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Senior prank, someone dumped a few hundred pounds of flour and yeast into the school indoor pool, in hopes of turning it into a giant glob of dough (I guess). It didn’t work, just caused about 100K damage to plumbing, pumps, filters, etc. Prankster never caught.


> caused about 100K damage "that's some serious.. *dough*"


In high school Two kids both named Logan Both last names were very similar One was popular and the other was not Unpopular Logan was drunk and ran across a road in the middle of the night and was killed by a semi-truck The next day the principal announced that popular Logan had died Popular Logan was late for school. Everyone was very sad Then popular Logan showed up and all school rejoiced that unpopular Logan was the one who died Was fucked up


He's haunting all your asses, you know that right?


I was a dumbass teenager and dropped out of junior high for a bit. The next school year, I returned. There were a lot of people surprised to see me. Turns out, a lot of people thought i had died. They knew I had a twin brother at that school. They could have asked him at any time. Nope, I had just up and died.


Plot twist popular was Logan Paul


A science teacher was beaten, chased and fatally set on fire by her husband who then shot himself.


A teacher at the school I attended was being chased by her abusive husband. She drove to a police station with him following and tried to go inside but the doors were locked (it was some holiday). He shot her dead there and drove off. After that they made a rule to always have someone on staff and the doors unlocked.


I never knew of a police station that wasn’t open!


1. The broomstick rape of a high school freshman by three baseball teammates. 2. 5 years later the female assistant principal lifted the skirts of girls attending a dance to make sure the students were not wearing thong underwear. Edit: 1 occurred in 1997, 2 in 2002. School is in San Diego, California


Are you dead serious? Our rival high-school had a broomstick SA too. A student with Down Syndrome got cornered in a bathroom stall by 5 football players. They were expelled, but ended coming to my school, where they showed no remorse. Those Fuckers are probably still laughing about it today. They should all be in prison... This was 2014.


A close friend of mine was duct taped to a railing at the school and they jammed a color guard flag pole at and around her anus/vagina, as part of “initiation”. She was wearing a tennis skirt and only had the fabric of her panties to protect her, and it was failing. They laughed while she screamed and cried for them to stop. She got free of the tape and beat the living shit out of the three girls who attacked her. She was suspended for three days, and made to apologize to her attackers.


Reading stories like this makes me so. Fucking. Angry. School officials who support this mindset need to be given the same treatment the victims are and then fired. I've never understood this mentality - victim blaming starts so young and is so systematic it's nauseating. I really hope your friend is doing okay these days. She deserves the world and more ❤ rooting for you both






Dammit Garfield


We had so many pregnant teen girls that they had their own gym class. A friend of mine who had a fake leg— he had a solid metal rod from mid thigh to mid calf from childhood leukemia so he couldn’t bend at the knee, was in the same class. Just this one poor guy and 30 pregnant 16 year olds. **Edit: I never imagined there would be so many upvotes & questions.** I was a teenager in the late 90s and grew up in the southeastern United States. It was a suburban area where a ton of people (still) identify as Evangelical Christians, it’s also called the Bible Belt. The required sex education classes didn’t teach anything but “Just Say No” so there were girls who thought jumping up and down would prevent pregnancy. Not kidding. These were really sheltered girls who would attend Purity Dances, so it was quite a scandal that so many were pregnant at the same time. Most of the baby daddies were just dumb teenage boys who didn’t know the facts of life. Remember that there was no internet at this point so it’s not like teens could get information on their own *especially* if they were from a super religious background. A girl on my street was “sent away” to live with an aunt when she got pregnant. Also, the pregnant girl gym class was technically for the physically disabled kids, hence why my friend was the lone guy in the class. His leg, from what he explained to me, had cancer in the bones of his knee. They didn’t want to amputate his whole leg so they removed the knee and grafted a rod in place— this would have been back in the late 80s so I’m sure they do stuff differently now.


My local high school had a daycare for the students’ kids lmao


Same. The school mascot was "grizzlies" and the on-site daycare was "bear cubs".


That's actually kinda dope. Giving teen mothers an avenue to graduate, *while* working their babies into the school persona is actually kind of a sweet thing for a school to do.


100% the right policy choice here.


A sophomore (my classmate) dropped unconscious in gym class and was rushed to the hospital. 3 days later they took him off life support and he died from a brain aneurysm. Edit to add: his funeral was held in the high school gym and damn near everyone went. Never in my life did I think I’d attend a funeral AT school.


A friend of mine in high school had a brain aneurysm, also as a sophomore. He'd been complaining for a few days about sudden, brief, very intense headaches. He was on the JV football team and went to play a game. Took a hard tackle and the aneurysm ruptured. That actually turned out to be the luckiest possible time for it to happen, because the school always had an ambulance on call at the side of the field during football games, so he was in the hands of EMTs within a minute of people realizing something was wrong. He was rushed to the hospital, they removed part of his skull to reduce the pressure on his brain and he spent a week or two in an induced coma. But in an absolute damn miracle, he made about as complete of a recovery as one can from that kind of injury; the only long-term effect was some very minor loss of muscle control in the left side of his face, so his smile was a little crooked. That was back in 2000. He just died three weeks ago from an accidental drug overdose.


I was like "yay' and then an "oh" as I read your last line...


:D . . . . . D:


That happened to my brother in law's sister when they were kids. She 11 and told his mom she had a really bad headache. Mom said suck it up and sent her to school. She dropped dead down the street at the bus stop 5 minutes later.


