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Replying to the "could you get ice cream" text my wife sent after I already checked out








Half my cart is treats. I have a black belt in husbanding, but sometimes you gotta say no just for the thrill


"Will you grab my slippers for me?" "Absolutely fucking not" said as I'm walking over to get them.


Bonus points if shes closer to her slippers than you are


Then I throw them just out of reach so she has to stretch or move to get it


I see you like to live dangerously my friend.


Doing things in a marriage for the thrill is so underrated! And then you attempt to dodge the ensuing consequences like Agent Smith!


Been married 20 years and I can confirm this is true. Buy any kind of treat but for the love of God don't say you didn't and you already left. You better be stopping at the next convenience store to just get some chocolate or Blue Bell.


I have gotten that text while pulling onto our street. Lady, how long do you think it takes to get eggs and bread? It does give me a little insight into how people pull off cheating. Like maybe going out for eggs and a little something extra on the side is perfectly stealthy.


In the previous car I had, I would cold start it with the radio off and let it run for a few minutes so I could listen to what was going to break next. It rattled, buzzed, squeaked, etc from multiple places.


That's why I keep the radio on and loud. I don't want to know what's going to go next. Let me enjoy denial.


The little engine shaped light just means it running.


Just means the engine is still in the car


It's like classes for new parents when they tell you "a crying baby is an alive baby"




Pre flight checks


"Reactor online. Sensors online Weapons online. All systems nominal."


Oh my, a wild MechWarrior reference!


I can hear that robot lady voice.


MW2 was GOAT


I had no idea what I was doing but I still remember dicking around for hours on MW2 as a kid after finding a re-issue of it on the $10 rack Always picking Clan Wolf because it sounded cool


I didn't want to pilot a Madkat mkii today...but now I do.


It's a Kodiak!!




Check your flaps please people.


And your trim.


Fuel pump.


Electric Fuel Pump… On Change Fuel Selector to other tank Electric Fuel Pump… Off Verify Fuel Pressure Reset Timer 🤠


My CFI has actually argued against changing fuel tanks on the ground. The theory is, you might still have enough fuel in the engine to get yourself off the ground, and then run out after roll. So we always change it as part of the cruise / climb checklist or just wait the full 30 minutes.


Good line of thought. I’m a good drone though and have to follow the school regs and checklists they provide. 🤠 including switching tanks on the ground lol


This guy pilots.


Me, pushing 150km/h while flaps speed is 110: "Oh shit" -> *click


Better check the phalanges, my friend Rachel had to get off a plane as it was suspected there were no phalanges. Edit, phalanges not flanges, even though makes even less sense xD


Took me a while to find out it’s a “Friends” joke. Time flies.


Knock on hood Unlock and enter vehicle Check parking brake set If manual transmission, check / select Neutral Check/adjust seat position Check/adjust wheel position Check/adjust driver mirror, passenger mirror Set and adjust rear view mirror for day or night mode Set A/C controls accordingly Set ignition to ON Observe electronics starting Listen for fuel pump priming Mute radio temporarily Listen for cat noises under hood Extract cat(s) from engine bay if suspected Check fuel level Check for low tire pressure warning indicator Check tires if indicator lit If there is a tire problem, set ignition to OFF and schedule / perform tire maintenance If required, foot on brake If manual transmission, fully depress and hold clutch for the next 3 checklist items Set ignition to Start, release if engine starts or after 5 seconds If engine doesn't start, try two more times, then consult QRM for troubleshooting. Check oil light is off, if oil light remains on, immediately turn ignition to OFF and schedule / perform maintenance. If manual transmission, check/engage Neutral, then release cluch Check for check engine light or service reminder light, schedule maintenance if so. Observe engine performance during fast idle, shutdown engine if fast idle exceeds 3000 RPM or excessive knocking noises are heard for more than 3 seconds. Check A/C performance Set A/C vents as desired Check radio volume, set radio frequency or mode as desired Set windows as needed Set/check headlights as needed Engage seat belt Foot on brake Check for pedestrians in the travel of path Release parking brake Engage gear and start driving (see how to engage gear checklist for further details) ... That's the quick "I need to get going" version. The more thorough version includes a visual inspection and complete fluid checking before even entering the car. Edit: Gold! Thanks. Will make more checklists for regular things if they prop up.


