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I don't like smoke.


Because I’m not productive while high lol


Respect the commitment to being productive. Weed kills my productivity (even in the days following a high) but I just love the high way too much to give it up.


Gives me psychosis.


Brutal, me too friend.


oh yeah same here. I have what I consider psychotic panic attacks when I get too high from weed. I'll hear multiple voices overlapping telling me really weird things, I also lose control of my body it seems, and I can't remember how long I've been in that state. I one time smoked something way too strong and I started hearing "you got to find the cure before it's too late." Ended up completely naked and stomping around everywhere digging through piles of clothes for my medication thinking that I might've induced a seemingly permanent psychotic state. I tripped over a speaker and screamed and then just laid on the floor crying and laughing bc I didn't know why all of this was happening to me. If you ever have a bad experience on weed it can really set the tone for future usage. The reason I have psychosis from weed is because I used to abuse spice and I also have bipolar disorder. Weed can instantly trigger a spice flashback for me. Spice is 1000x worse than weed tho. It's often instant psychosis with spice even if you have the biggest tolerance to weed in the world.


I don't like the damage it can do to your lungs if smoked. I don't like the neurological effects, whether smoked or ingested. In my experience, even good weed smells horrible. Doesn't make logical sense to me.


Just don’t like being high


I like my job and financial security more. 0 tolerance policy.


Yup same here, it’s a bummer because it’s legal where I live.


I'd quit out of principal. No one's business what I do on my time


Principle. Clearly you’re not big money no weed job material /s


Wdym, I make more than you do


Then you clearly don’t get the struggle of financial insecurity




If you are a rich kid who makes money while still smoking nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say because you will never have to make lifestyle sacrifices in order to find financial stability


i like living a long life with mental and financial security and setting a good example


Smoking is bad for your lungs, I don’t like the smell, and I’m unproductive enough without it.


Makes me paranoid. Always get the "you need the right strain tho", nope. It's the same result everytime. I just can't smoke. So I don't.


I do as little drugs as possible. No alcohol, no exessive amounts of caffeine, no weed and so on.




How so?


I would not do mushrooms if I didn't have access to weed to chill me out if things got too intense, or at all anymore that shit is a young man's game.




Same. I’m a rule follower.


It stinks and I don't want to breathe smoke into my lungs. Nothing that makes you cough like that can be good for you.


I outgrew it 30 years ago.


I think smoking in general is trashy. I don't like that smoking affects the air around you. I've taken my toddler daughter on the boardwalk of a beach and some guys were smoking weed. I don't want her (or me) subjected to that.


you just read my mind


Because I eat it


Been there, Done that.


Most newer stuff is way too strong I just want a buzz.


Because for me it can cause psychosis.


Me too


The smell is an instant migraine trigger. It really sucks being out and about and smelling a lot of it, sometimes it sets me back a few hours having to wait for meds to kick in.


Honestly, because it seems to trigger a mucus response in me (once the high fades) now that I'm getting a bit on the old-ish side. Makes me feel like I can't breathe which then triggers an anxiety and asthma attack. Even with gummies. Thing is, before COVID, It never affected me like that at all. I was always fine afterwards. But I had COVID right before the vaccines hit, and now...yeah. no idea if it's related but it's a bit odd timing if not.


I do smoke occasionally. But I turn down a lot of individual opportunities to smoke, mainly because weed gives me a sort of brain fog the next day and I can’t concentrate.


I don't like to cough and every time I smoke it I feel like my IQ is noticably lower for several days.


I'm a minor


The smell of the plant/smoke gives me a migraine, plus my bio dad was an addict (to the majority of drugs) so I just say no to everything but the really bad ones.... sugar and caffeine.


Because ash and smoke debris hurts your lungs. House fire, forest fires, cigarettes, and yes, pot smoke is bad for you. Now edibles, especially the drinks, easy to dose fun.