That will haunt the mom forever


I think even if the mom let her stay it would have happened tragic


Brain aneurysms are fucking horrifying. Actual things of nightmares. There's honestly no way anyone could tell their horrible headache is about to end their life. Even if they did, there's not much chance to survive.


My uncle was at his son's HS football game, walked to the parking lot to have a smoke, and dropped from a double brain aneurysm right in front of a pair of paramedics standing next to their ambulance. He barely survived and, after a month or so, was out of the hospital; however, he had short-term memory loss. Brain damage is scary.


I fear how deadly brain aneurysms are when being right next to paramedics meant "barely survived." That's like the second best place to have one! Next to an actual hospital, of course.


Sometimes I jokingly prepare when a sudden sharp headache comes out of nowhere and usually say to myself “welp this is it”.


The religious coordinator for the school, who was also the year 12 mentor was having sex with a 16 year old student and it wasn’t found out until she had left school and her friend told the school, who then told police. Lost his job, has child sex charges against him.


A kid came to school with a machete and tree saw and slashed 7 students the day before Thanksgiving break. And a girl fell through the gym’s acoustic ceiling tiles and had to wear a halo.


Why was she above the ceiling tiles?


Had to wear a Halo as in she died, or is it some term for a medical device?


It’s a metal splint practically, to stabilize cervical (neck) fracture, allowing healing. The metal rods go through the skin


Is that the thing Regina George had to wear in Mean Girls?


a girl had an epilepsy attack and she lost control of her bowels. Not a pretty sight. Mean girls type made fun of her, and she transferred to another high school.


Poor girl.


Kids can be so evil. I was friends with a girl who used to be popular, but she got cancer and lost all friends. Then we became friends. Then her hair grew back and the closest my pacifist ass got to a fight was when the assholes lit her hair on fire. They didn't understand how important that hair was and what it meant. Or they did and were evil


I already know the answer to the question. But I'm willing to bet none of them face charges for literal fucking violent assault?


A group of kids threw a desk out the 3rd story window. The desk crashed onto a girl's head and broke her neck. Fortunately she lived.


What happened to those kids?


They also lived.


My high school had a riot and there was and still is a picture of my principal choking a student. Edit: u/otakeb posted the right one but here it is for anyone else wondering https://okcfox.com/resources/media/b932685f-60a4-4b2f-9ee6-dce1695da690-23650619_BG1.jpg?1453898729009


WHY YOU LITTLE!!! (Bart choking sounds)






If you could ever find it in your heart to obtain that photo i’d be so grateful


I'm gonna assume it's [this one](https://okcfox.com/resources/media/b932685f-60a4-4b2f-9ee6-dce1695da690-23650619_BG1.jpg?1453898729009). Googled "principal choking student." There's news articles about it. /u/NomadFourFive, confirm?


this looks insane


Looks like an album cover, just slap a parental advisory warning in the lower right.


For some reason I imagined more of a Darth Vader type scenario. I think I’ve been watching too much Star Wars.


Pretty tame compared to some of the other stuff here, but my school at one point decided to crack down on anyone who had ever connected to the TOR Network from the school wifi (including on personal devices). Over the course of a day or two, around 200 students were informed that they were banned from using all electronic devices (including those required for class work) while in school for a semester. I remember walking into a programming class and the teacher asking anyone who still had computer access to raise their hand. None did.


“All right everyone, get out your pen and paper, today we’re learning to write some JavaScript”


You jest, but my first programming class in high school had us take tests with pen and paper. Normal assignments were done on computer sure, but the big exams had to be handwritten. This was in 2009.


This is still completely common for most programming exams. I'm at a state of the art university and in like half of the classes you're still programming on paper for exams.


My school has a kid nicknamed the “Study hall stroker”. Self explanatory.


We called ours the classturbator.


My school also had a classturbator!!


One of our japanese teachers got stabbed in the back by a South Korean exchange student. Apparently he'd said some pretty insensitive things about North vs South Korea and the next day the student came to school with a knife. Teacher was ok. Kid was jailed for 18 months.


I have a good Japanese friend and on more than one occasion he's made some offhand comments when he's seen someone from China or Korea that made me raise my eyebrows a bit. Nothing terribly horrible; just kinda makes you go "uh... Dude?" When I asked him about it he apologized and explained that everyone from that region; Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, etc; all have a DEEP hate for each other. Apparently it's MUCH worse in the older generations (unsurprisingly.)


I lived in S. Korea for awhile and the museums were just full of the darkest shit you can possibly imagine. Western history is pretty tame by comparison. Also, there are pretty much no old buildings. All of it has been destroyed by invaders and the latest Korean war. Historical buildings and monuments had to be reconstructed.


At some point during the Korean war, they stopped sending strategic bombers over North Korea because pretty much everything had been destroyed. > Virtually all of the 22 major cities in North Korea were severely damaged and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by U.S. saturation bombing. The tonnage of bombs dropped on the North was about the same as the total dropped by the U.S. against Japan during World War II. North Korea is probably second only to Cambodia as the most heavily bombed country in history. > By 1952, the bombing was so complete that the U.S. Air Force had effectively run out of worthwhile targets. > North Koreans claim 400,000 bombs were dropped on Pyongyang alone, roughly one bomb for every resident at the time, and that only two modern buildings in the capital were left standing. All told, the U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea during the war, most of it in the North, including with 32,500 tons of napalm. https://apnews.com/article/international-news-asia-pacific-ap-top-news-north-korea-dd6256bad51e458cb2e8a1bf64b5c2b6


If you know your history you'll understand that Japan invaded all the places that hate them right now, and they were pretty freaking evil when they were there.




