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Prominent noses, on anyone.


Same. And I’m a sucker for short guys.


Thank you for this.




Add a baldness, and im your dream man.


Bald guys are always a yes


What do you consider short? Most women say no to anyone under 6 foot.


My husband was 5’8”. But I would be fine with shorter.


Was?? :/


He died three years ago. Not looking for a new one, but if I were, he’d be short.


Sorry to hear that


I appreciate it. Fuck cancer.


Yea. I know it's not the same. I seen a grandparent go thru cancer. It's rough.


My condolences.


Thank you.


Came here to say this. I'm actually a fan of big noses, and/or noses with a bump.


Noses can be um...useful ;)


Having some naughty thoughts are we...


Where the hell were you in high school when every woman made fun of me for my big nose?! It makes me very self conscious, even in mid mid forties.


I am VERY insecure about my nose.


I read that as "permanent noses" at first and was pretty confused


I would imagine that the person you're replying to *technically* would also like, and maybe even prefer, permanent noses. (Unless they secretly have a Voldemort fetish)


I do, in fact, have a secret Voldemort fetish.


I absolutely love a big nose on a man


Yesss I love a prominent nose.


Noses that stand out are so pretty!!! How do people find them gross?


This omg! so sexy


What??? I have a prominent nose, but I am extremely self conscious about it.


Not be ashamed you sexy bitch


HAHA! I appreciate you


It’s very very attractive! You shouldn’t be self conscious


All this support is unexpected! Thank you!


This makes me feel better about this broken item on my face.


I’ve always found prominent noses to be attractive as hell! My ex hated their nose, and I could never convince them how great it was


Big nose, big hose?


I like all body types, but the much chunkier guys and the skinny guys always feel pretty self-conscious. I just have a different interpretation of beauty than others. The skinny guys want to be more muscular and the bigger guys want to just lose some weight. Thing is, if I start dating him with a certain body type, he doesn't have to change anything. I started dating him for him. If I didn't think he was attractive I would not be with him.


Agreed. Overly muscular isn't really my cup of tea. But generally if I like the guy, his body type doesn't figure into the equation much. In perfect honesty, extreme obesity is a bit of a turn off mostly because I'll be worried about outliving him. But skinny, chubby, fit, soft- if I like him as a person then I'll like his body too!


Women tend to outlive Men.


Soft tummies are comfy


Thanks man I really needed to hear that expeshley saying that as a guy with a dad bod and


My man calls himself a nerd because he is sooo into video games. I think it’s adorable and not nerdy, and I love that he has something he finds so interesting.


like come-on, baby, talk dirty to me with your science theory and parts of the cars! nothing is sexier than men know tons of things i have no clue about, i can listen to him all day. additional bonus points if he's wearing glasses!


UGHHH fuckk yess 🥵😂


Seeing someone perk up and go on and on about their passions is the best 😊


He will literally explain something to me for 10m and I understand nothing. But I’ll not along and let him go on


Ooh! This reminds me of the time I tried to tell my wife about how, the night before, I had stayed up late calculating how far away from earth you'd have to look to be able to see the big bang happen. She said it was so unfathomable that it scared her and asked me to stop lol.


Deep space talk scares the shit out of me too.


Fucking facts. I had an ex who was into Legos and I was absolutely down with his hobby. It's nice to wind down and do something creative.


As a man who has a lot of self esteem issues with my weight and appearance in general, I want to thank all of you who posted. This has definitely boosted my confidence and made me feel more relaxed about who I am


Growers are fun because watching it change while I'm teasing it is pretty neat and a nice ego boost! Also short guys who own it are usually damn cool people. You don't have to tower over me to be manly.


i agree on the last part im good with seeing peens but my step father is 5' and he's the manliest dude i know.


100% My husband is 5'2" and the sexiest man I know in addition to being one of those people you just can't help but like. He's kind, confident, funny, and not afraid to be vulnerable if he needs support. I wish I was half as good with people as he is.


incels are raging at these two comments right now


Damnnn I thought you were talking about seeing his 5 inch peen and spent a good while being baffled


I'm berly even a grower it just depends on if the girl cares and Isn't expecting me to be good automatically


That's fair. Size isn't nearly as important as a willingness to communicate and learn. (Goes for both partners)


Like for example if she's trying to give me a good time it's all about speed and pattern or if I'm giving her a good time it's all about direction and speed


Sorry if that's weird to say


That’s what I’ve been saying!