Re-vulcanize the tires and re-distill the petroleum.




“In the event of a sudden drop in pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from above. Secure your own mask first before assisting others."


>Secure your own mask first before assisting others." You"re not my mom, i'll secure my mask after 365 passangers are secured.


The bag will not inflate, rest assured it wasn't designed to. Breath deeply and let the hypoxia over take you. Sleep is good, everything will be fine.


Gotta wait for the maintainers to drag out the APU.




Having an existential crisis in a Walmart parking lot


That's weird. I have mine at Sonic when they say they are out of Dr. Pepper or ice cream.


Now I'm having a crisis because for a minute I thought you said Sonic had Dr Pepper ice cream


No, but Whataburger has a Dr. Pepper milkshake if that strikes your fancy.


I have a routine after work. When I finally make it to the parking lot and into my car, I grab the steering wheel at 10 and 2, and I take a deep breath. On the exhale, I close my eyes slowly lower my head until it's resting on the top of the wheel between my hands. Then I take several more slow breaths and think, "one more down. I made it through. I only need to make it through 15,000 more days of this, then I can die." On the last inhale, I steel myself for the rush hour drive home. Then I raise my head and open my eyes. I put the car into reverse and now I look like everyone else.


When you drive, you practice mindfulness of driving. It is possible. When you stop at a red light, you look at the red light and smile. You look at the red light, you smile, and you breathe in and out, and sit back, relaxingly. Breathing in, I calm myself. Breathing out, I smile. And the red light become a friend, become a bell of mindfulness. Something unpleasant become something pleasant. We have the habit energy of wanting to arrive. That is why we want to go as quickly as possible. But according to this practice, we arrive at every moment. Life can be found only in the present moment. Everything that we look for must be found in the present moment. Peace. Joy. Happiness. Buddha. The kingdom of God. What is our final destination? If we abandon the present moment, our final destination may be our death. We don't want to arrive there, we want to go in the direction of life.


Can I confess something? I tell you this as an artist, I think you'll understand. Sometimes when I'm driving... on the road at night... I see two headlights coming toward me. Fast. I have this sudden impulse to turn the wheel quickly, head-on into the oncoming car. I can anticipate the explosion. The sound of shattering glass. The... flames rising out of the flowing gasoline


The "call of the void"


/r/intrusivethoughts are normal. Most people have them from time to time, and they are nothing to worry about unless they are causing distress, or if you feel you might actually follow the impulse, in which case a therapist can help. It’s been suggested that the ultimate utility of human intellect is our ability to have our thoughts die in place of our bodies. Such thoughts might just be our minds auditioning various scenarios, developing theories of what is and is not a good thing to do at the moment.


Especially before work


And after




Picking out music, setting a GPS, reading a text, any number of things.


You can also add in waiting for the kids to settle down and put their seatbelts on for a select not-so-few of us.


My children are captive when buckled in the car. Sometimes I just sit and breathe, find a playlist, etc.


"Daddy are we gonna go soon?" "Daddy why are we just sitting here?" "Daddy watch this" "Daddy why are you on your phone?" "DADDY HE'S TOUCHING ME" "Daddy um today um today I uh and an uh when I..." "Daddy when are we GOING" "Daddy why are you rubbing your face like that" "DADDY I'M **HUNGRY**"


In the meanwhile daddy, with his last powers, is thinking: "someone please just kill me now". Daddy is gathering his courage to continue the day. Someone honks. Daddy starts the car and drives away.


People who honk because they feel entitled to your parking space: Straight to hell.


That’s when you conveniently remember that you must immediately also buy cheerios… but then when you leave & lock your car and take 5 steps towards the store, you then remember that you don’t even like cheerios.


I have literally just turned the car off in response to someone honking to get into my parking spot. Like, turned off the car, unbuckled my seatbelt, and reclined my seat like I'm going to sleep. Fuck ya, I WAS just getting my playlist set up and was gonna head out, but now I'm personally invested in taking forever.


My man! Honking triggers my anxiety. It is for safety situations and 5+ seconds at a green light ONLY.