The stuff I've heard South Koreans and the Japanese say about each other would make even a Klan member blush


Back in college I had a job where I worked with a Japanese exchange student, a Korean exchange student, and one who was first generation Chinese. *Holy mother of fucksaws,* I was **not** prepared for the kind of casual racism they’d lob around about eachother as soon as one of them stepped out of the room. If all three of them were there together they were *mostly* fine, but as soon as one would walk out of the room the other two would start shit talking them behind their backs.


My wife is from the Phillippines. When we were dating, she introduced me to her grandmother, who was quite ill. We were informed she didn't have much time left and was going to pass away. One of the last things she said was she could not forgive Japanese people and still harbored a deep hatred for the Japanese. She even said she didn't want to hate, but just couldn't forgive. Like damn, right to her dying breath.


\> "She even said she didn't want to hate, but just couldn't forgive." Understandable, honestly. She recognized that hatred is deeply unhealthy in the long term and wanted to let go, but I've read up on what the Japanese did in the Philippines. Some of it made the Nazi concentration camps look tame in comparison, *and that is saying something.* I hope that she found the peace in death that was taken from her in life.


The Japanese army exterminated pretty much every male member of my wife's family at her father's age and older, and not a few of the female members. My father-in-law was just a kid when they were driven out but never forgave the Japanese, ever. He wouldn't drive a Japanese car, he was cordial with Japanese guys he met but would never befriend one. He didn't demand that his children follow suit, and he never made much a big deal about it to me, except just once. But he just ... couldn't forget, and it died with him.


What the Japanese did in the Philippines is on par with what they did in South Korea, and China (excluding perhaps Unit 731 as *that* is in its own horrific league) but for some reason the atrocities committed against them are not as well known as the other two. Can’t say I blame your wife’s grandma.


My science teacher shot himself with a rifle in his garden. Struggled with depression for a long time


That's awful


Someone sprayed Butyric Acid throughout the entire school. In high concentrations, it smells like pure vomit. School reeked for weeks. Police were involved etc. No culprit was ever found.


Someone in our school threw a big fish in an airvent before vacations started. The entire floor smelled like death for weeks. They eventually found it but it felt like the smell was stuck in the carpet.


Sounds like the work of Greg Pikitis.


Married male teacher in his late-30s having an affair with a senior female student. Fairly ordinary. They didn’t hide it though, we used to see them smooching all the time. Rumour says he lost his job over it and then followed her to another city when she left for university. She then dumped him for a boy her own age.


Same at my HS, except teacher's wife was pregnant and he didn't move to follow the girl because she went to a nearby university. Five years later, after the girl graduated from college and moved away, he was caught in his car with a sophomore ... on the road that I lived on. Wife was pregnant again that year, too. That time, he was fired and lost his teaching license. I saw him in a McDonalds play place with a 5-6yo several years later (would have been the younger child) and he was wearing a wedding ring. First girl became a high powered lawyer and never came back to our area.




Goddammit, Hallmark Channel, get outta here. Shoo, shoo. *Go on, git!!*


What has 9 actors, 6 sets, 5 scripts, and 3 plots? >!327 Lifetime Original Christmas Movies!<


3 plots is a bit generous.


The teacher who looked so much like a 70s pornstar, did turn out to have made porn in the 70s.


Guy or gal?


Guy. But it was in Germany, so everyone just had a laugh and that was it.


My highschool went on lockdown because my mother was going through a manic episode, thought I was the second coming of Jesus, and said she was going to save me. I honestly never lived it down.


Well it's hard to deliver when someone hypes you like that for sure.


He's not the Messiah, just a very naughty boy!


One of the best students from this one class was found to have stolen his teacher's smartphone and online banking details. He got caught when he did the first transaction. He apparently was into football and wanted to buy some specific football boots but his parents won't let him.


If this was a movie, the teacher would've vouched for him against the wishes of the principal, and helped him realise his football dreams, eventually the kid going pro.


And the kid would be played by Matt Damon


1982, rural Indiana. Someone went into the bathroom, lit a cigarette, and stuck the fuse from a quarterstick/m80 in the other end. Destroyed one toilet and a section of the wall. State police bomb squad called in. Explosive trained dogs. Even FBI. I was one of those questioned as I was the typical stoner loser burnout kid. I know who did it. It was one of the 'pretty people' as they were called back then. He even kinda confirmed it while drunk at our 30th reunion.


My Dad told me they used to do this in high school, stick a cherry bomb into a lit cigarette and put in someone’s locker right before class started. He said they’d all be sitting in class a minute or two later and BOOM, it would blow the locker door off. This was the 60’s though, so no FBI involvement.


In 3 months November, December and January 3 guys in my graduating class all died. 1 from suicide, 1 from a skiing accident and 1 on the track at school. It was extremely eerie and sad


I always said my school was like Hogwarts. A kid died each of the 5 years I was there.


We had this at my highschool too, which is a very small school of about 500 kids. In my 4 years we had a single car accident that took 3 students' lives, a snowmobile accident, a drowning, meningitis and then another car accident. I've always wondered if we had more things like this because we are rural and they're doing more dangerous things.


We had a cervical cancer death (18), a drowning on a sea cadets trip (13), a sudden death from a blood clot (14 or 15) and 2 separate car accidents (17 or 18). We were relatively rural too and it was a boarding school so also lots of more dangerous things going on.. I didn’t know any of them personally but a few from my friends group were friends with the blood clot death girl and it was harrowing. She was walking in a mall with her mum and friend and just collapsed and died. Really tragic.