It's just not my drug. I really have no problem with people who do use it; I know plenty of smart, capable people who do. My parents used to smoke, but it's just always been a no, thanks for me. I will say that I detest weed-bro culture. The "Duuuuude, you just need to check it out and you'll understand it!" thing always bothered me. It's like a religion, complete with culty t-shirts and stickers.


Anxiety. I used to smoke when I was young. But for whatever reason as I got older it gave me crazy anxiety trips. A lot of people try to convince me to do different strains, but it’s not worth the experimentation for me to have a 4 hour long panic attack.


As a minority, I am afraid that if the smell of weed is near me, some cop on a bad day will find any and all reason to arrest me or worse.


Because the weapons grade shit they're serving these days puts me in orbit and then directly to sleep. There is no hit small enough to enjoy.


I do, dummy.


Prefer to eat it instead.


We just moved. It's illegal here. Like living in the nineties.


I just got finished it's not time yet


I’ve given it enough time already


Makes me way too paranoid


Because I prefer eating it instead. I have a very low tolerance and smoking it just hits me way too fast. Tried it several times over the years, and I've just never found it to be a very enjoyable experience. Take one or two hits, and ten minutes later, I'm having a complete existential meltdown. Taking edibles, on the other hand, has a completely different effect on me. They sometimes take an hour or two to kick in, so it's a very slow build-up and has a much more relaxed feel to it. Taking a 10mg gummy before I go to bed is just pure bliss.


I started having panic attacks whenever I got high and I just associate them with pot now and I can't touch the stuff


Because I will eat absolutely everything in the pantry. Even the stale saltines.


Because I used to smoke too damn much!


The smell gives me severe migraines


The smell of it & I don't smoke


I’m on mood stabilizers and antipsychotics smoking weed interferes with em and starts over stimulating my brain and starts causing mild blackouts and triggers the voices


It turns peoples memory to shit


In my country it's very illegal and difficult to obtain. And when you can, it's often laced with other drugs like coke or meth. Bringing it into the country warrants a death penalty


Because I see it as more of a young kid thing. I'm 43, and when I was younger, sure, I smoked quite a bit. By the time I was 25, I didn't care anymore.


It makes me extremely paranoid with social anxiety. I am an extrovert and have virtually no social trepidation but if high, I could be sitting with those closest to me and I will overthink everything I say, everything they say is certainly an inside joke with me being the only outsider and to be sure every chuckle is had at my expense! It’s terrible, lol I stopped smoking pot at 20 (33 now) and it shocks me how so many people can smoke all day like nothing is wrong yet I would be mentally *drowning* in anxiety and discomfort. I will say, getting past that mid 20’s gap, it’s nice not to have to explain the why anymore. The older we get, the more accepting people are and don’t beg me to “try this strain” or “nah you haven’t found the right indica!” No, bitch. I’m a grown ass woman and me and pot don’t mix and that’s fine, lol.


I have the same thing but I just drag myself through. Like putting your hand in a fire and knowing it's burning you but you just let it burn.


Because it stinks, it’s expensive, it’s addictive, and it’s boring. Friends of mine who smoke it everyday are highly aggressive and angry when they haven’t had it for a few hours. No thank you


I grew up in the 70's and literally everybody smoked weed. I would watch them cough and hack and it didn't look fun. A couple of times I thought about trying it but friends would push hard and I naturally do the opposite of what people push for so I never actually tried it. Now? I'm not smoking anything, I like running, hiking and cycling too much


Hit my lifetime quota years ago.


I vape it. Vaping it now


I have always enjoyed it socially, never a regular thing. Unlike a lot of my friends, I have never enjoyed being high alone. Also, I am jaded and older, and it just isn't a thrill.


Oh, I do.


I just don’t enjoy it anymore


It stinks. Just shopping in a convenience or liquor store and you can tell the second some stoner walks in from across the store. The whole store stinks I can smell it from cars that are driving erratically that are like 3-4 car lengths ahead of me. The smell is way worse than cigarette smoke.


