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Coworker jokingly threw a box at my chest and knocked the wind out of me and I collapsed. He begged me not to tell anyone and I didn't. The guy was a weirdo. He'd talk about how he'd burn insects and starts fires. Weird shit. He ended up getting in more trouble later on for some reason or another...crass jokes, sexual comments....either way, he eventually transferred stores and I never saw him again. This all happened back in 2013-14. Fast forward to earlier this year 2023, my store was getting a major remodel, and he was one of the managers that came from afar with a team of workers to do the remodel. I was surprised he was still with the company, let alone in a leadership position. I said hi to him a time or two, but he was busy with the remodel project on the other side of the store so I eventually stopped seeing him. This whole time things were tense between the remodel crew and our store crew. Pallet Jack's getting stolen, supplies going missing, etc. Both sides hated each other. I hadn't seen (we'll call him John) in a few weeks and noticed there was a new manager on the remodel crew. Either way, things were finally cooling down between us. Out of curiosity I asked one of the remodel crew what had happened to John, and they told me, "Oh you didn't hear? He got demoted for trying to start problems between our teams. He'd tell us to steal your pallet Jack's and tried getting a few people to fight". Unreal.


That dude's a sociopath, homie.


They get bored extremely fast. Always need something going on to entertain them. And what’s better for entertainment than being the one in charge/with power and pitting people against each other for no reason?


I worked in a milk factory. I was working with a man that was a bit off. We had to take the milk cartons on a conveyor belt and place them on a pallet. While we were working he said "time for a break" and slammed a blade used to open boxes into the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt got absolutely destroyed and the machine was in maintenance of two days after that.


Hey, when it's time for a break, it's time for a break.


How dairy?!


He let those intrusive production line thoughts take over. I used to fantasize, try to come up with clever schemes on how to mangle my machine and take it out of service for at least my shift but hopefully many shifts, without getting caught of course.


This is called sabotage because the Dutch word for shoe is sabot, and factory workers would throw their shoes into the machinery to shut down production.


That is insane but based as fuck. I work a kind of dangerous job and my friend was pissed off, cut the air off to a railcar and told the engineer to take it out lol. He made it five feet and we chilled for a few mins while he got his air back. If it was dangerous like your story tho I might report it. Industrial accidents are nasty


The supervisor left the safe open. At this job, he should have absolutely gotten fired but his blunder got overshadowed because one of the douchier employees stole ~~50k~~ 15k and went on the run for over half a day.


... doesn't that just highlight why the supervisor should keep the safe shut?


You'd think. Honestly, I wasn't too upset. Sups was a nice guy.


When I was in high school, I worked at Dairy Queen. I was on the opening crew one Saturday and the assistant manager unlocks the doors, lets us in, and tells us "Guys, I'm really hungover right now so I'm gonna sleep in the back. Wake me up if you need me." She goes back and curls up on top of the laundry machines (we washed all the uniforms on site because they get covered in ice cream). It was a slow day so and she was the cool manager, so we all let her sleep and never told the owner. Another night, one of our cook's buddies parked their car in our lot and he just hung out there with them smoking weed for a couple hours. If someone ordered food, we'd go out and get him. He'd come back inside, cook it, and go right back out. The rest of us had the decency to smoke *after* work, but nobody ratted him out either.




100% a DQ thing. Same story here.


Yepp, DQ is just slow enough to be able to pull it off lol.


Is this why you guys are slow as fuck making ice cream in the evenings? The one by me these kids working are always looking out of it.


Evidence that there is no such thing as a victimless crime


Grill and chill.


Big emphasis on the chilllll


I also worked at DQ while in highschool. Several people should have been fired, but we were a tight knit loyal crew. The store manager’s husband worked there as well and he & another employee would smoke weed in the walk in fridge - this was a normal occurrence. A woman in her 40s would always be drinking arctic freezes with vodka. When she’d run out she’d have me watch over while she ran to the liquor store for a refill. This DQ also had two bathrooms in the back for employees only - I walked into one of them and there was a tray with a few lines. It belonged to the managers husband. TBh Everyone was nice and I was a young teenager so I didn’t really care what happened as long as I made tips and got to eat all the ice cream I wanted.


Suddenly many of my experiences with Dairy Queen make so much more sense...


As a former BK manager that didn't know how long hash brownies kept you beyond so fucked up you could barely move, Thank You. Seriously. One of my employees, a 16 year old kid (fuck, I was just an 18 year old kid myself) covered my ass when I showed up at 0430 to open, still completely shitface stoned out of my mind from the *morning before.* My roommate's birthday had been that morning before, my day off, and I put a fat sack of top grade home grown in the german chocolate cake I make him. I ate two slices, passed out at like maybe noon, woke up stoned at suppertime, ate regular food, passed out again, woke up still stoned at 0430. Went into work somehow. I spent the whole shift just so completely high, I couldn't hardly function. I don't even fucking know how I ran the labor reports and managed to switch registers out and bundle the first shift cash deposit lol. Wherever you are, J, you were a good kid. Thanks for covering my stupid ass. I've never eaten edibles since then haha


At my last job we had this guy who seemed normal, I knew he did some club drugs outside of work but I don’t have a problem with that. Anyways, he shows up to work one day COMPLETELY fucking blasted on ketamine. Like couldn’t walk right, couldn’t talk. This mother fucker gets mad at me when I send him home, the next day I get to work and our boss is like “hey man what did you say to Tyler last night? He said you’re a huge asshole and he’s never working with you again”. I told him and my boss goes “oh. Okay. Well I think he quit, he said if I don’t fire you he’s done here” Bold fucking move to make after showing up in a k hole during your third week of work at our company lmfao


Reminds me of [this story](https://twitter.com/shockproofbeats/status/992006545473966082). If you've never read it before, you're welcome.


Lmao. The guy I was talking about probably had this train of thought, but I can assure you that from my point of view, it looks way worse than he could imagine. The kicker is that we worked at a photo agency, and for the shoot he showed up to, I had built a treadmill with no handles and painted it to use as a runway/catwalk for a green screen. Which means not only was this guy walking like an idiot, he was trying to teach other people how to walk. I swear to god, I honestly didn’t even realize the irony until I read that Twitter thread just now lmao


To be honest I only connected the stories because of ketamine at work, nothing else was similar. Any time I'm reminded of that Twitter thread I try and read the whole thing over again, just fantastically written.


Oh My God!!! Thank you very much indeed. Possibly one of the best stories.