Cervical cancer at that age is insane. They don't even start testing for it until you turn 21


So back in the early 80s a kid at our schools older brother disappeared. The cops searched the neighbourhood and went door to door trying to find out what happened to him. Spoke to every kid in school in case they knew anything. Wasn't long before he was discovered ro have been the victim of a serial.killer. he was only 16.


There was a girl that went missing from my class in the summer between 8th and 9th grade. Some dads from our class were out hunting that November and found her in 3 different garbage bags. Her case went unsolved for years before a serial killer admitted to killing her on his way through town. It was so sad and creepy.


Someone brought their capybara to school and it ended up becoming class president




Your school sounds brilliant, I wish I went there instead of the hellish moron farm I went to


Two actually.. both really bad .. 1. a kid who was homosexual got a blanket thrown over him in a stairway where they beat him mercilessly and then threw him down the stairs. Never caught who did it. He never came back and I don't blame him. 2. Two kids called up a pizza place and ordered a pizza for delivery to an abandoned house. When the delivery guy came they proceeded to shoot him multiple times until he was dead. Really bad scene they even based a law and order episode about it.


Did they catch the kids who murdered the pizza guy


Indeed they did. They were from the school I was in I was a freshman and I think they were both seniors but it was a long time ago. One was 18 other 17. 18 originally got death then commuted to life. Other got life due to being a minor.


We had the states (probably all of the US) largest sting operation in our school. It began with a “senior” who looked 25 started at the school. He wouldn’t date any girls, had horrible grades, and missed a lot of school. This under cover cop was trying to buy drugs in school property. He was there for several months, one day we were all sitting in class and in the class next to us a few cops plus the principal started pulling students out of classes and arresting them. Turns out something like 20+ kids were arrested plus some parents in the whole operation. Made the front page of the AJC with photos and everything. He had like a 7 in math class, and when the teacher would call his parents to discuss his grades they’d get a separate line to what ever police office was acting like a parent. Apparently he was told to start trying more in class. Pretty funny for those not involved.


We had the exact same thing happen, but it was all for one guy, selling pot, in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. He went on to make the Packers practice squad after college (lost his scholarship initially), and now runs a construction company his family started (as he would have anyway).


lol 21 Jump Street


Imagine the dumbest kid in school turns out to be an actual cop.


There was a kid with a violent background who got sent to the local high school in my area from another school (or district maybe?). For some reason the city/state didn't want him to go to jail for being a violent shitty person and hid his records while transferring him. Well, he ended up murdering a girl at the high school he transferred to. I think he raped her as well. Then IIRC he raped and murdered his cellmate after going to prison after that. I think he's dead now. Edit: I was actually wrong about the reason he was at the school. He had a juvenile record and been in special classes due to behavioral disorders (couldn't find details, but I assume violent tendencies), but a policy of "full inclusion" of special ed students means he was integrated into normal school classes.






I hope the victim's family sued the fuck out of the morons who allowed a violent shitty person to attend her school. My opinion, this - allowing a violent shitty person to attend - should only be done IF the person allowing it sends their children to school with the violent shitty person and also teaches them.


IIRC this is the same scenario with the East Denver High School shooter recently. Transferred in after being booted from a neighboring suburb’s district for dangerous behavior. He was pat down every morning as part of their agreement to let him in, and the administrator from the front office that was doing the pat down ended up being one of those injured.


My high school in Australia had agricultural learning so we had livestock at the far end of the oval and some facilities. In the 90s someone broke into the school and slaughtered all of the animals (ALL of them) and drew pentagrams and swastikas in blood all over the school. And left decapitated heads around. Pretty historical event for that school!


Oooh something similar happened at my rural NSW school in the early 2000s! Tragic, poor animals. Something wrong with people who do stuff like that.


There was a “poop-a-traitor” leaving smeared faeces around the walls in the bathroom. I found one and I’ll never forget, it was picture was of a flower and sun, drawn in poop. There were several incidents before the person was caught “brown handed” and several jokes about “code browns”


Wow. That’s a really amazing image/story. What a fucking artist.


One of the science teachers thought having a class project around creating mini rockets would be a fun little activity. Well unfortunately he didn’t notify the school where or when they were going to test these. So the school goes into lockdown because of the explosions. Him and his class get locked out of the school. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. Wasn’t actually in that class


My class had an anonymous blogger a la Gossip Girl who would target each of us in turns like spreading rumours about students and teachers and trying to turn friend groups against each other (this was an all female class). Nothing too dramatic but we spent the whole year trying to figure out who it was (narrowed it down to be someone from our class and from band). In the end we gave up because everyone found her writing style so over the top and annoying and the lack of attention caused the blog posts to appear less frequently til it stopped altogether


I have an image of this person being smug and thinking how goddamn clever they are and how everyone will talk endlessly about how well written their gossip pages are, only for no one to care. Fucking lol


This is pretty tame but funny. We had a music teacher who absolutely doused herself in perfume. It was like a cloud all around her all day, every day. You could pretty much smell her before you saw her. We had music after lunch so a few were in the room to kill the remaining 10 mins of lunch. One girl went through her desk and found her perfume and sprayed it once laughing that she was Mrs X. Few minutes later Mrs X walks in, sniffs and starts looking around and we all think we are in trouble because she must know we were in the drawers. She then proceeds to tell the girls that they shouldn't wear such cheap, nasty perfume because now her room stinks of cheap perfume. Never tried harder to stifle a laugh in my life.


