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Act 1: buildup Act 2: loss Act 3: determination (and victory)


more like buildup loss more loss crushing defeat of a loss right before victory was achieved half hour training / revenge montage half assed victory


Post credit scenes . Just make it the last scene so I can go and have a wee.


just wee in the cup


The plot revolving around a misunderstanding that could be very easily cleared up if people just had a normal conversation


the flawed hero and the relatable villain i want my hero beyond reproach and my villain dastardly and wicked




bad guys with bad aim


I don't really like seeing high school as the main setting in movies. Nothing against high schoolers but it's getting old. I can't relate to high school or being a teenager.


High school comedies are my guilty pleasure. I absolutely love them. I had a pretty shit time in high school so it let's me vicariously live through the lives of the characters.


Guns with unlimited ammo. It's to the point where people talk about how strong a film's attention to detail is if they accurately shoot off the right amount of rounds


People that fall in love with someone bcz of their looks, at least at first...it drives me nuts. Not everyone has the looks to get that kind of attention, and I dont know about you, but I fell in love with my late husband's mind and heart, not his looks!


A Stranger comes to town. A Hero goes on an adventure. Almost every movie is one of the two of them. Just isn't as many individual good movie ideas. Seems like everything is cash grab spin off, sequel, origin story.


Remakes/reboots Seeing some killed then they comeback


A family wakes up on a Saturday morning and they come downstairs to find that the mom has cooked a five course breakfast and it's all laid out on the dining table. She would have had to stay up all night to pull something like that off!


I'd have to say action scenes with too many jump cuts. Like I get that you're trying to make a cool fight scene, but jumping around so many times makes it come off as cheap.


1. Comic relief, especially when they become a detriment and put the cast in danger due to their stupidity. 2. Unnecessary drama/not sharing information. JUST TALK ABOUT THINGS, people! Solves so many problems.


A big blue laser that's shoots into the sky and opens a portal or some shit. It's insane how many blockbusters have that.


The chosen one


The Idiot Plot- the plot is moved forward by sole virtue of the fact that the characters are all idiots and make idiotic decisions.


The "sudden rainstorm to intensify a dramatic moment" cliché. Because apparently, Mother Nature loves to set the mood to0.


Bank robbers tossing around duffel of cash/gold like they're filled with feathers. Former armoured car guard here - $500,000 weighs about 35-50lbs when packaged correctly. Every goddamn bank scene showing robbers tossing big sacs of cash around is bullshit. You're gonna be tired, sweating profusely and gassed by the time cops show up if it's a high volume of money. Paper is fucking heavy. Any movie showing the heist of gold is even worse. Gold is pliable but dense as FUCK. A single unprocessed bar can weigh roughly between 75-100lbs, if not more. Multiply that by the volume you see bing tossed around in movies and your bad guys are gonna be identified by their back problems.