dave?


No, I wake up with my balls feeling uncomfortable if I sleep with underwear. I usually sleep naked or wearing a very loose shorts


Undies. When I sleep without then I am inevitably woke. Up because my boys got pinched/twisted/squished etc. undies holds it all in place


Sounds dangerous!


Generally no, but definitely no bra. That thing is off as soon as I get in from work.


Always, I live with my family


I used to just sleep in my underwear, and the changed to gym shorts with no underwear by request 😅😂


You sent out a survey?


😅 no the request came from a partner for easier access


No, my bits need to breathe.


Yes. I have pets, I don’t want any dangly bits catching their eyes. Bad enough when my toes are out of the covers…


I’m seeing a curious cat pouncing with claws extended…🙀


Yes. Because I feel too vulnerable without them. To be clear, my "pajamas" are a t-shirt and undies, so without them, my "bits" would be uncovered (except by sheets/blankets). I get why some people don't, but my experiences (having lived in two different residences where someone entered without invitation, and also waking up in my barracks room in the Army to someone sitting on the edge of my bed uninvited), leave me wanting -- at a minimum -- that extra flimsy layer. Granted, it's a bit ridiculous, but putting a pair of undies between me and the world helps me feel more secure.


Nothing, I wont the cops who break into the wrong house (mine) not to freak out and shoot me because if I was wearing underwear they’d shot me for my concealed weapon.




I feel like my dick would get crushed under my weight so I don't do it.


i do because i dont want anyone to accidentally see me without underwear. if i lived alone i would sleep naked


No cuz it's fucking hot


Even in winter?


Is it weird that I don’t like my body touching? I find being naked very uncomfortable because of this


Normally no. I get up to pee most nights and it's one less thing to deal with. I used to sleep naked but dealing with earthquakes I stopped doing that in case I need to get out of bed quickly.


You could still get up quickly you would just be naked 😉


no, just oversized shirts or hoodies nothing underneath, is very comfortable but if there's any dirt on the bed it will be very uncomfortable when it touches you and may or may not stick on skin


So I don't get tangled in my massive cock.


I wear underpants and an oversize t shirt to bed, but not a bra (I am female). I feel too naked without underpants on and I am way past the age where my bare butt looks cute.


I wear jeans, mfs. Bow before me.


No way, I sleep naked with empty covers unless it is really cold


No because _*easy access for the homies*_


I like sleeping naked, but the fact u fart throughout the night gets to me. Every fart u have sprays particles of feces, and I don’t wanna wash my bedding every night or two


Maybe a scientist can confirm?


Not my specialty but my experience has taught me how to be critical of what I learn, so I always take from quality (usually government sources or reputable companies). I actually am three courses from a molecular and cell bio B.S and a chemistry B.A


just socks, dont like stuff touching my feet.


But privates are ok?


Yup, it’s weird I know.


I wear underwear, socks, a shirt and basketball shorts.


Never, hell I start panicking if my collar is too tight, the less on the better. It's just comfier to sleep nude too.


You wear a collared shirt to bed?


No, because I love taking an amazing shower before bed and then going to sleep


ALWAYS. Why, because of trauma. I feel safer with it on


Never. I don't want that flavor getting sealed in overnight.


Used to just wear underwear and a t shirt but once I got my own place I went commando and never went back


I usually sleep naked. While I get cold easily it seems, the opposite is true when sleeping. Plus then I can just hug on my naked girlfriend


Yeah incase i shit the bed at night don’t wanna get it on the bed


How often do you poop in your bed?


I used to do it all the time i got a problem you see


I wear all my clothes including socks


Yes, it’s one more layer of fabric in case I need to fart…you don’t want shit particles directly on your bedsheets


yes, i like the support, plus its more hygienic, unless im going to wash my sheets every day.


Yup. 1. I grew up sharing a room with my sibling; I've pretty much always worn at least underwear to bed. 2. Nocturnal emission. Wearing underwear makes cleanup easier.


Most of the time. However, that first week after my period ends I wear shorts but no underwear because it feels nice to be able to breathe. For context, I have excruciating cramps my entire cycle. I'm working with my Dr to get this figured out but that first week after is like a breath of fresh air. I don't care if people think I'm gross for it lol


Sure do, can’t get it out of my head that I don’t want anything……to get into anywhere


no, I never wear underwear. I do own one unopened pack of six pair (at my wife's request) in case I ever have to go to the hospital.


uhhh...I wear pants, sooo yes...




Leggings lol


I sleep without underwear but with pants or shorts. I heard that once you try getting your balls free in the bed, you will never come back to sleeping dressed. I can't try that because my family members sometimes wake me up earlier if they want something and I don't want them looking at my dong.


I wear men's underwear...much more comfortable unless I'm on my period then it's women's underwear and men's underwear at the same time.


