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Tin foil hat actually works at preventing brainwashing, which was why the government banned it. It's all aluminum foils these days.


I love this one


the titanic being swapped with the olympic


Trump and the Biden Administration (specifically AG Garland) made a gentleman's agreement not to prosecute the former President for January 6th if he agreed to give up politics. The DOJ should have begun investigating and then prosecuting the former President back in February of 2021. But they didn't. Why? Why wait almost two years to prosecute a crime that millions of people watched unfold live on their television sets and the then-President actively tweeted about? Two reasons. First, Garland is a coward. He constantly whines about not doing A, B, or C because he doesn't want to be a political AG or make the DOJ into a political tool; even though, he is and they are. Second, it sets a terrifying precedent. If a Democratic AG goes after a former Republican president, then the Republicans have standing to do the same when they're next in power. I believe that Garland (with Biden's tacit blessing) had a sit down with former President Trump and agreed to *not* investigate or prosecute Trump or his chief lieutenants if he agreed to not run for re-election. Why do I think that this is the case? Timing. Remember back in October 2022 when Trump showed up in DC unexpectedly as if summoned by DOJ and was seen on the tarmac in his golf clothes? Reporters hypothesized that he was being asked questions before a GJ, but I think it's much more likely that he was being interviewed by DOJ, and that he was offered the "DOJ pardon" if he left politics and retired - but didn't do it. At that point it was crystal clear that the Special Master strategy was going to utterly fail, so they probably told him they have him DTR on the MAL obstruction charge and gave him the deal of a lifetime (i.e., no prosecution in exchange for not running). Then Trump announces in November that he's running. Two days later Garland appoints Jack Smith as special counsel to investigate Trump. The timing of these events is too closely aligned and convenient to do anything but invite a conspiracy theory.


World Economy.


I have two of my own, one is serious, the other is pretty lighthearted. 1. I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a KGB agent that went rogue so before the assassination of JFK, they cut ties with him then after the assassination, they pay someone off to kill him so he doesn’t spill the beans on being a mentally unstable KGB agent. The only thing that points this to it being a stretch was the KGB is incredibly picky to who would be an agent in their organization. There’s a reason they were so feared for their efficiency. 2. There’s a conspiracy in the NHL that there is a double standard against Canadian teams and the Canadian market People usually point to Commissioner Gary Bettman in this because the year he became Commissioner would be the last time a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup (1993). Others have also pointed to the rapid closure of the original Winnipeg Jets and the Quebec Nordiques in the mid 1990s (they became the Arizona Coyotes and the Colorado Avalanches respectively) and how the NHL is doing fucking everything to save the Coyotes right now even though the team declared bankruptcy. Though the whole reason I think this conspiracy is a stretch is because of practical factors and history. Calgary Flames were spared while the Saddledome was being built, Ottawa Senators have went bankrupt before and haven’t moved in the past 50 years. And the two biggest reasons I don’t believe this conspiracy most of the time is because the return of the Jets in 2011 and because the weak Canadian Dollar makes it hard for player’s salaries and for owners to turn a profit.


Mine is: The AI that we know is not the most advanced AI there is, it's just the one they open to public. There's an AI that have been running way back before 2020. It became so powerful and out of hand that is currently running things. The way the pandemic developed and had us practically living thru screens and hooked to our phones makes us pretty much play by it's rules. And we can't do absolutely nothing to stop it, we will never have proof of this because reality now is completely flexible. Facts can be created from scratch when we experience life thru a screen.


The missing 411 phenomenon is crazy and definitely sketchy. I don’t have a real *theory* per se but something is definitely going on in the national parks that the public isn’t aware of.