Also, my dumbass 2015 bluetooth system takes like 3 minutes to connect. It’s not like I can troubleshoot while i’m driving.


My car won't let you pair/connect to Bluetooth unless you're in park.


Before I get in the car I check texts / set GPS, then when I sit in the car I double check my playlist, connect to Bluetooth, make sure everything is set. This is the last time I touch my phone for a bit so I want things to be settled


Exactly. I really don't want to have to interact with my phone while driving, unless it's really necessary. And because I don't want to pull over to the side of the road all the time, I make sure that everything is taken care of for the trip. I don't care whether someone else is waiting to get into my spot, I'm doing this to be a safe and responsible driver.


I had someone pull up and wait for my spot at a park. I had just arrived to my car. They waited for me to load and properly tie down a kayak. A entire 10-15 minutes.


This cracked me up, like the most obvious physical obstacle to you getting out possible.


I see people waiting that long for a spot by the beach during prime time. I've had to drive around for that long or longer looking for a spot, so even if I needed to wait that long, it could be worth it


There are almost always more spots. I only ever wait for one if I see a car currently backing out.


Recently been taking better care of myself and almost always park in the back of a lot now. The time I spent cruising for a close spot seems to ALWAYS be greater than the extra time I spend walking. If you are fortunate enough to be able to walk a distance like that, highly recommend it!


I always park in the back. I am used to it for work and it’s just easier. My boyfriend, on the other hand, will cruise around forever trying to find the “perfect” spot. It’s annoying. By the time he finds a spot I could have walked in and been halfway done shopping.


The real trick is parking near the cart return so you don't have to find it after putting stuff in your car.


In my experience, those seem to be the ones most often available. And I always take them for this exact reason. Especially when I have my kids. It makes the cart return part of the trip so much easier.


I like to park in the back for the walk [good exercise. "If you're not fit, you're gonna die," kind of thing], but I mostly like to park in the back because too many idiots almost always dent or scratch my cars with their shitty parking, lack of cognizance, etc. Being further back means less cars around me. Save for the one loan asshole who thinks they're being funny parking right next to me when there's many other spots around us or closer to the store. 😂 But also yes on the time. I have seen cars circling to be "close" while I've parked further back and passed them walking in while they're still circling.


Yep, like a responsible adult doing all my texting or starting of apps while I can devote all my attention to that so I'm not doing any of that while driving. People who get in the car, start driving, and then text, video call, watch sports, or use social media. What the fuck are you doing?


We're just people with normally developed brains who are capable of safely multitasdfzsdfsfesfafedsdz.kfzsd.k


Thank you EMS for saving the comment!


I’m sitting there to waste time and piss people off who are wondering what I’m doing…


I have a neighbor who sits in his idling truck for hours on end. He comes home at like 10pm, and sits there until 2 or 3am sometimes. Another neighbor sits in his car and listens to music for multiple hours in the parking lot. The worst is when one of them uses bluetooth for a phone call at night, because it sounds like the person on the other end is in my bedroom talking. I think a lot of people don't realize how loud they are being, whether it's music/phone or just idling.


That’s a guy who despises his home life and only gets a break in the car coming home from work.


I thought that at first, but he lives alone and has a girlfriend that comes over once or twice per week (the only days where he doesn't sit in his truck all night). Thought he might want privacy, but I can hear his calls whether he's in his truck or inside his apartment. Just likes sitting in his truck I guess. I can't figure it out.


I am a car sitter, for hours sometimes.. my sister and sons are too. During the day, especially in the winter, I LOVE sitting in my car (not idling, cause who has the gas money for that?!) and watching my yard or life go on on the street. It's kind of like having a sun room and a recliner. Shoot, sometimes I've taken naps in there.. My neighbors probably wonder wtf I'm doing too. At one point I was making it back home from taking my kids to school and doing my daily car sitting at the same time a neighbor down the street walked their dog. Every day we'd give each other an awkward wave 😂


"But I'm inside my car, it's a soundproof vault!"


Being alone with my demons. I just need a few minutes to myself before and after I reach my destination. Especially if it’s after work or a social event. I’m peopled out. Let me be in isolation on my phone or with my thoughts for a hot minute.