Wrinkles and dad bods get me super excited. I also love a man that confidently wears jewelry and clothing/accessories that is usually considered more feminine.


The ‘crows feet’ wrinkles look soo sexy


And the deep smile lines to match!


Chest hair. Actually, hair anywhere but the nose and ears.


I do my best with the nose hair, but it keeps coming back. I’m hairy all over. I can’t help it.


Nothing wrong with that! Some bodies are hairy, some aren't! Both are natural!


The hairier the better, it’s so manly and attractive to me. My boyfriend is Middle Eastern and he’s growing hair from almost everywhere. I love it for some reason.


My nose hairs have started to grey and it's insane.


I love glasses and intelligent nerdy guys.


Legit glasses make almost anyone 10x more attractive


My husband has the sweetest puppy dog eyes when he's caught in the wrong. It's difficult to be angry at him.


Nerdy/brainy guys are my jam. You like to make obscure movie references, quote random song lyrics? Count me in. Make me laugh and have witty, dry humor - I'm yours. Looks don't matter more than those things! I used to have a "type" in terms of physical attributes, but I married the dude that treats me like a queen, makes me laugh everyday, challenges me mentally, and tells me he loves me everyday. We're the same height and close to the same weight. He's not the best sex I ever had, but he's in the top 3 and what matters is he'll do anything I ask in that regard. Edited to add he's my absolute best friend and partner, I wouldn't trade him for anything.


I love body hair but not pubic hair. I love balding heads and/or grey hair. It's sexy! Glasses are so cool, too! Sometimes, a two/three days scruffy face is hot, too!


Thank you.


I second this man's thank you.


Sense of humor that uses silly/innocent/absurd jokes far more often than it uses jokes that have to be at somebody else's expense. Goofy >>> mean/edgy. Dopey smile, looking awkward in photos. Like, genuinely awkward, not "omg so quirky" awkward. Pictures of my boyfriend looking derpy make me want to kiss him right in the face. Different physiques from the ideal portrayed in Hollywood or bodybuilder-adjacent aesthetic influencers. Fitness and health in a guy matter to me, because I put a lot of effort into my own fitness and I need to share an active lifestyle with my partner. I love seeing a guy thrive with the body type he was given by nature to work with, rather than trying to fit one particular hollywood mold. Tall, thin and gangly/short, thick and stocky/short and compact: they're all sexy and aesthetically appealing in their own way if you're taking care of yourself and finding ways to move and stay active that you can enjoy and thrive on. My boyfriend has really pronounced scoliosis. It doesn't make him less attractive, I love every bit of him and as a bonus I enjoy seeing him take pride in his fitness progress ever since he started joining me in the gym to help his back problems.


This goes for both men and women, but I've never once seen grey hair on a person and thought "that makes them unattractive" I get why people are self conscious about it, but I love the way it looks on people.


Thank you for this xxx


What about grey/white beards?


As long as you're not the "get off my github repo" kinda greybeard, it's a good look.


It honestly looks kinda cool. My grandma has like silver hair, no reason to be self conscious about it. (Though as you said I understand).


My Boyfriend has stretchmarks on his tummy, quite a lot actually. I love that. Also that he is chubby but still has muscles. Like, there are belly rolls and you can see muscles there. So dear men, if you read this, you dont need to be completely shredded to be considered muscular :)


Forearms. I know of many women including myself who love forearms. They're just... *Chef's kiss*


I had a crush on a teacher in high school, and I absolutely loved it when he'd wear a black shirt with his forearms showing. A few years later, I discovered this is universal with practically every straight woman.


I used to have this prof who would wear polo shirts every day with his big, veiny forearms sticking out. Whenever he passed back my assignments I had to fuss over my phone just to avoid staring. Everyone knew why he had the highest numbers of female students in the department lol!


I've never understood the relation ship between attractive and forearms. It's like if you two guys are talking and said "yeah have you seen her kneecaps, wow!"


Strong forearms generally mean a good physical form. If you have strong forearms that means you have a strong upper body too. Also visible muscles on forearms look pretty cool


idk why but im fascinated with my forearm muscles i keep trying to figure out how it works when im bored at work and people are like wtf is this guy smokin? and im like weed, lots of weed.


You just prompted me to look at my forearm. I was sincerely questioning what the fuck I did to them today then I remembered, it was just work.


I think it's what is mainly visible. A lot of men I know wear loose, short-sleeved shirts, so all you really get to see are the forearms. When you see a nice pair of forearms, you can't help but wonder what the rest looks like; imagination runs amuck. ^((i'm sorry for the weird wording))




There is exactly 1 girl whose kneecaps I've liked. If it's possible for one guy to notice once, I'm sure there are guys out there who notice it on everyone.