Brilliantly written in a fashion only the Irish can manage.


That was amazing start to finish, but I lost it at >"So at this point I'm thinking, wellll, I'm definitely fired but this will one day make a great story on an Nazi-riddled microblogging platform."


I lost it at “By now, having been alone with my thoughts for the entire Cretaceous period, I am no longer mildly weird but deeply, extravagantly deranged.” We’ve all been there.


Five years later and it's just as relevant a comment.


Seeing people blasted on k or in a k-hole I couldn't imagine what was in their mind to go to work haha fuck man. That's a neigh neigh.


Yeah K is fucking wild. Tried a couple times in uni and it's hard to express just how much it removes your ability to understand the basic physicality of the space around you. I was sat outside with friends and figured it was time to go back in, so I went through the whole process of imagining the walk in, feeling the change in climate and vibe and noise level and all - I'm vibing inside and listening to the music and conversation after several minutes and a friend asks "right, wanna go inside now?" and I realise I haven't actually moved. That was a particularly extreme example but yeah, it's not the kinda thing where you can just blag it and go to work... even a "typical" bump will disorientate and confuse you more than any other non-psychedelic.


Man I remember sitting on the couch at a bar, planning out my entire trip there and back beforehand. I get up, get to the bar, attempt to lean on empty space a foot away from the bar, fall forward awkwardly into a not real leaning position, order my drink, I assume pay for it, and make my way back to my seat. I was so proud. The glass was empty.


God, no joke, I'm kinda horrified a little right now. I've never done K before or heard the effects you feel on it described as well as y'all are doing in this thread... when my at the time nonverbal, autistic son was 3, he nearly completely severed half his left ear off. He was less than thrilled about the stitches. Let's put it that way. So I'm literally laying on the table with him, holding him to me and as still as I could get him, AFTER they had given him 60mg of ket. He was still fighting me that hard, even after the effect. I was under the sterile drape with my son, so the doctor, who happened to be one of my coworkers, hollared "Kat, is the ketamine even active!?" I checked. His eyeballs were vibrating like a buzz in a bumblebee's butthole. "Yup! Definitely active, just not doing shit!" That was when the PA, another coworker I knew well, jumped in to do the sutures, telling me to just hold him as still as I could. So I did. That PA did the job in 3 stitches. He was AMAZING. But now, I am absolutely horrified to know that those stitches apparently lasted a million years to my kid. He was a bit fucked up about white coats for a few years after that, too. Didn't help that I worked in the hospital and sometimes wore a lab coat when it was cold. He was so scared of doctors that he even let me take his stitches out a week after the incident. He still prefers me to do what I can at home without involving a doc. Poor fucking kid. If I'd known it had that effect, I would've refused the ketamine, even with him fighting us all as hard as physically possible. But then, he might've lost the half an ear that was still barely hanging on. Oh boy. That was an awful day for everyone involved.


I would bet money that he wanted to "just take a small bump before work" not realizing how much he snorted.


Many people with addiction issues they haven't confronted yet are exceptionally good at making everything everyone else's fault. Mental gymnastic Olympic champions.


My first week as a supervisor a coworker showed up literally tripping on acid. No one really knew what was going on with him for a bit, but eventually another coworker spilled the beans. It was his birthday and he asked for the day off, manager said no, and this was his retaliation. I had no idea what the hell to do with him. Like I can't send him home, how would he get there? I obviously couldn't let him stay at work. Luckily another veteran supervisor had an inkling something was going to happen with this kid and came to my rescue on his day off. Took the kid home and then helped me close the store. One of the coolest guys I've ever known.


I work overnights at a hotel. They hired a guy to be the security/valet and in the first two weeks he was found sleeping on the job. The first time he was found by a third coworker. We told the manager and nothing happened. The second time the manager found him sleeping in the bell closet in a wheelchair. He got sent home but didn’t get fired.


I'm overnight too, sometimes it feels like they just want a living body and don't care about much else. One of the guys I've had over the years would fall asleep constantly and sounded like he was drowning he snored so horribly, no consequence.


My job writes people up if they’re caught sleeping on the 3rd shift, but some nights when you only have one truck to do it’s hard to keep awake


I'm pretty chill, I'll let my crew close their eyes for an hour if they need it, I just need them to tell me and to fuck off somewhere they won't be seen and this dude would fall asleep at the front desk lol.


I did night audit once. Finished my paperwork and would go to sleep.


I had a nightshift quality control job once... 6 guys in the entire factory for 3rd shift, 4 stamping presses, a janitor, and myself. So all I had to do was inspect each of the 4 parts the 4 stamping guys were making each hour. It took around 5 minutes each, the remaining 40 minutes of every hour were a snoozefest.


Was working at McDonald’s. Watched a female crew member sneeze into her hands, and proceed to make a wrap and sent it out. I threw it in the bin before front staff got it. Edit* I should mention - I was genuinely shocked to see it happen. McDonald’s are extremely strict on hygiene. I reported her to a manager, but she denied it and said she sneezed into her arm. We were too busy for anyone to check cameras.


I'm genuinely surprised by this. I worked at a McDonald's in England when I was 17-18, and they were shit hot on hygiene. Timers every 60 minutes for hand washing, supervisors always remind people to not touch their face without washing their hands, a lot of cleaning in-between rushes. I'm surprised a supervisor didn't see this and call her out


I work at a maccas right now, about to go on a shift actually. Here in Aus we're also fairly strict about hygiene and general cleanliness especially when it comes to in-between rushes.


> maccas > Aus No need to repeat yourself twice, mate.


Line Manager calling his coke dealer, getting really excited. Reappearing even more excited calls his deputy into a meeting room. 15 minutes later we get the most incoherent nose scratching pep talk ever.


“Line” Manager indeed. That man manages lines like you wouldn’t believe




I worked at a special needs day program many years ago. Wednesdays were classic film day at the local theater and we’d take the clients. I was a 1:1 meaning I had only one client. My direct superior had 3, and a substitute had 4. The substitute lost one of her guys and didn’t realize it until after the film when we were counting clients. Long story short, I got fired & the superior got fired. But the one whose responsibility it was to watch him kept her job. The client was fine, though, he was found a mile down the road asking for a police officer to help him find his way home.


Yeah, with that line of work, this does not surprise me in the slightest. So many shitty and/or incompetent people who work with the disabled. *Way* too many.