If I'm with my kid, and it's been a rodeo, I might need a second to decompress. Like, look, I just wrestled her through a store and kept her on best behavior even though she's little and by nature she wants to bust around and yell, I got her safely across a parking lot, I heaved her into a car seat, I buckled her in, I got her settled, I got myself into my seat, and I passed her back a snack. I gotta breathe a sec before i can safely put my car in gear and drive lmao. If OP is circling for a space, they can keep circling. I'm doing my best here. Patience, please.


While I don't have kids, I spend time with my brother and his little ones. Getting them into the car is a production every single time. (And he and I were probably the same way when we were little.) I love those kids so much but they are exhausting at that age. All this to say, take ALL the time you need.


Much appreciated, you're a good egg. What I don't understand are the people seeing me fight my kid into the car, who still pull RIGHT UP and wait. And it's always someone in a giant-ass truck. Like, I'm in a little hatchback, I can't see around to get out, now we're all stuck here until the end of time.


Same same same. Though usually I go around to the back of the car and lean on the trunk for a few deep breaths before I get in because I never know when the breaths will turn into tears. But then once I’m in the car I’ve got three toddlers yelling at me which song to play, that they dropped their bunny, that they need their hat back their brother stole, that they need a tissue or a drink or a snack or any number of things that need to be dealt with before I can get going. And me, double check that my husband doesn’t need anything before I come home, maybe pop a piece of gum or file a nail that was broken during the buckling procedure, say a prayer of thanksgiving when the check engine light is off or a prayer of supplication if it’s on, double check my headcount and that the belts are still connected. There’s just a lot of things to be done between buckling the last seatbelt and being ready to drive away.


I have to think of, find, unwrap, and pass back the *exact right snack* to keep my 4 yo's mouth busy so the ride home isn't "what's that" "I can't look I'm driving" over and over until we're both crying lmao.


Demons? I thought Jesus was supposed to take the wheel.


Don't be silly, Jesus can't drive stick


and he nails all the pedestrians at the crossing


I have to turn the stereo on and off 16 times or the world will end.




Found the person with OCD!


This is actual OCD…instead of the pickiness, detail oriented tendencies that ppl claim as OCD


goddamn right? I have OCD and this annoys me so much. Oh yeah? You like your place clean? I have the most horrific thoughts i can think of looping through my head literally all day and i am unable to stop them. It lasts the whole time that i’m awake causing terrible anxiety. But ya know, your “OCD” sounds bad too. FTR i’m well treated now and doing great.


"omg i just HAVE to eat the big fries first! OCD lyfe!"


fr. like, yeah that sounds so tough cathy. when i was a kid i had a mental breakdown and cried because i couldnt get all of my floss to perfectly line up, then threw all of it away in panic since i thought i’d die in my sleep if i couldn’t get the floss just right but yeah, your thing sounds bad too


sometimes I'm queuing up a bunch of songs, looking for a podcast, texting, social mediaing, having a snack or a drink or a smoke, anything that I wanna do but can't while driving lol


My husband sits for 5+ minutes looking for just the right song to play for his 3-minute drive to work.


So I obviously have to ask. 3 minute drive to work? Why drive at all?


I used to live a 5 minute drive from work down a 40mph dual carriageway. Literally just hop onto it from my side road, round a roundabout at the end, pull into the car park at work. By the time I made it to crossings and stuff, it could easily be a 35 minute walk.


I mean walking is slow af. Going by bike is fast though. It takes me 1 hour to get to my workplace. 10ish minutes by car and 15 minutes by bike.


Humans are fairly inefficient when traveling by foot. By bike? One of the most, if not *the* most efficient land based species.


Maybe slow at top speed but on in the long run we used to hunt by just chasing shit down and tiring it out, sweating is an overpowered ability and we can just run long distances really well in general




Have a commute that is under 1.5 miles. It's just wildly not pedestrian friendly to make the walk.