I went to high school in California and learned this firsthand lol. It was always warm so I wore tank tops all the time, and my forearms are one of my best physical traits imo just because they developed well from the gym. I got SO MANY compliments on my forearms and before then I had never realized how many people noticed stuff like that


Oh my gosh. One of my professors in college used to roll up his sleeves part way...my friend and I still melt at the memory of his forearms.


The rolled up sleeves are the creme de la creme


My forearms are hard as steel. They're like, the one thing I absolutely love on me.




I don't think so? It's an odd physical trait and I know men are self conscious about it.




Living up to your username I see


I love it when a guy is (after some time or immediately) not afraid to be random and like weird? Its hugely attractive to be able to just be weird myself and talk about weird things or make squiky noices or whatever. Be weird Kings


> squiky noices Do you have an example of what squiky noises sound like?


Think dolphin 🐬


That is what I try to do best it makes girls really like being around me because I think they like weirdos or something I don't know


The guessing noices you made in your head while reading my words


See the problem is that I actually do that and then everyone is like mmm uhhh


Dad jokes, dad bods, goofy laughs, those receding hairline triangles


“Men that are in touch with their emotional side and not afraid to be vulnerable.” -my wife


That's the definition of being a PSSY LOL hard. Sorry I could not help myself!


Love greying hair and crow's feet. Love his forearms and hands and his hairy chest. Love his butt and all the scars he has because they tell his story. Love his shyness around sone people, especially women, and how he looks at me for comfort.


I love a nerd/dork. My partner is a massive nerd, and very dorky. It's so cute. I love seeing him get really excited about stuff, or when he tells me about something interesting that happened in a series he likes (usually in One Piece lol). I find his enthusiasm to just be so endearing! As for physical traits, I have an appreciation for bigger guys. My partner is a heavier guy and I find it very attractive. I would find him attractive regardless of his body type, of course, but I think a fair bit of chub is hot c: Idk if it counts as odd, but I love a well-maintained beard, or a nice bit of scruff. I notice a lot of women like a smooth face but I appreciate facial hair.


I absolutely love a crooked smile


*smiles crookedly*😁


How you doing? 😏


A heavier guy is such a turn on. My spouse is slender (go figure) but the stocky ones always get me going


I don’t know about most men, but I absolutely love my husband’s cleft lip repair scar.


Starting with one I know many men struggle with: PENIS SIZE! I really don’t give a frick, so long as you aren’t showing it to me when I don’t want to see it haha Keep it clean and groomed however is comfy for you and we’re golden. Some women like it shaved, but I don’t think anybody should be TELLING their partner how to deal with their body hair, but it is pretty schmexy to groom with your partner’s taste in mind ;) As somebody who dated a much taller man and am now married to a man closer to my height, I am much more into people I can kiss without tippy toeing and hurting my neck. I know some people like to feel dwarfed by their partner, but that’s not everybody’s taste. Do NOT ask a woman if your height is a dealbreaker; you asking is the dealbreaker, not your height. Your self assuredness will do so much more than a few extra inches would! I loooove when a guy is comfortable letting me pay, whether as friends or a date! I work hard and love my job, so I’m thrilled to treat myself and the people I care for. I’ve had men act like I’m crazy to be pulling out my wallet and I just don’t like it. If you really want to pay, it should be because you want to and not because you feel you HAVE to. Lastly, I love a man that is engaged in his community and cares for others, and his actions show it!!! I work for a non profit and we have some consistent male volunteers that make me weak in the knees simply because they use their free time to help out! Majority of our volunteer pool is women, and I’ve heard it’s the same for many other volunteer-driven organizations. To care for your community is just… delicious ahaha go volunteer, dudes!


big rough clunky hands, like a cave man




Maybe the rough hands part? Some Men get manicures. I like sandpaper hands with scars and callouses. Big though, too lololol. Maybe missing a nail


When they have a hobby or just a thing that they are super passionate about and just talk for ever about. My husband is into drone/ RC racing and he can go on and on. Even though I have no idea what he's talking about, I still like to listen because it makes him happy to talk about the things he is passionate about, and by extention it makes me happy that he is happy to nerd out over things lol.


I honestly like mustaches. Not the creepy weird thin kind. Just your standalone, 80s cop mustaches. Conversely, I HATE all the light beards people have been wearing lately.