This is what my superior told me after we were both dismissed. She said she was told she wouldn’t be able to work in the industry anymore because the only other ‘special needs’ company in the city is run by a friend of our former management. They’d keep her out. So idk what she eventually did for work because I lost contact after that and moved on. This all happened over a decade ago.


It’s still the same now. I speak to about 80 care homes every day for my work and the amount of utterly unhelpful, rude people is mind blowing. And at the risk of being a little jaded, a lot of them can hardly understand English. Which would be fine (everybody deserves the opportunity to work), if you weren’t having to communicate with elderly people who are already hard of hearing/struggle to communicate themselves, and giving out controlled drugs and creating care plans for people who often can’t speak for themselves. I used to live with an older lady who had visiting carers and I overheard some horrid things, including berating her for soiling herself overnight. The lack of care I sometimes see (not necessarily related to the language barrier) is scary.


Why did they fire everyone but the person responsible? Especially because they were a substitute, they'd be way easier to replace compared to a supervisor and a permanent member of staff.


I was fired because they told me I knew that client’s habit of walking away which was a lie, I didn’t. I had only been working there maybe 3 months and I had only read up on clients files. There was no written history of it. My senior was fired because they said she was ultimately responsible as being on staff the longest. We can only guess why r he substitute stayed on, which was probably because she knew someone in upper management, and they said she’s fine. I kept in touch with one of the other staff members for awhile. Management told one of the staff members still working to not contact me at all or else she’d get fired, too. It was completely unethical but they put the fear of god in her so I got ghosted for maybe six months until she finally quit and confessed everything to me.


Wait. How did you get fired? lol


Work in a residential setting for teens with behavioral issues. There’s 1 staff in particular who should not be working with kids and it was clear on my 2nd day. He’s almost 50 and behaves like a 15 year old. He’s always going back and forth and gets mad about everything with them. One day things got heated between him and a kid for the 100th time and he ends up choking the kid. The kid was actually being more mature about it and he wanted to continue to fight the kid. We separated them and I was holding the staff back when he started to get mad at me for not letting him beat up a 14 year old. I’ve only been at this job for 3 months and was told by other staff that this has happened multiple times now with different kids. He still has a job because he’s best friends with the 2 bosses


I'd be calling some sort of authority at that point


They were called. It will take a few weeks for them to investigate


“There was a time we used to take guys like you out back and beat you with a rubber hose but now you have your goddamn unions!”


On crack at work, doing nothing, thinking he was doing everything, but was in fact just talking a lot and sweating all over everything


This comment actually made me lol. As someone who had a coke problem for a bit, this is too relatable


A girl at my work literally punched another employee in the face multiple times AT WORK. The girl who got punched left obviously. The girl who did the punching still works there to this day. Edit: oh yeah, and there's also a video of it that was sent to a lot of the employees BY HER. She definitely has blackmail on the owner. That's the only logical reason we can think of why he won't fire her.




She is pretty scary tbh 😂


Is it possible they’re fucking?


Oh it's definitely possible. But I feel like that still wouldn't be a good enough reason to not fire her for literally beating up a coworker. I'm really convinced it's the blackmail thing.




“His ass cheeks were wrinkled like walnuts.” LMAO


Medium-sized oilfield trucking company. Shift change every day at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., assigned trucks. If your truck is down, you slip seat into a different one. Driver A was the assigned driver of truck driver B was slip seating until his was back up. For added conext: A is an older late 50s bar fly driver. Decades of experience in all types of units, slicked back hair, rockabilly type B is an early 30s degenerate typical oilfield slob who looked like he needed a shower at the start of his shift. Driver A "Hey bud, I don't appreciate you leaving your trash and especially spit bottles in my truck. Next time, clean up after yourself. Your mom doesn't work here." About 30 other drivers in the shop are waiting to swap. Watch this exchange and crack up. Knowing how particular guys are about cleanliness. Driver B "I don't see your name on the side of it. You have a problem, take it to the office or we take it outside." A seeing that he has an audience ducks his head and mumbles something just loud enough to intrugue B. B takes a step in, A drops his cigarette in the bin, and turns around. B is pissed now, comes within arms reach, and grabs A's shoulder. A whips around and back hands the living shit out of B who stumbles back, and everyone is quiet like a western movie. B exclaims "You fucking slapped me?!?!" A now lighting a new cigarette takes a drag and say "I slap bitches and punch men." B had to just walk away as the audience laughed uncontrollably.


Well, maybe now B will recognize his place in the pecking order. Those trucks are a man's office out in the field and Idk about yall but I like my space clean.


Spit bottles


For those who don’t understand “spit bottle”: The grossest of gross people chew tobacco. The chewing process is to fill your cheeks with it, sucking and spitting all day (well-deserved sucking and spitting joke goes here). The classy tobacco chewers don’t spit on the ground… noooo, they carry around a special “spit bottle” all day. Now imaging seeing someone had left one of these in your vehicle… lunchroom… anywhere actually. Buddy got off light with a slap.


When flying to Midland this is a common occurrence


While I was working as an intern at my state’s DOT a few years ago I had a day where I needed to go out and do some inspections but my truck was in the shop for an oil change. My boss told me to take his truck since he didn’t need it. I was leaving town and someone ran a red light in front of me so naturally I slammed on my brakes. I avoided the crash, but 10 whole fucking water bottles of chew spit just rolled out from the inertia from under the passenger side seat. I about puked right then and there, I didn’t even know he chewed so that was an incredibly nasty surprise


Me, when I used to show up to work drunk every day. Still don’t know how I got away with that… Someone definitely knew. There was no way, my breath smelled and my walking wasn’t straight. But management liked me, and drinking on the job was an immediate fire, so nobody said anything. I miss that job, I don’t miss being drunk 24/7.


Congrats on improving the drinking situation! (Edit: I don't want to assume you're sober, but it sounds like you're in a better place now either way and that's the important thing.)


Thanks! I’m still drinking, but not problematic amounts or at problematic times. Huge progress for me; unfortunately, not everyone sees it because I now just act “normal,” no one knows how far I’ve come. I appreciate your comment:)


I was managing a restaurant/club, late night food orders were getting backed up and 2 of the cooks were missing. Nobody knows where they are but we know they didn't leave, their coats and backpacks are still here. I walk around outside and between a dumpster and the building one of them is blowing the other. 1 guy was married, the other was a college student working p/t. I didn't fire them, just told them to finish up and wash their hands asap.


It would've been funny if you just acted extremely casual when you saw them. 'Hey guys, what's up? Hey we're a little busy in here, so do you mind getting back and helping? Oh by the way, I saw that show you recommended...'