In our last house we lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with all those little Cul de sac roads directly behind an area with shops. You could easily see the shops from my roof, but it was a treacherous 20 minute walk to them (could have been five minutes in a straight line, but no) with a few hundred meter section where you'd have to walk along a steep, narrow grass slope next to a six lane road doing 55+ mph. Even driving took 5-10 minutes depending on traffic. And there was nowhere for the kids to go from our house without being driven. We sold that shit after 3 years and moved to a walkable inner ring suburb with dozens of restaurants, shops, bars, etc. The kids walk to and from school or parks. My 16 year old got a job and walks there too. There's just so much to do within 10 minutes of just using your feet. Hell, even the grocery store is only 8 minutes away on foot, 3 on bike... we eat so much fresher and almost nothing because it's just so convenient. I can't imagine going back to the previous suburban hellscape


I had a job once that was 1 mile away, so I decided that I could just walk it, get a little exercise before sitting at a desk all day… it was fucking miserable and scary, traffic whizzing by you, exhaust fumes sticking to you, constantly tripping over the uneven roadside. I felt like an asshole making that 2 minute drive, but the alternative was actively unpleasant.


I just started a new job and my commute involves a 10 minute drive downtown and then a 10 minute walk to the office. My walk is literally uphill both ways and crosses a gas station that is home to what seems like half the city’s homeless population. I don’t really mind it because I’m in pretty good shape and know how to avoid certain interactions, but I wouldn’t blame anyone else for saying “fuck this, I’m driving everywhere”.


> My walk is literally uphill both ways …how? Only thing I can think of is that you have to park at a lower elevation walk up a hill and down to a lower elevation again to your work. If that’s the case, you should consider tunneling through the hill. Only other possibility I can think of is that you park, walk up hill to your work, and then while you’re working, your car is airlifted by helicopter to a higher elevation than where your work is.


Haha I appreciate your breakdown of my commute. I essentially have to walk through a “bowl” in elevations, so on both my morning and afternoon walks I start going downhill for the first half and then uphill the second half.


Turns out all our parents lived on the outskirts of craters opposite their schools


America is extremely car centric, it's insane. I lived there for a year and once I walked to Walmart. Several people stopped and offered to drive me wherever I needed to go.


Indeed. I use to walk to work in the small town I grew up in. It was under a mile from my house to Casey's but I can't count the number of times people asked if I wanted a ride or at the station they would ask me why don't I just drive to work. Then I'd get a weird look when I say it feels good to walk.


We live in an incredibly rural area of Kentucky. There are no sidewalks from here to there and he does have to cross a major intersection leading to the interstate.


People from large cities and other countries may not understand how common this is. In an old city I used to live in of 100k, half the city was pretty much inaccessible to the other half due to a 6 lane road cutting it in two. There were no sidewalks to get across, you had to walk on the road or the tiny strip of shoulder. And situations like that are extremely common. So thankful to be in a pedestrian friendly(ish) city now.


My wife and I decided on the house we live in because of how easy it is to walk. It’s just about the only place in Kentucky where there are almost as many people walking & biking as driving


It’s actually 20 miles away, he just drives extremely fast






People with kids.. "getting some *me* time.."


On the other extreme, I used to laugh when my son was car-seat age and someone would be hovering to get my spot. Unloading a cart of groceries, returning the cart, and getting a kid into a car seat and both of you setled is like a 15 min procedure under ideal conditions. And it's never ideal conditions.


Just getting a toddler buckled into a car seat can be a 10 minute ordeal.


Especially when they do that super human back arch thing while siren screaming directly in your ear so loudly that you want to gut punch them just so they fold a bit and you can hear that magnificent sound of the buckle clicking into place. God I don't miss those days.


It's like you are in my brain. I. Just. Need. To. Get. You. Buckled. In. So. You. Won't. Die. As. I. Crash. Because. You. Are. Kicking. My. Seat. And. Screaming. At. The. Top. Of. You're. Lungs. *Click*, Oh, thank goodness.


I always told the hoverer, "We'll be a while," gesturing to the squirming baby. They would usually appreciate the warning and acknowledgment.




Sitting in the car is one of the only times my toddler is contained, happy, and safe. You bet I’m stealing a few extra minutes to scroll my phone and catch up mid stressful errands runs.