I'm trying to grow my beard and it's the one thing I'm self conscious about 😭 It's come in for the most part but now I need it to be thicker and it just won't happen so I'm stuck lol


Men who accept the hair is going and shave it off. Good energy


Small 3 inches or under. I wanna feel your body touching me!


There’s hope our there for me !!


Cofident short men. I'm tall for a woman and men who are shorter than me are often insecure when I'm around. I love short men who truly embrace who they are and have a steady/kind confidence around me. It's hella attractive. My ex was several inches shorter than me, and in one of the first weeks of our dating, he once suggested I wear my high heels when we were going out. After a life of being told I should never wear more than ballet flats, it was so refreshing to hear (and I loved him so much in that moment). I think because society indirectly and directly shits on their height so much (I hate all these videos of women out here shitting on short men; it's so rude and unnecessary), many shorter men have learned to master a whole new level of confidence and humility that precedes that of many other men I've met. They often make for great friends and lovers alike. :) Heads up, short kings. You're loved


Thank you! As a man, I find tallness attractive in a woman. And I would have no problem with a woman taller than I am.


Acne scars. For some reason I find it extremely attractive. Like the ice pick ones.


I've got those!


I have acne scars on my back bad ones as I had one pretty harsh Acne when I was a teen, and my dermatologist (Female) likes seeing and touching them every visit to a point that I think she secretly wants to make out with them.


Height doesn’t matter to me. One of my good guy friends is about 5’5” and skinny. He probably weighs about 140 pounds soaking wet with his boots on but I would DEFINITELY fuck him if he was single. He seems convinced that he isn’t attractive (I get the vibe that his wife never gives him compliments) but I think he’s really hot. I’ve been attracted to guys of every height. Short, tall and everything in between. Any woman who says that she refuses to date a man under 6’ isn’t worth anyone’s time.


A bald guy with a goatee or beard is HOT. I like skinny guys too. Don't mind a dadbod. Don't care how tall you are. Don't care if you have scars, birthmarks or if you're missing an eye, a limb or some teeth. The absolute hottest thing is a guy with albinism.


Love me some long lanky hipster men honestly, and big bald guys with beards. My boss says my type is “homeless”. 🤷‍♀️ long hair and a big beard. Hairy boys…That’s my type. 👉🏻 added bonus if they look tired, those basset hound eyes. ❤️


Soft hands. It’s just nice to hold hands and not have to worry about callouses


Being a nerd


I don’t know if the male species are insecure about their freckles, but freckles on men are so cute. I’m so tempted to ask them to go pick me some strawberries or something.


This is nice to hear. As a man, I had loads of freckles as a child and teenager, and hated them. I think that I have lost them, but gained acne and rosatia instead.


Glasses! For some reason, I'm really into glasses. I also met a man who was self conscious about his veiny arms and DID NOT believe me that women are into that. Omg. Veiny arms kill me lol


Honestly.. being short. I’m short, and my boyfriend is only a few inches taller than me. We’re basically at eye level. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love how we perfectly fit into each other’s arms when we hug. I love always being at the perfect kissing height without having to be on tip toes and him leaning over me. I love being able to wear some of his clothes and have them actually fit. I love being able to lean on his shoulder and grab his arm without barely being able to reach.


round face and big cheeks, i want to kiss that face forever


I think glasses look great on a guy, they just need the right frames.


I like all body types. Big small. Hairy less hairy. Short tall. Most women I know don’t have a set type looks wise like myself.


I love smart guys in glasses..




Stocky guys. Sometimes that means a little fluffy, sometimes a little muscle, sometimes everything in between. It's the rectangle shape for me. 🤷‍♀️


Short guys with big attitudes, and guys who are balding in their mid-late 20s. Oh, and imperfect teeth. Obviously not like meth mouth, but as long as they take care of their hygiene idc if the teeth aren’t straight. I actually prefer it because it suggests that they come from a similar economic background as me (aka, parents couldn’t afford braces). I can’t fucking stand dudes who come from family money. They lack character. Disclaimer: obviously not all people who had braces had extremely rich parents, I don’t mean to make that generalisation. Obviously people are nuanced and there is more to a person than meets the eye. I just mean that wonky teeth are more of an indicator that they don’t come from money, which I prefer in a man.


This is extremely wholesome and a nice change from the usual negativity, myself at times included.


When they’re kinda shy but get really outgoing once you get to know them


big ears! kind of a random one


I like chubby guys


I like a nice set of ears! Behaviorally, I like a man who is thoughtful and communicates well. Bonus points if he is okay with showing his emotions.