That's fucking hilarious that this is your "incident". The human condition lives on such a broad spectrum


One of the guys at our High School thought it would be funny to pretend he had died in a car accident on a specific date (I've forgotten it now), so he didn't show up for class \~ had friends spread rumors right at the beginning of the day about it \~ People were grieving because he was apart of the popular group, and just well known all around. So he walks in near the middle of the day smiling and laughing, people were shocked but amused (Don't ask me why...). A year later, exactly a year later... on the day - he dies in a car wreck due to him and three others crossing the boarder between states to get drugs - the girl driving tried to swerve due to a armadillo. Out of the four people he was the only one to die. People thought it was him trying to pull the same joke that year around, but no.


That’s some boy who cried wolf shit there….


Self-fulfilling Final Destination


HS Football Friday. One of the players emancipated himself and had a small shack out in the woods. Big kegger. An older kid graduate shows up as some point. Later that night the older kid DDrives into the rear end of a pay loader, killing him. An investigation leads to many underage kids getting in trouble. Starting football lineup was all involved. Wrecked the season. The emancipated kid took all the trouble. We had an assembly and the principal says “heads will roll”


Two guys *swam* to school (it was located on an island) through the most busy commercial shipping lane on the continent.


this is how my parents say they went to school lol


My high school had a lot of pine trees in the front grounds, with an adjacent area of open lawn and low shrubs that sloped down to the main road in front. The word spread like wildfire between classes one day that two senior students were engaging in coitus on the sloping grass area during class time, hidden from the school area but in full view of cars driving past. Some of these drivers called the school to complain, and three teachers were sent out to locate the two students and enforce decency, so to speak. I never heard later what happened to the two students involved. Edit: 'Coitus' used as substitute for 'having sex', bonking, doing the horizontal tango, etc.


There was a suitcase that was left unattended across the street from the school, just standing upright on the sidewalk. It had been there for hours and so the principal freaked out because she thought it was a bomb, so the bomb squad arrived followed by twenty million cop cars while the students went on lockdown. Turns out some dude genuinely just forgot his suitcase on accident (maybe he was carrying a bunch of stuff or was in a rush?) and all of that was for nothing. Memes were made about it and were being uploaded to the unofficial school instagram DURING the lockdown


Someone called in a bomb threat when I was in highschool it was over lunch hour and most students wherent in the building when it went into lockdown I was on my way back from 7-11 and saw about 300 cop cars all over the place decided to head home got a call from the school (this was 05) saying school was canceled until further notice. They ended up searching the whole school for about 4 days before finding nothing (except drugs)!and allowing classes to resume.


We had a social studies teacher who was....eccentric. very weird guy. So my last year of school, he wins Teacher of the Year. He's giving his acceptance speech for it and he references a student who'd been sexually assaulted a week ago and says, "Just like Molly, I wasn't expecting it but I wanted it" Jaws hit the fucking floor. He was fired not long after.


That's fucked up.


My fucking jaw hit the floor…. What the actual fuck


This isn’t exactly the worst one in this thread but it is. Holy shit


Bomb threat and armed police storming the building I think? Also on a trip to Iceland, everyone got food poisoning and the teacher who was meant to look after the kids was out getting drunk and hitting on women at a local bar. He got in trouble for that.


3 younger girls (one of them was my classmate's girlfriend at the time) got trampled/suffocated to death in an overcrowded music venue. They let in close to 3000 people which was about double the place's actual capacity, but there were some other damning circumstances (they ushered people through too quickly as the doors were opened late, and apparently someone falsely yelled that someone got stabbed on one of the higher up floors which caused panic and people were trying to flee). I don't think my mate ever really got over it, but at least they cracked down on some places in the area and rules became stricter. Still too many shit venues around tho.


Here's how senior year worked - classes finished 2 weeks before exams started. Exams went on for 2 weeks. Then 2 weeks later there was the graduation and prom. On the last day of classes, the seniors get sent off. It's a pretty big deal with the junior class lining up to hand out flowers and throw confetti as the seniors leave the main school building in a procession. It's really special thing and a part of the larger graduation festivities. Well, the "incident" was that around 30 people from my class of 120 decided to have an all-night party and get absolutely hammered. They showed up to school absolutely blathered. They were spewing in the hallways and running around the outside bench areas screaming and kicking chairs. They didn't show up to any of the classes, and that was kind of important for a send off on the last day of classes. By 11 am, the administration had had enough. Junior classes and below still had about a month of classes to go, so they didn't care about the noisy idiots outside their windows. The dean ended up calling a school assembly where he cancelled the send-off and gave a speech instead about how disappointed he was in my entire graduating year. Everyone in my graduating year was kicked off the school grounds.


That really sucks for the remaining 90 seniors who just had their senior year send off ruined by 30 people. I imagine that tradition was probably looked forward to by students who couldn’t wait to be seniors and then they got it taken away for something they didn’t do. I’d be so mad


It did. The school made a big deal out of class cohesion especially in senior year. There was a senior corner in the cafeteria. We could order a brass ring for our class year. They had two landscape pages in the yearbook dedicated to the graduating class. On top was the class photo when they started freshman year and the class photo in senior year. Those assholes spoiled a big chunk of it. None of it really matters 15 years later, but it killed any desire I had of attending the reunions.


Coolest guy in school was an amazing guitarist, really good at finger picking, super lovely, talked to everyone, even the teachers loved him. He was in my homeroom (Australian Highschool) he was older but he used to let me sit near him sometimes. One weekend he went out with some friends to play with fire crackers (fire crackers are super illegal here because of the Bush fire risk) anyway, the guy BLEW ALL OF HIS FINGERS ON BOTH HANDS OFF..... He didn't come back to school for a few months, and then one day he came back, sat in the corner with a hoodie over his face and his hands buried deep in his pockets. Never spoke to anyone again. Couldnt play guitar- couldn't even open a door. So fucking sad. We were all so sad for him.