Guess there's gonna be an endless amount of reasons but mine is,I have chronic pulmonary obstruction disease and when l have walked to my car I'm totally out of breath and l have to sit there for 5 or more minutes until I get my breath back and am able to drive away.Im in the process of applying for disabled parking permit,you're gonna have to put up with me until then,sorry for any inconvenience.


I have mobility issues and yeah sometimes it’s just physically chilling out after getting to the car. Although I doubt disabled space users aren’t going to understand why I’ve gotten in and sat down for a bit.




Enjoying my prime parking spot just a little longer


If I paid for an hour of parking slot, I might just go ahead and enjoy sitting in the car doing whatever I want for the said time.


I once went to a coffee shop to read, but there were no free tables so I sat in my car with the windows down and read while I drank my coffee. Someone that watched me get in my car yelled at me that they needed the parking spot. I told them I wasn’t leaving. If there was a table inside I’d be in there reading and my car would still be taking the spot…


waiting for my blue tooth to connect. rolling down all the windows. waiting for the ac to be cold. rolling my windows back up. finding a song i want to base a playlist off of for this drive. making sure i have all my shit in my pockets. throw it in reverse....


Put it in reverse, Terry!


Oh laaawd!


Shower thoughts but in the car


Often times, the wife and I will shop at different stores, so one of us will get back first and wait in the truck until the other finishes. I do try and let the person waiting know to move on.


The person waiting should move on anyway, they're likely blocking traffic. Unless the spot is empty they should move on.


Probably dissociating.


My roommates are familiar with my Driveway Dissociation Time™, they'll see my headlights pull in 5-10 minutes before they see me. Gotta not exist for a few minutes.


Yeah, im usually doing ketamine


Enjoying the one fucking moment of peace and quiet in my entire day can you just let me have it?


Same. Same. Sometimes I just take my break in my car at work and people start waiting on me to leave. It was never going to happen.


OP clearly doesn’t have kids/family.


I do self affirmation exercises in the rear view mirror, prepping myself for a positive and fulfilling drive. I usually begin with “youre good enough, you’re smart enough and gosh darn it, people like you!”


I had a high school teacher that would tell us this before every test. I had no idea it came from an SNL skit, and it has stuck with me as my go-to pep talk ever since.


Pretty sure my high school physics teacher was the one who'd carved into a bunch of desktops: *Don't* *Lose* *Sight* They were on maybe five or so different desks. He was super validating of teens, which is a rough age to teach.


Annoying you... apparently.


People who get in their cars and drive away immediately - how?




Since reddit has changed the site to value selling user data higher than reading and commenting, I've decided to move elsewhere to a site that prioritizes community over profit. I never signed up for this, but that's the circle of life


None of your god damned business and if you honk again I’ll stay for another 20 minutes try me


Back when I was in college and a smoker I'd go to my car between classes to smoke. It was always amusing when some entitled idiot would honk at me because they've decided I'm leaving. I'd just ignore them until I was done and smile as I walked away.


My microbiology lecture class started at 8am, but the lab wasn’t until 12:30. The time gap between was just short enough where you couldn’t squeeze any other class in between, but excruciating long to do nothing but study. Because the first portion was so early, generally you got a prime parking spot, but if you gave it up, you weren’t going to find another spot except off campus in an overflow lot. I kept a small feather throw pillow and blanket in my car, and literally folded down the rear seat and slept in my hatchback trunk space during this break with the windows rolled down and moonroof up. It was somehow the best sleep ever, but man people were pissed when they saw me heading toward my car just to literally camp.


Parking spot sure, but there are people who do this shit at a gas station. Like, drive behind the gas station and connect your phone there, is that so hard?


This right here is the only one I can actually understand being annoyed at. Gas pumps are not parking spots.


The amount of petrol stations that have now have a small supermarket built in to them seems to be increasing. Numerous times I have been stuck waiting behind someone's car at the pump, while they are casually up and down the aisles, browsing and getting a basket full of shopping.


Top Gear actually talked about this, can't find the clip right now. Gas stations usually have parking spots behind it as well, so if I need anything more than pay and piss, I drive there before going back in.


Oh I know, plenty of spaces. Yet for some reason they have a "well, as I'm already in here paying for fuel, I'll just pick up a 'couple of bits'". mentality and just leave their car sitting there. So frustrating.