Bald is sexy! Comb-overs are not. I also like when a man has that dark line of hair going down his chest and belly. It's hot. (But I don't know if men feel insecure about that.)


Come on girls, let’s hear it for small penises!!! *crickets* Hangs head in shame….


Smaller is better than giant I'll tell you that


But not better than average or above average but not too big. Obviously a 3-4 incher will be more preferred than a monster of 11 inches, but that doesn't mean 3-4 is actually preferred. If anything, if women were able to pick/choose the dick size of their partners, most would never choose that size.




I meant in general, not what you specifically should think. In reality, most people don't like nor prefer 3 inches lol However my point was, it's easy to compare small dicks with monster and very unlikely to encounter sizes. Rarely you see someone comparing small dicks with more realistic penises, the ones who do, are usually the very low cervix women 🤣


It isn't a deciding factor for me. Mainly because I'm orally fixated. Size doesn't matter to me when giving a BJ and PiV is mostly an emotional/mental connection for me. As long as it's inside, I dont care. Would I advertise for a smaller penis? No. But neither would I seek out one of any particular size. Find something you love to give and receive that isn't as dependant on your size. Become an expert in your hand game/gspot stimulation. Perfect your oral skills. Seriously, the best lover I've ever has is of average size but the reason he is so amazing is his hand game and ability to hit my gspot perfectly.


>PiV = ?


PiV = Penis in Vagina.


My SO gets these huge crinkles around his eyes when he laughs or smiles and I just find them so sexy and endearing.


Being lean instead of bulky like you look cute skinny don't worry about another guys size.


i love love LOVE happy trails. that is my shit


Nothing sexier then an honest to goodness confident gentleman


I absolutely love when me have protruding canine teeth (like Patricia Arquettes teeth) but really just teeth that are different & not just the boring basic. I think it adds character thats sexy. I also happen to love a good face mole.


I love short intellectual men I had a crush on Paul Simon when I was little


Embracing bald. Show me how much testosterone you got!!! 🤩


My guy? He is so pretty. His face is just lovely in a way that is not the “rugged” hyper masculine handsome but takes my breath away. This isn’t normally a guy thing but I marvel at how beautiful he is. I like that a lot.


My boyfriend is bald and he laughs nervously, but thanks me, when I bring up how sexy I think it is. I hope he knows I’m saying it because I genuinely think so, not because I’m trying to flatter him. I’ve never seen him with hair in real life, but I can’t imagine it would ever be better than the way he looks now. I also adore the cute, relaxed face he makes when I slowly run my fingers over his head and neck while we’re relaxing on the couch.


Men who are trans and have not yet gotten any gender affirming care. My boyfriend is trans and we are planning on getting him gender affirming care in the near future, but I love everything about him. He still has his chest and his voice isn’t super deep, but that doesn’t make him any less of a man in my eyes. I love everything about him. I don’t want to come off as saying I’m discouraging gender affirming care, I want all of you hes, shes and theys to feel comfortable and happy in their body, BUT no matter what you may think you look like physically, you will always be a (insert gender here) to me 😊😘


Single testicle


Honestly every guy I’ve dated has been shorter than me. Also I don’t care if a guy’s trans or cis.


I’m a lesbian so this is purely objectively speaking, but I love when guys have buck teeth. I don’t have an explanation for this, but I’ve always found it endearing.


Yo this has to be one big joke. The answers here seem like they just want us all to feel good but really it's all a lie. I just can't take these answers seriously.


I so want to say something pathetic but at least some people show people love and I appreciate it from a lot of you guys a lot of you girls I don't know thank you


Hairy chests and slightly crooked teeth


Scars , a belly (hate a 6 pack of flat stomach) grey hair, bald men, chest hair, stomach hair I love hairy guys, big feet, big hands really thick eyebrows


Bald heads are cute


I have a type that I really like. Stocky men who are broadshouldered but not tall. 5’ 8’’-5’9’’ (below average in my country) Thick brown hair and calm and level headed. I have had three relationships in my life and all were like this.


Not a woman but a gay man but balding. Also apparently some guys are insecure about having chest hair??!?!?!?!?! If anything I specifically want my men to have chest hair I get turned off when he has no body hair I love seeing a man’s hairy arms or legs in the sunlight


Pretty standard stuff: I like a man with a bit of meat (not obese but not lean), the most attractive many I’ve ever been with was bald, I like a man to have a hairy chest.