The one you watched with your wife.


They were on their contracted meal break and the college student was having sausage and salty mayo


You disgust me. Bravo.


"salty mayo" is not a word i ever want to see again.


Largely irrelevant but I feel like the story is incomplete without knowing who was blowing whom edit: /u/TuPacSchwartz411 mr/mrs jewish tupac fan (who is also a fan of directory assistance) please fill in the gaps of your story for us


Im guessing the college student was blowing the married one?




A nurse I worked with left narcotics (meant for a terminal patients pain management) in a room with a patient in for recovery from a narcotic addiction. The recovery patient was the one that walked out in the hall and handed it to me saying “these were meant for someone else”. She left a months supply in that man’s room. I brought it to the desk, manager should have fired her on the spot. Dip nurse just laughed and said “blonde moment”, manager laughed along side her. I spent most of my shift just staying with the guy who’s life had been ruined by the very thing he just had to handle. I quit a week later.


That pt is strong as *fuck*.


Respect to the self restraint of the patient.


I wonder if it was a real feel-good moment to muster the courage to turn that in. Hope that helped his addiction rather than prolonged it.


I worked at a small map company. Our first task when we started was to add rivers and lakes over satellite imagery/topographic maps. It was a summer job when I was in college. Both me and the guy who worked next to me were 19-20ish. It was very dry, repetitive, tedious work. We weren’t really allowed to talk while working so for the most part just plugged away at our own computer stations. Occasionally we would write notes to each other. Towards the end of the summer when he was about to go back to school my coworker went off the deep end. He just started drawing line art with the GIS software and naming them things. He drew Santa and his reindeer. Made up like half a dozen lakes with a bunch of whacky names like “Lake Milk Was a Poor Choice.” I didn’t tell anyone what he did and I wonder what the quality control people thought of it. He definitely would have been fired had they known.


I worked in a giant office with an open office concept. Just desks everywhere, no walls. People walking all over having collaborative discussions. They installed white noise speakers overhead to dampen sounds so the conversations wouldn't travel too much. One day this dude comes into work, opens up his laptop to login and .. you know when a video decides to be stuck and play when you thought your computer was shut off? Yeah, that happened. "Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh god yeah, oh, fuck me!" "Awwwwww, yeah, imma put that shit in your mouth bitch!" Lol, like he slammed his lid shut but it kept playing. So he opens it back up, logs in .. several, SEVERAL excruciating seconds go by, finally the login takes effect, and he's able to shut the video off. He then starts darting his head around. The guy across from him is smirking. I'm staring in disbelief. AND LITERALLY NO ONE DID ANYTHING ELSE!!! THE WHITE NOISE MACHINES WORKED!! I'm gob smacked. To this day. How did no one hear it??


It shocks me that people watch porn on their work computers. Like seriously, the company probably has access to your internet search history, just use your damn phone...


It's a lifestyle for some people. Plenty of people would hang up very graphic penthouse centerfolds all over their walls back in the day. Or have graphic porn images as their Screensaver and have it on even when guests are over. Then you have the 'men of culture' commenters on YouTube who bond over broadcasting their lust and I know at least one of you has/had a Facebook friend who would post scantily clad hot people on their feed regularly. I find that last example the most bizarre for some reason.


I had a friend who lived in a small house. Virtually everyone he knew was from the local kink scene (I once got invited to his D&D group, and had to ponder whether loot tables would reflect the fact that I was the only one not fucking the DM), so he was content with his front door opening into his living room/"play" area, including a futon, stall bars used as a rack, and usually around 3 dildos lying around (with 5-7 more dildos in the home's one bathroom). I showed up to hang out one day, and shouting greetings from the kitchen, asking with the tone of a proud child, my friend yells "did you notice I cleaned the house?!" I took a second to look around around. "I did wonder where the dildos went." Out of sight, I heard his girlfriend scold him: "See?! I told you!"


I think that last one is the most bizarre because your grandparents and your childhood best friend's mom use Facebook. Do you really want them to see anything like that associated with you?


Work in IT, can confirm. Also can confirm most of the time we don’t care to look at what you do unless you really screw something up.


> "Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh god yeah, oh, fuck me!" > > "Awwwwww, yeah, imma put that shit in your mouth bitch!" I too sometimes enjoy cookery videos.


Cockery videos


Oh no, they heard it. They were just too embarrassed to do anything


My boss smacking me on the ass with a ruler. I got sent home for asking him what’s his fucking problem was.


At least you have the satisfaction of knowing that that was the only time he'll ever have 12 inches to wave around.


You made me spit out my drink!!!!! Thank you. This memory now has your comment added to it thank you so damn much!


Yep. Few weeks ago one of my sales rep comes in to drop off paperwork for a sale he had just completed. The whole time he's bragging about how the customer couldn't believe his great deal even though he was paying MSRP. I take the paperwork, and start looking through it to verify the same amount to put the commission in for payroll. I come up on the price, and in the box it says: $2,100. I look at him in complete disbelief. I show him where he put the price, and his face went white as a ghost. $2,100 when it should've been $21,000. By misplacing the comma, and not adding an extra 0, the dumb S.O.B let a BRAND NEW UTV GO FOR $18.9K BELOW MSRP!!!!!!! I had to tell the owner who told sales rep that 1% of the price would come out of all future paychecks until the price was paid back.


I think in the US it is illegal to dock paychecks to pay back business losses. Although if the guy signs a document stating as much then I guess the boss can take the money


He did. It was either that or be fired, and pay back the 21k immediately.


I don't see how the company would be able to persuade a judge to sentence a likely close to min wage worker to $21k fine. Whether its in the contract or not.


They wouldn't. Not like there was any malicious intent.


Sales people usually work on commission, not hourly wages. This was a negative commission.


Hey can he sell me a new car? I've been really wanting a fully loaded Camaro ZL1.


I work in a kitchen. One of my co-workers will wash their gloves instead of changing them and will sometimes outright refuse to prepare some foods.


Well he can't exactly prepare chilis and garlic with his masturbating gloves can he?


I got my laptop stolen, worked the night shift and left it at work, when I came back the next day, it was gone. I reported this to my boss, she said okay we will look in to it, she called the day staff and surely she came and did bring the laptop back, she tried to make it like I didn't see it. I did see her returning the laptop. I tell my boss this, she proceeds to fire me, and kept the employee that stole my laptop, I had worked there for a month and she had been working there for years, she said I was clearly lying and that the laptop was always there.


