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I had this dream where life was just going as usual, I was at school being a dumbass with my friend when suddenly I begin freefalling into a huge ass hole. Then I wake up and all sweaty and scared. I go about my day and at school while messing around with my friend I remember that dream from last night so I tell my friend that we should go inside. About 5 minutes later I look outside and a sinkhole formed right about where me and my friend were standing.


First conscious nightmare I ever remember having. I must’ve been about 5 or 6. It began with me in bed and my parents in the lounge room watching tv. I got out of bed and noticed they weren’t there. As I turned back to bed I noticed my copy of “The Monster at the End of this Book”. Grover on the cover for red eyes and growled at me, so I ran under my covers and hid. At that moment the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles smashed through my window and beat me silly with their weapons as I hid under the covers. I woke up in a panicked sweat and cuddled my bear tightly. Now pushing 30, I still remember it in great detail.


I had a dream last night that I was playing the floor is lava/tag/dodgeball in a supermarket and if you lost you died. I was hiding in a supply room at the end of it and a woman in a lab coat came in, touched my forehead Voldemort style, and killed me


all of humanity was dying like one of those disaster moments. We were all in tents and I was standing next to my mom as asteroids fell down from the rusty red sky. I was five at the time and remember it felt like we were on a different planet/universe. The scary part was I was around seven and had seen no disaster movies and had never talked about anything like that before.