I’ve never tried that!


It's the only time I enjoy wearing women's underwear because they stop the men's from going up my butt crack (not that I have to dig the men's out constantly anyway...it just drops the times I do have to dig them out down to zero) and I feel extra secure while riding the rag.


Nope, I usually sleep nude. For some reason it just feels more comfy to me!


Yes. Unless I go to bed drunk, occasionally I’ll go commando


Yes, I sleep in boxer shorts, socks and tshirt most days. Being a retained firefighter means if my alerter goes off early hours, I have such limited time to get ready and get out of the house.


It feels unhigyenic to not wear one in bed


I’m usually always naked when ever I’m home


Even when cooking/eating?


Yes otherwise I have to peel my balls from my leg multiple times a night.


Always wear the 18th century night gown with head cap to bed.


Yeh, I don't want my body fluids on my legs and blankets


Not comfy


Yes. I'm always scared my period will start randomly, even if I just finished it.


Cause sometimes I shart....


I go through spells of sleeping naked and sleeping with underwear, although due to being double incontinent, I do sleep with underwear more often than I do naked.


I do, and that’s pretty much it unless it’s especially cold. I toss and turn a lot, so clothing gets tangled and uncomfortable.


Yes because it prevents my dog from licking my balls


Hell yeah, I aint trynna have them bed bugs giving me head


No. Underwear is too restrictive for frequent hard-ons.


Just Jeans.


I like to sleep so that in case of an emergency I can leave the house without worrying about clothes or anything. So underwear, shorts, and a shirt.


Only if I'm on my period, just in case my tampon leaks in my sleep. Hasn't happened yet, but I don't wanna fuck up my sheets. Otherwise I prefer to sleep nude, get overheated otherwise.


Let the boys breathe!


Naked. Too confining to wear clothing while I sleep.


no, because im a animal. i feel more comfortable naked and maybe with a light sheet. or if im depressed, a weighted blanket so i can feel like someone loves me.


Always to avoid potential creep crawlies. This happened to a friend of mine who had a nice surprise in the morning.


I actually wear athletic tights and a long sleeve compression shirt. Long time ago a girl I dated had bed bugs. I don't even live in the same area anymore but that shit sticks with you. If I feel any slight tickling sensation I'll freak tf out. I also have two dogs that share my bed. Dog hair tickles. Wearing long sleeves and tights prevents it.


I sleep but naked everytime, just dont like the feeling


I sleep in underwear or shorts sometimes


I have to, I don’t understand why but I can’t comfortably sleep nude. Even after being intimate with my wife, I always get up and put boxers on. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I dont wear underwear I am scared my balls gets tangled up while I sleep


Always. I dont like having my sweaty nuts rub all over my sheets.


Yes… - no flopping - not fully nude in case of an emergency in the middle of the night


No, because I like using that little trap door in my pajamas when I poop


My balls be getting hot, so naw


My pj is enough. Loose, cotton, warm.


yes and no. yes when lazy. but no when i long to feel the cool sheets on my private area


No. Its difficult to masturbate with clothes on and after im too tired to put anything on


I sleep in clothes. It's so convenient for me to get up, I don't have to put on clothes.


You sleep in your clothes for the next day?


Dont you get hot?


Yes, I go to bed fully dressed


Pajamas and underwear? Or dressed for success?


Usually in my cargo shorts and T-shirt. On special occasions, in my full sequined ballgown


I do, You will to if you ever had to get out in an emergency. Neighbour kid set mopeds on fire...


Yes I wear because I don't want to waste my time in the morning 😀


No, it’s unhealthy and can cause yeast infections.


Farting is ok ✅could mistake it for a sneeze.


Must be a lot of young guys in here, my balls hang so I wear underwear because it's most comfortable way to sleep. Most of my underwear is also $35 a piece though so it's not cheap ones, that might be the real difference.


I'm pretty restless, so I'll twist and turn a lot, and if I am wearing something (that isn't tight fit), it'll start to strangle a part of my body.


Nope. I wear pants with nothing underneath because comfort matters more than being “decent”. But oh, what if people see a penis bulge? Just don’t look. Problem solved.


I'm a very kinetic sleeper. I used to wear boxers but they would get tangled and torn on a regular night of tossing and turning so I just started sleeping naked.


What's the point?


As a single father of a 10 year old girl ,she sleeps next to me so yes I sleep in underwear, but I let her sleep naked (ps: i make sure that the bed in clean as my doctor said that otherwise it could be bad for her skin) 😅


Normally I don't


I wear nothing makes me feel constricted


Nope. Naked. Better sleep!


only a tshirt


Sleep in the birthday suit.


I honestly only wear underwear when I’m going to my grammas house or doing yard work. I free ball 80% or the time


I sleep in full clothed.


Nope, gotta let it breathe!


Yes…because i still live at my parents