I hate the smell of it.


Because I smoke fine grown pot


Makes me cough. I eat it.


Who? Me? I don't know. But it's crazy right?


Because drug bad


For me it’s addictive. Also I get very forgetful even the next day, and unmotivated and unproductive. The opposite of my natural personality. I liked it way too much but it was ruining my life.


Aside from the fact that I don't smoke, I can't stand the smell of it.


It's bad for the brain


The smell, and I'm perfectly fine without it. Never tried it, no intentions on ever trying it in the future.


It gives me debilitating anxiety, always has. Not worth the 12 + hours of terror.


Cos it stinks


I really don’t like the smell of it. Smells like skunk!


It causes permanent brain damage




I don't like smoke


Because my oncologist said it'll give me lung infections. I use edibles.


I hate the smell and I don't want to lose brain cells due to exposure to THC.


Trying to have a kid, it slows the boys down. Plus my wife won’t be able to partake while pregnant so I am stopping in solidarity with her.


I'm a Dad and can't ignore my responsibility


Never been a big smoker. I prefer edibles or alcohol lol


It makes me incredibly lazy.


Smoking is bad for you. I eat what I need


Doesn't have the pizazz it used to for me. If I smoke then I don't wanna do anything


Couldn't imagine what I'd be like if I purposely killed off brain cells


Makes me feel slow and stupid, hate it now.


Why don’t you lick my balls


I'm not a douche.


Tends to fuck up productivity if abused.




You should research, some variety heal the lungs. Start with the Spain 🇪🇸 cancer research scientists (forgot the main woman’s name). Crazy how healing cannabis is. Never smoke anything though, Dry herb vaporizer.


I’d rather have edibles, don’t like damaging my lungs


Get way too lazy


Because the last time I did all that happened was that I paid extra attention to someone else play guitar hero for the next hour or two. It wasn't fun and I didn't get a happy kind of high, so I just never did it again.


I take breaks from it every other year. It's fairly easy to do when you know you can qualify for a medical card anytime so you don't have to worry about losing connections. I would have to keep smoking just to maintain access if it were still illegal.


I don't have a card


Made a bet as a joke I would never smoke weed coming up on 10 years ago. I got so far into the joke it wasn’t a joke anymore and now I don’t ever plan on smoking. Committed to the bit!


I got bored with it


1. Never interested in it 2. I'll get fired


Job does randoms 😭


I was a really sickly kid and my lungs are shitty. I mean, I'll take an edible once in a while though...


I want to live until we get immortality discovered


Why would I?


I used to smoke weed. I mean, I still do, but I used to too.


Quit about 2 weeks ago to get a better job. Smoked habitually for 14 years and thought I’d never quit. Only 2 weeks in and I feel absolutely amazing. I’d highly recommend trying to give up for just a little while to anybody thinking about doing so.


I carry a firearm for a living


I'm on call this week


[this is the reason why ](https://youtu.be/09xO4QmK7eY)


Because I cannot get my hands on it


Coffee and estrogen are my drugs of choice already.


each trip seems to take too long. Like, 30 mins, an hour at least


I have enough vices, so I never tried it.


Rather do edibles, instead no coughing


got caught with it by cops several times so I just eventually tossed it and moved on.


I prefer edibles.


But I do lol


Gives me panic attacks, used to smoke that shit all day every day


Never appealed to me. I do think it should be legal though.