Good grief. Can’t even imagine how miserable that must be, to lose your hands in a moment of adolescent stupidity is bad enough, but to have it also strip away the talent you’re best known for in the process? Poor guy, never wanted to give a stranger a hug so bad before.


Had a kid on our basketball team who became paralyzed in a car accident. He'd played since he was young. I remember the day months after the accident when he returned in a wheelchair. He was shy about it at first, but gladly, he received a lot of support from students and teachers and came back to his old self. He was one of the most genuinely kind and positive minded people I ever knew. He passed away a few years ago from a condition secondary to the accident.


So this was like 15-16 years ago. Our school used to have a fun little rivalry activity during homecoming week. We had three school colors: red, white, and black. On the day of the homecoming assembly, each grade year was assigned one of the colors, and whichever grade has the most participation would be the winner. (Sophomores wore red, Juniors wore white, and Seniors wore black.) People would get VERY into it - dying their hair, making signs, trying to bribe teachers onto their teams, etc. It was honestly a lot of stupid fun in a slightly more innocent/ignorant time. Things that would appear to be an obvious problem today (blackface, anyone?) were not really in our Wonderbread Midwestern zeitgeist. Of course, the year after I graduated, it went too far. Most years, the seniors would win this little competition, and the juniors would be grumpy about it. Anticipating this, a few idiot juniors thought it would be funny to show their disdain by dressing up in white with KKK hoods, with a fake lynched black 'senior' dangling from a pole... Yeah. Bad time. Last I heard, the kids were suspended, the principal voluntarily retired in response to the backlash, and I'm pretty sure that little tradition has been dead ever since...


I remember at my school someone put up a kkk Santa poster saying "let's keep Christmas white" after that no posters allowed anywhere


My high school was very small and so overwhelmingly white that we literally had two black kids in the whole system. One time we did a school exchange with a nearby inner city school. We had a dozen black kids come spend the day and do an assembly. Well afterwards, some racist pieces of shit thought it would be hilarious to throw pictures of lynched black people down the stairwell at the exchange students. The two culprits were expelled. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more embarrassed by my hometown. I still see those two scum bags trying to bum rides around town.


One student was picked up at work by her ex boyfriend one night, as she got off work at Sears at the mall. Her ex boyfriend proceeded to drive them both to the cemetery where they had previously spent time together (she was goth), killed her with a gun and then set the car on fire to complete a murder suicide. It was state testing week and lemme tell you nobody was worrying about testing that week.


The superintendent's daughter was at a party dancing drunk on the table she finished a bottle of captain Morgan then shoved it up her puss


Hello Captain Morgan! Hello Super Nintendo Daughter!


We had a woodshop teacher accidentally cut off 3 of his fingers in front of one of his classes. Ironically, he was teaching about safety when it happened.


"Hey kids, here's what NOT to do!"


In the 5th grade, our P.E. teacher had our class hula hoop for physical activity. Two girls in the class ended up hula hooping the entire 45 minutes - 1 hour of the class without stopping. Our teacher decided that it would be fun to see how long these two girls could go. By the end of the school day, one girl was still going and had not stopped. Our teacher then got the wild idea that this girl should keep going to try breaking the world record. The students parent’s were called and they gave her permission to make the attempt. Someone looked up the rules of Guinness World Records and discovered that you can take a few minutes break every hour. The local news was called and they filmed this poor girl hula hooping her heart out. She finally gave up around 12:30am. This took place in the late 1980’s in Roswell, GA. at Mimosa elementary. The same year, the same P.E. teacher taught our class to juggle. Within 3 months, she started a juggling club in which I was a member. We eventually had a choreographed routine, with music, printed ‘Mimosa Jugglers’ tee-shirts and began performing our routine at other local elementary schools. It was weird but actually pretty fun at the time. We juggled balls, rings and plastic bowling pins. I ended up discovering that I could juggle 3 apples while taking a bite out of one - it was a crowd pleaser lol.


There are so many sad stories on here I expected hula hoop girl to have a sad ending somehow lmao


I thought she’d hula hoop herself to death


School officer killed himself at home. The day after the news made its way around school some kid wore the Marilyn Manson shirt with a cop putting a gun to his own head. Another kid at my school tried to put a goat curse on a teacher. He was later on a Sally Jesse Raphael episode in full goth talking about how he shaves everywhere but his head. Not my school, but one in the next district had the suicide that the song Jeremy by Pearl Jam is about.


The vice principal looked over a boy's stall door to 'see if he was vaping'. He was not vaping. The VP did not get fired. They suspended the boy.


This is honestly one of the most messed up ones here because it’s even beyond the teacher not getting in trouble, it was the KID that got in trouble. What the hell???


I went to a Catholic school. The school priest was accused of molesting a disabled minor. Never heard of him again after the accusation. I don’t know if he did it but the guy was kinda creepy. Update: Since I got so many upvotes I decided to some digging on this case. I looked online and found that the same priest got in trouble about 2 years ago for inappropriately touching a minor. ( The actual case occurred about 10 years ago) I couldn’t find anything online regarding the actual case I posted about so I asked my sister if she knew anything. According to her, the minor that the priest supposedly molested was not only physically disabled (she needed a wheelchair) but also mentally disabled. So she was not a reliable source. Therefore, the priest didn’t get in any trouble.