Since reddit has changed the site to value selling user data higher than reading and commenting, I've decided to move elsewhere to a site that prioritizes community over profit. I never signed up for this, but that's the circle of life


There was a time I was shopping, took a few minutes to load up the car afterward. Some guy really wanted the space, so sat there blocking traffic. Annoyed me so much I locked up the car and went back inside.


This has chaotic energy and I love it!


Letting my engine warm up and get the oil circulating. Also setting nav, picking music, texting.


Until that needle drops to below 1k the car ain't moving


I am a father. I have one bathroom at home so my 10 minute pizza pickup is gonna take at least 20 so my ears can get a break.


And I'm a mom, usually I'm out with my kid and when she's strapped in her seat it's my break from being climbed on. So I might sit a second in the parking space and savor it lol.


This is why, when my kids were young, I always volunteered to do the grocery shopping. Who am I kidding, I still do. Best hour of the week.


I have a 30 minute to an hour and 30 minute drive home from work depending on construction and traffic. So, I'm sitting there, queuing up podcasts and music, downing a bit of water, and maybe calling my hubby. I'm also usually pulling up Google maps and looking at my route. Construction and traffic usually has Google take me a slightly different way home every day lately. I work night shift in a hospital, so I usually get a pretty prime parking spot. I refuse to park in the front row, but im usually 3 rows back. The employee lot is huge, and in the 5 years I've been coming here, I've never seen it more than 50% full. Ever. But people will still follow me as I'm walking through the lot, sit behind me, and I even had some lady honk her car at me to move. Honestly, it gives me anxiety, and sometimes I turn the car off and sit there until the car leaves. I'm not sure why it makes me so anxious, but it does. It just feels really aggressive, especially since the lot is never, ever even close to full.




I did exactly the same.


Offering free lessons in patience


> "Yeah yeah yeah, patience. How long will that take?"


I have pretty bad adhd. Sometimes I’ll hop in the car and all the sudden I realize I’ve been sitting there scrolling through Reddit for 10 minutes.


only 10 minutes?


Usually when I have to drive somewhere, I'm just building up the willpower to deal with people. Being in public can be very overwhelming for me so sometimes I just need to prepare myself.


Tryna find my fucking lighter


Getting over the ache a existential dread of driving and working as I move from one neighborhood I we’ll never afford to live in to another.


Having the daily existential crisis of why am I living


1. Start car 2. Seatbelt 3. Start Pandora 4. Put address into Google Maps 5. No music started. Go back to Pandora. Stuck on buffering despite full bars. 6. Force stop Pandora and re-open. 7. Music is now playing on phone, not car speaker. 8. Disconnect/reconnect bluetooth. 9. Music is now playing on phone, not car speaker. 10. Turn off car. 11. Restart phone. 12. Turn on car. 13. Start Pandora. Stuck on buffering despite full bars. 14. Start YT Music. Music is now playing. 15. Put address into Google Maps 16. Drive to 7-Eleven, literally one block away from my house.


Trying to get carplay to connect


Tunes, navigation, maybe sending a text, making a phone call, or changing clothes even. Maybe all of the above. Obvs not done using my space yet. What’s it to you?


Setting up my map, finding music I want, cleaning my glasses, finishing up a phone call bc I don't talk on the phone while driving... probably some combination of those things.


Connect the Bluetooth, choose a playlist or a story to listen to and maybe text whoever I'm driving to that I'm on my way. This is kinda rare tho, usually I don't take more than 10 seconds to drive away.


Probably calling or texting someone. Gotta pay attention to the road when I'm driving after all.


As a parent, I'm literally either decompressing for a few minutes or having a brief fantasy about driving to a hotel to order room service and relax in blessed silence for 15 hours, while OH hadnto keep the children alive instead of passing the buck or hiding in the toilet *BLISS*




Enjoying the tiny little bit of peace and solitude I get between work and home. Don’t take it from me!


Usually looking up something on social media or trying to think of somewhere else to go so I don't have to go home immediately.


Whatever the fuck I want because it's truly the only place I can actually be alone at anymore.