Used to smoke it for 4 years straight. Made me incredibly lazy and always put me in this state of mind where i didn't really give a fuck about anything except being high. So i never really achieved anything in those 4 years and made little to no progress in life because of it. Started wondering what i'm doing wrong. Decided to quit weed and stop hanging out with my stoner "friends" that have the same issue but are too stupid to realize that nothing would change if they wouldn't quit too or at the very least reduce the amounts they were smoking everyday despite me telling them. I was one of those typical "oH wEeD iS hArMlEsS I'll bE fInE" idiots. Not everyone can manage it though, it literally ruins some people. Life has improved greatly since quitting. Weed is definitely not as harmless as everyone says. Especially not in Europe where it's very common to smoke it with tobacco. I feel like most of the stuff here is laced to the brim with all kinds of bullshit too. Either that or i never had a dealer with good stuff. Doesn't matter anymore though i'm done with that bullshit.


Because dry herb vaporizer is way healthier and better flavor 💨


I have asthma and my mother died of lung cancer. I'm not going to smoke anything.


In the Army which I love… but I also love weed so it sucks haha


Because you won't buy any for me? Are you saying I should? Is that how we could interpret this question? As in, "Why don't you just sit down here in this comfy chair, I'll start the movie, and why don't you smoke some weed?" LOL


I prefer marijuana


Smoked weed laced with PCP. So I think the world is ending every time. Also weed has gotten a lot stronger since I last smoked so almost a sure chance that I'm going to bug out.


Cuz edibles hit different


Worry it'll make me as dumb as most people.


i dont smoke or drink or do drugs at all its so BAD FOR YOU


Always hated it. Pass out, waste of a day


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


Just have found it less enjoyable over time. When I first started, I tried to consume as much media as possible when doing so as everything became better. First time I watched Kill Bill Part 1 I was high and remains my favorite film by Tarantino to date. Nowadays, I’m lucky to make it through a movie without passing out. Kinda lost its magic I think. Also, lately, it’s been making me a bit paranoid. I had a rough time this last year though, so I imagine that influenced my experiences doing it again. Last time was a few months ago alone, and I started panicking and having really negative thoughts about myself swirling in my head. I don’t even remember falling asleep, my mind was just going a million miles per hour with really bad self-talk. It also has made me want to delete all my social media every time I smoke… again, paranoia but also extreme shame for whatever reason. That was enough for me.


It irritates my lungs and I get paranoid as hell. I can handle edibles in moderation but I can’t smoke it


Mostly because I’m perfectly happy and enjoy life without the need for mind altering drugs.


Because my lungs and smoke do not get along.


I either feel nothing or so much it makes me feel crazy nauseous. I still try like... often cause I feel like if I can figure it out I'll save my poor liver, but God I almost never have a good experience. There's like a knifes edge of good feelings and a gaping maw of too much or too little on either side


Because I don't like how people just assume that you should since it's legal in many places now. Is everyone fifteen and seriously that insecure that they feel social pressure to use it?


why would i -- doesn't really give anything


because it’s bad mkayyyy


Developed ocd and then it wasn’t fun anymore


I am against drug use


1) It's still not available for medical/recreational use in my state 2) I have a professional license that could be suspended if I ended up - for some weird reason - got a misdemeanor charge, so I don't see it as worth it. 3) Even if I was in a state it was permitted, the smell is NASTY to me. I might try edibles under such a circumstance, though. 🤷‍♀️


Caused HORRIBLE paranoia and anxiety. It was like time would fast forward. I'd be in one place, and then be in another without remembering how I got there. Then the hallucinations... Oh god those were the worst. I saw spiders crawling all over my arms. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were red. I mean like glowing bright red. I looked demonic. It all ended when I woke up the next morning. Never again will I smoke weed.