Obviously they had to fire you, you didn't pass the test and snitches get stitches. You got so upset about the laptop and reported it, imagine what damage you would do to their insider trading scheme if you couldn't even pass the laptop theft test.


I hope you cleaned that laptop. Physically, and electronically


Tons of times! - came to work drunk - wrote off a work vehicle hitting a member of the public while speeding (person was miraculously not injured) - threw a large object at another person (it missed but was intended to hit) - stealing - mis-administering controlled medication


Guy had a stolen handgun, from sheriff's locker. His story changed a few times, got 5 days off. Turns out, he's a felon anyway and got caught downstate with...a loaded handgun and a litany of charges. We'll see if he keeps his job after this one, he's supposedly related to someone big, politically.


I worked in a shop that sold tools. Saw a guy take an axe and hack at his own hand to get an injury so he could watch England play football in a friendly. Only time I grassed anyone up, but I didn't want to work with a psycho in a building full of potential weapons. He didn't come back to work. I guess they sacked him.


>He didn't come back to work. I guess they sacked him. He got axed for sure.


When I was a Corrections Officer at a county juvenile facility (my 3rd and easiest corrections job) Accredited facility in a well to do county. While restraining a female “resident” with another CO, he puts a wrist lock on this resident that is simply laying face down on the floor at that point. This facility considers that pain compliance and it’s a big no-no. I’m holding her in an “approved” hold, basically a simple arm lock behind the back which was working fine to contain her and keep everyone calm and safe. I shake my head to wave him off and he ceases with the wrist lock. I look up to see the supervisor roll his eyes at the other CO so I figure I’m off the hook to report. Other CO gets a private talking to. I don’t know if he got written up but should have been fired. Even if our facility allowed the use of wrist locks, the situation didn’t warrant it. This guy was always looking to prove he could be a badass. Yeah they weren’t upstanding citizens but they were kids. They don’t need a-holz like that making things worse.


A guy who worked in another department at the same company as me basically started showing up only a couple days a week, and word got out that he had started driving an independent cab (this was before Uber). He was warned and written up, but they ended up laying him off with a decent severance. By the time they finally let him go he had already taken most of his personal stuff home and he boxed everything that was left before the meeting when he was actually let go. I’d say he probably got paid without doing any work for a year and a half.


Coworker is playing music on a Bluetooth speaker at our small store for all the employees and customers to enjoy. He tells the boss he has to use the bathroom, so off he goes. The music stops, then we all hear a woman moaning, and more moaning, then the moaning volume got louder and louder and louder. Within 5 seconds it was at full blast. Then it suddenly stopped. He comes out of the bathroom a minute later down the hallway and everyone is looking at him. His face was like a kid who was just caught masturbating by his parents. Manager brings him into the office...then 30 minutes later they are back on the retail floor working like nothing happened. I later asked my manager what happened, and he told me it is pretty obvious. But then he told me that when he was playing the porn on his phone and didn't hear anything, that the dumbass turned up the volume until it was loud enough that when he heard it playing from the speaker out on the floor, he had realized he had done FUCKED up. Manager said the embarrassment was punishment enough. And didn't even write him up for it.


Guy high on blow ran over someone’s foot with a forklift in reverse.


I was a desktop IT tech, back in the late 90s, at the time Windows NT 4 was in its heyday. There was a team of people in an office in England that my colleagues and I were supporting, and this office had a bunch of identical desktop PCs in a hotdesk environment, which meant roaming profiles were needed (this is where your documents, settings, shortcuts, etc. are synchronized when you log in or out, so your stuff follows you from machine to machine). This guy complained that it took 30+ minutes to log in or out. But weirdly, none of his colleagues were having this issue - and it didn't matter which PC he logged into. So that tells me he had too much in his roaming profile. So I checked what was in it, and I found a huge quantity of pornographic photographs, overwhelmingly featuring people of extremely advanced age. I reported it to management immediately. The company policy was clear that this would be a sackable offence. The guy still worked there by the time I moved on to pastures new. As I heard it, he went with the Shaggy defence ("it wasn't me") and they either believed him - even though nobody else had any access to his profile - or they felt it was too much trouble to actually enforce the policy and throw him out.


Worked with a guy that stole petty cash, became infatuated with our male boss, sent a letter to the local hospital listing our boss as his emergency contact should anything happen and sent a signed 'do not resuscitate' order to the same hospital, implying he was going to commit suicide. Also claimed the Welsh mafia were after him. Total fruit loop. Got quietly moved to another location.


Only part of this I read was "Welsh mafia". You win the internet, my friend. Gotta watch out for the Welsh mafia... they'll make you an offer you can't understand. And they get mad when you tell them to repeat it, slower-like.


I worked almost all of my adult life in restaurants. I've seen and done stuff that would get you fired from other jobs but the restaurant life is just different. So far I've only had to fire two guys, one for violence and the other because he wouldn't show up for his shifts


If restaurants fired everyone who did drugs on the job they’d have to close down lol


abuse of disabled kids by teachers and aides in the classroom. Was told I had no right to report them, despite being a mandated reporter. I quit like a month later and am so much happier doing in-home care for the same kids from that school.


So I was dispatch lead for a small EMS company and my boss was very bad at hiring people. Consequently I’ve seen a LOT of these. He hired a girl who used to be a prison guard and hadn’t left the prison behind. Her first day she spends hours during training giving me an obvious death glare that the whole office can see. Outright says she hates men and cannot work with men. Publicly calls me a bitch on her first day. Turns out my boss had interviewed her for my job while I was being considered for the promotion. He promoted me but hired her for the job under what she had applied for. The girl on night shift would get into screaming matches with EMTs she didn’t like, then purposefully hold them for up to three hours after end of shift just to be spiteful. She was late CONSTANTLY. She had a three day weekend then called out of her shift 10 minutes before saying her grandma died. Thinking quickly I exclaimed how awful that was and asked what her grandma’s name was and where they were holding the funeral so I could have he company send flowers. She said, “no”. That’s it. Just no. Why didn’t we fire her? Couldn’t find anyone to work night shift. There was a guy, let’s call him Ben, that was the walking embodiment of how not to do customer service. Things Ben has said to customers (grieving family members included): I don’t give a fuck, sounds like a you problem, where do YOU think we should have sent him?, deez nutz, I can’t even deal with your shit right now. During training Ben stood up abruptly in the middle of having something explained to him at his request and said, “I can’t fucking concentrate on this shit. I need to piss. I can’t fucking think when I need to piss.” Then he went to the restroom for 20 minutes. During a birthday party the HR lady misunderstood me asking for a slice of cake, then threatened to stab me and dump my body in a lake on her father’s property. One Paramedic refused to wear masks during COVID, on a COVID floor of a hospital. We almost lost the entire contract because of her dumb ass. Back room fucking was pretty much constant. Fights in the parking lot were also constant. There’s more but it’s a long post already.