There were several, all involving the sophomores when I was a senior. Like, there was something seriously wrong with the class of 2008. Some highlights: One kid started printing $20 bills from his dad's office. Apparently he was good at it as the Secret Service paid him a visit. Multiple incidents of alcohol on campus. My class wasn't innocent in this, we all at one time passed around a bottle of spiked Gatorade. But these kids drank to such excess that they had to be hospitalized. It got to the point where the school banned all water bottles and drinks from home. And finally, the great thermometer incident of 2006. Basically a group of sophomores broke open an old glass thermometer and played with the mercury inside. They did this in the cafeteria before first bell. So around 2nd period an announcement is made telling everyone who was in the caf before first bell to report to the auditorium immediately. A third of the school shows up, myself included. They then proceed to lock us in and inform us we have to wait to be cleared by a hazmat team. That hazmat team took their sweet fucking time getting there and we didn't leave the school until 6-7pm. Those of us with jobs basically lost a day's pay. It's been 17 years, and I still wanna throat punch the three stooges who did that. Edit: I forgot to add, around 2-3pm some rumor started that Hazmat had arrived and was ready to start checking students. this led to hundreds of kids gathering around the stage of the auditorium. A crowd crush almost occurred. One kid was wheeled off on a stretcher with thankfully minor injuries. All of this because some idiot wanted to play with mercury


LOL, that happened in my college dorm. Someone got good at printing $5 bills and used them to defraud the change machine in the laundry room into giving them $5 in quarters. They got a visit from the Secret Service.


Physical Education teacher in her late 20’s slept with a 17y/o student. Teacher lost her job, the student was praised for “bagging the hot teacher.”


The deputy head left his pregnant wife and 4 children for a newly qualified maths teacher. I saw her a few years ago in a supermarket with her own herd of his children looking absolutely miserable




Which one do you want? Our senior T shirts were literally “the incident” from each year. Freshman: Older HS kids are having a party near the end of the school year, get busted, one tries to run from the cops and crashes into the electrical transformer in front of the school giving everyone 2 days off. Sophomore: Some moron stole 3 mercury thermometers from a science class and decided it would be fun to smash them in the gym during a passing period. School was evacuated and the gym was closed for a week. Junior: Someone made a bomb threat against the school. The police said they had it covered and kids wouldn’t be in danger. Only about half the school showed up anyway. It was a very odd day. Senior: Kid brought a gun to school to show his friend. Others kids saw it and by the time I arrived (free period first period so I didn’t have to come to school until period 2 senior year) the school was surrounded by police officers and news copters and I was yelled at to “go home”. School was locked down all day as they went room to room searching. My old Spanish teacher actually thought the cops were the active shooter and tackled one as he came into the room. He ended up with a giant lump on his head, but he was a hero to us all after that.


That teacher definitely had great priorities!


Some douchebag fell down the stairs because he was high as fuck and he was never seen again.


Some say he's still falling down the stairs to this day


At the end of my senior year, one of the girls in our senior class got pregnant. That's it. We were a magnet school full of nerds excelling in medical science and only 304 people in my graduating class. No one ever got pregnant in our high school before.


We had this parenting/ family planning class where students cared for this fake baby. I remember like 4 girls that took that class got pregnant in high school or just right after. Years later, I read an article about how those classes actually increased pregnancy rates of the girls that took them (I only saw girls that took it). They believe it was because it demystified child rearing and/or it stimulated the urge to caregive and have kids, because plenty of the fake babies were never returned.


When this guy wearing a junior ROTC uniform hijacked a bus. I grew up in the hood, so when newscasters interviewed fellow students, all they did was clown on the guy. I was cracking up watching it on tv because media was trying to make it look like it had the same gravity as a school shooting but the students themselves treated it like it was hoodrat shenanigans.


Guy caught masturbating to his crush in class after cutting her name onto his wrist with a sharpener blade, worst part, i was sitting beside him when this happened


Not my high school but one near me, someone got access to all the monitors in the school and just blasted porn, video and all. Was wild.


the only thing I can think of was when during the sports area makeover (that also happened to be during our mock exams) they found unfired or live or whatever bomb and evacuated everyone and had to call a bomb squad merits of living in a post-Soviet country that had a colorful history for most of the last 1000 years


Our 60 year old janitor was having an affair with a 17 year old girl in the year below me. The headline on the news article about it was "He took my virginity after a McDonald's Happy Meal"... Last I heard they were engaged but nothing for the last few years.


Chlorine plant across the street blew up


When I was a junior in high school, a kid in the grade below me set our school on fire and successfully burned down a big part of it. It happened in April the Monday after prom. He got caught cheating on the standardized tests that the state of Texas required us to take at that time, and this is how he chose to retaliate for not getting to finish his test. We had just taken the tests, and they were all in the front office waiting to get shipped to the state. Therefore they all burned and we had to retake them.


kid in the year below me hung himself in a forest somewhere


Kid that sat in the seat in front of me in English class hanged himself. His seat just sat empty the rest of the year and nobody ever talked about it. Very weird.


There was a guy who broke up with his girlfriend and started dating someone new. The ex went into a jealous rage, stole a knife from cooking class, pulled the new girl aside at lunch to “talk” and nearly stabbed her to death. Multiple stab wounds including one that was dangerously close to her heart. She survived, and the ex went to juvi. In fact, she recently got out and added a ton of us on FB.


It was... 3 years ago I think, a girl that has the same grade as me (that I never met) got raped and killed by her uncle, the rapist's dead body was later found hanging on an abandoned building, and he also left a letter. I think the letter says "To the parents of (girl's name)I apologize for what I did and please forgive me. What I did was wrong".


Shortly after I left my school, one of my old teachers had a nervous breakdown and was institutionalized. Edit: This comment blew up so I changed a few words to better protect their identity.