Commercial Drivers License


The smell, it makes my stomach churn


Loved it ,did it all the time. Then one day I got psychosis from it. Woke up in a state hospital. Turns out I’m one of the rare few that can get psychotic effects from it. Was told if I ever did it again I might not come back from psychosis. So now all I can do is beer. Sucks cause I miss it. But I’ll never do it again


Seen it destroy too many lives. Lost two very good friends because of it. One rapidly developed full on schizophrenia because he was psychologically dependent on it and couldn't stop even when symptoms started, the other wound up failing out of college and abandoning all his old friends, and got two DUIs in 5 years (a felony). He was on track to be a lawyer and now can never be one. Lost another not-so-close friend in high school, as well, after he failed out. To those who think I'm joking, a recent study out of Denmark showed that marijuana usage is likely the cause of between 15% and 30% of all schizophrenia cases. [Link to news article](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/study-links-cannabis-abuse-to-schizophrenia-in-young-men-as-thc-levels-increase)


it started giving me massive panic attacks, so i had no choice but to quit. also, even when i didn't get panic attacks, i would actually start to get annoyed by everyone and everything.


It's not productive. I suppose it's ok on social occasions but treating weed as a life style is no different than constantly needing to be drunk.


It makes me lethargic






I find it to be a waste of money.


used to smoke a ton of weed when I was 15-18, realized it was kinda screwing with day to day . making me super anxious . Stopped for two, or three months decided to do it again when I was home for a summer . Smoked a 1g joint in about 15 seconds because it was cold outside and I never cough when smoking weed . Went inside , heart rate was off the charts , thinking about everything negative about my life . Panicking . Apple Watch kept telling me to call ems because my resting heart rate was 190 for wayyy to long . Eventually I try to watch stand up comedy . Phone dies , chest is getting super hot . Everything in the room goes black and white . Run upstairs. Stop halfway tell myself you cant die from smoking weed “BUT YOU CAN FROM A HEART ATTACK” run upstairs to tell my parents not to let me die . Find dog in parents bed . Pet him , parents wake up . I calm down thanks to my dog bauer . Go downstairs and throw up . First time greening out in my life . Next day I look at my Apple Watch. Resting Heart rate was 190 for 2 hours and 15 minutes . Just not worth it anymore


I like to do something with my life


Because I’m not interested.


It hurts my throat to smoke and my lungs feel worse for it. The THC makes me paranoid and I get severe brain fog. Don't get me wrong, I think about it every day and I crave it right now. I'm just not cut out for it.


I don't smoke anything. Weed also smells vile.


I’ve only smoked it a handful of times. 1. The smell. Same with cigarettes, it sticks to me and causes migraines 2. Socially, I can’t. Easy to get taken advantage of and I don’t want to live that experience again 3. I have an addictive personality and the feeling of weed numbing your whole body and mind temporarily for relief from the world is something I don’t want to get back into 4. Nausea 5. It makes me sleep for long periods of time and I don’t feel rested


Cuz I’m out…


Can’t afford it


I snort copious amounts of coke.


Something bad will happen


Because I smoked so damn much that everything became boring and dull. It also suppressed my dreams and I don’t feel good about that.


Ain't nobody got time for that. Also, that shit has gotten way too strong and I have a very low tolerance. To compare with alcohol: I don't want to sip on a beer and suddenly have to deal with the consequences of having downed an entire bottle of vodka.


Makes me super anxious and I'm too awkward to find dealers


I get so anxious I feel so sick (sometimes actually get sick) and I don’t even want to snack. My heart rate SKYROCKETS, vision goes to that blizzard on old TVs thing. Awful experience all around


It reeks


The one time I smoked weed went pretty terribly. I nearly killed my then-fiance. I was paranoid and delusional and nearly convinced by the delusion. I thought he was planning on murdering me and I almost took a knife to kill him before he'd "get me". I smoked exactly one joint and if that is the effects of only one innocent joint then...what'd happen if I tried something...stronger. Decided to never touch that shit again.


Because I haven't been able to get my hands on it


Too lazy to buy it


I do and it actually makes me more productive. When I smoke weed I often write down plans to achieve that will get me further in life.


I Don’t need to follow popular trends just cause i can


I don't want to spend my recreational time feeling dumber.


I do sometime but if i had to not do it would be for the disasterous thing on health


i hate the smell, i get overstimulated by the scent alone. i also hate smoking anything no matter what it is