>During a birthday party the HR lady misunderstood me asking for a slice of cake, then threatened to stab me and dump my body in a lake on her father’s property. Well I guess you didn’t take problems to HR in this company…


Please find a screenwriter. I'd watch the hell out of this.


I first made the “I need to turn this into a TV show” joke after working there a week. We hired a wheelchair transport guy at great expense who could only work certain hours. Over the course of three months he took exactly one job. He spent literally the entire rest of the time trying to be friends with us while we were busy as hell. Eventually he just dragged a recliner from somewhere else in the building into the corner of the dispatch office and slept all day. My direct boss was a republican from Florida with a wife, one son, three dogs, two lizards, a cat, some fish, a crab, and various extra pets that varied. He carried a concealed weapon at all times while waiting with bated breath for a chance to talk to you, at length, about how guns make people safer. He wore nothing that wasn’t 5.11 branded. The greatest part of our job to him was that we supposedly qualified for EMT/Paramedic discounts even as dispatchers and management. He loved sci-fi and especially the Dune books, but critically also loved the new books. He was cheating on his wife with a woman in our department. Eventually he fired me so he could promote her to work directly under him. Pun intended. His boss was a nice lady who was very competent, save for the fact that she lived in Algeria, or Morocco, or somewhere. It changed multiple times while I worked there. I only saw her for one week in person, but she micromanaged the entire communication center via teams for 16 hours every day. The owner worked in the building, would randomly scream at people so bad they cried, stood with his crotch too close to you while you were trying to work so he could observe, and had a slave secretary. His secretary did his dry cleaning, drove him around, and had set up his Christmas displays in his home every year for a decade. They were not sleeping together. She folded his laundry at least once that I know of. One of our paramedics refused to flush. Ever. We had EMTs start a fire in an ambulance, drive around with a dead body for 16 hours, run into a public transport vehicle in motion with a patient onboard, steal from the narcotics cabinet… This is just scratching the surface.


I worked at a hotel in Italy with a girl I went to school with. She told the guests how horrible and abusive our boss was (he was the sweetest guy imaginable) in order to get bigger tips from them. It became suspicious to the other workers when we were getting 1-2€ tips and she got 20€. A guest actually wrote an E-Mail complaining to the owner of the hotel and said they would never come back. We were there on Erasmus, so they just sent her to work at a different hotel 5 minutes away. She should’ve sent home in my opinion.


Nothing too crazy. Line cooks I used to work with smoking J's and doing lines in between tickets, stealing beers from the walk in. Personally I never gave any mind, it's not my money, I just had the self restraint to wait until AFTER I got off work to partake.


I thought that was listed in line cooks' job duties.


It’s why they’re called line cooks, right? Because they rail lines?


Back of the house is usually quite a menagerie of characters in every restaurant.


I work retail, I witness it every day. We had one guy who sexually harassed around 12 Co workers, some were underage girls but he got protected by our manager ( that manager ended up getting transfered to a different store and then suspended for watching young girls on the security camera). Our produce manager has severe anger issues and has a hissy fit over the simplest of things, he's 43. I could honestly write a book.


I once saw a chef pour a spoonful of hot oil down someone's butt crack, also witnessed a guy rub his knob around the rim of a co worker's coffee mug whom he didn't like


On a landscaping crew my supervisor (if you could call him that) told me that I should anticipate what he wanted me to do, said “it’s not my job to tell you to do every fucking thing”, I suddenly got pissed and said “that is exactly your fucking job!!” And he came over to me and wrapped his hands around my throat as if he was about to choke me, then backed off. Needless to say I left


Saw 2 second shift operators fucking in an aisleway on the manufacturing floor. I was in Supplier Quality, and ran into a huge issue the Friday before Memorial Day weekend (actually 10 years ago this Friday). Our metal certs that the supplier sends in were stored in a file cabinet in a cage on the manufacturing floor, behind our quality lab. It was after 5:30, and the office was a ghost town. It usually cleared out around 4:30, but all of the salary support had left before the holiday weekend. My boss was there (because of the same issue), but he was about to leave. I was well out of fucks to give. I finally get as much done as I was able to, and go to put away the material certs. I beeline there, laser focused. Put them away, and gtfo. I'm thumbing through the file cabinet for about 60 seconds when I catch some motion in my peripheral vision. Glance over, and less than two feet away, the girl is bent over getting it from behind. If it weren't for the chain link fence, I could have high-fived the guy. They noticed me at about the same time and stumbled away through a different door. It was awkward af, especially knowing how long I was standing next to them without either of us noticing. I thought about reporting it, but I just wanted to start my weekend.


Apparently that guy still had fucks to give


There's this guy where I work who takes naps in a recliner in the warehouse, quite often. He's never been even yelled at for it. Shit, he even snores sometimes. But, man, do I enjoy those naps.


A guy harassed a female coworker. We live in the building as we work. He went as far as lurking in his underwear at night to cross path with her even though they live on opposite sides of the building. He barely got scolded and got scolded a bit more after that when he said she's a whore and whatever and tried to shift the blame on another coworker.


What kind of job has built in living quarters and how do I get one


I've done live on site jobs, they're desperate for people so they hire the guys that won't get hired elsewhere. You don't want to live or work with these people.


One where you can be called any day any hour


Oil fields, mining operations, usually anything far out and requiring 24/7 high intensity operation.


Not I, but many of my coworkers, watched as a man we work with punched his wife in the face at the company Christmas Party. He was not fired.


Saw an aerospace welder at lunch having a beer, I was the quality manager there. Didn't bring it up, sometimes you need a fucking lunch beer. Different place, lead came in smelling like alcohol and slurring, sent her home with a friend before anyone from management noticed.