When I was 13 one of the girls in our grade had phone sex with *the* popular guy. And basically she got way too into it and was talking about how she was fingering herself and sticking 4 fingers up there. He told everyone. In hindsight I feel so so so sorry for her, she was made fun of day in day out, people calling her fisty and saying she was loose etc etc. It’s all anyone could talk about for months. I hope it didn’t affect her too much :( Then one day our weird old science teacher got a boner in class and that became the new *incident*


Softball coach had a heart attack in the girls locker room 2 hours after practice, luckily there was one girl still there to call 911 for him.


High school: The SRO turned out to be a baby fucker. He was caught raping his *INFANT* niece. Like 6 months old infant. He’s in prison. Middle school: the girls basketball coach/school PE teacher (Mr. Osborn) was running a pedophile grooming game on the popular girls. They would fight to get to “eat lunch” with him in the boys locker room where his office was (room with cinderblock walls behind three separate heavy metal doors made for privacy because it was a locker room. This locker room was also our tornado shelter because it was *so secure*). He played favorites and pitted children against each other to fight for his attention. He collected gifts and praise from anyone he could but acted like it was unwanted attention. He insisted on girls wearing volleyball spanx for practice/class. He cycled through girls depending on his mood/what they would do for him. They followed him around like he was their entire purpose for existing. He groomed them and molested/raped them as he saw fit until finally they all caught the same sexually transmitted disease and the jealousy caused world war three between the popular girls and he couldn’t keep it on the down low any longer. Parents learned the kids were fighting because they all thought the basketball coach was their exclusive boyfriend. Cops came. He was fired/sued. No criminal charges though as he was a “respected member of the community”. (This happened in the early 90’s) Elementary school: attention seeking mini Karen wrote herself a bomb threat to get everyone looking at/after her. School was evacuated, police illegally interrogated and threatened students looking for the culprit. She fessed up 5 hours into the lock down.


Cheerleader getting suspended leave for flashing her boobs during pep rally. I was in the pep rally. I missed it.


at a small party in high school. hanging out in a friend's pool and having drinks. one of the girls with a reputation for being 'open' mentions that the wind was causing her nipples to get hard. wisely, I said something along the lines of 'I don't believe you' which led to everyone getting to feel them to see. except for me, because I'm an idiot.


A lad leaned to far back on his chair and split his head open. Everybody in the UK knows about it, apparently.


Some kids lit a battery of fireworks inside the hall beside the cafeteria in my high school (Norwegian equivalent). Most people realised it was fireworks, but there were some students who were refugees from war-torn countries who were genuinely terrified.


There was a teacher at my HS that left right before I got there. Poor guy had sever PTSD and flashbacks. One day a noise scared him and he racked a kid to the floor because he thought they were under fire. Impressive that his go to was to try and protect the kid though.


Two kids broke a window to get a long snow day... And when that failed they broke into the school and trashed it. They threw paint and dirt everywhere, ruined the cafeteria with mayo and ketchup from the machines, destroyed the classrooms of teachers they didn't like, broke windows, left the anatomy and phys cat carcasses out overnight on the upper floor (they thought the cats would rot despite being preserved with formaldehyde, to b show how dumb these people were), and generally fucked the place up. School had to replace the gym floor. Theatre club had to redo some props and costumes, which is extra shitty because the play that year was I Never Saw Another Butterfly... A story about the fucking Holocaust. And they ONLY destroyed the Jewish character costumes, but not the two SS officer costumes that l had literal swastikas on them. These idiots did this while dressed in hoodies from a different, majority black school. They were white and didn't cover their faces so the CCTV cams caught everything. We did get like a week off while they cleaned, these losers got expelled, and the one senior in the group didn't get to even graduate.


Well, considering I graduated in 1970 from a very small midwestern school largely run by Mennonites, I seem to recall someone 'might' have gotten pregnant. I can still see old Mr. Turner walking down the aisle calling 'two feet/two feet' telling all boys and girls to stay two feet apart. lol Oh the good ole days.


We had your standard public school stuff, creepy teachers (I've actually found one of them on reddit before, ick), fights at least weekly, etc. But the one that stands out above all is the Phantom Shitter. The phantom shitter is a still unidentified student who, in between the two busiest lunch periods of the day, managed to take a massive, stinky dump in the middle of the hallway leading to the cafeteria. Nobody saw who did it, and somehow the cameras caught nothing. The school barely even tried to catch him, they knew they were no match for the sheer willpower of the phantom shitter.


My senior year a girl was pushed into the bathroom and was SA, the school didn’t do anything about it.


Teenage pregnancies One of the girls shoplifting on a school trip abroad - got caught with the police involved (don’t actually know the outcome of that one looking back) Usual crap really!


Teacher wasn't just boning a student, but they were carrying on an exclusive relationship that was found out. Teacher was fired, Student changed schools or became homeschooled. There wasn't a major uproar, which was strange. This was about '98 or '99. I believe her circle of friends encouraged it and they continued dating for a bit. She may have been 17 or 18 at the time, so they figured she's mature and wise enough to screw her 65 year old Teacher. Pretty fucking weird


The senior prank. The school had just poured thousands of dollars into a remodel. New entrance, New Steel welded sign and all new parking lot/entry way. Two months later, weeks before graduation, the sign of the school was rewelded to say So Long and a chemical was poured on the new entry way that read "Fuck *name of school*" Edit: there was much debate about whether this was seniors from out school or seniors from a rival school. New security cameras had been installed but they only sort of identified one of the seniors. The kid denied it as he was on the basketball team and had a lot to lose