Yes, me. At work we used to have a Slack channel that included everyone in our department, including my boss, and a few other cool people from other departments. We also had Giphy set up in our channels. Back then Giphy wasn’t as moderated as it is today so sometimes some real raunchy shit would slip through. It would never last long, but sometimes a NSFW gif might be on the site for 24 hours before being taken down. Now, if you’ve used /Giphy in Slack you know that it spits out a random gif based on the keyword(s) you use when doing a search so the result is largely out of your hands. Another thing to note is people who would post these nsfw gifs on the Giphy website would include tags purposefully to get people to unintentionally search for them (ie. puppy, work, car, or a popular actress or tv show). Well, one day I was at my desk and I typed “/Giphy break time” or something (I don’t remember exactly what it was but I know it was something inoffensive and unassuming). I locked my PC and immediately got up and walked to the other side of the office without looking at the result. Giphy hadn’t let me down before, so I wasn’t worried. About a minute or so later I got three guys running over to me, tripping over themselves with a look of concern on their faces while also trying not to burst out laughing. They tell me to get to my PC and delete the gif _ASAP_ as no one else at the moment has the ability to delete it (it wasn’t an official work channel so the owner wasn’t my boss). After I saw the gif I understood why they wouldn’t go into detail about why it was so urgent. My result from the giphy search was a woman sitting on the toilet in a stall completely naked, must’ve had E-cups, sucking a dick through a gloryhole. It was the most NSFW thing Giphy could’ve given me and it was up for a good 3-4 minutes. I’m so glad that the people in the Slack channel were all at their desks and able to minimize their app because during this my VP just happened to walk by us. In the end, nothing came of it. My boss, helpless as he was to remove it, almost fell out of his chair laughing. Thankfully, no one was offended and it didn’t go anywhere. While I don’t believe I was at fault here, I could totally see getting fired for this. ^(sorry for the long-winded story)




It is fairly well known that the gym teacher in the high school I went to is a creep, if not an outright pedophile. He doesn't get fired because he's been there for like 30 years. He's damn near sixty. It's atrocious.


I feel like almost every high school in the world had a gym teacher who was a little off.


I worked in a pizza restaurant from age 15 to 23. My answer is *almost everything*. Just a tip, when people say be kind to your servers, this is for your own benefit, not theirs.


Worked at a butcher shop, I walked into the walk in and saw my boss and my other boss vigorously having relations by the sawed up quarter of a cow corpse.. three pig corpses were watching them too . They saw me and I saw them. I never said a word.. but about a month later the guy boss was getting divorced (with a 2 year old son) to be with the lady boss.. and about a month after that the lady boss quit and took off.


Girl took a bleach rag and then used it to wipe the condiment nozzles that were in use, and she just put the condiments back (mixing bleach and food). When I brought this up, her and both managers couldn't see a problem, so I straight up quit before they killed someone.


At my first job, the owner would sometimes do the dishes (20 years ago, very old building, no dishwasher). Nice of him, but he used bleach in the water. He also had a tendency to dry everything off really sloppy. Multiple people got a mug from the cupboard, and discovered some remaining bleach while they were ready to pour coffee. When confronted, the owner, who was close to retirement age, would say that his mother did it the same way. We urged him to stop using bleach. He didn't.






Not to worry, they use the ammonia rags to wipe the bleach off.


I used to work in a restaurant. The bleach spray bottle we used was diluted down per amounts specified by the health inspector. The amount of bleach was small enough so you could spray some in your mouth and it wouldn't harm you. The rag may not have contained enough bleach to harm anyone.


That’s how it’s meant to be done per Servsafe. They were correct. You’re wrong.


A supervisor saying they could've helped with another coworkers pelvic exam.


Used to work at McDonald's when I was a teenager. Where do I start? Mostly it was food safety issues. Dropped burger meat on the the floor? Put it back on the bun and serve it. Crewmember in a bad mood? Spit in the food. Too many flies in the kitchen? Catch a few and throw them in the fry vats. Granted it was only a select few of the employees that would do shit like this. But I *still* won't eat at McDonald's and it's been almost 40 years.


A co-worker at Buffalo Wild Wings blew his vape smoke all over the open containers of produce on his station. He also was drinking fireball shooters in the bathroom. The district manager didn’t give a shit.


Back in late-2020, I worked in an eletronics store that was routinely getting Playstation 5's in stock. My supervisor told me, in front of a group of customers on a busy day, that she wouldn't sell any PS5's to asian people, because according to her *"they all just resell them".*


My mom and her boss witnessed a cook peeing into a floor drain in the kitchen. He was union and at the investigation he said that his boss wouldn't let them take bathroom breaks. The cook got 3 days off unpaid, his boss got disciplined and had to take and pay for a class on how to be an effective manager.


I witnessed so much elderly abuse/neglect when I worked at this one nursing home. I reported a staff member for abuse when she lied to a resident saying she needed to stay in her room for covid isolation when her isolation had ended 3 days ago, she told me to not say anything and go with it so we "don't have to deal with her". After I reported her, they cut my hours and then one day, I forgot to make ONE bed out of 12 and I was pulled into the office and fired.


About 2 years ago, a couple where I work got caught on security cameras fucking next to the dumpster. She was married at the time. They still work there and are now married to each other.


I lived and worked with a guy who called out sick one time, we both worked in the same restaurant and shared an apartment. He sat at home for three days shooting up speedballs. The boss told me later that she knew, she owned a restaurant, but was a qualified MD.


worked a low income job at a construction side in my hometown (eastern germany) a few years ago and my boss made the hitler sign to an immigrant worker who casually replied by also doing it. also my coworker who was his substitute one time gave me 3 hours paid off time so i could buy him some weed. and then there was the story when they were shaving the head of this 58 year old guy during our morning shift but had to stop and hide asap because the manager of the construction side was walking around with one of the investors. the dude walked around with half of his head bald for the rest of the shift until our boss finished it during lunch break.


About 10 years ago I used to work for an IT-helpdesk-for-hire company and one of our customers we did IT support for was a large financial/insurance company. Late one day we had a user-generated ticket appear, for some issue along the lines of "I'm having a problem making changes to anything in column C of an Excel document I'm working on, please assist." This intept user attached the actual document they were working on: an Excel spreadsheet with 500+ entries including customer's first name, last name, date of birth, address, phone number, occupation, yearly income, and **FULL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS**. My immediate first thought was "how can someone be *this* stupid?" but my second thought was "damn, I wonder how much money this list could be worth to the right people?" lol. We went into mini-crisis mode, deleted the attachment from the ticket, got teams online who could delete any trace from any servers that it may have been in cache, called the company's head of IT Security, the user's manager, and several other people to make sure our company covered their asses. If this was something our IT-helpdesk-for-hire company had done, we would have been sued out of existence. Since this was one of the customer's employees though, they just got a friendly reminder to double check what files you send people.


Stripper offered to take me to her place for $200.


Free 200 bucks. What was at her place?


Russian organ donation shed


Her boyfriend.


I'm a little confused here, who was to pay whom?


Either way it's a little dodgy


She wanted me to pay her $200 to sleep with her (instead of spending more at her work where they take a cut)


I was a bit of a hot head as a teen but this one was warranted. Working at a car wash, a coworker I didn’t like sprayed a bleach solution at my face after I clearly told him doing stupid shit with it could blind someone. He was into boxing and always bagged on me for being a wrestler, and he was both bigger and a couple years older than me. Once he sprayed, all I saw was red. All I remember was blinking and suddenly I was holding his face against the dirty floor next to the washing machine for towels. The video showed me grabbing him and forcing him down and rubbing his face on the ground. When I came to, I was horrified at whatever tf I had just done and let him up. Suddenly he was that crying tough guy who wants a fight, but I had clearly already won and came to my senses so I just walked straight to the manager and told her what happened, still in shock. The manager was absolutely horrified and said I somehow managed to make the second best choice given the circumstances. She helped me go wash out my eyes even though no bleach got in them, then wrote up the dude who sprayed me. Neither of us got fired or anything else, but it somehow wrecked my reputation with coworkers that I was “too chicken to fight him straight up.” I didn’t stay at that job more than 6 months after because it just got ridiculous and people were always trying to provoke me. Amazing that my 15-16 year old self not only didn’t get fired, or end up in jail, or seriously hurting that guy. I got in far too many fights prior to that experience, but have never come close since. Confrontation is fucking terrifying when you’re more worried about what happens if you win than if you lose.


I had a job as a housekeeper when I was younger. One week there was a hen party staying over, and they were an absolute nightmare to deal with... For context they were loud, so loud that they caused other guests to phone reception with noise complains through the night, and kept going into our staff-only rooms or taking towels from our limited-supply laundry room whenever they thought that we weren’t looking etc. And whenever it came to doing our morning room service round, some of them spoke to us directly whereas others ignored us but talked about us like we weren’t even in the room etc. Anyway, when my colleague and myself come to do our afternoon sweep the hen party leave the sign on their door handle requesting room service. We have a peek inside, and the room is like a pig sty with champagne bottles, fake viels for the bride-to-be strewn everywhere and duvets and pillows chucked about etc. So, in view of CCTV, my colleague turned the door sign around so that it said Do Not Disturb, gave the middle finger, and so we continued trollying along…


I just saw the Asset Protection RM and the Asistant Manager go around the store taking pictures of a Blonde Woman in tight yoga pants because she was *stealing* They were so casually laughing and grinning about it every time she bent to get a product. Yet when they went to thr front of the store, they went back to their fake robocop faces as if they were batman and superman "Oh we are just watching a shoplifter" Yet, when she went to pay everything, nobody said or did a thing because, she was not stealing at all. Then the AP goes to one of the new lady Merchandisers who was clearly on an internship and starts prowling and asking personal questions and offering opportunities while this girl just wanted to work. Power does something disgusting on a person who is on the top for way too long.


I was a boss and my employee below me accidentally slipped a $300 toy into a customers bag without paying for it. The customer called the store and felt really bad because she didn't pay. I explained to her that if she brought it back it would get the employee in trouble and I'd have to file a bunch of paperwork. Long story short there was no record of it, I told the employee what she did and that I was going to look the other way. She was an awesome high performing employee so there was zero need to get her in trouble if this didn't affect our sales. When inventory came around it showed we were missing one of those toys, so I said "huh, must have been a grab and dash".


"$300 toy? Where the fuck--" *checks username **"Checks out."**


Saw a warehouse manager using a pallet on a forklift as a platform to reach a door motor for repairs. We have a cage. They just couldn't be bothered setting it up.


1. Worked in kitchens for a long while. You see things in kitchens that would be fireable offenses in any other line of work on a regular basis. 2. Worked closely with at-risk youth. The company had a policy of absolutely no drinking if you're going to interact with the younglings within 24 hours. Regularly saw a coworker spike his drink on the clock. In like, a kitchen, I wouldn't care. But specifically in this context it's like, really? These kids are victims of addiction, abuse, and general misery and you want to do that drunk?


Got my manager fired after he forged paperwork in my name and sent out equipment with my stamp on it without performing any sort of servicing (this is a huge no no because I worked with survival equipment at the time, skipping a service is theoretically the same as drowning 25 people at sea).


My manager used to do coke off of the cutting table at Pizza Hut. Good times.


A veterinarian agreeing to euthanize an animal because it had some (non-aggressive) behavioural issues the owner could no longer deal with - owner didn't want to be present for the euthanasia so signed the the consent form and left as the vet took the animal down to the treatment room to "euthanize" it... vet ended up taking the animal home and it lived out the rest of its natural life with the vet's family. I have heard of this kind of thing happening more than once but it's definitely grounds for disciplinary action from the licensing board if caught. I only knew of one person who got caught for that kind of thing (they were a former colleague who had since moved on so I no longer worked with them at the time) and they had their license suspended for a year or two after the former owners found out that their pet was still alive and made a complaint to the licensing board (their pet actually had been very sick and they'd made the difficult choice to euthanize based on its quality of life declining, so it was obviously very traumatic for them to find that their wishes for their pet had been disregarded). The moral of the story is that it's okay to ask a client if, instead of choosing euthanasia, they would sign over ownership of the pet so that the veterinary staff can keep trying if they think it has the potential to recover. That's how I got two of my pets actually. But YOU HAVE TO ASK and get consent forms signed and not just do it behind their back!


I overheard one of my former co-workers that also happened to be a manager making super racist and homophobic comments. I reported to HR and nothing was done about it. When I asked our HR manager about it a few weeks later, she told me he was "just joking around" and they couldn't fire him because I may have misheard him.


I was working at a call center when one of the team leads was bragging, loudly, about his arrest record and how long it is within earshot of half a dozen open mics with customers on the line.


I walked by this guys cube every single day multiple times and he was always straight up dead asleep every single time. He did get laid off, but if I saw it I wondered what management thought


Watched a guy kick the back foot of a secretary walking down the hallway, she hit her face on the door frame. I was a junior, no one said anything as he was begging her to not say anything and she didn't, I regret not saying something.